AGO Ivy Vine Newsletter - January 2025

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MESSAGE from the Basileus

Dear Sorors,

Happy New Year!!

This month we celebrate Ethel Hedgeman Lyle and our trailblazing founders, whose pioneering spirits carved a space for Black women to unite in scholarship and uplift communities. Her legacy reminds us of the power of vision, the strength of collective action, and the beauty of sisterhood rooted in service.

Alpha Gamma Omega will host Founders’ Day activities:

January 11th –“Sip, Savor, Sisterhood” Happy Hour

January 12th –“ Sisters in the Spirit” at Faithful Central Bible Church

January 15th – Soror Reclamation: Yoga and Mindfulness Event

May we draw inspiration from the past, find purpose in the present, and strive for a brighter future as Alpha Kappa Alpha women. We will also celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, a man we honor whose life and legacy exemplified faith in action. He believed deeply in the dignity of every person, fueled by hope for a better world. His commitment to justice and love, even in the face of adversity, is a powerful reminder that our faith must inspire us to be agents of change.

Our chapter activity to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King will include:

40th Commemorative Concert honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on January 12, 2025 4:00pm at Trinity Baptist Church, 2040 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90018

This New Year, let us celebrate the victories of the past while striving to build a future grounded in God’s love and truth. Like Dr. King, may we work tirelessly for unity, justice, and peace, remembering his words:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase."

Special Tea Roses to Soror Cheryl L. Mason for her outstanding leadership and dedication during her tenure as Basileus. You’ve guided us with sisterly love, grace, and compassion, always putting the needs of the chapter first. Your time as president has not only strengthened our chapter but has also set an incredible example of what it means to lead with love and purpose. Thank you for your unwavering support and love as I begin my new journey.

Lastly, let’s enter 2025 with hearts filled with gratitude, hands ready to serve, and spirits eager to shine His light. Let’s RECHARGE our Ivy to foster sisterliness and to serve our community. Together, we honor our founders’ legacy not just in words but through action— living out our motto, “Service to All Mankind.”

Sorors, may God bless you abundantly as you walk in faith and hope, inspired by His love and the legacy of those who paved the way.

Sisterly Yours,

Lynette K. Brooks

Soror Lynette K. Brooks

Alpha Gamma Omega Basileus

RECHARGE by Connection: Powered by Sisterhood and Service


Congratulations Alpha Gamma Omega Officers 2025

Lynette K. Brooks

Ivy Leaf Reporter

Djuanique Slaughter

1st Anti-Basileus

2nd Anti-Basileus


Carmecia Carson-Glover

Keisha Scott

Ruthe Morgan Grigsby

Anti-Grammateus Alvina Heard

Epistoleus Angela Griffin

Pecunious Grammateus Bridgette Eagle Spirit

Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Taylor A. Williams

Tamiouchos Felicia Price

Anti-Tamiouchos Kim Britt


Olga Sanders

Hodegos Kimberly Green-Russell

Parliamentarian Caprice Grigsby Smith

Chaplain Kathy Harrison

Archivist Katrina Carter-Journet



Member-At Large

Graduate Advisor Iota Beta

Graduate Advisor Tau Kappa

The Ivy Heritage Foundation, Inc.








Kimberly Littlejohn

Ruthe Morgan Grigsby

Walta Smith

Antoinette Morehead

Cheryl Lynn Mason

Saundra Bishop

Tracey Booker

Marion Anderson

Kimberly Green-Russell

Caprice Grigsby Smith

Tajarah Nicholson

Erika Price

Vanessa Hirsi

January-MarchandOctober-Novemberare inpersonmeetingsfrom6:30pm-8:30pmforOfficers andCommitteeChairman/Co-Chairman


PleasecontactSororKimtoaddyourmeeting scheduletothechaptercalendar:


ExecutiveMeeting 2025HostessList AlphaGammaOmega

January 2025

Committees: Graduate Advisors, Fine Arts, Technology

Soror Antoinette Morehead

Soror Cheryl Mason

Soror September Penn

Soror Robbie Danzie

Soror Rachel Porché

February 2025

Committees: Health, Black Heritage, Standards

Soror Patrice Tully

Soror Alicia Morehead Gee

Soror Didra Brown Taylor

Soror Kathy Collier

Soror Cheryl Chisolm

March 2025

Committees: Pecunious Grammateus, Members at Large, EAF

Soror Taylor Williams

Soror Ruthe Grigsby

Soror Walta Smith

Soror Kimberly Littlejohn

Soror VP Bland

ChapterMeeting 2025 HostessList AlphaGammaOmega

January 2025

Cheryl Mason - Chairman

Cheryl Mason - Chairman

Erma Vallare

Anita Morris

Diedra Floyd Ndiaye

Cynthia Nickerson

Jermaine Mitchell

Micaiah Mayfield

February 2025

Shannon Nelson - Chairman

Shannon Nelson - Chairman

Kiana Nwaka

Tahirah Nyanin

Stephanie Patton

Jimise Phillips

March 2025

September Penn - Chairman

September Penn - Chairman

Rachel Porché

Stephany Powell

Eldora Prentiss

Rachel Prentiss

THINGS TO KNOW in AGO for 2025

Executive Meetings:

Attendance is for Officers and Committee Chairmen/Co-Chairmen.

Financial Transactions are to be handled before or after meetings.

Protocol Reminders:

Please remember to stand anytime a current or former Regional Director enters the room.

Ad -Hoc Committees:

Spiritual Oversight Committee: Afternoon & Evening

Prayer; Facilitate Conflict resolution

Grant Committee: Grant writing for community programs

Soror2 Soror Committee:

Connect with sorors homebound or unable to attend chapter meetings

Risk Management announcements


Chapter Directory

Please do not share our chapter directory or chapter contact information with anyone outside of the sorority.

The Ivy Vine Newsletter Submissions

The deadline to submit items AND request flyers for The Ivy Vine newsletter is the 15th of each month. Please submit The Ivy Vine newsletter content AT THIS LINK

E-blast Requests: Meeting Calendar

To request an E-blast, please send a prepared message/flyer to Copy Soror Angela Griffin, Epistoleus at Title your email: “E-blast Request”

Committee Chairmen should contact Member-at-Large Soror Kimberly Littlejohn, and provide her with your planned meeting dates. Contact her via: More information will be given at the upcoming Transition Meetings regarding submitting meeting requests to the calendar.

Meeting Attendance and Sign - In

Remember to sign in at each monthly chapter meeting. You can do this by scanning the QR Code at the meeting and/or contacting the Anti-Grammateus, Soror Alvina Heard at alvina Your attendance is very important.

Lastly, frequently check your email for AKA & GOGO correspondence.

Chapter Meeting Schedule AlphaGammaOmega

January 11, 2025

February 1, 2025

March 8, 2025

April 5, 2025 (Joint Meeting)

May 3, 2025

June 7, 2025

September 13, 2025

October 4, 2025

November 1, 2025

December 6, 2025 (Joint Meeting)

Alpha Gamma Omega Chairman 2025

Strengthen Our Sisterhood Chair: Soror Whitney Dotson, Co-Chair: Soror Brooke Moore-White

Empower Our Families Chair: Soror Katrina Carter-Journet, Co-Chair: Soror Shirl Chambers

Build Our Economic Wealth Chair: Soror Lindsay Robinson, Co-Chair: Soror Rebecca Henry

Enhance Our Environment Chair: Soror Angelle Brooks-Bell, Co-Chair: Soror Sonja Williams

Advocate for Social Justice

Chair: Soror Stephany Powell, Co-Chair: Soror Ebony Durham

Uplift Our Local Community Chair: Soror Makebra Bridges, Co-Chair: Soror Mary Walker

