A P R I L 2 012
V O L U M E 11
A personal connection
In 1967, four days in Waterton set U of L on its course
Horns’ Terrence Blake hits the rap charts with debut single
Burke honoured for helping bring science to the community
Calderwood still exploring boundaries The U of L Legend is published monthly during the academic year by the communications unit within University Advancement. Submissions, comments and story ideas are always welcome. The Legend reserves the right to refuse any submitted advertisement. The Legend can be found online at issuu.com/ulethbridge. A DV E R T I S I N G For ad rates or other information, contact: legend@uleth.ca CREDITS Editor: Trevor Kenney Designer: Angelsea Saby CO N T R I B U TO R S: Amanda Berg, Bob Cooney, Kyle Dodgson, Jane Edmundson, Rumi Graham, Erica Lind, Jesse Malinsky, Suzanne McIntosh, Kali McKay, Rob Olson, Stacy Seguin, Jaime Vedres, Katherine Wasiak, Richard Westlund and Jamie Woodford
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 www.ulethbridge.ca
Dr. Tom Droog honours the memory of his late wife Emmy with a landmark gift to the Faculty of Health Sciences.
or southern Alberta businessman Dr. Tom Droog (LLD ’06), there is no secret to success – it is simply the result of hard work and determination. “For years, every morning I get up and tell myself to become what I’m meant to be because I truly believe that I have a purpose to fulfil,” says Droog. “If you’re fulfilling your purpose, you’ll have an awesome life because nothing will ever seem like work.” It was that drive that made Droog so determined to make something of himself when he immigrated to Canada in 1972. “When I left Holland, I had lead in my shoes,” says Droog, who arrived with $125 in his pocket. “I had something to prove because I didn’t want to be the guy with the big yak who had to go back with his tail between his legs.” And prove something he did. Droog, along with his wife and business partner Emmy, vaulted to the forefront of consumer snacking success in 1990 when they introduced Spitz, a line of roasted sunflower seed snacks. The couple worked together to build their business while raising two children, daughter Christy Strom (BN ’03) and son Randy. In 2008, the Droogs sold Spitz to PepsiCo. “Now I’ve got to do something with it,” says Droog, who admits he
has been blessed beyond measure. On Mar. 15, the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Health Sciences announced a $2 million endowment enabled by a $1 million donation from Droog and his family. The gift is in honour of Emmy, who lost a long battle with cancer in 2010.
“I believe that ideas come from ideas and I think this has awesome potential.”
“When doctors mention the word cancer, people stop listening,” says Droog, who was devastated by his wife’s diagnosis in 2006. Over the next several years, the couple worked together investigating various health-care options that would help improve Emmy’s quality of life as she battled her illness. “Emmy really believed in the alternatives,” says Droog, who was Emmy’s strongest advocate. “All she ever asked for was that I lovingly support her decisions. I didn’t always do it lovingly, but I always supported her.” Droog’s donation will allow the U of L to establish the Emmy Droog Professorship in Complementary
and Alternative Health Care, enabling evidence-based research to explore the issues and care practices associated with complementary and alternative medicine. “I believe in education and alternative healing and I’m happy to be able to support them both through this gift,” says Droog. “I believe that ideas come from ideas and I think this has awesome potential.” Dr. Christopher Hosgood, the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, is looking forward to the opportunities afforded by this significant gift, which will benefit all programs in the Faculty. He adds that as the largest individual donation to health sciences programming at the U of L, Droog’s gift represents a vote of confidence in the Faculty and helps set the stage for future growth. “It is very encouraging for our Faculty to know that we have such a strong, committed individual working alongside us. We are honoured to have been chosen as the recipient of this gift and are committed to using the resources we’ve been entrusted with wisely,” says Hosgood. The U of L will look to hire someone for the Professorship position in 2014. In the meantime the funds will be used to fund the creation of research partnerships between scholars and practitioners in the field of complementary and alternative health.
the Legend
A P R I L 2 012
OPENMike University of Lethbridge President Dr. Mike Mahon chats about what’s happening in the University community
Over the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to travel to Mexico City, Beijing and Hong Kong to represent the University of Lethbridge in a number of forums. This has given me the ability to see our international partnerships in action, meet some amazing alumni, explore new collaborative prospects and gain an overall sense of our international activities. In Mexico City, I took part in a two-day conference that invited eight Canadian university presidents and 11 Mexican university presidents to examine issues dedicated to indigenous education. Over the past 10 years, the Mexican government
has created a collection of new universities as a specific strategy to support indigenous education in Mexico. Over the span of two days, we visited a university campus, took in work on a community project and held a full day of roundtable discussions. It was interesting to see that our universities face many similar issues and there is much that we can learn from one another. The result is a consortium to further develop opportunities for collaboration. I have agreed to serve as one of the Canadian leads for future discussions and we hope to hold our next meeting in Canada. This exciting new
opportunity has great potential for many of our First Nations, Métis and Inuit initiatives. At the end of my Mexico trip, I visited one of our longstanding exchange partners in Mexico City, the University of Panamericana, and re-signed an exchange agreement. In the last decade, more than 200 students have participated in an exchange between our two universities and Panamericana is keen to expand exchange offerings into the areas of neuroscience, education and addictions counselling. Last week I hosted alumni receptions in Hong Kong and Beijing. The event was a first for the city of Beijing, and gave me
CAMPUS Melissa Thomson (PhD candidate, Dr. Cameron Goater lab) won the 2012 Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society Postgraduate Student Scholarship. The $1,500 annual award is provided to a graduate student who demonstrates outstanding achievement in research in wildlife ecology and wildlife management. Mark Richards (Music) recently presented his paper The Anticipated Tonic in Beethoven’s Thematic Returns at the annual meeting of the Music Theory Society of New York State in New York City. Students Erin Smith (Biological Sciences) and Noelle Sedgwick (Health Sciences, Nursing) got a $1,500 boost for two different charities recently. The pair organized a Swim for Africa day in early March at the Nicholas Sheran and Stan Siwik pools. Recreation Excellence (RecEx) agreed to donate the proceeds from open swim
admissions to charity. They were able to direct $750 each to Volunteer Eco Students Abroad and the combined Faculty of Health Sciences/Fine Arts trip to Malawi. Nicholas Hanson (Drama) and Meg Braem (Drama) had their plays The Transplant (Hanson) and The Josephine Knot (Braem) shared in a staged reading at an event co-sponsored by the Alberta Playwrights’ Network and New West Theatre. Ron Chambers’ (Drama) one-woman play Marg Szkaluba (Pissy’s Wife) was part of the Sharon Pollock: First Woman of Canadian Theatre conference in Calgary. James Graham (New Media), Jim Byrne (Geography), Susan McDaniel (Prentice Institute), and MSc Interdisciplinary student Celeste Barnes presented a poster at the Warren E. Kalbach Population Conference, at the University of Alberta.
the opportunity to meet with the Beijing University for Language and Culture. They have one of the best Chinese language programs for foreign students in China and are interested in a three-plus-one exchange with the U of L. This is a great opportunity for any of our students who want to have a short-term language experience in China. While there, we also visited some of our high school partners and met with the Canadian and Alberta consulates in both cities. Now back in Canada, I have had time to reflect on our international activities. Today, five per cent of our students are from
outside Canada, representing 95 countries. We have had great success recruiting international students and providing English language supports. We also provide opportunities for students to travel abroad, and would like to see more of this in the future. In terms of research, we have many one-on-one relationships through our faculty, but have not yet established a host of broader based partnerships. As I put the finishing touches on my discussion paper that will be released soon, these trips have given me food for thought about an internationalization strategy for the University. Stay tuned.
