Amo la Libertad Nº 34 Inglés

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Index Editorial The time to choose has come . By Miguel A. Morra Concepts A lighthouse that still shines: the 9 pillars erected by the Founding Fathers . By Alberto Benegas Lynch The level of GDP per capita reveals the value of institutions in private decisions By By Enrique Blasco Garma Transactions Justice is efficiency, it promotes Competition. Price controls stories Luminous Footprints . Li Edelkoort By Constanza Reflections 2

The Right at the service of rights: a look at the law according to Bruno Leoni By Ezequiel Eiben . Present Ideological immorality?




By José Luis Milia "You cannot go up and down a dog to go from face-to-face to virtual education" By Serena Bentancur Fabiano Humor Riddles Republicans United The party What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United

Santa Fe File I love freedom Puzzle solution


Editorial The time to choose has come. By Miguel A. Morra For years, l a trend towards globalization of the world economy has a significant impact on the system of organization of production processes and relationships between companies, individuals and the state. It is important to remember that someone wrote the following: Do you want to establish peace among the nations until you make it a necessity of life and death? Let the nations depend on each other for their subsistence, comfort, and greatness. By what means? By the one of a complete freedom left to the commerce or exchange of its products and respective advantages. In this way, international peace will be for them, the bread, the clothing, the well-being, the food and the air of each day.

This mutual and reciprocal dependence, due to the noble bond of interests, which leaves the sovereignty of each intact, not only drives away war because it is destructive for all, but also makes all nations a kind of universal nation, unifying and consolidating its interests, and by this means facilitating the institution of an international power, destined to replace the sad resource of self-defense in the trial and decision of international conflicts: a resource that instead of supplying justice, approaches and confuses often with crime. Do you think there is any inconvenience in the dependence of one nation on another for the satisfaction of the needs of its civilized life? For what reason? Because in the event of war and incommunicado, each country must be able to find everything it needs within itself. It is to make the hypothesis of a barbaric eventuality, increasingly rare, a kind of permanent natural law of civilized man. It is as if the planet we inhabit is considered defective because it receives from a foreign star, the sun, the light and the heat 6

produced by the vegetation and the animal life that sustains the animated world, which animates its surface. Fortunately, freedom of change is in the needs of human life, and it will be imposed as the natural law of nations despite all concerns and errors. The industry of one nation that asks the government for protection against the industry of another nation that harasses it for its mere superiority, takes the government out of its role, and gives itself a shameful proof of cowardice. The government has not been instituted for the special good of this or that office; but for the good of the entire state. The government is not the patron and protector of merchants or sailors, or manufacturers; it is the mere guardian of the laws, which protect everyone equally in the enjoyment of their right to live cheaply, more precious than producing and selling high. Limiting or restricting the entry of beautiful foreign products, to give a price to inferior products from home, is like putting

obstacles to the entry into the country of beautiful foreign women, so that ugly women marry better; it is to prevent blondes and whites from entering, because mulattoes, who form the bottom of the nation, will be excluded by women, because of their inferiority. You fear the bloodless ravages of the commercial and industrial crowd, and you do not fear the bloody battles of war. A country that has defeated the foreigner on the battlefields, and which asks its government to protect its ineptness and incapacity by the arm of force against the shadow that the foreigner's brilliance gives it, shows an inexplicable and shameful cowardice. If it is glory to defeat the foreigner by the greater sword, it is to defeat him by talent, because the first is common to beasts, the second is peculiar to man. X. Free trade Juan Bautista Alberdi The Titanic was a great ship but with very little maneuverability, built by arrogant 8

people who thought it unusable and directed by unconscious people who did not know how to pilot it wisely. The builders and pilots of this magnificent ship are very similar to our leaders of the last eight decades (all PFS) 1 ; our country is leaking and bankrupt, lifeboats are very few, decisions are terrible and common sense does not exist . A good film director could get to film a great comedy, but the passengers of this Titanic are tired of being taken for stupid and the leaders live in a media bubble, a combination of factors that is a true attack on social peace and can become in a great tragedy. Lleg or when ele gir between what "is common to beasts" and what "is peculiar to man " Our Developed Argentina is equal to a MINIMUM Public Sector , which guarantees the MAXIMUM individual freedom, the MAXIMUM justice and the MAXIMUM security . Simple no? That is "peculiar to man"

A hug, and good reading. The author is CPN Independent, Liberal and Editor




Concepts A lighthouse that still shines: the 9 pillars erected by the Founding Fathers . By Alberto Benegas Lynch The Founding Fathers in America, role models The ideas of Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton, Jay, Mason, Adams, and Washington laid the foundations for the North American tradition of mutual respect that was later emulated by many countries, including Argentina. The American tradition based on values of reciprocal respect has been emulated by several countries of the free world, among which the incorporation of a good part of these values in the Argentine constitution of 1853 is counted. Hence, it is especially interesting to trace the influences and legacy of that nation that unfortunately for some time now has been declining in its fervor until it becomes a

frank regression. I have recorded this long story in my book entitled United States against the United States, where in a detailed investigation I try to address what has been said. In this journalistic note I confine myself to a very few aspects referring to the intellectual origin of the most fertile revolution so far in the history of humanity, which we hope will be restored in its cardinal principles due to the efforts of very worthy institutions that are they worry and occupy themselves with nourishing the core aspects of this succulent origin. There are two central lines in this story. The first should focus on the formation of the father of the United States Constitution, James Madison, who was a student of John Witherspoon invited from England to preside over the study center in New Jersey that later became Princeton University, in turn educated in the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews in the tradition started in the 16th century by the natural law scientist George Buchanan, a graduate of the University of Paris 14

and, in turn, professor of characters such as Michel de Montaigne. Buchanan sponsored the idea of law anchored to milestones or extramural benchmarks of positive legislation before the prominent Algernon Sidney and John Locke. His imprint is seen in the works of the forerunners of the Scottish School - Adam Smith, David Hume and Adam Ferguson - who were mainly Francis Hutcheson and Greshom Carmichael. The second line refers to Roger Williams, the apostle of the sharp separation between religion and political power in Rhode Island, a graduate of the University of Cambridge and former secretary of none other than Edward Coke supported by the common law, this is the law as a process of discovery based on rulings of competing courts, opposed to the notion of law as the result of social engineering and design, a concept also explored and signed by William Blackstone. Coke insistently referred to "the lex aeterna, the moral law, also called natural law."

In 1792 Madison underlines the central role of the monopoly of force that we call government by writing that "the government has been instituted to protect property" with what ties the idea of equality before the law with Justice, which according to the classical definition is “Give each one his own” and “his own” translates into the property of each one, a vital institution in order to give the best use to the always scarce productive factors to better serve the needs of others. Earlier, in 1788, he had written that “we have heard the unholy old world doctrine that the people were made for the king and not the king for the people,” which marks the competence and sense of the state apparatus. The principles inherent in the American Magna Carta were disseminated mainly through eighty-five public letters in newspapers during the years 1787 and 1788 known as The Federalist Papers signed under the pseudonym of Polybius by the aforementioned Madison, by Alexander Hamilton and by John Jay that generated a very interesting and substantial debate with a group called "anti-federalist" in opposition to 16

the former but actually more federalists than the federalists and that managed to introduce agendas in points that are summarized in the inclusion of the first constitutional amendments, also letters public with pseudonyms that referred to the ideas of freedom. It is especially pertinent to highlight the insistence of the anti-federalists in what was the ninth constitutional amendment in that "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights should not be interpreted as ignoring or belittling others that the people retain." In other words, to underline that an exhaustive statement is not intended and that there are rights not listed. Those principles were also known via the so-called Cato Letters that were one hundred and forty-four published during the period 1719-1723 in homage to Cato "the young man" who was the greatest opponent of Julius Caesar in Roman history. The authorship of these letters corresponds to Thomas Gordon and John Trechard. The scaffolding prepared by the Founding Fathers can be summarized in nine central points.

First, the aforementioned conception of law. Second, mistrust of the regular armies (Standing Armies). Third , the freedom of the press, principally but not exclusively developed by Thomas Jefferson since fundamental importance was given to the most complete and unrestricted freedom of expression. Fourth, due process. Fifth, the aforementioned separation between churches and government. Sixth, the importance of the possession of arms as self-defense of citizens. Seventh, the protection of privacy in the context of what was said by Benjamin Franklin regarding that "if you renounce freedom to obtain security, you will not have either one". Eighth, the division of powers in the context of what was called "a mixed government" in which reciprocal controls prevail between the judiciary, executive and legislative, where the filters of elections 18

and electoral colleges and life positions are mixed in a way that preserves individual freedoms "prior and superior to the existence of the government", for which they emphasized the idea of the republic (remember that in the debates at the constituent convention in Philadelphia, Edmund Randolph stressed that "the greatest danger lies in the democracy of our Constitution ”so that attention should be focused on ensuring strict controls to power and Elbridge Gerry also held in the same convention that“ the evils we suffer come from excess democracy ”, both manifestations pointed to the concern that the degradation of democracy will turn into kleptocracy). And ninth, federalism in which the member states control and limit the central government. These principles were reinforced in the Declaration of Independence by introducing the right to resistance against oppressive governments . James Wilson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and one of the writers of the first draft of the constitutional text and a professor at the

University of Pennsylvania wrote that “the government must be established to ensure and extend the exercise of the natural rights of the members and any government that does not have that in view as its main objective, is not a legitimate government. " As is well known, the republic encompasses much more than democracy and is not limited to unleashing the majority vote without any restraint. In addition to the aforementioned principle of equality before the law and the horizontal division of powers, it also refers to the alternation of power, the transparency of government acts and the responsibility of the rulers to render accounts to the ruled. It is because of the fear of unlimited majorities that the expression democracy was not used in the US constitutional text (nor in others that took that model, such as the aforementioned 1853 Argentine case). In this line of argument they maintained that democracy consists of a core part, which is respect for individual 20

rights, and a secondary, accessory and formal part, which are the majorities and first electoral minorities. Nowadays, unfortunately, there is a tendency to replace the main thing with the accessory with what it is claimed that regimes such as the Chavista in Venezuela or before the Nazi are democratic because they are protected by the first minorities or majorities, making a clean sweep of the freedoms of the governed who have become mere sudden of a tyranny. As the Argentine constitutionalist Juan González Calderón has taught, the Democrats of numbers and numbers know because they start from two false equations: 50% + 1% = 100% and 50% -1% = 0%. On this same plane, Jefferson warned in 1782 that "an elected despotism was not the government we are fighting for." In addition to the aforementioned Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, Hamilton and Jay, among the most outstanding Founding Fathers, especially the figure of George Mason, whom Jefferson called "the wisest man of his generation." Mason was the pioneer in writing a bill of rights in Virginia which was taken as a model for later documents, he was a delegate