Archives Chair: Soror Katrina Carter-Journet

Audit Chair: Soror Linda McClellan

Awards Chair: Soror Khalisha Jefferson, Co-Chairman: Soror Peggy Loeb

Basilei Council Chair: Soror Cheryl Lynn Mason

Bylaws/Constitution Chair: Soror Caprice Grigsby Smith

Christmas Chair: Soror Tajarah Nicholson, Co-Chair: Soror Hazel Price

Clerical Chair: Soror Angela Griffin

Connections/Social Action Chair: Soror Bridgett Lewis

Diamond, Pearl, Golden Chair: Soror Marian Anderson

EAF Chair: Soror V. P. Bland

Finance Chair: Soror Felicia Price

Fine Arts Chair: Soror September Penn, Co-Chair: Soror Robbie Danzie

Founders’ Day Chair: Soror Diedra Ndiaye, Co-Chairman: Soror Angelle Brooks-Bell

Health Chair: Soror Patrice Tully, Co-Chairman: Soror Alicia Morehead-Gee

GenNext Chair: Soror Alexis Reliford

Alpha Gamma Omega Chairman 2025

Graduate Advisory Chair: Soror Antoinette Morehead

Grant Writing Chair: Soror Martha Pruden Hamiter

Historian Chair: Soror Katrina Carter-Journet

HBCU Chair: Soror Erika Price


Chair: Soror Kimberly Green-Russell

Housing Chair: Soror Pruden Hamiter

Investment Policy Chair: Soror Karen Decoud

Leadership Dev. Chair: Soror Laureen Kenneybrew, Co-Chair: Soror Caprice Grigsby Smith

Mother’s Day

Chairs: Soror Alvina Heard/ Soror Zoe Heard Co-Chairmen: Soror Antoinette Morehead/ Soror Alicia Morehead-Gee

Membership Chair: Soror Bahiya Wright, Co-Chairmen: Soror Jennifer Richards

NPHC Chair: Soror Kathy Harrison, Co-Chair: Soror Tami Reid

Nominating Chair: Soror Kimberly Green-Russell

Protocol Chair: Walta Smith, Co-Chair: Soror Bridgette Eagle Spirit

Public Relations Chair: Soror Dujanque Slaughter

Purchasing Chair: Soror Keisha Scott

Risk Management Chair: Soror Melissa Buckhalter-Honore

Rituals Chair: Soror Shannon Nelson, Co-Chair: Soror Latricia Mitchell

Scholarship Chair: Soror Natasha Gilmore, Co-Chairman: Soror Goldie Gabriel

Sisterly Relations Chair: Soror Daina Washington, Co-Chairman: Soror Rachel Prentiss

Soror2Soror Chair: Soror Vanessa Hirsi, Co-Chairman: Soror Gina Jerry

Alpha Gamma Omega Chairman 2025

Spiritual Oversight Chair: Soror Margaret McCauley

Standards Chair: Soror Katherine Collier, Co-Chairman: Soror Cheryl Chisholm

Strategic Planning Chair: Soror Brenda “Bebe” Suttonwills

Technology Chair: Soror Rachel Porché


Chair: Soror Cheryl Chisholm, Co-Chairman: Soror Dana Coleman

Housing Chair: Soror Pruden Hamiter

Ways & Means Chair: Soror Staci Young

Yearbook Chair: Soror Cheryl Mason

50/50 Chair: Soror Grace Cain


The focus ensures that members intentionally take time to fellowship and form lifelong relationships based on affinity, love, trust, respect, shared goals, and interests.

Focus Areas:

AKA PALS: Members will be matched up in a Soror-to-Soror pair with someone from a different region to build a relationship and coordinate meet-ups at conferences.

