Amo la Libertad Nº 20 Inglés

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Índice Editorial. Change something so that nothing changes. By Miguel A. Morra . A N the news Atlas rebellion (1957 By Maria Marty stories In 15 seconds… you think a lot! !! By Ricardo Lázaro Nogara. Concepts Fallacies and Arguments By José María Arriola What is being a libertarian liberal By Dr. Oscar Enrique Caprav . Reflections Social equality By : Raimundo Collado 2

Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf Humor Riddles Uni2 The party What is Uni2? What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Uni2 Santa Fe Communicational Coordination. Columnists Contact Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution

Editorial. Change something so that nothing changes. By Miguel A. Morra. "The creator originates. The parasite borrows. The creator faces nature alone. The parasite faces nature through an intermediary. The interest of the creator is to conquer nature. The interest of the parasite is to conquer men. "Ayn Rand. The field creates, originates, faces nature and conquest, industry, in the same way, adds value, commerce brings it closer to the consumer and services support the entire chain. Together they allow access to elements that would otherwise be impossible. Thus, the logical mission of the private sector is to develop the general economic system, within a framework of freedom and simplicity, to achieve a growing quality of life in all components of the social organization. 4

The logical mission of the public sector is to guarantee life, liberty and property, within a regulatory framework that stimulates creativity and ensures organized coexistence so that many good ideas can become large companies, as they did. those countries that developed. In this framework, both the Tax Systems and with it, the Budgets of all levels of the social organization (national, provincial, municipal or communal) are the basic profile and the backbone of the development format chosen by those who have the authority to impose it and it is where you can really analyze the foundations and possibilities of a certain social organization. If we think that, in Argentina, tax changes have been generated for many years, both at the federal, provincial and municipal levels, we could assume that they are working towards an improvement of the general scheme. But if we analyze the last 5 decades, in the vast majority of cases, under a very nice

phrase, but misused in its foundation, such as "the redistribution of income", changes have been based that hide a simple collection voracity based on the inability of the public sector to correct expenditures. More than 40 years ago the VAT (value added tax) was born, a consumption tax implemented in all economic stages that was thought with a rate of 10% but was modified at a rate of 13% and with the foundation that it was eliminate the Gross Income tax (provincial) and the Right of Registration and Inspection (municipal). Today the VAT rate is 21% and 27%, no tax was eliminated, the income and fuel tax rate was increased, the tax on personal property, on the minimum presumed profit, on participations was added. Businesswomen, bank debits and credits, withholdings at the source of VAT, Earnings, IB and DRI and other bureaucratic entanglements were incorporated, displaying a creativity that more than an artist would envy. Nor can we forget that, despite all these increases, the basic concepts that make 6

the currently very famous "Income Redistribution" as they are; Safety, Health and Education have had a profound deterioration in their quality, to such an extent that, if there were no police, hospital and school cooperators and many related NGOs, the bad situation would be of such magnitude that in some sectors would immobilize the structure and the service could not be provided. It is evident then that the vast majority of politicians of the last decades, the only thing they have tried is to appropriate an increasing portion of everyone's work for the sole purpose of conquering more power through the conquest of parasites and have transformed to the backbone of the social organization (the tax system) in an immense mountain of garbage. The withholdings on exports are one of the best examples of this: They should serve, temporarily, to alleviate urgent problems of a critical national situation, which had been reached as a consequence of the actions of the

same "non-creative" people and yet they continue in force, deepen and only serve to facilitate a centralized and authoritarian power, fundamentally deteriorating the concept of democracy. It is one more example of the incompatibility of the economic reasoning of those who hold the National Executive Power and that of several provinces, in relation to production and what this means for a country and the intellectual smallness of many of the members of our "¿¿ honorable? Congresses. The consequences of such reasoning, on the part of the executive powers of different levels and the incapacity of control by the legislators, cannot be other than LESS GROWTH, LESS JUSTICE and an unflappable DECADE, for a country that could be much better if parasite concept will not be used to make decisions. For this reason, I think that to talk about a tax change, we would have to talk about a change seriously and in depth. Everything else is just Changing something so that nothing changes. 8

So much has been the failure of the general system that the two oldest and most representative entities of agriculture, industry, commerce and services of the city of Rafaela, the Rural Society and the Commercial and Industrial Center, have expressed in a document in the year 2009 that: " a) The income of the public sector: In other words, taxes, fees, contributions, rights, etc., which must be fundamentally related to the CONTRIBUTIVE CAPACITY of the subject who must pay, must be SIMPLE and SIMPLE to determine and control. b) Expenditures from the public sector, which must be fundamentally linked to inherent and non-delegable activities of the state such as health, education and Security, they must be efficient in their assignment, austere in their handling and consistent with the objectives. c) The intervention of the public sector in other areas, which must be carefully studied, measured and agreed upon; the transparency of all its actions, which must be absolutely

accessible to the majority of the population in immediate times; and the instruments used , which must be simple, consistent and consistent with the possibilities of use. " Concluding that: "Although, having a system in force that meets the general criteria mentioned and that agrees with the main points agreed upon, may mean a long time and a significant effort, it is noteworthy that the joint decision is to support only those projects of reforms that tend towards it and in a significant way. " (Complete document: Click Here) Therefore, it is evident that we have already reached a limit, and it would be important to be aware that it is education in elementary principles together with production in general, and not the intervention of enlightened officials, that makes a country great. When we have a coherent overarching tax system and not the mountain of garbage that it is today , we may begin to walk the road to being a republic in earnest. 10

