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Issue 13
August 08
Read the Magazine online at : w w w . u n i Q u e . c o m . k w
31 Articles
52 Guys World 68 Girls World
Stars World 78 Interviews 80 Way No Way 90
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uniQue CoVeRaGe
Al-Asma High School
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uniQue CoVeRaGe
Al-Asma High School
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Yarmouk High School
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Mont Blanc - Kuwait
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uniQue CoVeRaGe
Sri Lanka
ﺷﻮﺍﻃﺊ ﺳﺮﻳﻼﻧﻜﺎ ﺍﻟﺬﻫﺒﻴﺔ ﺗﺴﺘﻘﻄﺐ ﺍﻟﺴﺎﺋﺤﻴﻦ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺸﺮﻕ ﺍﻷﻭﺳﻂ
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uniQue CoVeRaGe
Red Bull
ﺑﻼﻝ ﺍﻟﺼﺪﻳﻖ ﻳﻔﻮﺯ ﺑﺒﻄﻮﻟﺔ ﺭﻳﺪ ﹸﺑﻞ ﺳﺘﺮﻳﺖ ﺳﺘﺎﻳﻞ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﻋﺒﺪﺍﷲ ﺑﻮ ﺑﻜﺮ ﻳﺄﺧﺬ ﺍﻟﻤﺮﻛﺰ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ ﻭﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺑﺎﺳﻢ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ ÊËœR¹ …d×�« ÂbI�« …d� w³Žô qC�√ «Ëb¼Uý ÃdH²� 4000 s� d¦�√ ÆX¹uJ�« w� q¹U²Ý X¹d²Ý qÔÐ b¹— W�uDÐ wzUN½ w� w� WK¼c� U�dŠ o¹b� ‰öÐ VŽö�« “u� bNý XM�¹d� UM¹—UL�« w� rO�√ Íc�« wzUNM�« Æw�UG�« W�uD³�« VIKÐ w� ÂUJ×�« »U−Ž« V�� WO�M−�« w½UM³� u¼Ë ¨©WMÝ 17® o¹b� ‰öÐ Ætð«—UNLÐ ÎUC¹√ eOLL�« dJÐ uÐ tK�«b³Ž VŽö�« vKŽ ‚uHð sOŠ wzUNM�« ÆvMNL�« rÝUł vKŽ ‚uHð Íc�« rÝUÐ bL×� VOB½ s� ÊU� Y�U¦�« e�dL�« …—dIL�« WOLOK�_« UOHB²�« w� VFK� «uK¼Qð s¹ezU� WŁöŁ ‰Ë√ Ê√ d�c¹ ÂUI²Ý w²�« WOL�UF�« q¹U²Ý X¹d²Ý qÔÐ b¹— W�uDÐ v�≈ WK¼RL�«Ë wÐœ w� Æq¹“«d³�« w� u�ËUÐ ËUÝ WM¹b� w� Î zU� o¹b� ‰öÐ Àb×ð Á“u� bFÐË r¹bIðË …d×�« ÂbI�« …d� oAŽ√ U½√¢ ∫ö Èu²�LK� ΫdE½ ÂuO�« “u??�√ Ê√ l�uð√ s�√ r� ¨—uNL−�« ÂU??�√ «—UNL�« U½√ Æ“uH�« vKŽ tK�« bLŠ√Ë ÍbײK� e¼Uł XM� wMMJ� œułuL�« eOLL�« X¹d²Ý qÔÐ b¹— VIKÐ Í“u� bFÐ sJ� wzU�b�√ l�Ë œ«dH½SÐ ÎUO�u¹ ÊdLð√ w� WOLOK�_« UOHB²�UÐ “uH�« ·bNÐ wM¹—ULð WHŽUCLÐ Âu�QÝ q¹U²Ý ËUÝ w� WOL�UF�« W�uD³�« v�≈ XK¼Qð ‰UŠ w� rK×�U� d�_« ÊuJOÝ ÆwÐœ ¢ÆW�œUI�« U¹bײK� Ϋe¼Uł Êu�QÝË Î«bŠ√ »U¼√ ô U½√ Æq¹“«d³�« ¨u�ËUÐ ∫w�U²�« qJA�« vKŽ wN� ¢q¹U²Ý X¹d²Ý q??ÔÐ b??¹—¢ W�uDÐ sO½«u� U??�√ «—UN� s� ULNM� q� Èb� U� qC�√ r¹bIð vKŽ sOMŁ« sO�—UA� f�UM²¹ œU×ðô« q³� s� …bL²FL�« 5 ”UO� ¢qÔÐ b¹—¢ U¼d�uð …d� ¢hO�dð¢ w� Æ—U²�√ 7 dDIÐ d¹b²�� Õd�� vKŽ ozU�œ 3 …bL� p�–Ë ¨W³FK� w�Ëb�« U¼—dL¹ Ê√ q³� …dJ�UÐ tð«—UN� —UNþù WO½UŁ 30 vKŽ qB×¹ „—UA� q� ÆÊuM� s� t¹b� U� ÷«dF²ÝUÐ √b³¹ Íc�« t��UM� v�≈ 27
uniQue CoVeRaGe
Baume & Mercier
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by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri rasheed_a@uniQue.com.kw
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by Maha Al-Enzi Maha_e@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Farah Al-Shemmeri farah_sh@uniQue.com.kw
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by Nofal Al-Musarea nofal_m@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Sarah Al-Dahas sara_d@uniQue.com.kw
Synonymy S
ynonymy is said to be two words having the same meaning. The term synonymy is derived from a Greek word, it two parts (Syn+Nymy) means (Same+Name) So synonymy deals with sameness of meaning, more than one word having the same meaning or alternatively the same meaning being expressed by more than one word (name).
