LOCAL meet
Lancashire raising awareness, support & funding for YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY support organisations & charities throughout the UK
Disability Equality Action for the Blind
is helping hundreds of ex-service personnel to find both the support and housing they need to repair their lives after serving our country
Rosemere Cancer Foundation
Galloways Society for the Blind
Lancashire Cat Rescue
Having a place to go to find a hot meal when you live on the streets is more important than just food it is a daily reminder that someone cares.
The Rainbow Dream Charity
Soldiers Off The Street LOCAL CHARITY LINKS is a non profit organisation dedicated to raising profiles of charitable foundations & community support initiatives
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Praesent facilisis tortor non sem scelerisque suscipit. Ut dui nisi, mollis fermentum posuere at, lacinia vel lorem. Aenean congue orci enim, id ornare lacus laoreet ac. Curabitur ac dictum leo, vel pharetra erat. Praesent id rhoncus libero. Mauris posuere leo sed convallis laoreet. Nullam eget elit condimentum, sollicitudin odio non, sagittis felis. Quisque est turpis, rhoncus id malesuada vel, commodo at augue. Aenean convallis, ipsum vitae efficitur feugiat, metus libero tristique massa, eget ultricies nisl nunc id quam. In porttitor fermentum elit, sed condimentum velit laoreet ac. Pellentesque rhoncus, turpis sed efficitur auctor, enim tortor posuere turpis, eget commodo velit sapien a dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lobortis tincidunt vestibulum. Sed eleifend mattis tempor. Nullam urna nisl, venenatis a nisi sit amet, finibus finibus dolor. Vestibulum at rutrum ex. Nunc sagittis dolor orci, id suscipit lorem finibus non. Nulla sed felis ac ex aliquam placerat at vitae urna. Quisque congue est eu risus pulvinar luctus. Duis sollicitudin venenatis porta. Proin pulvinar quam at nisi
iaculis eleifend. Aenean pharetra mauris velit, id ullamcorper mauris ornare bibendum. Phasellus posuere leo sodales tellus imperdiet, nec dignissim arcu porta. Ut rhoncus ante eu massa cursus ultrices. Nulla consequat sit amet dui pellentesque blandit. Suspendisse volutpat feugiat felis, eu blandit nibh. Nam ultrices efficitur pharetra. Etiam blandit malesuada ipsum, ac vulputate arcu. Aenean vel cursus sapien. Quisque pulvinar eros ac varius molestie. Donec auctor sem ut odio tempor pretium. Nam iaculis sem in ornare scelerisque. Aenean congue, lacus non facilisis rhoncus, dolor quam scelerisque enim, fringilla aliquet lorem metus sed diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam ultrices tortor eu sem sollicitudin malesuada. Phasellus mollis orci nunc, eget malesuada nisl ultrices vel. Mauris sit amet odio in arcu varius efficitur a vel dui. Ut ullamcorper leo eget viverra porttitor. Praesent tincidunt vitae enim vel pellentesque.
Nullam eget elit condimentum, sollicitudin odio non, sagittis felis. Quisque est turpis, rhoncus id malesuada vel, commodo at augue.