The Integrated Management Experience Class of 2012 (Management) planned a movie night at the Movie Mill and operated a rugby 7s tournament to raise funds for Pronghorn Athletics and the women’s rugby team. They were able to raise about $6,000 for athletic scholarships.
outdoors to raise nearly $12,000 for Woods Homes. Students Eric Stemberger, Emma Ladouceur, Jesse Zimmer, Michael Willems and Rita St. Gelais, with faculty member Kubulay Gok (Management) and a dedicated support group made it possible for young people at risk to have improved services.
Ken Allan (Art) presented a paper entitled Information, the Counter-Environment, and the Lateral Extension of Art at interPlay between creativity & information - A One-Day Symposium. The symposium took place at York University in Toronto.
Climbers took on the Everest Challenge and brought in more than $1,000 for Uphill Both Ways, a charity founded by U of L students Janelle Pritchard (Health Sciences, Nursing) and Andrew Andreachuk, (Bachelor of Science/ Bachelor of Education). The event is co-hosted by the U of L Climbing Club and Rotaract, which also brought in more than $2,000 in March for their various charities, among them a school project in South Sudan and the Southwest Alberta Community Loan Fund.
The 5 Days for the Homeless team weathered a week
James Wade (BFA ’11), twotime winner of the
Jeremy Mason (BFA ’05) has been appointed Artistic Director for New West Theatre, replacing Nicholas Hanson (Drama) who steps down at the end of this season.
U of L Play Right Prize, has taken second place in the Ottawa Little Theatre’s 71st National One-Act Playwriting Competition, winning the Dorothy White Award for Greetings from Sardineland. Janet Youngdahl (Music) has performed several concerts of French Baroque music in Boston and Cambridge. In addition she was in Cincinnati giving a concert at the Cincinnati Conservatory and functioning as the soprano soloist in the final rounds of the Jurow International Harpsichord Competition. Deanna Oye (Music) performed with soprano saxophonist, Dr. Jeremy Brown (U of C) and violinist Theresa Lane in a contemporary dance work was part of the 30th Annual Alberta Dance Festival.
A P R I L 2 012
the Legend
Philosophy began with Waterton Conference BY TREVOR KENNEY The general purpose statement said it succinctly, “ . . . to begin the process of establishing the academic philosophy and objectives of The University of Lethbridge.” Over the course of four days in the fall of 1967, 20 delegates and a trio of invited resource guests charted the course of the fledgling University of Lethbridge at the Waterton Conference. The goal was to produce a statement of philosophy that would in turn be reflected in the academic program of the University. It was essentially a blank canvas with which to work, and the University’s founders went about crafting a philosophy that is remarkably relevant to this day. In looking back at documents in advance of the conference, acting president R.J. Leskiw (W.A. Sam Smith would begin his appointment later that year) elicited resources from a trio of outside agencies. A.J. Brumbaugh of the Southern Regional Educational Board in Atlanta, Georgia, along with representatives from the province’s Universities Commission and Post-Secondary Education Committee contributed to the process. Leskiw’s letter inviting Brumbaugh is telling in that it sets the framework for the discussion and uses language still prevalent in conversations today. How large an institution do we want our University to be in terms of student enrolment? Will the University confine its program to the undergraduate level or is the intention to introduce graduate programs eventually? What type of institution will the
The University of Lethbridge was a blank canvas in the fall of 1967. It began to take shape thanks to a landmark conference that determined its philosophy and goals.
University be, i.e. a liberal arts college, an institution with a liberal arts core and professional schools established eventually? These were all questions put to Brumbaugh by Leskiw. In Brumbaugh’s reply letter, he says, “The problems and specific questions you suggest for consideration in the conference are very appropriate,” he writes. “One omission that may be of special interest is the question of what innovations will be included in the plans of the University? I refer to such matters as independent study . . . the
use of individual study carrels, a combination of work and study, study abroad.” The group would also discuss how many faculties they should plan to create initially and in the future, the nature of the administrative organization and the University’s admissions policy, themes that continue to resonate as the present U of L continually looks at these issues, always with an eye to the foundation laid by its builders. At the conclusion of the summit, the University Philosophy was born and continues to
guide the U of L of today. That the University’s founders were so prescient in their thinking is testament to the visionaries that were at the table. This excerpt from a Leskiw letter is almost eerie in its foretelling. “The University of Lethbridge is not located in a large metropolitan area as are the other two universities in this province,” says Leskiw. “There is some reason to believe, therefore, that if the University of Lethbridge is to succeed, and in fact survive, it must become an institution that is unique. It must
University to play major role in science fair While Lethbridge is known to have some of the top scientists and researchers in Canada, the city will gain even more brainpower next year when more than 400 of Canada’s best young scientists visit the city for the Canada-Wide Science Fair, May 11-18. Youth Science Canada, along with federal, provincial and City representatives, announced last week that Lethbridge would host the 52nd annual Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) through its local host organization, Southern Alberta Technology Council (SATC). The weeklong event will be presented at the University of Lethbridge and University of Lethbridge biological sciences
researcher, Dr. Roy Golsteyn, has volunteered to be the Chief Judge. “This is a great opportunity to showcase our facilities and technology to Canada’s top-level students and their families,” says Golsteyn. “Like many of us, I still fondly recall that my first steps into science started at school science fairs. The values of the Canada-Wide Science Fair are perfectly aligned with our values of education, mentorship and research. I am looking forward to engaging the U of L and broader community as judges and volunteers, and having fun with this project.” The fair will feature more than 400 outstanding science projects created by students from
grades seven through 12 who have been selected from more than 100 regional competitions across the country. The event will include project judging, social and cultural exchanges, tours to regional science and research facilities, along with visits to featured southern Alberta tourism destinations. Approximately 800 parents, judges, sponsors and dignitaries will accompany the participants. The 2013 CWSF will showcase southern Alberta’s culture, industry, research and educational facilities including the U of L, Lethbridge College and the Canada-Alberta Research Station. Its success will be enhanced by the involvement of many
community organizations and individuals who will come together to make the entire science fair experience a memorable event for participants. Volunteers will be recruited to assist with a variety of hosting duties, and there will be a specific need for those with bilingual capabilities. CWSF participants representing each province will be housed in student residences on campus at the University where many of the activities will take place. Included in the event are opening ceremonies, several rounds of judging, presentations by leading science authorities and a gala awards banquet and ceremony.
somehow be an institution that differs from the two older ones in this province.” He could not be more correct.