Have a good read remembering that ... Freedom is a concept that makes life! ... And life is not waiting for the storm to pass ... It is learning to dance in the rain.... And to enjoy it.

A N the news Atlas rebellion (1957) By Maria Marty Synopsis The country's top banker, one of the world's leading oil producers, a revered professor, an acclaimed composer, a distinguished judge. They all disappear without explanation and without a trace. A copper magnate turns into a worthless playboy. A philosopher-turnedpirate is rumored to roam the seas. The remains of a brilliant invention are left as scrap metal in an abandoned factory.


What is happening to the world? Why does it appear to be in a state of decomposition ? Can it be saved and how?

he Atlas Shrugged "is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder and rebirth of the spirit of man." Follow industrialist Hank Rearden and rail executive Dagny Taggart as they fight to

keep the country afloat and unravel the mysteries they face. Discover why, at every turn, they meet public opposition, new obstacles, government taxes and controls , and the disappearance of the nation's most competent men and women. Will Hank and Dagny save the country and discover the answer to the question “Who isJohn Galt� Para adquirir el libro en Amazon.

Ayn Rand Center Latin America La Autora es CEO Ayn Rand Center Latin America


Stories In 15 seconds‌ you think a lot!!! By Ricardo Låzaro Nogara. At the end of the 70s our country was quite convulsed, and the tight pants with tiny pockets were not enough to carry the DNI, the keys, the gas lighter, the butts and others. The World Cup was a fact and the lead years too. But something mysterious appeared on the big screen, they were those films that really took us to another world, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "ET" showed us skinny beings, big heads with huge and friendly eyes, almost wanting to have some matecitos with these somewhat warlike earthlings. And Fabio Zerpa kept assuring us that extraterrestrial life was constantly watching us ... almost like that black and white series "The Invaders", or another more tender "Mork and Mindy".

The point is that in our normal heads, being able to be abducted by a silver ship was etched in fire. There was no lack of someone who had been able to photograph or record something strange in the sky and that was later replicated by the few TV channels. Until they got the official name ... "Ufo" or its translation into Spanish "Ovni" ... and that's how we started the 80's ... we recovered Democracy and I was glad I received a park ranger, and just married to my dear Adriana, in the time when the jacaranda bloom, we set off with "Rumbo a la unknown" to arrive before Christmas at a remote section of the Lanín National Park on Lake Paimún, closer to one of the landmarks on the border with Chile than to the last Unit of National Gendarmerie. Proud of my position, I was almost like the county sheriff, I traveled the different towns of the Huechulafquen Basin in the Deltamar boat with a 50 HP Evinrude outboard, distributing the boxes of the National Food Plan of Dr. Alfonsín!, That was the best way to get to know incredible 16

characters ... and one more than all, El Chumingo, who told me about their encounters with incredible beings that came down from the sky in vaporous ships, or strange beings that emerged from the depths of the lake, and even the perfect description of a mermaid who used to comb her hair on a stone at the mouth of the Paimún River !! . You can imagine what I thought ... Zerpa, would you be right? Anyway, I am very skeptical, and with a strong imprint on the biological sciences ... but also with a base from the renowned Carl Sagan who got us into that immeasurable universe of unimaginable possibilities of wormholes to travel faster than the speed of light. And one afternoon, as the sun had set behind the western border mountains, I started to close the shutters on the windows so that the little cabin better kept the heat of the day. It was then that behind the ùires forest, I see a similar light as if it were that of a locomotive approaching the level crossing ... and on that side there is nothing, I must clarify that this place can only be reached by boat, on foot or on horseback ‌ There are no vehicular

roads… there is nothing that is not pure nature… it was impossible for such luminosity to come close on that side, so I shouted… come to see!, While I run to hand the pentax reflex camera to reach to escrachar that round light and with a black hole in the center that rose just above the gabled roof ... we ran to the other side, and already outside looking at the summit of the Lanín Volcano, we see how that luminosity was lost in its journey northward. And I would be lying if I said that I was not afraid, and it was already dark when it occurred to me to turn on the Tonomac platinum radio, to listen to the radio station of Radio Nacional Bariloche in AM as a taxi driver described exactly what we saw ... and that left me calmer , to move the dial and put Radio Cooperativa de Santiago de Chile, and they also commented on the phenomenon in real time! . So you think… they weren't coming for me !! And I relaxed, enough to record the fact in the Guard Book of the Sectional, and in a Slide that today is already digitized.


Summer passes and April is the month to gather firewood from the surroundings for winter, the house is well supplied with two salamanders, a fireplace in the living room and of course the black, heavy and faithful economic kitchen with its built-in serpentine to heat water that is stored in the intermediate tank, to which it rises for reasons of physics. In other words, a lot of firewood is needed and a good chainsaw is essential, and in our case, a tame horse that can drag the dry logs to cut and store in the woodshed. We had already finished that day, and unsaddled the equine companion who behaved so well that day. One more dinner, alone and away from everything, the absolute darkness due to the new moon and without the typical winds of the area, the ideal night to go out to see critters (owls, a fox, a deer and with a lot of luck a wild cat or perhaps a stealthy puma) provided by the powerful Asunciรณn brand six-element flashlight, which could be unscrewed in the middle and made of three large batteries, essential to be well lit in case of an emergency ...

We left the house and crossed the little bridge of the stream that goes down to the lake and without speaking we went glued to the shed, continuing to illuminate the ridge and some tall coihues, looking for an owl ready to hunt a mouse. We dared to cross a pampita that led to a natural fence of ùires, closed by the colihues reeds that left a narrow path to lead to the beach, and just about fifty meters away, in that gap between the trees, and before the powerful light of the flashlight, we observed four white silhouettes with very bright and phosphorescent eyes that looked at us straight ahead and without dissimulation, two of them taller! It should be noted that there were no longer tourists, and no resident is going to walk on foot and without dogs‌. they were seconds of uncertainty ... But in my head there was only the possibility of the Close Encounter of the third kind. Despite being warm, a cold ran down my back and I felt my hand grip the flashlight tightly while I thought very seriously that I 20

would have to give some explanation to these Beings, who surely came from some lost point in the Universe ... do not doubt at that moment that clearly he was responsible for speaking on behalf of humanity ... and the worst thing is that in those 15 seconds, which were eternal, he was willing to do so, and without consulting my wife who so far did not emit any sound. Suddenly a pair of those eyes with unusual brightness, they went up and down to the floor, and it was right there when from a corner of my head the immediate memory came. That morning myself, I had closed the passage between the reeds with a rod and wire tanker, so that the cattle of some countrymen would not go to the side of the house ... Those Wise extraterrestrial interstellar travelers of the imagination of Zerpa or Spielberg were nothing more than two Hereford cows with their calves, perfectly aligned on the edge of the wire. And it was that the beam of light of the Assumption, in such a closed night, only took the white silhouette of the fur from the front that drips down to the

legs, depicting a thin humanoid silhouette with disproportionate eyes ... and that was how my position as representative of Humanity I was left in nothing ... for another night more ... alone in the mountains ... with the gaseous buzz of the sun at night, gossiping about a plant book and the possibility of diexism with the platinum Tonomac ... or would it be a Seven Seas ... I don't remember ... it was many years ago. The author is a National Park Ranger in San MartĂ­n de Los Andes


Concepts Fallacies and Arguments By José María Arriola What is an Argument: e s an argument that is used to show that is said or says is true or to convince the other of something assert or deny. Formed by statements, called premises that are intended to determine the degree of truth of another statement that we call a conclusion. There are of basic arguments:



 Deductive: the premises fully support

the conclusion. If the premises of a deductive argument properly support the conclusion, the argument is valid.  Inductive: the premises provide some

degree of support for the conclusion A strong inductive argument is one that has premises that adequately support the conclusion. If all of these premises are true then it is a compelling argument.

What is a Falacia? When we speak we normally use the word fallacy as a synonym for a lie , but we must bear in mind that the fallacy is an error of reasoning . For example, if I have to balance a bank account and I make a mistake in an operation, it is a logic error (subtracting where it should have added, for example). If you enter a wrong number on the other hand, it is a mistake in fact. A fallacy is an argument whose premises fail to support the conclusion. In other words, a logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that invalidates an argument. 

A deductive fallacy, as noted above mind, is a deductive argument invalid (all premises are true and yet the conclusion is false).  An inductive fallacy is less formal than a deductive fallacy. Example argument.





Premise 1: If Black is a dog, then Black is a mammal. Premise 2: Black is a dog. Conclusion: Black is a mammal 24

Example argument.





Premise 1: The vast majority of American cats are domestic. Premise 2: Bill is an American cat. Conclusion: Bill is a house cat. Example of factual error. La Plata is the capital of l to Argentina. Example of deductive fallacy ( invalid deductive argument ) . Premise 1: S i Tandil is the capital of Buenos Aires, then you are in Buenos Aires. Premise 2: Tandil is in Buenos Aires. Conclusion: Tandil is the capital of Buenos Aires. Example of inductive fallacy (hasty generalization).