Aenean convallis, ipsum vitae efficitur feugiat, metus libero tristique massa, eget ultricies nisl nunc id quam. In porttitor fermentum elit, sed condimentum velit laoreet ac. Pellentesque rhoncus, turpis sed efficitur auctor, enim tortor posuere turpis, eget commodo velit sapien a dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lobortis tincidunt vestibulum. Sed eleifend mattis tempor. Nullam urna nisl, venenatis a nisi sit amet, finibus finibus dolor. Vestibulum at rutrum ex. Nunc sagittis dolor orci, id suscipit lorem finibus non. Nulla sed felis ac ex aliquam placerat at vitae urna. Quisque congue est eu risus pulvinar luctus. Duis sollicitudin venenatis porta. Proin pulvinar quam at nisi iaculis eleifend. Aenean pharetra mauris velit, id ullamcorper mauris ornare bibendum. Phasellus posuere leo sodales tellus imperdiet, nec Praesent facilisis tortor non sem dignissim arcu porta. scelerisque suscipit. Ut dui nisi, mollis fermentum posuere at, lacinia Ut rhoncus ante eu massa cursus vel lorem. Aenean congue orci enim, ultrices. Nulla consequat sit amet dui id ornare lacus laoreet ac. Curabitur pellentesque blandit. Suspendisse ac dictum leo, vel pharetra erat. volutpat feugiat felis, eu blandit nibh. Praesent id rhoncus libero. Mauris Nam ultrices efficitur pharetra. Etiam posuere leo sed convallis laoreet. blandit malesuada ipsum, ac
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Denise Warton Managing Editor
AUTUMN 2019 Aenean convallis, ipsum vitae efficitur feugiat, metus libero tristique massa, eget ultricies nisl nunc id quam. In porttitor fermentum elit, sed condimentum velit laoreet ac. Pellentesque rhoncus, turpis sed efficitur auctor, enim tortor posuere turpis, eget commodo velit sapien a dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lobortis tincidunt vestibulum. Sed eleifend mattis tempor. Nullam urna nisl, venenatis a nisi sit amet, finibus finibus dolor. Vestibulum at rutrum ex. Nunc sagittis dolor orci, id suscipit lorem finibus non. Nulla sed felis ac ex aliquam placerat at vitae urna. Quisque congue est eu risus pulvinar luctus. Duis sollicitudin venenatis porta. Proin pulvinar quam at nisi iaculis eleifend. Aenean pharetra mauris velit, id ullamcorper mauris ornare bibendum. Phasellus posuere leo sodales tellus imperdiet, nec dignissim arcu porta. Aenean convallis, ipsum vitae efficitur feugiat, metus libero tristique massa, eget ultricies nisl nunc id quam. In porttitor fermentum elit, sed condimentum velit laoreet ac. Pellentesque rhoncus, turpis sed efficitur auctor, enim tortor posuere turpis, eget commodo velit sapien a dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lobortis tincidunt vestibulum. Sed eleifend mattis tempor. Nullam urna nisl, venenatis a nisi sit amet, finibus finibus dolor. Vestibulum at rutrum ex. Nunc sagittis dolor orci, id suscipit lorem finibus non. Nulla sed felis ac ex aliquam placerat at vitae urna. Quisque congue est eu risus pulvinar luctus. Duis sollicitudin venenatis porta. Proin pulvinar quam at nisi iaculis eleifend. Aenean pharetra mauris velit, id ullamcorper mauris ornare bibendum. Phasellus posuere leo sodales tellus imperdiet, nec dignissim arcu porta.
LOCAL CHARITY LINKS is a non profit organisation dedicated to raising profiles of charitable foundations &
Volunteering in the community
Disability Equality
Rosemere Cancer Foundation
The Rainbow Dream Charity
Local What;s On Guide & Information
Galloways Society for the Blind
Lancashire Cat Rescue
Soldiers Off The Street
community support initiatives
Charity Directroy Local Services
46 www.charity-link.org.uk
Fun & Games Pages
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
FOR INNOVATION IN CARE Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce
metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac,
dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
Disability Equality North West is a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that started in 1996. The organisation is run and controlled by disabled people.
The main aim is to further the human rights of disabled people across the North West and we provide a number of user-led services to support disabled people and achieve this aim. The different services have arisen out of local community needs and they promote the Social Model of Disability. We are a community group of disabled people providing a range of support services to enable other disabled people to live independently and be active in their local community. Disability Equality is a user led disabled people’s organisation, that is 21 years old. Based in Preston, the majority of the organisations trustees, volunteers and staff are disabled people themselves. Our overall aim is to further the human rights of disabled people and we deliver services, projects and events to help achieve this aim. As Disability Equality North West is a registered charity and a voluntary organisation all donations would be gratefully received. If you would like to support us in our valuable work providing services which enable local disabled people to play a full role in their communities, just donate – it’s simple and quick!
Helpline: 01772 558 863 Text: 07761 008349 When using our landline please select from the following options when asked: 9.00am – 5.00pm Option 1. Lancashire Independent Living Service 9.30am – 3.00pm Option 2. Developing from Negatives Hate Crime Project Option 3. Managed Accounts Option 4. Information and Advice Service Extension 2014 for the Office Manager Extension 2012 for the Chief Executive’s office Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for each service and any messages will be followed up as soon as possible or on the next working day.