FACULTY AWARDS IN MARKIN HALL The University of Lethbridge will hold its Celebration of Research Excellence awards ceremony on Tuesday, Apr. 3 at 4 p.m. in Markin Hall. This is an opportunity to honour faculty across campus (as principal investigators and co-applicants) who have received both academic research awards of distinction and grants from September 2010 through December 2011 that support programs of research. For a full list of honourees, visit www.uleth.ca/ research/news/2012-celebration-research-excellence
the Legend
A P R I L 2 012
Scholarships provide boost
hen Faculty of Arts & Science students need help planning their academic careers, they often find their way to Lesley Rode. An academic advisor at the University of Lethbridge for the past 13 years, Rode gets to know students well and has come to understand the struggles they face – inspiring her to provide help above and beyond her advising role. Starting as an academic advisor at Lethbridge College, Rode made the move to the U of L in 1998. More and more of the students she worked with at Lethbridge College planned to transfer to the U of L, so coming here seemed like a natural progression for her. One of the draws to the U of L for Rode was the unique student experience offered here. “I really like the fact that students at the U of L are able to work with professors through independent studies and other unique learning opportunities,” says Rode. “I see this as a real key to students finding success.” Rode revels in the opportunity to work closely with students and see them progress as they move through their academic careers. She says she has no problem being their biggest cheerleader, especially for those who may be struggling to find their way. “I am most proud when the students with the greatest challenges complete their programs,” she says. “When the students do well it’s very validating, and makes you feel as though your work is really worthwhile.” Just as Rode’s advising is important to students, she rec-
ognizes how important student success is to faculty and staff. “Without students we wouldn’t be here,” she says. “Taking part in the Supporting Our Students campaign is a way to remind students of their valuable place here and how much we appreciate they have chosen to get their education here.” For Rode, scholarships are essential to students being able
to achieve their goals. “When students receive scholarships it’s a tremendous boost to them,” she says. “My hope is that scholarships can one day be given to all students. The SOS campaign is a step towards that.” For more information on Supporting Our Students, please visit www.uleth.ca/giving or call University Advancement at 403329-2582.
As April begins, students are under more pressure than ever as they prepare for final exams. By supporting scholarships and bursaries, you can ease some of the pressure they feel. Visit www.uleth.ca/ giving to join your colleagues and support students today.
Did you know? It only takes $1.37 a day to provide funding for a student award. To learn more visit www.uleth.ca/giving.
Lesley Rode gets great satisfaction out of helping students achieve their academic goals.
ith almost 8,500 students streaming through the hallways at the University of Lethbridge each day, it seems improbable that a student could feel isolated. Not necessarily so, says Dan Kazakoff, the director of Theory Into Practice Programs in the Faculty of Management, especially when it comes to new students. “First-year students are dealing with a lot of difficult things – it’s often their first time away from home, they may be dealing with a budget for the first time, among many other things. They’re feeling alone and not knowing where to turn,” says Kazakoff, who leads the Academic Success Achievement and Learning Resources Team. The group is responsible for a first-year experience course pilot project. The course is designed to help students with the transition to the university lifestyle, the goal being that it will increase their opportunity for success and see them continue their studies through graduation. Liberal Education 2850: Mapping Self, Career, Campus, Community will help make students more aware of all the services available to them at the University, thereby helping them overcome any hurdles they might encounter. The course will be offered on a trial basis in January 2013. In addition to a look at campus services, it is also designed to give students a greater awareness of their community as a whole and what the City of Lethbridge has to offer them. “This course will give first-year students a sense that they’re not alone,” says Kazakoff. “When people feel as though they’re part of a community, they’re more likely to give back. And if students are engaged with our community, they’re more likely to achieve success and complete their degree.” Kazakoff says the team, part of the Recruitment and Retention Integrated Planning (RRIP) project, sought feedback from first-year students who felt they had issues that couldn’t be solved on campus. It was discovered that often, the support systems were in place but the students were simply not aware of the help available to them.
The pilot project course will see the class divided into groups. Each week, the groups will be assigned to check out different areas of campus – such as Career and Employment Services or Counselling Services – in order to come up with a map of the actual resources available to them. They’ll then be tasked to create a concept map of themselves, looking at who they are and the issues they are facing as first-year students.
“If students are engaged with our community, they’re more likely to achieve success and complete their degree.”
Lecturers will be brought in from across the University to further enhance their knowledge of what support services are available on campus, and to expose them to the liberal education philosophy the University is based on. They’ll also hear from off campus guests on topics which could range from the University’s natural surroundings and First Nations culture to opportunities to volunteer or network within the community. Everything is geared to help students develop both academically and personally. “Hopefully, they’ll learn you don’t have to go away on weekends to Calgary, or head back home to have positive experiences,” says Kazakoff. While enrolment in the pilot project will be entirely voluntary, Kazakoff says there are universities where such courses are mandatory for all first-year students. The University will begin promoting the pilot course in September and the committee is confident they’ll have no problem filling the 24 available spots. Upon the term’s completion, the course will be evaluated to see if it served students’ needs, and if so, whether it’s feasible to expand it so that a larger number of students are able to take part in the future.
athletics AT T H E U Terrence Blake and Evrlove are making waves in the rap industry
Blake finds balance in burgeoning musical career BY TREVOR KENNEY
sk Pronghorns men’s basketball guard Terrence Blake who he looks to emulate and Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Chris Paul or Rajon Rondo won’t be on the list. No, Blake is more likely to drop names such as Lil Wayne, Drake and Akon, because as much as basketball is his game, music is his passion. “Music started for me when I was in junior high,” says Blake, who just recently hit the urban rap charts with his first single, Ima Get Paid. “I’ve always written, done poetry, and I started turning it into music in high school. From there it’s just been a passion I’ve had and continued on with – it’ll probably never stop.” In fact this could just be the start for Blake, who literally came out of nowhere to stun the rap world. Working with his team, Evrlove Music (Corey F and Artafacts), he’d had a number of singles mixed and produced locally. But if the fourth-year marketing major has learned anything during his studies in the Faculty of Management, it’s how to promote himself. “I’ve been blessed in a way,” he says. “Through networking and just talking to people I got my demos out and really I was just looking for feedback. As
an artist, I just wanted to learn about the business but within 24 hours of getting my music into the hands of the right person, I was flown out to Los Angeles and started in the studio.” Working with Larry Dee Entertainment (www.larrydeeentertainment.biz) and Grammy Award winning producer Bob Horn (Brandy, Akon), they put Ima Get Paid into the mainstream and it hit big.
“I want to just keep creating buzz and following my passion.”
“It’s still getting a lot of rotation on record stations down in the States,” says Blake, who’s single is available on iTunes. “The first few weeks it got a lot of buzz and ended up on the Rickett’s chart based out of New Jersey. I actually was the only non-signed artist to a major label who made the chart.” He says he draws his inspiration from everywhere, and by simply observing people. “You could say I’m inspired by Lil Wayne, I admire his talent and most of all how he built something from nothing. He is
not only an artist but a businessman as well,” says Blake. Ima Get Paid can be taken literally as a song about making money and Blake says that’s fine if people connect with it that way, but to him, it’s so much more. “My intention on this song was the idea that in life we all chase dreams and have aspirations,” he says. “This song was more like an anthem stating that I will get my goal, I will make it, I will live the way I want to, Ima get paid.” An Edmonton native, Blake was highly recruited out of high school and spent two seasons at the University of Calgary before suffering a devastating ankle injury. After recuperating, he looked south to the U of L, joining the Horns this past fall when good friend Dominyc Coward moved across the river from the Lethbridge College program. “The atmosphere around here is great, there’s a ton of support, I’ve noticed it’s a pretty tight knit community and I’ve enjoyed it a lot,” he says, admitting there was a phase of culture shock moving to a smaller city. “It’s been a positive adjustment though because I’ve found more time for myself. There’s less things to distract you around here so you kind of focus a little more. I think it’s definitely helped me with my schooling.” Blake is considered a valu-
able role player with the club, and played an integral role in the team achieving its best regular season in 12 years. He’s earned the respect of his teammates and his coach. Photo by Paula Gorman
Blake in action with the Horns. He’s known as a lock-down defender and valuable role player.
