Amo la Libertad Nº 29 Inglés

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Índice Editorial Creativity and power By Miguel A. Morra Present History and memory By Walter Ricardo Quinteros stories Luminous footprints By Constanza Simone de Beauvoir Walk and love By Eduardo Villacis Concepts Uroboros By Raimundo Collado Reflections A Liberal Project Elena Valero Narvaez 2

Communication and change. By Old Liberal Wolf. Humor Riddles Republicans United The match What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United Santa Fe Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution

Editorial Creativity and power By Miguel A. Morra A man goes hunting in Africa and takes his puppy, one day, the puppy moves away from the group, gets lost and begins to wander alone through the jungle. In that, see how panther comes at full speed.




Seeing that the panther is going to eat him, he thinks quickly what to do. In that he sees a pile of bones of a dead animal and begins to nibble on them. When the panther is about to attack him, the Puppy says: -Ahhh, what a rich panther I just ate !!! The panther manages to listen to him and braking abruptly , turns and comes out terrified thinking: -Who knows what animal that will be? ...... Let's see if it eats me too? ? !!! 4

- A monkey that was climbing in a nearby tree, heard and saw the scene ... Without further ado, he ran after the panther to tell him how the little dog had deceived him: -What an idiot can you be ... Those bones were already there! What's more,. It's just a simple puppy! The panther, re-contracted angrily , runs off to look for the puppy with the monkey on its back. The puppy sees how far the panther with the monkey is coming again and he realizes what the monkey did - -And now what do I do? - thinks all scared. Then, instead of running away, he sits with his back to them, as if he had not seen them, and as soon as the panther is close to attacking him again, the puppy exclaims: -This idiot monkey !!! , about half an hour ago I sent him to bring me another panther and he still does not appear! MORALEJA: In times of crisis, imagination is as important as knowledge, boldness more than

strength; and the loss of fear, they can against all evil and cunning attack … .. and therefore; A liberal, to transform today's world, must be as imaginative as the puppy .............................. A hug, and good reading. The author is CPN Independent, Liberal and Editor


Present History and memory By Walter Ricardo Quinteros George Orwell, he told us from his amazing 1984 novel: “who dominates the present, dominates the past; who dominates the past, dominates the future ”. The devastating logic of this sentence almost makes it an axiom. Many corollaries can be drawn from it, for example, that "the future dominates the past." While other animal species live in a perpetual present, the human being is a historical being in which the past, although without forcing it, gravitates strongly; but he projects his life into the future, he makes projects. These projections are carried out based on a forecast, on the conviction that the future is being "seen" in advance, explains Alfonso Dousdebés. On the site there is a very interesting article that talks about "Memory and the construction of the subjective" signed by Alexis Pinilla Díaz.

This article makes a theoretical reflection on the genesis and development of memory, as a sociological category, highlighting the important political role that struggles for memory have in the reconstruction of the past and present. Finally, it is proposed that memory, together with collective action, is a fundamental category to understand the processes of constitution of contemporary subjectivities. So we have a series of false promises found at every turn of the corner, formed by politicians to come to power. Memory would be to remember what they promised. History shows what they actually did. And also in this article we read phrases like: "If history tends to clarify the past as well as possible, memory rather seeks to establish it. History seeks to reveal the forms of the past, memory models them, a bit like tradition does. The former is concerned with putting in order ; The second is traversed by the disorder of passion, emotions and 8

affections. History can come to legitimize, but memory is the founder. History strives to put the past at a distance; memory seeks to merge with it ". (Candau, J., 2001). And we also have to remember certain political speeches as we walk through these streets where people with broken hearts walk. Because: "Carrying out the praise of forgetting does not imply vilifying memory, much less ignoring memory, but rather recognizing the work of forgetting in the first and detecting its presence in the second." (Augè, 1998). But in order not to make this reading more extensive, I rescue this: "There is an active political struggle about the meaning of what happened, but also about the meaning of memory itself. The space of memory is thus a space of political struggle, and not infrequently this struggle is conceived in terms of the struggle against oblivion ". (Jelim 2002). It will then be necessary to "remember not to repeat".

