Editorial. I+C=D2
By Miguel A. Morra .
A n the news Atlas
By Maria Marty Ayn Rand Center Latin America Connecting the dots Latin Americans need Rand. Desperately. Ayn Rand - What Is Capitalism?
With airs of largesse
By JosĂŠ Carlos Bourdin
Stories Luminous Footprints By Constanza
The Peronist economy By Diego C arrizo
Concepts The language and the value of the word . By Raimundo Collado
Reflections Freedom as respect for others. The paradox of tolerance . By Mariano Flores
Associative contract for dairy exploitation.
By Hugo C Wilde
Reflection in images. By social networks.
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Editorial. I+C=D2 By Miguel A. Morra . Naivete, taken as the absence or lack of malice and experience, is an absolutely general quality in the childhood stage and based on this, different stories and fantasies remain in force, such as those of Santa Claus, the wise men, the tooth fairy, etc. , which as long as it remains within the normal parameters and codes, is beneficial for all those involved in it, since it brings joy and can serve to educate and there are no major problems, since naive children do not make decisions based on these beliefs that may bring inconvenience or problems. When a child grows up, and becomes a teenager, he begins to make more and more decisions of his own that have consequences for himself and his close environment- (family and friends) When an adolescent grows up and becomes an adult, the influence of his decisions has an impact on a group of people 4
that far exceeds the immediate environment, since the other educational, work and emotional relationships begin, the extent of which depends on the activity carried out. From that moment, naivety begins to have costs that may be important in its impact and therefore it is always necessary to REASON properly to minimize the negative consequences of personal decisions . In a generalized example, everyone, at some time, had to ask or provide a guarantee for rentals, purchases or loans to someone we know. The person who lends his signature as a guarantee that another fulfills what he promises to a third party trusts in the fulfillment of the contract by the signer, but first makes a risk assessment. Sometimes it happens that by not reasoning and investigating a little, the mistake of deciding with naivety is made, so that noncompliance can have complicated consequences for the guarantor and his family. If a guarantee is signed to an inveterate gambler who has already lost everything in the game, the worst is very possible and the same is true if the applicant is an unserious and / or
corrupt person, since they will not mind not complying with what was agreed. This is absolutely transferable to the political issue. When you vote you are giving a guarantee to whoever must fulfill a contract that is simply to manage coherently, for example, a nation and if he does not comply, the consequences fall on the signer and others. And this is where naivety has the gravest and broadest consequences. No reason not see corruption and believe in high - sounding phrases and baseless, it brings with it the possibility that the group administrator's a group of bumbling s, liar s and corrupt s . If that happens, there is a possibility extremely important consequences for the entire population as being death, poor functioning of the system , inflation , insecurity, uncertainty, etc. Furthermore, if the corrupt are in power, they DO NOT play by the clear rules that everyone should respect since they are simply criminals and if they are also organized 6
to do so organically, they already become something worse. Argentina is today a great example of how Naivety can kill and destroy. In short: Ingenuity + Corruption = Decadence x Destruction, ( I + C = D 2 ) of which Argentina is a very clear case and an excellent study material. Hence the cultural battle of I Love Freedom. Good reading!!!
A n the news Atlas By Maria Marty Ayn Rand Center Latin America I grew up in an intellectual environment. In my house there were libraries full of all kinds of books, many of them inherited from my grandparents. When I was 16 I saw my brother Eduardo devouring a book that seemed endless and that he had discovered in one of these libraries. I asked him what kept him so engrossed. He only mentioned a strong and bright woman who operates a train and something related to a strike. Maybe it was the “strong and bright woman who operates a train” part that piqued my interest, but a few months later I found myself desperately searching for that book on one of the shelves. I didn't even know the name, just that I had to find a very wide book with a title that had something to do with the brief description he had given me. In Spanish, the book is titled “Atlas shrugged”, and the edition I was holding 10
must have been one of the first translated into Spanish. I remember when she saw me with this book, my mother asked me if the length of the book didn't scare me. I replied: "If it's good, the longer the better." It was love at first reading. I spent the next month waiting to get out of school to go home and read. I disappeared from the face of the earth for several weekends. If I had to describe in one word what made me read Atlas at that moment, I would say that I felt the sound of a "click", as if the pieces of a super complex puzzle began to fit together. Exciting! That was the beginning of a journey that continued with the rest of the novels and non-fiction books and that allowed me to discover and integrate the philosophy that would guide me throughout my life. For years I read and reread Rand's books and promoted his ideas at every opportunity. But three years ago two things happened that are worth mentioning. Agustina Vergara Cid, who at that time directed an Objectivist Club in the city of Cรณrdoba (Argentina) invited me to start another Club in Buenos Aires, where I live. (The