Premise 1: V I A red Fiat when I came to Santa Fe Conclusion: all Fiats in Santa Fe are red. Most common fallacies 1. man)

Ad Hominem: (towards the

It consists of a personal attack on the person who makes a statement or an argument. Replace the reasoning with an attack based on personal characteristics, background, physical appearance, or other characteristics irrelevant to the argument at hand. This fallacy consists of two parts: first the person is attacked and then that attack is taken as evidence to invalidate their argument. 1st. Person A makes statement X. 2nd. Person B attacks person A. 3rd. Therefore, A's statement is false. 2.

Ad hominem tu


quoque: fallacy of and you more) 26

It consists of attacking the argument because the person said something inconsistent or his actions do not correspond with what he says. This kind of 'argument' has the following structure: 1st. Person A makes statement X. 2nd. Person B asserts that A's actions or past do not correspond to X. 3rd. Consequently, X is false. 3.

Straw man fallacy

It consists of attacking a logical and argumentative position that the opponent does not really have. The opponent's points of view are ridiculed to make our position appear stronger than it is. Example: Pedro: "I think we should remodel our website."

Antonio: "Are you saying that our work in the design department is not worth it and that we have to hire an outsider to do it?" 4. Fallacy of false equivalence Occurs when a word, phrase, or sentence is used to confuse, mislead, or mislead by sounding like it is saying one thing but actually saying another. Often times, this deception comes in the form of euphemisms, replacing unpleasant words with more attractive terminology. Example: replace "lie" with the phrase "creative license", or replace "economic crisis" with "slowdown". 5. Fallacy of sunk cost Sometimes we invest so much in a project that we are reluctant to abandon it, even when it is unsuccessful. It is natural and generally it is not a fallacy to want to continue with something that we consider important; However, this kind of thinking becomes a fallacy when we begin to think that we should continue with a task or project because of everything we have put into it, regardless of the future costs we are likely to incur in doing so. 28

6. Circular fallacy The fallacy or circular argumentation occurs when a person's argument simply repeats what they already assumed beforehand and does not reach any new conclusion. Circular arguments are also called "petitio principii" or begging the question, and they occur when the proposition to be tested is implicitly or explicitly included in the premises. A circular argument can be recognized when the conclusion also appears as one of the premises in the argument. Example: if someone says: "What is written in the Bible is true", and defends their position by saying: "Because the Bible itself says so", would be incurring a circular fallacy. 7. Fallacy of hasty generalization A hasty generalization is a general statement without sufficient evidence to support it. This occurs from the rush to reach a conclusion, which leads the person who argues to make some type of illogical assumption or to emit stereotypes, unjustified conclusions or exaggerations.

An easy way to avoid hasty generalizations is to add qualifiers such as "sometimes", "maybe" or "often". 8. Fallacy of the false dilemma This argumentative fallacy occurs when we fail to limit the options to just two, when in fact there are more options to choose from. Arguments based on the false dilemma are only fallacious when, in fact, there are more options than stated. However, it is not a fallacy if there are really only two options. For example, when we say "The Beatles are the best band of all time, or they are not". This would be a real dilemma, since there are really only two options: they are, or they are not. However, it would be a false dilemma to say, "There are only two types of people in the world: people who love The Beatles and people who hate music," as there will be some people who will be indifferent to their music and others who will they may like it or not, but without so much intensity. 9. Fallacy of correlation and causality 30

The causal fallacy refers to any logical failure that occurs when identifying a cause; that is, when it is concluded about a cause without sufficient evidence to do so. For example, if someone says, "Since your parents named you Jesus, they must be religious Christians." Another causal fallacy is the "post hoc" fallacy: "post hoc ergo propter hoc" ("after this, therefore because of this"). This fallacy occurs when you mistake something for cause just because it came first. Just because something has happened before doesn't mean it caused that. Fallacies of Appeal 1. Appeal to authority (fallacious) : It consists of basing your argument on the fact that she or the person cited as an authority is not a credible authority on that issue. Example, the person does not have enough experience in the subject in question, his statement is not related to his subject of expertise, that person has some degree of interest in what he claims, there is dissent

among the experts, appeal to an authority without a name. 1st. Person A is (or claims to be) an authority on topic S. 2nd. Person A makes a statement C about topic S. 3 °. Therefore, C is true. 2.

Appeal to belief:

Just because most people believe something to be true does not necessarily mean that it is true. 1st. Most people believe that statement X is true. 2nd. Therefore, X is true. Example: In ancient times, most people believed that the earth was flat. 3.

Appeal to common practice:

This fallacy is similar to the previous one. If the majority of people do something, what they do is right or right. 32

1st. X is a common stock. 2nd. Ultimately, X is correct, moral, justified, reasonable, and so on. Example: In the concentration camps, most of the Nazis believed that killing Jews was okay. 4.

