Índice Editorial Enjoy Is it important? Is it liberal? By Miguel A. Morra Concepts Pope Francis' four mistakes on liberalism By Stephen Hicks and Maria Marty First error Second mistake Third mistake Fourth mistake Stories Luminous Footprints . Juana Azurduy By Constanza Reflections Urgency of a homeland 2
By Elena Valero Narváez. The Argentine case Backroom Conclution Present A day like today in 1770 From Belgrano to this, why? By Eduardo Salleras, Humor Riddles Republicans United The party What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United Santa Fe File
I love freedom Riddles solution
Editorial Enjoy Is it important? Is it liberal? By Miguel A. Morra A man who had many problems in his family, business and personal environment, so he decided to spend a few days alone, in the mountains of Córdoba, resting and trying to find some peace. He began by visiting places he had never seen and arrived at a small town, nestled on the side of a mountain, very small and picturesque. He stayed in a small but very well accommodated hotel that was run by its owners, a very friendly German couple with few words. He inquired about the possibilities to visit and was given a small map with directions. He had a coffee and went for a walk with the map in hand; There were very few people since it was not the time for tourism, he visited a very old church and read its history,
walked along the edge of the crystal clear river that crossed the town, continued to a waterfall, climbed a small hill that served as a viewpoint . He admired the landscape for a while and began to go down another path. The vegetation of the place was magnificent and the aromatic plants were felt. In the middle of the journey he found a sign with a cross and an arrow indicating an old gate that was open. He entered and realized that it was the cemetery; a very well cared for and wooded park, with many flowers and bushes which generated an atmosphere of peace and seclusion. The tombstones were all the same shape and with highly visible letters, with color changes depending on how long they had been there. Walking quietly, he began to read some; -Here he rests ".......", he lived 7 years, 6 months and 2 days ... "What a shame! he thought, a child is buried here. In the next one he said: Here he rests ".......", he lived 4 years, 5 months and 4 days. !Another child!! 6
He kept reading and seeing that they were all children, since the oldest had lived only 11 years and days, the astonishment turned into a bit of fear imagining what would happen in a small town like this lost in the mountains. Was there a curse? ... Some other dark thing? .. I couldn't understand it !!! He went to his hotel thinking that perhaps it had been a mistake to stop in this little town. The owner was at the reception and said with a certain reproachful tone: "Excuse me, why do so many children die in this town? ... The German looked at him in surprise and said," It has been many years since a child died here. !!! " - "So something is wrong because the cemetery is full of them, since the oldest was 11 years old and a few days old, according to the tombstone ... and look at all of them !!!!!! There is no older person buried in that cemetery !!!! " the visitor said with some vehemence. The owner then explained: - “I understand your confusion and I tell you, it is the custom of our community that when we
turn 15 years old, which we consider the age at which we can discern very well between good and bad, our parents give us instead from the last cell phone, as is customary today, a small notebook like this one, (he said showing his). Every time you enjoy something intensely, you open the notebook and write in it: on the left, what was enjoyed and on the right, how long it lasted. When someone dies, the time recorded is added and in addition to his name and date of death, it is written in his last resting place, - He lived ...... what he enjoyed since true life is the moments that one enjoys "... And with that concept learned in a lost mountain town , this person arrived at Objectivism, a philosophy to live on earth; https://www.aynrandlatam.org/ "My philosophy is, in essence, the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and with reason as his only absolute." 8
Ayn rand On this page you will find a wealth of material on Ayn Rand's philosophy and its application to everyday life. There is much to discover. We invite you to explore at your own pace. A hug, and good reading. The author is CPN Independent, Liberal and Editor
Concepts Pope Francis' four mistakes on liberalism By Stephen Hicks and Maria Marty
Pope Francis has given us several hints of his position on liberalism, but his negativity is increasingly evident. In his message to the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, the criticisms were direct and, at times, crude. While the Pontiff had some spot-on points in his message, he revealed 10
above all a lack of awareness - or an intentional denial - of the principled and historical achievements of liberal / libertarian individualism. First error The pope fears that libertarian individualism will lead people to believe that they are the architects of their own lives: "To found freedom and individual responsibility one must resort to the idea of self-causality." Now, no one denies that our genes and our environment influence us, but human beings are not causal products of society, their genes, or a divinely stipulated destiny. The freedom of libertarians incorporates the freedom of the will: the view that individuals have the power to choose their beliefs, their actions, and develop their own characters. That ability is precisely part of the heart of morality; taking responsibility for our own decisions is what makes us moral agents. But if, on the contrary, the causal responsibility lies with genetics, society or the gods, then human beings become amoral beings.
A leader who is serious about morality should praise a philosophy that strongly emphasizes responsibility for one's decisions. Second mistake The above is directly connected to the second fear of the pope: "Individualism affirms that it is only the individual who gives value to things and interpersonal relationships, and therefore, only the individual decides what is good and what is bad." Herein lie deep questions about standards of goodness and creation of genuine value: - Are relationships things that "happen" to us? Or are friends, romances, and business things that we "make happen to us"? - Is the value of relationships preexisting to them, or does its value begin to exist when the individuals involved decide to give something of themselves to the other? - And who should decide what is good or bad? For example, who should decide whether it is good or bad for me to marry, or 12
who to marry? Should it be my individual decision or someone else's? Or what career would be good or bad for me? Or what music is good or bad? Or what politicians? If individuals do not make those decisions for themselves, then someone else must make them for them. We know, of course, that the pope comes from a tradition that says we must all be obedient — obedient slaves to their masters, wives to their husbands, subjects to Caesar, and all to God's infallible representative on earth. And that strong emphasis on obedience has always resisted the expansion of individual freedoms. It is true that the pope's position has softened in the modern world on these points, but always reluctantly and always under pressure from the more individualistic and liberal humanisms that the pope is attacking in his message. Third mistake The pope is also concerned that the exaltation of individual freedom leads to the growth of power,
"Even at the expense of the exclusion and marginalization of the most vulnerable majority." You are right that many are vulnerable or worse. But let's not forget that the poor and the excluded are individuals too, with dreams and goals of their own, and that what they just need is freedom to achieve their personal dreams and goals. The greatest obstacles for the poor and the excluded have never been the freedom and success of other people. They have always been political systems that limit their freedom (caste systems, socialist systems that prohibit their ventures and other dictatorships) and ethical systems that embrace poverty and suffering, and incentivize those in misery to accept their lot. Pope Francis seems to be unaware that liberals and libertarians consider the rights to life, liberty, and property inviolable, and support the role of government to vigilantly protect them and to stop those who try to win and live at the expense of others. Furthermore, if we are really concerned about the marginalized, then we will notice 14
that the vast majority of them reside in parts of the world where individualism and liberalism have no place, or in places that are recovering from illiberal and anti-individualist regimes . Fourth mistake The pope rightly points out the tragedy of continuing slavery: "It is alarming and symptomatic that today the human body is bought and sold, as if it were a commodity to be exchanged." There is no question that slavery is a moral abomination. But the pope's emphasis that slavery is a current symptom demonstrates a strange historical amnesia. In the modern era, the first nations to form antislavery societies were those that emphasized individual rights to life and liberty. They were also the first to abolish slavery within their own territories and the first to expend enormous energy and resources to eliminate it around the world. Slavery existed in all parts of the world in pre-modern times (and apparently happily
coexisted with the pope's own tradition for the first 1600 years of its existence). What is actually symptomatic of today is that most of us have embraced from enlightened humanism and renaissance, the moral condemnation of slavery. As a result, we have made progress in eliminating much of it and we are committed to continuing to do so. Only liberal / libertarian individualism has broken the chains of slavery, poverty, and other exclusions. Only he has allowed men and women of all races, religions and ethnicities to become entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, inventors, etc., on the scale that has been achieved in modern times. Only in individualistic liberal societies do we find an ever-widening range of professional careers offering ever-higher standards of living. By not sacrificing individuality for the collective, by not fusing the uniqueness of every human being into a common stew, and by honoring the life, liberty, mind, and dreams of each person, liberal individualism has created abundance, spread peace has 16
increased solidarity and made life longer and more pleasant. The data is on your side. Pope Francis should pay more attention and even say "Thank you." Article published in Panam Post on 05/06/2017 The Author is CEO Ayn Rand Center Latin America https://www.aynrandlatam.org/aynrand-center/
Stories Luminous Footprints . Juana Azurduy By Constanza Did you know that Juana Azurduy sought volunteers for the independence struggles and managed to gather ten thousand among the Ayllu settlers, convinced by their presence, wearing military clothing and skillfully handling her saber? The life of Juana is incredible and very romantic, a brave woman and extraordinary patriot, a life difficult to tell in a few lines. She was the heroine of Upper Peru, today Bolivia. He fought in the wars of independence against the Spanish monarchy, for the emancipation of the Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. Juana was born on July 12, 1780 in Toroca, a town located in the north of Potosí. Daughter of Eulalia Bermúdez, a mestizo from Chuquisaca, and Matías Azurduy, a well-established white landowner, Juana 18
accompanied her father on field tasks, and thus came into contact with the original settlers of her land, she learned Quechua and Aymara. Very young she was orphaned, and had to complete her upbringing among uncles and convents, areas where her rebellion did not take hold. At age 25, she married Miguel Asencio Padilla, a law student who was the son of neighbors and family friends. They had five children: Manuel, Mariano, Juliana, Mercedes and Luisa. They joined the popular armies and helped remove the governor and form a governing junta that would last until 1810, when the royalist troops defeated the revolutionaries. In 1810, Belgrano gave him his sword in recognition of his bravery in combat. They defended Tarabuco, La Laguna and Pomabamba. Through an organization known as "Los Leales", Juana fought and stood out for her bravery and her ability to command, which earned her the appointment of lieutenant colonel, in 1816, and the symbolic delivery of a
saber by the troops. sent from Buenos Aires with the objective of liberating Upper Peru. Juana and her husband lived through extremely critical moments and endured the death of their four oldest children. Pregnant with her fifth child, Juana suffered an injury in the battle of La Laguna. While trying to rescue her, Miguel Asencio Padilla died in combat and his body was hanged by the royalists. Juana after giving birth, joined the guerrilla of Martín Miguel de Güemes, which operated in the north of Upper Peru defending on six occasions against royalist invasions. This remarkable warrior died in 1862 in poverty, at the age of eighty and was buried in a common grave in the General Cemetery of Sucre. Her only good was a trunk with the official documents of the revolutionary feat, which she and her husband had freed. His bravery and patriotism were recognized posthumously. She reminds us of the debts we owe to people who selflessly fought for our independence. Perhaps our current avenues for reparation consist in 20
appreciating their struggles and making their exploits known. Until the next footprints! Constanza is a teacher
Reflections Urgency of a homeland By Elena Valero Narváez. Democracy, which is the peaceful conflict within a plurality of conceptions, needs guarantees of freedom and equality before the law, for the different competitors. Therefore, to achieve the objective, it is necessary that freedom of expression, the party system, the voting market and independent justice function as well as possible. These are the pillars of democracy, which, in practice, is far from perfect: it includes terrible dangers to freedom, under populist and socialist movements. In Argentina, it does not find the individual and group responsibility necessary to draw the limits of its own operation. It is worth remembering that equality understood as unrestricted, to which President Alberto Fernández demagogically appeals, was the maximum aspiration of socialism, but it ran into insurmountable difficulties to be realized, 22
as demonstrated by the experiences of the USSR and all the countries that were under its orbit. Despite the great empirical material that exists in this regard, it is still overlooked that in Cuba and Venezuela there is no equality before the law, democracy, or degrees of freedom close to non-socialist countries with a liberal tradition. Liberalism understands that equality can only be evident in the field of law but impossible in the field of property. The same historical experiences give the reason: socialism to enter the true kingdom of freedom, where each would receive income according to their needs, reserved for the future, when private property and the State were abolished, the obtaining of equality, the disappearance of the bureaucracy, the army, and the police, as well as the political parties. Again, history showed the error, the consequences of socialist policies led to the systematic repression of those who think differently and to the elimination of democracy, pulverizing equality before the law. The state that, following Marx, it was intended to destroy, became totalitarian, since
the coup d'etat that occurred in Petrograd, in November 1917. The Argentine case In Argentina this historical experience is not taken into account, tolerance is running out. Kirchnerism divided Argentines, made confrontation and insult a matter of every day, just look at social networks. What is considered inseparable from democracy, the diversity of points of view and interests, is far from being essential, the postulates of both the Government and a large part of the opponents, are those of unity and unanimity. This leads each group to believe they have the absolute truth, which distorts language, correct ideas do not come alone, but with devaluation of people, for thinking differently, forgetting that we are not omniscient. We should learn to be tolerant, liberals with more reason, since we have devastating arguments to get people to reject socialist populism. The validity of opinions should be the consequence of persuasive force, of the ability to impress voters, because they are reasonable and therefore convincing. 24