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Exciting times at Disability Equality!
Disability Equality North West is a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that started in 1996. The organisation is run and controlled by disabled people. The main aim is to further the human rights of disabled people across the North West and we provide a number of user-led services to support disabled people and achieve this aim. The different services have arisen out of local community needs and they promote the Social Model of Disability. We are a community group of disabled people providing a range of support services to enable other disabled people to live independently and be active in their local community. Disability Equality is a user led disabled people’s organisation, that is 21 years old. Based in Preston, the majority of the organisations trustees, volunteers and staff are disabled people themselves. Our overall aim is to further the human rights of disabled people and we deliver services, projects and events to help achieve this aim. As Disability Equality North West is a registered charity and a voluntary organisation all donations would be gratefully received. If you would like to support us in our valuable work providing services which enable local disabled people to play a full role in their communities, just donate – it’s simple and quick!
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disabilitye q u a l i t y. o r g . u k o r e m a i l
hello@disabilityequality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit
www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers
are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Rosemere Cancer Foundation 01772 522913 https://rosemere.org.uk
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit,
CONTACTS Rosemere Cancer Foundation Rosemere Cancer Centre, Royal Preston Hospital Sharoe Green Lane, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 9HT By Phone: 01772 522913 By Email: info@rosemere.org.uk
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Sue transfers over to Dan’s safe hands Meet the Team
Cathy Skidmore
Rebecca Hall
Trust and Corporate Fundraiser
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Cathy is a fantastic fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: cathy.skidmore@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Dan is a great leader with much experience in Cancer Care in UK T: 01772 528346 M: 07850 770530 E: daniel.hill@lthtr.nhs.uk
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu.
YOU? Care to Join our Winning Team? Call us today Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall
Rebecca Hall
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Area Fundraising Co-ordinator
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Rebecca is an ace fundraiser and we’d be skint without her T: 01772 528198 M: 07985 114969 E: rebaccehall2@lthtr.nhs.uk
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit Appeal Thanks to the generosity of two local businesses, the appeal got off to a flying start. Both Beaverbrooks the Jewellers and Adcroft Hilton pledged £5000 and £2000 respectively to get us up and running. How Can You Help There are many ways in which you can help us raise the £100,000 needed to create the new Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit at Blackpool Victoria. Here are just a few:
On 17th January 2019 Rosemere in partnership with Blue Skies Hospital Fund at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust launched the Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit Appeal which aims to raise £100,000. What is the Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit Appeal?
Make a donation - however small. Every penny counts! Spread the word - let people know about the Appeal so they can help too, especially if you are a member of a WI, Rotary Club, Sports Club or Church group. Hold an Event - Get together with family, friends, work colleagues or neighbours to organise an event like a coffee morning, raffle or cake sale. Get your Company Involved - choose the Appeal as your Charity of the Year or join one of our events. Enter an Event - and be sponsored for the Appeal. Look out for our Walk in the Dark, Cross Bay Walk, Walk the Lights, Lytham Golf Day or any event that tickles your fancy! Volunteer - We will be collecting for the Appeal in all local supermarkets. If you can spare an hour or two we would love to have your help. If you would like to get involved in the appeal in any way, please get in
The Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit Appeal is a call to the local community and businesses of Blackpool and the Fylde Coast to help us raise £100,000 and develop a brand new cancer assessment unit at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, specifically for local acute oncology patients. Located right next to the existing Oncology Day Unit, it will significantly improve the facilities available for cancer patients who receive their treatment at Blackpool Victoria Hospital.
Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit will: 1) Provide a facility for patients to attend if they have any complications or illness throughout the duration of their treatment, rather than having to go to a busy A&E department. 2) Assess patients on arrival and give fast access to the specialist treatment they need, delivered by an experienced member of the Oncology team. 3) It will provide, as an outpatient, procedures and treatments that previously might have meant a stay in hospital, making it less stressful and more convenient for patients and their families.