Appeal to emotion:

This fallacy is committed when someone manipulates people's emotions in order to make them accept a statement as true. 1st. Favorable emotions are associated with X. 2nd. Consequently, X is true. This line of 'reasoning' is very common in politics and serves as the basis for much of modern advertising. Example: Coca Cola ads say phrases like The taste of life and show happy people, playing, laughing and having a good time showing that Everything is better with CocaCola The statement would Beriah take Coca Cola and will go well and live happy, and excitement

would see people laughing and having a good time . This fallacy is actually extremely effective and persuasive. Emotions are usually stronger than reason itself. This type of fallacy can also present. the following ways. 

Popularity appeal - Accepted because most people approve of the claim. 1st. Most people approve of X. 2nd. So I should accept X as well. 3rd. The moment I accept X, it must be true. 

Appeal to emotion: it is accepted because the individual approves the statement according to the emotions he feels about the statement. 1st. I approve X. 2nd. Consequently X is true. Example: 34

Juan attends a political march. The candidate talks about the benefits of creating a welfare state and about the convenience of increasing public spending by the government to achieve it. After hearing the speech, Juan is convinced of the need for the state to support the residents with the greatest need or who do not have work and that for this it is necessary to increase public spending. Appeal to fear Ad Baculum. 1st. Y is presented (a statement intended to produce fear). 2nd. In conclusion, X is true (a statement which is generally RELATIO nothing And somehow, although it is not necessary). Example: —You shouldn't say those things against abortion! If the

minister heard you, he would kick you out immediately. So you better accept that it is wrong to speak out against abortion. Appeal to flattery 1st. Person A is complimented by Person B. 2nd. Person B makes a statement X. 3rd. Consequently, X is true. The idea is to replace what we want to say with a flattery for the other. Example: That is a good idea and very well exposed. Now if you like, we can see the issue of my salary increase. Appeal to novelty The appeal to novelty is a fallacy that is commented when it is assumed that something is better or correct simply because it is new. This type of reasoning has the following structure: 36

1st. X is new. 2nd. Therefore, X is correct or better.

Another type of fallacy: Fallacy of appeal to punishment, popularity, ridicule, rancor, tradition. The author is an Architect Editor's note;

Homework; Define what kind of fallacy is the title of the following image:

“A brave snake saves a fish from drowning. A great example of the populist-Fascist-Socialist Farce�


What is being a libertarian liberal By Dr. Oscar Enrique Caprav. To understand what it is to be a liberal / libertarian, we must first bear in mind that man is the only being on earth who is not automatically assured of his survival, as is the case with plants and other animals. Man possesses a specific nature and can only survive by acquiring knowledge. To do this, he must resort to a method that is his own by nature, also unique among all beings, which helps him to achieve that knowledge: reason. Ayn Rand defines reason as the faculty that identifies and integrates the material sent by the senses. I wondered what would happen if the man were alone on a desert island. I came to the conclusion that in that case there would be no problem in understanding that man can do whatever he pleases and has the right to the property of his life and that of all the goods that he could acquire from nature or that he could produce by transformation.

The matter becomes complicated when man, who is a social animal, begins to discover that it is easier to survive by exchanging values with his peers, thanks to what is known today as the division of labor and the law of association of Ricardo where the weak and the strong win out for their mutual cooperation. It can be deduced from this that as each human being interrelates with the rest of his species, he creates various groups, but he never loses his individuality and that by his nature he is free (natural law). Human actions are never changing in essence (Mises) and man needs to conduct himself an objective ethic that can be discovered and can be effective, and a political ethic based on freedom, that is, on the natural right of man. (Ayn Rand and Rothbard) The ethics of freedom is the ethics of property, because the first and foremost is the property of their own body and mind, and therefore, each one has the right to preserve both them and the goods that can be obtained by appropriation. original, those that can be produced and those that can be acquired in voluntary exchanges. 40

From here are born what we call rights to life, liberty and property or natural rights because they are intrinsic to human nature, discovered over the years, not sanctioned by any legislature, based on the Natural Law that governs relations between men and allows each one to seek their own happiness and well-being as free and sovereign individuals who intertwine cooperating voluntarily for mutual benefit. The natural right of property -which presupposes the rights to life and liberty- is negative in the sense that it does not represent a demand on energy or production (in short, on property) of another that is not without their voluntary consent. From the above it is deduced what for me is the fundamental ethical principle "no human being has the right to initiate the use of force, or to threaten with it, to obtain values from other men." This is true for each individual as well as for any association of them, no matter what name it adopts (government, union, etc.).