“He’s a guy that’s mature and had a lot of things that have happened in his life to bring him to this point,” says Horns head coach Dave Adams. “The thing I love about Terrence is that he always has a perspective and always brings something into the program that’s good for everybody.”
As far as his off-court activities, Adams pleads ignorance. “As a 54-year-old white guy who lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, (the non-demographic for his music) I really have no comment on his music,” he laughs. “I have no idea whether it’s good or bad but they tell me it’s very good.” How good remains to be seen – and heard. Blake will likely see some touring opportunities this summer, opening for bigger acts in California, Ohio and the southern U.S. “I want to just keep creating buzz and following my passion, and maybe it’ll lead to a co-sign or a sign with a label, just a chance to keep doing what I’m doing.” After that, he intends to get back on the court and help the Horns return to the Canada West playoffs. Whether his future is in music or business, he’s confident he’s setting himself up well either way. “If I’m not signed by the time I graduate, I’m looking to do some public relations work or some direct marketing, maybe point of sales,” says Blake. “I love marketing, really all aspects of business. I love to talk in front of people, so hopefully if I’m not in front of the microphone, I’m in front of a crowd doing something with that.”
the Legend
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Burke helps ignite a passion for science BY TREVOR KENNEY
he irony that Kristy Burke (BSc ‘08) had no room for science in her youth is not lost on the University of Lethbridge’s manager of youth science programs. In fact, it’s that awareness that she could have used a science mentor that pushes her in her role today. “I personally hated science and did everything I could to avoid it when I was in high school,” says Burke, recognized as one of the 2012 Mentor of the Millenium award winners by the Alberta Women’s Science Network. “When it came to finding a job, I looked back at the choices I made in school and the things I eventually became interested in, and realized I should have taken Bio 12 and Chem 12, all these courses I ended up having to take as an adult.” Burke, who grew up primarily in Prince George, B.C., eventually became interested in the environment, earning a diploma from Selkirk College in recreation, fish and wildlife. She translated that into a degree in environmental science at the U of L, took a year off to have her first baby, and then began working in her current role in 2008. The University’s youth science programming (now celebrating its 10th anniversary) had already made great strides in its first six years, but there was room for much more growth. “It was originally just programs offered in the four summer months, but now we have a variety of clubs, Operation Minerva, we do birthday
COPYRIGHT CONFUSION CAN BE RECTIFIED BY GRAHAM, GREENLEES Much is currently in flux in the Canadian copyright landscape as Bill C-11, an Act to Amend the Copyright Act, continues to slog its way through the legislative process. Meanwhile, the Copyright Board’s ruling on the Access Copyright proposed post-secondary tariff is pending and the Supreme Court of Canada decisions on five copyright-related cases heard in December 2011 have yet to come. Fortunately, copyright advice and guidance are now available to University faculty, staff and students. While Dr. Rumi Graham
parties, we’ve been running workshops throughout January and February, we really are busy year-round,” says Burke. “I think there was a demand for it because there’s not a lot of science outreach outside of the University.” Igniting a passion for science, and having the resources to fuel that passion, is what the programs are all about. Burke wants kids to see the doors that
G E T T H E FA C T S • U of L science outreach
began with a sleepover camp 10 years ago that invited 16 kids to campus. Our programming now reaches up to 1,500 children per year
• Burke is thankful for
the faculty support the program receives. “We have a very strong history of people who have always supported the program and continue to do so, and now I’d like to see if we can find some new faces to take some of the pressure off those who continually volunteer.”
• Of the many science
camp moments Burke recalls, she points to CCBN Research Manager Donna McLaughlin bringing her chickens and mini ponies to campus and teaching kids about behavioural training as a highlight
and Betsy Greenlees are not newcomers to the University, they have recently assumed new roles as University Copyright Advisor and Copyright Assistant, respectively. The key purpose of the University Copyright Advisor is to provide the University with strategic and operational leadership, direction and permissions clearance services relating to copyright. Among the many hats Graham has worn in the library are those of the education, health sciences and philosophy librarian. She has also managed different areas of library operations. Today, she continues to be involved in the library as the graduate studies librarian. Graham considers herself fortunate to have the assistance of Greenlees, whose previous roles include custom coursepack co-ordinator in the bookstore and administrative assistant in the Faculty of Management.
Kristy Burke earns a Mentor of the Millenium Award for her role in science community outreach programs.
open up for those who have a breadth of science knowledge. “Science is often made so difficult for them at the lower levels that they get turned off of it,” she says. “Our first goal is to have fun and to make fun somehow related to learning. We try to support the curriculum in a lot of our programs and sometimes it’s just a matter of getting their hands dirty and getting into it. Often, their teachers don’t have the resources or the time to do the programming and if they are home schooled, science is really hard for parents to teach.” A mother of two, Burke understands how important it is to create early positive experiences for children. She is especially interested in encour-
aging young girls and minority students to pursue scientific careers. “A lot of girls want careers where they can help and contribute to the public good and they haven’t been able to make that connection with science careers,” says Burke. “With Operation Minerva, they get to see real people, real women as scientists, and it humanizes the profession for them.” Operation Minerva and Operation Minerva for Aboriginal Girls are programs she’s invested a lot of time in promoting. They act as mentorship programs for young girls interested in science. Burke is currently working on a master’s degree in education under the tutelage of Dr. Leah
Fowler. Her focus is the effectiveness of the Operation Minerva programs and whether they translate to young girls pursuing scientific careers. She is hoping to interview girls who have gone through the programs and eventually show up as U of L students. As she looks ahead, she envisions reaching even more youth through science outreach by bringing disadvantaged children into the fold. “I think the direction a lot of science outreach is going is towards breaking barriers, to kids who don’t have a lot of access to science,” says Burke. “A lot of that is girls or underprivileged children whose parents can’t afford to send them to camps. We want to open that world to them.”