Possibly, in August, we will have the elections called Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (STEP), to select the candidates and lists that will finally compete in October, in which the seats of 127 deputies will be renewed - who will have a mandate of four years until 2025 and a third of the Senate -24 seats-. The mandate of the new senators will last six years, until 2027. As citizens I believe, we must put history and memory into operation, when we see the smiles of politicians on propaganda posters, asking for our vote. Let's remember that there are some candidates who smile so well, that they gobble up a pancake in one bite. The possibility of awarding a victory to one of the candidates causes us to review the economic processes, almost, in the first place. In Health, in Education, in Defense, in Works, in those suspected agreements and in the strange agreements. Because in a certain way, in one way or another, they have hurt us, as a Nation, as a society. And we enter into the usual discussion, because if the winner is a populist government, 10

it is unlikely that they will implement policies favorable to investment and the generation of well-being. They believe and affirm that the state must be present. And that leads us to be dependent on handouts. As happened with this quarantine. Conversely, if the victory is for the candidates favorable to economic freedom and republican institutions, many businessmen eager to regain lost ground will surely not wait for the day of the majority taking power, and will launch themselves with alacrity to make concrete. their projects, because it is known, prosperity is the product of freedom. In my modest opinion. It is also known that for the economy, and in general for all human activities, nothing is better than leaving them alone, not trying to plan or direct them, letting creativity and industriousness develop freely. The obstacle, almost always, will be some benches and the little patience of the unions. If not , we would not be Argentine.

The author is Director of the independent digital newspaper La Gaceta Liberal de Cruz del Eje, Córdoba, Argentina. https://quienesyporque.blogspot.c om


stories Luminous footprints By Constanza Simone de Beauvoir Did you know who was the author of the famous phrase "You are not born a woman, you become one"? It was Simone de Beauvoir, in "The Second Sex." In that work, among other revolutionary ideas for the time, she paints the social construction of being a woman. Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, a prominent woman of the 20th century, was born in Paris in 1908 and died of pneumonia in 1986. He wrote on political, philosophical and social issues. Her book The Second Sex is considered fundamental in the history of feminism. Regardless of all the controversies raised his public and private life, his work is considered a pioneer in the defense of human rights and in particular the rights of women, to

a free and independent life, with equal rights with men. From Simone, being a woman has not been perceived as a divine punishment, nor as an inescapable destiny, nor as weaker or inferior to man, nor that it involves a specific way of life. She was a partner of Jean-Paul Sartre, with whom she did not marry or have children of her own accord, and her thinking, like his, focuses on existentialism. She and her sister Helène had a close relationship and were educated in Catholic schools and in a family of the wealthy bourgeoisie. The second sex emerged after the suffrage movements, which achieved the female vote, but then women returned to seclude themselves in their homes. In this work, within the existentialist framework, Simone vindicates with great courage the equality of the sexes and the importance of access to higher education. It was a book that caused scandal and was attacked by both the right and the left of those times. 14

Simone played an important role in the legalization of abortion in France with the support of women in politics and culture, such as Marguerite Duras, Agnès Varda, Francoise Sagan, Jeanne Moreau and other celebrities. Other works by Simone were The Guest, The Mandarins, Memoirs of a Formal Young Woman, A Very Sweet Death, The Force of Things among many others, novels and essays. Until the next footprints! Constanza is a teacher

Walk and love By Eduardo Villacis - "In March 2019, my girlfriend broke up with me. I was left without understanding. I returned home and all the way I asked myself: "why?" - The only thing in my head was his voice saying: "I love you". - I spent a month looking for answers to what was happening. - One day, I walked into my father's room and asked him: "Dad, she said she loved me. - "Son, when someone enters your life and after some time leaves, it can be anything but love." You will never overcome your traumas if you keep looking for logic in love, build a new story ". - I asked him: "And where does that strength come from to start something new?" 16

- "Don't worry about that, every beginning comes from an end." - A week later, my father was diagnosed with a rare and degenerative disease that was going to kill him in no time. - My mother did not abandon him, she stayed. - My father went out every Friday to eat pizza with two brothers. - When he stopped walking, my uncles started bringing pizza here at home. - They said: "Without your father, it's not funny." - My father has always kept three friends with whom they schedule activities. This year, my father cannot go because he no longer walks. - His friends left where they live and came all the way home. - My father's friends brought the photo of the four of them.