Therefore, synonymy needs to be defined in terms of contexts of use: two words are synonyms if they can be used interchangeably in all sentence contexts. Examples of perfect synonymy are hard to find, for there’s a little point in a dialect having two predicates convying the same sense. And that defining synonymy requires identity of sense. This is a stricter definition than the usual ones: sometimes synonymy is defined as similarity of meaning, a definition which is vaguer than the ones i have mentioned. The price that has to be paid for rather strict definition is that very few examples of synonymy, so defined, can be found. The notions of synonymy and sense are independent. No one can understand one without understanding the other. These concepts are best communicated by a range of examples. In considering the sense of a word, we abstract away from any stylistic, social, or dialectal associations the word may have. We concentrate on what has been called the cog-
nitive or conceptual meaning of a word. - How many kids do you have ? - How many children do you have ? Here it can be said that kids and children convey the same sense, although they differ in style or formality. Synonymy is a relation between predicates and not between words (Word-Form). Remember that a word may have different senses; each distinguishable sense of a word is a predicate. When necessary, we distinguish between predicates by giving those subscript numbers. For example, “Hide(1)” could be the intransitive verb as in “Let’s hide from Mummy”. “Hide (2)” could be the transitive verb as in “hide your sweets under the pillow”. “Hide(3)” could be the noun as in “ We watched the birds from a hide”. And “hide(4)” could be the noun as in “ the hide of an ox weighs 200 lbs.” the first 3 sentences here are clearly related to each other in meaning, whereas the 4th is unrelated. It’s because of the ambiguity of most words that we have to formulate practice questions about synonymy in terms of sentences. - He’s sitting on the sofa/couch. Some individuals may prefer to use “sofa” instead of “couch”,
but if they know the two words, they will understand both sentences and interpret them to mean essentially the same thing. The degree of semantic similarity between words depends to a degree on the number of semantic properties they share. Sofa and couch refer to the same type of object and share most of their semantic properties. The definition of synonymy as “interchangeable in all contexts” is sometimes referred to as “strict synonymy”, and many linguists doubt whether synonymy of this kind occurs at all in language. There are two arguments against strict synonymy. One is economic: having two words which are totally synonymous and even more so if there are large numbers of such pairs, is a luxury which a language can afford to do without. The economy of a language will not tolerate, except perhaps for a short period of time, the existence of two words with exactly the same range of contexts of use, and it certainly will not tolerate a proliferation of them. The second argument against strict synonymy is the historical counterpart for the first. It has been noted that if strict synonyms occur in the language, whether by borrowing or for some other reason, then one of two things tends to happen. One is that a differentiation of meaning takes place and one of the words begins to be used in contexts from which the other is excluded, perhaps through semantic specialization. When, for example, “mouton” was borrowed in English from French in the medieval period, it was absolutely synonymous with “sheep”. It exists in the english vocabulary of English as “mutton”, but it’s meaning is specialized referring only to the meat of the animal consumed as food.
While the animal itself continues to be called by Anglo-Saxon word “sheep”. The other thing that may happen to counter strict synonymy is that one of the words will fall out of use and become obsolete, leaving the other as the sole lexeme with that meaning; or it may become highly restricted, like “kith”, found only in the expression “kith” and “kin”. For example, the word “reward” was introduced in English from Norman French, but English already has a word with the same meaning: “meed”. In this case, “meed” has fallen out of use and reward has completely taken its place. A similar process has happened with “foe” and “enemy”, though “foe” is still retained in some contexts, it’s use is mainly of a literary nature. When we talk about synonymy we do not generally have strict synonymy in mind. We are thinking much rather of pairs of words that can substitute for each other in a wide range of contexts but necessarily absolutely, or that we think of as having the same general reference, such as; “big/large”, “refuse/decline”, “freedom/liberty”, “sometimes/occasionally”. We might contrast this kind of synonymy with strict synonymy by calling it “loose” synonymy, with varying degrees of looseness, no doubt. In conclusion, we can notice that the definition of the term synonymy is not simple as it seems to be, because there are many aspects and concepts that we need to learn in order to understand synonymy better.
uniQue KnOwLeDge
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
ﺣﻘﺎﺋﻖ ﺭﺑﻤﺎ ﻻ ﻧﻌﺮﻓﻬﺎ bŽU�¹ dCš_« ÕUH²�« Ë√ “uL�« W×z«— rý œd−� ≠ Æbz«e�« Ê“u�« Ê«bI� vKŽ Íc�« t�H½ ·d×�UÐ wN²Mð r�UF�« «—U� ¡ULÝ√ lOLł ≠ ÆW¹eOKJ½ô« Ë√ WOÐdF�« WGK�UÐ ¡«uÝ ¨tÐ √b³ð …bL�« s� ‰u??Þ√ …bL� ¡U� öÐ gOF¹ Ê√ lOD²�¹ —QH�« ≠ ÆqL−�« UNFOD²�¹ w²�« w� «“UGK� W³³�L�« WLFÞ_« ‰ËUM²Ð ¡UCH�« œ«Ëd� `L�¹Ô ô ≠ qš«œ w� `¹d�« ëdš≈ Ê_ WOzUCH�« rNðöŠ— ¡UMŁ√ w� sD³�« ÆU¼œU��≈ w� V³�²¹ ¡UCH�« t�bÐ vKŽ «Î dOÝ fLA�« v�≈ d�U�¹ Ê√ h�ý WŽUD²ÝUÐ t½« UM{d²�« «–≈ ≠ Æ„U??M¼ v�≈ q??B¹ Ê√ q³?� WMÝ ≤∞∞∞ v�≈ ÃU²×OÝ t½U� ¨Â«b�_« ‚Uý bNł ‰c??Ð bMŽ m�U³�« h�A�« r�ł U¼“dH¹ Ê√ sJL¹ w²�« ‚dF�« WOL� ≠ h�A�« „—b¹ Ê√ q³� ¡«uN�« w� —«dL²ÝUÐ d�³²¹ ‚dF�« Ê√ ô≈ ¨Î«d²� ±µ v�≈ qBð b� q�U� Âu¹ ‰öš ÆÁœułË ÆWO½UŁ tK�Qð rŁ UN�UFÞ ‰ËUMð s� wN²Mð Ê√ bFÐ QOI²ð WO�eML�« WÐUÐc�« ≠ ÆsO�bI�« d�Uþ√ uL½ ‰bF� sŽ «d� ¥ ‰bFLÐ uLMð s¹bO�« lÐU�√ d�Uþ√ ≠ Æ⁄uK³�« sÝ v�≈ ‰u�u�« bMŽ jI� ≤∞∂ v�≈ lł«d²¹ œbF�« p�– Ê« ôÒ ≈ ¨WLEŽ ≥∞∞ tL�ł w� ÊuJ¹ ÊU�½ù« b�u¹ U�bMŽ ≠ dA³�« Ê“Ë w�ULł≈ ·UF{√ ±∞ w¼UCOÝ w�ULłù« Ê“u??�« ÊS??� r�UF�« w� œułuL�« iOÐ_« qLM�« lOLł Ê“Ë rð «–≈ ≠ ÆsOFL²−� UŽuł uL¹ rŁ Áb�ł sŽ tÝ√— qB� vKŽ lOÐUÝ√ WFCÐ —Ëd� bFÐ …UO×�« bO� vKŽ qE¹ Ê√ ©—u�dB�«® lOD²�¹ ≠ Æ·UDL�« W¹UN½ w� ÆÂöE�« w� «Î bł ·U�¹ ÊU� ¨wzUÐdNJ�« ÕU³BL�« Ÿd²š« Íc�« ¨Êu�¹œ« ”U�uð ≠ ÆWD� q²I¹ s� ¡«eł w¼ «bŽô« WÐuIŽ X½U� ¨WO½uŽdH�« dB� w� ≠ 36