Together, their first priority is to respond to inquiries about copyright matters. Some of the challenges they face are learning about the different kinds of copyright assistance and guidance needed by University community members, and keeping abreast of the rapidly changing copyright environment. “Very little about copyright is simple, unambiguous, unanimous or uniform,” says Graham. “There’s a risk of creating more confusion than clarity, at least initially.” Other challenges include disseminating information about copyright issues and obligations to the University’s three campuses, and making that complex information accessible and understandable. Every day they learn new things about copyright through interactions with faculty and staff. There is a good deal that is
misunderstood about copyright. “Copyright is often interpreted differently by creators and users,” says Graham. “The Canadian Copyright Act does not say what fair dealing is, but it states allowable fair dealing purposes which today are: research, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.” The interpretation of “fair dealing” is really in the eye of the beholder. For example, Graham says, “Educators or students could argue that an instructor’s distribution of an excerpted work to an entire class is fair because the purpose is criticism of ideas expressed in the excerpt, which ultimately promotes the public interest of a more educated citizenry.” She also notes, however, that, “Rightsholders could contend that because the effect of making multiple copies of the excerpt for an entire class competes with the market of the
original work, such copying does not constitute fair dealing and therefore permission to copy and payment of rightsholder-specified royalties is required.” “Clearly it is possible to provide reasonable arguments both for and against fair dealing in this scenario,” she says. “But because each of us would likely choose a different balance point between public and private interests, it’s no wonder that understandings of fair dealing can vary so widely.” Copyright information and tools are available through the University’s copyright website at www.uleth.ca/copyright. Both Graham and Greenlees may be reached via e-mail (copyright@ uleth.ca) and phone (403-3324472) and they welcome opportunities to work with members of the University community to help sort out copyright questions or needs.
A P R I L 2 012
the Legend
University of Lethbridge Faculty of Health Sciences project is making an impact on First Nations, Métis and Inuit learning, and has been recognized with a major award. Ashoka Canada, The Counselling Foundation of Canada, The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative and partners announced a number of award-winning ideas and projects that grabbed top honours in the Changemakers Initiative: Inspiring Approaches to FNMI Learning. Among the winners is a project directed by learning facilitator and current master of arts student Marilyn Lamb (BA/BEd ’96). “I am so honoured yet overwhelmed with this recognition and award,” says Lamb. “The University is committed to supporting its First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, and I am proud to be part of this circle.” Lamb says that the goal of the program is not only to personally support students so they can successfully complete their degrees, but also to improve cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural education. “Before the support services were in place, enrolment and retention were low, with only a handful of students spread across the four-year bachelor of nursing and bachelor of health sciences programs.” With targeted support, those student numbers have steadily increased. “More than 60 students are currently enrolled for the 2011/2012 school year and continued growth is anticipated. Correspondingly, graduation rates of FNMI students have also increased,” she says. Lamb’s submission, Support Services for Aboriginal Students in Health Sciences, was selected from more than 250 entries. The program is intended to provide support to students by: offering assistance in the often-challenging transition from home and family life to university; mentorship programs with elders and aboriginal health care professionals; as well as tutoring and counselling support. In addition, social networking opportunities are provided along with scholarship and bursary application assistance.
Dr. Nicole Rosen teaches languages and linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages. Her research interests include phonetics and phonology, Michif language, Western Algonquian languages, language revitalization, English and French in the Canadian Prairies and lexicography of endangered languages.
a language, want to know how to communicate, make friends, and enter into a society that is closed to them without that language. Learning how people speak is essential to accessing society, not how they write, which can be the more traditional basis of language teaching and learning.
in rural Canadian English since I was in graduate school, but now that I’m in an area where my students are part of the group I want to study, I can engage them in research and it can be relevant to them on a very personal level. I have undergraduate students interviewing
bers from a host of related fields to discuss big questions: sociology, history, education, literature, psychology, neurology, speech pathology, computer science, etc., in addition to applied and theoretical linguists. Alberta in particular has a complex history and sociology of various lin-
What is the greatest honour you have received in your career?
family, friends and neighbours, transcribing, learning how to analyze language data, and learning audio editing, language archiving and acoustic analysis software. They are the local experts, I give them the tools, and we learn from each other. I see this blurring of research and teaching as my primary goal, in fact, where the goal is not so much “research” and “teaching”, but rather learning.
guistic groups emigrating over the last 100-plus years, seeking religious or economic freedom, and it has shaped the language(s) we speak in a particular way. These questions are as of yet largely untouched, especially in the Prairies, and in the rural context.
What first piqued your interest in your research discipline?
After high school, I spent a year in France as an exchange student, and that’s when I started really listening to the way people talk, and observing differences from how they talked at home in Canada and in France. When I started my undergrad degree at Queen’s, I knew I wanted to study languages, but normally studying a language meant studying its literature, and I wasn’t sure about completely giving up math and science. I pored through the entire course calendar looking at all the program possibilities, and found something called ‘linguistics’ that purported to be the scientific study of language. I was hooked from the first linguistics class, and I knew I wanted to be a linguistics researcher, analyzing language in use. Linguistics allows me to combine my love of analysis and scientific method with my love of social observation and interaction. In essence, I didn’t have to choose between math and literature after all: I get the best of both worlds in linguistics.
How is your research applicable in “the real world”?
Different aspects of my research are applicable in different ways. My lexicographic work on the Michif language has an obvious direct application because it is a dictionary that may be used by learners and teachers of the language in a concrete way. This work in language revitalization is also important in validating and enlightening others about a language and culture that has been ignored for the better part of the last century. My research on English and French on the Prairies can be applicable when teaching informal English or French: as it is spoken, by real people, not formally, as it is written. Most people, when learning
Academic grants are an obvious honour, and I’m very grateful for those, but my greatest honour, honestly, is the opportunity to do and study what I love. I get to work with fantastic students and speakers, and get to talk about what I’m interested in, and this is actually a job! I never forget how lucky I am that I actually love my work.
How important are students to your research endeavours? The way I conceptualize research involves students in a very central role. My current project, in fact, is a result of wanting to involve undergraduate students. I’ve been interested
If you had unlimited funds, which areas of research would you invest?
I would invest in an interdisciplinary centre to further the study and promotion of language on the Canadian Prairies, with labs and equipment for the experimentalists, databases for the corpus experts, and mem-
Each month, the Legend will present 5 Questions With . . . one of our researchers. For a look at the entire catalog of 5 Questions With . . . features, check out the Office of Research and Innovation Services website at www.uleth.ca/research/ research_profiles. If you’d like to be profiled, contact Penny Pickles at pickpj@uleth.ca
Calderwood continues to travel, give back to society
n 1992, Denise Calderwood (MEd ’93) was completing the final year of her master’s degree in international education at the University of Lethbridge when, having made friends with a number of international students, she noticed that many of them were missing the traditions and familiarity of home. It was a simple observation, but it led her to found a new annual tradition at the University – the International Dinner. “For many international students, eating is a great way to be hospitable and to enjoy one another’s company; the students were missing that. I thought if they were able to cook for us it would make them feel more at home, like the hosts instead of always the guests. The students were quite excited about that,” explains Calderwood.
“We all gain from the international students who come to the University.”