They nailed the photo of each one on the wall of the room and said: "Now, our house is your house." - My father cried. - My parents completed 29 years of marriage in June, They always danced that day to celebrate, but today my father can no longer get up. - My mom came into the room and put on the music they liked the most and they danced - She said, "My son, bring the wheelchair." - I asked: "What are you going to do?" - He answered: "What your father would do for me if it were the other way around." - My mother put my father on the chair, knelt next to him and said: "let's dance", my father crying said how? She hugged my father and spun the chair, she stayed on her knees all the music


- After seeing that scene I returned to my room with my eyes flooded, and aware that I had learned what real love was. I decided to open the laptop and write this text, because today I see that the world is distorting and complicating love too much. - A lot of people saying: "Stay with someone who looks at you the way you do, who does that for you, who gives it to you, I don't know what else" ... - This bunch of rules and demands are things created by the head. - Old man, wherever you are, I don't know if you know it, but through you I learned to walk and really love The rest is illusion. illacis.35175/posts/226609389117562 The author is a digital entrepreneur

Concepts Uroboros By Raimundo Collado

Uroboros. In alchemical iconography the color green is associated with the beginning while red symbolizes the consummation of the objective of the Magnum Opus ( the Great Work ). The uroboros , also ouroboros , from the Greek «ουροβóρος», uróvoro, from oyrá, 20

which means tail and bora, which means food, is a symbol that shows a serpentine animal, swallowing its own tail, forming a circular shape with its body . The uroboros symbolizes eternal effort, eternal struggle, or futile effort, since the cycle starts again despite actions to prevent it.


Woodcut of a uroboros, by Lucas Iennisius.

The Uróboros , is a concept used in various cultures throughout at least the last 3,000 years. It encompasses several similar concepts and others that are not related and have recently been assimilated by film and television. Generally a dragon represented with its tail in its mouth, devouring itself. It represents the cyclical nature of things, the eternal return and other concepts perceived as cycles that begin again as soon as they end. The myth of Sisyphus. In a more general sense it symbolizes time and the continuity of life. It is used as a representation of the rebirth of things that never disappear, only change eternally. 

At first its oldest use was in the emblematic serpent of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. The uroboros date back to the hieroglyphs found in the sarcophagus chamber of the pyramid of Unas, in 2300 BC . C. The traditional symbol consists of a dragon or a serpent that bites its tail and creates an endless circle. 

A similar myth can also be found in Norse mythology. In this mythology, the 22

serpent Jormungand ll ego grow so much that could go around the world and apresarse its own tail with his teeth. This myth was more widely reported in the interwar literature of the 20th century. The desire to achieve hidden knowledge, to face the elemental forces of nature, fearsome and monstrous, but which ultimately lead to weakness and guilt. 

The Uróboros represents the personification of natural phenomena such as the sun, the waves of the sea, etc., rising to a certain height and then falling sharply, to start over. This relates it to the solar myth of Sisyphus and Helium , the disk of the sun that rises every morning and then sinks below the horizon. Sisyphus was forced to push a huge stone up a steep slope, but before he reached the top of the hill, the stone was rolling down again , and Sisyphus had to start from the beginning.

In popular culture

A worm, a fish, dragon, snake, or animal of an elongated more or less serpentine shape covered with scales, hair, with or without legs etc. It has been represented in a multitude of colors, with its own tail inserted into its mouth, thus forming a circle. This would mean that it is continually swallowing itself, which results in it being used as a representation of the rebirth of things that never disappear, only eternally undergo transformations. The whiting that bites its tail. In Norse mythology, it is defined as a worm, a worm. 

It is the official symbol of the defunct series of TV Millenium , being in an episode of the second season widely described in its mythological significance. 

