Amo la Libertad Nº30 Inglés

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Índice Editorial What I send and what is received By Miguel A. Morra Present "The school helping to violate property rights" By Serena Bentancur Fabiano . Stories Luminous footprints By Constanza China Zorrilla Images. By Vicente Pico Nothing remains in its original state ... it's just a matter of time. By Ricardo Nogara Concepts The solstices and their Masonic point of view 2

By Raimundo Collado Reflections Notes on Armando Ribas - Our Tribute to an Irreplaceable Being By Elena Valero Narvaez The glorious revolution His admiration for the US Defense of private property Judicial Review The Cuban myth Populism and demagoguery The economy and legal security The presidency of Nestor kirchner . By Simon Valentini . Introduction : The economy: Nestor and his fiscal policy: Conclution: Humor

Riddles Republicans United The party What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United Santa Fe Archive I love freedom Puzzle solution


Editorial What I send and what is received By Miguel A. Morra Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci The message has to be correct and precise otherwise the receiver can understand something else. The teacher asked the students to write the following numbers.


. The boy answered correctly, the teacher sent the correct but not precise message . . The boy had two alternatives to answer well , was the teacher who did not understand which were the various possible responses . . Moral; If you do not express yourself correctly thinking about all the variables of how the message can be understood, you will probably have bad communication results. .............................. A hug, and good reading. The author is CPN Independent, Liberal and Editor


Present "The school helping to violate property rights" By Serena Bentancur Fabiano . Facing the political stage that opened on December 10, 2019, the popular sectors in a material given to students for the subject "Work and Citizenship" reflected on what supposedly happened in the last four years of Mauricio Macri's administration and they raised what were the main objectives to rebuild Argentina. Referents of human rights, union, social, feminist and communication organizations gave their opinion on what Mauricio Macri left behind and presented their demands and proposals for the incoming government of Alberto Fernández in the audiovisual material. The video featured Horacio Lalli , founding partner of the “Hotel Bauen Work Cooperative ” and member of the Argentine Federation of Self-

Managed Workers Cooperatives ; and with Eduardo Murua , a reference for the recovered factory IMPA and the National Movement of Recovered Companies. The Hotel Bauen SA (projected in 1976 and built in 1978 ) was born on the occasion of the 1978 Soccer World Cup, the 5-star establishment received government credits from BANADE and was built in record time. It is a hotel that was born in the light of bad companies that live off state perks , which could not compete in the market of later years with an economy open to the world and without State subsidies. It was a business born out of the hand of politics and businessmen who live off politics and the State. The recovery of the hotel by its employees always sought to return to being under the prebendary wing of the State, dispossessing the original owners of the establishment by subjugating property rights, following all the populist mystique without achieving it before the courts, seeking a political solution that implied that the Argentines took over the hotel. 8

After 42 years last year (2020) (the last 17 under the management of the workers) the Hotel Bauen closed . The last few months had been extremely difficult. In December, an ultimatum from the Justice had set a date for the definitive eviction, after the Supreme Court rejected an extraordinary appeal presented by the workers. With no legal chances, the cooperative members were betting on a political resolution after the change of government. But that answer did not come either. And then came the pandemic and the eternal quarantine that annulled the three central areas that the hotel concentrated: tourism, gastronomy and entertainment. Under these conditions and accumulated debts, the workers could not sustain their permanence. The Hotel opened as a five-star hotel for the 78 World Cup, during the military dictatorship. The construction lasted five months and was solved with a loan from the National Development Bank (BANADE), owned by the State.

The history of Bauen is both the history of Marcelo Lurcovich and the heirs of the group that bears his surname. In the 1970s, Lurcovich had contact with Rear Admiral Carlos Alberto Lacoste , then president of the 78 ”World Autarchic Entity, in charge of organizing the Cup, and with Brigadier Osvaldo Cacciatore , then Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires. Taking advantage of these links and making use of the financial facilities offered by the dictatorship to expand the hotel supply (the loan was at 5% annual interest), he built a 60-meter high tower, 20 floors and 220 rooms. The history of that loan led to a millionaire crossover lawsuit, which began in 1980: Bauen Sacic (from Lurcovich ) sued BAN ADE for having financed only 40% of the construction of the hotel. And the state bank, which was later absorbed by the Nación, threatened to foreclose on the mortgage to which the Bauen and another hotel in Lurcovich , in Misiones, were subject . According to the attorneys for Banco Nación, Lurcovich never 10

paid the loan. According to Lurcovich , not only had he paid four million to the bank, but due to non-compliance, several of the entity owed him money. The Justice ended up giving the reason to the businessman, although the possession of the Bauen continued to be conflictive. In 1997, the company signed the transfer of the Bauen facilities to Félix Solari, who was Chilean, but (contrary to what was stated at the time) he was not related to the Solari group, founders of the Chilean firm Falabella. Solari paid around four million dollars of a contract that was around 12. Three years after the acquisition, he presented himself in a call for creditors. The hotel went bankrupt on February 22, 2001. The operation continued to operate under the supervision of a receivership until December 28, when the court ordered the closure. Seventy workers were left on the street. In the middle, the hotel passed again. But the recipient was not just any company, but Mercoteles SA, which had members of the Lurcovich family among its members .

