Ă?ndice Editorial 1 0 Rules of life for a liberal. By Eduardo Marty . Stories Luminous footprints By Constanza Ga brielle chanel The Note " Trout " By Ricardo Nogara Concepts Brief history of the Beginning of the Order of the Temple By Raimundo Collado Reflections Abortion, an ethical and moral dilemma Between reason and morality By Lic. Diego Marcelo Carrizo Abortion 2
By Miguel A. Morra Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf . Humor Riddles Uni2 The party What is Uni2? What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Uni2 Santa Fe Contact Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution
Editorial 1 0 Rules of life for a liberal. By Eduardo Marty . 1. Take charge of your own life and do not disturb others. 2. Not pretending that others solve our problems. 3. Dealing with others in terms of seduction, of respect, in contractual terms: value for value. 4. Never initiate violence but always be ready to defend yourself. Do not tolerate aggression. 5. Never keep quiet for fear of disapproval. Don't allow yourself to feel intimidated. 6. Never hide your talents for fear of hurting mediocre or envious people. 7. Never allow progress on press freedom no matter how ridiculous or objectionable an opinion may seem to us . 4
8. Never allow an injustice to be consecrated without raising our voice. 9. Devote your life to the search for your own happiness, understanding that others have the right to their own pursuits and that they cannot be used or manipulated to favor yours. 10. Cultivate your selfesteem, cultivating your intelligence, your productivity and your art. Live with intensity. Via Eduardo Marty https://www.facebook.com/eduardo. marty
Stories Luminous footprints By Constanza Ga brielle chanel Although her competitive and contradictory personality pushed her to make questionable decisions, which generated controversy and damaged her reputation, after the war she managed to reopen her company in 1954 with renewed success and established it in the United States and the United Kingdom. Did you know that much of the women's fashion that we still consider valuable was bequeathed to us by Gabrielle, called Cocรณ? It turns out that she, seizing every opportunity that presented itself, and fighting against all adversity, produced a bold break with the ostentatious elegance of the Belle ร poque. Cocรณ left us comfort first and foremost and access to fashion and its style, accessible to many women, creating a line of casual, 6
simple and comfortable clothing, as well as hats, bags and perfumes. The abandonment of the rigidity of the corset and the use of trousers resulted in another image of a woman, and the famous tweed suit edged became an icon of feminine elegance. He also invented the use of fancy jewelry, which we know as bijouterie. He believed that every woman had the right to wear jewelry, even if they were not real jewelry. The Chanel 2.55 wallet so easy to use, and that you surely used or saw or bought and did not know that it was the product of CocĂł's imagination, continues to be sold as a classic that reinforces its style. Short hair, Ă la garcon, was another of her audacity, and the use of washable, versatile materials and stretch fabrics. We still remember her for her famous petite robe noire, the famous little black dress, which according to her should not be missing in any women's wardrobe because she will always get her out of trouble.
And also for one of her star products, which was the Chanel No. 5 perfume, catapulted to fame by Marilyn Monroe, as a synonym for sensuality, when she said that she only used Chanel No. 5 to sleep. Gabrielle Chanel was born in Saumur, France, in 1883, and died in 1971 in Paris. His family lived in poverty and had a childhood full of adversity. Her mother died at age 31, and she and her sisters were placed in an orphanage. There, in that environment of strict discipline, they learned to sew, embroider by hand and iron. Cocรณ said at some point my pride saved me. One of his famous concepts is the following: Not the appearance, is the essence It's not the money, it is education its not the clothes, is the class
Cocรณ was the only fashion designer on Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People of the 20th Century list. Until the next footprints!