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Jasem Al-Felkawi jasem_f@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Jasem Al-Felkawi jasem_f@uniQue.com.kw
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A r t i c l e s
uniQue InTeRvieW
by Chadi El-Serafy chadi_s@uniQue.com.kw
Kuwaiti Students Name: Zainab Ghareeb Age: 25 Nationality: Kuwaiti
-Where did you study. your bachelory? Kuwait University - Department: English / faculty of ARTS - Major: Linguistics. -Where are you doing the master? In the UK.
-Does Kuwait University or the NUKS, provide you there with any facilities there? Yes, they give the student a certain amount of budget as soon as he/she begin his/her studies. Also they provide us with an airline ticket every year to allow the student to return home.
-You live there alone or with family/friends? And how does it feel to be abroad? I live alone, I feel independent, and it’s a whole different life.
-Is living in the UK is more expensive than here in Kuwait? It is definitely more expensive with all the different taxes one must pay.
-Do you plan on doing PHD after your Master? Yes -How do you compare the level of education between Kuwait and UK? The level of education in the UK is very high. It demands a lot of studying and concentration. Everything there is set by a dead-line; therefore, you always must stick to the rules and guidelines. However, when I studied in Kuwait, I found it to be a little easier and more flexible.
-What made you decide to study abroad? I wanted to further my studies and Kuwait University doesn’t provide a Master or PHD in my major.
-Did you get a scholarship? Or do you pay your own fees? I have a scholarship from Kuwait University.
-What are your plans for the future? I’m planning to do my PHD and work at Kuwait University and maybe start my own business one day.
-Was it hard to get a scholarship? Yes, it was very difficult getting my scholarship, since there was a lot of competition between the student applications. Furthermore, there were many interviews and examinations that I had to do in order to get accepted.
-If you want say something to the student what would it be? I wish all the student the very best of luck in their current and future studies. I encourage them to always think ahead and pursue their dreams no matter what, because DREAMS DO COME TRUE.
-Did you have the chance to choose where to study? If yes, why did you choose U.K.? Yes I had the chance, and I decided to go to the U.K. because we always went there as family during the summer holidays, so I am used to the system and its culture.
Abroad Name: Manal Mossa Al-Saad Age: 25 Nationality: Kuwaiti
-Where did you study? Kuwait University - Department: faculty of ARTS Major: English -Where are you doing the master? In the states,University of Washington, Seattle Major: speech and hearing sciences. -You live there alone or with family/friends? And how does it feel to be abroad? I live alone, I feels amazing to live by yourself abroad. It gives you the feeling of independency, responsibility, I am happy and content. -Do you plan on doing PHD after your Master? Yes -How do you compare the level of education etween Kuwait and United States of America? The level of education is quite similar, they use the same books and they teach the same courses. However, the differences lie on the teaching methods, and with the student devotion. In the states the instructors respect the time of the lecture and his office hours, they are always available to help us. And the students there work really hard, and they are fully committed to their study, we used to spend hours at the library. -Did you get a scholarship? Or do you pay your own fees? I have a scholarship from Kuwait University. -Was it hard to get a scholarship? Yes, it was very competitive.
-Does Kuwait University or the NUKS, provides you there with any facilities? Yes, they are taking great care of us there, the cultural attaché and the supervisors are always available to help us. Also they provide us with monthly allowance, medical insurance, and tickets to get back home. -Is living in the States is more expensive than here in Kuwait? It is almost the same. -What made you decide to study abroad? It’s my dream to complete my education, so when I return I serve my country with the best way I can, and I believe it’s only with education the country will rise to the best. -Did you have the chance to choose where to study? If yes, why did you choose the United States? Yes I had the chance, America is well known for its high standard educational level, also I would like to mention how friendly the Americans are! -What are your plans for the future? I want to complete my education in Australia and gain the PHD. -If you want to say something to the students in Kuwait, what would it be? Your country has provided you with the best educational services, in return please try your best to educate yourself. Take every chance available to learn something new, do your best, and good luck. 43
uniQue ArTiCLes
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue ArTiCLes
by Chadi El-Serafy & Aisha El-Sakka chadi_s@uniQue.com.kw - aisha_s@uniQue.com.kw
s human beings, we always make mistakes and maybe hurt other people in the process. When people come into conflict, many factors can be drawn in. An important factor involves the individual’s beliefs. When we consider apologizing, we feel that we are standing aside with the other persons’ beliefs, which may not be compatible with our own. The reason why we may refuse to apologize is because it develops the idea that our beliefs may not be true even though we have spent our whole life learning them.