In the American television series Lost , Eloise, Daniel Faraday's mother, wore a flourish called Uróboro, an ancient symbol of the cyclical nature of things and the eternal return, which in the series refers to the cycle of Eloise, her son and the other protagonists. 

In the television series The X-Files, FBI agent Dana Scully has a uroborus tattooed on her lower back. 24

In the book " The Neverending Story " by Michael Ende, Á uryn , symbol of the infantile empress who rules the kingdom of Fantasia, is made up of two snakes that intertwine and devour themselves. It can also be seen in the adaptations made for celluloid. 

The English writer of Irish origin, Eric Rucker Eddison, published in 1922 a very successful novel entitled " The Serpent Uróboros ", with an epic setting , served to spread the myth in the Anglo-Saxon world, since then devoting himself to the study of it, several generations of college professors. It is considered a predecessor of Tolkien's work . ER Eddison, (1882-1945) was an official of the British Chamber of Commerce, and also a researcher on Icelandic issues, passionate about Homer and Sappho, and a mountaineer. 

It is used in the Full Metal Alchemist manga and anime as a symbol of Homunculi, artificial Humans created from a philosopher's stone

by Father (manga) / the remains of a human transmutation (anime). 

In the practice of alchemy, it expresses the unity of all things, the material and the spiritual, that never disappear but change shape in an eternal cycle of destruction and new creation, just as it represents infinity. 1 The oldest text where it appears is in the Chrysopoeia "Making of Gold", a 2nd century alchemical treatise, written in Alexandria by Cleopatra. It shows the Greek inscription εν το παν, hen to pan , "all is one", and it appears half white, half black, showing the duality present in everything. 2 In some representations the animal is shown with a light half and a dark one, recalling the dichotomy of other similar symbols such as yin and yang. In Alchemy, the Ouroboros symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist's work that unites the opposites: the conscious and the unconscious. Being also a symbol of purification, which represents the eternal cycles of life and death. 26

References 1. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica. 2. Alic, Margaret: The Legacy of Hypatia (1991) p. 56. Siglo XXI editores. [1]

Reflections A Liberal Project Elena Valero Narvaez There is a comprehensive project for the orientation of public policies that allows getting rid of the statist past and starting a path based on the liberal ideas free from servitude to which socialism leads us in all its variants, as Hayek, Mises, Popper, among others, taught us. other champions of freedom. It is the result of the joint work of three Latin American institutions, the Center for Classical Liberalism, the Christian Academy of Political Sciences and the Liberal Forum of Latin America, with a team of Latin American politicians, intellectuals and experts in different disciplines, inspired by the book “Las Bad Laws ”(Guatemala, 2009) by Professor Alberto Mansueti, Argentine lawyer and political scientist. They consider convincing society to stand behind liberal state policies, generating the necessary consensus so that they can be implemented. The idea is that they 28

are not emergency policies, but that they allow them to endure and progress in all areas. In our country, as in several in Latin America, the governments aspired to “monopolize” the markets, closing the way to competition. This group of intellectuals, also promoted to improve the democratic political system, strengthen the capitalist system , on which , since its appearance in the middle of the nineteenth century, is more than the urban market or nation-state march to where it finds favorable conditions for its development. They try to convince us to create an adequate context to expand markets and make them unstoppable with comparative advantages to export capital , knowledge and services, thus reaching the international market, which currently covers the entire planet. Let's see a brief summary of the project: it is based on the three capitalist pillars: limited government; free market and private property.

They propose five reforms that tend to advance individual freedoms and strengthen civil society , weakening regulations that paralyze investments, contracts, exchanges, prices and deteriorate the value of money. They are aimed at bringing down markets held captive by governments , draconian taxes , arbitrary interventions and political perks. The plan that they carried out combats the economic, ideational and educational monopoly and the political monopolization from which governments plunge into total nationalization, “everything within the state, nothing outside it” - as Benito Mussolini wanted - if there are no social forces to be opposed. The first reform, the most important, consists of putting the State in its place, limiting it to fulfill only its specific functions of defense, security, and administration of justice, cutting the excessive powers and improper faculties, which it exercises today, granting more freedom and power to the citizen .. 30

