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Discover the Real U

ud Welcome to the University of Lethbridge

Today is the day your adventure begins. You have reached the end of one phase of your education, and you are about to start another. Your surroundings will be new but it will also be a return to a familiar environment. Along the way, you will open doors of knowledge and understanding that will change the way you view the world and help define you as an individual.

Your time at the University will give you the confidence to make your mark on the world.

Welcome to the University of Lethbridge! Your post-secondary education is one of the most significant investments that you’ll ever make, and I would like to thank you personally for choosing the University of Lethbridge. The University of Lethbridge has devoted the last 42 years to delivering world-class education. You can be confident that the education you receive here will be rich with opportunities and will prepare you for an exciting and rewarding future. As you’ll soon experience, the U of L is a personal, supportive learning community. Our classes are small, and you’ll to get to know your professors and your fellow classmates. Your professors are inspired scholars, and they integrate research and creativity with teaching. In terms of programs, you have more than 150 degree program options to choose from. As you go forward this year, take advantage of all the opportunities available to you at the U of L. Take part in research with your professors and gain skills that are transferable to the workforce and prepare you for graduate studies. Enhance your degree by taking part in co-operative education, applied studies or independent studies. See the world through our international exchanges, study tours and travel tours. And get involved: attend a Fine Arts production, participate in our many campus-wide celebrations and cheer on our Pronghorns. The following pages are filled with information to get you started on your journey at the U of L, and they also provide important contact information for various departments across campus. Should you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to help you. I look forward to meeting you at New Student Orientation. Sincerely,

Bill Cade, PhD President and Vice-Chancellor Professor of Biological Sciences


Before you begin:

Where to go for help Academic advisors in every Faculty are available to help you with planning your degree – whether it’s helping you choose what courses fit into your program or helping make sure you have the right number of courses to graduate.

Talk to an academic advisor Faculty of Arts and Science 403-329-5106 artsci.advising@uleth.ca

Faculty of Education 403-329-2254 edu.sps@uleth.ca

Faculty of Fine Arts 403-329-2691 Make an appointment online at www.uleth.ca/finearts/advising

Faculty of Health Sciences 403-329-2649 health.sciences@uleth.ca

Faculty of Management Lethbridge Campus 403-329-2153 undergrad.management@uleth.ca

Still have questions? The Recruitment and Student Life office is here to help. Call us at 403-329-2762 or email inquiries@uleth.ca at any time. If you have a question, we’ll find the answer!


The road to a degree can be filled with accomplishments, challenges and questions. Learn how these services can help you every step of the way. Counselling Services

Disabilities Resource Centre

Attending university for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. It’s important to know what support and resources are available to students on campus. The Counselling Services office is located in Turcotte Hall, and staff are available to help you with your study and test taking skills. As well, throughout your degree, counsellors are there to help with career decisions. Personal counselling is also available to students, free of charge, and it’s strictly confidential.

If you have been diagnosed with a disability, there’s no need to face the challenge of university without support. The Disabilities Resource Centre is here to help students with a wide range of disabilities. By providing learning strategies, technological support and exam accommodations, we create a supportive learning environment for every student.

Phone: 403-317-2845

Phone: 403-329-2766

Your story begins You’ve applied to the U of L. You’re excited about starting something new, but it might be a few months before you get here. What are your next steps?

What is the Bridge? Confirm you’re coming

Register for classes

It’s important to confirm your acceptance and pay the tuition deposit (which is separate from your application fee). This lets the University know you are coming to the U of L, and you will be able to register for your classes.

You can register online through the Bridge anytime within your assigned registration period. You will have access to classes only as space and course prerequisites permit, so it’s important to register on your assigned registration dates so you can to get the classes you want.

Once you’ve mailed your acceptance letter and tuition deposit, you should get ready to register for your classes.

It’s our web information system found at www.ulethbridge.ca/bridge. Here you can: • view your assigned registration dates • check your application status • check your class schedule

Can’t remember your assigned registration date? You can look it up online on the Bridge!

• add and drop classes • view your final grades for the current semester • review your statement of student charges and payments

Funding your education One of the most important things you need to do is arrange for funding for your academic year. The Scholarships and Student Finance office is here to help you. Explore your options The Scholarships and Student Finance staff can help you understand: how to pay your tuition, what sources of financial aid are available to you and how you apply for financial aid. We also develop spending plans with students concerned about living on a limited budget.

You can get: • information on government student loan programs and help applying • application forms for U of L scholarships and awards; and • information on awards available from sources outside the University.

• view exam schedules • view any holds on your registration • apply for scholarships • update your contact information and password

Once you’ve registered for classes and arranged your finances, start thinking about what you can do before you arrive.