The developed world is giving us the rag, technology, which has become more and more sophisticated, is radically modifying the division of labor, creating a new horizon for human work. Meanwhile, in our country, there are children who cannot access a computer and, what is worse, go hungry. The impoverishment is encompassing, with varying intensity, regions and cities and with further economic strangulation, despite desperate government controls. Wealth depends on the favors or perks to which its exercise gives rise and not on the profitability that arises from the market. As a sweeping wind, the control of economic activity and, also, of social life, with the excuse of the pandemic advances. Inflation has depreciated the currency and is making it disappear, taxes are bending the backs of those who try to produce; urban life languishes: theaters, restaurants, businesses, bars, are closed or going through hardships, unimaginable, to survive. Foreign trade is increasingly regulated, it has been dangerously restricted. State interventionism is accompanied by a greater coercion, the
more ineffective, also dissolving the internal trade linked to the international one. The State has become a distribution and support body for sectoral interests. This is how union chieftains and prebendista businessmen prosper; The legislative power has resigned many of its powers, we are governed more than by our representatives through certain corporations. Skepticism has been generated on the part of the electorate, which distrusts the role of Congress and doubts the ethical integrity of many of its members. The exchanges of favors transcend and undermine credibility, adding the little dedication of deputies and senators who, for all this, have undermined their prestige. The provinces depend on the government's handouts, for which they are obliged to offer favors, when they need them, diminishing their autonomies. The president has the assets and, now, even the lives of many Argentines, mismanaging the vaccine issue and spreading misery due to his failed economic management.
Backroom The pandemic has allowed us to see part of the backroom of our country, such as the impoverished state in which public attention is found, both the technical and human infrastructure. We perceive the precariousness in which doctors and nurses have to function, with ridiculous rewards, and how they try to alleviate these shortcomings. For years a reasonable level of health has not been assured to the people, public medicine has been proletarianized. During the government of General Onganía (Juan Carlos), due to the urgency of circumstances, the union entities were granted the collection of large resources contributed, obligatorily, by all wage earners in the country. With this, huge deals have been allowed. The current government, like the previous ones, turns a blind eye to have them as allies, while expropriating or squeezing, more and more, those who receive higher incomes. Use the funds for public waste and subsidize the most powerful pressure groups. Millions of dollars annually are
managed through social works by those who direct them, they have the complicity of some prebendista businessmen who do not appreciate international competition. Both groups are clamoring to shut down the economy. Little remains in the practice of a representative, republican and federal system. The checks and balances mandated by the Constitution have been weakened. There is no longer any doubt: through a democratic procedure, the Argentines have granted power to a government with a totalitarian claim. For all this, and much more, it is necessary that the republican leadership involve society by demonstrating, without half measures, that the model that is imposed, time and again, in our country leads us to failure, unemployment, decreased production and productivity, worse health and education, among other ills. It is not possible to continue delaying a basic need, the homeland to form a great national front to reject Kirchnerism in the elections and, with it, to hope again for a 28
better future, where the Constitution is respected, with rulers who see in the commercial and industrial expansion, a promise to increase national prosperity. Argentina must be treated therapeutically, for this, a good portion of consensus of a significant part of the population is needed about the values that will guide the change of the system and the basic instruments to achieve it. We cannot stand idly by waiting for the situation to magically turn around. Only a great commitment from the leadership and a great act of generosity, of many of them, would allow us to stop living on past glories to embark on the path to a better future, rebuilding the democratic republic and the economy. Working for this alliance is, today, the main task that the supporters of freedom have, so necessary, if it is to avoid going towards the regime that is making Cubans and Venezuelans suffer. Party leaders should contribute a grain of sand: end internal disputes, misgivings and reluctance, to cooperate for a higher objective.