The Note " Trout " By Ricardo Nogara Perhaps the movement restrictions, established in mid-March, have helped the coveted trout of the Patagonian Lakes to get a little more fat, and also forget about the gadgets that fishermen use to get them caught on the hook. But for all this to happen, it was in the late 1800s and early 1900s that there was a truly visionary man, Don Francisco Pascasio Moreno, known among other virtues, because he donated lands that were given to him by the National Government in recognition of his prestigious work as an Expert, in the discussion of border limits with our neighboring mountain country. In summary, he was able to demonstrate to the English Referees that with not much effort it was possible to change the course of a stream coming from the mountains, so that its waters drain towards the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, in this way he achieved that the Chilean claim to Land occupation, using the watershed for this, could 10
not be taken as a permanent boundary between two countries. If that had been the case, San MartĂn de Los Andes today would belong to the neighboring Republic since the great Lacar - Valdivia basin drains into the Pacific. It was then that "the high peaks" were taken, generating an intricate ups and downs of the border very well demarcated by the ferrous Milestones that divide us. Small towers that do not exceed three meters in height and that I was able to visit in my tours as a Park Ranger, to be surprised many times by how impeccably open are the paths that reach the border from the Pacific, surely due to the strenuous effort made by the Carabineros, without disregard for our National Gendarmerie, whose task is equivalent in these thin international lines, not at all respected by the fauna and the lush vegetation. But I must return to the delicious Patagonian trout, since its development by these frozen rivers and lakes are the product of the idea of Don Pascasio Moreno. This man so valuable to our country, I imagine in his endless horseback riding through the pampas and his
trips to the United States, a development not only in the building, since I value as few the environmental potential of endless forests, deep transparent lakes and landscapes of dream. I found the foundations of the Tourism industry. And he also felt that he could recreate the world of sport fishing for trout in a landscape similar to that of the USA. Increase the fish fauna, which he said was quite poor in natural species existing (Puyen, velvety catfish, perch, Patagonian silverside ...), and gave food to the indigenous communities for thousands of year s , like clams water sweet, it wasn't going to be a simple task. It was then that I invited a prominent American salmonid specialist to visit these vast southern lands to introduce new species of fish! . It's easy to say now, but it's hard for me to imagine such decisions without thinking about the incredible expenses and proper logistics . Obviously they were thinking big !! Like the size of the country they traveled 12
In 1902, after detailed reports from those who went up the Santa Cruz, Limay and many other rivers, taking data mainly on turbidity and temperature, they decided to bring the first fertilized eggs from fish farms in the Northern Country. For this they used ships with cold stores that transported our precious beef to England. They set up appropriate stations in the rivers that descended their icy waters from the mountain range and tried until they succeeded, sowing millions of trout eggs of some seven different species, a feat that surely they were not going to be able to enjoy until many years later. The fact of making a huge effort so that other generations can take advantage of it is more than meritorious, perhaps because today that is little and nothing. Calculate that taking well-equipped crates with all those eggs from the Atlantic to Nahuel Huapi Lake took about 50 days ... and today a truck does it in less than 24 hours. The point is that there were not a few failures, since from so many trips testing one
species of salmonid or another, today only about four species have adapted perfectly and adapted to different environments . The well-known Rainbow, Brook Trout, Brown and Locked Salmon which, unlike its Pacific relative, does not die when spawning. Although today the so-called sport fishing moves a lot of money, I cannot fail to report that these voracious and implacable salmonids have caused a significant imbalance in native ichthyofauna, amphibians, reptiles and also in aquatic birds. The last trout introduced in the 30s was the Brown, perhaps the most voracious, and most coveted by fishermen, since it can exceed 10 kg. of weight, being common to obtain specimens of 2 kg. Like the one who fished last Tuesday, escaping for a while from this demonic restriction of circulation. And since we are here , I tell you that trout are the most printable critters that one can meet. I n my years as a Park Ranger I met countless flycatchers, who undoubtedly have a lot of experience and are experts in the insectivorous diet of fish ... but they will decide 14
to take a lure only when we least expect it and not when all the books indicate it. . And surely that makes it fun !! The introduction of exotic species sometimes goes unnoticed, and in other cases the problems are catastrophic, and I am not only referring to animals, since in plants the examples are many, such as the Broom, Gorse, Rosehip and all Known Pines. Tierra del Fuego suffers from the Beavers, who were brought from Canada in 1950 !! so that the settlers can live off fur ... and they will not believe it, but just the couples who flew so many kilometers were not of the appropriate race, that is, it was a useless work that today causes the death of hundreds of trees that take decades to grow. Likewise, a contradictory feeling always goes through my head ... Homo sapiens, is part of this planet, we are one more species. One more element in the natural distribution‌ or not ?? . In short, a million years or so will give us an explanation ... in the meantime let's enjoy what we can without questioning ourselves so much, but if we
remember those Heroes who forged and fought tirelessly for the wonderful Country that we have. The author is National Park Ranger
Concepts Brief history of the Beginning of the Order of the Temple By Raimundo Collado It is not my intention to do a work of exquisite history since it is not the object of this humble contribution. The Order of the Temple was neither the first military religious order created to fight for the faith, nor the first group destined to protect the travelers who made pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In 1070, long before the Crusade was preached, wealthy and pious Christian merchants from the Italian city of Amalfi established a hostel in Jerusalem to be used by pilgrims without resources. The shelter was placed under the protection of Saint John the Limosnero, a seventh century patriarch of Alexandria, and in front was a consul who responded to the Benedictines.
