M AY 2 012
V O L U M E 11
Leading the discussion
Horns women’s basketball has a new leader
The new IRDF program creates collaboration across campus
Dr. David Naylor will host more than 50 esteemed researchers at the SPIRE consortium meeting in Banff.
Looking deep into space thanks to U of L contributions Dr. David Hay earns annual Distinguished Teacher honour
Dr. Kathy Yamashita inspired by small-town start The U of L Legend is published monthly during the academic year by the communications unit within University Advancement. Submissions, comments and story ideas are always welcome. The Legend reserves the right to refuse any submitted advertisement. The Legend can be found online at issuu.com/ulethbridge. A DV E R T I S I N G For ad rates or other information, contact: legend@uleth.ca CREDITS Editor: Trevor Kenney Designer: Angelsea Saby CO N T R I B U TO R S: Amanda Berg, Bob Cooney, Sandra Cowan, Kyle Dodgson, Jane Edmundson, Rod Leland, Suzanne McIntosh, Kali McKay, Rob Olson, Stacy Seguin, Jaime Vedres, Katherine Wasiak and Jamie Woodford
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 www.ulethbridge.ca
he University of Lethbridge will host the first and only SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver) consortium meeting to be held in Canada on May 3-4 in Banff, Alta. SPIRE is a dishwasher-sized case loaded with technology created by U of L researchers and designed and built by an international consortium of space agencies, universities and research institutes. It is one of three instruments on the Herschel space telescope, which was launched in 2009 and is orbiting 1.5 million km from the earth. As the lead Canadian researcher for the Canadian Space Agency’s
contribution to the Herschel Space Observatory, U of L researcher Dr. David Naylor (physics and astronomy) has played a key role in the development of SPIRE. Functioning at a chilly -270C, SPIRE observes the universe at very long wavelengths, those well beyond the limit of human vision. Radiation emitted at these wavelengths is able to travel relatively unimpeded through even the densest regions of space, allowing astronomers to view back in time to the formation of the first galaxies. Recent discoveries from Herschel are showing the far reaches of space in greater detail than ever before, including what the formation of our solar system must have
looked like at its early stages: a violent, comet-laden disk of debris where thousands of 1 km-wide chunks of ice collide and spin around a young star. More than 50 researchers from around the world will gather to update their colleagues on the Herschel mission, share data and discuss the outcomes of their research to date. Dr. Steve MacLean, president of the Canadian Space Agency and former astronaut, will give the opening address. For more information about the research team and the Banff meeting, visit research.uleth.ca/spire
Experts gather for innovative water issues conference Decisions made about water are fundamental to society’s long-term social, environmental and economic prosperity. In the face of compelling regional, national and global water challenges, the University of Lethbridge, with local, regional, national and international partners, is hosting Water in a World of Seven Billion, an innovative conference taking place in Calgary, May 8-12, bringing together leading experts in water conservation, usage and policy development. Leading sponsors of the conference include the Canadian Wildlife Federation, Alberta Innovates: Energy & Environment Solutions and the University of Lethbridge. More than 30 speakers are on the agenda. Conference organizers say this is a unique opportunity to learn from water scholars, decision-makers, managers and educators, who
Dr. Rick Mrazek is a driving force behind the U of L’s water research.
will focus on identifying and articulating the science, knowledge and activities that lead to game-changing improvements that support sustainable water management outcomes. “A primary focus of this event is to enable the direct engagement of
students and education professionals with the participants and experts attending the conference,” says Dr. Rick Mrazek, one of the conference organizers and a faculty member in the Faculty of Education. “To create an enduring product and ongoing dialogue, the sessions will be video-taped and in some cases live-streamed via the event website. Presenters and participants will be able to provide their reaction to the events and discussions through various social media channels and there will be an opportunity for students in remote locations to directly participate in some sessions.” Mrazek says the final day of the conference is organized as an education forum. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
the Legend
M AY 2 012
OPENMike University of Lethbridge President Dr. Mike Mahon chats about what’s happening in the University community
There are many ways to tell the University of Lethbridge story and to get that message beyond our borders – the last week being a perfect example. A YouTube video produced by new media student Matthew Lunde has gone viral, giving the University new media program unprecedented exposure in markets it likely never would have entered through traditional means. The video (Stormtrooper Shuffle) is a parody of Star Wars’ evil Stormtroopers dancing to the popular LMFAO hit Party Rock Anthem. Lunde is one of the program’s top students and among the latest to earn an internship with the Canadian Space Agency. The Stormtrooper
Shuffle was not a class-related project, nor is it intended as an endorsement of the U of L, but the fact that it has racked up more than 100,000 views means it is reaching people and garnering the University and the new media program specifically, a lot of attention. We often talk about the University of Lethbridge as a destination university, with a strong majority of our students coming from outside of southern Alberta. We are focused on continuing to grow our reputation throughout the country and around the globe and this video tells me that there is much to be learned from our students. While it is important to continue to foster relationships
CAMPUS Craig Monk (English) has been awarded a Jackson Brothers Fellowship at Yale University for the 2012-13 academic year. He will spend part of the fall in residence at the Beinecke Library, following the completion of his second term as associate dean in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Cheyenne Conrad (fourthyear BSc student) placed second in the Canadian Undergraduate Regional level competition of the 2012 Alltech Young Scientist Award competition. The Alltech Young Scientist Award (alltechyoungscientist.com) brings together the world’s brightest scientific thinkers from colleges and universities across the globe and this year received 7,000 registrations from students in 46 countries. Taras Polataiko (Art) presented a lecture about his work at the Art Gallery of Alberta as part of their Special Guest
through face-to-face methods, this quirky, funny video has shown that our story can be told in a variety of ways and our students are at the forefront of these unique methodologies. And at the end of the day, a student testimonial, or in this case, a showcase of skills learned while studying at the U of L, carries more weight than any advertising material. Having said that, furthering the University’s interests internationally using personal relationship building continues to be very important. Last month I spoke about the work we did in Mexico City, Beijing and Hong Kong, exploring our historic connections with these areas and opening doors for the possibility
of future collaborations. Recently, I visited Brazil as part of a group that includes 30 Canadian university presidents. The goal of the excursion, led by Governor General David Johnston, is to showcase Canadian university opportunities and to strengthen relationships with Brazil, a country identified as a rapidly growing economic powerhouse. Intriguing to me are the many similarities that exist between Brazil and Alberta, and the commitment by the Brazilian government to expand its academic and research capacity. This is a country that has established a Science Without Borders program, creating over 70,000 scholarships for students
programme. The talk was in conjunction with the exhibition Rearview Mirror: New Art from Central and Eastern Europe, which features work by Polataiko. Joe Odland (second-year BMgt student) won the National Open class at the Alberta Gymnastics Federation 2012 Alberta Provincial Gymnastics Championships in Edmonton. Odland was able to compete thanks to U of L professors who moved his final exams in order to accommodate his athletic schedule. Ian Burleigh (Music), Laura Zattra (Padova) and Friedemann Sallis (Calgary) had their article Studying Luigi Nono’s A Pierre. Dell’azzurro silenzio, inquietum (1985) as a Performance Event published in a special issue of Contemporary Music Review (www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07494 467.2011.665579).
Mary Kavanagh’s (Art) exhibition Atomic Suite is at the Art Gallery of Calgary until Aug. 25. Indrah Kerrison (third-year nursing student) was named the director of Career and Leadership Development with the Canadian Nursing Student Association (CNSA). The CNSA represents the voice of 30,000 nursing students across Canada. Working at the national level, Kerrison will be assisting nursing students to gain access to resources and supports that will enable them to develop their leadership skills. Jay Whitehead (Drama) has been accepted by the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival to perform the one-man play My Funny Valentine by Dave Deveau, and will attend and perform in the festival in Dublin, Ireland from May 14-20. The show has several other
to travel and learn outside of Brazil. With an economy rich in oil and gas reserves that is also working hard to find answers to environmental questions, a commitment to developing aerospace technology, health-sciences, food security and agriculture related issues, and interests around water and the environment, I see the potential of developing a number of connections between Brazil and the work we do here at the U of L. It is an exciting time in that the world really is at our doorstep and it is important we continue to reach out and develop relationships that will further internationalize our university.
WATER CONFERENCE FROM PAGE 1 U of L connections: Geneviève Paré (BFA Performance, 2011) – Director; David Barrus (MFA Candidate in Design) - Costume and Lighting Design; and Kelly Roberts (Theatre Technician, Drama) - Sound Design. D. Andrew Stewart (Music) is doing a three-month residency at the Centro Mexican Centre for Music and Sonic Art (CMMAS, www.cmmas.org). It is one of the largest centres of its kind in Central America, offering an infrastructure to carry out professional activities and encouraging the training, research, creativity, production and promotion of music and art that include electro-acoustic sound as a principal element. Stewart will be working with Ensamble 3, which includes flute, clarinet and piano.
“Throughout the event, a number of students, educators and education organizations will attend to gain important background knowledge on the range of issues that can be addressed through improved education activities and resources.These educators and students, along with other education professionals, will spend the Saturday exploring opportunities to bring new science into the classroom as part of curriculum, to explore activities and opportunities to put that knowledge to work, and to explore new tools, mechanisms and opportunities to improve learning.” The complete conference schedule, speaker list and registration information are all available at www.ww7b. org/site
M AY 2 012
the Legend
he University of Lethbridge is holding its annual Long Service Awards and Retirement Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday, May 9 at 1 p.m. in the Students’ Union Ballrooms. A total of 103 employees, including 20 retiring employees and those who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service, will be honoured. All employees are invited to the ceremony and reception to honour the award recipients listed below. The reception will include light refreshments.