club currently has 50 members and we meet once a month to discuss Rand's ideas.) At the time I was writing columns on ethical and political issues in a Latin American newspaper, and I realized that if I wanted to offer stronger arguments, I had to look for them in a deeper terrain. Then the second thing happened: Ed Thompson recommended that I register with the Objectivist Academic Center (OAC). After three intense years, I can say that the program was an inspiring experience and exactly what I needed. Connecting the dots I remember Steve Jobs' words to Stanford graduates: “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. " In June 2018 I attended the Summer Objectivist Conference (OCON) in Newport, California. On the last night, after the closing event, I met Tal Tsfany for the first time. I 12
introduced myself and he immediately asked me if I knew of anyone who wanted to formally promote Rand's ideas in Latin America, to which I answered without hesitation: "Me." From that moment, we have worked to create what is now the new “Ayn Rand Center Latin America�, a project launched in 2019 and for which I am responsible for leading. At times, I can't help but be amazed at how everything turned out. But then I stop, look back and see the connected dots. Every decision I made in my life irrevocably led me to this exciting new adventure. Latin Americans need Rand. Desperately. I live and have lived all my life in Argentina. The cultural reality of Argentina is very similar to that of all Latin American countries. The whole region has two common denominators: a strong religious tradition and a solid education in Franco-German philosophy, both perpetuated by families, schools and universities (whose contents are dictated by the state). Altruism and collectivism are almost part of the DNA of Latin
Americans and, until now, no one has seriously questioned these concepts. We suffer permanent political and economic crises and blame the politician or economist on duty, and then we vote again on the same ideas that led us to the previous crisis, without identifying the real cause. Few Latin Americans have realized that it is our philosophical ideas that we need to check. We must get rid of all the assumptions that we have accepted without question and begin to build our lives from a completely different set of ideas. We must learn that my life belongs to me and not to any group, that we must think for ourselves and not repeat blindly, that we are capable and worthy of having a flourishing life, without guilt and without victims. The cynicism of Latin Americans stems from the idea that we are predetermined to fail and suffer, and that relationships are a zerosum game. The challenge is to discover what ideas will allow us to change our “sense of life� and our personal and political direction. 14
The Ayn Rand Center Latin America aims to promote this huge and necessary change. Her goal is to inspire the idea that the kind of life we want can be achieved and, in Rand's words: “The world you want can be won. Exists. It is real. It's possible. It's yours". Ayn Rand - What Is Capitalism? This 1967 lecture is Ayn Rand's flagship talk on capitalism. In it he explains in depth what capitalism is, why it is often misinterpreted and why it is the only social system in line with the nature of man. She discusses the moral roots of capitalism in contrast to the moral doctrines that lead to rule by force, which underlie all tyrannies throughout history. This talk is taken from Rand's essay of the same name, much longer and more complete. Students interested in mastering Rand's views on capitalism are encouraged to study the full essay, available in the book "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal." https: / / youtu.be/EmcmauM78FE
President Ayn Rand Center Latin America
With airs of largesse By JosĂŠ Carlos Bourdin
This week many Argentine daily newspapers headlined something like: " With Tierra del Fuego in the center, the continental shelf, this is the new map of Argentina "
Based on a resolution of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf , this new map will be included in all official cartography , in schools and public institutions. In 2016, the C omission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLPC) adopted the Recommendations on the presentation of the outer limit of the Argentine continental shelf, with some exceptions (Malvinas and islands of the South Atlantic and Antarctica) . In August 2020 e l Congress passed the law unanimously 27557 demarcation of the outer limit of the continental shelf , and Argentina will have a new map. The norm establishes in its Article 1 : Incorporate as the second paragraph of Article 6 of Law 23.968 on Maritime Spaces, the following: Demarcate the outer limit of the continental and insular Argentine Continental Shelf, in accordance with the geographical coordinate points indicated in ANNEX III hereof. Article 2 - The points‌ corresponding to the Argentine Antarctic Sector, referred to in the Argentine Presentation before the 18
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLPC), are in the situation provided for in Article 1, third paragraph of Law 23.968 on Maritime Spaces . The pre-existing law states that, with respect to the Argentine Antarctic Sector, over which the Republic has sovereign rights, the baselines will be established by a later law. The point is that the limits of the continental shelf were reformulated, which extends, in part, the exclusive economic zone with sovereign rights for the exploitation of natural resources. P ero map does not take into account the resolution of yore did not rule on the claims of continental shelf around the islands of the South Atlantic that are in dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom , nor on Antarctica, where many states claim sovereignty , as with Argentina, the United Kingdom and Chile. Therefore, there is no new jurisprudence that supports Argentine sovereignty in Antarctica or in the Malvinas and islands of the South Atlantic.