How Patients Will Benefit At present approximately 10 cancer patients per day are admitted to Blackpool Victoria Hospital usually via emergency services and are nursed in wards across the hospital. The acute oncology team then provides these patients with specialist care, treatment and advice with the aim of putting in place a plan to reduce their length of stay and promote early discharge. This service has seen an increasing number of referrals over the past 5 years in line with the national trend for cancer diagnoses. In addition to this, incidence of cancer in Blackpool is 20% higher than the national average. The new Rosemere Cancer Assessment Unit will provide a specific facility for these patients, helping improve all round patient experience and avoiding where possible, admission to hospital via A&E which can be particularly stressful for patients and their families. The unit will be designed to best meet the needs of patients in a relaxing and comfortable environment, with specialised facilities to provide flexibility and choice for patients. The new unit will also help reduce waiting times and delays for patients, helping reduce their time spent in hospital. It is anticipated that the new unit will be will benefit approximately 500 patients per year.
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Rosemere Golf Days
During the year a number of Golf Days are organised on behalf of Rosemere. These are great events providing an enjoyable day of golf and end with a social event, food and prize presentations. 2019 Rosemere Golf Days
Rosemere Trek to Machu Picchu 2020 Join our Trek to the Lost City of the Incas Join Rosemere and visit the lost city of the Incas above the clouds. On our trek to Machu Picchu you will discover the secrets of the ancient Incan ruins and visit the cradle of the Incan Empire in Peru. We will journey over the remote Lares region of the Peruvian Andes through high mountain passes, green valleys, tranquil mountain lakes and witness the breath-taking views of the snow-capped Andes. We trek in an area that doesn’t see many tourists, where local farmers work with their hands and children run alongside us. This trip has it all: culture, nature, history, and delicious food and drink! For those of you with a love of beautiful landscapes, history and a sense of adventure then this is the perfect trek challenge for you! Witness what explorer Hiram Bingham saw when he first discovered Machu Picchu over 100 years ago – you won’t forget that first breath-taking glimpse of this fascinating ancient site. Rosemere travel between 22nd & 31st October 2020 and included in the trip costs are: travel by coach to and from Heathrow from one agreed collection point in Preston, all additional travel, accommodation (hotels & tents), nearly all meals, drinking water, British and local trek guides, support team (including cooks & wranglers) and a British Doctor. There are two payment options for this trip; A) Self-fund – You pay a £399 booking fee to secure your place on the trip and then have a trip cost of £2395 to pay off 12 weeks before we travel. This can be paid in adhoc instalments between now and then or as a lump sum. *There is no minimum sponsorship required* B) Minimum Sponsorship – You pay a £399 booking fee to secure your place and then commit to raising a minimum of £4800 in sponsorship. If 80% of this figure hasn’t been raised 12 weeks before we travel your place will become null and void. From the £4800+ raised, £2400 is used to cover the trip costs and the remaining monies are classed as a donation. So in theory for every £100 donated/raised, £50 will be received by Rosemere. * If you choose the self-fund option there is no obligation to raise any sponsorship, but any monies that are raised are a pure 100% donation to our charitable cause. We encourage everyone who self-funds to fundraise and set a soft request of £1000 per person. Some will raise much more than this, other will raise less. We will encourage and support you with whatever fundraising efforts you choose to undertake providing relevant fundraising tools, equipment or advise along the way. For further details, please contact Head of Fundraising, Dan Hill at daniel.hill@lthtr.nhs.uk or 01772 522913
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The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disabilityequality.org.uk or email
hello@disabilityequality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit
www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers
are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The Rainbow Dream Charity 07540318942 www.therainbowdreamcharity.com therainbowdreamcharity@outlook.com
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
Disability Equality North West is a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that started in 1996. The organisation is run and controlled by disabled people.
The main aim is to further the human rights of disabled people across the North West and we provide a number of user-led services to support disabled people and achieve this aim. The different services have arisen out of local community needs and they promote the Social Model of Disability. We are a community group of disabled people providing a range of support services to enable other disabled people to live independently and be active in their local community. Disability Equality is a user led disabled people’s organisation, that is 21 years old. Based in Preston, the majority of the organisations trustees, volunteers and staff are disabled people themselves. Our overall aim is to further the human rights of disabled people and we deliver services, projects and events to help achieve this aim. As Disability Equality North West is a registered charity and a voluntary organisation all donations would be gratefully received. If you would like to support us in our valuable work providing services which enable local disabled people to play a full role in their communities, just donate – it’s simple and quick!