Under this precedent, the organization and mode of action of the orders that were formed in regard to the treatment of European pilgrims and relations with the Muslim authorities were influenced. Christianity in its beginnings was a religion of the lower classes and the marginalized of a society that absorbed tribes and peoples without imposing excessive pressure on matters of faith. The new cult promised blessings and redemption and prevailed against the little organization of the pagan cults. This did not happen because their gods were less effective, but Christianity always had a clear hierarchical sense and was able to organize correctly. On August 26, 1071, the Battle of Manzikert took place in which the Turks absolutely defeated the Byzantine troops. The consequences of this defeat produced the fall of the Byzantine empire, since it opened Antioquia to the Turkish tribes and determined the population of many areas of Asia Minor. Due to this defeat, Byzantium required help from the West and this help took shape in 18
the crusades and the crusades were reason enough for the Templars to appear in history. Not only the nobles who could obtain visible material and spiritual rents echoed these claims, but also marginal and neglected from areas with famines and epidemics saw the possibility, perhaps insane, of putting an end to their material anguish. Proof of this were that the first to respond to the preaching of the monks, were the opportunists who proliferated through the cities, villages and roads of Europe called to the Holy War and to the march towards Jerusalem, to whom they enthusiastically adhered to the levies of the barons who armed their armies. At this time the princes and barons were the owners of the wars since they had money to recruit soldiers, supply weapons, horses and supplies. The simple and humble people did not have the means and did not usually fight, but they were dragged away by those who with their power of persuasion promised them riches and new lives.
In this context is the crusade of the poor organized by Peter the Hermit, who excited thousands of homeless and needy people and set them off to the East. Between March and April 1096 some twelve thousand people left France for Jerusalem. They went into little or badly Christianized territories and their members had no qualms about indulging in pillage, looting towns and villages. The Byzantine emperor was horrified to see those starving masses arriving in rags. But it was not long before I realized that it was not a committed army. The fights and the disorganization in a short time had the first confrontations that resulted in a massacre in which most of the men died and produced the first saturation of slaves from the East. At the end of this crusade that passed without pain or glory, dozens of barons involved in an original process, never recorded, set out, who saw in the East a solution to their problems. 20
Among the crusaders who took Jerusalem, the master was an Amalfi named Pedro Gerardo, who after being banished by the Muslims provided very important information about the city, its geography and its customs. Once the city was captured, he convinced the Frankish barons to grant him subsidies in order to improve the assistance to travelers, and it was at that time that the word hospitality derived a term that soon after would become that of the first order monastic, organized military: Los Hospitalarios. Gerardo was Master of the Hospitallers until his death in 1118 when he was replaced by Raimundo del Puy. Soon after its installation, the Order adhered to other duties such as fighting and keeping the roads open. The final touch on the form that the Hospitallers would acquire came with the creation of what would be an analogous but rival order: The Templars. The idea of forming a group of knights in which its members were both soldiers and monks, subject to vows but capable of forming in the first line of combat against the Muslims
was highlighted by Hugo de Payens when between 1118 and 1119 He convinced King Baudouin to allow him to settle with a handful of companions in a wing of the royal palace, where the al-Aqsa mosque was formerly located, in the area of the Temple of King Solomon. As you can see, there is much to talk about these crusades and the participation of the august Order of the Temple, but I leave for another work, the continuation and / or expansion of the stoic history of the Order.