Nor does it make any sense, other than pure political party favors, to modify the official maps beyond Tierra del Fuego. The author is Surgeon (UNR) Magister clinical effectiveness (UBA)
Stories Luminous Footprints By Constanza Malala. Today I am going to tell you the story of Malala, the Pakistani girl who attended school because her parents considered the education of girls important. What seems incredible is that in the 21st century, the education of girls is prohibited and schools are destroyed, but this was the way it was in Malala's environment and it still is in many places. Fortunately, women like her emerge and surely, her courage and tenacity in the peaceful struggle, inspires women and men to uphold the right to education for girls and boys around the world. When she was 15 years old, it happened that when she was going to school, some Taliban stopped the school transport, went upstairs asking who is Malala ?, and they shot her 3 times. They believed her dead, but thanks to urgent care in Pakistan and surgery
in London, she managed to save her life. After her recovery she was not daunted, she continued her fight with more determination. In her speech at the United Nations, she maintains that she tells her story because she is not unique, she is one of the many girls threatened or who were deprived of education. Malala, thanks to the support of her parents, was able to continue studying. Giving value to education is the mark that Malala is leaving . Her father, who was a teacher, considered equality between girls and boys important, despite the Taliban, who did not accept that girls go to school and destroyed schools to intimidate them. Thanks to a blog that Malala wrote under a pseudonym, for the BBC, and to The New York Times journalist, Adam B. Ellick, who made a documentary, her view on the education of girls became known, from the valley of Swat, in Pakistan. After becoming known, she achieved international support for her cause and her
family is currently engaged in a chain of schools in the region. It was impressive to see, at the United Nations, a girl demanding from the elders the right to education for all boys and girls, using the strength of her voice and the potential of Gandhi's non-violent struggle. She took her inspiration from previous luminous traces, in a country of Islamic fundamentalism, she wore the pink shawl of Benazir Bhutto, assassinated in 2007, who was the first female leader of a Muslim country. And I tell you that Malala Yousafzai, later was a university student in England, where she has resided since the attack in 2012, at the age of 15, because the Taliban had reiterated their intention to kill her, her and her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, at the age of 17, making him the youngest person to receive that award. Until the next footprints! Constanza is a teacher.
The Peronist economy By Diego C arrizo Introduction Without entering into a study of the presidency by which General Juan Domingo Perón obtains his first positions in power, it is important to know that he achieved popularity while he held the position of secretary of labor. The military government of General Farrel, was losing popularity in the country and accused of being Nazis, the nation asks for his resignation. By then Perón had achieved great popularity among citizens and after an escalating social crisis, General Farrel declared war on defeated Germany five days before the end of the war and locked up Perón on Martín García Island. This brought on October 17, 45 'a large crowd demanding the return of Colonel Perón to the government house and requesting elections. The world after World War II was strongly rooted in the welfare state and politicians took strongly the ideas of John Maynard Keynes of the general theory of 24
employment, interest and money. And since the year 39, a colloquium written by the German sociologist and economist, Alexander R체stow, proposes a "third way" that basically was not to go into any of the extremes that existed in the world (capitalism in the West and communism in the East). In this third way, the State should intervene in the market and in all exchanges that took place between human beings. Liberal ideas were believed to be lost in the world (what Mises called anti-liberal propaganda) and R체stow coined the term "neoliberalism" to differentiate classical liberalism from modern liberalism. From now on, the term crudely used is wrong because there is no new freedom, or one is free or one is a slave, but this interventionist practice is taken up by the political powers at various points in the world and the Presidency of Per처n did not escape it. General Per처n said that capitalism had brought exploitation of man by man and communism exploitation of man by the State and it was necessary to take a third way, an intermediate point to avoid these exploitations. These policies of the third way
that he would take in his two governments, would have a fervent relationship. You have to take into account certain economic aspects that the country had before Perรณn won the elections. It received a growing economy, the GDP per capita oscillated between the first eight in the world and still depended heavily on the agricultural sector; annual inflation averaged 8%; the central bank would have about $ 1.68 billion in reserves. All this due to the trade surplus obtained during the war where the country's producers exported much more than they imported. Development To analyze the Peronist economy, it must be divided into two parts. The first part of the economic boom from 1946 to 1952 and a second part from 1952 to 1955. To carry out his economy, he plans it in a five-year plan subdivided into different policies. This plan would be in charge of the Minister of Economy Miguel Miranda who would seek to stimulate the internal market, redistribute wealth, increase wages and achieve full employment. This had the basic 26
and fundamental idea of leaving the agroexport model and seeking industrialization. - In a first policy , redistribution, would seek the nationalization of companies with nationalization. The central idea was that the State be the producer of the goods and services that were exclusively generated in the country. Therefore, ENtel (national telecommunications company), Ferrocarriles Argentinos, Gas del Estado, SOMISA (Sociedad Mixta SiderĂşrgica Argentina, which would be inaugurated in 1960 by the government of Arturo Frondizi) appear on the scene. - In the second policy , the IAPI (Argentine Institute for Production and Exchange) would be created. This set a purchase price, the producers sold at that price to the IAPI and the IAPI would sell it more expensively abroad and the surplus in profits would be kept. In 1946 the fixed purchase price was 170 pesos per ton, at the same time it was exported at 450 pesos per ton. - The IAPI would be, during the first stage, the largest source of funding for the State.