The central idea of the Latin America Liberal Forum is to end the state overdose, with its meddling in the agricultural sector, industry, work, trade, investment, currency, banking, the environment, education, retirements and pensions, among many other areas, which are not within its competence. They consider that the best resource to solve the present crisis is to generate more confidence in individual freedom than in the omnipotence of the State. Governments have aspired to control the markets, closing the way to competition, with directive measures that are enemies of capitalism. Persisting in the model would accelerate the decline, leading us to a very difficult exit situation. They do not neglect to strengthen the party system, that is, the institutional framework of political undertakings, an important pillar of democracy, by which the struggle for power is carried out peacefully. It requires that the oppressive hand of governments be removed from the parties so that they can fulfill their essential function of listening to the demands of public opinion,

synthesizing them into political proposals that freely compete in the voting market. The second reform consists of strengthening the capitalist system, freeing the markets, repealing all the laws that create state monopolies, protected by perks and gifts, which obstruct the functioning of supply and demand, production and productivity. It is part of the ongoing project, promoting privatizations, the expansion of companies, businesses and employment, increasing the real income of the people and credit based on savings. The control of exchange rates, prices, and foreign trade, as well as government purchases, are an inexhaustible source of corruption, which is why markets are expected to be free from violence and fraud, the task of the police and the public. courts charged with preventing it. They highlight legal certainty as essential so that the regulations of short, medium and long-term contracts are respected. This reform is aimed at strengthening and extending private property to reinforce 32

civil society, a source of spontaneous powers not linked to the state, which act as a limit to the powers of the government and also reinforce the rights of individuals and society. as a whole. It is from this area where justice and rules are demanded that avoid the arbitrariness of the rulers. In totalitarian regimes, the first thing that is suppressed is private property and, consequently, civil society is strangled, this is how the rule of law disappears and justice becomes a toy that does what the government wants. Freedom is linked to the legal consolidation of private property, it monitors and controls the Government, that is why the project gives so much importance to freedom for the usufruct of property, of course, within principles and laws that respect the integrity and rights of others. The third reform would take shape with three “social reforms: education, health and social security. On the supply side, they believe that producers, teachers and educators, medical and health personnel, as

well as providers of retirement and social security plans, should be empowered by giving them, as property, educational, medical and social security, which today belong to the State, with its facilities and equipment. On the demand side, this project would help consumers and users who today lack the resources to pay for services, namely: students and students, the sick, disabled and injured, retirees, pensioners and workers, of retirement age or next to fulfill it. It would be done through the delivery of bonds or coupons to pay in the institutes of their choice, reimbursable in money to the entities they have chosen. In the three social reforms, bonds would be for the transition to mature liberal capitalism, while compensating for both the needy. They understand that the project must be global because it has the purpose of ending the Ideas that dominate in universities, the Church, the press, also with the obstructive laws that generate enormous bureaucracy and impede growth and development; which they call "Creole apartheid" because they privilege sectors to the detriment of others. They want 34

to revalue the pillars of democracy and put an end to the laws of Marxist content that attack life and the family, also industry, weakening capitalism in its bases and foundations and originating structural corruption from the invasion of private areas by the condition. In summary, the plan to guide the transformation public policies, which they formulate, is aimed at undoing the evils caused by popular nationalisms in Latin America: a weak private property, where state monopolies dominate and act for the benefit of political teams. that govern and their bureaucracy, a largely controlled economy, and a corrupt justice that allows the government to do what it wants in the face of an oppressed democracy. Although they believe that ideas are embodied in people, they think that to be successful it is necessary to put a project first, because it is what is missing. From there , they believe that those who will be able, in the future, to carry out a change in the system will emerge, providing solutions to real problems. They think that decent, truthful politicians will appear, committed to their

ideas, as well as business judges, journalists who will nurture consensus without which no political project has a future. I think this attempt to attract Argentines with a global project to embark on the path of freedom is worth making known. The socialism that so much press has in Latin America has failed in all the countries where it was implemented. It could neither understand nor solve elementary processes of social and economic life, which is why it selfdestroyed in the USSR and in all the countries that applied it, after tremendous famines, deaths and state terrorism. The capitalist system lives on constant reinvestment; The most marvelous technical i nnovations were possible , not because of the totalitarianisms that wiped out the market economy , but because of capitalism, which allowed, at the same time, to raise the living standards of the lower sectors of the population. It enables more freedom, more pluralism and more creativity. Real socialism lives on regimentation and stagnation, to find out it is enough to make historical comparisons. 36