Helpline: 01772 558 863 Text: 07761 008349 When using our landline please select from the following options when asked: 9.00am – 5.00pm Option 1. Lancashire Independent Living Service 9.30am – 3.00pm Option 2. Developing from Negatives Hate Crime Project Option 3. Managed Accounts Option 4. Information and Advice Service Extension 2014 for the Office Manager Extension 2012 for the Chief Executive’s office Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for each service and any messages will be followed up as soon as possible or on the next working day.
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Exciting times at rainbow Dreams
Disability Equality North West is a Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO) that started in 1996. The organisation is run and controlled by disabled people. The main aim is to further the human rights of disabled people across the North West and we provide a number of user-led services to support disabled people and achieve this aim. The different services have arisen out of local community needs and they promote the Social Model of Disability. We are a community group of disabled people providing a range of support services to enable other disabled people to live independently and be active in their local community. Disability Equality is a user led disabled people’s organisation, that is 21 years old. Based in Preston, the majority of the organisations trustees, volunteers and staff are disabled people themselves. Our overall aim is to further the human rights of disabled people and we deliver services, projects and events to help achieve this aim. As Disability Equality North West is a registered charity and a voluntary organisation all donations would be gratefully received. If you would like to support us in our valuable work providing services which enable local disabled people to play a full role in their communities, just donate – it’s simple and quick!
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac,
dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people 24 What’s On Where
in PRESTON Join us for the 2019 Rally on 12th July Fundraiser for Animal Kingdom Praesent facilisis tortor non sem scelerisque suscipit. Ut dui nisi, mollis fermentum posuere at, lacinia vel lorem. Aenean congue 26th July @ Christ Church, Preston 10K Fun Walk in aid of Cancer Care Praesent facilisis tortor non sem scelerisque suscipit. Ut dui nisi, mollis fermentum posuere at, lacinia vel lorem. Aenean congue Register online @ www.FunWalk.org
Recycle centres
“Bake for Kids Sake� in Penwortham Praesent facilisis tortor non sem scelerisque suscipit. Ut dui nisi, mollis fermentum posuere at, lacinia vel lorem. Aenean congue 30th July @ Farmers Market, Preston
Local Authority
Initiatives Ut nec purus felis. Nunc vitae mauris ante. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc dictum rutrum nibh vel tempus. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida egestas. Integer sed massa in erat ullamcorper tempor ac nec mauris. Ut fringilla lobortis tortor ut dignissim. Phasellus non porta velit, at vulputate libero. Nunc vel lorem sed mi maximus convallis ac vitae nisi. In vel sollicitudin est. Etiam bibendum nisl erat, vitae hendrerit mi suscipit at. Cras in orci quis turpis viverra interdum. Duis bibendum aliquam risus ac tincidunt. In eget tempus neque, non porta ex. In sed lectus ut nisi rhoncus gravida at eu massa. Morbi ullamcorper mi ligula, eget malesuada est dignissim non. Cras tempor suscipit libero, nec congue ex condimentum ut. Etiam vitae condimentum lacus. Donec non turpis laoreet, viverra dolor at, pellentesque magna. Donec dapibus, nulla id convallis fringilla, nibh orci pharetra sapien, ut tincidunt
Charity Shops
Rehabilitation Fitness Training Support
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Spotlight On EDUCATION New Training Facility Improves Access to Learning for Sufferers of Impairment Cras in orci quis turpis viverra interdum. Duis bibendum aliquam risus ac tincidunt. In eget tempus neque, non porta ex. In sed lectus ut nisi rhoncus gravida at eu massa. Morbi ullamcorper mi ligula, eget malesuada est dignissim non. Cras tempor suscipit libero, nec congue ex condimentum ut. Etiam vitae condimentum lacus. Donec non turpis laoreet, viverra dolor at, pellentesque magna. Donec dapibus, nulla id convallis fringilla, nibh orci pharetra sapien, ut tincidunt diam quam id mi. Maecenas velit nisl, fermentum in bibendum sit amet, semper id massa. Curabitur vitae quam turpis. Proin nec sagittis lorem, eget lobortis enim. Aenean mattis ornare turpis, eget porttitor eros tincidunt vel. Phasellus lobortis nibh quis hendrerit imperdiet. Fusce vel dui eros.