to the constituent convention in 1787 and refused to sign the Constitution because he considered that the safeguards to the rights of the people were not enough (he even expressed doubts about the convenience of having a central government). Complete the list of Founding Fathers John Adams and George Washington. The first was for two terms Vice President of Washington, Harvard lawyer, author of the Constitution of Massachusetts, delegate of that state before the constituent convention and in the early stages of the revolution he directed and encouraged the uprising of the Stamp Act against the claims of George III. The second was the first President of the United States, general of the revolution and it is appropriate to reproduce in 1795 one of his thoughts regarding the need to “keep the United States out of any political connection with other countries”, in this sense It is pertinent to recall what General Dwight Eisenhower said in his fifteenminute speech as a farewell to his presidency, on February 17, 1961, referring to the temptations of military interventions and 22

warning about the use of “the militaryindustrial complex as the greatest danger potential in our country. " There were various manifestations of decline in the United States, the first the disgusting slavery, the second the creation of the central bank and the progressive tax that required a constitutional reform (it was known as the revolution of 1913), the third with the Accords of Genoa and Brussels in the 1920s and the subsequent crisis of the 1930s, the fourth with the presidencies of FD Roosevelt that prolonged and aggravated economic and institutional damage and the fifth accelerated from the post-Reagan period to the present day, all raising public spending, deficit, government debt and the implementation of new regulations that crush freedoms, interspersing here and there reasonable measures, but what has been said stands out in the net balance. Against the current of this decline, the interspersed versions that aimed to consolidate the original tradition at different

times in history can be condensed into two manifestations. The first in an 1819 ruling by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall: "The power to tax matters, the power to destroy matters." The second in another ruling also of the Supreme Court of 1943: “Our rights to life, liberty and property, to freedom of expression, free press, freedom of worship and assembly and other fundamental rights cannot be subordinated to vote, they do not depend on the outcome of any election ”(319 US, 624, 639). In any case, in this telegraphic note we summarize the most salient aspects of the values maintained by the Founding Fathers, which gave way to other experiences based on reciprocal respect as an essential sustenance for a free society. The author has a Ph.D. in Economics and a Ph.D. in Management Sciences. He is president of the Economic Sciences Section of the National Academy of Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences. 24

Article published in Vision Liberal and Infobae

The level of GDP per capita reveals the value of institutions in private decisions By By Enrique Blasco Garma

The author is Academic Advisor of the Fundación Libertad y Progreso Article published in Infobae April 21, 2021 The differences in average income generation between countries are abysmal, ranging from USD 300 per year in South Sudan to USD 82,000 in Switzerland. Argentina in clear retreat. To understand the creative process of income is to understand how income is achieved, the process of creating wealth, personal compensation . Some economists are often wrong and confuse the knowledge of the hard sciences, such as physics, which does not vary with 26

the particular observer, with economics, which as a social science should recognize that each individual has different views - particular interests - different. Although it may surprise many, the variations in income of the countries, measured by GDP per inhabitant, respond to organizational differences, in particular the coordination of individual activities, through the institutional framework. That is, the incidence of conformities and frustrations in personal understandings to carry out mutually satisfactory activities. I insist, to produce income what is relevant is to satisfy individual needs, not those of political leaders. Why is this so? Income measures the jobs and goods provided by the population to meet their personal needs. To understand the creative process of income is to understand how income is achieved, the process of wealth creation, personal remuneration, I explain in the book "For a Fairer and Flourishing Country."

People's Progress is the product of individual associations to meet their needs . Because each person has insufficient abilities and different needs. That is why people exchange goods, carry out asset transactions, to obtain profits, overcoming conflicts, differences. Violations, arbitrary prohibitions, frustrate satisfactions and impoverish. Violations, arbitrary prohibitions, frustrate satisfactions and impoverish . Personal achievements expand with voluntary transactions and contract with impositions, forced redistributions, violations, and criminal losses. Every production process forms agreements to overcome conflicts in pursuit of shared profits. Transactions Each party agrees to deliver goods that cost or prefer less than what it receives in return, simultaneously. Miracle made possible by the differences of individual looks . They compete by pleasing customers and suppliers.


For example, a worker receives a payment of USD 1,000 in exchange for jobs for which he would accept or offer USD 800, benefiting USD 200. Whoever hires him earns USD 300 because he can sell what he produced for USD 1,300. Both parties benefit, creating assets for the capitalized value of USD 50, they would confirm wide markets that collect mass decisions facilitated by institutional networks.