Phone: 403-329-2585


Your next steps...

Buy your books

Find accommodation

Arrange your transportation

The bookstore is your one-stop-shop for all the materials you need for your classes. The bookstore offers Textbook Reservation for students taking classes at the Lethbridge campus.. Please note that you do not have to be registered in your classes in order to sign up for this Reservation service.

If you haven’t applied for on-campus housing, there are still a lot of reasonably priced student accommodations located within walking distance of the University and around the city. The U of L has an off-campus housing list that provides detailed descriptions, prices and contact information for many of these accommodations. Check it out at www.uleth.ca/offcampushousing.

Parking is available for students who drive to school. There are parking lots all over campus and you can purchase a parking pass online through the Bridge or by visiting the Cash Office. The City of Lethbridge also offers public transportation. Visit www.lethbridge.ca for transit routes and fares. You usually don’t have to walk too far to find a bus stop and it can take you right to the University.

If you don’t sign up for the Textbook Reservation service, you can also find out which textbooks you need for your classes through our TextFinder service. This service allows you to print a personalized list of the textbooks for your classes – either online or in-person at the bookstore. The TextFinder service is available two weeks prior to the start of each semester. Visit www.ulethbridge.ca/ bookstore for more information.


Now that you’ve started getting ready for your new life at the University, why not sign up for New Student Orientation?

New Student Orientation

New Student Club

What’s the best way to meet your future classmates and get to know the university? Attend New Student Orientation (NSO)!

Are you new to Lethbridge and want to meet others with similar interests? New Student Club is designed to introduce first year students to the University of Lethbridge. There are activities on and off campus each week, including rock climbing, coffee, bowling, a photo rally and more!

NSO is more than finding your classes – it’s about discovering you how to survive at university. There will be information booths and tours of campus throughout the day. You can meet your professors, future classmates and learn more about your Faculty.

If you have questions or would like to join, email orientation@uleth.ca.

For more information, email orientation@uleth.ca or visit DISCOVER.ulethbridge.ca to register.

Want to see the campus ahead of time? Sign up for a campus tour! Tours usually take about an hour and are offered throughout the year at your convenience. Visit DISCOVER. ulethbridge.ca or call 403-329-2762 for more information!

Living in Lethbridge Lethbridge is in the heart of southern Alberta – Calgary is two hours north, British Columbia and the Rocky mountains are two hours west and the United States is one hour south. With both a college and university in Lethbridge, it is a young and vibrant city. The city of Lethbridge has a population of about

84,000 and combines all of the services from a big city into a small town atmosphere. Not only does Lethbridge have a number of great shopping centres, there are a variety of museums and galleries, movie theatres, restaurants and numerous opportunities for recreation.


You’ve finally arrived! It’s your first day on campus and the excitement surrounding the start of a new semester is almost tangible. Here’s what you need to get started.

Your Campus ID card and Bridge Bucks you purchase food if you are on a meal dining plan; and it can be used for Bridge Bucks.

One of the first things you need to do when you arrive on campus is get your U of L ID card. This ID card is important, not only for identification around campus, it is also your library card; it allows you access to the fitness centre, pool, gym and climbing wall; it is how

Thinking of working while you go to school? A lot of students do, and there are many options available on and off campus.


Bridge Bucks allow you to turn your ID card into an on-campus debit card without any banking fees. After you add money to your account, on campus or online, you can make purchases at any of the University food outlets, the Copy Centre, the Bookstore and many of the vending machines and photocopiers all over campus. Your first ID card is free and can be picked up at the Anderson Hall or University Hall (E6) computer labs.

Where you can work There are many opportunities to work while you go to school. Jobs on campus can include working as a personal trainer, lifeguard, lab assistant, theatre usher and more. You can also work in your department as a student marker, or give a tour to prospective students and their friends as they visit campus for the first time.

Check with your department office or visit the University’s Notice Board regularly to find the job opportunity that is right for you. You can also visit the Career Resource Centre to find work opportunities in the city of Lethbridge.

Students’ Union (SU) services Once you’ve been on campus for a couple of days, you might want to learn more about what’s going on outside of the classroom.

Test bank

The Zoo

The test bank offers a comprehensive collection of previous exams collected from every class available at the U of L. Search the database for your course and professor to access the ultimate study tool – available in the SU office or online.

The Zoo is the only campus pub, fully owned and operated by the Students’ Union. It’s a great place to meet friends, watch hockey games, shoot pool, play foosball and have a good time. Each year, the Students’ Union host a variety of events including cabarets, live bands, comedians and more!