Dr. Robert Boudreau has seen his role restructured as part of an office realignment.
Boudreau assumes role as ViceProvost and Associate Vice-President
r. Robert (Bob) Boudreau has been named the ViceProvost and Associate VicePresident (Academic) in a realignment of duties and responsibilities. The office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) has undergone a restructuring with the recent addition of the Associate Vice-President (Students), Dr. Judith Lapadat. The realignment of the duties and responsibilities of Associate Vice-President (Academic) Bob Boudreau to those of ViceProvost and Associate VicePresident (Academic) is another aspect of this shift.
Boudreau is a veteran Faculty of Management member with nearly 30 years of teaching and administrative experience at the U of L to his credit. He has served as the Acting Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, the Assistant Vice-President (Academic), and Associate Vice-President (Academic). His research experience is extensive, and focusses on finding out how burnout and stress affect various populations. He has developed a widely used questionnaire that has successfully confirmed alarming levels of burnout in medical professionals, among other job sectors.
recruiters have participated in major trade shows, and a number of Brazilian students have traded Rio and Sao Paulo for Lethbridge. Felipe Ferreira, Guilherme Costa and Daniel Lima are three such students, all in their third or fourth year of study, who have taken advantage of many programs while attending the U of L, including applied studies and international exchanges, as they have worked to complete their degrees. David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, delivered the opening address at the Conference of the Americas on International Education in Rio de Janeiro as part of the week’s activities. Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for Science and Technology, also attended.
University of Lethbridge President Mike Mahon was among a group of 30 Canadian university presidents who travelled to Brazil to take part in an educational tour, the largestever initiative of its kind. The goal was to showcase Canada and strengthen relationships with Brazil, a rapidly growing economic powerhouse. Doing business in Brazil is not a new process for the U of L. For several years,
In his role, Boudreau continues to report to the Provost and Vice-President (Academic). Working with the senior management team, he is responsible for providing leadership in academic program development, implementation, maintenance, and monitoring; academic program and unit quality assurance review, reporting, and monitoring; institutional planning and administration in all aspects of the academic operations, and relationship building within the institution, with government ministries, and across to other academic institutions.
Nola Aitken, Pat Anderson, Bill Cade, Maria Draper, Carol Gaetz, Mary Anne Hellinga, John Johnston, Cindy Kabelka, Frank Klassen, Michael Kubara, Christina Lastuka, Rita Law, Kathy Lee, Marg McKeen, Bruce McMullin, Shari Platt, Charlene Sawatsky, Richard Tedesco, Barbara Wolstoncroft and Joan Zimmer
Long Service Recipients 40 Years
Lois Boras and Jean Mankee
35 Years
Barbara Dickinson, Heather Mirau and Brian Parkinson
30 Years
Rene Barendregt, Annette Bright, Peter Heffernan, Barb Hodgson, Kurt Klein, William Krysak, Judy Lacey, Phill Lema, Valerie Richardson, Kim Selk and John Vokey
25 Years
Candace Dueck, John Eng, Frank Klassen, Sheila Lowe,
Fiona Randle, Thomas Staples, Greg Tompkins, Kelly Vaselenak, Peter Visentin and Diana Young
20 Years
Lynn Ambedian, Robin Bright, Naomi Cramer, Mary Dyck, Rod Gelleny, Michael Kern, Judith Kulig, Rick Peter, Robert Runte, Sandy Slavin, Maxine Tedesco and Jeff Vucurevich
15 Years
Dwayne Armstrong, Mara Baldwin, Kerry Bernes, Lesley Brown, James Clark, Stephanie Crighton, Tom Doyle, Larry Flanagan, Carolyn Gaebel, Cam Goater, Bradley Hagen, Rob Johnson, Ed Jurkowski, Angela Luck, Goldie Morgentaler, Dan O’Donnell, Kent Peacock, Brent Selinger, Marlo Steed and Nicole Wilson
10 Years
Peter Alward, Christine Anderson, Ebenezer Asem, Roberto Bello, Shawn Bubel, Kris Caldwell, Michael Campbell, Connie Chaplin, John Claassen, Melanie Collado, Dagmar Dahle, Alesha FarfusShukaliak, Bev Garnett, Daya Gaur, Joanne Gedrasik, Betsy Greenlees, Trevor Harrison, Linda Janz, Sharon Kanashiro, John Kometz, Igor Kovalchuk, Olga Kovalchuk, Bette Jo Kulak, James Linville, Douglas MacArthur, Claudia Malacrida, Kyla McFadden, Jacqueline Montain, Mandy Moser, Bob Muskovich, Janice Newberry, Tammy Paskuski, Jill Payant, Wilf Roesler, Edward Sandzewicz, Daryl Schacher, Darren Schell, Arlan Schultz, Daniela Sirbu, Debbie Tarnava, John Usher, Derek Vincent, Bernie Wirzba and Cindy Yee
U of L President Mike Mahon, left, receives some friendly tips on interesting places to see during his trip to Brazil from a trio of Brazilian students studying at the University. Felipe Ferreira (BMgt International Management/ French/Supply Chain Management) and Guilherme Costa (BA Kinesiology) are both from Sao Paulo, while Rio de Janeiro native Daniel Lima (BSc Psychology) met Mahon to talk about some of the opportunities the U of L group might have to connect with educational institutions and organizations while in Brazil.
the Legend
A P R I L 2 012
Legacy gift supports learning
or the late Ida Wiens, it was a love of learning that motivated her to complete her education, drove a successful career as a teacher and inspired a gift that leaves a legacy. Growing up in rural Saskatchewan, it was not easy for Wiens to pursue an education. She attended Rosenfeld County School initially but had to complete her high school by correspondence before being accepted to normal school in Regina. Wiens left home at the age of 20 to obtain a teaching certificate. “She had to work her way through normal school to pay for room and board. My parents helped her where they could but they didn’t have much to give,” says her brother Reinard Kohls. “Given her background and the fact that she was relatively without means, it was very impressive that she was able to do what she did.” Following graduation, Wiens taught in small schools throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta before settling in Coaldale in 1948. “She would tell young people to stay in school, keep their noses to the grindstone and get an education,” remembers Kohls. He says for Wiens there was no better investment. For her, learning was a continual process and she remained committed to her own education throughout her career. Although she taught full-time, Wiens pursued a bachelor of education degree through the University of Alberta by taking classes over several summers.
(From l to r): Helen Balanoff, Northwest Territories Literacy Council, researcher Emily Kudlak and Dr. Cynthia Chambers hold a ceremonial dance hat that dates from 1855.
The late Ida Wiens wanted to ensure that the next generation of students could have every opportunity to succeed.
She spent more than 36 years in the classroom before retiring in 1980. But even then, education remained a priority and having spent much of her life in southern Alberta, Wiens saw great value in the University of Lethbridge. “Ida and her husband Elmer were immensely proud that southern Alberta had managed to get its own university,” says Kohls. “Having grown up in small communities themselves, they saw this as a great opportunity for people from this area.” Grateful for her own education and successful career in teaching, Wiens wanted to ensure more students had the opportunity to go to university. With no living relatives, Wiens made an allowance in her estate for the University of Lethbridge.
The Elmer and Ida Wiens Faculty of Education Bursary will help provide the financial means necessary to train the next generation of teachers. Moreover, Wiens’ commitment has inspired a lasting legacy – one that remembers a teacher who believed in the importance of continued education, and one that will benefit the University well into the future. As a result of her bequest, Ida Wiens join the Fiat Lux Legacy Society, a group of donors who have left a legacy gift or are planning a legacy gift that will benefit the University of Lethbridge in the future. For more information, visit www.ulethbridge/giving or call 403-329-2582.
Watch for the SOS table at the Long Service Awards on May 9. If you make your gift at our table, you will be entered into a draw for a copy of Safe Home, a U of L Art Gallery publication featuring the Coutts gift. Come and chat with our enthusiastic volunteers – and make your gift!
Did you know? We have a new website! Visit www.uleth.ca/giving/ supporting-our-students to learn more about the campaign and donate today.
The British Museum’s collection of Inuinnait (Inuit) objects is part of a visual repatriation project that saw northern elders, crafts people and researchers – including the U of L’s Dr. Cynthia Chambers of the Faculty of Education visit the British Museum in London, England in mid-April. In the above photo, Helen Balanoff, Emily Kudlak and Chambers hold a ceremonial dance hat that dates from 1855. It features a loon beak and a weasel ermine skin. It is made from strips of white caribou hide, and white caribou hide dyed red with ochre and strips of a black hide that is possibly sealskin. “After the group saw it, Emily Angulalik, with the Kitimeot Heritage Society in Lethbridge called home to Cambridge Bay in Nunavut to inquire and found out that Archie Komak, from Ogden Bay, Nunavut had made a similar hat in the past,” says Chambers. “This confirmed that this hat was from the people in this project.”
The elders, researchers and crafts people examined British Museum tools, clothing and other objects dating back to the first encounters between Europeans and ancestors of the Inuinnait. The project is part of the Ulukhaktok literacies research, a long-term collaboration between the NWT Literacy Council, the community of Ulukhaktok and Chambers. The research looks at understanding what literacy meant traditionally to the Kangiryuarmiut and what it means today. The story of this trip will be told in video and photos, which will be posted on the NWT Literacy Council website (nwt.literacy.ca) once it is completed. This project adds to numerous research projects undertaken by the NWT Literacy Council over nearly a decade. Books, museum exhibits, slide presentations and educator ‘tool-kits’ have come from the many hours of research by individuals all over the north.