The inaugural dinner was held in Southminster United Church. Under the supervision of a cooking professor from Lethbridge College, Calderwood and the students prepared about 15 ethnic dishes for approxi-
mately 200 guests. The evening included a speaker and a live auction with various donations including ethnic artwork and musical performances. The proceeds from the evening went towards an international student scholarship. While the students no longer cook the dinner, Calderwood is thrilled that the evening remains an important tradition,
• From January to April
1992, Calderwood and her children lived in Kuala Lumpur where she interned as an academic advisor at the Canadian Education Centre, which was set up to attract international students to Canadian Universities
• She has been a part of
the production and filming of seven documentary films
• Calderwood’s extensive volunteer work includes time with the Mother Tongue Literacy program in Kenya and an orphanage in Mexico
• Calderwood never tires of learning and plans to begin an undergraduate degree in Canadian history
Denise Calderwood was a key contributor to the creation of the University’s annual International Dinner.
providing an opportunity for the University community to learn about and celebrate its diversity. “Through the years, the University has recognized the value of the international student community. I am very pleased with the development and growth of the International Centre for Students. We all gain from the international students who come to the University; we understand world issues differently when we have seen and discussed world views with people from other lands,” says Calderwood, whose enthusiasm for learning about other cultures and peoples began when she was just a child. “I grew up in Vancouver in a very multi-cultural community with kids from around the world frequently arriving as new immigrants to Canada. I was always interested in who they were, where they came from and
their family traditions.” As a young adult, Calderwood earned a bachelor of education in special education from the University of British Columbia, but her childhood passion for international studies continued to burn bright. In October 1974, she set off on a Rotary International Graduate Fellowship to the American University of Beirut in Lebanon to pursue a master’s in international education. Unfortunately, civil war broke out and the danger of remaining in Lebanon became too great. She was forced to abandon her studies and leave the country in June 1975. She returned to Canada to teach special education in Claresholm, Alta. She married in 1977 and kept busy with work and a growing family, but she never lost sight of her goal to complete her master’s degree. “In 1991, I applied to complete my master’s at the
FLYING DOCS PLANNING FOR RELIEF MISSIONS OVER SUMMER The University of Lethbridge Doctors of Tomorrow (DOT)/Flying Doctors of Canada Team is awaiting takeoff for its 2012 trip to Central America. The six-person group joins Flying Doctors founder and U of L alumnus Dr. Ben Cavilla (BSc ’00) in Izalco, El Salvador in July, and will fan out to several small villages to help people with medical challenges that might be simple in Canada but can be complex in remote locations without proper care. This marks the fourth year a U of L team has participated. “The Flying Doctors program has helped a number of U of L students have real experi-
Respresentatives from the Flying Doctors of Canada include: (left to right) Alexandra Garven, Calgary, Alta.; Jesse Johnson, Barnwell, Alta.; Ashlee Matkin, Lethbridge; Shelby Eisbrenner, Calgary, Alta.; Scott Anderson, Jaffray, B.C.; Miriam Belsheim, Tulliby Lake, Alta.
ences in the medical field and in meaningful humanitarian service,” says Scott Anderson, a neuroscience student and team spokesperson. “As well, by sending groups
for four years in a row, we can see results of how the people in past groups have cared for improve and change with our help. Many organizations do not do this, long-term care and basic
medical record keeping is often non-existent, and can often be just as helpful to people as the immediate on-site medical attention.” To support the group and
University of Lethbridge in international education; however, my coursework from Lebanon did not transfer. The University graciously allowed me to create my program which included core courses, an internship in Malaysia, summer courses with the Summer Institute of Intercultural communication in Portland, Oregon and a thesis paper about the adjustments international students face when they go to school,” explains Calderwood. In 1993, Calderwood completed her master’s and stayed on at the University, volunteering 3-4 hours each day as an international student liaison. Two years later she had literally volunteered her way into a job. During her two years as an employee at the University, Caldwell had the opportunity to travel to Fujian Province China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore to meet with alumni and to promote the University of Lethbridge. “I was the international student liaison from 1995-1997. I enjoyed it very much, helping the students, going to conferences and seeing what the students’ lives had become after they were back in their home countries,” remembers Calderwood. She continues to have a passion for cultures and people the world over. She has travelled for pleasure, volunteer work and further studies to 42 different countries and plans to volunteer at a small school in Angola in the near future. As to why she continues to travel the world Calderwood simply says, “I love to do that, so I do.”
its tour, they are hosting several events in April to raise funds, which will be applied to medical supplies and other items. Their biggest event – the Sky Party – takes place Saturday, Apr. 14 and is an evening of live music, followed by a DJ and dance at The Mix by Ric’s (103 Mayor Magrath Drive South, the second floor of the water tower). Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Search “The Sky Party” on Facebook. As well, the team will host a bake sale, Apr. 16-17 in the SU Building lobby. For more information about the DOT Team, contact Scott Anderson at scott.anderson@ uleth.ca or Ashlee Matkin at ashlee.matkin@uleth.ca. The group’s Facebook page is www. facebook.com/DOT2012. Additional donations to the team are welcome. Visit the Flying Doctors of Canada website at www.flyingdoctors.ca
& wellness
Wellness initiatives earn award for University
arly last year, a few people suggested to me that the University of Lethbridge should apply for the Premier’s Award for Healthy Workplaces. My first reaction was that we were not ready to make such an application, but after some consideration and consultation with the Wellness Committee, we thought it would be a good way to solicit feedback on our Health and Wellness program from an independent agency. We decided to put forth the U of L as a candidate, and just recently were notified that we’d won the Award of Merit for Large Employers! Winning the award has been personally validating – the University has a large number of health and wellness resources and activities but co-ordinating the programs, along with promoting these initiatives, has been critical in the past couple of years. I am very pleased with the
success of our programs. We have seen individuals make significant health improvements through the Health Check for U program (formerly Vascular Risk Assessment), while our work instituting techniques for stress management – including utilizing the Employee and Family Assistance Program and on campus mini-massages – have proven to be very successful as well. The timing of the award announcement could not be more perfect – as now our goal is to strive for the Healthy Workplace Award of Distinction! Our next step towards achieving this goal will be utilizing the results from the recent Employee Health and Wellness survey. I am excited to win this award, but I am more looking forward to making our campus even healthier with our employees’ feedback and suggestions. Initial survey results and feedback should be ready by
mid-May. Having just completed Nutrition Month, we learned a lot about our diets from Alberta Health Services dietitians. They were busy busting up common food and nutrition myths, and I’d like to bring one forward today that tweaked my interest. Myth: It’s too hard to eat all the fruit and vegetables recommended by Canada’s Food Guide. The Truth: It can be easier than you think! Canada’s Food Guide recommends that adults enjoy 7 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruit each day. A serving size of vegetables and fruit is not very big. For more information about nutrition, feel free to phone Building Healthy Lifestyles, 403388-6675. Suzanne McIntosh is the University’s Wellness co-ordinator
One Food Guide Serving is equal to: • ½ cup (125 ml) of cut-up fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit • 1 cup uncooked leafy vegetables • 1 medium-sized fruit • ½ cup (125 ml) of 100% juice
Here are some easy ways to boost your vegetable and fruit intake: • Have 2 or more servings at each meal and snack • Pack vegetables and fruit for lunch • Fill half your plate with vegetables • Keep a colourful fruit bowl on the table
• Slice your favourite fruit
for dessert • Add fruit to cereal, oatmeal, muffins and pancakes • Double up the vegetables in casseroles, soups, stews and sauces • Add pureed or grated vegetables to sauces, soups, casseroles and dips • Have a salad at lunch or supper! Pick a variety of greens like spinach and read leaf lettuce. Top with apple or raisins A healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruit can help you manage your weight. It can also help reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. So wait no more, eat more vegetables and fruit every day!