Random Acts of Sisterliness: Members will be encouraged to perform random acts of kindness toward one another Leadership Development: Undergraduate and Graduate Members will engage in a modern, interactive, and high-impact leadership Development program with specialized learning tracks, curriculum, and certifications

Membership Reactivation: Fun and welcoming evets to inspire members to reactivate during the month of September

“We Are One” AKA Service Day: During our annual MLK DAY of Service chapters will be encouraged to invite local inactive and general members to volunteer and serve side-by-side with chapter members during their service project as a great way to engage and mobilize all Sorors within the community

“Empower Our Families” is anchored in the belief that by providing solution-building services that help address the most pressing needs for each family unit at key life stages beginning with childhood to senior life, we are also promoting economic and social well-being for our communities.

Focus Areas:

CHIPPPTM-Childhood Hunger Initiative “Power Pack”: Members will adopt a school in local communities and provide weekly “Power Pack” meals over weekends and holidays.

Youth Leadership Institute (YLI): Program is designed to evolve and optimize our previous youth leadership development models and created a new youth-led program, designed to engage, equip, and entrust kids ages 11-13 at the critical stage in their development

Mental Health Awareness: During the mental health awareness month, we will use our collective reach to fight the stigma raise awareness and encourage treatment for adults and families dealing with depression anxiety, and trauma

Our Seniors: We will focus on ensuring our senior members can actively participate in all AKA activities We will also focus on providing educational programs and workshops to support senior members as they navigate senior life priorities

Members will leverage accountability circles dedicated to helping them meet personal wealth building goals while putting previous financial literacy learnings into action. We will also continue to leverage our membership’s collective buying power to funnel much needed capital to women and black-owned businesses.

Focus Areas:

For Members Only Credit Union: This virtual credit union will be dedicated exclusively for AKA members as well as their families, friends, and corporate staff.

Financial Wellness & Planned Giving: Sorors will forge their life legacy and financial wellness by using the strength of our dynamic sisterhood alongside partnerships specializing in wealth management

Sister Circles: Chapters will create one or more accountability groups dedicated to empowering members to create and execute personal and collective savings, investing, and giving goals

Black Dollar Days: During the month of June, members will WEAR PINK, SPEND GREEN, and BUY BLACK as we streamline and aggregate our collective buying power for maximum impact on Black-owned businesses and brands


Strategies to improve and protect the environment at scale.

Focus Areas

Tree Planting: Track and measure the collective environmental impacts of our largest tree planting initiative to date with the help of the Arbor Day Foundation.

Community and Home Gardens: Members and chapters will be encouraged to create home and community gardens to combat the negative environmental impacts and promote sustainable agriculture.

Waste Reduction: Members will be encouraged to personally engage in as well as educate their local communities and effective practices that decrease household waste including recycling, composting, and using reusable water bottles.

Shredding and Electronics Recycling Day: Chapters will host an annual event where the local community can safely dispose of unused electronic devices and securely shred old paper documents

The program committees will partner with the Connection and Social Action Committee to activate international, regional, and chapter level social action. Collectively, members will work to stand in the gap to educate and empower our communities to make decisions and act on behalf of their own best interest.

Focus Areas

Voter Education, Registration, and Mobilization: During local, state, and national elections, we will support and mobilize communities to utilize their most powerful tools of change and advocacy Public Policy Forum: Public policy forums will create convenings of non-partisan, open dialogue on policy challenges and the direction of our country

Candidate Forums: Candidate forums are non-partisan public evens featuring candidates running for office and expressing their positions on issues

Public Servant’s Guides: Public servant guides will provide concise overviews highlighting women of color currently serving in political leadership positions along with information on how to create a pathway for women in politics

Aims to spotlight and promote successful local programs and service projects as well as foster collaboration among chapters to maximize impact.

Focus Areas

Celebrating Local Community Initiatives: recognizing chapters that have made an exceptional impact in their local community by responding to an unmet or undeserved need.