The University of Lethbridge Engineering Society presents its Canstruction entitled Pronghorn Pride.
SHOWING SOME HORNS PRIDE The University of Lethbridge’s Engineering Society was proud to get involved in the inaugural Canstruction event this past weekend at Centre Village Mall. The mortar board/ graduation cap Canstruction named Pronghorn Pride was designed to draw attention
to the U of L’s Engineering Transfer Program, and the many distinguished alumni who have used that program as their entry into the profession of engineering. All the food collected for Canstruction went to Lethbridge’s Interfaith Food Bank for distribution.
athletics AT T H E U
McAleenan enthused about opportunity BY TREVOR KENNEY
rin McAleenan has no problem admitting she has a competitive side that sometimes gets the better of her. It’s a feisty edge she’s ready and willing to bring to the Pronghorns women’s basketball program as its new voice and leader. McAleenan was tabbed as the 10th coach in the program’s history in April, taking over a team searching for some bite and subsequent success.
“I want to be able to give my student athletes opportunities to develop their leadership skills in the community.”
“I played the point and I was very competitive,” says McAleenan, a point guard for the University of Acadia Axewomen from 1999 to 2003. She comes to the Horns off a three-year stint as assistant coach with the University of Alberta Pandas. “I wasn’t afraid to be physical to the point that the game allowed. I played in the women’s league in Edmonton while I coached there . . . my competitive edge maybe takes over sometimes,” she laughs. A Sussex, New Brunswick native, McAleenan is getting her first crack at being a head coach at the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) level. Her pedigree is impressive, including a wealth
HORNS HAND OUT HARDWARE University of Lethbridge Pronghorn Athletics hosted its annual Blue and Gold Banquet, Friday, Mar. 30, to honour the outstanding athletes in athletic performance and academic achievement. Over 260 athletes, administrators, and special guests were in attendance for the supper and awards ceremony, with former Pronghorn Daryl Moore serving as guest speaker. The Award winners are as follows:
FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Only in her second season as a
of provincial and national team coaching experience. Currently, she is in her second year as head coach of Alberta’s U17 provincial team, and later this month she’ll spend two weeks as an apprentice coach/manager with the Canadian National Women’s Team as it prepares for the London 2012 Olympic qualifying tournament. Her penchant for coaching stems from her father, a high school teacher and coach, who she describes as turning Sussex into a basketball town when they
New Horns women’s basketball head coach Erin McAleenan is ready to get to work
G E T T H E FA C T S • McAleenan considers
herself a defense-first coach whose teams score off transition opportunities and good shot selection
• She was an assistant
coach with the Canadian Developmental National Team at the 2011 Pan Am Games
• Adopted, McAleenan
has a brother who played basketball at Bishop’s University and is currently living in Ottawa, as well as three half-brothers and two half-sisters, all living in New Brunswick
• McAleenan had never
met U of L President Mike Mahon while they were both at the University of Alberta, but she did teach his son Seann a physical activity course at U of A and his other son, Brennan, was a physical therapist for the men’s basketball program in her first year with the women’s team
Pronghorn, Crystal Patterson led her team to heights that have never been seen by the program. She built off a solid freshman year to become one of the premier goaltenders in Canada West and was named a Canada West First Team All-Star for her efforts. The Calgary native backstopped the Pronghorns women’s hockey team to its best season in school history and was in goal for all 14 of her team’s wins; second most of any goalie in the conference. She also led the conference in minutes played, saves and shutouts (6). The six shutouts were the third most in a single season in Canada West history. Patterson was also ranked fourth in goals-againstaverage with a 2.01 GAA and her 0.928 save percentage was third best in Canada West.
moved to the area in the 1970s. McAleenan began coaching as a Grade 8 student when she would help out at summer basketball camps for kids. “When I went to university, I wanted to be a physiotherapist, probably because I had suffered a lot of injuries and was really interested in that line of work,” she says. “Over time I realized that I really preferred working with kids. I ran all the summer camps at Acadia while I played there and when I was graduating (with a BSc) I knew I wanted to get into education.” She worked at a private school as an associate faculty member while she pursued her education degree at Trent University, coaching high school boys and girls and earning provincial team experience within the Ontario Basketball Association. After working as the lead assistant coach for the Ontario U17 provincial team, she met Alberta coach Scott Edwards at 2008 Nationals tournament in Charlottetown, and he encour-
aged her to move out west for the assistant’s position at University of Alberta. “While I loved teaching and working with high school kids, I think both my competitive side and my personal experience of playing CIS led me to want to try and make a difference with athletes at this age level,” she says. She comes to the Horns with her eyes wide open, understanding she’s entering a basketball hotbed with deep community roots. Gaining the trust of that community will be central to her success. “I don’t think it’s going to be easy but I think I’m the right person for the job,” she says. “I’m definitely a people person, I want to go out into the community and develop those relationships. It’s not going to happen overnight and like any relationship it’ll take time for people to get to know me and to trust me and support the program I’m leading.” Her approach is grassroots. “I want to connect with people, get involved with the
Jeff Nicol, left, and Ryan Thornley with the Male Athlete of the Year trophy.
In a rarity this year, there are co-male athletes of the year as Jeff Nicol and Ryan Thornley went
hand-in-hand this season as they led their team to its best finish at the conference championship in 12 years. The Horns men’s swim team hadn’t finished among the top four
high school and junior programs and expand our summer camp options,” says McAleenan. “The more I can get out in the community and give back, the more people will get to know me so that we can create those relationships.” The Pronghorn program has the capability to lead basketball development in southern Alberta and McAleenan says her players can benefit from taking on that responsibility. “I want to be able to give my student athletes opportunities to develop their leadership skills in the community and to do their part in being better role models, especially for younger females, whether that is through basketball specifically or other things I think we could get involved in,” she says. It all lends to creating an environment for success, both as students and as student-athletes. “I’m thrilled to be given the opportunity to work with these young student-athletes and I value the role we have in their development,” says McAleenan.
in the conference team standings since 2000 and both Nicol and Thornley were integral parts of the relay teams that earned valuable team points. At the conference meet, Nicol led the way with three medals, earning a silver medal in the 200-metre breaststroke and two bronze medals in the 50- and 100-metre breaststroke. Thornley led the way at the CIS Championships, earning the ‘Horns top finish and setting a new school record in the process. Thornley finished sixth in the 50-metre fly and broke an eightyear-old school record. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
the Legend
M AY 2 012
IRDF program promotes collaboration Established by the VicePresident Research, the Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund (IRDF) is a one-time nonrenewable research fund that will provide the foundation for
developing the next generation of interdisciplinary concentrations of research excellence at the University of Lethbridge. The General Faculties Council Research Committee
reviewed applications for IRDF funding and three proposals received support (up to $100,000 each over two years). This month we look at two of the three projects. The
third, The e-Book of New Media Methods and Practice, involving Leanne Elias (new media), Dr. Janice Rahn (education), Dr. John Usher (management), Michael Campbell (art) and
PROJECT INVESTIGATES HOW SOCIAL AGENCIES CAN BETTER DESIGN PROGRAMS AND POLICIES BY BOB COONEY The title of their project might be long, but five University of Lethbridge researchers are hoping their work leads to more concise ways in which disadvantaged groups, in particular women, can benefit from having input into, and influence over, social programs designed to assist them. The research team, comprised of Dr. Carol Williams and Dr. Glenda Bonifacio of the department of Women and Gender Studies, Dr. Patrick Wilson of the Department of Anthropology, Dr. Bonnie Lee of the Faculty of Health Sciences (addictions counselling) and Linda Many Guns of the department of Native American Studies recently received nearly $100,000 from the U of L Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund (IRDF) to explore a project entitled Creative Appropriations: Identities, Communities, and Development in Cross-Cultural
and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Simply put, the researchers are looking at how their target groups have been constructed by the state, appropriate the policies and programs directed at them by government or social agencies and how their particular cultural and lived experiences challenge these constructions to demonstrate alternative models of civic engagement. The project, suggests Lee, “may shed light on how government policies and non-government organizations (NGOs) can be better positioned to promote more inclusive and vibrant communities.” “This multi-faceted research project will allow us to better understand the possible implications of state and NGO programs for minority populations, and may help us to question the cultural and ideological impulses driving the design of certain projects,” says Williams. Wilson notes the results
Dr. Carol Williams, left, with Dr. Glenda Bonifacio.
may, “allow us to see the ways in which minority women, in this case, navigate sometimes hostile policy environments and therefore our results may allow for better design and planning of those policies and programs themselves. Better yet, it may encourage a shift in the control of a project’s design and implementation back to local communities and stakeholders.” The local communities and stakeholders aren’t just from one
particular group. The researchers will be talking with indigenous women involved in food sovereignty projects in Ecuador, women and women’s organizations in First Nations communities in Canada and the United States and racialized immigrant women in Canada. Very little comparative scholarship on the circumstances of racialized immigrant and indigenous women currently exists.
