Amo la Libertad Nº 19 en Inglés

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Índice Fallacies 5 By Miguel A. Morra. Capital gain A N the news WHAT IS OBJECTIVISM? By Maria Marty Objectivism according to ayn rand The right to usurp is the beginning of the end. By Diego López Colombo. Stories ROCK'N ROLL Educational By Verónica Díaz Ortiz Concepts The Communist Manifesto By José María Arriola Bourgeois and proletarians: P roletarians and communists: Socialist and communist literature 2

Attitude of the communists towards opposition parties Conclusions: Alberdians By Alejandro Gesto. Reflections The power of simple actions. By: Anonymous. A college girl By Social Networks Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf Humor Riddles The orange seller: The wine bottle Fill the pool: Uni2 The party What is Uni2?

What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Uni2 Santa Fe Communicational Coordination. Columnists Contact Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution


Fallacies 5 By Miguel A. Morra. Capital gain The origin of the concept of surplus value, as recognized by Karl Marx in his writings, was taken from the classical economist David Ricardo. In turn, we can say that David Ricardo had tried to perfect the concept coined by Adam Smith. However, who developed the concept as we know it today, was Karl Marx. Marx worked the concept to distinguish between 'labor power' and 'labor'. This fact normally facilitated the explanation of the concept of surplus value that constitutes a fundamental term in his theory of 'Labor-Value'. However it is a major fallacies that have been generated with the same goal of either: Deceive receiver the message with a word composed of a combination of terms more simple that at first give the impression of an idea that can be backed by solid arguments, which are then poured out

without taking into account fundamental premises. "The employer, entrepreneur or capitalist keeps the capital gain of the worker " It is a very nice phrase!!! H ace thinking to the recipient thereof, the issuer is defending the worker, advocating the "common good", defending a basic principle of most people because it is known that there are more workers than employers. For the creators of the fallacy, it may be a good choice of the term "Plus" since it does not have an antonym so there seems to be no negative, but in order to determine it theoretically, an objective value such as costs is compared with a subjective value such as costs. price, that is, it is impossible to determine it. And even if it could be done, workers should do their work free of charge until they determine what is left between price and cost without their personal work. And as cost includes certain expenses that can be debated to which products they correspond, they should participate in the business decision so that they would become entrepreneurs and 6

also should judge their own work and that of other salaried employees to determine among how many employees and in what proportion it would be the distribution of these amounts, so they should also be specialists in costs and human resources. With

which it can be said that "SURPLUS VALUE" is a MISTAKE? Conceptually rooted since the only thing that generates the possibility of marketing something at a certain value is the mind of the person who combines all the factors to get there. All the others are voluntary participants in a process for a previously agreed remuneration, so the difference, both positive and negative, between the sale value and the previously agreed payments does not belong to the worker. In a previous paragraph, the word “ERROR� was included between question marks since, in my opinion, it was NOT an error. It was a fallacy created in an absolutely premeditated way to give a theoretical

foundation to a restrictive ideology of individual freedom without caring about anything other than the possibility of deceiving the receiver of the message.

“The one who generates wealth is the mind that combines al of the factors. The rest constitute voluntery agreements of participation for retribution.�


P.S. The coronavirus has a mortality rate of 2.1%. Imposing in practice Marx's restrictive theory of freedom, within which a fallacy such as GOODWILL is an important pillar, led to the death of more than 120 million unarmed compatriots during the 20th century. I mean ... it would be like the coronavirus infecting more than 5.7 billion people. I mean ... restrictive theories of individual freedoms are an incredibly dangerous pandemic.

A N the news WHAT IS OBJECTIVISM? By Maria Marty Objectivism is the name Ayn Rand gave to her philosophy, initially presented through the heroes of her famous novels The Spring (1943) and The Atlas Rebellion (1957), and later in various other books and essays. Objectivism is a complete and integrated philosophical system; it is a set of ideas, of principles that define how man must think and act if he is to live the life of a man. For you as an individual, these are ideas that will help you prosper and be happy.‌ .. ? Objectivism according to ayn rand This is how Ayn Rand herself describes Objectivism in her article "Introducing Objectivism," published in the Los Angeles Times on June 17, 1962: “At a sales conference at Random House , on the occasion of the publication of Atlas Shrugged , one of the 10

booksellers asked me if I could present the essence of my philosophy while standing on one foot. I did it, like this: Metaphysics:

