1 minute read
Your President of Education and President of Activities and Wellbeing are elected by the student body, you, to manage the direction and day-to-day running of the SU. We are here to facilitate the change that you ask for.
SU Course Reps collect feedback, registering your views for discussion at meetings with senior staff from the University.
School Officers make sure students from every school are represented at Student Council and School Officer Forum and dedicated SU Liberation Officers representing minority groups ensure the inclusion of everyone’s voice.
The SU hosts a number of inclusive events catering for every taste. We start the term with Freshers’ Week and run activities throughout the year, from pub and club nights to student family get togethers, cultural events, and an end-of-year ball.
Joining a society is a great way to do the things you love and get to know people who share your passions. If you don’t see a society that you like, you have the power to set one up.
Your SU is here to support you. SU Advice is a free, confidential and independent service to help and guide you through your student experience. No problem is too big or too small, we are here for you and we always have the kettle on!