Apologies and Forgiveness “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to hurt you” . . Is it really that hard to say sorry?
However, the clever ones are those who learn from their mistakes, admit that they were wrong and apologize for what they have done. Arguments and disagreements between individuals can cause many problems and maybe even break the friendship, but is it really worth it when you can just fix everything by simply saying “I’m sorry”? Sometimes, it doesn’t really matter whose fault it is; what matters is that one of you fixes everything before it gets too complicated. Don’t wait too long and you lose your friend. If you were wrong about something, then apologize; however, if you were on the other end, then be forgiving and explain what he/she has done to upset you, even if they insist that they didn’t do anything wrong. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) once said that the better man is the one who starts with peace. So be the better person in the picture, take responsibility for solving the problem and do the right thing. This is true friendship which revolves around trust, forgiveness and giving more and getting less. Always keep in mind that it’s never too late to apologize. Consider relationships for example. Problems will occur sooner or later because, as mentioned before, we all make mistakes; but we have to act upon them. It’s not easy but it is a responsibility. Being in love with someone is not difficult; the challenge is to continuing the relationship. It’s true, apologizing does take a lot of courage but as a friend, you have an important role – to sacrifice for the friendship and do what it takes to keep it going. We all know that a life without friends is very dull and lonely. It is also important to realize that pride should not be an issue. People assume that apologizing degrading their pride and that’s why they end up making the wrong decisions. Always put friendship before pride, otherwise you will end up with nothing. On the other hand, there are certain cases where apologies may not be sufficient to resolve a certain problem. Yes, we are humans and we make mistakes but we shouldn’t take advantage of that and expect to be forgiven for anything we do. Sometimes people take it too far and it becomes too difficult to provide forgiveness. We need to realize that our actions may cause a lot of pain to other people, just as if we took something valuable from them. So make sure you don’t get yourself into those situations and maintain your friendships for as long as you can.
uniQue ArTiCLes
by Reem Al-Nafisi reem_n@uniQue.com.kw
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GoSMILE ‘GoHealthy’ Greater Than Rinse
Prada ‘Infusion D’Iris’ Parfum de Sac (Refillable)
Billy Jealousy ‘About Face’ Anti-Aging Serum
Juicy Couture ‘Dirty English’ Head Mate Hair Styling Pomade
Clinique ‘Happy for Him’ Set 54
Kiehl’s ‘Ultimate Man’ Body Scrub Soap
uniQue FaShiOn Clothes
Christian Audigier Multi Print T-Shirt
Quiksilver Premium Screenprint T-Shirt
Armani Jeans ‘1981’ Short Sleeve T-Shirt
Ed Hardy ‘Death or Glory’ Gradient Foil T-Shirt
Lacoste Stripe Jersey Polo Juicy Couture Long Sleeve Jersey T-Shirt
uniQue SpOrTs
by Sa’ad Al-Yati saad_y@uniQue.com.kw
New Season European Soccer T-Shirts
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uniQue InTeRvieW
by Zainab Dashti & Dalal Al-Haggan zainab_d@uniQue.com.kw - dalal_h@uniQue.com.kw
ﻻﻋﺐ ﺗﻨﺲ ﺍﻟﻄﺎﻭﻟﺔ
ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﺒﺪﺍﻟﻌﺰﻳﺰ ﺍﻟﻌﻮﺿﻲ
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uniQue InTeRvieW
by Nora Al-Shtail nora_s@uniQue.com.kw
ﻭﻗﻔﺔ ﻣﻊ ﻻﻋﺐ ﻣﻨﺘﺨﺐ ﻛﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻴﺪ ﻟﻠﻨﺎﺷﺌﻴﻦ
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uniQue DiGiRoniCs
By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@uniQue.com.kw
reaching new heights
uilding on Sony Ericsson’s camera phone heritage, the C905 Cyber-shot™ phone and S302 Snapshot are allround performers that maximize their camera credentials. The S302 introduces a premium looking, yet affordable phone with a snapshot camera at-hand when needed. The C905 is a powerful 8.1 megapixel camera phone that looks, feels and acts like a real camera that will bring out the photographer in you. The new S302 Snapshot Good for your image
• Slick and slimline with a stylish design and a premium, high-gloss finish • 2.0 megapixel camera with an easy-to-learn camera menu. • Photo light and Photo fix – useful photo functions to help you get the shots you want • Capture the action - video recording and playback • Room for your entire photo album - up to 20 MB internal memory and Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) support • Transfer photos easily via USB, Bluetooth™ or Memory Stick Micro™.
The new C905 Cyber-shot™ Take your best shot • Complete digital camera experience on a phone – true digital camera styling and an 8.1 megapixel camera with Xenon flash • Outstanding picture quality – complete with face detection auto-focus, smart contrast and image stabilizer • From baby’s first steps to an amazing sunset; store them all on the 2GB Memory Stick Micro™ (M2®) included • The USB adaptor (CCR-70) provided in-box allows for easy transfer of your photos to-and-from your PC. • View high-quality pictures on the phones impressive 2.4” scratch-resistant mineral glass display • Share your memories – send your photos wirelessly from your phone to your TV via Wi-Fi™ (using DLNA), or connect with wires using the TV-Out Cable ITC-60. • Upload photos to your own online blogsite or print your photos with fantastic resolution up to A3 size. • Much more than a camera phone - GPS-enabled for geotagging of photos and navigation support.
he new Sony Ericsson F305 with Motion Gaming puts ‘fun and entertainment’ at the heart of the mobile phone. In addition to horizontal gameplay and dedicated gaming controls – to let you control the action the way you are used to – the F305 lets the user control the action with a swing or a swipe of the phone.