Objective Reality

Epistemology: Reason Ethics: SelfPolitics:

interest Capitalism

“If you want this translated into plain language, it would be: 1. "Nature, to be commanded, has to be obeyed", or "Desiring it will not make it come true." 2. "You can't have your cake and eat it at the same time." 3. "Man is an end in himself." 4. "Give me freedom or give me death." “If you kept these concepts with total consistency as the basis of your convictions, you would have a complete philosophical system to guide the course of your life. But keeping them consistently - understanding, defining, demonstrating, and applying them -

requires volumes of thought. And that is why philosophy cannot be discussed while one is standing on one foot - nor with both feet on either side of each wall. The latter is the predominant philosophical position today, especially in the field of politics. “My philosophy, Objectivism, states that: Reality exists as something absolute and objective: the facts are the facts, regardless of men's emotions, desires, hopes, or fears. Reason (the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man's senses) is man's only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide for action, and his basic means of survival. Man - every man - is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others. He must exist for his own benefit, neither by sacrificing himself for others nor by sacrificing others for him. Pursuing your own 12

rational interest and your own happiness is the highest goal of your life. The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism. It is a system in which men deal with one another, not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as merchants, by free exchange and voluntary consent for mutual benefit. It is a system in which no man can obtain any value from others by resorting to physical force, and no man can initiate the use of physical force against others. The government acts only as a policeman who protects the rights of man; use physical force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use, such as criminals or foreign invaders. In a system of total capitalism, there should be (but, historically, there has not yet been), a total separation between state and economy, in the same way and for the same reasons that there is separation between state and religion. "

Ayn Rand Center Latin America

CEO Ayn Rand Center Latin America


The right to usurp is the beginning of the end. By Diego Lรณpez Colombo. Demanding the right to take another's property is not only breaking the moral foundation of a society, it is a major contradiction. Usurpation is possession and at the same time the declaration that the usurped property you do not own and can be the object of an infinite chain of usurpations. The right to usurp is to finally resign oneself to never possessing anything. It is not pretending a more just society, it is the stupid audacity to seek self-destruction. With what right and meaning would you mark the limits of the usurped property? To the official, intellectual or religious who tries to remain impartial or on the sidelines in the face of a usurpation I say that such a position does not exist, it is impossible. That this position is not to rise or seek conciliatory solutions, or to place oneself in an

arbitration situation, or anything like that. It is a cowardly position and devoid of all principle. Without the right to property there are no more rights, there is no society. There would be no owners, no state, and nothing to work for. Only usurpers, usurped and neighbors terrified of being the next victim. On what intellectual or legal basis is a usurper allowed to remain on someone else's property while at the same time prohibiting the legitimate owner from entering to recover his property? The right to usurp would not be one more right, on the contrary, it would be the destruction of all rights. It is not fighting for an ideal, it is destroying all ideals at one stroke. It is finally the destruction of society. The author is a Specialist in Objectivist Philosophy


Stories ROCK'N ROLL Educational By VerĂłnica DĂ­az Ortiz The end of the 19th century was coming and the construction of the Argentine Republic. Under the mandate of Julio Argentino Roca, a series of very serious conflicts begin that have to do with the problem, which was already evident about continental ice and the Malvinas Islands. But today, in this article, we are going to refer to Law 1420 of Common, Secular and Compulsory Education. As a result of this law, a country with good schools was built, which Sarmiento, for reasons of political times, could not sanction during his mandate in 1868/73. Neither did his successor Nicolas Avellaneda, who had been his education minister for 6 years. It was Roca who finally built the national education system.

Observe what difference, the infinite vocation and love for their homeland that this generation of politicians had, to the miseries in which Argentine citizens are involved today. Roca appoints Sarmiento as Director of Primary Education and Nicolรกs Avellaneda as Rector of the University of Buenos Aires. It means, in practical terms, that it continues to build our great nation with the collaboration in the education of two previous presidents at the forefront of this important and foundational issue. Like everything in life, nothing is perfect, and this sparked a deep conflict with the Holy See. It turned out that the Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Luigi Matera , did not agree with the law 1420 of compulsory and lay common education since they limited the powers of the Catholic Church in education matters. The Papal Nuncio, in a style of legal and political contempt, exhorted citizens to civil disobedience.


