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The objective of this project is to perform a steady state analysis in the event of contingencies in the Colombian National Transmission System, with a high degree of solar penetration using the DigSILENT PowerFactory Software, to analyze the most appropriate way to operate the system in compliance with the established and current standards of Colombia and Spain. The networks considered for the study are the Atlantic area, the Bogotá area, and the Cúcuta-Quindío-Risaralda area, where it is planned to carry out solar energy studies, combining other generation sources in the area (hydraulic, thermal). For the realization of this project, were analyzed 4 specialized software for the load flow (PowerFactory, PowerWorld Simulator, PSS/E and NEPLAN) and 4 programming languages (C++, Python, Matlab and Fortran) were analyzed for the realization of the graphic interface. To examine these alternatives, initial restrictions such as environmental, economic, regulatory, and constructive were considered. Therefore, considering the initial restrictions, the best option is to use the PowerFactory software and interface it with the Python programming language. The validation of the performance and results of the computational tool was performed by comparing the results obtained manually and the results obtained by the computational tool. It is concluded that the general objective was optimally fulfilled, since the percentage error obtained from the results was less than 1% and the time to perform these studies was optimized, obtaining an efficiency of up to 14,311%.



Quintero, Julián


Soto Ortiz, Jose Daniel

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