GROUP OF CHANGE-MAKERS LOOKING AT ACTIVISM AND HOW CHANGE CAN BE AFFECTED BY KALI MCKAY As Bob Dylan crooned in 1964, “The times they are a-changin’.” While much has happened since Dylan first sang those famous words, they remain true today – the question on the minds of a group of University of Lethbridge researchers is ‘how are they a-changin’?’ Funded by the U of L’s new Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund (IRDF), Complex Social Change: teaching, performing, exhibiting, designing, mapping is a project that focuses on the issues around being engaged and affecting social change. “We are a group of changemakers, investigating how change is made,” says Dr. Josephine Mills, director of the
U of L Art Gallery and principal investigator on this project. The other change-makers include Dr. Bruce MacKay (liberal education), Lisa Doolittle (theatre and drama), Dr. Tiffany MullerMyrdahl (women and gender studies) and Emily Luce (new media). “We are interested in the large issues around what constitutes effective action and whether young people today are engaged in social issues,” explains Mills, who says the work was inspired by debates around the recent Occupy movement. “The Occupy movement, no matter how disorganized they may appear to be, suggests that what may be lacking is the theory, knowledge and skills necessary to sustain active
Dr. Bruce MacKay, left, with Dr. Josephine Mills.
engagement against societal pressures that encourage passive acceptance,” says Mills, who hopes to draw on the success of social movements that did work like the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), which revolutionized AIDS activism in the 90s. “This project will explore connections between a liberal
education and encouraging activism and social engagement,” says Mills. She notes that taking a multi-disciplinary approach allows for different ways of approaching the issue. “People from different disciplines tackle problems differently,” says Mills. “Ideas can be investigated through poetry,
Cheryl Meheden (management) will be featured in the June Legend.
Through a combination of research methods, they hope to gain a clearer picture of some of the challenges or barriers women face in developing cultural or other programming, how they worked creatively to overcome them and how they engaged in ‘creative appropriation’ to make projects work better. “An agency might give a group funds, or design a social program for one specific purpose,” says Williams. The group, in turn, might use the money for that stated purpose, or creatively expand the bounds of the agency’s funding or program parameters. Williams says that sometimes those groups who work creatively to help their constituents can find themselves ‘de-funded’ if they stray too far from the stated plan set out by the group or governing organization overseeing the project. “We are hoping to collect information which can contribute to a new way of policymaking for organizations that allows for, as we’re calling it, the ‘creative appropriation’ of a program design or funding process to make it their own, and possibly more effective.”
art and dance, and connections can be made in non-linear ways. That’s what makes this interdisciplinary model so strong.” While still in the early stages, plans for the project include several public activities and activist events including: exhibitions, video screenings and public-site projects with the U of L Art Gallery; a community activist dance project; a web site and social media postings; high profile speakers; a local speaker’s series; and a publication. These public events and projects will address specific social issues, will serve as case studies for the exploring larger concepts, and will ground the theoretical context in actual practice. “Ultimately, we want this research to contribute to a contemporary definition of liberal education and to better understand what is involved with creating participation and engagement in activist actions in today’s society,” says Mills.
M AY 2 012
the Legend
Distinguished Teacher Hay where he wants to be BY TREVOR KENNEY
hen Dr. David Hay discovered he could actually study knights and castles in school, he never wanted to leave the educational environment. It’s good fortune for the University of Lethbridge that he still hasn’t. The winner of the 2012 Distinguished Teaching Award says he’s always had a love of history, and it’s his great fortune that he’s been able to turn it into a rewarding career.
“I’m often reminding myself that not a lot of people get to do what they love everyday.”
“As teachers, we should never forget just how lucky we are to be able to make our living helping people learn,” says Hay, who came to the University in 2000, his first professorship after earning his Phd from the University of Toronto. “It really is a pleasure to go into my classroom and study history with my students. I’m often reminding myself that not a lot of people get to do what they love everyday and I have that opportunity.”
Dr. David Hay has always had a great love of history, and revels in the chance to share his passion for historical learning with his students.
Hay discovered early that history was his calling. He remembers being a disinterested student until Grade 4 when he saw another social studies class was studying knights and castles. “I thought, ‘Wow, you get to do this in school?’ I’d been doing that at home by myself and started to realize you could study history in school.” It didn’t necessarily put him on a path to be an educator but it ignited a passion. “I was the first person in my family to go to university so I never really had that as a model,”
says Hay. “I never knew what the professor life involved and how I would go about being one. I just figured I’d keep studying history until they told me I had to get a real job.” Hay’s course load includes Western Civilization, Main Themes in Medieval History, The Crusades, Medieval Britain, Violence in Medieval Society, and The Twelfth Century Renaissance. His courses are in demand by students, and often the cause of enthusiastic discussion beyond the classroom. His course on The Crusades is the most popular offering by the
Department of History. “To see students progress is very gratifying,” says Hay. “I also just enjoy hearing new ideas and being able to explore them together with my students. If I were to summarize my teaching philosophy, I would characterize it as a pedagogy more of practice than of theory – which is merely to say that I have learned more inside of the classroom than outside of it.” Hay is known as a reflective scholar, constantly changing his teaching in response to his own reflections and the advice of students. The result has been
consistent improvement in the organization and delivery of course content, and in subsequent evaluations by his students. A widely respected and popular teacher, Hay has a teaching performance rating that, over the past decade, has never dipped below the outstanding level. “It’s satisfying to get the recognition from my colleagues because I hold them in very high esteem,” says Hay. “As well, to read the comments from my students, that they had a positive experience and learned something in my classes, is deeply satisfying to me.”
RASMUSSEN’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO AQUATIC RESEARCH EARN SCHOLAR INGRID SPEAKER MEDAL Professor of biological sciences Dr. Joseph Rasmussen has made outstanding contributions in fisheries and aquatic biology for three decades. For his distinguished record of achievement and enduring contributions to these areas of study, the University of Lethbridge has named Rasmussen as the recipient of the 2012 Ingrid Speaker Medal for Distinguished Research, Scholarship, or Performance. A Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Rasmussen is the director of the University of Lethbridge’s Water Institute for Sustainable Environments (WISE). His research papers have been published in several elite science journals, including Nature, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ecology
Letters, Ecological Monographs and the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, the latter of which is the leading international journal for aquatic sciences. Some of Rasmussen’s work has resulted in crucial research advances. He is a pioneer in using stable isotopes to characterize food web systems, and his work has had major impacts on biomagnification, toxic substances and studies of the invasion by exotic species. His expertise in aquatic ecology led to his appointment to Environment Canada’s National Oilsands Review Panel. In 2010, the Society of Canadian Limnologists awarded him the Frank H. Rigler Memorial Award, the society’s highest honour. “It was very gratifying to
Dr. Joseph Rasmussen continues to earn accolades for his aquatic research projects.
receive an award that has been given to many excellent scientists over the years, and to have my name associated with that of professor Rigler, who had such a profound impact on limnology and aquatic science in general,”
says Rasmussen of the honour. His work has had significant scholarly impact as well. Rasmussen’s cumulative citation record is impressive, with over 7,000 citations on the Web of Science, and over 9,000 on
Google Scholar, showing that his research papers are very influential in advancing the field of ecology.
the Legend
M AY 2 012
Markin Hall nominated for design honour
Markin Hall, the home of the Faculties of Management and Health Sciences, reflects the early morning light.
arkin Hall’s architectural design has been nominated for a 2012 Prairie Design Award in the Recent Work category. The winner will be announced in early May, but building designers were hopeful of earning the top prize. “We think it’s a great building and we want to share it,” says Martin Jones, partner at Calgary’s GEC Architecture. “Frankly, we think it’s a really
good piece of work. It’s one of the better buildings that we’ve done in recent years – probably ever.” Jones says the company applied for the award and was pleased to be accepted. He says Markin Hall’s design was inspired by Lethbridge’s climate and landscape. “With the wind and the sun being such strong influences in both winter and summer, and the Chinook being such a major
factor, if you design a building the right way in Lethbridge you can have workable, pleasant outdoor spaces. This is true even in the middle of winter because of the Chinook,” says Jones. “We were really trying to capitalize on this idea of a kind of front porch, a sun catch in the winter, but sheltered from the Chinooks . . . and also a kind of shady place in the summer.” He adds that the building’s design also considered the future
placement of an outdoor courtyard, which is set to undergo construction this summer. “The north side of the building has use of the trestle and coulee and river valley, and it’s eventually going to face a space that will be an animated, active quad on campus. In climatic terms we put a study area there with large, expansive glass with nice views out to the quad.” Home to the Faculties of Health Sciences and Manage-
ment, Markin Hall has already achieved Silver LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) status. The building features a high-tech healthcare simulation lab and a state-of-the-art finance trading room with real-time data from the world’s financial markets. The Prairie Design Awards were presented as part of the Alberta Association of Architects’ Banff Session.
THE SPRING 2012 SAM AND 2011 DONOR REPORT ARE NOW AVAILABLE! To view online, visit issuu.com/ulethbridge
M AY 2 012
the Legend
New website for complex
The University of Lethbridge’s Department of Facilities has launched a new website for the proposed Science Complex Project. The new site, located at www.uleth.ca/facilities/science-complex, contains background information and other important details that will allow the community to follow the project’s progress. The project incorporates three elements: a new building geared toward supporting science research and teaching, the redevelopment of University Hall and a new physical plant facility. While it’s still in the planning stages, the Science Complex Project is well within
the University’s vision for the future and will have far reaching benefits for the University and the extended community, says the project’s sponsor, Provost and Vice President (Academic) Andy Hakin. “Currently, the science research and teaching labs are located throughout University Hall. An ultramodern building dedicated to science research and teaching will not only facilitate collaborative opportunities between departments, but it will also offer faculty and students first-class working and learning environments that will enable them to reach their full potential,” says Hakin.
