Sustainable Developement a community-based approach Empowering communities for a better environment Background This project, implemented in Santo Antão Island, contribute to strengthen local capacities and participation of local communities in sustainable management of natural resources in protected areas. The need to secure livelihoods of households in protected areas, especially for women, means that there should be a change in the relationship between people and parks. In this sense, this project focused on women and their families and livelihood activities, emphasizing the shared responsibility of resources, as well as enabling mechanisms to conserve endemic biodiversity and protect land from erosion.
Project Number:
Project Type:
Project Category:
Operational Phase:
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
7/2010 - 6/2011
MOA signed: 30-06-2010 Grant Amount as per MOA:
13,886 00 USD
Associação de Apoio A Auto Promoção da Mulher No Desenvolvimento (MORABI)
Company Type:
Non-government Organization
Results A total number of 124 local community members of Pedra Racha, Bordeira de Cova, Tabuleiro, Covão, Chã de Padre, Pico de António and Cabeceira do Vale do Paúl were involved in project activities. A Core Environmental group was created and are currently engaged in park management initiatives. Women and youth of the Park were trained in «Sisal» a and aloe vera processing and management of small business. By now is very clear that resident population of the park recognize the importance of endemic species flora conservation and they contribute for the reforestation of the project area with 10 endemic species.
Capacity - Building Component A total of 10 local women received training in «Sisal» transformation, and management of small business. Also, 4 environmental education sessions were promoted in the localities of Lombo de Beatriz e Cabo de Ribeira, and Ribeira de Paul. The aim was to promote sustainable use park resources for the benefit of local communities. Community members involved in the 2 groups participated in two fairs in Santo Antão and São Vicente islands, and established contacts to sell products in others islands. Awareness of Global Environment The initiative promoted sustainable use of biodiversity. But more importantly it promoted conservation of key endemic park and global species.