In 2003 the occupation of the Bauen occurred and then the registration as a cooperative. Progressively, with funds from loans and solidarity contributions, they recovered 160 of the 220 rooms, repaired the hot and cold water pipes, modernized the telephone and computer networks, fixed the front of the hotel and expanded the bar that overlooks the avenue. Callao. They also converted Bauen into BAUEN, whose initials respond to the name "Buenos Aires Una Empresa Nacional". The road was crossed by judicial crossings and threats of eviction. Although the biggest blow, according to the workers of the video presented to the sixth-year students, was in 2016. At the end of that year, the Chambers of Deputies and Senators had approved a project to expropriate the hotel, converting the building and all the facilities in subjects of public utility (attempt to survive at the expense of Argentine taxes ). President Mauricio Macri vetoed the expropriation.


According to official arguments, the law generated obligations "extremely burdensome for the National State, exclusively favoring a particularized group and without translating into a benefit for the community in general." Macri's veto was harshly criticized by the opposition at that time and sectors of the left. Then came the rate hike, which forced the number of available rooms to be reduced to 120 to avoid higher expenses, and the economic crisis because the hotel cannot compete in the market. Then the pandemic. During the six months of quarantine, some workers survived through the collection of the Emergency Family Income (IFE), others with the financial aid to self- managed workers granted by the Employment Secretariat of the Ministry of Labor. But debts with suppliers, services and taxes became impossible to cover. The eternal quarantine caused unlikely scenes for those who passed through the hotel door. Everything was for sale: mini - bar refrigerators for $ 10,000, mattresses for $ 7,000, sets of chairs for $ 5,000, coffeemakers

for $ 3,000, 21-inch televisions for $ 2,000, and landlines for $ 200. It was a fair to earn income for a move and get rid of objects that could not be used in a new space. (Most of the objects sold by the workers did not belong to the cooperatives that kept it in operation) The Bauen not only contained the hotel workers, but also four other cooperatives: The Discoverer, the La Dignidad Popular Movement, the La Poderosa collective, and the Cítrica magazine. Meanwhile, as ruled by the Justice, the building must return to Mercoteles SA The Commercial Chamber ordered the company to indemnify the cooperative and hire fifty of its workers in a dependent relationship. This intricate story partially presented in a school video only sought to rescue the value of work cooperatives and violate property rights recognized by justice and also make the students think that President Macri did very wrong by vetoing the expropriation law of the Hotel . We all know that an expropriation is paid for with Argentine taxes. In a melted 14

country with so many needs, it was not fair to save a group of families by prioritizing their source of work over many more important needs of Argentines. The professor did not like that he had investigated the true history of Bauen and adopted a position contrary to the proposal on the matter, so I consider that my work was for a 10 but that I had been disrespectful in my reflections, so they indoctrinate young people in Argentine classrooms. I want to clarify that I was a standard bearer at school with an average of 9.50 but the teacher in observations made it clear that according to him I was disrespectful with the subject and with him. That is why, in conclusion, I invite you to monitor the content that your children receive at school and how they subtly seek to indoctrinate them. The author is theLibreMente Foundation




Stories Luminous footprints By Constanza China Zorrilla Did you know that Concepción Matilde Zorrilla de San Martín Muñoz said : "I look back and I was happy" , in a note for the newspaper Clarín? He let us see a full life. That was the real name of the popular China. He was born in Montevideo on March 14, 1922 and died in 2014 . Known as China, she settled in Buenos Aires in 1971 and from there developed an international career, as an actress and director. His father was the prominent sculptor José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín, who won the contest for the Monument to the Gaucho. They decided to settle in Paris for work reasons, and China, who was the second of five sisters, spent her childhood in France. 16

His paternal grandfather was the poet Juan Zorrilla de San Martín, writer and plenipotentiary minister of Uruguay at the court of the Spanish King Alfonso XIII. China, with a charismatic personality, was the most popular and acclaimed actress from the River Plate on the Argentine and Uruguayan shores in the 20th century. Her artistic activity began in Uruguay and later she was awarded a scholarship to study acting in London. He did comedy, drama, musical, in film, theater and television. He also directed successful plays. She was one of the stable members of the National Comedy in Uruguay and in the seventies she was in New York presenting a musical comedy on Broadway, with her great friend Carlos Perciavale . On television he made High Comedy, in film Waiting for the Float and Realizing, with memorable performances and in theater Emily and Eva and Victoria, were just some of his successes.