They should prioritize the emergencies that can serve as a guide, in case the union may generate conflicts: defend the institutions, ensure freedom of choice, avoid being forced to accept the arbitrariness of the Government, for which only what is not worth it. annoying, agreeing on how to fix the fundamental problems. Go for what unites them: inflation, health, security, not granting the State a power beyond what is necessary, thinking about how to end economic misery and demand the free competition of ideas that promotes progress and freedom of choice. Conclution In short: reject any policy that despises the individual, any conception in which it does not matter. We must resolve to fight for our threatened values. It is essential to make friends with Argentines, to stop considering the people whose ideas we attack as enemies, to fight against the pernicious ideas that contributed to our decline but, paying attention to the argumentation and criticism of others.
Democracy is not the panacea, we can never bring paradise to earth, nor can we avoid individual and social conflicts as pathetic and full of uncertainty as the current ones, because there is no society without serious frustrations and conflicts. Life is a problem, but today we have better tools to try to solve them. There is no time for brooding, the Government is moving rapidly in the direction that takes us away from the developed and democratic world, it is easy to predict that the national wealth will decrease dramatically as markets, money and private property are affected. Although authoritarianism threatens us, democracy and the republic have remained since 1983 as a model for the rest of the opposition. We must accompany each other, all of us who propose to defend and sustain its underground presence, until the parties, public opinion and the rule of law are fully strengthened. The author is a Member of the Argentine Academy of History. Member of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of
Moral and Political Sciences. Freedom Award 2013 (Atlas Foundation). Article published in La Prensa on 06/06/2021
Present A day like today in 1770 From Belgrano to this, why? By Eduardo Salleras, Today we Argentines must fulfill our civic work better than ever, and although, under normal conditions the civic man limits himself to carrying out his political function within the conjuncture of the Country-State: working and producing, doctors and nurses caring for their patients , the teachers and professors educating the new generations, the security forces monitoring the good coexistence within society, the Nation's armed forces attentive to any hypothesis of external conflict ... in addition, the way of doing politics that the citizen has is to choose good to those who must govern to then continue, calmly, their daily tasks. But in abnormal times? It is the responsibility of ensuring that the institutional parameters that make the republican system function correctly are respected , and that independent justice enforces the law that
guarantees the common good ... the citizenship becomes politics by committingly condemning the abuses of political leaders and the assaults on private life of people, even if it does not touch one in particular. Politics is made from the level of the common individual, reacting to acts of corruption, or to the exercise of the sum of public power or the violation of constitutional rights ... scandalized by the political persecution of opponents, or social and economic discrimination to the different sectors of society and production ... if these behaviors of the men and women who govern us in abnormal times do not offend us, it will be then that the people have finally been totally contaminated and enslaved by the dictatorship of the bureaucrats, in In this case I am talking about populism, XXI Century Socialism. And if some distracted person believes that the behavior of political leaders was, is and will always be like this, I am going to introduce them to an acquaintance in our history to show them that they were not. 34
How would a certain Manuel Belgrano have reacted to the privilege vaccination scandal, called VIP, which the current government and its militants do not deny, they even boast of having done so, making fun of ordinary citizens, some of whom are dropping like flies in the middle of the pandemic? Or of the speculation in the purchase of this or that brand of vaccine, either to carry out spurious business or obeying a new regional ideological order, while the rates of infections and deaths grow to chilling levels? That hero of independence, political leader, who, being rich, died very poor, giving his wealth and his life to consolidate Argentina as a Nation, who donated all the benefits of his military career for the construction of schools because he considered teaching and Culture, as a fundamental factor for progress, so far removed from today's populist phonies, who consider education as a nuisance, and its benefit as an important obstacle towards achieving generalized poverty, the only path towards the left-wing oligarchy of the XXI Century Socialism ... how to compare the hero of May with these slimy looters of the common
good, dragged after power without the slightest shame? On a day like today, in 1770, one of the most important men in Argentine history was born, in my opinion, the mirror where you have to look at yourself. Remembered for the creation of our flag or for his battles in the north, however, the most important legacy that Manuel Belgrano left us was his figure, he as a citizen committed to the birth and progress of the New Argentine Nation. He is the model of what we should be as citizens, as members of a society that in the last century has experienced the greatest shame, being a cultured people and with all the possible tools for progress and to generate wealth, these were transformed today , at the highest poverty rate in our history. The distance between Belgrano and the politicians who govern us is so great that it scandalizes… Why? Are we or who is responsible?