President Roca, deepened his ideas of freedom of expression and religious freedom , to promote a free country. Among other things, it was being projected through the social inclusion of European and Middle Eastern immigrants, which had already begun to arrive since the 1950s of the 19th century. Roca and those who accompanied him were clear that, to achieve this objective, and to populate our nation, it was necessary to generate freedom policies, especially in educational matters. That is why this law was so important. As a consequence of this, the Roca administration had the credentials returned to the Apostolic Nuncio Luigi Matera, and requested his immediate withdrawal from the country. Foreign relations with the Papal Curia were interrupted for many years while the Roca government was advancing and consolidating territories and giving legal security to the landowners and to anyone who wanted to settle in these lands.

For all those who do not know history, and as it really was, it should be said that Law 1420, in addition to this conflict with the papal curia, had the greatness of what were the general principles of public education in primary schools. Primary school began to have a single objective that was to promote and simultaneously direct the intellectual and physical moral development of every child from six to fourteen years of age, giving them primary, compulsory, free and gradual instruction in accordance with the precepts of the hygiene of the time. With regard to religion, article eight of Law 1420 says that “religious teaching could only be given in public schools by authorized ministers of the different cults to the children of their respective communion before or after the hours of class". Understanding this, we can see the greatness of the thought of the Roca government and the enlightened people who accompanied it in this incredible historical process, giving the possibility to all people of any creed to settle and take root in our lands. 20

Of course, you have to look at the cultural context of the time to understand the magnitude of these political decisions that changed the course from a no man's land to a country projected to the world. If this is not freedom, we Argentines would have to seriously rethink what freedom is, because freedom begins with the possibility of educating, being educated and trained so that all the inhabitants of a nation have the same possibilities beyond luck in the that each one was born by birth. This country, our country, was built by people who had greatness and vision, to understand that all these changes were important in order to give people the necessary tools, not only to settle in a new land, but to project life. of their children. This perspective also reached in article 12 of Law 1420, to the teaching of traveling schools for adults , which included: reading, writing, arithmetic, morality and urbanity, notions of national language, national geography, national history as well as explanation of the National Constitution, and the teaching of common objects that are

related to industry and agriculture, which was already beginning to outline its first glimpses of what we are today in this matter. To such an extent, the population was made aware of the importance of education, that those parents or guardians who did not comply with the duty to enroll children annually, would incur a crime with fines, increasing these successively in case of recidivism. Let's think about how a state that thinks of its citizens, and does not tremble in generating policies that are beneficial to children. Today the populist parties fill their mouths and do not protect anyone. What protection are we talking about if today they do not comply with the regulations and laws that force children to attend school are not complied with? What social conscience is talked about about children's rights, when policies are devastating on them? The current Argentine educational system indoctrinated in populist ideology does not seek the attendance of our children in 22

classes or the excellence of educational curricular activities. The reality is that the vision and the projection of the foundations of our culture was sealed by fire by those who gave their lives for our country, unfortunately today, every day more devalued. Concluding…. If the "founding fathers " could see life today, NO would be proud of their h ijos in politics and whether they would Decision, in viarían to jail or exile The author is a Journalist, Ex-Director of the GCBA Green Spaces Sponsorship Program

Concepts The Communist Manifesto By José María Arriola To talk about "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" it is necessary to understand the historical situation that led to its creation.

Towards the second half of the 18th century, a transformation began in England with the invention of the steam engine and power looms, which led to the replacement of artisanal labor by industrial labor. The Industrial Revolution began the greatest change in the history of humanity, which went from a rural economy based on agriculture and commerce to one of an urban, industrialized and mechanized nature. The small artisan workshop of the medieval guilds where each product was produced from start to finish by a single craftsman was surpassed by the workshop where the division of labor occurred within the workshop itself, in the style of the pin factory referred to by John Stuart Mill . This workshop was in turn replaced by the factory, by the industry. This change led to an important social transformation, and medieval farmers, small artisans, petty bourgeoisie were absorbed by the new working class, called proletarians by Marx and Engels, which worked in factories dominated by capitalists, called bourgeois by the authors . 24