(At this point we can talk about the rights of ethics, which means that man can defend his property (in the broad sense, his life and property) from those who want to take it from him by force. This defense can be done on his own account or by voluntarily hiring a security production company to watch over him) . Being liberal / libertarian implies, as a first measure, recognizing the ethics of freedom, that no coercion can be exercised over another and that each man, as well as being an inalienable part of himself, must also support himself by his own productive effort reaching each one of them the level that their ability and talent allow, implying that they must take responsibility for their own actions that they carry out freely and voluntarily. No person has the obligation to pay for the recklessness, mistakes or negligence of any other. From the point of view of natural law, no man has the right to be supported by another by force or under threat of it. 42

This attitude is clearly immoral, but unfortunately the brainwashing carried out is so phenomenal that even many of those who call themselves "liberals" accept it as "natural." Likewise, every individual has the right to protect their property on their own or through third parties specialized in the matter (division of labor) by contracts and fees voluntarily established between both parties. While it is easy to conceive the contractual origin of a competitive system of security providers, it is inconceivable that the owners would sign a contract by which they would assign them forever, and irrevocably, the final decision - making power over their property (including that of his person) and, in addition, collect the "service" by force , through taxes and with the cynicism of saying that they do it for our own benefit. It is absurd to think how someone could agree to a contract that would allow someone else to determine permanently what they could do or not do with their property, since by doing so they would be rendering themselves

defenseless against such a final decision maker. And even more inconceivable, is to think how someone can agree to a contract in which the service provider will unilaterally determine, without the consent of the client, the amount to be paid for it. But what seems so ridiculous, if it were not tragic, is what we have today all over the world and exacerbated in Argentina: it is called "state", or rather monopoly government, since it is men who make it up. Being a liberal / libertarian consists in fully understanding these concepts introduced into people's minds by a brainwashing, as Rothbard says, of many centuries. First by an alliance between the church and the rulers to make believe that they were fulfilling their mission by divine right, and then replaced by the intellectuals who managed to make believe that whatever the rulers do is guaranteed by the will of the majority. the

Today this alliance is very effective for socialization (nationalization ) 44

of education, based on state or private schools and universities, but all with programs and bibliography imposed by the current rulers (statist indoctrination). Every state is based on the need for many people to be coerced to change their behavior towards that desired by politicians. Otherwise its existence would be irrelevant. To be liberal / libertarian is to understand that the rulers "legalize" their power in the fanciful idea of state sovereignty. It is lawful for the state (always remembering that its members are men) to impose its ideal of the world because it has sovereignty. Absolute falsehood. But this is what there is and if we cannot dismantle it completely quickly, we should at least make an effort to reduce its field of action as much as possible and not validate any of its outrages and flagrant violations of our rights to life, to liberty, to the property and the pursuit of our own happiness So within this statist system, which for now we have to live:

Being liberal / libertarian means understanding that all legitimate concepts of law must be based on natural rights. Individual sovereignty, the only legitimate and moral one, must be the foundation of any legitimate and ethical legal system. The declared legal security should be understood as the unrestricted protection of individual rights through non-arbitrary legislation and aimed only at resolving conflicts between individuals. The law must have as its sole mission the protection of private property (this according to what we said before includes the life of each individual, their property and the freedom to carry out all voluntary and peaceful actions that do not represent the initiation or threat the use of force to achieve this). We must understand that the ONLY function of the government is that this is fulfilled in practice. The government must be there to apply justice not to create it. As the "state" is a jurisdictional monopolist, what it 46

constantly does is cause and provoke conflicts to arbitrate and enforce its decision of last resort. All this without prejudice that our north must be to reach polycentric law societies and that "all" human interrelationships that are contractual and voluntary, otherwise any wind will leave us well. Being liberal / libertarian means understanding that no association of people, whatever the name it receives, such as for example. government, union, union, business chamber, may have different rights to any of its individuals that comprise it. How can it be that if none of them can legitimately obtain values from the others using force, mysteriously through an edict that they call "law" they arrogate such a power to themselves, it works by the "Myth of Authority". This is immoral and should be criminal, as it is for anyone. To be liberal / libertarian means, in short, to understand that the market economy or capitalism is the necessary result of the

action of all men according to the ethics of freedom in the exchange of their values. This implies that only contracts in which the intervening parties give express and voluntary consent should be considered valid. Also, all liberals must uphold and defend the position, to be consistent with their thinking, that no law passed by the legislatures can regulate, distort, prevent or annul such agreements because this includes the use of force and, therefore, they should be considered void. , illegitimate and immoral. Nor will it be able to defend the granting of legal monopolies or privileges or perks of any kind to certain individuals and / or groups, since they represent restrictions or burdens for the rest. One of the most emblematic cases of contract fiction that has won the approval of many "liberals" is the labor law , based entirely on the Marxist theory of exploitation, demolished from a consequentialist point of view 120 years ago by Eugen Bohm Baverk but the issue is resolved, in my opinion definitively, by George Reisman in his book Capitalism and 48