He added that the redevelopment of University Hall is an essential part of the overall project as it will revitalize the teaching and research environments primarily used by the social sciences and the humanities departments. Armed with $2.7 million in planning funds from the Government of Alberta, the facilities department is currently working on a project charter that will define the project’s objectives and operational structure. The Science Complex Project website will be updated as new information becomes available.
WELLNESS CENTRE READY FOR SUMMER PROJECTS BY JAMIE WOODFORD The 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness has been a welcome modern addition to the University’s Physical Education building, but not much has changed to the core of the nearly 40-year-old facility. That will change over the summer as the PE building gets a facelift. Beginning in early May, the existing mechanical and electrical systems will be upgraded, as well as some much needed renovations to several areas of Levels 0, 1 and 2. “It’ll be a much more comfortable facility in terms of climate. It’s going to be significantly brighter,” says project manager Jason Baranec. Aside from a few minor restorations, the PE building hasn’t changed since the 1970s when it was first built. When complete, the renovations will reflect the Wellness Centre, creating a more cohesive environment. “The driver for this project is the mechanical, electrical and infrastructure upgrades, and then we’re doing what we can architecturally to make it look as though the Wellness Centre and the PE building were all built at the same
NEW MODEL FOR COPYRIGHT Access Copyright and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada recently announced the negotiation of a new model license covering the reproduction of copyright-
time,” says Baranec. Renovations include new doors and exteriors to the southeast, southwest and northeast entrances, and linear solar tubes, similar to skylights, which will illuminate the main concrete staircase in the PE building. “It achieves the same purpose as a skylight except without having to cut too much concrete,” says Baranec. “There’s going to be a lot of natural daylight.” The kinesiology research labs on Level 2 will also be updated with new paint, lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems. Offices on the same level will receive new flooring in addition to the upgrades. Room PE250 will get new windows, and PE275 will see new carpet and millwork. Dayuse change rooms on Level 1 will also get an overhaul. The addition of “info walls” which integrate seating and bulletin boards will provide more gathering spaces in the building. The majority of the work is expected to be complete before the start of classes in September. The project was made possible with a $5.6 million grant from the Alberta government. The creation of a new
protected works in print and digital format. Dr. Andrew Hakin, U of L Provost and Vice-President (Academic) noted that the U of L’s review of the model license will be conducted “carefully to ensure that if the U of L enters into any copyright agreement it is in the best interests of our students and our faculty.”
sports medicine clinic is another construction highlight happening in the Wellness Centre this summer. The clinic will be located in the PE100 space below the south end of the running track. Once complete, it will house up to four physicians and associated support staff. The space will feature physiotherapy and exam rooms, treatment areas and doctor’s offices. Project Manager Gene Lublinkhof says the clinic has always been in the plans for the Centre. “There was space allotted for it from day one,” he says. As with the PE building renovations, the clinic’s design will also reflect the rest of the Wellness Centre façade. Construction is slated to begin in May, with completion anticipated in the fall. Although construction on both projects will be ongoing throughout the summer, arrangements have been made to cease work during Convocation and the Alberta Summer Games to avoid disruption. For more information call Baranec at 403-329-2703, or email jason.baranec@uleth. ca. Lublinkhof can be reached at 403-380-1869 or gene.lublinkhof@uleth.ca.
The U of L Copyright website (www.uleth.ca/lib/copyright) provides information on our current copying environment, including changes that took effect last fall. Any copyright-related inquiries may be forwarded to the University’s copyright advisor, Rumi Graham, copyright@uleth.ca.
he University of Lethbridge is poised to become a hub for the delivery of orthopedic medicine and sports medicine to the southern Alberta area. A lease agreement has been finalized that will bring Dr. Stephen Kwan and his group to campus to open a sports medicine clinic in fall 2012. It’s a relationship that has been in the planning stages for years and has finally come together this spring. “I’ve always wanted to do something in the way of a sports medicine clinic there,” says Kwan, whose practice is currently located on Mayor Magrath Drive South. “We’ve talked about it for a long time and gone through a whole pile of iterations and models to try and make this work and finally came up with one that suits both our group and the University.” The clinic will be located in the PE100 space below the south end of the running track in the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness. Once complete, it will house up to four physicians and associated support staff. The space will feature physiotherapy and exam rooms, treatment areas and doctor’s offices. Renovations of the area will begin in early May. “When the building was built, this space had always been set aside for a sports medicine clinic because we felt that was a component that fit very well with our vision for the 1st Choice Savings Centre and could support everything from Horns athletics to our community membership to our staff and faculty,” says Sandy Slavin, executive director of Sport and Recreation Services. Kwan says the clinic will be
HORNS AWARDS FROM PAGE 5 Both represented the University at the Canadian Olympic trials this past weekend, with Nicol qualifying for the ‘A’ final in the 200-metre breaststroke, finishing eighth. Other major award winners included:
For the second time in her Pronghorns’ career, Megan Bach of the women’s hockey program received the President’s Award, given to the student athlete with the highest academic standing at the University of Lethbridge. Bach achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA, while balancing her large commitment to the team.
similar to like models established at universities throughout the country. “We’re not reinventing the wheel. The models for this have been out in a variety of universities and we’re just doing the same sort of thing here,” he says. “My orthopedic practice will now operate out of the centre. We’ve got two sports medicine people who will be working part-time out of the clinic, and we’ll also have a full-time athletic therapy and physiotherapy clinic there. We’re basically just centralizing the delivery of sports medicine to the community as well as to the University.” Nancy Walker, the University’s vice-president (Finance and Administration), says the University wanted to ensure they found the right group to partner with for this venture. “For us, Dr. Kwan is a longtime Lethbridge resident, he plans to continue here and we plan to have a long-term relationship with him and his group,” says Walker. “We like this fit because they have a good vision for the future that matches our goals with the 1st Choice Savings Centre. Not only will we be able to provide support for the high performance athletes who train here, but we’re able to lead the way in promoting a healthy lifestyle for our students, staff and faculty and the community at large.” Kwan is also interested in the possibility of establishing a joint intake clinic, a pharmacy and to support research opportunities with University departments in kinesiology and neuroscience. “I’m very excited,” he says. “I’ve been in Lethbridge 18 years and it’s been a vision or a dream of mine since the very beginning.”
TEAM ACADEMIC AWARD Presented to the team with the highest academic standing. The women’s swim team received the team Academic award with a combined GPA of 3.16 Team MVPs (as voted by team members) Men’s Soccer – Colin Pattison Women’s Soccer – Sherry Latrace Men’s Hockey – Dustin Moore Women’s Hockey – Crystal Patterson Men’s Basketball – Dominyc Coward Women’s Basketball – Lauren Taal Men’s Track – Kyle Murray Women’s Track – Christina Juert Women’s Rugby – Kayla Moleschi
the Legend
M AY 2 012
Senate recognizes duo
Second-year neuroscience student Dipankar Goyal, a member of the U of L’s iGEM team, has been named the recipient of the Bill and Elsa Cade Student of the Year Award.
Lottie Austin and George Evelyn have earned the 2012 Senate Volunteer Award.
Lottie Austin and George Evelyn have repeatedly shown their willingness to commit personal time and resources to increasing community awareness and appreciation of the arts. Professor Emeritus in the Department of Music and recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Medal, Evelyn developed a fundraiser for the U of L Singers called the Festival of Art and Song. A founding member of the University’s Planned Giving Committee, Austin chaired the Festival of Art and Song Committee for several years, and was key to the festival’s success, ensuring
it met and exceeded its fundraising goal every year. Austin and Evelyn share a passion for education and music performance, and an expertise in administration. The U of L’s arts and music programs have received broader awareness through their efforts. The two agreed to be co-Chairs of the Music in the Making campaign, and have been critical in its success. Designed to benefit the U of L Music Conservatory and launched in 2011, the Music in the Making campaign surpassed its fundraising goal of $500,000, thanks in large part to Austin and Evelyn’s efforts
to rally supporters of the arts and of the University. Campaign funds will support the purchase of appropriate equipment and musical instruments for the Music Conservatory’s new space in the Community Arts Centre in downtown Lethbridge. The success of this campaign will allow the Conservatory to successfully relocate to its new home. For their unwavering commitment to the U of L and the community, Lottie Austin and George Evelyn are the recipients of the 2012 Senate Volunteer Award for volunteer work on behalf of the University of Lethbridge.
A student with high aspirations has received an award to match. Dipankar (Dee) Goyal, a second-year neuroscience student recently received the Bill and Elsa Cade Student of the Year Award. Goyal moved to Lethbridge from Victoria for his university studies and has been truly amazed by the opportunities provided at the U of L. “For an undergraduate student, getting the opportunity to work under a professor in first year is simply magnificent. It has been a great experience having done research under Dr. HJ Wieden, Dr. Robert Laird and Dr. Olga Kovalchuk,” says Goyal. He has set his sights on medical school, and is working his way toward that goal by engaging in a combination of academic and community service activities that he hopes will
take him far. “I look forward to attending medical school with a long-term goal of joining an organization like Doctors Without Borders,” he says. “It is far more than a dream for me to one day become a part of an experience like that – it is my passion, dedication and ambition.” Goyal recently organized the Relay for Life Star with the Canadian Cancer Society. He also volunteers under Dr. Surendar Kilam and Dr. Ryan McColl at the Chinook Regional Hospital, and is a crucial part of the award-winning International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) team here on campus. The iGEM team ranked as one of the top four teams at the Americas Competition and as the top Canadian team internationally, all based on its efforts to build a bacterium that could consume oil sands tailings pond residue.
arning a master’s degree presents enough challenges in itself. Applying for graduate studies shouldn’t unnecessarily complicate matters before that quest even begins. Through the Recruitment and Retention Integrated Planning (RRIP) project, an online graduate studies application process is being developed with the aim of making that task faster and more user-friendly. “Most of the graduate students are employed and they don’t have the time to work through a cumbersome paperdriven process,” says Alice Miller, the assistant registrar and team leader of the online graduate application review. Working online, graduate students are able to get an immediate response to their efforts, such as the ability to upload essential documents.