Food Banks & Shelters
Cras in orci quis turpis viverra interdum. Duis bibendum aliquam risus ac tincidunt. In eget tempus neque, non porta ex. In sed lectus ut nisi rhoncus gravida at eu massa. Morbi ullamcorper mi ligula, eget malesuada est dignissim non. Cras tempor suscipit libero, nec congue ex condimentum ut. Etiam vitae condimentum lacus. Donec non turpis laoreet, viverra dolor at, pellentesque magna. Donec dapibus, nulla id convallis fringilla, nibh orci pharetra sapien, ut tincidunt diam quam id mi. Maecenas velit nisl, fermentum in bibendum sit amet, semper id massa. Curabitur vitae quam turpis. Proin nec sagittis lorem, eget lobortis enim. Aenean mattis ornare turpis, eget porttitor eros tincidunt vel. Phasellus lobortis nibh quis hendrerit
VOLUNTEER Opportunities Support Groups
Cras in orci quis turpis viverra interdum. Duis bibendum aliquam risus ac tincidunt. In eget tempus neque, non porta ex. In sed lectus ut nisi rhoncus gravida at eu massa. Morbi ullamcorper mi ligula, eget malesuada est dignissim non. Cras tempor suscipit libero, nec congue ex condimentum ut. Etiam vitae condimentum lacus. Donec non turpis laoreet, viverra dolor at, pellentesque magna. Donec dapibus, nulla id convallis fringilla, nibh orci pharetra sapien, ut tincidunt diam quam id mi. Maecenas velit nisl, fermentum in bibendum sit amet, semper id massa. Curabitur vitae quam turpis. Proin nec sagittis lorem, eget lobortis enim. Aenean mattis ornare turpis, eget porttitor eros tincidunt vel. Phasellus lobortis nibh quis hendrerit imperdiet. Fusce vel dui eros. Cras in orci quis turpis viverra interdum. Duis bibendum aliquam risus ac tincidunt. In eget tempus neque, non porta ex. In sed lectus ut nisi rhoncus gravida at eu massa. Morbi ullamcorper mi ligula, eget malesuada est dignissim non. Cras tempor suscipit libero, nec congue ex condimentum ut. Etiam vitae condimentum lacus. Donec non turpis laoreet, viverra dolor at, pellentesque magna. Donec dapibus, nulla id convallis fringilla, nibh orci pharetra sapien, ut tincidunt diam quam id mi. Maecenas velit nisl, fermentum in bibendum sit amet,
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Galloways Society for the Blind
01772 744148 www.galloways.org.uk enquiries@galloways.org.uk
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
CONTACTS Helpline: 01772 558 863 Text: 07761 008349 When using our landline please select from the following options when asked: 9.00am – 5.00pm Option 1. Lancashire Independent Living Service 9.30am – 3.00pm Option 2. Developing from Negatives Hate Crime Project Option 3. Managed Accounts Option 4. Information and Advice Service Extension 2014 for the Office Manager Extension 2012 for the Chief Executive’s office Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for each service and any messages will be followed up as soon as possible or on the next working day.
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Morecombe Bay Walk for the Blind
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disabilityequality.org.uk or email
hello@disabilityequality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit
www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers
are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Lancashire Cat Rescue 01772 750263 www.lancatrescue.wordpress.com info@lancatrescue.co.uk
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
CONTACTS Helpline: 01772 558 863 Text: 07761 008349 When using our landline please select from the following options when asked: 9.00am – 5.00pm Option 1. Lancashire Independent Living Service 9.30am – 3.00pm Option 2. Developing from Negatives Hate Crime Project Option 3. Managed Accounts Option 4. Information and Advice Service Extension 2014 for the Office Manager Extension 2012 for the Chief Executive’s office Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for each service and any messages will be followed up as soon as possible or on the next working day.
