Transfer Guide
Welcome The University of Lethbridge welcomes over 1,000 new transfer students each year. Whether you have completed a few courses, a certificate, a diploma, or an applied degree, you may be eligible to receive credit for the courses you’ve already taken. In a time where technology becomes outdated overnight, and competition for jobs has never been higher, the value of a university degree has never been clearer. Our main campus is located in Lethbridge. With a full range of services and facilities, you’ll find yourself enjoying the traditional student experience on the main campus. You’ll meet other students in a wide range of programs, most of whom are full-time students, and you will have access to over 60 student clubs on campus catering to a diverse group of interests and opinions. Our campuses in Calgary and Edmonton offer evening and weekend classes. Complete a Bachelor of Management degree or one of the management certificates, take courses that bridge to a professional accounting designation, or simply refresh your knowledge base. Whether you have previously taken management courses or not – even if you have a degree or diploma in a non-management field – contact the Calgary or Edmonton campus to explore your options.
Transfer Students Admission For admission to the University of Lethbridge as a transfer student, most programs require a cumulative 2.00 GPA, although some programs may be competitive. Depending on the number of transferable courses you present, we may also consider your high school transcripts when considering your application for admission.
Number of Transferable Courses
High School Minimum Marks Required Average Required
Transferable Courses - GPA Required
Minimum GPA Required
* Your high school marks are not used to determine your admission GPA, but an average of 60% or higher is required. ** If you are not sure whether eight of your courses will transfer, you should also send your high school transcript.
Deadlines General Fall Admission (September): June 1 General Spring Admission (January): November 1 Bachelor of Nursing: March 1 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science): May 1 Bachelor of Education (direct entry to Faculty): May 1 Note: There is no spring admission for the Bachelor of Nursing program.
Direct entry to the Faculty of Education occurs only on the May 1 deadline. Spring admission is possible for pre-Education programs only.
Phone: 403-320-5700 Email:
Wondering how many of your courses will transfer? Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT) provides a list of which courses transfer between all of the Alberta post-secondary institutions. Visit for more information.
For all other transfer credit possibilities, please apply for admission and we will evaluate your courses on a case-bycase basis.
Post-Diploma If you already hold a diploma, you may consider pursuing a Post-Diploma degree program. These programs are designed to build on the foundation you obtained through your diploma program and give you core academic skills in that subject. Post-Diploma degrees are typically 20 courses in length and consist of selected upper-year courses in your subject area, as well as courses to meet the General Liberal Education Requirement. Find out if your diploma matches to a Post-Diploma program at the University of Lethbridge by visiting
Semester Start
Fall (September)
General Post-Diploma
June 1
Spring (January)
General Post-Diploma
Nov. 1
Faculty of Arts and Science
Faculty of Health Sciences
BA or BSc - Agricultural Studies BSc - Computer Science BSc - Environmental Science BSc - Geography (optional concentration in GIS)
BHSc - Addictions Counselling Bachelor of Nursing
Faculty of Fine Arts
BMgt - Accounting BMgt - Finance BMgt - First Nations’ Governance BMgt - General Management BMgt - Human Resource Management & Labour Relations BMgt - Information Systems BMgt - International Management BMgt - Marketing Pre-BMgt/BEd - General Management
BFA - Art (after 2 or 3 year diploma) BFA - Dramatic Arts (after 2 or 3 year diploma) BFA - Multidisciplinary BFA - Music (after 2 or 3 year diploma) Pre-BFA/BEd - Art Pre-BFA/BEd - Dramatic Arts Pre-BFA/BEd - Music
Faculty of Management*
*The Faculty may consider a diploma from a non-related field. If you think your program may be eligible to link up with a U of L degree, but you do not see your diploma on the list, please contact us. Post-diploma admission is generally based on a cumulative 2.50 GPA or higher. Some programs may be competitive. Please contact us for additional details.
Money Matters Education Costs These amounts are based on a typical course-load of five classes per semester (10 courses per academic year)
Tuition and Fees
$5,337 (proposed 2012/2013)
Health and Dental
$245 (refundable with proof of other extended health and dental coverage)
Books and Supplies
$1,250 ($125 per course)
Scholarships and Financial Awards Criteria for awards for Transfer and Post-Diploma students may include scholastic achievement, community involvement, financial need, and more. Applications are available on The Bridge ( once you are accepted as a student. Deadlines are as follows:
June 1 - For September entrance Up to $2,000
November 1 - For January entrance Up to $1,500
Loans and Grants Funding for Canadian students is available in the form of student loans and grants. Both the federal and provincial governments offer financial aid to students who qualify. Your government loan remains interest-free as long as you remain a full-time student. Banks and other private financial institutions also lend money to help students fund their education. Contact your bank for further information on private student loans.
