A TELIER You were first a communications student and then a physics and informatics student. You also studied architecture. However, it seems photography is what really drives your inner passion. Is that correct? It took a long process to find what I was really passionate about. All the years at University, both curricular and extra curricular, were interesting and have shaped who I am today. They also have shaped and still influence my work to this day. However, I always wanted to pursue a career where I would wake up every day filled with excitement, joy, fear, doubt, intrigue and purpose. I have this terrible affliction of having too many interests, a constant fluctuation of moods and a very short attention span, so following and deciding on one career path from a very early stage was never on my books. While studying architecture, I discovered photography. The two go hand in hand because they inspire and influence each other. Eventually I decided to focus on just that, my true passion.
Fashion Shoot - Vernacular