- The third policy sought the nationalization of the central bank and bank deposits that sought to concentrate the national credit capacity and the state would control the state, control investors and decide where it should go. - A fourth policy implemented high tariffs on imported products to promote the consumption of national products and limit imports. - And a fifth policy sought to promote full employment by generating public positions. In 1946 public employment went from 324,000 employees to 680,000 public employees in the early 1950s. Of course, the results of these policies were successful, the abundance of reserves, the agro-export policy and the promotion of public employment, generated an advance in the economy. The GDP went from being 50,000 million pesos to 58,000 million pesos in 1948, industrial wages increased by 40% and real wages by 20%. Industrial GDP had a modest increase from 22.8% to 24.5 in 1947, but later it would correct its upward trend until it remained at 23%. 28
The policies carried out during these periods required strong financing, that is, subsidizing industry, nationalizing companies and increasing public employment, required more income from the State. Public spending went from 20% at the beginning of 1940 to 45% in 1948 and that same year the fiscal deficit would fall to 18%. This financing to the State was carried out with the reserves of the Central Bank, with pension contributions, with the IAPI and through the tax burden. The latter would have gone from 10% to 17% of GDP in 1948. But in 1951, a severe drought in the world would cause the prices of commodities due to the lack of demand. This would drag a devaluation of consumer and production goods and the fiscal deficit would fall even more. Due to the exhaustion in the collection, and to sustain the redistributive policy, the Central Bank was forced to issue money without support and with it inflation would increase. In 1949, wholesale inflation was 23% and retail inflation was 31%. The end product
of these policies stagnation.
At the beginning of his mandate, General Perรณn affirmed that he would cut off a hand rather than request a loan abroad, but those words would be blown away by the wind and in 1952 a loan would be requested from the American bank EximBank for 125 million dollars. This due to the beginning of the recession that this government had to face. In 1952, GDP would fall 7%, wholesale inflation would be 31% after hitting the ceiling of 49%. Wheat exports would plummet from 2 million tons to just 60,000 tons, and wages would return to 1946 levels. To sustain this recession and lift the economy again, Perรณn took some orthodox and more specifically liberal measures. It carried out a reduction in public spending of 15 points of GDP, in 1945 spending would fall from 45% to 30%, a strong adjustment of public works with a considerable fall in the fiscal deficit and in 1952 it would be 2 points of GDP and that In the same year, the issuance of money would fall by 49% compared to the previous year. 30
They tried to encourage investment with the highest credit rate and promoted foreign investment in the country with an extraction of its profits from 2 years after the company was established. At that time Mercedes Benz, Fiat and Standard Oil would arrive. But later, only 14 companies invested in the country and it was around 50 million dollars. But the accompaniment of these measures were accompanied by restrictive measures that made the natural course of the economy impossible, such as intervention and control of the prices of goods and services and of course a heavy hand on merchants who increased prices forcing them to close their businesses and close them . “The government is determined to enforce prices even if it has to hang them all,â€? he would say in his address to the crowd on April 15, 1953. Later he encouraged workers to consume less and produce more and froze wages for two years after a 50% increase. The second five-year plan would be in charge of Alfredo Gomes Morales, Pedro BonĂĄn and Antonio Cafiero. It gave cheap credits to producers and was paid above
international prices. The adjustment program was successful in some sectors and not in others. Containment of inflation was quickly reached and retail was 4%. 80% increase in exports between 1952 and 1953 and the GDP would increase by 5%. The industry in 1954 would show a positive behavior but wages would remain frozen and there would be numerous strikes by workers. The government, once the economy recovered slightly, would promote the same measures at the beginning of the first period but with less force. Public spending would increase to 3 points of GDP and increase the deficit by 4%, both in 1954 and in 1955. The increase in spending was financed again with monetary issuance and inflation from 3% in 1954 would go to 12% in 1955. The restrictive measures would raise in a sector of the population a strong malaise and would increase even more with the dissatisfaction of the strong indoctrination in Peronist education schools and the idealization 32
of Eva Perรณn in the country's primary and secondary schools. In 1955 General Eduardo Lonardi overthrew General Perรณn in the liberating Revolution. Concluding this first stage we can say that a fascist-style corporate conception was inserted in the Argentine Republic, with enlightened leaders, and with state intervention in all economic activities, as well as in education and culture, generating an important division in the society.
Concepts The language and the value of the word . By Raimundo Collado Language is a form of expression of the human being that differentiates it from other living beings, likewise, it is a form of communication of ideas and thoughts, also of expressing joy and sadness, of loving, fighting, praying and blaspheming.
Man attributes qualities to each of his expressions and values them by humanizing them. Along these lines, the last word, the sacred word, the value of the word, the right word, the magic word or the much-mentioned phrase "without words" take importance. For Heraclitus, around 500 BC, the Logos, the word or reason, is the guiding principle of the cosmos, the origin of things, of knowledge and of the physical and moral order. The Pythagoreans and Stoics personified him in Hermes. Isn't that Logos the verb of Saint John, the word of God that precedes all things, that creates all things, that illuminates the human spirit? The Gospel of Saint John says: "In the beginning was the verb". (The Logos, in Greek; the Word, in Latin), and the word was with God and the word was God. Creation is the work of the Word, of the Logos, which is both thought and word; it is also, for this very reason, its manifestation, its external affirmation; and that is why the world is like a divine language for those who know how to understand it: Caeli enarrant gloriam 34
Dei (Psalm 18, verse 2) (The heavens declare the glory of God). Man is the being of the logos. Logos is reason and word: "these two meanings of the term are complementary or reciprocal, like the obverse and reverse of a coin, and they should never have detached one from the other." (Nicol, 1984, p.61) Every expression, every formulation, whatever it may be, is a symbol of thought, which it externally translates; in this sense, language itself is nothing more than symbolism. There must, therefore, be no opposition between the use of words and that of figurative symbols; these two modes of expression would be rather mutually complementary. The ancient writing was completely ideographic which allowed it to be understood by any and some complementary cases of writing as in the Chinese language. In that primitive, pictographic writing: the word was still a parable, a fable. If the word had a sacred virtue, so did its image, and also the stone, brick, metal, bark or papyrus on which it was attached.