Income measures the value of the work done plus the difference between what is delivered and what is received. Competition expands opportunities to specialize in trades, find occupations, and highpaying jobs. The greater the competition, the

greater the knowledge, skills used and the higher the remuneration obtained. Competition makes people more efficient, containing prejudices and preferred accommodations, with fair rules, the same for everyone. Unlike the hard sciences, knowledge, business skills, are not given, but depend on freedoms in individual decisions. Justice is efficiency, it promotes Competition. Education accompanies developing valued individual skills. A process that has also been deteriorating for decades, to the point that a growing part of the population does not know the basic operations of language and calculation. Also social values. According to PEW Research Center, the world's populations trust that free markets provide better opportunities. Especially Vietnam, China and other countries that suffer from or had communist systems. An exception is Argentina where a majority does not trust the markets, despite the fact that they often repeat Libertad, Libertad, but do not adhere to the rights agreed in the National Constitution. 30

During the last 40 years, the purchasing power of Argentina's income has lost twothirds. The average GDP in dollars of the same purchasing power was barely 31%, in 2020, of that of 1980. The excess of legislation, impositions and regulations was compressing the competitiveness of the population. The furious rise in poverty is not surprising. If, beyond the speeches, we wanted to recover what was lost, we should change the course. In America, only Venezuela lost more: its income averaged just 10% of that of 40 years earlier.

It should not be surprising that authoritarian systems restrict, hinder

freedoms, competition and education, with the excuse of security, protection. They don't want competitors who question their authority. At the same time, they tolerate pickets that hinder the movement and transit of people. They control steps demanding payments to the government. An extortion that violates and redistributes individual rights. In the same sense, laws and some judicial decisions protect criminals over the suffering and property of the victims. Price controls Countries develop price indices to measure inflation. As governments become autocratic, their objectives change. Instead of making life easier for independent people, they seek to dominate potential rivals. Price control becomes a powerful tool to dominate private traders and entrepreneurs. Of all the variables that affect prices, governments only control private ones. Aerolineas Argentinas, state-owned, was never sanctioned for its sales prices or for 32

its breaches of schedules. Claro is a state entity run by government-appointed officials. Thus, while fuels affect all costs, YPF, as a State company, was never sanctioned or controlled its prices. Although the exchange rate has a wide impact on all activities, the BCRA is never observed by the rise in the value of the dollar. Sales taxes also determine costs. Governments were never observed for raising tax rates. Officials insist, inflation is caused by private merchants and suppliers who raise prices. Inflation is never the responsibility of the political leaders who issue, impose costs and expenses on the private parties, to maintain deficit finances and of low quality in general.

Stories Luminous Footprints . Li Edelkoort By Constanza I discovered the luminous traces of Li Edelkoort, an enterprising woman of great vitality. His Anti Fashion manifesto went viral, where he says that we must be alert to cheap clothes manufactured in countries where people are exploited and denounces the irresponsible attitude of the media when it advises not to repeat the wardrobe twice. Clothes should be created to be worn, not to be liked. He is against cheap fashion, which suggests that "garments can be thrown away and thrown away like condoms." This transmits to young consumers "that fashion has no value" and it is not. It considers that it is the fashion system that is obsolete. It questions it throughout its journey, from creation to production outside the country, to cost of cheap labor and exploited in other countries. 34

It is not about the end of fashion, but of fashion as it was until now. Li's manifesto gave rise to the Anti Fashion days that have been held in Marseille since 2017. I'll tell you something about her life: Li Edelkoort is a Dutch trend designer and researcher. He was born in Wageningen in 1950. He achieved important distinctions such as the Cultural Prize from the Prince Bernhard Foundation and the Honorary Royal Designer for Industry. She graduated from Artez, started her career as a fashion coordinator at the De Bijenkorf department store, and then moved to Paris where she created the Trend Union Council, a forecasting service on fashion, colors and lifestyle. He was so successful that his studio grew into a consulting firm that opened offices in New York and Tokyo, with clients such as Coca-Cola, Nissan, Camper, Siemens, and others. In the beauty sector, she developed products for Estée Lauder, Lancôme, L'Oreal, Shiseido, Dim and Gucci.

In his photographic magazine Bloom he talks about "cultural horticulture", about the trends that flowers set and how their images are used. In 1993 he created the NGO Heartwear, to support people who work in crafts around the world, to help market their products, maintain their knowledge and teach crafts. At View on Color, she studies color trends and their influence on fashion, graphics, industrial design, packaging, and cosmetics. She chaired the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands and was listed as one of the 40 top designers in the world by British design magazine ID. Time magazine named her one of the 25 most influential people in fashion and in France she had the title of Knight of Arts and Letters in recognition of her creative, artistic and literary contribution to culture in France and abroad. She is one of the promoters of the documentary "Rebellion in fashion" that questions fashion consumption, the 36

production system and analyzes trends rediscovering crafts and using high technology. LI Edelkoort sees this moment as an opportunity to "invent new ideas" and see the future with fresh eyes. A beautiful stimulus in times of pandemic. Constanza is a teacher