Reflections Abortion, an ethical and moral dilemma Between reason and morality By Lic. Diego Marcelo Carrizo Abortion in recent years in Argentina was the center of discussions between individuals that, on different grounds, opened a very large gap between Argentines. This is why in 2017, the government of Mauricio Macri put it into question, and since that moment it has been nothing more than an issue that goes between reason and morality. But it is not a current topic of discussion. In the 1950s, the Liberal Ayn Rand (who among liberals are fundamentals in defense of abortion and life), publicly stated that a fetus "has no life", and that, based on individual rights, no institution, state, community or person, has the right to tell a woman what to do with her life and for the reason that one of the most disgusting frauds, among the many current frauds, is the idea
that the enemies of abortion are they call themselves "defenders of life", in such a way that they support the rights of the embryo, of an unborn entity and refuse to recognize the rights of a living person, that is, the woman (Ayn Ran: 1968). But these arguments that Ayn Rand, female representative of liberalism argued, are nothing more than fallacies today. For the simple fact that Rand's first and most important observations on abortion are to be found in a lecture he delivered in December 1968 at the Ford Hall Forum in Boston, entitled "Of Living Death" and in In 1968, A-MODE transducers began to be developed using the Doppler technique and the constant development of ultrasound, to detect the embryonic heart, feasible at that time at 32 days of fertilization. So it gave the beginning of the development of the ultrasound machine and an essential element to determine life from conception or not. From the philosophical point of view, the writer, philosopher and political scientist AgustĂn Laje, would give a clear foundation, expressing the simplicity of the debate through 24
the determination of the beginning of human life as such. Taking as a starting point that the first natural right of the human being is the right to life, the determination of when that life begins will be the determining factor to establish whether or not abortion is murder. But clearly this is a completely scientific debate. Now, in his philosophical vision, he tries to clarify whether we are talking about the fetus as a human being or as a thing. If the fetus is approached as a human being, it must be granted human rights and therefore we understand it as part of our species, so it must be legally protected, but a distinction must be made between development and essence. "That which is developing as a thing, necessarily has the essence of that thing to which it is tending because if not, it would not have to develop like that thing to which it is being developed" (Agustin Laje: Face to face 2019/10 / 04), that is, if the fetus from its conception is developing as a human being, it is because it already has the essence of "human being", since if it did not have it, it could not develop as such. Therefore and as a philosophical argumentative part , the defense of life from
conception, from the philosophical point of view, is irrefutable. But enormous are the grounds to sustain that abortion constitutes a homicide aggravated by the bond on the following grounds: From a scientific point of view: Modern genetic criteria have determined that the fetus has its own genetic load, DNA different from that of the mother, its own chromosomes, etc. What already constitutes a life completely separate from that of the mother or pregnant woman. In the human species, life is transmitted through a mechanism of sexual reproduction which depends on the fusion of two cells, called gametes; one male, the sperm and the other female; the ovule. The male gamete fertilizes the female egg. As a result, a new cell is formed; the zygote. The zygote is thus a cell formed by two gametes. Gametes and zygote are genetically defined by the number of chromosomes they carry. Each gamete has 23 chromosomes and the zygote has 46. The chromosomes are in pairs, so the gamete 26
contains only one set of pairs; it is a haploid cell. The zygote having the two complete sets of pairs is diploid. The zygote is therefore a primordial cell that contains all the chromosomes of the human being, and therefore also all its genes. Now chromosomes carry genes. These are located in precise places called locus or site or place. There are a pair of genes on the chromosome pair. If a gene A comes from one gamete and gene B comes from the other gamete. as they merge to form the zygote. This will now have A and B, the AB pair and therefore will be a genetically different cell from the parent gametes (own genetic load). The zygote will have a genetic formula or constitution called a genotype, in this case AB. Mathematically expressed, A + B = AB or multiplying it A * B = AB, that is, own genetic load. The human being receives the genetic name of Fetus throughout the intrauterine life. but as it goes through various periods of development it receives as many names. Although the fetal development process is gradual, for technical reasons it is customary to divide fetal life into several
stages. The first stage of a week is the preimplantation period and the fetus is called a blastocyst. By implanting in the uterine wall, the blastocyst is called an embryo. The embryo is generically defined as a germ of a living being. Embryo is a fetus, from the Greek root Eu - within bryos - swarming or rapid reproduction. In this second stage of about 2 months the embryo forms the organs of the fetus, after 2 or 3 months the human being already has a human form and measures around three centimeters. This embryo is simply called a fetus, and a third stage begins that will end at 5 months. The fourth stage of fetal development begins around 5 months. The fetus is already viable; in other words, it can live outside the uterus. There are some aborted fetuses who have lived only four months to die as stillbirths. With this viable stage, the fetus completes its evolution until birth between 7 and 10 months. During intrauterine life the fetus is perfecting and developing many genetic complexities. New proteins and vital structures are being formed . The human being is in the manufacturing process from the original mold conceived in fertilization when the zygote or 28
primordial cell is formed. Thus, many genotypes are modified and new molecules are developed. The example of Hemoglobin molecules is classic. Hemoglobin B chains are formed after birth. Only after 3 months of birth, that is one year after being conceived, does the human being have the genotype of adult Hemoglobins. But all this process of change and transformation is the enlargement of the primitive theme imprinted on the genotypes of the zygote. Obviously, the beginning of human life cannot be ascribed to any of these stages of fetal development. In summary, science has determined that with the fertilization of the ovum and the formation of the zygote a new being begins that is different from its parents and has the potential and individuality to develop itself. The product of conception is the fetus which, during intrauterine life, goes through successive stages of development that adapt it to the maternal ecosystems to complete the manufacture of an infant capable of being viable. None of these stages can be considered as the beginning of his life, which has already started in fertilization.