Humor -José and Francisco, two friends of the third age, met in the park every day to feed the pigeons, observe the squirrels and discuss the problems of the world. One day Francisco did not come. Jose didn't worry too much thinking that maybe he had a cold or something like that. But after a week with Francisco not showing up, Jose really got worried. However, as they always met alone in the park and José did not know where Francisco lived, because he could not find out what had happened to him. After a month, José went to the park and surprise, there was Francisco! José was very excited and happy to see him and said: - "For what you want most Francisco, tell me what happened to you?"
Francisco replied, "I've been in jail." -"In jail?" happened?"
- "Well," Francisco said: "Do you know Gloria, the pretty blonde waitress from the cafeteria where I told you I go often?" - “Sure,” said José, “I remember her. What's wrong with her?" - “Well, one day he sued me for rape. At 87 years old, I was so proud that when I went to court I pleaded guilty .... " "And the damn judge sentenced me to 30 days in jail for a liar" ---------------------------------An old woman was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags, one in each hand. One of the bags had a hole in it and every now and then a $ 500 bill would pop out of the bag and fall onto the street.
Seeing this, a policeman stops her and says: "Ma'am, there are $ 500 bills coming out of that bag." -'Thanks for letting me know ', says the old lady,' I have to come back to pick up the tickets, thanks for letting me know '. - 'Wait a minute', says the policeman, '... not so fast! Where did you get all that money? Did you steal it? ' 'Oh no,' says the old lady; 'The backyard of my house overlooks the parking lot of a football stadium and every time there is a game and the fans want to pee before entering or leaving the stadium, they stand in front of the bushes that overlook MY House. and they pee in MY flowers that I plant and take care of with so much love! ' 'So, I stand behind the bushes with really big scissors, and every time someone puts their dick in the bushes to pee I say: Give me $ 500 or I'll cut it!'
'Hey', says the policeman, 'the idea is not a bad one! Okay, good luck! And tell me ... what's in the other bag? ' 'Well', says the old lady, "Not everyone pays"! ----------------------------------
Riddles Riddles 1 What musical instrument has only one string? 2 What is it that the more it grows, the less it weighs? 3 Parents and children: Two parents and two children went fishing, three fish caught and each one touched a fish, how could it be? Solution in the end
Republicans United The party
Republicanos Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness.
What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, starting from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. The party will thus consolidate itself as a lasting institution, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness.
Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas promoted by the party in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are simply ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment , thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want for Argentina a change from the roots, and we decided to bring the ideas of 44
freedom to the political field, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom an unprecedented visibility and impact in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. https://unidosargentina.org/index.html Something new is needed.
------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ;
https://www.testpolitico.com/ -------------------------------------------------
Republicans United Santa Fe Contact Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Uni2-ArgentinaSanta-Fe-109998170725956 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uni2 santafe/ To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok https://www.facebook.com/Miguel.A.Morra/
File I love freedom Videos of some articles
The Conceptual Pandemic https://youtu.be/U3D89gge0sg The Parasite Concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiG4uG8 dDtc Brief introduction about Ayn Rand https://youtu.be/0LqdmSCFzVA La Moneda : The immense scam of taxpaying citizens, by Argentine politicians https://youtu.be/onhkZZPCAB4 -----------------Podcast of some magazine articles:
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Riddles solution 1 (The bell) 2 (baldness) 3 (Actually there were only three people: the son, the father of this and the grandfather)