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Providing Security & Love
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Lancashire Cat Rescue was founded in January 1994 by Christine Lomax, after six years experience in cat welfare work. The rescue started small initially with a dozen members and has now grown to over 200 members. Our aim is; “To Rescue and re home”, “ S T R AY ” , “ I N J U R E D ” , “ S I C K ” o r “UNWANTED” Cats and Kittens. “All” of our volunteers are “unpaid”. All our cats are neutered or spayed and vaccinated when appropriate, tested for FeLV & FIV and microchipped before homing. We a re a sma l l a n d co mp l e te l y independent charity and rely “ENTIRELY” on funds we raise ourselves and there is no denying it is hard work, we have stalls at car boot sales in the summer months, in spring and autumn we run Flea Markets which we organize ourselves. We usually have about 25 cats/kittens in our care. We concentrate on providing high quality care for a few cats rather than so so care for too many cats.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Next Flea Market Sunday 22nd September Flea Market At Barton Village Hall (891 Garstang Road, Barton Nr Preston PR3 5AA) 9 am until 3 pm. Which is on the main A6, Preston to Garstang road, near the Barton Grange Hotel. This will be our fifth Market (of seven) in 2019 and we will have lots of interesting items for sale. Entry is only 50p, accompanied children free! Have a go on the Tombola, win a prize, it could be your lucky day! Delicious homemade food will be available from 09:00 – 14:30. Our Tombola prizes will be many and varied with lots of lovely prizes. There will be lots of interesting items for sale. We would love you to help us make it a success in one of the following ways: Hire a table and sell your unwanted (but excellent quality) items. It costs £10:00 for a
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disabilityequality.org.uk or email
hello@disabilityequality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit
www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers
are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Soldiers Off The Street
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE Advice, information and client liaison Hate Crime Reporting and Support Group Activities and Training Managed Accounts for Self Directed Support Peer support
We have been Registered since 26 August 2010 with a dedicated group of people determined to help the forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness. We all think they deserve better after going through the traumatic experience of war in far off lands, what they have been through for the country they love, to be forgotten and homeless is a national disgrace. That we intend to put right for as many as we can! Although the charity in called Soldiers off the Street we do not deal with just soldiers we help all ex-service personnel Army, RAF and RN past and present not just present conflict. The charity's objects (the Objects) are the relief of charitable need of homeless ex-service personnel, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of clothing, food and rehabilitation, including advice on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, alcoholism, drug abuse, housing and employment. If you would like to help us help forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness.Please give generously if you cannot why not just give the price of a pint if we met in a pub you would not think twice about buying me a pint would you, it all helps. 100% of all donations goes into the running of S.O.T.S Thank you from all those that cannot thank you themselves
CONTACTS Helpline: 01772 558 863 Text: 07761 008349 When using our landline please select from the following options when asked: 9.00am – 5.00pm Option 1. Lancashire Independent Living Service 9.30am – 3.00pm Option 2. Developing from Negatives Hate Crime Project Option 3. Managed Accounts Option 4. Information and Advice Service Extension 2014 for the Office Manager Extension 2012 for the Chief Executive’s office Outside of these hours an answer machine is available for each service and any messages will be followed up as soon as possible or on the next working day.
ADDRESS Disability Equality North West 103-104 Church Street Preston PR1 3BS Please feel free to contact us by post. If you require a reply in a specific font size or type of font please let us know.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Is THIS how ex military should end up?
We have been Registered since 26 August 2010 with a dedicated group of people determined to help the forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness. We all think they deserve better after going through the traumatic experience of war in far off lands, what they have been through for the country they love, to be forgotten and homeless is a national disgrace. That we intend to put right for as many as we can! Although the charity in called Soldiers off the Street we do not deal with just soldiers we help all ex-service personnel Army, RAF and RN past and present not just present conflict. The charity's objects (the Objects) are the relief of charitable need of homeless ex-service personnel, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of clothing, food and rehabilitation, including advice on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, alcoholism, drug abuse, housing and employment. If you would like to help us help forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness.Please give generously if you cannot why not just give the price of a pint if we met in a pub you would not think twice about buying me a pint would you, it all helps. 100% of all donations goes into the running of S.O.T.S Thank you from all those that cannot thank you themselves
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor
laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Aenean fermentum rhoncus dolor, quis dignissim nisi rutrum in. Praesent luctus eu augue sed malesuada. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum in neque et elit posuere laoreet et finibus purus. In aliquam viverra diam, nec congue leo mattis at. Cras pulvinar sapien at accumsan sodales. Morbi rutrum erat nec dolor laoreet, eu tincidunt augue ullamcorper. Aliquam porta sagittis erat dignissim maximus. Donec et ante efficitur, aliquet tortor in, placerat justo. In vitae dolor sit amet nisi ultricies dapibus ut in eros. Nulla faucibus viverra nibh quis mollis. In massa arcu, lacinia quis lorem quis, varius pulvinar ante. Ut a faucibus erat, efficitur ullamcorper erat. Vestibulum sed enim vitae ipsum iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque nec placerat felis, id pellentesque arcu. Vivamus lobortis eros luctus est viverra consequat quis at arcu. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque
vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim. Quisque justo nisi, laoreet sit amet elit non, accumsan pretium tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lobortis, lectus at cursus consectetur, arcu augue semper risus, eget finibus sem metus porta sapien. Aenean turpis elit, vehicula vitae facilisis id, accumsan eget sapien. Aenean bibendum dignissim neque vel viverra. In sollicitudin aliquet ante. Cras sollicitudin fermentum ligula, vel faucibus sapien. Aenean pretium, diam sit amet porttitor lacinia, nulla sem consequat turpis, ac rhoncus elit lectus sodales enim.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services.