In 2012, when he turned 90, he formally retired from the activity, leaving indelible memories and luminous traces. Until the next footprints! Constanza is a teacher


Images. By Vicente Pico He built it with great effort in two seasons, Golden or Common Woodpecker (Piculus chrysochloros )

… and this was usurped by the Common Surucuá ( Trogon surrucura ).

Blue heron ( Butorides striata ), in full operation . Laguna Brava. Currents


Nothing remains in its original state ... it's just a matter of time. By Ricardo Nogara When I finished 5 years at the Nacional 1 ° de Rosario, and after having spent 4 years at the Glorious General Belgrano Military High School in Santa Fe, my love for nature was expressed on the side of agriculture, and I went to the Faculty of Agronomy that was on Santa Fe street. A seeing the movement of students coming and going through the halls, I felt six years tucked away in the old building were going to take me life. It was then that I quickly left the majestic study building, which years later would move to Parque Villarino de Zaballa . The destiny of my life was marked, and a few months later I was working fully at Estancia Santa Lucia, about 90 km away. From Rosario. Cows, sheep, horses and many dogs, brackish lagoons tinged with the pink of flamingos and wheat crops, endless harvests in midsummer, traps, sleeves, rolls of some pingo, many roasts, meat and sausages !!! . A

full year, but the ones to come would be much more intense, since the elderly people at night and with a few drinks in their hands, talked about starting a field in the Tulumba Department of Córdoba. The fact of being in charge of such a company, in lands full of white quebrachos, vipers and pumas had me very uneasy. It was then that I really had to expand my country knowledge, and I signed up for the short career of Livestock Production Technician at the famous National School of Agriculture of the Capital of Soccer Ball… .if Bell Ville !!. In the course we were about 12 students, including 4 young people from Costa Rica, who suffered the cold mornings of the Cordovan winter. It was 1975, and the country was extremely convulsed, but I was absolutely absorbed in my rural destiny and the conquest of the West of the Laguna Mar Chiquita - Ansenuza . Almost at the end of that year, and about to leave such a neat and large educational establishment, I went to Venado Tuerto to experiment with Artificial Insemination, at the CIAVT. The days were 22

already extremely hot and the use of a light shirt was imposed to attend the theoretical classes of the first days. The Professor, highly experienced, I think his name was Riancho , put on the table a special thermos, containing liquid nitrogen to remove from its interior, the steel baskets with the fence semen tablets, to know what a prestigious pedigree bull ... we the students very surprised by the vaporous content we could not understand that its temperature was below 150 ° or more …. I step followed and counting how the small semen pills were made, which actually contained sperm, vitamins and even egg yolk, I spread a few on the wooden table. And as he mentioned the virtues and advantages of inseminating cattle, a student asked Riancho if he could take some pills, since he considered them discarded. The teacher agreed to his request and this boy, together with both hands and aided by a page from his notebook, a few that he placed in the pocket of his impeccable short-sleeved shirt. It was almost 12 noon and the first class was ending, and then in the afternoon we continued with the corral practices in the

village slaughterhouse. Well, the laugh was unison when seeing the pocket of the student's shirt with an immense stain of semen dripping… .of fence to know that Toro of renowned prestige. The author is a National Park Ranger


Concepts The solstices and their Masonic point of view By Raimundo Collado Although summer is generally considered a happy season and winter a sad one, since the former represents in a certain way the triumph of light and the latter that of darkness, the two corresponding solstices actually have a character exactly opposite to the one indicated; It may seem that there is a very strange paradox in this, and yet it is very easy to understand that this is so since one has some knowledge of the traditional data about the course of the annual cycle. Indeed, what has reached its maximum can no longer but decrease, and what has reached its minimum cannot, on the contrary, but begin to increase immediately; That is why the summer solstice marks the beginning of the descending half of the year, and the winter solstice, inversely, that of its ascending half; And this also explains, from the point of view of their cosmic significance, these words

of Saint John the Baptist, whose birth coincides with the summer solstice: "He (referring to Christ, born on the winter solstice) should grow up, and I decrease ". Freemasonry contains a rich symbolism within which we have the importance of the sun for our order, this star has always aroused much interest in multiple human civilizations and has been attributed an indisputable mythological power ranging from divinity to its relationship with death. For us it is symbolized in the ability that the Mason must have not to rest in his great work, likewise it is related to the three small lights of Masonry that symbolically represent the three positions of the sun: its rising to the east, its meridian to the south or noon and its setting in the west. The Summer Solstice, is also called, the solstice of San Juan Bautista and the Winter Solstice, it is also known, by the solstice of San Juan El Evangelista, in commemoration of San Juan born on June 21 and who was known like the Baptist for having baptized the Master of Teachers and the second, Saint John the 26