“They know exactly where they are as they go through the process,” says Miller. “That isn’t possible now and that’s a high source of frustration for them.” Miller says the University recognized it was lagging behind other comprehensive universities in Canada by not providing an electronic graduate application process. While some universities are at differing stages in the level of service or options they provide online, “everyone is moving forward to the next level of electronic capability.” The current paper-driven application process involves massive amounts of data entry, which is not only time consuming, but makes it subject to the possibility of input errors. Looking at the experiences of other universities that have moved to an online system, Miller believes the electronic method could cut two to six weeks from the time a
student applies until they receive a notice of acceptance.
“Most of the graduate students are employed and they don’t have the time to work through a cumbersome paper-driven process.”
That is a significant benefit for students, and in the case of international student applicants,
the quicker response could prove to be a deciding factor on whether to apply or not. A current graduate student application from an international student can take upwards of three to six months to move through the system (plus an additional three months if a student visa is required). By reducing that turnaround time and streamlining the process, the U of L becomes that much more accessible. Undergraduate students have had the benefit of an electronic application process for the past three years and Miller says the feedback from all involved has been fantastic. The biggest plus has been the ability to request transcripts electronically, vastly improving the time it takes to move applications through the system. “As a result, we’re able to make earlier offers of admission,” says Miller. The need to introduce technology into the graduate student
application process had long been a priority for the Registrar’s Office. With the launch of RRIP, that need quickly became a priority for the University as the team recognized it was essential to remove barriers for its graduate students. Miller says the increase in graduate student applications as a result of a move to an electronic application process could be substantial. When another Canadian institution went electronic, its graduate studies applications ballooned from 2,300 one year to 4,100 the next. With 373 graduate studies applications in 2010-11, Miller says they estimate the introduction of the electronic process could result in 600 to 700 applications. The project has now become operational through the dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Dr. Robert Wood, registrar Don Hunt, and chief information officer Clark Ferguson.
M AY 2 012
the Legend
2012 Honorary Degree Recipients
Jim Coutts has made significant contributions to Canada, through his public service, conservation efforts and philanthropy, and to the University of Lethbridge, to which his donations include over 200 pieces for the Art Gallery and a homestead property near Nanton, Alta. Coutts has had a fruitful career in law, business and public service, and served as Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson in 1963. He was also the Principal Secretary to Pierre Trudeau during his tenure as Prime Minister, spending six years in this role. In 2011, Coutts donated to the U of L the land homesteaded by his grandfather, near Nanton. This land brings a major opportunity for the University to develop its programming and community connections.
One of the founders of modern molecular biology, Patrick O’Farrell introduced technical innovations that revolutionized the study of proteins and made the use of proteins in medical diagnostics possible. In 1969, while a graduate student pursuing a PhD in Biochemistry in Colorado, O’Farrell thought of using separations in two dimensions to resolve complex mixtures of proteins on electrophoretic gels. While his goal was to follow molecular events during the embryogenesis of the particular alga that he was studying, the 2-D gel electrophoresis technique that he developed could be applied to protein mixtures from any source. While still a student he prepared a paper describing this method. This paper is now the sixth most cited paper in biology and chemistry.
The 11th Chancellor of the University of Lethbridge, Richard Davidson represented the institution with pride, emphasizing its connections with the community. Davidson’s first formal appointment with the U of L was with the University Senate in 1983. He served as a University Senator for two terms (eight years), becoming the University’s Chancellor in 2007, a position he held until 2011. During this time he tirelessly and proudly represented the institution, presiding over many Convocation ceremonies. Davidson has also been a valuable community volunteer, working for several organizations and supporting many charitable causes. As a volunteer he has worked for, among others, the Chamber of Commerce, the Community Foundation, the Kinsmen Club of Lethbridge, the Regional Hospital Foundation, and the United Way. In 2010, he was recognized by the local Rotary Club as the Lethbridge Citizen of the Year and was named by Alberta Venture as one of the 50 most influential people in the province.
PETE STANDING ALONE A respected Blood Tribe Elder, Pete Standing Alone is a teacher, cultural guide and leader who has been an integral part of the U of L’s commitment to Aboriginal education. He is committed to maintaining and promoting the traditions of his people, and has served as a cultural advisor to several organizations and to Red Crow Community College. At the U of L, Standing Alone has led the opening ceremonies of Native Awareness Week for several years. He is consulted by the Blackfoot people on all aspects of traditional and contemporary Blackfoot culture, including ceremonies, sacred societies, protocol, education, history and social and cultural issues. A traditional Blackfoot Knowledge Keeper and educator for over 50 years, Standing Alone continues to devote his time and energy to his community and to serving as a role model for others.
hree University of Lethbridge faculties are collaborating on two new, innovative combined degree programs that will bring a management focus to Health Sciences (public health) and Fine Arts (new media). Open to all current or incoming students beginning in September 2012, these first-inCanada degrees are designed to bring the best of all three groups’ academic and career-related processes together so students can earn a Bachelor of Management and either a Bachelor of Fine Arts, New Media or a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Public Health. Graduates would be granted two degrees after meeting the requirements of both programs. “This is a great example of our faculty members recognizing an opportunity, driven in part by requests from our
students, to bring added value to three completely different degree programs,” says Dr. Andy Hakin, the U of L’s Vice-President (Academic) and Provost. “Cross-campus collaboration happens in many places at the U of L, formally and informally, and these new combined degrees show the type of creativity, innovation and co-operation that helps our students achieve their full potential. I commend the Management, Fine Arts and Health Sciences teams that put these programs together.” Co-operative and applied study opportunities are available in all three faculties so students can further enhance their skills and work experiences in Canada or internationally. As well, merit-based and entrance scholarships are available in Management, Public Health and Fine Arts. For Dr. Bob Ellis, the dean
of the Faculty of Management, the chance to work with his colleagues in two different degree streams was an opportunity that further reinforces his interest in collaboration. “We have excellent programs in our respective Faculties, and graduates of these dual degree programs will possess exceptional knowledge and skills that employers will seek out,” says Ellis.
The dual Fine Arts/Management degrees combine new media, film and video production, art, drama, and music with marketing, information technology and management practice. “The BFA (New Media)/ BMgt combined degree makes graduates even more competitive in the marketplace, giving them skills in interactive technolo-
gies, marketing in digital media and social networking sites, as well as business and people management,” says Dr. Desmond Rochfort, the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts. “This unique combination of business and new media expertise opens up more professional opportunities for our fine arts students, and also for those management students who are looking to add the creativity of new media to their degrees.”
The combined Public Health/Management degree will see students taking courses in ethics, psychology, ecology of health and disease, human geography and addictions, combined with finance, organizational behavior, global management and labour relations, among other courses.
“Given that policy and administration are key streams of public health, an option to combine the BHSc (Public Health) degree with a Management degree provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain knowledge in both areas,” says Dr. Christopher Hosgood, the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. “By focusing the skills of management in the field of public health, graduates will be able to seek opportunities in administrative positions in a variety of areas of public health practice. Our program is developing a good track record of placing students with employers upon graduation, in public, private, and not-for-profit sectors that require specialists in public health who know how to manage people and resources and understand strategic and policy issues.”
Yamashita proud of her small-town roots BY STACY SEGUIN
r. Kathy Yamashita (BASc ’72) puts a new twist on the saying that good things come in small packages. Yamashita is a firm believer that it is also good to come from small places. Her experience growing up in the small town of Vauxhall had a profound effect on the direction of her career. “I was influenced by our family doctor, Dr. Campbell. Over the years he got to know our family well. I was impressed that when I would go to see him he would also ask about the welfare of other members of my family. I thought that if I was ever a doctor, I would like to be like that,” explains Yamashita. In 1968, Yamashita enrolled at a very young University of Lethbridge. She attended her first three years of classes at the University’s temporary site on the Lethbridge Junior College campus. “I was shy and the thought of going away to a university was too frightening. To have the University open up in Lethbridge one year before I graduated high school, where I could come and live with my aunt for the first year was a big plus,” remembers Yamashita. “Sometime during my second or third year, I realized I couldn’t attend the University forever. I considered the professions; at that time it was uncommon for a woman to go into medicine, but I had gained confidence in my academic abilities and I thought, ‘why can’t I go into medicine’?”
G E T T H E FA C T S • Yamashita is a very proud mother of two daughters
• She is proud to call the
University of Lethbridge her family’s “home university”. She has five siblings and all have attended the U of L
• Yamashita was a 2004
recipient of the University of Lethbridge Distinguished Alumni Award
• She is currently serving as the secretary for the South Alberta Presbytery and is the editor of the Kyogikai Newsletter for the National Japanese United Church Association
Dr. Kathy Yamashita continues to encourage young people, especially young women, to consider careers in the medical field.