With the F305 your favourite game is only one-click away. Enjoy the full gaming experience with stereo speakers, which also come in handy for sharing the latest track on the media player. Add a 2.0” screen into this pocket-sized slider phone and the F305 takes playing games on your mobile to a whole new level. To complement the F305 there is also now a handy new accessory available for the serious gamer. Although the F305 gives you up to 8 hours of gameplay, there is always now a back-up with the Power Pack CPP-100. Attach it to your keyring and when you need it, simply plug it into the phone to receive an instant battery power boost.
The new F305 with Motion Gaming Fun and entertainment on the move • Motion Gaming with three preloaded motion games, “Bowling”, “Bass fishing” and “Jockey” – encounter gaming in a completely new way • Additional motion games developed by Gameloft™ plus 50 more 2D and 3D games available for download at PlayNow. • Loud stereo speakers– enhance your gaming experience or share the latest music with friends • Horizontal game play and dedicated gaming keys – play games the way you want • 2.0 megapixel camera and Bluetooth™ - a complete media experience • Expandable memory – Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) slot. 63
uniQue WheeLS
Research Car
n the words of Professor Dr. Herbert Kohler, responsible for Group Research & Advanced Engineering Vehicle and Powertrain at DaimlerChrysler AG, “With the F 700, Mercedes-Benz shows what the big touring sedan of the future will look like. It offers environmentally compatible mobility combined with utmost comfort and an effortlessly superior drive.� With that, the F 700 meets the growing demands on luxury-class automobiles. The focus is on conserving resources and protecting the environment: low consumption, low CO2 emissions, low pollution levels. For in future there will continue to be considerable demand for the comfortable mobility provided by large sedans.
DIESOTTO provides a glimpse of the future of the spark-ignition engine The F 700 research car shows new ways to achieve resource-conserving mobility. The heart of the car is the novel drive system which combines the advantages of the low-emission spark-ignition engine with the consumption advantages of the diesel drive. Forward-looking concept – economical, clean and simultaneously powerful On starting and at full load, the air-fuel mixture is not ignited by a sparkplug as in a conventional gasoline engine. The controlled auto ignition (homogeneous combustion) to which the DIESOTTO automatically reverts within its working cycle occurs under partial load conditions, i.e. at low and medium engine speeds. “Aqua Dynamic” as new design idiom The exceptional efficiency of the overall concept of the F 700 is evident at first sight: its design is distinguished by soft, flowing forms. “Aqua Dynamic” is the name the designers have given to this design idiom with which they translated the flow dynamics of a fish into the design of an exceptional automobile. Besides, the design provides an immediately indication that much room has been given to the passengers. With an overall exterior length of 5.18 meters the F 700 is a little shorter than the current long-wheelbase version of the S-Class, but with its generously sized wheelbase of 3.45 meters the research car excels the production model by impressive 28.5 centimeters. Elegance and lightness: the interior The extremely spacious and flexible interior concept is manifested outwardly not only by the long wheelbase. Two large glazed areas in the roof also emphasize the spacious design. Owing to the use of natural materials like leather and cork and to a harmonious brown and beige color scheme, the interior makes an elegant and light impression and appears very up-scale. Relax position and cinema atmosphere This provides the opportunity for very different kinds of use depending on the purpose and duration of travel. Four persons sit in the conventional way facing the direction of travel. If the front passenger seat is unoccupied, at the push of a button the right rear seat can be moved to a relax position. To do this one moves the front passenger seat forward and folds the backrest towards the dashboard. Another use is made possible by the special functionality of the REVERSE seat (right rear seat). A new type of mechanism allows the passenger to sit in reverse direction and look out the back. He can chat face to face with his neighbor, work, rest, or enjoy the audiovisual entertainment. A monitor with an overall diagonal display measurement of 51 centimeters and a surround sound system create a cinema atmosphere. More than anything else though, the monitor delivers fascinatingly deep images with its 3D technology.
uniQue BoYs sTuFf
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
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ﺗـﺼ ﹼ ـﻔــﺢ ﺍﻟـﻤـﺠـ ـﻠـﺔ ﻋـﻠـﻰ ﻣـﻮﻗـﻌـﻨ ــﺎ ﺍﻹﻟـﻜ ـﺘــﺮﻭﻧـﻲ ﺍﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪ Read the Magazine Online
w w w . u n i Q u e . c o m . k w
uniQue GiRLs WoRLd
ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen
uniQue FaShiOn Bags
Chloe` Saskia studded bag
Mulberry Mirrored Bayswater bag
Mulberry Maggie leather bag
CELINE Watch Me Work bag
MARC JACOBS Iris sequined bag MARC JACOBS Blake classic bag
Chloe` Bay patent tote 69
uniQue FaShiOn Shoes
Roberto Cavalli Gem embellished sandals
Guess by Marciano ‘Delicacy’ Sandal
Christian Louboutin Altadama watersnake shoes
Jimmy Choo Aspen elaphe sandals
Sam Edelman ‘Perrin’ Thong Sandal
Sam Edelman ‘Gilda’ Sandal
Tory Burch Sterling patent flats 70
uniQue FaShiOn Accessories
MARC BY MARC JACOBS ‘Fan’ Charm Necklace
Simon Sebbag Leather Wrapped Sterling Silver Bangle
Sequin Double Strand Bead Necklace
Juicy Couture Double Chain ID Bracelet
Juicy Couture Buckle Bracelet
Sequin Hinged Enamel Bangle 71
uniQue FaShiOn Clothes
McQ Silk georgette dress
Leaves of Grass Amoreuse chiffon top
Zac Posen Flower knit trumpet dress
Leaves of Grass Fontaine silk dress
Emilio Pucci Nelion angel sleeve top
Chloe` Silk shift dress
Moschino Cheap & Chic Bandeau fan dress
uniQue FaShiOn Body Care
La Prairie Advanced Marine Biology Tonic
MڑAڑC Hue Turquatic Heat Issey Miyake ‘L’Eau d’Issey - Summer’ Fragrance
Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier Fragrance for Women Shimmering Body Lotion
Bobbi Brown Oil Control Face Lotion SPF 15
Prescriptives ‘All You Need+’ SPF 15 for Normal Skin
Lancaster Essential Bronze Milk SPF 6
uniQue HeaLTh
By Hamad D. Al-Othman - Physical Therapist hamad_o@uniQue.com.kw
Vitamin D Deficiency
t’s pretty odd to say that Kuwaities have vitamin D deficiency, Since Kuwait has a hot climate and most of the year the sky is clear. But believe it or not, most of the kuwaities have vitamin D deficiency. Before going deeper into this problem you should know what’s the role of vitamin D and how switch can you gain it.
Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble prohormones, the two major forms of which are vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The term vitamin D also refers to metabolites and other analogues of these substances. Vitamin D3 is produced in skin exposed to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B radiation. • Vitamin D plays an important role in the maintenance of organ systems. • Vitamin D regulates the calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood by promoting their absorption from food in the intestines, and by promoting re-absorption of calcium in the kidneys. • It promotes bone formation and mineralization and is essential in the development of an intact and strong skeleton. However, at very high levels it will promote the resorption of bone. • It inhibits parathyroid hormone secretion from the parathyroid gland. 74
• Vitamin D affects the immune system by promoting phagocytosis, anti-tumor activity, and immunomodulatory functions. Now the main causese of Vitamin D Deficiency are inadequate intake coupled with inadequate sunlight exposure, disorders that limit its absorption, conditions that impair conversion of vitamin D into active metabolites, such as liver or kidney disorders, and, rarely, by a number of hereditary disorders. But we don’t have sunlight in Kuwait right? I doubt it! Now the fun part is, the test and treatment. To know if you either have Vitamin D Deficiency or not, go to any endocrinologist (a doctor specialized in endocrine glands) and ask for the test. Treatment for this disorder is simple, either injections or tablets (depends on your doctor and his/her methods). To correlate this phenomena with physiotherapy (because I’m a physiotherapist not an endocrinologist) why do I encourage people to test if they have vitamin Deficiency or not? Because most of the people I treat in physiotherapy have either fractured bones (which they need vitamin D in order for their body to absorb calcium to heal) or suffer from pain in their legs (also another sign that might indicate they have Vitamin D deficiency because their body absorbs the calcium from their bones not from their diet).
uniQue GiRLs sTuFf
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue KitChen
By UniQue Staff umag@unique.com.kw
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uniQue StarS WorLd
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uniQue STArs NeWs
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
ﻣﻔﻜﺮﺓ ﻓﻨﻴﺔ ∫”bMNL�« błU� °UÎ ÞUOš Êu�√ Ê√ XOMLðË qýU� q¦L� U½√ ”bMNL�« błU� w�«dF�« »dDL�« Õd�
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uniQue InTeRvieW
by Zainab Dashti & Dalal Al-Haggan zainab_d@uniQue.com.kw - dalal_h@uniQue.com.kw
ø‰U−L�« «c¼ w� sO½UMH�« s� pðËb� u¼ s� æ vIOÝuLK� `²H²�Ë tKOł oÐUÝ ÊU??� t??½√ ÁeOL¹ Íc??�«Ë »U¼u�«b³Ž bL×� ≠ ÆWO�dA�« jI� fO�Ë WOL�UF�«
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uniQue Tv ShOwS
By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@uniQue.com.kw
Two and Half Men is a comedy about men, dating, divorce, mothers, single parenthood, sibling relations, surrogate families, money and, most importantly, love. More specifically, it’s about the lives of two brothers, one brother’s son and the many people who surround them. Charlie Harper is a well-to-do bachelor with a house at the beach, and Mercedes in the garage. His casual Malibu lifestyle is interrupted when his tightly wound brother, Alan, and Alan’s son, Jake, come to stay with him. Complicating matters further are Charlie and Alan’s narcissistic, emotionally toxic mother, Evelyn, Alan’s deeply neurotic ex-wife, Judith and Charlie’s unapologetically domineering swich order, housekeeper, Berta. Despite the complexities of their lives and their own strained relationship, Charlie and Alan have one thing in common: they both love Jake and want what’s best for him. As a result, they manage to create a little family unit that promises to make each of them a better man.
Two and A Half Men
uniQue MoviEs
By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@uniQue.com.kw
“Quantum of Solace� continues the high octane adventures of James Bond. Betrayed by Vesper, the woman he loved, 007 fights the urge to make his latest mission personal. Pursuing his determination to uncover the truth, Bond and M interrogate Mr. White who reveals the organization which blackmailed Vesper is far more complex and dangerous than anyone had imagined. Forensic intelligence links an MI6 traitor to a bank account in Haiti where a case of mistaken identity introduces Bond to the beautiful but feisty Camille, a woman who has her own vendetta. Camille leads Bond straight to Dominic Greene, a ruthless business man and major force within the mysterious organization. On a mission that leads him to Austria, Italy and South America, Bond discovers that Greene, conspiring to take total control of one of the world’s most important natural resources, is forging a deal with exiled General Medrano. Using his associates in the organization, and manipulating his powerful contacts within the CIA and the British government, Greene promises to overthrow the existing regime in a Latin American country, giving the General control of the country in exchange for a seemingly barren piece of land. In a minefield of treachery, murder and deceit, Bond allies with old friends in a battle to uncover the truth As he gets closer to finding the man responsible for the betrayal of Vesper.
uniQue CineMa
Coming Soon August 2 008 Provided By:
The Movie: Mummy 3 Cast: Jet Li, Maria Bello * Genre: Action / Fantasy
n the Far East, trouble-seeking father-and-son duo Rick and Alex O’Connell unearth the mummy of the first Emperor of Qin -- a shape-shifting entity who was cursed by a wizard centuries ago. The Movie: The Oxford Murders Cast: Elijah Wood, Julie Cox * Genre: Crime / Thriller
t Oxford University, a professor and a grad student work together to try and stop a potential series of murders seemingly linked by mathematical symbols.