Evangelist, author of the last of the Gospels who was born on December 27. It is important to remember that the foundation of modern Freemasonry occurs on June 24 and that the Grand Lodge of London, mother of speculative Freemasonry, celebrated for the first time in June 1721 this holiday that has become traditional. The solstice is the apparent parking of the sun for three days when it reaches one of the celestial tropics and returns to the opposite tropic. Mediterranean peoples associated it with the gates of heaven - openings - through which the sun entered and rose at the end of each of the tropical circles. The Greco-Latin, in turn, had already represented Janus (biphasic divinity) precisely alluding to his pendular march (progressive or regressive) between the two tropics. The single name of Janus already indicates that he presides over the doors ( januoe ), he is represented having a key in one hand, and in the other a rod, to indicate that he is the guardian of the doors and that he

presides over the paths. Some claim that Janus is the sun, and that he is represented with two faces. As a seal, of both gates of heaven, because it opens and closes the day. According to the Orphic - Pythagorean conception, the soul liberated by death, enters heaven through the "door" or solstice of Cancer. Then, it returns to the reincarnated earth for its subsequent purification; achieved this, undertakes a third journey. This is the definitive one, now entering heaven through the Capricorn solstice or, as we had said previously, through the door of the gods, that is, that of the immortals. Thus, in a symbolic metempsychosis, the lay person dies as such and is born into a new life, that of an apprentice, he repeats the cycle, causing the partner to emerge, who in turn dies to give life to the teacher, ending and culminating his process. Metempsychosis is understood to be that group of beliefs originating in the East according to which the souls of human beings transmigrate, after death, to other more or less perfect bodies, according to the merits of the previous life . 28

The winter solstice reminds us of our own initiation, the Chamber of Reflection, the darkness. For the sun, precisely the detention at the Winter Solstice, is, symbolically, its own Chamber of Reflection, its Chamber of winter darkness, which, like us, like all humanity, from that darkness, by asking ourselves: What do you ask for this layman ?, to which we answer in unison, The light ! Solstice, which comes from "sun" and "parked", represents the moment when the Sun in its apparent movement, sometimes towards the North and others towards the South, seems to stop and reverse its course. It thus reaches the northernmost point of its journey and it has been pointed out that this point determines the Tropic of Cancer and consequently the Summer Solstice, and when this occurs in the southern hemisphere, it determines the Tropic of Capricorn and also the Winter Solstice , always looking at it from the point of view, from where that concept originated, that is, from the Northern hemisphere. This phenomenon causes the night and the day to be longer or shorter depending on the position of the Sun. When

the day and night are exactly the same they mark a point that we have called Equinox, which means Equi = Equal and Noccio = Night (day equals night) and determines the equator. Solstice then, means to stop and go back. We could point out that it indicates a review and change of action. It also signals that change, a foresee. These two poles or extremes of nature symbolize, on the one hand, the joy and dynamics that summer represents, on the contrary, winter, sadness and passivity, which should teach us the ability that Masons owe to generate relevant changes in the daily passing of our institution from which we can transform society and its structures, giving applicability to this phenomenon that nature does not offer every year. .


Reflections Notes on Armando Ribas - Our Tribute to an Irreplaceable Being By Elena Valero Narvaez Armando Ribas' main contribution has been the defense of freedom, the ideas and principles related to it, which - as he himself pointed out - he considered as his mission since he left his homeland, Cuba, after the 1959 revolution. It was a great contribution not only for Argentina, but also for all of Latin America, where liberal ideas were weakened after having great influence during the 19th century, of course, with tensions and ambiguities . In our country, as in all those to whom Armando Ribas was invited to present his ideas, he never tired of emphasizing the liberal ethic based on the “ Lockean ” rights to life, property, liberty, and the pursuit of freedom. own happiness, first recognized in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution Argentina liberal 1853. the gave 32

great importance to consider them as the founding principles of individual liberty. They were the rod with which he analyzed and judged reality. It adhered to classical liberalism, in terms of limiting the powers of the State, within universal laws equal to all and institutions that respect individual rights, the division of powers, federalism, representative democracy and minorities. Like all liberals, he defended the autonomy of the person against the impositions of the group and of any power. It promoted individualism, a conception of life that exalts personal responsibility, elective action, and the right to express ideas without restriction. The glorious revolution Conversely to the French experience, the export of Anglo-Saxon ideas - Ribas pointed out - began after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, in England, where modern English parliamentary democracy began. In the seventeenth century, the Petition for Rights, the People's Agreement, the Instrument of