by Israel Kirzner in his book "Creativity, Capitalism and Distributive Justice." Liberals must be clear that in reality these labor rules are only very good for the purposes of the politicians, bureaucrats, trade unionists, lawyers and technocrats who thrive on them. Being liberal / libertarian means understanding what production is : it includes only those goods and services that are sold freely and voluntarily. So producer is the person who freely and voluntarily sells from whom he wants to buy in the same way. Being liberal / libertarian means, if what I just exposed is understood, that there are only two methods of earning income for each man to sustain his life. I will adopt the classification made by the thinker Franz Oppenheimer who speaks on the one hand of the method of production, voluntary and peaceful, typical of commerce , consistent with the ethics of freedom and property. Second, it refers to the political method, which uses extortion and violence to

appropriate the goods and services produced by others. The latter is the method of private assailants that is occasional and sporadic, but it is also that of the rulers that is permanent and systematic. We must understand that the political method is that of parasites, which need prior production to land on producers like leeches and suck their blood. It is a method that is clearly immoral and contrary to the ethics of freedom and property. To be liberal / libertarian means not to confuse the theft (collection of taxes) with the distribution of the loot (that is, to whom it is destined). Being liberal / libertarian means realizing that politicians are only interested in ensuring the collection of taxes and for this they use a thousand pretexts based on "the just distribution of wealth", when in reality the only thing they propose is robbery and violence against the wealth creators (the producers) creating intelligence, espionage and persecution agencies called: AFIP, 50

Customs, Provincial and Municipal Revenue Directorates or any other name that is given to them, it is of little importance, they are all apprentices of GESTAPO, of the KGB, STASI, etc. That is why people allow themselves to be robbed, for fear of reprisals from the state. Evasion is a crime without cause artificially created by parasites dominating before. Being liberal / libertarian means understanding that central banking and fiat money, the exclusive creations of governments and their complicit bankers, is the other method by which producing individuals are stolen through forced course and inflationary tax . Being liberal / libertarian means fully understanding that democracy is not freedom, nor are they synonymous terms, it is a way of electing governors and a simple rule of the majority, to clearly illustrate it we can quote Jeff erson, who said “it is like putting a vote to two foxes and a hen what are they going to eat for dinner ”and Jorge Luis Borges for his part referred to democracy as the“ abuse of statistics ”.

Confusing this is the problem of utilitarian liberals, who believe in the greatest good for the greatest number, without passing through the sieve of ethics what is proposed. The natural rights to property, life and liberty can never, ever be subject to anyone's vote, since they predate the formation of any government, no matter how it was elected . In short, only free human interaction can be consistent with ethics, only each individual can know what benefits or harms him, no one can force another to do anything except with his free, voluntary and express consent. Ethics is based on the individual and on private property, and any action that violates this principle is unethical. Finally I must say that an upright liberal must base his position on ethical and moral arguments. Only these convictions give one the courage and strength necessary in the ideological battle. Few are willing to accept sacrifices if what they oppose is simple mistake and waste. 52

Leonard Read said in this regard: “Those who oppose socialism are in a very weak position if they suppose that they are going to convince with materialistic or statistical arguments groups that assumed as rights the privileges they enjoy. While the socialists put on their side supposed "human rights", we believe that we are going to be successful remembering the cost of living index, per capita income or questions of pesos more or cents less " The author is a Public Accountant Member of the Amagi Institute for freedom

Reflections Social equality By: Raimundo Collado The concept of social equality involves the context of equal rights and opportunities in general that all citizens of a nation should have. This concept includes equal rights and opportunities that people of different gender, race and abilities have. Said in this way, it sounds generous and acceptable, but I don't think that in our country we have the maturity to accept it without any mental reservation. If not, the right of citizens of the same sex who wish to live together would not be debatable. The breadth of criteria is scarce and it has not been possible to separate from the minds of our legislators and a large part of heterosexual citizens that there is a need to legislate to establish a level of social and legal equality in these special cases. 54

In my understanding, it is because the precaution has not been taken to call said union of interests with a name different from that of "marriage", which by definition and sacramental origin involves beings of different sexes and that the improper use confers a rejection before who feel invaded in their beliefs of faith. The solution is as simple as changing the name, but as I said before, the lack of broad criteria is scarce. Let us think that the beneficiaries of this law may be, in addition to homosexual couples, couples also of the same sex but not homosexual, who share a home, or that of consanguineous brothers or not different parents who live together and should have the same rights that attend a marriage civil. In other words, the case is much broader than simply restricted to the homosexual problem. But as for social equality, the term is much more comprehensive and we will have to see other aspects similarly unbalanced with the previous one.