Welcome to our country people who join other liberal institutions such as Atlas 1853 and Libertad y Progreso to work for a better country. Argentina has a liberal Constitution that may well frame all the laws necessary for a change of the type that they propose.

The author is the one who wrote El Crepúsculo Argentino (Ed. Lumière, 2006). Full Member of the National Academy of History of the Argentine Republic . Member of the Institute of Economic Policy of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences . Article published in el-capitalismo-y-la-felicidad/

Communication and change. By Old Liberal Wolf. There was a blind lady sitting in the street, with a cup and a piece of cardboard, written in black ink, that said: "Please help me, I'm blind" A passing ad creative stopped and looked at a few coins in the mug. Without asking his permission, she took the poster, turned it over, took a black marker he was carrying, and wrote another ad. He put the piece of cardboard back on the blind lady's feet and left. In the afternoon, the creative man again passed the blind lady who was asking for alms and her cup was full of bills and coins. She recognized his steps and asked him if he had been the one who rewrote his poster and , above all, what had he written ... The publicist replied: "Nothing that is not as true as your ad, but with different words." He smiled and went on his way. 38

The new message read: "Today is spring and I can't see it" Let's change our strategy when something doesn't come out, and you'll see that it may turn out better that way. No one can be a slave to their identity: when a possibility of change arises, you have to change. The most dangerous human masses are those in whose veins the poison of fear has been injected ... of fear of change. "If you do what you have always done, you will get the results that you have always obtained"

Humor Dictionary; CACAREO: Prisoner's excrement. CACHIBACHE: Small hole in the pavement that is about to become a pothole. CALCULATION: hemorrhoids.




CHINCHILLA: Auchenchia of a place to chentarche. Gossip: Urinary pleonasm. CIRCUIT: Place where clowns and dwarfs work. CITIZEN: Back of a city. COMADREJA: Madrileja of my sonjejo. CONTENDENTS: North American boxers with only 10 teeth CUVETTE: Q + β ---------------------------------The guy tells the wife 40

-My love, I congratulate you, I like that attitude you are taking regarding the use of the telephone. Talk less and you will pay less. On this last call I took your time and you only spoke for half an hour. By the way ... who was it? - I dont know. It was the wrong number. ---------------------------------A man concerned about his wife's indifference. They advise you to be more fiery: "When you get home, make love to your wife wherever she is." The next day, the man tells: "My wife is still indifferent, but how the visitors laughed!" ----------------------------------

Riddles 1) How much soil is in a hole one meter long by one meter wide and one meter deep? 2) How many times could the number 1 be subtracted from the number 1111? Solutions at the end


Republicans United

The match Republicans Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness.

What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. In this way, the party will consolidate itself as an institution of a lasting nature, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness.


Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas that the party promotes in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are, quite simply, ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment , thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want a change from the roots for Argentina, and we decided to bring the ideas

of freedom to the political arena, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom a visibility and impact unprecedented in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. Something new is needed.

------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; 46 -------------------------------------------------

Republicans United Santa Fe Contact Facebook: Instagram: santafe/ To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok


Archive I love freedom Videos of some articles The Conceptual Pandemic The Parasite Concept dDtc Brief introduction about Ayn Rand La Moneda : The immense scam to taxpaying citizens, by Argentine politicians -----------------Podcast of some magazine articles:


Link to read them in e-book To download them in pdf Click on the directory Magazines Archive /1VBjtldP6oqMyE2CvRwx9dP7y7YVMATCt?us p=sharing

Puzzle solution 1 (It's a hole: it has no soil) 2 (Once, then the number will be 1110) -------------------------------------------------


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