PEOPLE PLAN A KEY FOCUS OF CARLSON’S WORK BY TREVOR KENNEY Elaine Carlson appreciates the opportunity before her, daunting as it may seem. As the University’s new associate vice-president, human resources (she came on board June 2011), Carlson sees a university in the midst of change as it continues to mature and grow. “What I’ve noticed is we’re at a key point in time. The community of founders that built this university 45 years ago was small enough that everybody knew each other and could build things together. Now we’re at this point where we’re becoming a larger organization and we’re asking, how do we keep what was so good about that small, caring community concept we were built upon as we move forward?” Carlson, a mother of three and outdoor enthusiast, comes to the U of L from the University of Alberta where she was manager of Employee Relations & HR
Consulting and, for a period, acting director, Support Staff Human Resources. “The U of A was a great experience and I enjoyed working with my colleagues there very much, but when you’re in a smaller university you can have more of an impact and touch more things,” says Carlson. “This position was so much broader.” With family roots in the area, a new challenge at hand and the chance to escape the traffic of the big city, Carlson knew she wanted to be a part of the U of L community during her interview with President Mike Mahon. An important part of their discussions was the concept of developing a People Plan. “His interest in the People Plan is one of the reasons I came here,” she says. “To be able to support an organization through to the plan’s creation and implementation is one of the things that piqued my interest.” So what is a People Plan?
Elaine Carlson is passionate about the opportunity to develop a People Plan for the University.
That is yet to be fully defined but at its core, it is a broad university strategy focused on all people who make up the organization, support staff, faculty, managers, administrative staff and senior administration – everyone. Sadly, it seems, many organizations
forget that while they create plans for budgets and inventory and resources, a strategy for employees is often neglected. “Surprisingly, these plans are not that prevalent. I’ve looked at a few others out there but there are very few,” says Carlson. “We all have budgets and we put great energy into planning the money side of the organization, but then there’s this other side that is essential to accomplishing anything – the people side. Very few organizations plan for that.” She sees the plan as a multifaceted program that is neither built from the ground up or the top down, rather is crafted through broad campus representation. It should also reflect every relationship we have with one another. “It’s not only a plan for what the organization can do for employees; it must also include what we can do to support each other and what we can expect of ourselves,” says Carlson. “A
People Plan is intended to link all employees to the University’s chosen direction, regardless of the focus of their work. Done well, everyone should be able to see themselves in the plan.” She admits the task will not be easy. “It’s an exciting challenge,” says Carlson. “I know it can be done – it’s up to us if it will be done.” As a first step, a steering committee of six to eight people with broad representation across campus will be formed over the summer, and positioned to begin work in the fall. “We’re trying to find the group of people who have the best interests of the entire University at heart to help us form this committee,” she says. To get involved, contact Linda Embury (linda.embury@ uleth.ca, 403-329-2274). For any questions about the proposed People Plan, contact Carlson (elaine.carlson@uleth.ca, 403-329-2276).
the Legend
A P R I L 2 012
events C A L E N D A R
Publishing’s disruptive technologies lab Noon, L1168
Apr. 3 | Music at Noon: Trudi Mason (trumpet) and Elinor Lawson (piano) 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570)
Apr. 4 | Art Now: Kazuko Kizawa Noon, University Recital Hall (W570)
Apr. 10 | Music at Noon: Dr. Sandra Stringer (mezzo-soprano) and Dr. Deanna Oye (piano) | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570) Apr. 10 | Electro-Acoustic Ensemble Event | Featuring the University of Lethbridge Electro-Acoustic Ensemble performing original student compositions and improvisations 8 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570) Apr. 17 | Music at Noon: Studio Showcase | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570)
Lectures Apr. 3 | How to Execute The Research Paper | A workshop and information session led by Anita de Waard, head of Elsevier
Apr. 16 | Women Scholars Speaker Series: Dr. Giovanna Declich Towards Gender Balance in Science and Public Life: a Sociological Approach | Noon, Andy’s Place (AH100) Apr. 18 | CRCGA Workshop: The Berkeley Composting Method, Building the Ingredients of Good Soil Julia Mitchell and Jason Baranec of Southern Alberta Permaculture will introduce you to a rapid composting method developed by Robert D. Raabe, professor of Plant Pathology, Berkeley University | 7 p.m., AH116
Apr. 4 | CAETL Grad TA Year-End Reflections and Wrap-Up | An informal session, including the presentation of certificates of participation for the year, and an opportunity for an open and informal discussion around the challenges and triumphs of being a Graduate Teaching Assistant 2 p.m., Andy’s Place (AH100)
Apr. 5 | New Media Film Series: Lost in La Mancha | New Media Series explores momentous movies of the last 10 years 6:30 p.m., Lethbridge Public Library
Apr. 13 | Department of Economics Seminar Series | Professor Joshua Knapp presents Towards a Socialized Agency Theory: Implications of Discretionary Behavior and Social Categorization | 2 p.m., D634
Apr. 5 | 25th Annual Management Scholarship Dinner | Honouring Del Allen, president and founder of D.A. Electric | 6 p.m., Coast Lethbridge Hotel & Conference Centre
s the Spring 2012 semester rapidly draws to a close, the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU) is preparing to dole out a wide range of annual awards. Every year, these awards are presented at the ULSU’s Recognition Dinner, an event wherein the departing Executive Council and General Assembly reminisce about their outstanding efforts over the past year and the newly elected ULSU Council and Assembly are ushered in to take up their predecessors’ positions. The recognition dinner is also a time for honoring those individuals and groups on campus and in the community that continually provide outstanding service and dedication to the Students’ Union and its causes. This year’s invite-only recognition dinner will take place Friday, Apr. 13 at the Galt Museum & Archives. All University of Lethbridge students are eligible for the annual Student of the Year, Club of the Year and Bill Chapman Students’ Union Certificate of Distinction awards. Earlier this year, nominations were submitted to the VP Internal, who struck a committee to review the nominations and select the winning recipients. The Student of the Year Award, given to Thomas Fox last year, is presented to the
student(s) who embody leadership, commitment and contribute to the betterment of U of L students; this may be exemplified by involvement in clubs, non-profit organizations, student organizations, community and volunteerism. The Students’ Union Club of the Year Award is awarded to the Students’ Union ratified club that has demonstrated the most outstanding effort and dedication in their endeavours over the past year. Last year’s distinction was given to the PRIDE club for its successful events and excellent standing with Clubs Council. The Bill Chapman Students’ Union Certificate of Distinction is awarded to the University of Lethbridge student who has shown the most innovation in the area(s) of student affairs, wellness or another notable field. Last year this award was presented to Eva Gorny for her outstanding volunteerism and innovative ways of raising awareness for notable causes. The Students’ Union allocates a series of awards to those within the organization that have set themselves apart from their peers and surpassed all expectations. These awards include the John Brocklesby Students’ Union Award of Excellence, the Students’ Union Student Employee of the Year and the Students’ Union
Employee of the Year. Not only are the exceptional efforts of University students and ULSU staff acknowledged but also University staff and faculty are acclaimed through the Students’ Union Helping Hand Award, Outstanding Dedication Award and Continued Support Award. Exceptional members of the University faculty are eligible to receive the ULSU Teaching Excellence Award, now in its second year. This award seeks to recognize a University faculty member for their exceptional teaching via undergraduate student nominations and an undergraduate selection committee. The ULSU Teaching Excellence Awards will be held on Wednesday, Apr. 4 in conjunction with the Last Lecture Series, featuring professors Ardis Anderson (Philosophy) and Bente Hansen (Music). These distinguished faculty members will deliver a hypothetical “Last Lecture” about life, love, success and basic knowledge they feel everyone should know. For more information about the ULSU Recognition Dinner, Last Lecture Series or the Teaching Excellence Awards, please feel free to contact the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union or stop by our offices during regular business hours.
