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Blair Schoenvogel '97 | Lower School Counselor

Over the 2021-2022 school year, the Lower School focused on a “Word of the Month” and “Miles of Smiles.” In my Wright Way classes, we concentrated on words like Initiative, Cooperation, Service, Compassion, Hope, Contentment and Perseverance. We read stories, performed experiments and studied each word and how it applies to our everyday lives. For example, the students learned that Initiative is “seeing what needs to be done and doing it.” We talked about ways we can take initiative in and out of the classroom each day.

The students also worked on creating “Miles of Smiles” throughout our campus. Strips of paper were provided in each classroom. Once a student/teacher/staff member received an act of kindness, they drew a picture or wrote it down on the strip of paper. Throughout the year, we connected those strips of paper with the wonderful help of our 5th graders to make a large paper chain. Our goal was to create kindness acts that stretched over a mile around the track. It takes 21,120 strips of paper to wrap around the track 4 times/1 Mile. In total, we as a Lower School created well over that number with 22, 305 acts of kindness. Due to the rainy weather, we celebrated by wrapping the chains around Wilson Gymnasium. The students were able to see what an impact they had made over the course of the school year.

The warmth and spirit in the Lower School were felt in every facet of the campus community this year! Having our families back on campus to support the Lower School students in various aspects was truly energizing. We participated in outdoor and indoor pep rallies, grade level performances, choral productions, and even supported our cross-curricular learning by extending our studies into the Mobile community by re-implementing field trips. School sponsored Spirit Nights were back in full swing, as were many of our traditional Reading/Library and Early Childhood Celebrations such as Reading in a Winter Wonderland Day and the acknowledgement of our 100th day of School.

Education of the whole child, intensively tailored to the needs of the individual student, was one of Dr. Julius T. Wright's main goals. This essential piece of UMS-Wright's educational philosophy still rings true today. Dr. Wright went on to say, "each pupil will be given special attention and carefully dealt with according to his individual character, disposition, and temperament. Every effort will be made to inspire pupils with pride and interest in their work and to teach them, especially to study and think for themselves." Student input was given renewed value during the 2021-2022 school year! Many children learned about an "open door policy," and various aged children began to schedule meetings to discuss topics of interest. During the 2021-2022 school year, a particular effort and emphasis was placed on the value of school spirit. During some of these informal meetings, we discussed and implemented "jersey day" on game day(s) that supported the girls and boys Bulldog Athletic Association (B.A.A.) sponsored team events. We also discussed how and when we would celebrate summer birthdays. A special event was implemented to celebrate "Twosday: 2/22/22!" On this special day, students were greeted with "Doublemint" gum or 2022 sunglasses on their desks/ tables and were allowed to add tutus, tennis shoes, and/or ties to their school uniform.

As the year came to a close, we highlighted and embraced transition as we implemented the first ever "Step-Up-Day" in grades K4-4th grade. In coordination with the Middle School, we allowed everyone the opportunity to visit the next grade level and meet some of the teachers. Students at every level were involved with this coordinated effort to reduce anxiety/stress and increase excitement about the 2022-2023 school year. The students/teachers made videos, wrote letters, and colored pictures about their favorite parts of the year for the incoming grade level. The incoming third graders were given a printed version of their individual names written in "cursive." The cursive handwriting sample hooked the students and provided inspiration for the following year. The Middle School welcomed the rising 5th grade class for a tour of their future home.

It is my hope that The Lower School Community learned one of my favorite quotes written by Simon Sinek: "Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion." The year was fast-paced and intentionally planned to provide a model of our deeply rooted traditions for this amazing generation of UMS-Wright students. Forming meaningful relationships with teachers, students, and staff are key to sustained and unified growth!

Aldridge Marks '99 | Lower School Principal

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