If the divine word revealed to Moses was sacrosanct, so must the Book that collected and kept it, and the language of the revelation itself. And when writing ceased to be pictographic, when traditional images were stylized until they became unidentifiable, when alphabetic signs were extracted from them, the mystery of the letter added to the mystery of the word. The word is so important for the human being, that whoever spreads it comes to have immense power. In the West, journalism is attributed the Fourth Estate but many think it is the first and the most feared. The most vivid example of this effect is that of Jesus who was feared and crucified for the courage and diffusion of his words. “The word of God is alive and effective, and sharper than any two-edged sword; and penetrates the joints and marrow to the soul and spirit, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart "(Hebrews 4:12)
According to Confucius: The best words are those that carry a deep meaning and, at the same time, are understandable to everyone. He who talks excessively and without sanity seldom puts what he says into practice. The noble man is never afraid that his words will surpass his works. The nobleman does not give credit to the words by the sole authority of the one who pronounces them; nor does he reject the truth even if it comes from an ignorant person. A single correct word from the nobleman is enough for him to be considered knowledgeable about something, but it is also enough for him to commit a single mistake to be said that he knows nothing. About 2,500 years ago, Tsen Lu told Confucius: "The Prince of Wei intends to entrust the government to you." What would be the first action that the Master would take? Confucius replied: —Restore the true meaning of names.
The property of words implies a moral and political order. The sages have ascribed to each reality a designation, and the names must conform to each other and be realized in action. In speech, as in music, without silence there is no melody. (Anonymous). Guénon used to say: In the multiple states of being an analogy is established between the non-being-being and silenceword relationships: just as non-being (the nonmanifested) is the principle of being (the manifested), silence is the beginning of the word. In other words, being or unity is nothing but non-being, or metaphysical zero, affirmed; the word is the silence expressed. But just as non-being is something more —infinitely more— than the nonaffirmed unity, analogously, silence is something more —infinitely more— than the unexpressed word: it is the inexpressible. The symbol is the sensible representation of an idea; words are also symbols, that is why language is a particular case of symbolism. The principle of symbolism is the existence of a relationship of analogy 38
between the idea and the image that represents it. Myth, poetry, religion, reason, language, are intimately amalgamated in history and in the life of man. They are threads - says Ernst Cassirer - of the immense network that constitutes the symbolic universe in which man unfolds. In the very existence of language, How can the word, a sound breath - "wounded air", according to Fernando de Herrera, the Divine; "Smoke from the mouth", which vanishes into the air according to the Chinese hieroglyph - to convey love, hate, joy or pain, the most timeless and abstract ideas, desire and will, from one person to another ? And also, to fix that breath on paper, parchment or celluloid, and travel to all distances and perpetuate itself forever and ever? The word is creator of the world, or creator of worlds, in the old religious texts. And the old religious texts are poetic texts, or the old poetic texts are religious texts. Its virtue and effectiveness reside in the faithful pronunciation and recitation of each verse, each syllable. The word in them has sacramental value, and its power is maintained
if it is not contaminated with daily use, if it is fixed in the mysterious or hermetic molds of the old wise language, which embodies, for the faithful, the very language of divinity. (Biblical Hebrew, Church Latin, Old Slavonic). The language of a people is the lamp of its Karma. Every word contains a hidden cabalistic power: it is Grimoire and Pentacle. Thought takes its form in words like water in a pot. Before being a sign of a thought, the word was an instrument of a will. It was an independent, winged force, capable of wounding, of killing, of bringing desolation to cities, of scorching fields, of moving men, things, natural forces, and even of ruling the gods and the dead. power before whose empire nothing and nobody could escape. Among them, those of blessing and cursing. Polyphemus, the fierce Cyclops from the Odyssey, launches his imprecation against Ulysses or implores Poseidon, his father, to condemn him never to return to Ithaca, or to return late and unhappy, in a foreign ship, after having lost all his companions . Almost all 40