Housing On Campus Housing is limited, so apply early. For more information and to apply, visit The U of L also maintains an off-campus housing list, which can be found at
Supports and Services Faculty and staff care about your success, which is why there are a wide variety of student services at your fingertips to help you make the transition to university, and provide you with the support you need to succeed.
Recruitment and Student Life 403-329-2762
Come in to meet with a recruiter for information on the U of L. We can help answer your questions, and guide you through the information you need.
Academic Advising
Get help planning your program and choosing your courses. An advisor can explain how your transfer credit fits into your U of L program and provide direction to make sure you’re on the correct path towards graduation. Arts and Science Advising 403-329-5106 Education Advising 403-329-2254 Fine Arts Advising 403-329-2691 Health Sciences Advising 403-329-2649 Management Advising 403-329-2153 Calgary Campus 403-284-8596 Edmonton Campus 780-424-0425
Counselling Services 403-317-2845
Counselling Services focuses on improving your total well-being. Our counsellors are mental health professionals who can help to facilitate your personal growth, academic skills development, and career decision making while you are attending the U of L – all free of charge and confidential!
Disabilities Resource Centre 403-329-2766
The Disabilities Resource Centre is here to help students with a wide range of needs. By providing learning strategies, technological support, and exam accommodations, we create a supportive learning environment for every student.
Support Services for Aboriginal Students 403-329-2762
Oki! If you are of First Nations, Metis or Inuit descent, we encourage you to take advantage of services designed to meet your specific needs. An office dedicated entirely to advising Aboriginal students is located in the Registrar’s Office and Student Services (ROSS).
Lethbridge Lifestyle | Lethbridge is an active student
Shopping | There are numerous shopping
city, with over 17% of the city’s population composed of university and college students. The city accommodates its diverse population with numerous entertainment venues, fun activities, and student discounts at many restaurants and stores.
options in Lethbridge to ensure you’ll find familiar brands and stores. You can also try the unique local boutiques downtown, or hit the major shopping centres and department stores located throughout the city.
Climate | Looking for warmth? Lethbridge is one of the sunniest cities in Canada. Chinook winds also help ensure that our winters are milder than anywhere else in the province.
Outdoors | Enjoy Lethbridge parks and pathways year-round with activities ranging from biking, swimming, and golfing to snowboarding, skating, and tobogganing. The Old Man River is a popular scene for barbeques, tubing, and kayaking.
Restaurants | From pubs and fast food, to bistros and fine dining, Lethbridge offers a wide variety of cuisine from around the world. Stick to the comforts of Italian, Greek, and Chinese food, or explore Ethiopian, Saigonese, East Indian, and Japanese cuisine.
Transfer Student Guide Name: __________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________ City: ___________________ Province: _____ Postal Code: __________________ Phone Number: __________________ qMale qFemale Email Address: _____________________________________________ School Name: _____________________________________________________________ *Accounting *Addictions Counselling Agricultual Biotechnology *Agricultural Studies (BA or BSc) Anthropology Archaeology and Geography (BA or BSc) Archaeology and Geography (with optional concentration GIS) Art *Art (Art Studio) *Art (Art History/Museum Studies) *Art Education Biochemistry Biological Sciences Canadian Studies Career and Technology Studies: Business Focus Chemistry *Computer Science (BMgt or BSc) Computer Science and GIS Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer) Digital Audio Arts
Geography (BA with optional concentration GIS) German History *Human Resource Management and Labour Relations *Information Systems *International Management
Dramatic Arts (Performance)
Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design Studies) Dramatic Arts (Theatre Studies) Dramatic Arts *Drama Education Economics (BA or BMgt) Engineering (Pre-Professional Transfer) English English Language Arts Education *Environmental Science Exercise Science *Finance *First Nations’ Governance French French/German French/Spanish General Major in the Humanities General Major in the Social Sciences General Major in the Sciences *General Management *Geography (BA or BSc)
Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer) Kinesiology (BA or BSc) Law (Pre-Professional Transfer) *Marketing Mathematics Mathematics Education Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer) Modern Languages Education *Individual Multidisciplinary Major *Music (BA or BMus) *Music Education Native American Studies Native Education New Media
Philosphy Physics Physical Education Political Science (BA or BMgt) Psychology (BA or BSc) Public Health Religious Studies Remote Sensing Science Education Social Studies Education Social Work (Pre-Professional Transfer) Sociology Urban and Regional Studies Urban and Regional Studies (with optional concentration GIS) Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer) Women’s Studies Two Single Discipline Majors
* This is available as a post-diploma program. If you think your program may be eligible to link up with a U of L degree, but you do not see your diploma on the list, please contact us.