From the point of view of law: "LAW FOR THE INTEGRAL PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND OF UNBORN GIRLS AND BOYS" ARTICLE 1.- Protection guarantee. The comprehensive protection of the rights of pregnant women and unborn children who are in the territory of the Argentine Republic is guaranteed, as well as the full, effective and permanent exercise and enjoyment of those rights that are recognized in the legal system. national legal system, in accordance with the provisions of article 75, paragraph 23, of the National Constitution. Concept. "Unborn child" is understood to be every human being from the moment of conception or fertilization of the ovum, until the moment of its actual birth. Higher interest. The rights recognized here are assured by their maximum enforceability and supported by the principle of the best interests of the child, understood as the maximum, comprehensive and simultaneous satisfaction of the rights and guarantees recognized in this law. When there 30
is a conflict between the rights and interests of unborn children versus other equally legitimate rights or interests, the former will always prevail. ART. 2.- Public order. The rights and guarantees that the law, in harmony with the Argentine constitutionality block, recognizes pregnant women and unborn children, are of public order, inalienable, interdependent, indivisible, intransigible and non-derogable. CHAPTER II PRINCIPLES, RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES ART. 3 ° .- Right to life. The unborn child has the inalienable right to life as the first human right, source and origin of all others, which is why it cannot be left at the mercy of any person. The guarantee of this right to its maximum extent is a primary obligation of the State at all levels and in all situations that may arise.
ART. 4 ° .Equal opportunities. Prohibition of discrimination. The unborn child has the right to equal opportunities and to be protected against any type of discrimination or selection based on his genetic heritage, stage of development, physical, biological or any other nature. Nor will it be because of the circumstances of their conception or the qualities or characteristics of their parents and relatives. The law considers it particularly offensive, damaging and discriminatory to classify unborn children as "wanted" or "unwanted." ART. 6.- Dignity. The unborn child has the right not to be subjected to procedures that may affect his personal dignity, identity and integrity. Consequently, it may not be subject to genetic manipulation, or cloning, or any other procedure or technique that affects or stops its normal development and growth. ART. 7.- Violence against women. Any external interference, whether state or 32
private, that is intended to induce or convince a woman who is in a pregnancy to interrupt the course of that pregnancy by performing an abortion shall be considered a paradigmatic case of violence against women. ART. 13 ° .- Universal Allowance for Unborn Child. The Universal Allowance for Unborn Child will consist of a monthly nonremunerative monetary benefit, which will be paid to the woman throughout the course of the pregnancy, provided that she is not employed, emancipated or receiving any of the benefits provided for in Law No. 24,714 , modifying and complementary. This benefit will be equivalent to that established in Decree 1602/09 for minor children. It should be remembered that the National Constitution and the human rights treaties that, under the conditions of their validity, have a constitutional hierarchy since 1994, protect the inviolability of innocent human life from the moment of conception, without exceptions of any nature. As is known, one of these instruments is the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
which was approved in the Argentine Republic by Law No. 23,849, whose second article provided that, upon ratification at international headquarters, our country declares that "A child is understood as every human being from the moment of conception to 18 years of age." an explicit mention of the right to life and the defense of integral life, from the moment of conception and until natural death. But as regards the moment of conception, "this right is included with the reservations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child." (pp. 2873/4). Article 4 of the Pact of San José de Costa Rica speaks of the right to life from conception, and the rights of the child, which we do as they are in force, that is, with the reservations that our country has made, that it's from conception. " (p. 3050). In summary, as was well expressed in the philosophical and scientific defense, the unborn child, as the norm expresses it, has been legally protected since 1994 after the San José de Costa Rica pact, included in the 34
national constitution and ratified by the Congress of the nation in March 2020, legally, Argentina is in defense of life from conception, given the ample foundations that modern science has demonstrated. From the liberal point of view: Liberalism is "the unrestricted respect of the life project of others", therefore, based on this foundation, life itself is the first project of that fetus or unborn child, that is, for More than not being aware of it, the basic, fundamental and natural right of the human being is life and as such constitutes the first natural project of that developing fetus , so abortion constitutes the interruption of that initial and natural project. Even with scientific evidence, within liberalism individual freedoms are defended and the discussion no longer starts if the fetus is a human being or not, or if it has life or not. It is placed in discussion within liberalism, how free is the woman to dispose of her body or not even so knowing that the fetus does not belong to her body for the simple fact of being a new person in the process of development. That is why liberalism in this discussion is based on its three fundamental rights which