This is how we can analyze gender equality in the workplace. This leads to a dichotomy of conflicting opinions among those who accept equal employment opportunities for men and women. But by nature, labor laws contemplate particular female situations that are a problem when deciding to hire an employee. How to be pregnancy and lactation. With good judgment, the laws protect the particular situation of pregnant and lactating women of their children. But those same laws are what create a rejection at the time of hiring. It is not my case but I know many employers who prefer not to hire women for these reasons. The same is true of sick leave, which in some cases ends up being little more than unfair to employers. Here is a new example of the restricted criterion offered by social laws in this environment and that ultimately end up harming the beneficiary of them. 56

And let's not forget those who are over 40 years old. Globalization and new trends have ruled out those over 40 from the workplace. How wrong they are. If the topic is only about training in new technologies or trends and not age. In this, we Masons know how to value the years as a symbol of wisdom. I do not intend to go into particularizations in each of these topics because its development is not the objective of this work, but the exposition of my point of view. But let's know that we are hypocritical enough when we openly comment on these issues being that in our intimate thoughts, we are surrounded by the old customs of discrimination of all kinds and colors. If not women would enjoy the same salary and employment levels as men, people of other races would not be discriminated against as well as homosexuals and the disabled. So to make us reflect on our shortcomings and perhaps, who knows when,

some of our thoughts penetrate the popular imagination and we can begin to change everything for the better.


Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf

“A doctrine that proposes as ideal the paper of an expiatory animal that only wants to be slain in other one´s altars, is giving you death as a parameter”

“Coronavirus has a mortality rate of 2.1%. Imposing in practice the freedom restrictive marxist theory, in which a fallacy such as surplus is an important pilar, generated the death of over 120M human being during XX Century. It´s like coronavirus infecting mor tan 7500M people. Therefore, individua freedom restrincting theories are an increcibly dangerous pandemicâ€?


Humor A priest is sent to Alaska. A bishop is going to visit him a year later. The bishop asks: "How are you doing here?" The priest answers: "If it weren't for my rosary and my two whiskeys a day, I would be lost. Bishop, would you like a whiskey? " "Yes please." "Rosario. Bring the bishop a whiskey!" ------------------------------------------------Everything is possible with a little intelligence and humor!!! The legends say that, shortly after Albert Einstein had published his first work on the theory of relativity, he began to become famous throughout Europe and was invited to many universities to give talks on it.

The place where he worked put at his disposal a car with his driver to travel to said Universities. In all of them he had great success, being acclaimed with applause and congratulations. However, due to the novelty and difficulty of the subject, nowhere were questions raised. This is how Einstein and the driver went through Universities. During the speeches, he always sat at the front of the room, listening carefully, over and over again, to the teacher's presentation. After a few months at this rate, the driver said to Einstein: "Professor, I want to propose a deal. I do not understand a word of what you say in your lectures, but I have an excellent memory, and I remember word for word your presentation, including all the formulas, I also imagine that you will be tired of repeating the same thing all the time, and no one asking you questions. On the other hand, as a poor driver, nobody has ever applauded me. I propose that we change our roles: I give the lecture (total 62

nobody asks questions) while you rest and you can meditate on other problems ". Einstein agreed with the proposition, previously verifying that the driver was capable of delivering the speech. The chauffeur, for his part, grows his hair a little longer to look more like Einstein. On the day of the conference, Einstein appears disguised as a driver, while the latter gives the presentation perfectly. In view of the success, the play is repeated in other Universities, always crowned with great applause, while Einstein sits in the front row, smoking a pipe and resting. Everything is perfect, until they arrive at a University of ¨Baviera. There, when the false Einstein finishes the talk, from the back of the room a voice is heard saying: "Doctor Einstein, I would like you to explain to me in detail the meaning of the terms of equation number 3, which can still be seen above, to the left of the board ". On the pulpit, the driver hesitates for a single moment, imperceptible to the audience.

Then he has a moment of inspiration in which he answers: "My dear teacher, I wonder that you ask me this question. What you want to know is so easy that even my driver will be able to explain it to you." ------------------------------------------------- Doctor, doctor, every time I sneeze I have an orgasm. - What? But that is very strange, tell me, are you having something? -






Riddles Who can have this dialogue between mother and child? The tiger, the panther and the lion are harmless animals; The dove, the bird and the chick are dangerous animals. ------------------------------------------------Two shepherds were talking: Why don't you give me one of your sheep, so we will have the same amount? To which his friend replies: Better give me one of yours so I will have twice as many sheep as you. How many sheep did each have? one? ------------------------------------------------Solutions at the end

Uni2 Uni2 The party What is Uni2? Unidos is a political party that intends to recover the ideas that made our country a power and to position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and 66

define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking� candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. In this way, the party will consolidate itself as an institution of a lasting nature, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. Antipersonalism : the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas that the party promotes in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises,

those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are, quite simply, ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment, thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want a change from the roots for Argentina, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political arena, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real 68

turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom a visibility and impact unprecedented in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. .

Something new is needed.

------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; -------------------------------------------------

Uni2 Santa Fe Communicational Coordination. Jose Brunello

Columnists Publisher: Miguel A. Morra Translate: Mariano Flores Maria Marty. Jose Maria Arriola Ricardo Lรกzaro Nogara. Oscar Enrique Caprav. Raimundo Collado

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