Reflections The Right at the service of rights: a look at the law according to Bruno Leoni By Ezequiel Eiben . Tribute to Bruno Leoni, Freedom Club, 04/17/2021 Let's begin the exposition by referring to the notions that we generally handle of the terms that make up the title. By law we usually understand a set of legal norms, to which we add general characteristics such as validity and validity at a given time, mandatory compliance, support for coercion in case of non-compliance, and the presumption of being known by all parties. citizens. By rights we understand our personal faculties, prerogatives and freedoms to do, not do or stop doing something, within the framework of what is legally permitted. (To this , second and third generation rights have been added , alluding to minimum benefits 38

that must be made in our favor, or to the protection of collective assets or of general enjoyment). What, then, would it mean, at least in the first instance, that the Law is at the service of rights? Well, the set of legal norms must be destined to protect our faculties, prerogatives and freedoms; that the validity and validity of the rules must be considered insofar as they fulfill their mission and when they do not tend to modify them; that respect for the rules becomes enforceable; that the breach is susceptible to reparation or punishment, depending on whether it is civil or criminal; and that it applies to all citizens equally within a given jurisdiction, with those having the responsibility of knowing and controlling the law. Now, a scheme that seems so simple and linear when presented in a theoretical support, in reality is not presented in such a way, because there are complex phenomena, contradictions of doctrines and, above all, millions of human beings acting in

accordance to their own interests, which produces a multiplicity of acts, relationships and results. We are accustomed, strictly accustomed , to identify the Law with the Law of the State, and more specifically with the Law resulting from the legislative process: the law of Congress, or of the provincial legislature. And we exercise our personal and / or real rights in relation to this conception: according to what the State Law allows or prohibits; and if it is allowed by the State, to the extent possible. Fortunately for us, and more precisely because of his effort and intellectual talent, someone made the task of opening our eyes the mission of his short but successful life. And that someone was the lawyer and philosopher of liberal law Bruno Leoni. Through his writings and lectures, Leoni bequeathed us, among other contributions, the triple message that: Law is not equivalent to legislation; legislation is not the best means of validating standards; and our rights should not be tied to legislative provisions. 40

1) Law is not equivalent to legislation: According to Leoni, in Western history there have been three main methods of law making. The first is a law of experts called "Law of jurists", in Rome identified with the law of iurisconsulti, in Germany with the law of jurists, and in England with the law of lawyers. The second method is the "Right of the judges", also experts, who understand and decide in court. The third method is the legislative process, the source of which is the legislators who enact national or local laws. The differences between methods appear both in their execution and in the result obtained. The method of the jurists and the judges starts in a conditioned way by the material that has been granted to them, and its result is the jurisprudential or judicial Law respectively. For example, a dispute is submitted to their knowledge, the experts explore statutory norms, habitual behaviors

accepted in the society recognized as customs, precedent , and resolve the case. In this sense, they discover the law, and they do it in a way conditioned by what is claimed between the parties. On the other hand, the legislative method is an unconditional way of producing the law, coming from the will of the legislator, independent of the will of the citizen, and its result is the legislation that is widely and generally imposed on everyone. In this sense, the legislator creates the law. According to Leoni, in cases where the law was discovered, as in Rome, the Law was safe from state interference as was the free market, which resulted in benefits for individual freedom and private life. On the contrary, in the cases of state enactment of the law, what is observed is that the norms are impositions of will that, since they are not conditioned, have an impact on arbitrariness and interference, curtailing freedom and regulating private aspects. As we can see, the Law is not equivalent to the legislation, but the latter is just one of its 42

manifestations, and by the way, one that did not prevail at all times in Western legal history. 2) Legislation is not the best way to validate standards: If the Law of the experts preserved freedom, by ruling on specific cases submitted to their knowledge, and keeping other state and legislative authorities out of the lawsuit, the legislation is the means by which the opposite is achieved. And this can be demonstrated in comparison with the realm where freedom prevails: the market. In the market, people act according to personal preferences and individual decisions, and those affected are those involved in the connection process between supply and demand. In legislation, the preferences and decisions that are taken into account are those of a group of legislators who have the power to coercively impose their claims on the rest of the citizenry (and even more extensively, the law will rule over them too, which in at some point they will cease to be legislators and will

become ordinary citizens), so those affected are all. Therefore, the legislation leads to two interconnected ports, both to the detriment of the individual: the strengthening of state authority that enforces the law at the expense of individual liberty; and the imposition of group decisions (a body of authority), at the expense of individual decisions. The first reverberates in the increasing and arbitrary powers of the officials, and in an increasingly thick compendium of laws that is indomitable and impossible to know in its entirety. The second implies transforming democracy into "the hegemonic power of numbers" and subjecting isolated individuals to coercive legal acts, by which business and private affairs are at the mercy of majority rule. 3) Our rights should not be tied to legislative provisions: Leoni identifies a false alternative that has been raised for centuries and continues to impact current legal conceptions: either written and promulgated laws are drafted in a 44

system of rigid legislation, or it falls under the arbitrary whims of the tyrant. The truth is that legislation has historically not been a good alternative against arbitrariness, since, on the contrary, it has served to impose arbitrariness of a group of legislators on the rest of the population, since no one -except them- participates in the normative sanction process. Therefore, Leoni visualizes as a real alternative to tyrannical or legislative arbitrariness the spontaneous participation of individuals in the formative process of norms, and consequently promotes an elaboration of Law where, as in the free market, related individual choices to the law and legal institutions are taken into freedom. Ultimately, the legislation implies imposing, subjecting individual decisions to group decisions, coercion so that people carry out conduct that they would not carry out if they were not forced to do so. On the other hand, understanding the Law in the way of Leoni, implies that individuals can carry out their own private

actions without arbitrary interference, agree through contracts to fulfill and end their ties, and make their individual claims without completely depending on the solutions that a group of legislators imagined for private situations. Therefore, individuals should not see their rights tied to legislative provisions, but have enough freedom to take care of their affairs according to their best understanding and resorting if necessary to whoever discovers - without arbitrarily imposing - the Law. By way of conclusion, we affirm that the Law is at the service of rights, that is, the norms help the realization and protection of individual faculties and freedoms, when it tends to favor private actions and solutions instead of impositions. arbitrary activities of a group, and when the necessary space is respected for the interactive and spontaneous processes to flourish by which customs and private norms are formed, freely and consensually accepted by the acting people. 46