Another important influence was the appearance of the American Revolution in 1776 that gave rise to a new society based on individual freedom and that marked the beginning of the end of European domination over America. A few years after the French Revolution in 1789 eliminated the French monarchy, but ten years later it was replaced by a coup state by Napoleon Bonaparte he became emperor of France, Emperor of Italy. With the invasion of Spain by Napoleon the Independence of the American States began. In 1815 the defeat at Waterloo ended Napoleonic rule. In 1836, German emigrants founded the so-called League of the Just in Paris. At its 1847 meeting in London, the League of the Righteous took the name of the Communist League and commissioned Marx and Engels to write a text called "The Manifesto of the Communist Party", to serve as a detailed program of the party and that was both theoretical and practical. The Manifesto was first published in London in 1848 in the German language. It was

later translated into English, French, Polish, and then almost all languages. With each new edition, Marx and Engels, and after the death of Marx, only Engels wrote a new prologue giving an account of the changes produced since the previous version. The manifesto is a short text (about 50 pages) , but whose ideas will have a superlative role in the next 150 years and that it still does. It is remarkable that when they wrote it, Marx was only 29 and Engels in his early 30s, and it took just two months to write. It consists of a short preamble and four chapters. It begins with a phrase that became famous and that was premonitory of the terror that the communists would unleash years later: "A ghost haunts Europe: it is the ghost of communism" In the preamble he states that Communism is already (in 1847) recognized as a force throughout Europe and that the Manifesto will serve as the Party's program. 26

Then it develops its 4 chapters. The first of them and the longest is titled: Bourgeois and proletarians: The chapter begins with another phrase that became famous: "The history of all societies to this day is the history of class struggles." It develops the history of the class struggle and gives numerous historical examples: masters and slaves in antiquity, patricians and commoners in Rome, feudal lords and vassals in the Middle Ages, and which today (1848) occurs between bourgeois and proletarians . Marx and Engels identify the bourgeoisie with the method and possession of the capitalist means of production. On the contrary, the proletariat is the social class that has no control over the means of production or distribution and that must rent its labor power in exchange for a wage. They define it as:

"that modern working class that can only live by finding work and that only finds work to the extent that it increases capital." The authors credit the bourgeoisie with having created the modern world and its major inventions and improvements. In navigation, on the railroad, in commerce, in the boom of industry. These improvements have had their correspondence in the increase of capital and therefore in the increasing political power of the bourgeoisie. According to Marx and Engels "the government of the modern state is a board that manages the common affairs of the entire bourgeois class." The growing division of labor means that the most repetitive jobs remain for the workers and that they are paid less and less. This produces the alienation of the worker, depriving the worker of his autonomous character, leaving him only repetitive tasks and comparing it to a simple spring of the machine. The impoverishment of the working middle class, the artisan, the peasant, and the 28

small industrialist make the ranks of the proletarians swell. To guarantee the existence of the proletariat it is at least necessary to give it the means for its survival.

"It is the same accelerated development of industry that evens out the working conditions, unites the proletarians, and presents their class association as the first necessity for the struggle for their social interests, contrary to those of the bourgeois class." To develop, the bourgeoisie needs to constantly revolutionize the means of production, and therefore the system of production and the social order. This fact imposes on the bourgeoisie the need to sell its products to the whole world and thereby deprives industry of its national base. It creates new needs and new industries that no longer use national raw materials but others that come from remote regions of the world. (National narrowness and exclusivity are becoming more impossible every day).

The bourgeoisie also submits the countryside to the city, creating large cities and depopulating the interior of each country and also subjecting the poor countries to the rich, the barbarians to the civilized, the East to the West. The superabundance of means of life means that the means of production do not favor bourgeois property and this is resolved in the innumerable commercial crises that occur. How does the bourgeoisie overcome this problem? Preparing larger crises and diminishing the means of preventing them. The bourgeoisie in turn also produces the modern workers, the proletarians who are ultimately those who are going to put an end to it. Marx and Engels make an analysis of the industrial situation of the proletariat at that time and how rebellions and uprisings occur. These uprisings, although they do not succeed, are managing to consolidate the proletarian class and allow them to act together in defense of their wages. The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are eminently hostile to each other. One tries to maximize your profit by lowering the price of 30

your salary and the other tries to maximize your salary. The existence of the bourgeoisie is based on the accumulation of wealth in private hands, this is the growth of capital. The condition of existence of this capital is based on wage labor, and this in turn on the competence of the worker. Therefore the progress of industry, which the bourgeoisie cannot oppose, substitutes the isolation of the worker for his revolutionary association. This association finally produces the collapse of the bourgeoisie. P roletarians and communists: In this chapter they analyze what the relations are between the communists and the proletarians. They clarify that the communists are part of the proletariat and that they do not form their own party and that they do not have their own interests or special principles other than those of the proletariat. "The immediate objective of the communists is the same as that of all the other proletarian parties: constitution of the proletarians in class, overthrow of bourgeois