Chapter Collaboration Recognition Program: Highlighting chapters that have combined resources and efforts and leveraged collaboration as a strength to maximize the impact in their local community

Local Community Service Grants: Alpha Kappa Alpha will award grants for notable local community service projects completed by an individual chapter or chapter collaboration


The Archives Committee shall compile and keep the history making events of the Chapter activities including the annual submission and production of the chapter scrapbook

The Archives Committee shall serve as the custodian of the Chapter’s print, digital and electronic materials housed at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority House located at 2615 Ellendale Place, Los Angeles, California 90007

The committee shall also develop policies for the collection of and use of materials. The committee shall use Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® resource guides to develop policies for the collection and storage of archival materials.

The Parliamentarian shall be chairman.

Periodically review portions of the National Constitution and Bylaws and Chapter Bylaws at chapter meetings and keep the membership adequately informed. Formulate amendments to the Chapter Bylaws as instructed by the chapter to incorporate International Bylaws and as they become obsolete or ineffective. [Amend. 2018]

Review proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and make recommendations to the chapter.

Make a copy of Chapter Bylaws available to each financial member

Lead advocacy efforts align with sorority

Educational Workshop – Running for Elected Office

Seminar – Post Elections “What Next”

Collaborate with Advocate for Social Justice

Make an annual budget for the chapter, considering the recommendations of the committee chairmen.

Present the budget at the November chapter meeting

Approve all unbudgeted expenditures over the amount of $50 00

Approve the use of unbudgeted funds

Assist with clerical work of the office of Tamiouchos.

This committee shall assist with clerical work of the office of Pecunious Grammateus


Members of the Committee shall possess the expertise and experience to guide the investment process and oversee the performance of the Chapter’s investments. The duties of the Committee shall be to:

Manage the endowment portfolio

Receive all new gifts and bequests and administer such in strict accordance with the terms of each gift and bequest

Set and determine the investment policies, objectives, guidelines, and strategy of the Chapter’s endowment fund in order to preserve principal and maximize income within a framework of moderate risk assumption

Engage the services of a Financial Consultant Monitor, measure, and evaluate the Financial Consultant’s performance Review and monitor the portfolio’s performance against benchmarks and guidelines

Meet with the Financial Consultant a minimum of once a year to review performance and compliance with the Investment Policy Report to the Chapter quarterly on the performance of the portfolio

The Leadership Development Committee is responsible for developing and providing leadership training to all officers, committee chairmen, and other interested Sorors in March and September

Develop Green Table Talk topics to increase Soror knowledge.

Contact all non-financial members to encourage them to reactivate with the chapter. The Membership Committee shall Conduct the “New Member Orientation Sessions.” The need or frequency of the orientation(s) shall be determined by the Membership Committee

Conduct Membership Experience (ME)

The Membership Experience shall be conducted according to the process adopted by the Directorate.

Secure and keep up to date the personal information of each Soror

Develop reclamation and retention activities

Coordinate activities with Founders’ Day committee

The Chairmen and Co-Chairmen of all committees shall serve on the Program Committee during the term of their chairmanship

The committee shall be responsible for coordinating all program activities of the chapter.

The program for the following year shall be presented at the November meeting


The Protocol committee shall review and ensure that Sorors are knowledgeable in basic protocol practices, principles, and procedures of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® and the Soror Code of Ethics The Chairman of this committee shall be a former Basileus of Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter.

The committee will develop and monitor a plan that will identify, evaluate, and minimize/prioritize the risks for the chapter

Develop fun and engaging events to connect sorors

Collaborate with Strengthen our Sister Chairman

Work out a plan of evaluation of the sorority’s total program including special chapter endeavors, general sorority programs, committee activities, membership interest and participation, and chapter activities in carrying out international themes.

Report annually at the end of the sorority year This report shall guide committees in forming and enriching the coming year ’ s program. The Committee shall conduct a yearly chapter evaluation using the Standard Model as, developed by the International Standards Committee.

Maintain the chapter’s website and all Social Media platforms with current chapter news, activities, etc.