Apr. 11 | Cinema Politica: Force of Nature David Suzuki, iconic Canadian scientist, educator, broadcaster and activist delivers a ‘last lecture’ – what he describes as “a distillation of my life and thoughts, my legacy, what I want to say before I die” 7 p.m., Galileo’s Gallery Apr. 12 | Wellness Lunch and Learn: Health Check for U | Find out all about this on-campus health-screening program | 12:05 p.m., AH100 Apr. 12-14 | Art Society Show & Sale 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, UHall Atrium Apr. 17 | LPIRG Annual General Meeting Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group will present its annual report and financial statement, make grant recipient presentations and discuss LPIRG projects 7 p.m., Galileo’s Gallery
Apr. 4 | RCMP Information Session Presented by Career & Employment Services 3 p.m., AH154
Apr. 13 | Prentice Brownbag Lecture Series: Dr. Abdie Kazemipur The Crescent and the Maple Leaf: Muslims in Canada | Noon, L1102
Apr. 26 through June 1 | The 1960s Curated by Museum Studies interns, this show focuses on the 1960s in Lethbridge using art and artifacts from the U of L Collection and Galt Museum | U of L Main Gallery and Helen Christou Gallery
WHETSTONE SEEKING SUBMISSIONS Whetstone Magazine, an independent literary magazine at the University of Lethbridge, is searching for submissions for its next issue. Editors are seeking submissions of both poetry and fiction,
with a deadline of Friday, Apr. 6. To submit work, send to the following e-mail addresses: poetry.whetstone@gmail.com or fiction.whetstone@gmail. com
John Gill
Memorial Golf To u r n a me n t
Birdies 4 Bursaries
Friday, June 8, 2012, 1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start Henderson Lake Golf Course For more information: www.uleth.ca/alumni or call 403-382-7174
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the Legend
Campus promises to be full of activity over summer BY JAMIE WOODFORD
he University of Lethbridge Facilities Department is gearing up for another productive construction season this summer. Redevelopment of the campus’s western parking lots is set to begin in a few weeks, beginning with the creation of a new entranceway at the northwest corner of Lot E. This is just the beginning of the project that will give a facelift to Lots E, F, FS and G along Anderson Hall and the 1st Choice Savings Centre. The result will be more practical parking and the addition of environmentally sustainable and aesthetically pleasing landscaping. The revamped design of the parking lots includes bio swales (drainage) and windbreaks, along with improved lighting, security and safety measures for
vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The design also addresses storm water management and drainage issues to prevent occurrences such as the flooding that took place in July 2008 at the Wellness Centre. The $2.5 million project will be developed over two summers, with completion aimed for 2013. Parking access will be provided away from construction while the project is underway. Construction of the University Quad just north of Markin Hall is also on the summer construction agenda. The public greenspace will feature small rolling hills, plants, water gardens, benches, connecting sidewalks, and other amenities. The project should be completed this fall. In early May, the start of construction for a new Sports Medicine Clinic in the Wellness Centre PE100 will begin. The clinic will house four physicians
Construction is ahead of schedule on the new residence structure.
and related support services with space for physiotherapy, exam rooms, a treatment area and offices for doctors and administrative staff. The project should be finished by the end of August.
Upgrading to the existing mechanical and electrical systems in the centre core of the Wellness Centre will take place from May to September. Construction will work around
events such as Spring Convocation and the Alberta Summer Games to avoid any disruption of these activities. Renovations of Levels 0, 1 and 2, including the southeast entrance to the Wellness Centre will also take place at this time. While under repair, the Physical Education Tunnel will be closed from June 4 until late September. Meanwhile, the third phase of the Aperture Park housing facility is proceeding ahead of schedule. Concrete work is expected to be completed by late fall with the building scheduled to open in July 2013. Other planned summer projects include replacing weeping tile along the Breezeway, upgrading the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, and compartmentalizing firewalls and upgrading the fire alarm system in University Hall.
ART STUDENT OPEN HOUSE INVITES CAMPUS PARTICIPATION Once again this spring, the University of Lethbridge Department of Art opens its studios and workshops to welcome the public. On April 23-24, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, the Art Student Open House will be held. “We want people to experience the diversity and excellence of work by students in art courses,” says Annie Martin, art fac-
ulty advisor to the project, which is largely organized by art students. “Visitors experience artwork in a wide array of media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, print, installation, multimedia, and video, by both undergraduate and Master of Fine Arts students. This is a great opportunity to see work by the next generation of artists.” The open house also
provides an opportunity for the public to talk with students about their art practices and take a look at the excellent art facilities. Students, faculty and technical staff are on hand to answer questions and people can get guided tours on a drop-in basis by stopping at the welcome table near the stairs on the 8th level of the Centre for the Arts. School tours can be arranged by contacting
Nicole Hembroff (Nicole. hembroff@uleth.ca) The awards for excellence in Art studio and Art History/Museum Studies will be held at 4:30 p.m. in W817 on Apr. 24. “Join us to celebrate the achievements of our students as we announce the recipients of a number of awards for excellence,” says Martin. “Everyone is welcome.”
CUTTING FOR A CAUSE A lot of people lost a lot of hair at the end of the month, but as the hair came off, the money piled up. At the end of the day, The Kappa Sigma fraternity, through its 7th Annual Headshave for Cancer, was able to hand over more than $12,000 to the Canadian Cancer Society. Here, Jeremiah Merkl, a systems support specialist in Information Technology, loses his locks.
The University of Lethbridge Jazz Ensemble welcomes the Wednesday Night Big Band, comprised of some of Calgary’s finest professional and amateur musicians and led by Lethbridge’s Brian Thorlacius, to Night of the Big Bands, Wednesday, Apr. 11 at The Gate. This evening is dedicated to big band music and is free of charge. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
images L ASTING
Fafard, DC Neuf, 1978
Fafard, Bird, 1977
Fafard, Cell, 1981
Fafard, Goose & Egg,
All the works are from the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010.
Joe Fafard was born in Sainte-Marthe, Saskatchewan in 1942, and attended the University of Manitoba and Pennsylvania State University where he obtained a MFA in 1968. Fafard taught sculpture at the University of Regina from 1968 to 1984, and it was during this time that he became associated with the Regina Clay movement. The Regina Clay artists, including Victor Cicansky, David Gilhooly and David Thauberger, created quirky, vibrant sculptures that represented rural life on the prairies. Over the last 30 years, Fafard has become internationally recognized for his bronze sculptures of barnyard animals, everyday objects, Canadian historical figures, politicians and other artists. Fafard continues to sculpt today, receiving numerous commissions for large-scale public sculpture across Canada. His artwork is held in numerous national and international collections, and he was named an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1981. On Mar. 3, 2012, it was announced that Canada Post is printing images of some of Fafard’s famed cow sculptures on 4,000,000 official postal stamps. Though Fafard is known primarily for his sculptures, he has also created a variety of drawings and silkscreen prints, a selection of which are housed in the University of Lethbridge Art Collection.