Government, the Habeas Corpus and the Bill of Rights of 1689 emerged. The King ceases to have absolute power and the Bill of Rights becomes one of the most important documents in Great Britain as it ends the possibility of an absolute monarchy. The king's powers were restricted, he could not suspend laws or create taxes or maintain a standing army in peacetime without permission from Parliament. The revolution led to the Tolerance Act of 1669 which guaranteed religious freedom. The constitutive rights of human dignity are listed as inalienable and imprescriptible rights. It had more distant antecedents such as the Magna Carta of 1215 and other documents limiting the power of the feudal monarchies. John Locke released , in 1690, his great works: Essay on human understanding and Essay on Civil Government postulating that the natural state of man is a state of freedom: The reason that coincides with the law, teaches how many human beings they want to consult you, that, being equal and independent, no 34

one should harm the other in their life, health, freedom and possessions. These ideas are embodied and enhanced in the North American experience. Jefferson was the one who, when drafting the Declaration of Independence, made such rights “inalienable”. These antecedents and the North American Constitution of 1787 of Philadelphia, had influence in the French ¨ Declaration of rights of the Man and the Citizen ”of 1789, as well as in modern constitutionalism. His admiration for the US In all areas where he moved, Ribas, as Alexis de Tocqueville did -after observing North American political and economic democracy in 1835- rescued the importance of the United States in showing the world that a limited power is possible, without fanatical ideologies and with a spirit of tolerance that reflect common values and individual freedom. He admired the liberal doctrine that values individualism, rejecting political arbitrariness and the Roussonian romantic cult of the

group. That is why it valued the American revolutionary experience over the French revolutionary experience where freedom was linked to the goal of ending evil and achieving social harmony through institutions that will educate to create the whole man. He would be able to choose through the infallibility of reason the best, the just, the good, the truth and the beauty, directing his interest towards the community , substituting the absolute power of the King for the absolute power of the people. Ribas objected that man with the necessary and sufficient instrument of reason could choose what is convenient for everyone, what should be done, a "good" society as postulated by the "good savage" theory. This , erroneously , draws a human nature that lacks feelings, envy, selfishness, all vice or is inhuman. He was an enemy of the deification of reason, that is why his continuous criticism of the exportation of the French experience that caused the first totalitarianism in history, serving as a model for the totalitarianisms of the 20th century led by the willful desire of men who wanted a perfect world , as 36

revolutionaries always wish, identifying with virtue and truth. “… In the interval of one hundred years two diametrically opposed political philosophies emerged from European thought. One founded on reason of state, based on the entelechy to the society as a form of realism of universals and the other based on nominalism that recognized individual rights and its counterpart, limits on political power aware that neither the men and rulers are angels ... From the first that we can call farncogermanica , totalitarianism arises in its three aspects, Marxism, Nazism and fascism. The second that we can call Anglo-North American, was the base of the Republic that in 1939 saved Europe from Europeans for the second time in the century.¨ Defense of private property He identified with the thought of Adam Smith, Locke, Hume and Madison among other defenders of property , but he also resorted to Juan Bautista Alberdi more than often . This is one of his important contributions . Alberdi, to whom we owe the liberal Constitution of 1853, was almost a stranger in the Argentine Republic. He was the one who breathed life

into it, he never tired of recommending his books and highlighting his defense of property. This is how Alberdi did it, with a master's degree, in the Economic and Rent System: ¨Compromised, seize the property, that is, the exclusive right that each man has to use and widely dispose of his work, his capital and his lands to produce what is convenient to their needs or enjoyments and with this you do nothing more than snatch their instruments from production, that is to say paralyze their fertile functions, make wealth impossible… ¨ Ribas repeated over and over again that private property "will always be threatened if the rule of law does not exist or is deteriorated." He exemplified it with the socialist, national-socialist and fascist systems, where it did not matter that there was no law that abolished it, as was the case in Italy or that Hitler did not do so while maintaining the Weimar Constitution. Where there is no rule of law, the reason of state - and not the law - is the one 38

that rules. Justice is always to give a reason to those who govern, so it neither respects the minorities. This is how he expressed it, turning to James Madison : ¨ … when the majority can ignore the rights of the minority we find ourselves as in the state of nature, where the weakest is at the mercy of the strongest¨ Judicial Review It underlined the fundamental role of the Supreme Court as guarantor of individual rights so that no law contrary to the Constitution would be validated. He resorted to the example of Judge Marshall, in the Marbury vs. Madison case , in 1803, where the following principle is definitively shaped : All those who have established written constitutions consider them as the fundamental and principal law of the Nation, and the consequence of the The theory of these governments is that any law of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is null ... It is emphatically the competence and the duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.