The Movie: Tropic Thunder Cast: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Tom Cruise * Genre: Action / War
hrough a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying. The Movie: Hellboy 2 Cast: Ron Perlman, Selma Blair * Genre: Action / Adventure
he mythical world starts a rebellion against humanity in order to rule the Earth, so Hellboy and his team must save the world from the rebellious creatures.
The Movie: Mirrors Cast: Kiefer Sutherland, Amy Smart * Genre: Horror
A 84
mall security guard becomes wrapped up in a mystery involving a particular department store’s mirrors which seem to bring out the worst in people.
TOP Movies 5 1
6 2
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uniQue Red CaRpeT
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Have Your Break Time...
uniQue OpeN door
By Mohammed Al-Najdy moh_n@uniQue.com.kw
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uniQue AniMaLs
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uniQue FaCE BoOk
By uniQue Staff facebook.com
ﺍﻟﺰﻭﺍﺝ!! ﻫﻞ ﺳﺘﺠﻌﻞ ﻭﺍﻟﺪﺗﻚ ﺗﺨﺘﺎﺭ ﺷﺮﻳﻜﺔ ﺣﻴﺎﺗﻚ؟؟ Marwah Al-Ajmi - On July 1, 2008 at 12:56 PM You know this brings us to a new topic, and i would like to hear other people’s opinions of it. Laish il wa7id lema yabi yitzawaj, igol 7ag oma itro7 idawirla? Madri bas a7is ina ilmafroth il rayal ohwa yi5tar ili yabeha, ili sha59eyat-ha itray7a l2na ohwa ili ra7 i3esh 6ol 3omra ma3aha mo oma. b3dain 3ad igol 7ag oma ro7i shofi hal bint witha i3jibat-ha yitwakilon 3ala allah!!! Nasser Al-Qadeeri (Kuwait) replied to Marwah’s poston July 1, 2008 at 7:42 PM Methods of finding a partner vary I guess and influenced heavily by culture? But in our culture and society, it should invovle the family, because even though the man is going to spend his life with the women and not his mother, still, his mother and the rest of his family are part of his life as they should. Marriage is the building block of societies and societies are not just man and wife, but extended family as well; at least in our culture/religion and for good reason. So, it would be more “effecient” if the mother chooses first then the man & woman see if there is compatiblity (engagement/milcha) rather than the man finding and attaching to someone only to have conflicts with the family later?! That is perhaps why Islam regulated interaction between the genders appropriately and that is why we see blatant attempts to destroy that with distorted terms with regards to women’s rights and de-”segregation”, etc... as if we don’t see what goes on in their own countries as a result which we are tasting now in our societies. Now, applying this to what we see today makes it clear where the problem is with marriage these days. There is a dire need indeed to educate both genders on the reality and role of marriage and relationships between genders in general. There are currently efforts towards this where seminars are organized touching on these topics whether before or after marriage.
Chadi El Serafy (France) wroteon July 2, 2008 at 5:04 AM Well first of all , I’m the 1 who will get married not her... socend , if u married some1 u dont love , it will end soon.. plus when i chose my wife. i will chose the 1 i love, who i would just give al my life for her and my kids but i dont belive its right to let my mom or dad or any1 chose for me. and i disagree, they might advice me before i chose the girl , and they dont have the right to refuse for reasons like culture and tradtion or thier personal problems with them.. because i dont think its fair to say no because she is not kuwaity or no because he is not kuwaity i mean come on we all humans and we all from adam and our god is one. what the difrent then and dont say i cant marry a girl from this family or that family. thats is rasis and i belive when i chose the girl, its my job to make her better and change her if she is bad. so basicly i will not ever let any1 chose for me or refuse the one i love unless if they proved me wrong.
Ahmad Al-Thuwaini (Kuwait) wroteon July 2, 2008 at 12:51 AM
Dowaina Intelligence (Kuwait) wroteon July 1, 2008 at 11:33 PM
Etha yetaw 3la el 3adat o taqaled mojtama3na aked etha fe zwag mn ‘3er el ahal ra7 ykon ‘3ala6 o 7ta fe dena ra7 ham ykon fe shy mn el ‘3ala6. bs el meshkela eb hal zeman 93eb el wa7ed yetzawag 3n 6req 5e6ba, 7ta el bnt eshloon tetzawag wa7ed o t3esh m3ah 6ol el 3mr o ehya ma t3arfa 59o9an ena mojtama3na yan’6er lel m6alaqa ensan entaha o mala qema bl mojtama3 o hathi 6ab3an el natega ra7 t7a9el eb shakel kber etha 9ar el zawag 3n 6req el ahl. o 6ab3an ana ma agol etha athnen y3rfon b3’6 or mo3jaben eb ba3a’6 ra7 ykon 100% zawaghom nage7.
I said my opinion b Another topic.. bs 3gb ma Garet elmawtho3 Again o elredood i felt eni have something to tell ba3ad.. Awal shay marwa.. bema enech awal mn ketab 3n hal mawthoo3... ana said ena maybe eb 7ekm el3adat elnas etezawaj elzawaj taqleede.., w tra jez2 kbeer mn hal zeejat ykon elguy nafsa ohwa eli 6aleb mn oma etzawja. m3na he knows alot of girls oo sometime ykoun *metfate7* b3d ! , bs elrayal elsharqe mahma tefata7 ythel feeh gheera 3la eli bya5eth’ha 7ta mn nafsa gabel el zawaj ! ... o atwaqa3 akthar eli e3refaw banat gabel el zawaj o kanat lehum 3elaqat m3a eljens elthani ohma eli ya6leboon elzawaj eltaqleede Akthar .. ;) ... wjhat nethar :))
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uniQue AroUnD The WoRLd
by uniQue Staff umag@uniQue.com.kw
Top 10 Spa Hotels Worldwide
nce upon a time, spas were seen as the playgrounds for the rich and famous only. Today, they’re revered by all, not just as a mere indulgence to pamper and preen, but as a necessity to combat the day-to-day stresses of 21st-century living. Whether you book a trip to a spa as part of your vacation or as a means to an end in itself, we have all become much more aware that an occasional (or regular) spa treatment is just as important as healthy eating and exercise. Here are our favorite spa getaways that feature enough pampering, primping and variety to address your individual goals.