are: life, liberty and property. Without life there is neither freedom nor property; without freedom there is no property and life is in danger and without property there is no freedom and life is in danger. In short, life is the basis of existence for these rights to be sustained as such and the interruption of life constitutes murder. The pregnant woman has all the freedom to decide on her body, but not on the one inside her and the interruption of this development is the elimination of that life and she must assume full responsibility that the interruption of a life constitutes a homicide and how such is punishable by law. Surplus are the foundations on which life is sustained from conception and those irrefutable are the scientists, those who with empirical evidence tell us that a fetus in its conception has its own genetic load and therefore is a human being, concatenated with the essence philosophical that that fetus has in its development. This fetus is legally protected to guarantee its full development and the liberal philosophy ethically protects the fetus by respecting its full rights, the fundamental 36
basis of life. Now, the moral discussion goes directly to defining how free a woman is to take a life that is gestating in her body and therefore constitutes a moral dilemma between whether or not the woman has her body fully at the time of pregnancy. That is to say, naturalize the interruption of the development of life? Taking life as a scientific basis from conception and development to face human life post-birth and that life is a continuum and its interruption constitutes a homicide.
Abortion By Miguel A. Morra I am Liberal and for me it should be decriminalized, and that it is the woman who makes the decision after being able to speak with specialists about the consequences and alternatives. No one aborts by desire, they are always traumatic and logically come from unwanted pregnancies, and the decision is made in a hasty manner, with very few people aware, with little information, very little professional advice, precisely because it is illegal. Just ask a teenager what happens in an unwanted pregnancy; Only one or two friends find out and it is decided. Many would be surprised to know how many close people have been through it. If it is legal, with good legislation, unwanted pregnancies would be the rating of the education that we are providing in this regard and unwanted pregnancies that come to a good end would be the rating of the 38
education, information and alternatives that society provides. Undoubtedly, that way there would be far fewer unwanted pregnancies and far fewer abortions and it would be accurately known what the educational capacity of society is in this regard. Today garbage is swept under the carpet and it is believed that it does not exist. In short: Good education = fewer unwanted pregnancies. Good professional information on consequences and alternatives = fewer abortions Such a system would be more “pro-life� than the penalty. And also it is only a convention to say that he is a person from conception, which I do not share, as to be able to say that it is a crime. In my opinion, the embryo, as long as it is exclusively dependent on the body that contains it, is an appendix with a chromosomal singularity. The premise is when does it stop being exclusively dependent on the body that
contains it? Only there would he become an unborn person. An example to see the concept would be that if the woman who is carrying it dies, can she survive with the help of others? If you are seven months pregnant, you can safely survive with the help of doctors, incubators and other people who take care of you, that is, there you could already be considered an unborn person, but if you are five months old you cannot survive, therefore I do not consider it to be an unborn Person. It is simply for this reason that it is defined with a euphemism as "person to be born" and not simply "person" which is a big difference hidden behind the word "person". It becomes an INDIVIDUAL and a human BEING when it ceases to be EXCLUSIVELY dependent on the body that contains it. And if we are going to consider conception as possible life, sperm or ovum are too. So if we agree that it is a possible person, should we condemn oral sex for cannibalism ? Or did person abandon male 40
masturbation? Or is it a serial killer who ties her tubes, or uses an IUD? and how many other things could we say !!!! That from conception you are a person to be born is just an easy convention. And in my opinion it is not yet a person until it ceases to be exclusively dependent on the body that carries it. Until then it is a simple appendage with a chromosomal singularity. And we speak of a person to be born, therefore the term person was incorporated to something that is not, and just by saying it that way it is already seen that it is different and whoever called it understood it that way. Is not the same. In my opinion, it can be a person to be born when it is no longer EXCLUSIVELY dependent on the body that contains it. And it should not be free. If the person does not have money at that time to pay it, they can do it in comfortable Âż12? dues. If you do not do it and come back for another, you will have a new debt but a tubal ligation will be mandatory. And as long as that debt is not paid, it will appear as any unpaid debt.
-------------Alberto Kornblihtt in Diputados https://www.facebook.com/UBAEx actas/videos/vb.559815594140896/16691726 29871848/?type=2&theater -------------Film that explains the Ruling of the US Supreme Court https://youtu.be/NO_xShXExVs -----------Others decide for you. An official sitting at a desk knows more than YOU which is the best decision for YOU. In other words, it tells you "you are not able to decide for it and therefore ........." And with that he thinks he fixes it and is only causing more problems. Sweeping trash under the rug so as not to see it and believe that it does not exist is not a good form of social organization. And in Argentina we have a lot of rugs and a lot underneath. 42
-----------------------Abortion; Objectivism January 23, 2011 Question: What is the objectivist point of view on abortion and how could this point of view be defended? Reply: (Originally printed in Navigator, March 1999, Vol. 2, No. 7 pp. 18-19.) In 1973, the United States Supreme Court declared a constitutionally protected right to abortion. Far from resolving the debate that motivated it, this decision only increased the vehemence of the disagreement in the United States on the legalization of abortion and its status as protected by law. The depth of the issues at stake provides both sides of the debate with ample grounds for using strong words and harsh means in defense of their respective positions. On the one hand, if you favor the right to abortion, you probably do so because the most basic privacy and property of the woman is at stake; on the other hand, if one objects, one probably does so because one regards abortion as a kind of murder, and therefore the gravest of crimes.
Ayn Rand argued that "abortion is a moral right, which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved." ("Of Living Death", The Objectivist, October 1968, p. 6). In his opinion, opposition to abortion stems from the inability to understand both the context of rights and the imposition of the places of childrearing of women. As she said: "A piece of protoplasm has no rights, and it has no life in the human sense of the term. You can argue about the later stages of a pregnancy, but the essential question only concerns the first three months. Potential with a real, is vicious, to defend the sacrifice of the latter for the former, it is indescribable. " ("One Last Poll", The Ayn Rand Letter, IV, 2, 3) These conclusions are based on the distinctively objectivist approach to the relationship between human nature and rights, -------------The nation; February 27, 2018. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/2111735mapa-interactivo-como- s e-legis-el-abortoen-el-mundo 44
How similar to the map of developed countries !!! -------------Eduardo Marty Morning Reflections. Reproductive Freedom and the Right to Seek Your Own Happiness (from Keith Lockitch, attention of Maria Marty): 1. / With conservatives we are united by the idea of free markets and limited government, but we are separated by the idea of the right of women to abort. 2. / They believe even with Rousseau that the common good should be above the good and individual happiness and that if this requires human sacrifices , then welcome. 3. / They do not yet understand the primary importance of the role of self-esteem in human life . They also often wish to subordinate reason to emotions and condition other people's purposes and goals to their own wishes and orders . 4. / Achieving self-esteem is not an easy task , it is a titanic task because it carries as a reward, feeling pride, which is
nothing other than moral ambition. To be able to feel valuable you have to know yourself capable of current effectively and efficiently. You must also choose to pursue your own happiness and know how to do it. Hard work. 5. / Self-esteem requires not abandoning your values, your ambitions, your wishes for happiness. Self-esteem and Abortion 6. / An embryo or fetus is an organism that grows and develops within the maternal vault and as such lacks rights. He is not a human being as he lacks an independent life. He is a potential human being, not a real one. 7. / Bringing a child into the world implies contracting a very important obligation that must be evaluated within the framework of one's own ambitions, one's own happiness, one's own career, and one's own life. 8. / If a woman reaches the conclusion that while pregnant she does not want to bring a boy into the world or that the 46
time has not yet come to do so, she can and should have the right to control the functions of her body and end the pregnancy. 9. / To prohibit abortion is to regulate that a woman is obliged to continue with an unwanted pregnancy, to go through all the risks of labor and delivery that, as every mother knows, are many and important. 10. / opposition to the abortion masks their arguments in protecting the zygote-fetus but hides a vision more profound. 11. / The vision of human sexuality has traditionally been religious (sex is a shameful sin) or hedonistic (wild sex, irrational, devoid of values, and self-indulgent, animal style). 12. / Sex however is a rational value that celebrates one's life and expresses our self-esteem. Passion is a selfish value that expresses our own happiness. 13. / The control of motherhood, contraception and even last instance abortion, have managed to separate the physical and spiritual pleasure derived from sexual relations, childbearing and motherhood .