rule, conquest of political power by the proletariat." In much of the chapter, the authors respond to "the reproaches of the bourgeoisie against communism", indicating that when they speak of abolishing property, family, nationality, individuality, etc. , they refer to the bourgeois form of that principle. . The distinctive feature of communism is not the abolition of property in general, but the abolition of bourgeois property. But modern bourgeois private property is the last and most complete expression of the mode of production and appropriation of what is produced based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of one by the other. In this sense, the Communists can summarize their theory in this unique formula: abolition of private property. For example, it is not the private property of the petty bourgeois , of the worker, that they have obtained with their work, but the bourgeois private property that is abolished anyway for nine tenths of the 32

population, because bourgeois property can only exist by depriving the population. most access to that property Neither does the family because the worker has no family because he spends the day working. Nor does it want to abolish the homeland, since "workers have no homeland." Marx and Engels deny the existence of eternal truths and argue that: "The prevailing ideas in an age have always been the ideas of the ruling class." They point out that the first step of the workers' revolution must be to conquer political power. They indicate that the dominant proletariat will have to centralize the means of production "in the hands of the State, that is, of the proletariat organized as a ruling class." Then they indicate 10 points of government that the proletariat should carry out: 1. Expropriation of the territorial property and use of the rent of the land for the expenses of the State.

2. Strong progressive tax. 3. Abolition of the right of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all ĂŠmigrĂŠs and seditious. 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State through a National Bank with State capital and a monopoly regime. 6. Centralization in the hands of the State of all means of transport. 7. Multiplication of manufacturing companies belonging to the State and of the instruments of production, clearing of uncultivated lands and improvement of lands, according to a general plan. 8. Obligation to work for everyone; organization of industrial armies, particularly for agriculture. 9. Combination of agriculture and industry; measures aimed at gradually disappearing the difference between city and country. 10. Free public education for all children; abolition of child labor in factories as 34

it is practiced today; education regime combined with material production, etc. For Marx and Engels political power is the organized violence of one class for the oppression of another. The proletariat as the ruling class will abolish the old relations of production and therefore the conditions for class existence and in doing so eliminates its own need for class domination. In replacement of her will arise "an association in which the free development of each will be the condition of the free development of all" Socialist and communist literature At the time that Marx and Engels wrote the manifesto, there was a great profusion of socialist literature. They associate all these variants into three large groups. The Reactionary Socialism: they are those variants that tried to defend the rights of the workers, in reality they defended precapitalist rights . Sectors that, having lost privileges, attacked the bourgeoisie

by associating themselves with the proletarian class Feudal Socialism: sectors of the aristocracy displaced from power by the bourgeoisie and sectors of the clergy converged. France and England. Petty Bourgeois Socialism: German Socialism Conservative or bourgeois socialism: sensitization on the part of the bourgeoisie to the suffering of the proletariat and an attempt to mitigate these injustices in order to preserve the bourgeois social order. Critical-utopian communism



Attitude of the communists towards opposition parties Communists fight to achieve the immediate goals and interests of the working class; but, at the same time, they also defend, within the current movement, the future of that movement. The authors describe the proletarian movements in the main 36

countries and focus their hopes on Germany, since an almost feudal situation still existed there and the bourgeoisie had not yet taken political control. In short, the Communists everywhere support any revolutionary movement against the existing social and political regime. They openly proclaim that their goals can only be achieved by overthrowing the entire existing social order by violence . The ruling classes can tremble before a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose in it other than their chains. They have, however, a world to win. The manifesto ends with another famous phrase: Proletarians of all countries, unite! In the prologue to the German edition of 1883 Engels outlines the fundamental idea of the manifesto: "The fundamental idea that the entire Manifesto is permeated, - namely: that economic production and the social structure that necessarily derives from it in each historical epoch constitute the basis on

which the political and intellectual history of that epoch rests; that therefore all history (since the dissolution of the primitive regime of common property of the land) has been a history of class struggle, of struggle between exploiting and exploited classes, dominant and dominated, in the different phases of social development; Y that now that struggle has reached a stage in which the exploited and oppressed class (the proletariat) can no longer emancipate itself from the exploiting and oppressing class (the bourgeoisie), without emancipating, at the same time and forever, society whole of exploitation, oppression and class struggles - this fundamental idea belongs solely and exclusively to Marx. " Conclusions: "The Manifesto of the Communist Party" is one of the most influential books in the history of the world, which definitively marked the history of the 20th century and strongly influences that of the 21st century.