• Hawaii - Kohala Coast - Mauna Lani Resort
• Crete - Blue Palace Resort & Spa
This is the place to go for true Hawaiian hospitality, authenticity and Aloha spirit. Embracing three miles of the Kohala coast, the spa at Mauna Lani resort has recently added a 1,000-squarefoot aquatic body therapy pool to its repertoire, complete with body-temperature saltwater, underwater acoustics and a waterfall. It’s here you’ll find a treatment unlike any other: aquatic body therapy, where your therapist will massage your body as you float in the healing waters.
Can you say “thalassotherapy”? That’s what the Elounda Spa at the Blue Palace Resort & Spa is founded upon: utilizing seaweed and other marine-based products from the Mediterranean to provide restorative treatments. Indulge in the spa’s signature treatment, a traditional olive oil massage prepared with local Cretan oil. Swim in the triangular pool and then retire to your villa, complete with satin bed linens, a marble bath and stunning sea views from your verandah. SOUTH AFRICA
• Nevada - Las Vegas - Bellagio The 65,000-square-foot salon and spa at the luxury Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas is a soothing oasis featuring reflecting pools, water walls and a candle-lit meditation room. Relax after a day in the desert sun with a myriad of pampering options, such as the Egyptian Gold body treatment (complete with exfoliation, moisturizing and dusting with real gold). Take a yoga class, try the Watsu water therapy or enjoy your vacation with a loved one and splurge on a couples’ massage.
• Cape Town - Cape Grace Situated on a private quay on the Cape Town waterfront, Cape Grace’s spa is located on the top floor of the hotel overlooking the awe-inspiring Table Mountain. Inspired by local culture, the spa’s traditional African Cape Massage is a full body experience using traditional indigenous Khoisan techniques. After your treatment, take a picnic basket for a leisurely lunch on the beach or relax in the outdoor heated pool.
AUSTRALIA • Queensland - Tallebudgera - Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat & Spa Retreat to the Southern hemisphere where everything moves at a slower, easier pace, especially at this idyllic, ecologically diverse rain forest resort. Even Gwinganna’s signature spa treatment is a four-hour-long indulgence comprised of a soothing soak in a tub, an aromatic scrub, head massage, body wrap and a luxurious body massage. All-natural Australian botanicals are used in treatments in this healthy lifestyle retreat, which also boasts organic produce. BRITISH WEST INDIES • Anguilla - Cuisinart Resort & Spa Ah…Anguilla: where the Mediterranean-style gleaming white buildings rise up from a cerulean beach at Rendezvous Bay. The resort’s Venus Spa offers an array of pampering treatments, from customized facials, hydrotherapy and aromatherapy, to anti-aging treatments, body wraps and the signature Anguillan massage, customized to the guests’ individual needs. Nourish your body with food from the resort’s on-site organic garden and hydroponic farm. CHINA • Hong Kong - The Landmark Mandarin Oriental If it’s Zen-like tranquility you’re after, then The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Spa is the place to park your weary limbs. Here you’ll have a hard time deciding where to indulge in this facility that covers two entire floors of the hotel. Rejuvenation is on hand in the vitality pools or in an “experience” shower. If you’re visiting with a partner, be sure to relax in the Sanctuary Suite with its heated amethyst crystal steam shower, vitality tub and futon mattress in front of a flat-screen TV.
SWITZERLAND • Geneva - Beau-Rivage Palace Live like a king or queen at the Beau-Rivage Palace, surrounded by views of Lake Geneva and the Alps. The hotel’s Cinq Mondes Spa serves up a treatment menu that draws on therapies from around the world. The Taoist ritual includes aromatic scrub spices, a Taoist massage, flowered Japanese bath and plantar reflexology. There is something for everyone’s inner royal at this spa, from the tropical shower promenade and relaxation room to the indoor and outdoor swimming pools. THAILAND • Phuket - Banyan Tree Phuket At Laguna Phuket Welcome to Asia’s original tropical garden spa, surrounded by coconut groves and blonde beaches. Indulgence is the key word here, from the Royal Banyan signature treatment with its lemongrass and cucumber scrub and acupressure massage, to the myriad of holistic therapies based on traditional Thai practices. Jacuzzis, steam rooms, outdoor showers and sunken pools are just some of the delights that await you at Banyan Tree’s flagship resort. UNITED KINGDOM • London - Sanderson Situated in a 1950s landmark building in the heart of London’s West End, Sanderson hotel’s Agua Spa places an emphasis on the whimsical. You’ll be transported by the billowing white curtains delineating each treatment room. Sink into the agua Milk and Honey Aryurvedic massage or go out on a limb with an Indian head massage. Whether you’re looking for a traditional sea-salt exfoliation or a lymphatic drainage facial, you’ll feel rejuvenated in this minimalist, open-plan spa.
uniQue AdViCe
by Sarah Al-Dahas sara_d@uniQue.com.kw
Advice of The Month “All human wisdom is summed in two words-wait & hope” Alexandre Dumas Pere
isdom is to be able to judge what’s true, right, or to posess lasting insight. It also takes common sense in order to have good
judgment. We can summarize the wisdom of the human being in two words: wait & hope. One must be patient in life in order to achieve things rationally. Therefore, he should wait & have expectations. The second characteristic of wisdom is hope. One should never be pessimistic & think of the worst; he should have hope in his life & always hope for the best.