Representing YOU – the student Within the Students’ Union is the Executive Council and General Assembly, which is the student government body that represents U of L students. There are four Executive Council members and sixteen General Assembly members that work within the university community.

Health and dental plan The Students’ Union provides a mandatory health and dental plan to ensure full-time students are insured and protected while pursuing their studies. If you are covered under an alternate extended Health and Dental Plan, you must go to the Students’ Union Health and Dental Plan Office and OPT OUT before the deadline or you will be charged for a full year of coverage.


Things to do on campus Once you’ve been on campus for some time, you might want to explore the other extracurricular activities on campus. Centre for the Arts Each year there are more than 40 exciting theatre productions, dance recitals, improv shows, musical performances, exhibitions, and more that take place on campus. These events may take place in the 450-seat proscenium theatre, recital hall, David Spinks blackbox theatre, art gallery and drama or music studios. All students, no matter what their major, are invited to participate in fine arts activities by auditioning for a play, performing in a music ensemble, or joining student groups such as the Improv Club or Theatre Arts Society.

Student clubs Clubs are a great way to meet new people, connect with other students in your program, or try out a new interest. In fact, there are over 40 clubs on campus for you to choose from! You could join the Surf Club, the Anthropology Club, Improv Club, or the Social Mathematicians!


Did you know that our sports teams are called the Pronghorns? There are five men’s teams and six women’s teams that represent a variety of sports, including hockey, basketball, rugby, track and field, swimming and soccer!

If you’re interested in sports, there are a variety of recreational activities on campus for you to try out.

Sport & Recreation If you’re looking to stay in shape or just have fun, the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness offers a variety of programs that promote healthy living. Whether it’s scaling the climbing wall, working out in the fitness centre, joining an intramural team or taking a dance class, the options are endless! As a U of L student your fees include access to these facilities so make the most of them.

Beside the 1st Choice Savings Centre is the Max Bell Aquatic Centre, which has an Olympic-sized pool where you can swim, dive or kayak. This training facility features several springboards, two dive towers as well as a moveable floor to accommodate water aerobics.


Make the most of your experience The first semester has come to an end. It’s not too early to start thinking about your career.

Co-op education Co-operative education is a great way to insert some practical work experience into your academic studies while getting paid for it too! You will work in a position that is related to your degree, boost your resume with experience and possibly line up a job before you graduate. Work terms can be four to 16 months and are available close to home, overseas and everywhere in between.

Fast facts about co-op: • Allows students to experience realworld application of their studies • Provides students with the opportunity to build valuable contacts with employers • Work terms may be local, national or international; each student decides when and where they want to apply

Arts and Science Co-op/Applied Studies Phone: 403-382-7154 Email: Artsci.coop@uleth.ca

Management Co-op Phone: 403-380-1810 Email: mngt.coop@uleth.ca

Study abroad There are opportunities to travel the world and continue your studies. Exchange opportunities are available with almost all programs at the U of L in countries all over the world, including Japan, Paris, Holland, Peru, Germany and Spain.

“I am a Co-op success story in every way, shape and form. With the skills I have learned, the experience that I’ve gained, and the confidence that I’ve built, I have changed from a small-town girl with a limited view of what was on the horizon to an independent, successful adult with the world at my feet.” Holly Miller Fourth year student, BA, English – Co-op Completed a co-op with Communications Security Establishment of Canada in Ottawa


“One of the great things about being a U of L student are the liberal education options. Even though I’m a management student, I was able to participate in a fine arts study tour in Paris and receive credit towards my degree!” Kevin Joseph, BMgt Travelled to Paris and Holland as part of his studies


Prepare for your career Take a class “All of the services offered by CES, from interview workshops, oneon-one sessions, resume and cover letter review, to job/career search tips, have helped me develop my professional confidence and obtain a position in my field!” Layne Plourd, BFA (New Media)

Check out our Career Development 2000 course. This course uses a variety of activities to help you recognize and shape your career and life goals.

Career and Employment Services Career and Employment Services (CES) can help you explore part-time, full-time, summer, international and volunteer opportunities. CES also creates opportunities for you to explore careers (e.g. career fairs). You can also access: • An online database to search the available opportunities • Workshops on job search strategies, resume writing and interview techniques • Career advising • Occupational and labour market information • Resources to link your education with careers You can sign up for an individual consultation, group workshop, information session or an email consultation. Phone: 403-329-2187

This is what your life could be like as a student at the University of Lethbridge. Although this is the end of our guide, it’s only the beginning of YOUR story...


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Contact us Recruitment and Student Life 403-329-2762

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