It was written by two young Germans exiled in London within two months and who must never have imagined the consequences of their ideas. The application of his theories by leaders who embraced his ideals caused the death of tens of millions of people in Mao's China, Lenin's and Stalin's USSR, and on all continents, and led to hundreds of millions of poverty. Wherever he wanted to be implanted he brought death and backwardness and only succeeded in replacing the powerful class of the bourgeois capitalists with that of the party leaders. Examples abound. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the failure of the " Mao Peasant Revolution " and the communist system in China and the rest of the world, added to the death, violence, misery and backwardness that they generated, seemed to deal a mortal blow to the theories of Marx and Engels put into practice. However, like the heads of the mythological Greek Hydra, the ideas of the

manifesto have reappeared and mutated to suit the 21st century. In the 20th century communism came close to leading us to annihilation through the cold war and the threat of total nuclear war with capitalism. In Latin America it produced violence, revolutions and death during the bloody 60s and 70s, marked by Marxist terrorist violence and the also violent response of the military regimes. We cannot help but shudder at the first sentence of the manifesto: "A ghost haunts Europe: it is the ghost of communism", knowing today the consequences that it would bring in the next 150 years. Nor can we stop worrying and dealing with the consequences that the appearance of its degraded successor, "Populism", will bring on the world, our continent and especially our country. The author is an Architect


Alberdians By Alejandro Gesto. Dear reader, you may find in this modest article, the apparent nonsense that someone who embraces liberal ideas, does not talk to you about numbers and statistics. But throughout it I hope to understand the " why " Today we are witnessing one of the darkest moments in our beloved country and they n which the V leg, the P roperty Private, the J ustice and the Republic are mere words on painted cardboard. How did we get to this ? , What about us? It is time for us to seriously challenge ourselves and stop looking for excuses, such as divine explanations or chance. For this I propose to take a short tour of our history, through music, shedding prejudices and no matter who wrote these lyrics, their political overtones or sympathies, we will see how they describe, like minstrels of the Middle Ages, the moments lived.

The permanent deja Vú in which we have lived for almost 100 years. Cambalache. 1934. Discepolo (some stanzas) Everything is the same nothing is better The same a donkey What a great teacher The immoral have equaled us ‌. He who does not cry does not breast And he who does not worry is a gil ... If it is the same who works, Night and day like an ox That the one who kills, That he who heals Or it is outside the law. Of course, it goes without saying, that any resemblance to reality today is no mere coincidence. 42

For the people. 1974. Piero (some stanzas) Eating well was very rare. Eat little was normal ... Studying was a sin Clandestine was knowing Because when the people know He is not deceived by a Brigadier ( small license that I take, maybe he does not rhyme but the word political, he also fits perfectly) And they finished off the country And they finished it off badly They tore it to pieces And now we have to put it back together ... As if it were the Back to the Future saga; a Peronist from yesterday writes to a Peronist from today. March of the Bronca. 1982. Pedro and Pablo I can't see so much organized lie

Without answering my anger in a hoarse voice ... They fight because they kill with impudence But nothing is ever clear Could it be that these authors, as if they were oracles, describe the Argentina of today many years before? Or just sadly, nothing has changed? I could continue with themes, from the most diverse artists, La Bersuit, Alejandro Lerner, to name a few more contemporary ones. As well as Tato's Argentina or that fantastic or monologue on Pinti's bicycle. But it is not my intention to bore you with what you will surely understand by now is a permanent Deja VĂş. Why do you say I have chosen this introduction? I will gladly try to answer that question. In my humble opinion, L or s Liberal (note that I write liberalism, since all ism is bad allowing neologisms, such as N eoliberalismo, which mischievously 44

desvi rtĂşan our ideas and ideals), have not been able to give a speech outside the economy. There has n had the intelligence to create your own song. And even less, to reach each person in this country with simple words. From north to south and from east to west. And they have become mere occasional panelists every time we go through a crisis. Is it valid to speak of Hayek, Friedmann, Smith or any foreigner who crosses our path, expressing some of our ideas? Is it conducive to becoming a government, talking about numbers, comparisons of wealth and evolution of other countries, with other idiosyncrasies, that only very few people understand? There is no doubt that who else, who less, at this point knows that nobody explains the economy better and gives the best, most valid and proven solutions than our referents in economics But is that enough?