That was, according to our understanding, the message that Professor Bruno Leoni left us, and to whose transmission we must dedicate our efforts so that his tribute is not limited to the memory of his work itself necessary, but rather expands towards the crystallization of his works. legal ideas for the benefit of current law in our countries and provinces. The author is the CEO & Founder Lawyer of Academia Eiben Article published in Liberal Vision

Present Ideological imbecility: Tara or immorality? By José Luis Milia "Our pulse is not going to shake when it comes to closing meat exports." Paula Spanish. Secretary of Internal Trade. "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King. According to the Medical Dictionary edited by the University of Navarra, imbecility is a "classic medical term, currently in disuse, used to designate a serious form of mental retardation, situated between mental weakness and idiocy." and, although the term is in disuse, no one doubts that stupidity is a psychiatric condition. Argentina is, perhaps, one of the few countries in the world where one of the causes of this ailment is closely linked to ideology, 48

although it is obvious that ignorance helps the development of this condition and aggravates it and how Argentine politics is full of Chronic imbeciles, the main problem of the country lies in the fact that many of them come to the public service full of illusions and delusions, which sometimes make them noble people bordering on idiocy, although most of the time it makes them vile until reaching the most abject amorality. Paula Español is a complete example of how this disease affects those for whom ideology does not allow them to elucidate new solutions to real problems and are forced to use old formulas that never solved any problem. In his, penultimate? Public appearance, he said, with a patoteril air - this also diagnoses a syndrome of chronic stupidity - that in the face of the "increase" in the price of meat: "our pulse is not going to shake if we have to close meat exports." It is likely that Mrs. Español was not in the country in 2006, or did not find out that that year, another chronic idiot - the late

former President Kirchner - launched and implemented a similar threat. Most Argentines remember that presidential blunder and perhaps it is good to remind Mrs. Español of it, if only so that it is consistent with the stupidity to be committed and, perhaps -although it is difficult to expect a miracle in a country far from God- she realizes how disastrous managing a fool can be when driven by ideology, ignorance and resentment. The story is well known, in 2005, with a livestock stock of 54.1 million heads, Argentina produced 3.13 million tons. of meat of which 754,500 tons were exported. (1) -24% of the production- which generated an income of foreign exchange of 1,390 million USD; of this exportable percentage, 28,000 tons corresponded to the Hilton quota (2). This increase in the Hilton quota had been achieved thanks to having achieved beneficial agreements with the European community, agreements that made the steer heavy at 440/460 kgs. of live weight- which is not eaten in the metropolitan area, which is what matters when a populist speaks of taking care of “something” from Argentines- 4 to 7% 50

more will be paid to those producers who fell into the category of producers Exporters previously comply with a series of requirements demanded by the European community. It is true that the average price of export meat referred to the Hilton quota had increased in the first quarter of 2006 compared to the average of 2005 by 22.6%, but common exports had only registered an increase of 13.4% in the first quarter of 2006. All this translated into an increase in the price of the live kilo at the end of February 2006 of 11.47% (3). It was for this date, March 8, 2006, when the goblins who guarded the modest brain of the Argentine president - always prone to filling his head with the old Peronist superstitions of '46 - let him know that the increase in meat could not be due to a market question but to a petty conspiracy of the "cattle oligarchy". It was not necessary to look for culprits, these were already for target shooting, they were the “ten or twenty patrons” -fetish of a sclerotic Peronism- that the English refrigerators longed for , who

owned vast extensions in which to join a farm that I was getting fat without effort, it was enough just to close a wash; vile men who wielded their peons with a pure whip and who scooped the silver that, like the manna of the Lord, fell from heaven. While that bullshit still sounded revolutionary, the reality of livestock production was totally different. However, this primary being, raised in a region with more sheep than human beings and the sole owner of a vast ignorance that did not matter; What was valid for him, as well as for any ignorant person who still repeats it, was the ideological fable in which he had believed blindly, and before that the only thing that his unreason imposed on him was, with undeniable personal satisfaction, to close the meat exports. Hence, the fall in meat production and exports are inextricably linked to official ideological arbitrariness. Clear rules of the game were never respected in those twelve years since the weapons the government had: ROES, withholdings, reserve requirements, discretionary management of exports and an exchange delay that today has made any 52

productive or export activity practically impossible, were destined to wound of death to the Argentine cattle ranch. But the conceptual ignorance that the president had about the reality of the cattle activity meant, in short, an increase in the slaughter of females (48-50% between 2007 and 2011) (4), with the consequent reduction of the stock and therefore both the decrease in the total work, ending, because of all these nonsense with a price of meat that did not stop increasing. Thus, what was to be avoided, the increase in the value of the standing farm and the consequent increase in meat on the counter, ended in a total fiasco. However, the government did not care about the end result of this uninterrupted series of outrages as long as what could not be achieved, the fall in the price of meat, especially popular cuts, could be achieved. In this way the country fell as a meat exporter of the 3rd. place to 11th in 2014, behind Paraguay, Uruguay and Belarus (5), and the direct consequence of this was the closure of 131 refrigerators that left 22,000 workers on the street who ended up being the main losers