Yamashita spent her fourth year of studies preparing for medical school, taking biology and chemistry classes in the newly constructed University Hall. “It was wonderful! You even got to take an elevator to class,” laughs Yamashita as she remembers how tightknit the University community was. “My brother and I both lived in residence. He was in his second year and would frequently forget to wake up for Paul Lewis’ parasitology class. One day Paul took his other students and they went to
my brother’s room, woke him up and had class there. You see, in those early days, only about five or six years of age separated us from our professors. They were a big source of our social gatherings. They would have us to dinner or hang out with us at corn roasts; it was a very collegial atmosphere.” She graduated with a BASc in 1972 and was accepted to the University of Calgary medical school, which opened its doors only two years earlier. She was one of 35 students who graduated from the U of C medical
school in 1975. “I came from a small school in Vauxhall to a small university to an even smaller medical school. It is good to come from small; you cannot be ignored. Being from small, you are encouraged to be yourself. You can’t hide in the back row. Someone will always ask you what you think and expect you to speak. So, being shy? Well, I am no longer shy. It was encouraging to be from small, where your voice is important.” In 1978, Yamashita opened the Lacidem Clinic in Lethbridge
John Gill
U OF L MOVING EDMONTON CAMPUS TO CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE TO BETTER SERVE ITS STUDENTS The University of Lethbridge will relocate its Edmonton campus to Concordia University College effective July 1, 2012. The move keeps the U of L close to downtown Edmonton and its primary student population, while providing more of a campus experience for its students. “We’ve operated a campus in Edmonton for almost 20 years, and our students have told us, loud and clear, that while they value our programming and flexibility, they were missing out on a campus environment,” says Dr. Andy Hakin, the U of L’s Vice-President (Academic) and Provost. “By listening to our students and closely following the direction provided by
our strategic and academic plans, the move to Concordia’s campus will greatly enhance the U of L student experience in Edmonton.” The agreement with Concordia will see the U of L’s Edmonton team move from a downtown office to its own leased administrative space on the Concordia campus, while providing classrooms and other services for U of L students. The arrangement is similar to that of the U of L Calgary campus, which has a lease partnership with Bow Valley College in downtown Calgary. Approximately 500 students attend U of L classes in Edmonton each year, primarily in evenings and on weekends.
The U of L’s presence at Concordia will subsequently not conflict with regular Concordia classes. The U of L will have the use of several classrooms, videoconference facilities and student computer labs. As well, U of L students will have access to the Concordia library, recreation and fitness facilities, bookstore and cafeteria. The campus location also offers convenient parking and transit access, something that was lacking at the previous location. “This move presents a great opportunity for our institutions to work together to serve our students in new and innovative ways,” says Hakin.
as the lone physician. She now works with five other female physicians who all specialize in family practice. Over the years, Yamashita has spent countless hours volunteering for various organizations and boards, including the LRH Sexual Assault Response Team (of which she is an original member), Canyon Church Camp and the University Senate. Despite her busy schedule, Yamashita believes in making friends and loved ones a priority. She recently returned home from Durban, South Africa, where she went to cheer on her nephew, U of L lifeguard Jon Yamashita, at the Commonwealth Lifesaving Championship, and to catch up with good friend Helga Holst, CEO of the McCord Hospital. While there, she attended an HIV conference and toured the hospital and the construction site of a unique orphanage designed as a children’s village, a place for the children, orphaned due to the HIV crisis, to call home. “I think I am meant to do something with that experience, but I don’t know what yet,” says Yamashita who, in the meantime, will continue her work with young people that are considering a career in the medical field. “I teach first and secondyear family medicine residents and third-year medical students. I have other students that come and job shadow me at family medicine as well. I want students to see how much fun this is and what a great career this is. It is a joy to do my job!”
Memorial Golf Tournam e nt
Birdies 4 Bursaries
Friday, June 8, 2012, 1:30 p.m. Shotgun Start Henderson Lake Golf Course For more information: www.uleth.ca/alumni or call 403-382-7174
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12-03-30 1:47 PM
& wellness
Bee Heart Smart Challenge set to begin BY SUZANNE MCINTOSH
he Bee Heart Smart Physical Activity Challenge is a sure sign of spring, as much as the crocuses and daffodils blooming in my yard. This is the 8th annual edition of the Heart Smart Physical Activity Challenge and runs from May 1 through June 10. The goal of the challenge is to promote physical activity, improve health and offer a fun challenge to your co-workers. As per usual, there will be top performance and random draw prizes for participation. New to the challenge in 2012 is the ability of our website (heartsmart.ulethbridge.ca) to help you to register your activities, win beat points and register achievements for each weekly challenge.
Weekly Challenges
Week 1 – May 1-6 - Take the Stairs Week 2 – May 7-13 Stretching at your desk Week 3 – May 14-20 - Lunch and Fitness class Week 4 – May 21-27 Healthy Eating Week 5 – May 28 to June 3 Bike or walk to work Week 6 – June 4-10 - Walk in the Coulees
Employee Health and Wellness Survey
Thanks to all who took the time to complete the Employee Health and Wellness Survey. We had a total of 700 employees participate, which is an excellent return. The preliminary survey results and initial reports will be available the third week in May. The goal of this survey is to make our campus even healthier with your feedback and suggestions. Congratulations to those who won prizes for completing the survey. The Grand Prize winner of a Blackberry Playbook is Sheila Matson, and the half Wellness Day (half day off with pay, is Kelly Vaselenak. Draw prize winners included: Steve Fox (10 visit punch pass to Sport and Recreation Services); Linda Anderson (Thai Foot Massage); Renae Hougen (Fitness Class from SRS); Jill Payant (Car Care package); Lynette Lacroix ) Wayne Street Epicure Spice Package); Kyle Selke (Bookstore Gift Certificate).
Nutrition MYTH of the month: Avoid carbs if you want to lose weight.
The Truth: Want to lose weight? There’s no need to take carbohydrates off the menu.
It’s true that cutting carbs can help you lose weight in the short-term. But, it’s often because you eat more fat and protein. Both of these nutrients can make you feel fuller. This leads you to eat less than you normally would. Cutting carbs means you could miss out on nutrients. These nutrients are found in healthy choices from all four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide.
Carbs are found in many vegetables and fruit like pears, carrots and squash. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Carbs are also found in grain products. This includes foods such as whole grain breads and pastas. These foods have B vitamins, iron, zinc and fibre. Calcium and vitamin D rich milk and yogurt also contain carbs. Legumes, beans and lentils also contain carbs, along with fibre,
protein and iron. Diets that limit carbs can be hard to stick to for very long because so many foods are offlimits. To help lose weight and keep it off, have an eating plan that is realistic for you to follow and includes healthy foods. This will include foods that have carbohydrates. Limit sugary foods like candy, cookies and pop. These foods provide lots of sugar and contain little to no nutrients that support your best health. Weight loss plans help only when you stay on a plan. If you make a plan, ask yourself if it will be easy to fit into your life. Try to make small changes first. Look to Canada’s Food Guide to help plan a healthy diet. Include a variety of foods from each of the four food groups, in the amount of food that’s right for you! To get more information on nutrition and healthy lifestyles, call Building Healthy Lifestyles at 403-388-6675. (Article provided by Registered Dietitians of Alberta Health Services) As always, I look forward to any comments, suggestions or questions. Suzanne McIntosh is the University’s Wellness Co-ordinator.
FACULTY OF EDUCATION ALWAYS KEEN ON STRENGTHENING THE PROGRAM The University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education is embarking upon a unique partnership with students and alumni to better understand and further strengthen the Faculty’s academic program. “This teacher education program has always been successful,” says Dr. Thelma Gunn, assistant dean, Student Program Services. Why it has been successful, however, has never been formally researched. “We want to know specifically what components of the educational program had the most impact on pre-service teachers—and then how those components were eventually perceived out in the field.” Data collection will initially be survey-based, with interviews and possibly focus groups developing as the study progresses. “We’d like to start with individuals who would agree, even in ED 2500, to be tracked as they go into PSI, II, III, and then out into the profession.”
Dr. Thelma Gunn and her colleagues recognize the Faculty’s academic program cannot rest on its laurels.
A major facet of the initiative will be feedback from graduates. “We value what they know and understand about being a teacher. Now we want to find out more information about how our on-campus components contributed to their development as a teacher,” says Gunn.