Peronism has PerĂłn, radicalism has AlfonsĂ­n, socialism has Alfredo Palacios ... And we liberals, Hayek, Friedmann and Smith among others? How can you create empathy with society? How can we think of a mystic from cold numbers? In my humble understanding, we have taken the wrong path. We have withdrawn from society, and we speak only to a small group of people. Is a change possible? Of course, sir, reader. We also have a wonderful benchmark, even much higher than what they have. Not only because of his phrases and ideas, but because he saw the country long before. He was a true statesman and laid nothing more and nothing less than the foundations to build a great Nation. Juan Bautista Alberdi. 46

That back in the mid-1800s he said things as current as this: “All the theories that claim to explain the production of wealth and the suppression of poverty by other means than work and savings, instead of idleness and waste, are false theories, of deception and of ruin that far to serve to remedy crises only serve to produce and aggravate them. " I propose not be more " l os liberal " . C onvirtĂĄmonos in alberdian. Let us have our mystique, Symbols Hymn and give space to the creation of a discourse that reaches the heart of every A rgentino. Because you know what? The vast majority of us are Alberdians, only that until today we were not clear that it is not only about numbers; but above all about people and doing politics, in the true sense of the word. Give the Cultural Battle But that will be left for another article. The author is Entrepreneur



Reflections The power of simple actions. By: Anonymous. One day when I was a high school student, I saw a classmate from my class walking back home. His name was Kyle. I was carrying all of his books and thought, " Why will be taking books home every Friday must be a madman?". I already had plans for the whole weekend. Parties and a soccer game with my friends on Saturday afternoon, so I shrugged and went on my way. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of guys running towards him. When they reached him, they threw all his books at him and tripped him, knocking him to the ground. I saw his glasses fly off and hit the ground about ten feet from him. He looked up and I could see tremendous sadness in his eyes. My heart sank, so I ran to him as he crawled for his glasses. I saw tears in her eyes.

I put his glasses to his hands and said, "Those guys are morons, they shouldn't do this."He looked at me and told me."! Thank you!". There was a big smile on his face; one of those smiles that showed true gratitude. I helped him with his books. He lived next to my house. I asked him why he hadn't seen him before and he told me that he had just moved from a private school. I had never met someone who went to a private school. We walked home. I helped him with his books; he seemed like a good boy. I asked him if he wanted to play soccer on Saturday with me and my friends, and he agreed. We were together all weekend. The more I got to know Kyle, the better we liked him, both me and my friends. Monday morning came and there was Kyle with that huge pile of books again. I stood up and said: "Hello, you will get good muscles if you carry all those books every day." He laughed and gave me half to help him. For the next four years we became best friends. When we were about to finish high school, Kyle decided to go to Georgetown 50

University and I to Duke. I knew we would always be friends, that distance would not be a problem. He would study medicine and I would study administration, with a soccer scholarship. The big Graduation day arrived. He prepared the speech. I was happy not to be the one to speak. Kyle looked really good. He was one of those people who had found himself during high school, he had improved in all aspects, he looked good with his glasses. He dated more girls than I did and they all adored him. Wow! Sometimes I even felt jealous ... Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about the speech, so I patted him on the back and said: "You're going to be great, buddy." He looked at me with one of those looks (really thankful) and smiled at me: "Thank you," he said. He cleared his throat and began his speech:

"Graduation is a good time to give thanks to all those who have helped us through these difficult years: your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach ... But mainly to your friends. I am here to tell you that being a friend of someone is the best gift we can give and receive and, to this end, I am going to tell you a story. " I looked at my friend in disbelief when he began to tell the story of the first day we met. That weekend he planned to commit suicide. He talked about how he cleaned his closet and why he carried all his books with him - so his mother wouldn't have to pick them up from school afterward. He was staring at me and smiling at me. "Fortunately I was saved. My friend saved me from doing something irreparable." I listened in amazement as this handsome and popular boy told everyone about that moment of weakness.


His parents also looked at me and smiled at me with that same smile of gratitude. At that moment I realized the depth of his words: "Never underestimate the power of your actions: with a small gesture, you can change the life of another person. Always use reason and the path to LIFE FULL will be very interesting ."