of this ideological folly along with small livestock producers, those whose herd did not exceed 300 heads. In 2006 they were, the small producers, 72.1% of the establishments dedicated to the cattle ranch; In 2011, according to Senasa (6), 27,000 producers abandoned the livestock activity as a result of the policy concocted by a chronic stupid. This abandonment of the activity, either from the wintering fields that were switched to soybeans or from the small producers strangled by the economic conditions imposed by the government, resulted in a stock liquidation that made in the early days when it was The measures were taken, the price of meat dropped, but the livestock stock, which in 2006 had risen to 56 million head, four years later only reached the figure of 48.9 million head, that is, a loss of 18, 8% of livestock assets (7). But what best defines the lie of the official account and the failure of his "cattle policy" has been the result of the ridiculous slogan enunciated by the former president in 54

2008 in Chubut that required "to defend the Argentine table." Only a few numbers give an exact dimension of the fallacy declared that day by the former president who, even to that date, was still the boss of Argentina; In that year and around that day, the meat and the backbone for stew, both cheap and popular cuts, cost: $ 6.80 and $ 2.40 per kilo respectively (8), in 2014 these cuts had risen to 26, $ 90 / kg for bone-in meat and $ 68.90 / kg for meat (9). In 7.5 years, the average increase of both cuts was 967%, that is, 35.3% per year since it was called to defend "the table of the Argentines" or "not to screw with the food of the people" This policy, added to inflation, meant that, while the price of the live kilo only increased by 530% (27% annually), the popular cuts almost doubled the increase of the standing kilo . In 2008 a worker with the minimum wage (SMVM = $ 1,200) could buy 200 kilos of meat, in July 2015 (SMVM = $ 5,588) he could only get 81 kilos of the same cut. This difference is due to inflation but also to the increase of the live kilo generated by stupid policies.

It only remains to make a small limitation, the loin, an expensive piece of meat, which a poor person accesses only if they take it out of the garbage of certain neighborhoods or a restaurant, increased in that period by 702%, that is, by 62.25% less than the popular cuts increased. In truth, the defense of "the table of the poor" was never in worse hands than in those of an official who believed that the economy could be managed from ideological imbecility. If there is something sad in this story, it is that the weak and stupid Argentine government is ready, hand in hand with Mrs. Español, to commit the same folly Sources; (1) .- Source: SAGPyA, Bovine Yearbook 2007. (2) .- Cuts of meat from bovine animals aged between 22 and 24 months of special to good quality whose weight does not exceed 460 kgs slaughter weight. The cuts that make up the Hilton quota are: narrow steak, rump, 56

loin, inside buttock, outside buttock (cut consisting of square and peceto), loin ball and wide steak. (3) (yearbook).



(4) / (Situation gan.). (5) .- Source: USDA Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade. October 2014 (6) .- Senasa.- RENSPA Report, 2013. (7) (yearbook).


(8) .- Advertising of Supermercado Coto in Clarín. Prices valid for 03/12/2008. (9) .- Digital preserve for Thursday 08/27/2015. The author is an Honorary Member of the Salta Study Center The article was published in El Informador Público


"You cannot go up and down a dog to go from face-to-face to virtual education" By Serena Bentancur Fabiano These days we are witnessing the debate on whether or not there should be face-to-face classes because we would be attending the second wave of the pandemic. Presence continues to have greater benefits for students and teachers, this has also been shown to happen in companies. Big tech companies no longer want their employees to work remotely. Last year this modality was a boom, but today there are firms like Google that ask employees who want to work in this way to make a formal request. Companies have noted that presence is essential, body language, formal and informal meetings, social dynamics and camaraderie are essential for the operation of companies. Face-to-face education is not only to gain access to content, it is a space

where there are countless opportunities to develop socio-emotional skills and acquire values to live in society. In virtual environments it is very easy to emphasize transactional aspects. In other words, it is easy to use the telephone or an email to send materials or give access to different resources, but education is not only that. In it, motivation and the creation of student-teacher bonds play a preponderant role. Those who are deeply familiar with digital environments more effectively overcome difficulties, but this transition from face-to-face to virtual is not automatic. It is unthinkable that children from primary schools and from vulnerable sectors have been able during 2020 to make an effective transition with assimilation of basic content. Distance education tends to register higher dropout or dropout rates, a figure that was recorded during the past year. It is important to design spaces within virtual education that are not limited to the delivery of content, but also offer 60

monitoring, support and reinforcement mechanisms. Argentina at no time and in no district of the country was prepared so that during 2021 virtual classes could be given fulfilling the aforementioned requirements. Monitoring can be done in many ways, but it must be systematic and part of a pedagogical strategy. In Argentina, with the great social differences, it is a titanic task to organize a monitoring system in each province of the students who attend virtually, for which the presence must be maintained until the last instances to maintain the pandemic situation since the conditions are not given for a virtual education, and especially in the poorest sectors. In order to move from face-toface to remote education, it was necessary to plan, prioritize and prioritize those contents and subjects that were to be considered central in the event of not being able to give face-to-face classes. It was necessary to analyze which subjects were considered essential for the acquisition of future knowledge (for example, mathematics and language).