Provide education and technical assistance to sorors (i e Social Media guidelines, conference registration, log-ins, passwords, etc.)

Retain a current database of all financial members from the Pecunious Grammateus

Assist the Basileus and other committee Chairmen with the dissemination of information the chapter as needed The Basileus shall approve all communications distributed via public social media platforms.


Disseminate information on Regional Conference awards to the chapter membership and bring recommendations of individual candidates for these awards to the chapter for consideration.

Compile information for Regional Awards, e g Mary P King and Chapter Achievement Awards and prepare this information for presentation at Regional Conference

Work under the direction of the Basileus for awards to be presented to chapter members at the January meeting.

The Black Heritage Committee shall coordinate, plan and implement chapter and community activities that foster awareness of the black experience

Plan and implement a chapter Christmas party or other activity during the Christmas holiday season

Visit chapter members who are sick and shut in during the Christmas holiday season

Administrative or office related tasks that help with the smooth operation of the chapter

Host events to foster sisterly connections with the Diamond, Pearl, and Golden Sorors.

Pool financial resources to ensure the chapter attains platinum status prior to conferences


This committee shall include a chorus, verse choir or any other entertaining group Each group shall have a director who shall be responsible to work with the chairman of the committee to provide program material for all regular and special occasions as required.

Assist with MLK Day event

The committee shall be responsible for coordinating the approved annual Founders’ Day observance.

Gen Y & Z Sorors who develop activities to connect with each other to remain active in the sorority

Provide service and information to Sorors and the local community on the issues of health through research, volunteer service, cash donations.

Compile and keep current history of chapter events and assist in preparing for annual awards submissions

Research and develop documentary for 100 year celebration.

Receive and introduce all visitors

Relay all messages given by the Philacter to designated officers or members. Purchase gifts, flowers as necessary and customary for various chapter courtesies.

Compile a list of the year ’ s hostesses for the period April to April This list shall be filed with the Basileus and the Grammateus.

Assist with Ivy Beyond The Wall ceremonies


The Committee shall be responsible for upkeep of AGO building and grounds and manage all aspects of the housing fund.

Responsible for interior decorations and furnishings Responsible for items necessary for upkeep.

Responsible for the rules & regulations pertaining to the rental of AGO House Set annual operating budget, submits for approval to the chapter, and makes quarterly reports to the chapter.

Collaborates with Tamiouchos for payments of housing bills and other expenditures

This Committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing an annual social event or other activity in honor of Mother’s Day.

The committee (including the NPHC Representative) is the liaison and represents Alpha Gamma Omega at the local chapter of the National Pan Hellenic Council to promote the interaction through forums, meetings, and other interactions for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives

The committee will develop communication packages that describe chapter activities that are distributed to various media outlets that publicize the chapter milestones and activities to local, regional and international publications. The Ivy Reporter® shall be the chairman.

The Second Anti-Basileus shall be Chairman.

The committee shall purchase and issue supplies to officers and committees except those otherwise authorized by the Body.


Establish criteria for the scholarship program of the chapter.

Publicize date for application promoting the scholarship program

Personally contact prospective recipients

Inspect and approve transcripts and recommendations.

Submit and report committee recommendations to the chapter

Send chapter checks for scholarship to the recipients.

Perform all other duties and programs necessary to successfully carry out scholarship awards project.

Maintain contact with scholarship recipients and keep a record of their progress. This record shall be included in the committee report

The chairman shall automatically be a member of the Board of Directors of Alpha Gamma Omega Foundation during the full term of her chairmanship

The committee will update and monitor the strategic plan with the vision for the future of Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter that establishes measurable goals and objectives consistent with and affirms the mission, vision, and values of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Secure ballots from the Grammateus and prepare ballot boxes for voting

Set up election procedures and provide for adequate privacy

Supervise the voting, issue ballots, and see that they are deposited in the proper receptacle

Count ballots after the polls are closed.