Greek tragedy represents the fulfillment of the imprecatory power of the word, of what in biblical terms we call today the curse. Language appears to us today as a system of blind, arbitrary, tyrannical signs. The word is being transformed into a tool, at the service of daily needs and concerns, or at the service of reason. Today we are inclined to think that language is a conquest of human reason, an instrument of its power. It is more fair to believe that human reason is a conquest of language. Finally and as a conclusion, it is important to point out with Pythagoras: "Take care of your language above all things, following the gods", because just as we have both the value of the word and its power, we must be careful in what we say, since Instead of representing us, words could easily become confusing, which is significant that despite the value and beauty of the word, it is better to remain silent when in doubt about what you want to say. BIBLIOGRAPHY:
Meng-Tzu or Book of Mencius by Confucius Chung-Yung or Confucian Middle Doctrine Genealogy of Man by Annie Besant Fundamental Symbols of Sacred Science by RENÉ GUÉNON Logos Mantram Magic by KrummHeller Nicol. E. (1984). The principles of science. Mexico: FCE Various essays, from the Ángel Rosenblat Library, Caracas, 1997. The Bible
Reflections Freedom as respect for others. The paradox of tolerance . By Mariano Flores I begin this article by recalling the words of the moral lighthouse (in my opinion) of liberalism in Spanish, Professor Alberto Benegas Lynch (h), who described the liberal philosophy as "Unrestricted respect for the life project of the other" (In his book FUNDAMENTOS DE ANALISIS ECONĂ“MICO, 1972). This phrase, although it is forceful when it comes to condensing what the philosophy is, tends to generate confusion in those who are not familiar. The idea of "unrestricted respect" seems to mean that one must accept any barbarity that occurs to others, regardless of its consequences for the rest of society, and this is false. It is the result of incorrectly analyzing the situation. Although one of the pillars of liberalism is the consideration of the
individual as such and not as part of a whole as "society" (In fact, society is considered as a set of individualities and not individuals as a result of the society), it is illogical to think that individuals who live with each other should accept mutually harmful behaviors. This ´can be seen from the Kantian vision (I am not a great admirer of Kant, but his Moral theory is quite correct) that “we must act in such a way that the maxim of our action can be universalized; Imagine if we universalize individual practices that are harmful to our peers ... Society would tend to dissolve! There would be no such thing as a "free society." The basis of a free society is the principle of non-aggression, already mentioned. In various articles. The freedom to exercise my rights as long as it does not harm others. The best example of this is the right to free expression: I am not only free to think what I want. I am free to say what I think. Even if what I say is highly reprehensible. Since if a society has education and good values, it will disapprove of my sayings. We put it as an example? Of course. If 44
I think that Hitler was right and Jews must be killed, I am wrong. But I am free to think about it. If I say so, I will be strongly disapproved, but I will not have harmed anyone. The important thing is that as soon as you want to act accordingly, you are punished in an exemplary fashion. It sounds strong, but there are plenty of examples to show that censorship does not prevent people who think bad from doing bad. It is punitivism that does it. Is liberal philosophy incongruous with punitivism? No way. Classical liberal thinkers, who conceived of the state as an entity that ensured the principle of non-aggression, did so because they considered that without an institutional framework that allowed the existence of a free society that society could not function (Even anarchist liberal thinkers defend punitivism, only the state is not the regulator entity). This paradox was very well described by Karl Popper, philosopher of science, in 1945 (The open society and its enemies). The well-known Paradox of tolerance.
“Should a society tolerate those who are not tolerant of it? No. Since tolerating the existence of the in tolerant could lead to the extermination of the tolerant and tolerance would not make sense in the first place �. Note that we speak of "extermination" because Popper wrote in the year that the World War II ended and spoke of the Nazis and the Jews (Needless to say, if the Jews meekly tolerated Nazi ideas, there would not be a single Jew left). But this idea can also be applied to the free society. If a society tolerates those who violate the free society, they would end up ending it. What, then, would tolerance make in the first place? This can be explained in a concrete example. Socialist countries censor all expressions of freedom, But free countries do not censor socialist expressions. In any free society a socialist is free to think like Karl Marx or Ferdinand Lasalle. You can read their books. You can express your support for the illegitimate appropriation of 46
the means of production. It is not an assumption, this actually happens. What a free society cannot allow is that these people carry out an illegitimate appropriation of the property of others, or any other action that threatens freedom and the functioning of the institutions that sustain freedom. Society can only be free if all of us who are free are equally deprived of exercising our freedom without responsibility, violating the rights of others.
