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The MA Education Studies offers learning and career development opportunities for educators and leaders across educational sectors. Masters level study is viewed by many as being essential for career progression and supports professional development in education and related fields. This course gives our students the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the current landscape in education and engage with wider theories and issues to encourage critical thinking and hone higher level skills.
The course is designed to enable you to study alongside your busy work and home life and generate opportunities for you to focus on areas of particular interest and relevance to your own experience, context and practice. The course offers a distinct progression route for students who have already completed Level 7 courses, for example Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) and Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP). These students can choose to undertake a Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) or the full MA in Education Studies. The course also provides a progression route for students without existing Level 7 qualifications (e.g. teachers and lecturers with PGCE qualifications at Level 6, early years professionals and HE support staff). These students can choose to undertake a Postgraduate Certificate (PgC), a Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) or the full MA in Education Studies.
Mandatory modules will provide opportunities to focus on an area of particular interest and support you in developing a dissertation research project that enables you to build expertise in your chosen field.
Optional modules include Leadership for Educational Change and Improvement, Mentoring and Coaching in Education, Enhancing Practice to Empower Looked After Children: Trauma, Attachment and Educational Provision and Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching.
Graduates of the MA Education Studies can pursue a wide range of roles, such as Middle or Senior Leader, Curriculum Coordinator, Lead Practitioner, Community Education Officer, University Lecturer or Children’s Services Officer. It is also possible to complete further research working as a Research Assistant or progressing to PhD study.