The legitimacy of the Law has an ethical connotation. It is legitimate if it is congruent with certain ethical principles, that is why Armando Ribas, when he speaks of respect for the law, does not refer to any law. Article 28 of the Argentine Constitution of 1853 also states: "the principles, guarantees and rights recognized in the previous articles (of the constitutional text), cannot be altered by the laws that regulate their exercise". The Cuban myth For years the USSR was viewed with an idealized gaze. Writers, actors, poets, students, politicians, have veiled reality as they do even with the deplorable results of the Castro revolution. Amando Ribas has dedicated himself with determination to destroy the myth , revealing the evils of the communist system imposed by Fidel Castro for which so many Cubans emigrated to Miami, named after Armando, the capital of Latin America. He lived in Cuba before the Revolution, he knew how it was lived then. In the 1950s, according to data collected by another Cuban, a great defender of freedom, Carlos Montaner, 40

the island had a large and productive middle class. It was the first country in use of televisions, the third in absolute numbers of doctors, the fifth in quality of diet, the third in number of cars per inhabitant and in radio receivers. It ranked fourth in telephones and first in energy use and movie attendance, among many other indicators. Without a doubt, it can be said that Cuba was one of the most prosperous countries in Latin America. Populism and demagoguery He was concerned because democracy, in many countries of the world, degenerated into populism. Republican values have been lost, the periodicity in office is not respected , nor the publicity of government acts, nor the separation of powers, nor the sovereignty of the law, the checks and balances that avoid the arbitrariness of political power. In this way he expressed it: Aristotle is present in terms of the demagoguery that socialism entails, which is now being recognized as populism. This new word, in my opinion implies a disqualification of original socialism.

Relying on James Madison: "Men of factious intrigue, through corruption and other means, first obtain the votes and then betray the interests of the people" and on Alexander Hamilton: "A dangerous ambition more often lies behind the specious mask of the rights of the people ”, Ribas showed the weaknesses of Latin American democracies. It does not matter only the fact of being able to choose but who is chosen, as well as the institutions and laws but what institutions and what laws. The only institution that allows freedom while creating wealth is the Rule of Law . That is, where individual rights are respected, and political power is limited. The economy and legal security Ribas understood by capitalism an economic system that not only recognizes the role of the market and private ownership of the means of production and mass production. It emphasized the importance of a legal framework consubstantial with individual rights and with liberal institutions: Economics is not a science apart from ethics and politics; Accepting this fallacy has been, in my 42

opinion, a fundamental error of liberalism in Argentina. Therefore, a coherent economic program cannot be promoted while allowing and facilitating the government to occupy all the factors of power. Only legal security in all its aspects could once again attract the investment necessary to achieve the much-needed economic recovery. For this, it is also necessary (...) the reduction of taxes as well as the elimination of distorting taxes, and the expenditure lowered in real terms , but if the level of taxation is maintained it is as if it had not occurred, in its impact on the private sector. An admirer of David Hume, he repeated this quote, warning about the error of believing that the capitalist system can function away from a liberal ethic: It is impossible to change or correct something material in our nature, the most we can do is change our circumstances and situation and surrender the compliance with laws of justice our interest most closest and the remotest violation.

I leave for the end my emotional greeting to Armando , one of my dearest friends, who left a few days ago, much to his regret. Being in love with life, he did not give it respite , enjoying everything he could. As he said, “you have to be distracted to forget that we are going to die.

The author is the one who wrote El Crepúsculo Argentino (Ed. Lumière , 2006). Full Member of the National Academy of History of the Argentine Republic . Member of the Institute of Economic Policy of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences . Article published in el-capitalismo-y-la-felicidad/ 44

The presidency of Nestor kirchner . By Simon Valentini . Introduction : The presidency of Néstor Kirchner is remembered in modern history as a process of economic reorganization of the country after the crisis of 2001 - 2002. Here in this short essay, we are going to review and analyze his presidency and what repercussions it had on the social and cultural until today and because Nestor was so important to criminalize and blame a decade and model of the country that he supported so much. Analyzing its measurements with data and objectively, we are going to analyze its repercussions at the time and the consequences that it brought in the following years. The economy: On May 25, 2003 when Néstor was sworn in as president of the nation, he inherited an economy with distortions in relative prices but he was happy with two factors that would allow him to build his story

and power: the fiscal surplus generated by export taxes and the increase in the external terms of trade. Of course, these taxes would bring a drop in investment and productivity in the agricultural sector. However, Nestor was not concerned with investment and productivity as these taxes gave him not only additional income, but as we already said, an opportunity to build political power. The government and economists who supported their measures said that these taxes would not discourage investment and productivity because the undervalued peso was stimulating the production of exportable goods. In this speech of export taxes and those who have the most to give to those who have the least, the government's story was based to achieve power and a strong electoral mass. But his measures were very damaging to the economy and the productive heart of the country. If we compare the periods between 1989 - 2001 and between 2001 - 2015, we realize that exports fell in the second period in 46