A college girl By Social Networks A college girl was in the third year of her studies, and as is common in college students, she thought she was on the left, and was in favor of a more equitable distribution of wealth; wealth that she had not yet achieved. The girl was ashamed that her father was from the right. His father was opposed to socialist programs and bills that granted benefits to those who do not deserve, and taxes more higher for those with higher incomes money.

His honorable and objective professors had assured him that his father's was a wrong philosophy. Therefore one day she decided to confront her father. In the middle of the conversation, his father asked him


How are the classes going daughter? She, visibly upset, replied:

They are doing well. I have a 7 grade point average in all subjects. It costs me a lot of effort, I have almost no social life and I sleep little, but I succeed and I feel very satisfied, but that is not the subject we are discussing, Dad. And the father asks again And how did your friend Soledad do? The daughter replied: Wrong, Soledad barely has an average of three, she spends all her time at parties, she never studies and several times she does not attend classes because she goes with her friends, but ... The father said: 54

So go to the Rector and ask him to transfer 2 of his 7 points to her, so that they both have a 5, this would be a good and democratic distribution of grades, and they could both pass the semester, don't you think? And she indignantly told him that she had to work very hard to achieve results, while Soledad played, and that she did not want to give the product of her work to someone else, especially if they did not deserve it. The father then told him: My daughter, welcome to consistency !

Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf .

“The creator generates. The parasite takes borrowed. The creator faces nature by itself. The parasite faces nature through an iontermediary. The creators preocupation is the conquer of nature. The Preocupation of the parasite is the conquer of men�


“The Individualist, by respecting and being respected, is a benevolent and generous being. The colectivist, by sacrificing and being sacrificed, is a resented and despicable being.�

Humor The judge interrogates to the l witness: - Do you practice prostitution? - No, judge ... I practiced it a long time ago, now I do it.

------------------------------------------------The domestic worker asked for a salary increase. The lady did not like the request very well and asked: Maria, why do you want me to raise your salary? ... - Madam: I have three reasons ... The first is that I iron clothes better than you - Who told you that you ironed better than me? ' - Her husband said so - OH ...!!! The second reason is that I cook better than you


- That's just a story, who told you that you cook better than me? - Her husband said that too - Ah gee...!!! - The third reason is that I am better in bed than you ... (The lady very decomposed) - My husband told you that???!!! - No ma'am, the gardener was the one who told me ... Obviously the lady increased her salary! -------------------------------------------------

Riddles "Newton said that, to solve a problem that refers to numbers or relations of quantities, it is only necessary to translate the language in which it is written to the algebraic language."

The orange seller: A street vendor set out to sell a basket of 115 oranges at the rate of 10 coins for every 5 oranges. At the time of the sale he changed his mind and made a pile with the 58 fattest oranges and another with the 57 smallest. The fat ones sold them for 5 coins every 2 oranges and the little ones for 5 coins every 3 oranges. Was this the same as the first intention?

------------------------------------------------The wine bottle If they tell us that a bottle of wine is worth 10 euros and that the wine it contains costs 9 euros more than the container, how much do the wine and the container cost separately ? -------------------------------------------------


Fill the pool: To fill a pool with water, there are three jets. The first pump takes 30 hours to fill, the second takes 40 hours and the third takes five days. If all three jets are connected together, how long will it take for the pool to fill ?

Solutions at the end

Uni2 The party What is Uni2? Unidos is a political party that intends to recover the ideas that made our country a power and to position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights,

equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking� candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. In this way, the party will consolidate itself as an institution of a lasting nature, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. 62

Antipersonalism : the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas that the party promotes in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are, quite simply, ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment, thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want a change from the roots for Argentina, and we decided to bring the ideas

of freedom to the political arena, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom a visibility and impact unprecedented in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. .

Something new is needed.


------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; -------------------------------------------------

Uni2 Santa Fe Communicational Coordination. Jose Brunello

Columnists Publisher: Miguel A. Morra Transalte: Mariano Flores. Maria Marty . With stanza Diego Lรณpez Colombo. Veronica Diaz Ortiz Jose Maria Arriola Alejandro Gesture. Old liberal wolf.

To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok

Contact Facebook: Instagram: santafe/


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Puzzle solution

1) Oranges : In the second option you win 10 more coins

---------------------------------------2) The packaging costs 0.5 and the wine 9.5 ---------------------------------------

3) 15 hours ----------------------------------------

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