Report the results of the voting to the chapter at the close of the meeting at which votes are cast

It shall be the duty of this committee to plan activities for raising adequate funds to support the charitable programs of the chapter This committee shall work in collaboration with The Ivy Heritage Foundation.


Compile and edit data for the yearbook

Have a yearbook printed and ready for distribution in April.

Distribute yearbooks to financial members

Research grant opportunities to fund chapter scholarships and community programs.


Highlight the significance of HBCUs to the community

Contact Sorors – homebound, live alone and inactive

Send cards, call and/or visits

Facilitate Afternoon and Evening prayer calls

Collaborate with Soror2Soror Committee for soror outreach.



Soror Deborah Üsküp

Soror Kayla Dillard

Soror Erika Price

Soror Khadijah Lang

Soror LaRyel Waldronus

Soror Chanel Lewis

Soror Kelsey C. Burrus

Soror Kirra Epps

Soror Gloria Graves

Soror Eldora Prentiss

Soror Latoya Love

Soror Arlene Spears-Smit

Soror Francine Stark

Soror Diana Rober

Soror Denise Evan

Soror Joy Anderso

Soror Micaiah Mayfiel

Soror Gloria Wilkerso

Soror Lorna Littl

Soror Tonya Thompso

Soror Alice D. Turne

Soror Roberta Jone

Soror Natasha Gilmor

Soror Alicia Lenoir-Wilso

Parliamentary Pointers

Let’s SOAR into 2025 with Parliamentary Procedures Here are a few basic pointers:

Wait to be recognized by the Basileus before speaking.

Stand when speaking.

A motion is the topic of discussion. To make a motion state your name, followed by: “I move that…”

To second a motion state your name followed by: “I second the motion”

The soror who makes the motion speaks first during discussion.

A second is not needed when a Committee Chairman moves for acceptance of her report.

Only one motion can be discussed at a time.

AGOChaplain’s Corner


from Joy to Happiness”

Joy is a prominent theme in the Bible, with stories of joy in response to God’s blessings and celebration of HIS promises. Jesus brought joy to those who followed him, and encouraged others to do the same. The Apostle Paul also spoke of joy in his letters, urging believers to be joyful in difficult circumstances. As we also contemplate our “mental health status” I am reminded of an article I read, entitled “The Levels of Joy”

Emotional Joy

The Burst of love for a newborn child (For unto us a child is born, unto us son is given; Isaiah 9:6)

Spiritual Joy

The feeling that the world is inspired by a the great I Am (“I AM THAT I AM”; Exodus 3:14)

Transcendent Joy

Feeling united with nature, the universe or being one with God. (The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it; Psalm 24:1)

Moral Joy

Taking deep, long term pleasure in doing good in the world (“For it is God who works in you to will and to work for HIS good pleasure”, Philippians 2:13)

Protocol Reminders Protocol Reminders

Soon we will be attending the Far Western Regional Conference in Oakland, California. The following are Protocol Notes related to conference attendance.

Sorors are Expected to: Sorors are Expected to:

Silence all electronic communications devices. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wear appropriate Alpha Kappa Alpha business attire (not business casual) unless noted otherwise.

Wear comfortable shoes to business meetings Flip-flops, house shoes and sneakers are never appropriate. Orthopedic shoes may be worn for medical reasons only.

Make arrangements for childcare and guests when attending business meetings as these meetings are for sorors only.

Determine the best ways to reach your target audience, whether it's through social media, print advertising, email marketing, or other channels.

Refrain from walking during introductions of dais guests and program participants, the meditation or while the Supreme Basileus or Regional Director is giving her address to the delegation.

Respect designated seating sections.

Protocol Reminders Protocol Reminders

Soon we will be attending the Far Western Regional Conference in Oakland, California. The following are Protocol Notes related to conference attendance.

Sorors are Expected to: Sorors are Expected to:

Sorors should wear proper identification.

