5 minute read
Research asserts independent schools fall into one of three categories: schools experiencing fewer enrollment numbers, schools in the throes of decline, and schools with abundant demand and meeting enrollment goals (Jorgenson, 2020). UMSWright is fortunate to be included in the latter of the categories. As we head into the summer, our enrollment outlook is the highest we have experienced in the history of our school; we have enjoyed more participation in The Wright Fund, nearly doubling our projected numbers; our student body is more diverse than ever; and our prospective employment pool is deep with qualified personnel. We have had many board and leadership team meetings to discuss the blessings we are experiencing as a school. There are many reasons we assert why UMS-Wright is thriving when independent education around the country continues to decline among other educational options for families. In May, at our Baccalaureate Service in Dunlap Auditorium, as I listened to over a third of our Class of 2022 reminisce about their time at UMS-Wright, I think I heard my answer.
Our Baccalaureate Service is a unique tradition at UMSWright. No administrator or guest speaker participates in the service. Our Baccalaureate service is student led as our seniors speak, perform, and participate by displaying their talents and taking time to thank their classmates, teachers, and coaches for shaping them into individuals worthy of graduating from UMS-Wright. It is inspiring and humbling to hear the themes throughout the evening as student after student expresses thankfulness to their parents, grandparents, classmates, teachers, coaches, and administrators for shaping them through our school's mission—a true example of humility and thankfulness for attending UMS-Wright. What a refreshing rave and a reminder of the importance of UMS-Wright in our students' lives, in our community, nation, and world. I want to share just a few excerpts from the speeches our students wrote and presented for that Baccalaureate in May. I hope you find them as reassuring and inspiring as I did. I can never do justice to the actual event, but the present themes are those I wish to share as we continue to “go forward to achieve the highest goals in life.”
“I have no doubt we have been given a strong foundation to succeed."
“I always knew I had a home at UMS-Wright.”
"People used to ask me where I was from? I used to reply; it's a long story. But now I can say I am from here. I am proud to be a UMS-Wright Bulldog.”
“It wasn’t the building that made it my home; the teachers and peers made UMS-Wright my second home."
"Don't count the days; make the days count."
“All people are the same except us.”
"In my 14 years at UMS-Wright, the little things have made all the difference in my life.”
“Thank you, UMS-Wright, for giving me a sense of community when I needed it the past four years."
Did you hear it? Did you feel the admiration for our teachers and coaches? Do you know how rare these students are in today’s world? These students are not arrogant, not haughty, not egotistical; they are set apart. They are different. They have experienced what it means to be part of an organization that is COMMITTED to its mission. They have experienced what it means to be part of a team, to have people depend upon them. To be friendly. To be good. To be welcoming. To be supportive. They recognize they did not accomplish anything on their strength alone. It takes all of us to guide our students to their "highest potential." Why would we try to be anything other than who we are? We are UMSWright. We produce students committed to their school, friends, families, teachers, and coaches. We have students who will make an impact in our world. Students who understand honor, integrity, compassion, hard work, failure, determination, reliance, and grit. They are equipped to handle all life will force upon them. They will be leaders, innovators, friends, wives, husbands, moms, and dads equipped to lead the next generation in being part of the solution.
The Class of 2022 reminds me that our task is sacred indeed. They remind me how I must continually strive to model behaviors that set us apart. They challenge me to ensure our mission remains at the forefront of every decision. They remind me this school, this organization, and this mission are more significant than me. This school is about developing difference-makers who are set apart because of "those who were before us." Class of 2022, you have left a significant mark on this school and community. Know, "those who follow after will find in you an example of truth and courage, the spirit of our school."

50 years of experience with Coach Galle at UMS-Wright

Stephanie Hendrix Brakefield ‘81 shares her journey from UMS-Wright to design
Harris Rendfrey and Eden Sabag in Ms. Holberg's art class