Associative contract for dairy exploitation. By Hugo C Wilde A little history of a contract that is well ours and of great economic importance in our area Milk production in America begins with the European colonizations, not with the first arrival of the Spanish, but when the settlement
and colonization of land begins, with the Europeans bringing the first cows. It is worth mentioning that in America, there were no cows, goats or sheep, domesticated animals that provided milk for consumption, although we did find native animals such as camelids, some very wild such as guanacos and vicuĂąas, and others domesticable, such as the llama and the alpaca. Despite this, the natives domesticated them and consumed their meat and skin, but their milk production was not exploited. The arrival of the first Europeans in the 16th century produced an exchange of knowledge and products, which first included horses and later cattle and sheep. The characteristics of these first cattle were agile, with considerable horns and in an almost wild state, far from what we would later know as dairy animals. In the 18th century, livestock production began to proliferate, due to the opening of trade with ports in Spain, which increased the export of leather. 48
The rise of the large estancias made the hiring of indigenous labor become general and among them, the Guarani, working for the Jesuits, were the first to produce milk for their own consumption. They adopted the dairy exploitation of cattle due to Jesuit influence, since they gave them an area of land for their cultivation and to maintain some dairy cows. Around the cities, mainly in Buenos Aires, different chains of agricultural activities are developed. In a first, closer circle, orchards that produced different vegetables, without animals due to the difficulty of enclosing them (barbed wire was invented in 1874 in the USA and in Argentina it was only used in 1878). A second circle was destined to the cultivation of fruits, forage and some animals, where the dairy was developed.- Further afield and to the pampas with cattle breeding.This milk production was destined for daily consumption in the city, and developed nearby due to the difficulties of its transportation and maintenance, since it is perishable.-
With the European colonization of the mid-nineteenth century, and mainly in our area, dairy production began to develop, and with it at the end of the century the development of the dairy industry. First with milk, casein, butter, then creams and cheeses.- Until the middle of the last century, in our area, almost all the towns had one or more creameries or cheese factories, which were later absorbed by the large factories installed in neighboring cities .These industries that began to develop in the late nineteenth century. With the development of the industry since 1890, there is a change in agricultural holdings, with many areas having a greater preponderance of dairy production over livestock and cereal production as it was until then.They were developed in the northcentral province of BsAs, the South Center of Santa Fe, the east and south east centers of CĂłrdoba and the center of Entre RĂos mainly.At the beginning of the 19th century, if a rural establishment expanded its production, it resorted to labor, as simple hiring of 50
employees with salaries, until the purchase of slaves and later to sharecropper agreements. An example of the use of slaves for work occurred in the Jesuit ranches of Cรณrdoba. But the main blow of productive development began at the beginning of the 20th century, 1920 or 1930 onwards, where the industry began to increase the production of milk, cream and cheese and where rural establishments tended to be exclusively dairy producers. And with this development, a type of contracting began to take shape, which today we call the Associative Exploitation Contract Tambera.This contract, which does not exist in any foreign legislation, constitutes a regulation of a relationship between two parties whose custom gave rise to legal regulation.Indeed, the contractual relationship previously regulated by DL 3750/46, and now with significant differences by law 25,169, is truly unique and original to our legislation, originating from a custom.
A similar form can be found in New Zealand, where there is a contract by which the owner of the dairy leaves the dairy farmer who does the work, a percentage of the production, and that increases over the years (no more than 5) until reach 100% and the tambo is transferred. But it is a type of contract for the sale of the dairy farm from the owner to the dairy farmer. In the other legislative systems of countries with significant dairy activity (USA, France, Australia), the relationship between whoever does the dairy work and the owner of the farm is an employment relationship, although in most cases the dairy farmer It is the same owner or the same family that does the task of milking and caring for the animals. In our country it originates as a consequence of the economic development of the tambera exploitation. Activity was scarce and plants were centered outside the major cities; Thus it was possible to provide milk to these populations, since there was no adequate transport or way of conserving it; due to the perishable nature of the product, so there should only be hours between production and consumption. 52
With the growth of the dairy industry at the beginning of the 20th century, the development of transportation and the way of preserving milk, the dairy industry increases. Companies begin to be more profitable and this leads to the owner increasing production with another dairy farm, or moving to live in the nearby town or city, events that began to occur in the mid-20th century. Since he cannot personally take charge of the dairy operation, he must hire someone else to do it; this person at the beginning, was generally a member of the family (son, son-inlaw, brother); hence the associative and family nature of the contract. The owner entrusted to another person (family member) the task of the dairy farm and he took care of another dairy farm or lived in the city taking care of the administration; both agree to divide the production obtained in equal parts, so the name of the contract was "tambero mediero", that is, the production is divided "half". That is why the person who performs the task of the dairy farm was called "mediero".
The generalization of this form of work originated the contractual relationship that still persists today, being able to appreciate that its origin is "family", "associative" and "collaborative", and not a relationship of labor dependency. Besides being associative, it is eminently familiar. The family bond is only broken when the producer's children are no longer in the dairy and a third party must then be hired. This is a consequence of the so-called rural exodus that occurs in the second half of the last century.- The rural population moves to the city or town, in search of a better quality of life.This can be reversed, to the extent that the agricultural company incorporates greater comfort and technology that facilitates production, and essential works such as roads, communication, etc. are promoted to agricultural companies, as well as better communicated with the centers training (schools, faculties, official bodies, etc.), which would allow a better quality of life in the same establishment.
The truth is that the relationship between owner and dairy farmer, as we know it in our legislation, is not an “employeremployee” relationship, but rather that both participate in production and assume the risks; But the most important thing is that it is born out of a need and an essentially family relationship, of an associative and collaborative nature. First, it was developed without any legal regulations, and that custom led to it being legislated with the first Statute of the Tambero of 1946, regulating rights and obligations of the parties.- It was thus constituted in a contract, which also carried the characteristic of being “intuitae persona ”, Since the owner hired for the qualities of the person who did the dairy work.Today this hiring system persists, especially in small and medium-sized dairy production establishments, but in the other companies milking laborers are hired, who work on a schedule, receive a salary and are under a dependency relationship with the owner of the dairy.