Delegates should arrive early for proper seating.

Stand when the Former Supreme Basilei and the Supreme Basileus enter the room and when they are introduced. Stand for the Regional Director at any event in her region.

Speak after being recognized by the presiding officer. Address the presiding officer as “Madam Supreme Basileus” or “Madam Regional Director.”

Address the delegation by clearly stating your name, chapter, chapter location, and whether you are a delegate or non-delegate. It is not appropriate to use the designation of “voting delegate.”

Do not hold seats. Seating will be available for all sorors on a firstcome, first-served basis. Holding seats at any function is unacceptable. Philacters and hostesses will assist in locating available seating. Note: Please honor reserved seating.

Give precedence to the Supreme Basileus, Regional Director (in her Region), Former Supreme Basilei and Former Regional Directors (in the Region where she served as Regional Director) if a line has been formed to access an elevator, escalator, or doorway.



Things to Know

Anaheim, CA from July 10 – 13, 2025

Anaheim, CA from July 10 – 13, 2025

We are excited to bring forth a phenomenal 2025 Leadership Seminar in July 2025 under the direction of our Supreme Basileus, Soror Danette Anthony Reed. It will take the collective soror power of each of you and our hostess chapter sorors to facilitate the important work of the planning committees to ensure a fabulous Leadership Seminar.

Please sign up for at least one of the Leadership Seminar planning committees that most aligns with your skillset and area(s) of passion. The sign-up link is below, along with important details each soror should read prior to signing up.

Sign-up form:

Click HERE to sign-up to join a planning committee!

Things to Know

Committee sign-ups are open to all active hostess chapter undergraduate and graduate sorors. General Members in the area may also sign-up to participate.

If a chapter conducts a Membership Experience (ME) in the closing days of 2024 or prior to July 2025, chapter Basilei are asked to send this email to all new members and encourage each new soror to sign-up for at least one planning committee.

Newly reactivated and transfer sorors are also encouraged to sign-up to participate on at least one of the planning committees.

To participate in activities during the 2025 Leadership Seminar, a soror must be registered to the attend the conference.

Sign-ups for onsite volunteers for activities such as registration and pink gloves will take place after Leadership Seminar registration opens. This allows sorors time to register, then select specific time slots to volunteer aligned to the conference agenda and their registered activities. Onsite volunteer sign-up for these select activities will be open to all Far Western Region sorors.

Sisters in Spirit: Sisters in Spirit:




Celebrating 117 Years of Sisterhood & Service

Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 9:00 AM Sunday, January 12, 2025 | 9:00 AM


333 W. Florence Avenue

Inglewood, CA 90301

Cross Streets are Florence & Eucalyptus

Please Note: Arrive at the door before 9:00am Parking is limited, Pink & Green Church attire suggested

JAN 3:30 PM - 6:30PM 2025

The Fortieth Commemorative Concert in honor of

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Trinity Baptist Church

2040 West Jefferson Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90018 featuring

The Martin Luther King Celebration Choir

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Chorus

The Delta Sigma Theta Choraliers and special guest artists

Dr. Hansonia Caldwell-Harriford, Director

Dr. Carolyn Kimble-Singleton, Director


Please consider becoming a supporter!

https://www theivyheritagefoundation org


b Sikivu Hutchinson

y 26, 2025 | 2:00 PM

One Day Only!

e Door Theatre

9617 Venice Boulevard

Culver City, California

HealingHands& HealingHands& ai HealingHearts HealingHearts

Please keep these Sorors in your thoughts and prayers:

Soror Kathy Harrison is home recovering from surgery.

Soror Marguerite Phillips

Soror Evelyn Owens

Soror Janice Hutto Johnson

Soror Clair Chisholm

Soror June Bleavins

Soror Grace Cain

Soror Reba Long

Soror Barbara Morgan

Soror Chere Talbert

The Ivy Vine

JANUARY 2025 | VOL. 1

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter

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