“Alumni can provide at least two important ideas for us,” adds Dr. Craig Loewen. “One is reflection on what parts of their program had the greatest impact on their teaching career. The other is current experience in the field and advice on what new we might need to add.” Although the program has
changed over time, the study isn’t limited to recent graduates. “It’s mostly the academic portion that’s changed, not necessarily the feeling,” says Gunn. “We don’t know specifically what people have valued. It might be the personal experiences they had here—the small groups, the collegiality, the
professors who were committed to developing teachers.” Veteran teachers often see trends that newer teachers can’t, she notes, and may have “something intriguing to state in terms of how the program could move forward.” “We’re interested in anyone who was a graduate of the faculty,” says Gunn, “even if they use their BEd in another capacity. Then there are people who’ve left the profession altogether. Why they left is equally interesting to us.” “We’re just really interested in what students and alumni have to say about the overall program. If there was something good we want to keep it, and if there was something they think could have been done differently, we want to know. We’re looking for genuine, authentic perceptions of the program.” For more information, visit: edu.sps@uleth.ca
the Legend
M AY 2 012
events C A L E N D A R
May 4 | CAETL Teaching Day Sessions include Pecha Kucha presentations from faculty and graduate students focusing on various aspects of teaching and learning 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., L1168
May 1 | Campus Master Plan Open House | This is the first of two planned public open houses for the Campus Master Plan 2 p.m., Devonian Walkway
May 24 | Wellness Lunch and Learn – Mindful Eating | Betty Van, Building Healthy Lifestyles dietitian talks about how mindful eating can help you manage your weight 12:05 p.m., AH100
May 5 | Lethbridge Sports Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony This year’s theme is 50 years of Canadian university sports, with guest speaker Dr. Mike Mahon, former CIS athlete and administrator, and President of the University of Lethbridge 6 p.m., Coast Lethbridge Hotel
May 7 | RiboClub Seminar Presented by the Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute | 2 p.m., B716 May 16 | NFB Film Club – Wiebo’s War A 93-minute documentary about the Reverend Wiebo Ludwig and his battle with the oil and gas industry | 7 p.m., L1060 June 8 | John Gill Memorial Golf Tournament | Help support student scholarships in this annual charity golf event 1:30 p.m., Henderson Lake Golf Club
The Spring 2012 semester has come to a close and only a quiet murmur propagates through many of the campus hallways, and yet the University of Lethbridge is still a vibrant, busy place. A strong contingent of students, staff and faculty will remain busy through the summer months, and for the first time in recent memory, the Zoo will be open for everyone to enjoy. In past years, the Zoo closed at the end of the spring semester and would re-open again in September. This year, the Zoo will be re-opening its doors on Monday, May 7. The Zoo will offer a great summer menu that includes numerous Zoo classics and some new summer flavours
to spice things up. Specials on libations will be available every day with savoury offerings for all tastes. A great new addition to the Zoo’s atmosphere is the bright, comfortable outdoor furniture that populates the patio. New seating, tables and umbrellas promise a delightful place to enjoy the best the Zoo has to offer during the upcoming Lethbridge summer. The Zoo will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 11a.m. to 7 p.m. (with Happy Hour running from 4 to 7 p.m.) on Thursday and Friday. To view the Zoo’s new summer menu, visit www.ulsu. ca. Please feel free to contact the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union at 403-3292222 or stop by our office in SU180.
Really going to miss #uleth over the summer!! J #bestuniversityever
Wiebo Ludwig fought passionately against the oil and gas industry over the gas leaks he felt were poisoning his family.
WIEBO’S WAR THE LATEST NFB FILM CLUB OFFERING BY SANDRA COWAN The University Library presents Wiebo’s War, the latest screening of the library’s NFB Film Club series, Wednesday, May 16 at 7 p.m. in room L1060. Wiebo Ludwig, who died recently of esophageal cancer, was a controversial figure in Alberta. The fundamentalist Christian minister and patriarch of a self-sufficient communal farm in northwestern Alberta has been labelled an eco-warrior and a terrorist for his resistance against the oil and gas industry that has taken over the land in that region. There were numerous
poisonous gas leaks that the Ludwig clan believe caused illness, deaths and miscarriages amongst their family and their livestock. Their complaints went unresolved by the industry and the government, and so began their long struggle against the oil and gas companies in the area. In 2001 Ludwig was convicted of charges related to the bombing of an oil and gas installation, and he was suspected of involvement in later pipeline bombings. The 93-minute documentary, Wiebo’s War, begins with filmmaker David York trying to convince the family to allow
him to document their lives and their story in spite of his atheism. Apparently he won them over, because they allowed he and his film crew to live with them on their compound for up to two weeks at a time over a two-year period. The film goes on to present an inside view of the family’s life on the communal farm, their religious faith and their battle against the oil and gas industry. “A rude guest, believe me,” says Ludwig of the gas company invading his family’s land. The animated short film, A Prairie Story, by Calgary director Anne Koizumi, will precede the screening of Wiebo’s War.
I love the stare downs that happen when you walk by the break out rooms in markin. #uleth #ialwayswin Dear #psyc1000 Im breaking up with you. It’s not me, it’s you. I am glad I will never see you again. Just have to say, this video may have played a role in my decision to transfer into the ULeth BFA New Media program. :P Awesome, awesome, work Signed a lease today! Moving to #Lethbridge officially in May! Excited to be at #uleth !!! You never really know how fast you can run until you wake up and realize your final started ten minutes ago. its nights like these that make me realize how much I am going to miss it here #uleth #kainaifamily
A P R I L 2 012
the Legend
Summer camps open children’s imaginations
oes your child spend the summer saying, “I’m bored?” Or, do they spend their free time crafting, creating, writing, acting, dressing up and putting on a show? Help them hone those imaginative interests by learning new techniques in art and drama. The University of Lethbridge’s Faculty of Fine Arts offers creative and energizing camps in art and drama throughout the summer. With weekly camps running from July 3 through Aug. 17, there are many opportunities to get youth involved in the arts. “Our summer drama and arts camps are an opportunity for campers to explore something different or learn something new about a subject they already have an interest in,” explains Katherine Wasiak, camp director. The Act 1 Drama camp is for participants aged 7-11 looking for an action-packed week of activities. Students create characters, tell stories and improvise
There’s no chance of ever getting bored at one of the U of L’s summer camp offerings.
while learning all about theatre production. The Encore Drama camp is for 12-16 year-olds looking for a dramatic challenge. Students can build on a love for theatre and performance by participating in all elements of theatre production including writing, directing, acting, stagecraft and more. The Art Ventures camp offers participants aged 7-11 the opportunity to dabble in different types of artistic creation with something new to learn and create each day. No experience is necessary for this beginner camp. The Artists’ Studio is geared specifically for participants aged 12-16. Students get involved in this in-depth artistic experience with a variety of creative methods including painting, sculpture, printmaking, murals and more. In addition to providing a valuable creative outlet for the community, the Fine Arts camps also benefit U of L students by offering hands-on experience teaching the classes. “The camps provide our
students, who are the camp instructors, with practical experience in their area of study. This opportunity is especially useful for students pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Education combined degrees program,” says Wasiak. The camps are different every year and in some cases each week, based on the interests and expertise of the instructors, who work together to create the curriculum for their camps. “The Fine Arts summer camps keep kids entertained with different activities every day, and they walk out with finished products they can be proud of,” adds Wasiak. The weeklong camps include all materials, daily lunches and a camp T-shirt for all participants. To find out more about the dates and prices of the Art and Drama camps visit www.uleth.ca/sportrec or call 403-329-2691.
As part of the annual Art Student Open House, the Department of Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts presented student awards recognizing excellence in Art History/Museum Studies and Art Studio. Awards and winners were as follows: Southern Alberta Art Gallery Award – Christina Olson, Kasia Sosnowski Students’ Union Award – Lisa Spinelli David Lanier Memorial Award – Kalen Hussey Art History and Museum Studies Gallery Award – David Smith
Excellence in Art History and Museum Studies Award – Jennifer VanderFluit Trap\door Artist Run Centre Award – Evan Peacock Excellence in Digital Art Award – Kasia Sosnowski Excellence in Art Studio Award – Neysa Hale Faculty of Fine Arts Award – Arianna Richardson Studio Art Supplies Painting Award – Sarah Stringam Art Department Purchase Prize – Bonnie Patton, Nicole Lalonde Roloff Beny Award – Arianna Richardson, Nicole Lalonde
Pictured (l to r) are: Fred Bradley from the Crowsnest Heritage Initiative, Bruce Decoux, Mayor, Municipality of Crowsnest Pass and Dr. Desmond Rochfort, dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts as they recently unveiled an interpretive panel at the Gushul Studio in Blairmore, Alta. Originally housing the studio of Thomas Gushul, a prolific and pioneering Canadian photographer, the building was designated by the Province of Alberta as a Registered Historic Resource in 1986. Since 1988 the Faculty of Fine Arts has used the facility for short-term residencies for professional Canadian and international visual and literary artists.
Feel ‘far out’ making psychedelic lava lamps on Saturday, May 12 at Culture Vulture Saturday! From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the University Hall Atrium, Culture Vultures can enjoy creating groovy lava lamps using precut templates and tissue paper, exploring the U of L Art Gallery and Helen Christou Gallery exhibitions and talking to staff about the current exhibition,
The 1960s. “Lava lamps were an iconic fixture in the 1960s and 1970s,” says Rosalind Jeffrey, Culture Vulture program co-ordinator. “It’s going to be fun for participants to either take a pre-made paper lamp template or create their own, add tissue paper, and then light up their creation.” Refreshments are provided and as always, it’s free!
images L ASTING
(TOP) R.F.M.
McInnis, Cows and Little Ones (detail), 1996. From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010. (LEFT) R.F.M. McInnis, The Hill, 1994. From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010. (BOTTOM LEFT) R.F.M.
McInnis, Red Barn and Clouds, 1998. From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Gift of Jim Coutts, 2010.
Robert Francis Michael McInnis was born in 1942 in Saint John, N.B., where he received a diploma in fine and applied arts in 1961. In his early career, McInnis worked as a newspaper reporter and photographer, and served as a Royal Canadian Air Force photographer from 1962 to 1966. Before moving to Toronto to devote his life to painting at the age of 30, McInnis held the position of Art Department Head at the Prince George College in British Columbia. In the years since his decision to focus on painting, McInnis has roamed east and west, living in Canada’s urban centres and homesteading on the Albertan prairies. He is known for his landscape paintings depicting the rolling hills and grain elevators of rural Alberta, but has also completed a large body of work featuring the figure as his subject. RFM McInnis continues to paint at his current home in Winnipeg.