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our ChurchStreet base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queries and enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disabilityequality.org.uk or email
hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their way to get people the help they need. They really are a skilled and dedicated bunch of people and we are forever thankful fortheir on-going support. If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application packor visit
www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u If you’re interested in volunteering at DENW please call in and ask for an application pack or visit www.disability-equality.org.uk or email hello@disability-equality.org.u The DENW Reception is open weekdays Monday—Friday from 9.30am—4pm and is staffed exclusively by a team of dedicated volunteers. The reception volunteers
are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services. The duties include directing telephone enquiries to the appropriate service or individualand to provide a polite welcome and courteous response to people who visit our Church Street base. We are open and accessible to all disabled people who may have lots of different queriesand enquiries. Our volunteers will go out of their
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
Local Authority Initiatives
Readers Letters
PRESTON HEALTH & WELLBEING RALLY HITS FUNDRAISING & AWARENESS TARGETS Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus. Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas luctus nisi et consectetur pharetra. volunteers are all disabledpeople who are the ‘front face’ of all of our services.
PRESTON 10K RUN IN AID OF CHILDLINE Ve s t i b u l u m n u n c e x , ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus.
Ve s t i b u l u m n u n c e x , ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at Vestibulum nunc ex, ornare sed ornare sit amet, tempor sed nisl. Aenean at molestie turpis, at accumsan nisi. Cras pharetra magna vel eros ornare mattis. Donec tortor lacus, interdum nec massa et, accumsan egestas mauris. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna, et scelerisque magna ornare nec. Pellentesque ullamcorper justo eget enim convallis, ac pulvinar tortor rhoncus.
Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas
Curabitur sollicitudin bibendum finibus. Aliquam pharetra leo sed mauris tincidunt, nec molestie ligula fringilla. Maecenas sed tortor ultricies, maximus odio eget, ullamcorper neque. Etiam tempus placerat nibh, id pharetra est tempor efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel tellus vel elit tincidunt mattis non id lacus. Fusce metus leo, tincidunt ut accumsan ac, dignissim quis ex. Maecenas vel ante ante. Nullam orci arcu, convallis id augue vitae, hendrerit dictum mauris. Maecenas
Post your letters, events and local communtiy information here: Email: info@charity-link.org.uk
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people
local charity directory
DISABILITY ACCESS & EQUALITY Disability Equality Preston 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Access Trust 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Coping Foundation 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
ANIMAL CARE Animal Rescue Charity
Environmental Protection Trust
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Horse Care & Rescue Charity
Water Aid
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Carbon Footprints
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Children’s Care Charity 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
EDUCATION Adult Leaarning Support
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Cancer UK 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Trinity Hospice Preston 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Learning with Difficulties 12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Coping Foundation
Children’s Care Charity
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Cerebro Trust
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Home Support Unit
Local Mental Health Trust
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Lancashire Cerebral Trust
Mental Capacity Trust
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Community Action Trust
Community Sports Trust
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
12, Anystreet, Anytown, Preston PR42AJ Tel: 01772 567567 W: www.disability.org
Charity links, connecting local charities to local people