relation to the first. Total exports increased by 9% per year in the 1989 - 2001 period and only 6% per year in the 2001 - 2015 period. Exports at constant prices increased by 10% between 1989 - 2001 and barely 1% in 2001 - 2015. Despite this, Néstor and Cristina insisted that their priority was to reindustrialize the country, but exports of industrial origin to Constant prices in the period 1989 - 2001 expanded by 8% annually and in the period 2001 - 2015 only 2%. This poor performance in exports is explained by the fact that Nestor decided to continue with taxes even knowing that they were attacking the most important thing: investment and productivity. Nestor should have taken advantage of the rebound from the 2001-2002 crisis to continue with the dynamism that exports had in the 90s. However, he opted for taxes and resumed the path of state interventionism to build a populist and criminalized account of the economy in the 90s, an economy that I support a lot. Monetary economic policy:

In terms of monetary policy, Nestor's government was correct. Helped by the rebound after the fall and the stability achieved at the end of 2002, during his government an expansionary monetary policy has been maintained. By fixing the exchange rate for a prolonged period around $ 3 per dollar, monetary policy was passive because it was accompanied by a demand for money that determined the supply. This period was characterized by a growth rate that responded to the recovery after the 2002 imbalance. It is clear that there was a recovery in real monetary balances, increasing monetization as the BCRA bought reserves. In this period, inflation stabilized at levels below 5% per year. Starting in 2004, when the recovery was in the past, the new BCRA president, even keeping one dollar at $ 3, raised the supply of money above the demand, this began to lead to a slight rise in the inflation rate. . As we can see, monetary policy was stable and prudent since it was accompanied by a logical recovery from the fall that had been inherited. The downside of this policy 48

was that it continued in Cristina's governments with an excessive monetary expansion to finance public spending that generated more inflation and an increase in the price of the dollar. Nestor and his fiscal policy: Despite opting for fiscal conservatism when Santa Cruz ruled, Nestor continued to prioritize fiscal discipline in his presidency although he emphasized revenue increases rather than spending moderation. Primary expenditures as a proportion of GDP reached the same level as 2001 between 2004 and 2005, this continued to increase to 29.2% of GDP in 2007. Revenues increased from 25.2% in 2003 to 32% in 2007 thanks to the export taxes. There was also an improvement in income from income tax since it reached salaries that were below the nontaxable minimum, but they became taxable due to the lack of adjustment for inflation of the tax scales. Beyond this, in 2007 there was still a fiscal surplus. helped

The surpluses from 2003 to 2005 rebuild the non-issued foreign

exchange reserves with which they repaid the debt with the IMF in 2005. Nestor was quick to pay into the fund instead of using the reserves to facilitate debt restructuring with the funds. unofficial creditors because it wanted to prevent the fund with its conditions from restricting its margin to manage the economy, that is, the way was paved to be able to apply its interventionism and related policies to the Sao Pablo forum. With the reduction of the fiscal surplus after 2005, the purchase of foreign reserves by the BCRA forced an increase in the money supply, which brought more inflation. To neutralize the inflationary pressure, he decided to seek additional income from the increase in the export tax. This failed, so the economy minister at that time, Amado Boudu , presented the idea of dissolving the private pension fund system (AFJP). In this way the government could keep the monthly withholding that went to the private account of each worker and that money would become part of the general tax revenue. After this and with an increase in tax rates in the provinces, 50

the tax pressure reached 37.2% of GDP in 2015. 70% more than in 2001. With this it was demonstrated that as his government passed, the moderate fiscal behavior was changing towards disorderly spending and a desperate attempt to increase income. A significant increase in government spending was due to subsidizing utility companies that were affected by the rate freeze and losses and investments in renationalized companies such as Argentine airlines and new state-owned companies such as ARSAT. In addition, the number of public employees and retirees almost doubled from 2001 to 2015. And, of course, expenses associated with propaganda, financing the public media system, and government- friendly media also increased . All this that began with Nestor and continued more intensified with Cristina, ended in a fiscal deficit that reached 7.5% of GDP in 2015. The cultural and social panorama that Nestor engendered and left us , his worst inheritance:

As we saw previously, the government of Nestor center in a change of 180 degrees in relation to the decade of the 90 in economic matters. This also led to a resounding cultural and social change in the Argentine population. After many crises, Nestor realized that he had to look for a scapegoat to blame and on which to build his story. Obviously, the 90s had to be attacked. Nestor began to blame the economic measures of that decade on what happened in 20012002. Why? Because it was the opposite of what he and his wife Cristina came to implement. Privatizations were blamed for destroying jobs, convertibility for destroying industry, and the free market for being sold as a homeland. This helped Nestor to pave the way and be able to create thousands of jobs in the state, to create a "flag airline", to "reorganize the social system" with the nationalization of the AFJP and other measures that enlarged the state at the cost of squeezing the private sector while the culture of the present state was installed and that what is public is good and what is private is bad. 52

His close relationship with Chavismo and the Sao Pablo forum destroyed the Argentina of work. Argentina has returned to a culturally socialist country that is very far to the left, so much so that how to contain inflation is still debated. Conclution: Nestor's government, only in its period 2003 - 2007, was positive. It had fiscal stability, it had an economic recovery, it had a strong appreciation of the currency and other economic factors that are the result of a very strong fall. I mean, Nestor's government was good, but not on its own merit , but because of external factors. The adapted measures and the path chosen by Kirchner led to misery. Be it economic and social. The increase in taxes, the enlargement of the state, the corruption and basically everything that Nestor did ended up turning Argentina into a mediocre country. Everything that came after Néstor was a consequence of having adopted that mode of

country, but beyond any economic analysis, Néstor's strong victory was in social and cultural matters. It turned Argentina into a country where the average citizen depends on the state, where welfare is the main factor, where it is impossible to produce and where private institutions are viewed in a bad way. To conclude, it only remains to say that Nestor was the worst president that Argentina could have in a recovery like that of 2002 - 2003. Argentina needed a president who would correct the mistakes of the past but continue on the path of free trade, low taxes and encouraging the private sector to grow and generate genuine and productive employment. Instead, Nestor went in another direction, he raised taxes, shut down the economy, attacked the private sector and created jobs only within the state, generating spending on people who do not produce. Hopefully Argentina will regain the path of growth and put aside the discussions that we have today, worthy of the 18th century. 54

Along this path, we are going to total decline.

Humor Some acquaintances.




• Papa Verde: It doesn't even serve for gnocchi. • Belly hair: It is neither beautiful nor stupid. • Broken bridge: No one passes it. • San Cayetano: You come closer and it gives you work. • Square Sorete: Nobody shits it. • Intensive care: You cannot be seen by your relatives . • Bath towel: It wraps you, dries you and you stay in balls • Wedding dress : Not good for work. ---------------------------------The Kirchnerista woman is reading a book and tells her husband: What audacity! 56

Would you believe, dear, that a certain Pablo Neruda has published a book, copying the poetry that you wrote me when we were dating ??? ---------------------------------A missionary in the Congo baptized a black man named Zombo . He immersed it in the water and said baptizing it: –You, from now on you will not be called Zombo , but José. And the good Lord tells you not to eat any more meat on Friday ... at most you can eat fish meat–. The following Friday, when José's hut, the missionary him eating a leg of lamb, and reproach was about to begin, the stopped him and said:

passing by surprised when the black man

- See, father: I do not commit a sin, because before I killed the lamb, I put it in the water and said: "You are no longer called a lamb, your name is fish." ----------------------------------


Riddles The veteran Israeli Hospital doctor who had been caring for an old woman, Berta, now 80 years old, for most of her life, finally retired. At the next checkup, a new doctor asked him to bring a list of all the medicines that he had been prescribed. As the young doctor went through the list, his eyes almost bulged when he saw that he had been prescribed birth control pills. - 'Doña Berta, do you know that these are CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS ? ' - 'Yes Doctor, they help me sleep at night'. - 'Doña Berta, I assure you that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in these pills to help you sleep.' Then the old woman approached the young doctor, patted him on the arm and said: ……… .. Solutions




Republicans United The Party

Republicanos Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness.


What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any affiliate of the party who so wishes may be a candidate, starting from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help the ideological space never be divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. The party will thus consolidate itself as a lasting institution, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness.

Antipersonalism : the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas promoted by the party in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are simply ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment , thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want for Argentina a change from the roots, and we decided to bring the ideas of 62

freedom to the political field, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom an unprecedented visibility and impact in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. Something new is needed.

------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; -------------------------------------------------


Republicans United Santa Fe Contact Facebook: Instagram: santafe/ To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok

Archive I love freedom Videos of some articles The Conceptual Pandemic The Parasite Concept dDtc Brief introduction about Ayn Rand La Moneda : The immense swindle to taxpaying citizens, by Argentine politicians -----------------Podcast of some magazine articles:


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Puzzle solution - 'Yes, my dear Dokter , I already know that. But every morning I dissolve one in the orange juice of my 16-year-old granddaughter and if I saw ... how well I sleep every night ... !!!



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