14. / Religious conservatives, behind their defense of embryo rights, actually attack the pursuit of pleasure. The pleasure derived from sex cannot and should not be, they argue, an end in itself . In a selfish value that implies the celebration of oneself and not of others. 15. / It seeks to put people against their healthy sexual desires reducing the pleasure derived from it, putting the threat of pregnancy first. They want fear to be a part of every sexual experience. That is why they criticize all contraceptive methods. 16. / The reproductive roulette implies abandoning oneself to the will of God, obeying his will even if it implies abandoning one's future plans. Reproduction, far from being a choice, would become an obligation submitted to divine desire. 17 . / T he rights of the unborn take precedence over the desires of the living, who must abandon their life plans to take responsibility for the life of a being that they neither wished nor planned.
18. / The prohibition of reproductive freedom can only bring misery, sacrifice and drive away happiness and all that it entails. 19. / The collectivist mentality and imposing and disposing of the lives of others, sacrificing oneself to an obligation not chosen or consensual is to end the ambition, the career and the future of mothers and young couples . 20. / Young women, even being educated in collectivism and obedience, rebel against these impositions using the only arguments they know: leftists who, even though they are false, allow them to claim favor of respect for their rights. ------------Uni2 as a party does NOT have a position taken in this regard on its platform and leaves the decisions in this regard to the discretion of each of its members . Therefore, in this publication, the two positions are made. ------------The author is CPN and Editor
Reflection in images. By Old Liberal Wolf .
Humor When I was going to a wedding, all my aunts and old ladies would come up to me, touching my ribs with laughter, to say: Ah ... Next is you, right? ...?!?! They stopped fucking after I started saying the same thing to them at funerals ... ------------------------------------------------Teodoro was very successful in his career, he had no financial problems and was well liked by his friends. However, over time he began to suffer from headaches, slight at first, but which gradually increased in intensity until they became unbearable. When his health, his work and his love life began to be affected by this problem, Teodoro decided to consult a doctor.
The specialist examined him, performed several tests, took X-rays, blood, stool and urine samples, and finally told him: -I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that I can cure your headaches. The bad thing is, that to do it I'll have to castrate it. You have a rare condition where your testicles press down on the base of your spine, and that's what causes headaches. The only way to remedy it is by removing his testicles. Teodoro was stunned and depressed, but his headaches worsened by the day, and in despair he decided to undergo the operation. When he left the hospital, the headache was completely gone, but he felt dejected and discouraged, as if a part of himself was missing (obviously). Walking through a park, he began to reflect, and decided that, since he felt like a new person, he would start his life anew, enjoying it every moment. Excited, he passed a tailor shop. That's what I need to get started: a new suit. So he went into the store and told the salesman that he needed a new suit.
The seller looked at it for a moment and said: -Very good, it's size 44. -Exact! How did he know? "It's my job," said the salesman. Teodoro tried on the suit, and it fit him perfectly. As he looked at himself in the mirror, the salesman said: -How would you like a new shirt? Theodore thought about it for a moment, and replied: -Of course, why not? -Come on, you need a 34 sleeves and 16 neck. -Exact! How did he know? "It's my job," the salesman repeated. Teodoro tried on his shirt, which fit him very well. As he looked in the mirror, the salesman told him: -You should also have new shoes. Theodore animated.
"Of course," he said.
The salesman Teodoro's feet.
-They must be a size seven and a half. Theodore was amazed. -Exact! How did he know? "It's my job," replied the salesman. While Teodoro was admiring his new shoes, the salesman asked him: -Would you also like new underwear? Teodoro thought about it for a second, thought about the operation he had just undergone, and said: -Agree. -Very good, it must be underpants size thirty-six. Teodoro laughed: -No, friend, you're wrong. I have worn a size thirty since I was eighteen. The seller shook his head. - It is not possible that it uses thirty. It would press his testicles against the base of his spine and give him a terrible headache.
1) Some months have 31 days, others only 30. How many have 28 days? ------------------------------------------------2) Pedrito dropped a ring into a cup full of coffee, but the ring did not get wet. How can it be? -------------------------------------------------
Solutions at the end
Uni2 The party What is Uni2? Unidos is a political party that intends to recover the ideas that made our country a power and to position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What sets Uni2 apart from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable
practice of “hand-picking� candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. In this way, the party will consolidate itself as an institution of a lasting nature, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. Antipersonalism : the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas that the party promotes in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily 60
operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are, quite simply, ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment, thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want a change from the roots for Argentina, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political arena, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom a visibility and impact unprecedented in recent years.
We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. https://unidosargentina.org/index.html .
Something new is needed.
------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; https://www.testpolitico.com/ -------------------------------------------------
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Puzzle solution Riddle 1) Everybody Riddle 2) The coffee was beans