If it should be noted, not to denature the associative dairy contract, mainly by granting little participation to the associated dairy farmer, not allowing him to have staff to help him, without rest, etc., which would decline in a simulation of a labor contract or hiring abuse.If it is used well, it can benefit both parties, although it can become onerous for the production of the establishment, depending on its profitability and the participation of the associated dairy farmer.If I reiterate, it is a contracting system, originated in our custom, which works and has worked since the origin of the dairy activity in a business way in our country. Activity characterized by the effort and business risk of both parties if it is well developed, and which characterizes an important strip of productive activity in our area.The author is Doctor of Law and Juridical Cs Professor of Agrarian Legislation FCVUNL
Reflection in images. By social networks. Images with added messages or corrections.
Humor -A sailor and a pirate meet, and begin to tell their adventures in the seas. The sailor notes that the pirate has a wooden leg, a hook instead of a hand, and an eye patch. -How did you end up with that wooden leg? -We were in a storm and a wave threw me into the sea; I fell among the sharks. While my teammates were rescuing me, a shark bit my leg off. -Wow! - The sailor replied - And what happened to your hand? Why do you have that hook? "Well ..." replied the pirate. We were boarding an enemy ship and while we were fighting with the other sailors, an enemy sword cut off my hand. -amazing! -said the sailor- And in the eye? -A flying dove shitted me in the eye. 60
-Did you lose your eye over the crap of a pigeon? replied the sailor. -No! ... It was my first day with the hook ... ------------------------------------------------The woman is giving birth in severe pain, and the husband in pain tells her: My love I feel guilty for what you're going through And she tells him: don't worry, it's not your fault ------------------------------------------------Two friends talk: - Now I have to be very careful about getting pregnant. - But your husband has had a vasectomy! -
Riddles 1 FAMILY MYSTERY . Norberto and Ruperta were born on the same day, at the same time of the same year, and to the same parents; but they are not twins, how can that be? 2 The three daughters: Two friends meet on the street: the first asks the other - how are your daughters and how old are they, the second answers: - The product of the three ages is 36 and the sum is the number of the portal where you live , the first one says to him: - then, I am missing a piece of information, and the friend answers him - it's true, the oldest plays the piano. What is the age of each daughter? Solutions at the end
Uni2 The match What is Uni2? Unidos is a political party that intends to recover the ideas that made our country a power and to position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable
practice of “hand-picking� candidates for elective office is avoided . Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. In this way, the party will consolidate itself as an institution of a lasting nature, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas that the party promotes in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to 64
the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are, quite simply, ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment, thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want a change from the roots for Argentina, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political arena, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom a visibility and impact unprecedented in recent years.
We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. https://unidosargentina.org/index.html
Something new is needed.
------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your preferences; https://www.testpolitico.com/ -------------------------------------------------
Uni2 Santa Fe Communicational Coordination. Jose Brunello
Columnists Publisher: Miguel A. Morra 66
Translation Mariano Flores Maria Marty. Mariano A. Flores. With stanza Diego Carrizo Raimundo Collado Hugo Wilde Jose Carlos Bourdin To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok https://www.facebook.com/Miguel.A.Morra/
Contact Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Uni2-ArgentinaSanta-Fe-109998170725956 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uni2 santafe/
Archive I love freedom Click on the link for the monthly on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ ls/3TQFMF3EDMMU?type=wishlist&filter=all &sort=default&viewType=list Podcast of some magazine articles: https://anchor.fm/mam4
Link to read them in e-book en español https://issuu.com/home/published To download them in pdf Click on the number . Nº 1 "Societies that expect their happiness from the hand of their governments, expect something that is contrary to Nature" Nº 2 "There is no assembly that converts what is a crime into a virtue" Nº 3 "Anyone who believes that being an opponent of the government is being a traitor to the country is a despot" Nº 4. "War begins to be a crime as soon as its employment exceeds the strict need to save one's existence" Nº 5. "Democracy is freedom constituted in government, since true government is neither more nor less than organized freedom" Nº 6. “The Government is a necessity of civilization, because it is instituted to give each governed the security of his life and of his property. This security is called and is freedom. " 70
No. 7 . Give the executive branch all the power you can, but give it to them by means of a constitution. The worst thing about despotism is not its harshness, but its inconsistency, and only the Constitution is immutable. " Nº 8. "The greatness of the neighbor, is an elemental and inviolable part of ours" Nº 9. "Laws were made for men and not men for laws" Nº 10 "Where there is no property there is no justice" Nº 11 "Knowledge is the only defense against the dangerous world" Nº 12 " We are born free and no power on earth can hold us, other than our own consent " Nº 13 " " It is an illusion to hope that despotism is on the side of good causes. " ----------------------------------------------
Puzzle solution Riddle 1 solution They are triplets Riddle solution 2 9.2 and 2: of all the combinations of three numbers whose product is 36, there are only two that in turn have the same result when added, taking into account that the character who is given the puzzle knows where he lives , hesitates between these two combinations and it is when he asks for one more piece of information to be able to solve it, 9x2x2 = 36, 9 + 2 + 2 = 13 and 6x6x1 = 36, 6 + 6 + 1 = 13 only the first combination is possible since in the second, there are two older sisters and the last piece of information was that the older one played the piano.