In distance learning, the use of time, the management of attention and motivation, meta-cognition are important when planning teaching programs and the same happens with the training of teachers that require much more than skills instrumental to teach under this modality. To address virtual education, it is essential that countries be able to promote and articulate six key axes: new pedagogies, teacher training, access to devices, connectivity, platforms, and a different institutional design. These challenges must be addressed simultaneously. A ministry of education cannot promote these six axes of change by itself, it has to do with the ability to consolidate alliances. For all the above it is clear that Argentina cannot abandon face-to-face classes except in an extreme situation. The country was not prepared to face a 2021 of virtual education. We believe that these new teaching modalities will continue to evolve and we hope they will serve to offer more 62

opportunities to those who do not have them today, but the Argentine reality for the moment demands face-to-face classes for millions of children for multiple reasons.

Humor In a wine warehouse , the taster had passed away and the manager began looking for someone to do the job. A drunk and dirty old man showed up to apply for the position. The director wondered how he could get rid of it in an elegant way . They gave him a glass of wine to drink. The old man tasted it and said, -It is a three-year-old Muscat, made with grapes harvested in the northern part of the region, matured in a steel barrel. It is of low quality but acceptable. - Correct, said the chief. Another drink please. -It is an 8-year-old cabernet, harvested in the mountains to the south of the region, matured in American oak barrels at eight degrees of temperature. It still has three more years to reach its highest quality. -Absolutely correct. A third drink. 64

-It's a champagne made with highquality and exclusive pinot blanc grapes, said the drunkard calmly. The director could not believe it, he winked at his secretary to suggest something. She left the room and came back with a cup of urine. The alcoholic tasted it. -She is a 26-year -old blonde , she is in good health, three months pregnant, and if they don't give me the job with double my salary, I will say who the father is. ---------------------------------When the company discovered that I had committed a huge embezzlement, my lawyer told me that he would not let me go to jail with so much money. And indeed, he took care of preventing it; When I went to jail, I didn't have a single peso left. " ---------------------------------The woman runs a red traffic light and is stopped by a police officer recently admitted to the service for belonging to La Cá mpora.

- The trying to have an excuse said “ I'm sorry, officer, I am colorblind. " - But do you think I'm stupid? You want me to believe that there are no traffic lights in Daltonia ? ---------------------------------Foreign Legion A General of the Foreign Legion decides to pay a control visit to a legionary camp located in the middle of the desert. Shortly after arriving, the Captain of the camp explains how everything is there and accompanies him on an inspection. -Very good Captain, let's go inspect the Fort, and then find me a lodging because I plan to stay for about two months. The Captain accompanies him and explains to him during the inspection: -This is the kitchen ... that door is from the meeting room, etc. 66

"Very well, very well," the general is saying. -And this door is the recreation room ... The General opens and checks everything, and they continue down the corridor, pass a door and the Captain does not say anything about it ... then the general asks: -Just out of curiosity Captain, that door that we have jumped, what is it? -You see, General ... it's a bit embarrassing ... at this door we have the camel ... as you will understand, we are 150 legionaries who spend entire months in complete solitude ... and to keep the morale of the troop high , it seemed good to allow it ... "Okay, okay Captain, if that keeps the troop morale high." A month passes, and the General begins to feel abstinence from sex so he decides to go to the Captain and confess it. -Look Captain ... I've been here for a month ... I'm a man too, could I use the camel?

-Of course my General, I understand you perfectly, here is the key. The general goes to the camel, and after 20 minutes he leaves, pulling up his fly. The Captain who sees him asks him: -My General! Only 20 minutes? - What do you mean, only 20 minutes? Well, how long does a private soldier take? -Man, I don't know, but the closest town is an hour away ... so an hour to go and another to return ...


Riddles a) For men: Sees n Chopping t enerlo Chiquito !!!!

" Solution in the end

Republicans United The party

Republicanos Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private 70

initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What differentiates Republicans United from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any party affiliate who so wishes may be a candidate, starting from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “hand-picking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help ensure that the ideological space is never divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. The party will thus consolidate itself as a lasting institution, a tool

for union and representativeness.




Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role, remaining as the central axis the ideas promoted by the party in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are simply ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment , thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. 72

We want for Argentina a change from the roots, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political field, to allow development and improve the quality of life. What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy matters, and give the ideas of freedom an unprecedented visibility and impact in recent years. We invite you to join this proposal. In the following link you can see all the information. Something new is needed.


A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; -------------------------------------------------


Republicans United Santa Fe C ontact Facebook: Instagram: santafe/ To communicate by articles; WA +54 3492 520854 Facebok

File I love freedom Videos of some articles The Conceptual Pandemic The Parasite Concept dDtc Brief introduction about Ayn Rand La Moneda : The immense swindle to taxpaying citizens, by Argentine politicians -----------------Podcast of some magazine articles: 76

Link to read them in e-book To download them in pdf Click on the directory Magazines Archive /1VBjtldP6oqMyE2CvRwx9dP7y7YVMATCt?us p=sharing


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