1 minute read
• BEC Teacher Training Primary SCITT
• BEC Teacher Training Secondary SCITT
• Colchester Teacher Training Consortium Primary SCITT*
• Colchester Teacher Training Consortium Secondary SCITT*
• North Essex Teacher Training (NETT) Primary SCITT
• North Essex Teacher Training (NETT) Secondary SCITT
• Suffolk and Norfolk Primary SCITT
• Suffolk and Norfolk Secondary SCITT
SCITT Level 7 courses offer a range of different opportunities to undertake teacher training in schools as part of a SCITT (School Centred Initial Teacher Training programme), including the opportunity to train full-time in schools. Courses are available as tuition or salaried, and are available at both primary and secondary phase. It would be best to check each provider’s website to identify the different options which are available.
The major focus of the courses is to prepare trainee teachers effectively as specialists in their chosen subject or phase and to produce teachers who are confident and competent in the craft of teaching, as well as being active in the school environment. The course brings together the very best of academic training to produce Early Career Teachers (ECTs) who consider and reflect upon the purposes of education, as well as having high levels of knowledge, understanding and skills in the learning and teaching of children.
In 2019, 98% of trainees were appointed to teaching posts in schools across the eastern region as Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs).