Issue 41

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y p p Ha ’s Day r e h c ea


October 2011

Issue 41

‫ب � � � � �ج � � � � �ه� � � � ��ود ش�� � � �ب� � � ��اب�� � � �ي� � � ��ة ك� � ��وي � � �ت � � �ي� � ��ة‬


uniQue ‫هيئة التحرير‬

‫ابراهيم الطبطبائي‬ ‫جاسم املرزوق‬ ‫حسناء باخيش‬


‫نائب رئيس التحرير‬ ‫ مبارك رشيد العميري‬.‫م‬

‫نوره اليعيش‬

‫مدير التحرير‬ ‫أفراح عبدالله الشمري‬


‫سارة املسعود‬

‫حنان محمد‬ ‫​عائشة الضعيان‬‎ ‫عبدالله الشمري‬.‫أ‬ ‫مصلح العتيبي‬ ‫مرمي شهاب‬

‫نائب مدير التحرير‬ ‫أسماء مساعد العبكل‬


‫دالل عماد الربيعان‬

‫مدير التسويق‬ ‫عماد الدنف‬

‫املوقع االلكتروني‬ ‫فيصل عبدالله‬

‫منى سلطان‬

‫تصميم وإخراج‬ ‫علي عبد املنعم‬

‫هبه عبدالله‬ Selcouth


‫رئيس التحرير‬ ‫ أحمد عيسى الثويني‬.‫م‬


‫عبدالرحمن املسعود‬


‫شادي الصيرفي‬


Teaching is the most important profession in the world because teachers bear the weight and responsibility of teaching. They pass on knowledge and values to children, prepare them for further education and for working life and are main contributors to good education. Through modeling the responsible ethical behavior expected of all educators, teachers give students at least one example of a positive adult role model in their lives. If teachers are successful students most students will gain the academic and social skills needed to take them to the next level in life, whatever that may be. Let’s show our appreciation for our teachers or educators by respecting them and thanking them for guiding us, inspiring us and making us what we are today. Thank you teachers for all the hard work and efforts you have put in us. We will always be thankful and grateful to you for your support. Happy teacher’s day. “Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” Nikos Kazantzakis


Asma M. Al-Abkal Deputy Managing Editor Tel : +965 25732874 - Fax : +965 25732874 - E-mail :

‫إن المقاالت واآلراء في المجلة ال تع ّبر بالضرورة عن رأي المجلة‬ - - Tel.: (965) 22429 662/ 4 - 22422 959 - Fax: (965) 22422 949


The Avenues Mall - First Floor - Shop 65-66 - Tel: 2259 7091


TE CH 8 7

GIRL S 7 7

GUY S 6 5

S TA RS 4 9







106 ‫لقاء مع الشاعر عبد العزيز العبكل‬

celebrations of Hotel Missoni

Neighbor to the Moon

?‫من هو املعلم‬

‫جامعة الكويت‬ ‫كلية الطب‬ ‫كلية العلوم االجتماعية‬ ‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية‬ ‫كلية الحقوق‬ ‫كلية العلوم‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬ ‫كلية البنات‬

‫الــمــجــلــة الــوحــيــدة الــتــي تــوزّع فــي كــل جــامــعــات الــكــويــت‬

‫الجامعات الخاصة‬ ‫جامعة الخليج (‪)GUST‬‬ ‫الجامعة األمريكية في الكويت (‪)AUK‬‬ ‫الجامعة االسترالية في الكويت (‪)ACK‬‬

‫المنتزهات‬ ‫منتزه الخيران‬ ‫منتزة الشعب الترفيهي‬ ‫مرح الند (الصباحية)‬

‫المعاهد الصحية والصالونات‬ ‫صالون بيتي بوب‬ ‫نادي فليكس الصحي‬ ‫نادي تشالنج الصحي‬

‫أماكن التوزيع‬ ‫الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب‬ ‫كلية العلوم الصحية‬ ‫كلية الدراسات التجارية‬

‫المطاعم والكافيهات‬ ‫سلسلة مطاعم وكافيهات الحميضي‪:‬‬ ‫برج الحمام‬ ‫الكبابجي‬ ‫برجر كنج‬ ‫أبل بيز‬ ‫بيتزا هت‬ ‫سكوبا كون‬ ‫كلر مي ماين ‪ -‬مارينا مول‬ ‫ديفاز‬ ‫كاريبو كوفي‬

‫المستشفيات والعيادات الخاصة‬ ‫مستشفى دار الشفاء‬ ‫عيادة الدكتور‪ /‬حـسين دشـتي‬ ‫عيادة فيصل التخصصي‬ ‫عيادة الميدان‬ ‫مستشفى المواساة‬

‫أماكن أخرى‬ ‫فيرجن‬ ‫كينكوز‬ ‫دايت سنتر‬ ‫نيوهورايزون‬

‫مبناسبة حلول العام الدراسي وتلبية للرغبة اجلماهيرية‬

‫‪ 5000‬نسخة جديدة من كليب "بسم الله"‬ ‫لالبتدائي ورياض األطفال‬ ‫ا‬

‫أبا اخليل ‪ :‬تعاوننا مع التربية ترجمة للشراكة املجتمعية‬ ‫كتب ‪ /‬عبد الرشيد راشد‬

‫جاء ذلك خالل تصريح صحفي ملدير إدارة اإلعالم الديني في وزارة األوقاف والشئون‬ ‫اإلسالمية واملشرف العام على املشروع القيمي لتعزيز العبادات نفائس حيث أكد من‬ ‫خالله على أن إدارة اإلع�لام الديني من أكثر اإلدارات اسهاما في تطبيق رؤية‬ ‫الوزارة وخططها وأهدافها وال سيما من خالل التعاون املشترك بينها وبني العديد‬ ‫من مؤسسات الدولة على اختالف أطيافها وألوانها ‪ ،‬فضال عن تواجدها الدائم‬ ‫عبر الفضائيات العربية بالشكل الذي يجعلها تؤدي دورها على املستويني اخلليجي‬ ‫واإلسالمي بشكل يحقق كافة األهداف املرجوة‬

‫مختتما باإلعراب عن شكره لفريق العمل وهم املتميز طالل العنزي إخراج ‪ ،‬منصور‬ ‫ال��واوان شاعر وكاتب ‪ ،‬حمد املانع أحلان ‪ ،‬عادل عطا الله إش��راف فني ‪ ،‬سلمان‬ ‫اخلليفان تنسيق عام ‪ ،‬كما وجه أبا اخليل الشكر للقنوات الفضائية وللقائمني على‬ ‫تلفزيون الكويت وخص بالذكر وكيل التلفزيون املساعد فوزي التميمي ‪ ،‬على الريس‬ ‫مدير عام اإلدارة العامة للقناة األولى والفضائية الكويتية ‪ ،‬مدير التنسيق جاسم‬ ‫الشريف وذلك على التعاون اجلاد والرغبة احلقيقية في دعم وتعزيز برامج وأنشطة‬ ‫اإلدارة مبختلف األشكال والصور‪.‬‬

‫‪ 12‬‬

‫تساقا مع استيراتيجية وزارة األوق��اف والشئون اإلسالمية الرامية إلى تطبيق‬ ‫مبدأ الشراكة املجتمعية مع كافة مؤسسات الدولة بنوعيها احلكومي واخلاص ‪،‬‬ ‫ومساهمة منها في النهوض بالذوق العربي واإلسالمي أهدت إدارة اإلعالم الديني‬ ‫ب��ال��وزارة ط�لاب مرحلتي (االبتدائي وري��اض األطفال كليبها التعليمي والتوعوي‬ ‫اجلديد (بسم الله) وذلك في إطار التعاون املشترك بني األوقاف والتربية باعتبار أن‬ ‫كالهما مسئول عن الوعي والتربية و التوجيه واإلرشاد ‪.‬‬

‫وأشار أبا اخليل إلى أن اإلصدار يحمل على كاهله سلسة من التوجيهات واإلرشادات‬ ‫التي حتث أبناءنا الصغار على االلتزام ب��آداب اإلس�لام وبعض القيم والسلوكيات‬ ‫احلياتية اجلميلة مثل “ البسملة” وذلك بطريقة مشوقة وجذابة ‪ ،‬فضال عن متتعه‬ ‫بإخراج رائع وبعذوبة ورقي في الكلمات قلما تتوفر في أعمال فنية أخرى كثيرة ‪،‬‬ ‫منوها إلى أن األمة كبارا وصغار في أمس احلاجة إلى كل ما يذكرها بقيمها ومبادئها‬ ‫خاصة بعدما زادت املغريات واملثيرات ‪.‬‬

‫صدت هيلتون العاملية جائزتني من تصنيف «األفضل ضمن فئتها» في حفل جوائز السفر املرموق الذي أقيم هذا األسبوع بشرم الشيخ مبصر‪.‬‬

‫فاز منتجع وسبا هيلتون سيشيل البريز بجائزة «الفندق الرائد في السيشيل» بينما حصد منتجع وسبا هيلتون موريشيوس جائزة «املنتجع والسبا الرائد في جزر موريشيوس»‪،‬‬ ‫وذلك للسنة الثانية على التوالي‪.‬‬ ‫واجلدير ذكره هو أنّ جوائز السفر العاملية تُعتبر أحد اإلجنازات الباهرة واملرموقة في قطاع الضيافة‪ .‬ويشارك في التصويت عبر اإلنترنت ما يفوق ‪ 180,000‬مهني عامل في‬ ‫قطاع السياحة والسفر مبا في ذلك وكاالت السفر‪ ،‬وشركات الرحالت والنقل‪ ،‬واملؤسسات السياحية في أكثر من ‪ 160‬دولة عاملياً‪.‬‬

‫‪ 14‬‬


‫فوز مزدوج حتققه‬ ‫هيلتون العاملية الشرق األوسط وإفريقيا‬ ‫في حفل جوائز السفر العاملية لعام ‪2011‬‬

he exclusive Grand Opening event for Hotel Missoni Kuwait, held yesterday, attracted a host of local fashonistas and VIP’s from around the world.

Three generations of the Missoni family flew in from Italy; including Rosita Missoni, Rosita’s daughter Angela, Creative Director of the iconic Missoni fashion brand and Teresa Missoni, Rosita’s granddaughter. They were joined by Kurt Ritter, President and CEO of the Rezidor Hotel Group, his wife Lara Ritter and Mr Adwan Al Adwani, Vice Chairman of CRC. The event started at 6 pm with Dr. Amani Buresli Minister of Commerce and Industry officially opening the hotel with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Guests then enterted the lobby to the sounds a string quartet. Party goers were then taken on a journey around the hotel, discovering the different elements that make this hotel uniquley Missoni. The grand ballroom was the hub of the action with internationally renound Chef Giorgio Locatelli showcasing a sample of his signature dishes alongside live food stations. The crowds moved through the hotel sampling the different food and beverage outlets on offer. At the heart of the hotel, Cucina the popular Italian resturant, then down to Choco Café to sample the sumptuous chocolate fountains. The guests were then treated to the first glimpse of the newly opened Presidential Suite on the 17th floor, before moving onto Luna restaurant on the 18th floor which has sweeping views of the Araian Gulf from its terrace. The last stop was Six Senses Spa for a tour of the soothing treatment rooms. Hotel Missoni is a collaboration between the Rezidor Hotel Group, one of the fastest growing hotel companies worldwide, and world renowned Italian fashion label Missoni. Hotel Missoni Kuwait offers 169 sea-facing rooms with breakfast, laundry, high-speed wireless internet, free local calls, movies on demand, and the entire contents of the minibar, inclusive in the cost of the room. The hotel also features extensive meeting space, a cuttingedge gym, a steam room, a sauna and a pool deck overlooking the city. 15

Host of local and International VIP’s join the celebrations for Hotel Missoni Kuwait Grand Opening


The new Audi A8 L W12 W 16

ith the twelve cylinder A8 L W12 quattro Audi is now introducing the ultimate engine configuration for its flagship model. The new A8 W12 is a concentrated high-tech package that confirms the Audi claim to technical leadership – “Vorsprung durch Technik”. With a long wheelbase and a twelve-cylinder engine it sets new standards of luxury, dynamism and efficiency in the top automobile manufacturing league.

Ford Debuts the All-new Ford Explorer at GITEX 2011 • Ford returns to GITEX Technology Week as the official automotive partner for the fourth consecutive year • The all-new Explorer has been reinvented with significantly improved on-road driving dynamics and an effective – yet intuitive – terrain management system • Explorer offers a host of industry first and segment exclusive technologies, featuring the world’s first inflatable rear seat belts, Active Park Assist, Terrain Management System, MyFord Touch. • Special activities lined up for GITEX visitors at the Ford stand in Hall 6 and for the first time, a live demonstration area outside. ord is the official GITEX Technology Week automotive partner for the fourth consecutive year. This October, the all-new Ford Explorer makes its Middle Eastern debut as Official Car of The Show, featuring a host of segment-exclusive connectivity, driver-assist and safety technologies including the world’s first second-row inflatable seat belts. Ford’s iconic Explorer has been completely reinvented to raise consumer expectations of utility vehicle technology, fuel efficiency, safety, capability and quality. It comes with best-in-class fuel economy, improved driving dynamics, state-of-the-art technology and worldclass craftsmanship. Ford Middle East’s managing director, Larry Prein, said: “GITEX is all about pioneering technology being showcased to the region’s industry – which is why Ford has been the official automotive partner for the fourth year in a row. Our innovation in automotive technology produces tangible benefits to our customers, and GITEX is the ideal platform for us to debut these class-leading innovations in the Middle East. The allnew Explorer sets again the benchmark in the industry and its category with the world’s first inflatable rear seatbelts, Active Park Assist, its

new Terrain Management System, MyFord Touch and many more. We are excited to demonstrate these and many more technologies to the show visitors this year.” From Ford’s acclaimed SYNC® voice-activated communications and entertainment system to MyFord Touch™ driver connect technology, the new Explorer offers innovations that enhance the ownership experience. GITEX visitors coming to the Ford stand in Hall 6 will get the chance to see the all-new Explorer up close and learn more about some of Ford’s latest driver connectivity and safety technologies including: the Explorer’s new Terrain Management System; Active Park Assist; Second-row Inflatable Seat Belts; Curve Control; MyKey®; SYNC®; MyFord Touch™; BLIS® with Cross Traffic Alert; Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Warning and Brake Support and many more. For those wanting to experience the new Explorer real-time, Ford will dedicate a special demo area in the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre’s Plaza where visitors will have the opportunity to experience the intelligent four-wheel-drive that is redefining the segment. 17




Adta State-of-theart Volvo Ocean Race Yacht makes International Debut in Italy

Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing, which boasts one of the most international crews ever assembled since the Volvo Ocean Race began in 1973, will now undergo final training in Europe, having spent the winter in the UAE capital. Over the last few months, the team - the first Volvo Ocean Race Arabian challenger - has been spread all over the globe with weather training in the USA, wind-tunnel sail testing in New Zealand, race practice in the UK and Hong Kong, as well as mast construction in Spain and yacht build in Italy. The team - which is skippered by double-Olympic medallist, Ian Walker of Great Britain - has set its sight on a rigorous Atlantic Ocean sailing programme, before heading to the race start in Spain this October. “To get to this stage has been a phenomenal international effort which has, in many ways, set new benchmarks. With just under three months to go until the start, we have a demanding time ahead yet with the full team assembled and our new yacht raring to go, we are more than ready to meet it head on,” said Walker.

bu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) recently unveiled its Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing team’s state-of-the-art Volvo Open 70 racing yacht in Portofino, Northern Italy, as it charts a historic course to contest for top honours in the Volvo Ocean Race 2011/12.

Representing five continents, the outfit also boasts two UAE nationals – 22-year-old Olympian Adil Khalid, and 27-year-old Butti Al Muhairi – who beat off more than 120 hopefuls to earn their places on the sailing and shore teams respectively. Their participation will mark the first time an Emirati has competed in this ultimate endurance race.

The yacht - which was developed by the USA’s Farr Yacht Design and built by Italy’s Persico S.p.A, in Bergamo – is one of the most sophisticated ever constructed. Conceived in March 2010, it is the combination of more than 7,000 design and 49,000 build hours.

The 2011/2012 Volvo Ocean Race will be contested around six continents and across four oceans before ending in Galway, Ireland, in summer 2012. Abu Dhabi will welcome teams from 1-14 January 2012 after they complete a punishing leg from Cape Town.

Emblazoned with a striking falcon, the national emblem of the United Arab Emirates of which Abu Dhabi city is the capital, soaring across its bow and main sails, the brilliant black yacht is tasked with carrying the 11-strong Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing through the nine-month, 39,000 nautical mile ‘Everest of Sailing’, which begins in Alicante, Spain this October.

ADTA has committed to staging a fortnight-long, emirate-wide celebration to mark the Volvo Ocean Race arrival – from headline concerts and interactive race villages for the whole family to great holiday packages across Abu Dhabi’s plethora of 4- and 5-star resorts. 20


“We have invested in the very best yacht design and build technology available to underpin the expertise of the highly-skilled Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing team we have formed,” said His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, Chairman, ADTA and Team Principal, Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing. “This level of commitment is a clear signal of our intention to deliver a first-class performance in our debut Volvo Ocean Race and in our podium ambitions.” The yacht’s international debut, set against the spectacular backdrop of the Italian Riviera, was attended by VIPs from Volvo Ocean Race, the Mayor of Portofino and Official Team Partner, the luxury Swiss brand IWC Schaffhausen.

The emirate is well progressed with plans for a specially-designed 55,000m² ‘Destination Village’ being built on Abu Dhabi’s picturesque Corniche breakwater. The ‘Destination Village’ – which will be around the size of eight football pitches – will open free-of-charge to the public daily from December 30 this year to January 14, next year. ADTA anticipates welcoming more than 100,000 visitors through the gates. The village will be highly interactive and will leverage the emirate’s rich maritime heritage. It will be packed with activities and entertainment including exhibitions, shows, simulators, hospitality, game zones, food & beverage outlets and merchandise shops. The Volvo Open 70 racing yacht is sailed by professional athletes, who race around the world with the prevailing winds.

‫«بوسيني»‬ ‫تطلق تشكيلة‬ ‫شتاء ‪2011‬‬


‫ع اق�ت��راب حلول الشتاء‪ ،‬تدلل “بوسيني” عمالءها مبجموعة م��ن التصاميم‬ ‫العصرية والرائعة ضمن تشكيلتها اجلديدة لشتاء ‪ .2011‬وخصت “بوسيني”‬ ‫السيدات بتشكيلة طابعها فلكلوري ممزوج بلمسة اسكندنافية‪ .‬واستخدمت العالمة‬ ‫التجارية األقمشة االسكندنافية السادة واملزخرفة لصنع القطع الصوفية بنماذجها‬ ‫املعرقة واجليرسيه اخلفيفة واحملبوكة‪ .‬وتعكس املربعات التقليدية واألشكال املاسية‬ ‫على التصاميم الثقافة القبلية‪.‬‬ ‫وتزخر التشكيلة باأللوان اجلريئة املتباينة من األحمر الناري واألسود لتضفي مظهراً‬ ‫دافئاً وفاتناً بنفس الوقت‪ .‬وتدعو “بوسيني” السيدات للتألق بتصاميم رائعة من‬ ‫املعاطف اجللدية‪ ،‬والكنزات الطويلة الناعمة املزخرفة برسومات فلكلورية‪ ،‬ومنتجات‬ ‫الدينيم املزينة بإكسسوارات معدنية‪ ،‬والكنزات الطويلة الناعمة واملزخرفة برسومات‬ ‫تاريخية‪ ،‬وكنزات تي‪-‬شيرت مزخرفة بالكامل‪.‬‬ ‫وتتالءم تصاميم التشكيلة مع فصل اخلريف البارد وجتسد طبيعة املناخ البريطاني‪.‬‬ ‫وتصور أل��وان الكاكي‪ ،‬واألخضر الضارب إلى الرمادي املتداخل ببعض من البيج‬ ‫الوردي مشهداً خريفياً في الغابة‪ .‬وتتضمن التشكيلة مجموعة من معاطف الفرو‬ ‫املقلد واملزخرفة برسومات حيوانية‪ ،‬ومعاطف واقية من املطر مع بطانة مربعة‬ ‫النقش‪ ،‬واملعاطف الذهبية الشاحبية واملزينة بالفرو‪ ،‬والكنزات الطويلة على شكل‬ ‫حدوة حصان‪ ،‬والقمصان والسراويل املخملية‪ ،‬والسترات غير املزخرفة احملبوكة من‬ ‫الصوف واملزينة بالفرو‪.‬‬ ‫واستوحت “بوسيني” تشكيلتها الشتوية لهذا املوسم من البيئة العسكرية‪ ،‬واملظاهر‬ ‫التاريخية‪ ،‬وعالم احل�ي��وان��ات‪ ،‬مع التركيز على الطبقات وامل��زج والتناغم‪ ،‬تضم‬ ‫التشكيلة بشكل رئيسي قمصان مبوديالت كالسيكية‪ ،‬وكنزات تي‪-‬شيرت مقلمة‬ ‫بتدرجات ألوان املاء‪ ،‬وقمصان قصيرة مع اجلينز الرمادي أو اجلينز العتيق‪ .‬وتتألق‬ ‫التصاميم في ألوان من األبيض‪ ،‬والروديوم‪ ،‬واألسود‪ ،‬والبرتقالي املغبر‪ ،‬واألخضر‬ ‫الشاحب‪ ،‬وغير ذلك‪.‬‬

‫‪ 21‬‬

‫وتضفي التشكيلة اجلديدة على األطفال مظهراً مفعماً باحليوية من خالل تصاميمها‬ ‫اخلفيفة‪ .‬واستوحت “بوسيني” مظهر طالب اجلامعات في تشكيلة األطفال من‬ ‫معسكرات التخييم والرياضات املدرسية‪ .‬وجتسد الشارات اجلامعية‪ ،‬والقمصان‬ ‫املزخرفة بالكامل مبربعات صغيرة‪ ،‬وقمصان البولو املقلمة احلياة املدرسية السعيدة‪.‬‬ ‫باملقابل‪ ،‬خصت “بوسيني” الفتيات مبظهر باريسي كالسيكي مفعم باألنوثة‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫ترمز التصاميم واألل��وان إلى الثقافة الفرنسية من معاطف شانيل‪ ،‬وكنزات تي‪-‬‬ ‫شيرت التي حتمل رسومات لبرج إيفل‪ ،‬إلى الكشكش‪ ،‬والرسومات منقطة‪.‬‬ ‫يستقبل “بوسيني” عمالءه في متاجره الكائنة حولي‪ ،‬الفحاحيل‪ ،‬الفروانية‪« ،‬جمعية‬ ‫اخلالدية التعاونية» و»جمعية قرطبة التعاونية» في الكويت‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى كافة منافذ‬ ‫العالمة التجارية في مراكز «سنتربوينت»‪.‬‬

Two Lead Roles for Roger Dubuis and Gerard Butler A

s one of the most charismatic actors of his generation, his moldbreaking personality was bound to lead him into some unusual encounters. Gerard Butler has landed a new role and joined the family of Geneva-based fine watchmaker ROGER DUBUIS. Both of them are more into action than introspection, both approach their art headon, and both are driven by passion. With an imposing physique to match his character and a volcanic temperament, Gerard Butler is one of the big screen’s leading personalities. Spotted early on, the Scottish actor came to movies by chance, but his charisma did the rest. 22

«Spartans, tonight we dine in hell!» The line from the trailer for the film “300” still resonates in the memory. It was declaimed by Gerard Butler, crowned King of Sparta in a Zack Snyder production. His charisma sweeps aside all in his path, which was unlucky for a million Persian soldiers at the battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. The man doesn’t do things halfway. Before taking on the destiny of the Spartan King Leonidas, Gerard Butler was a lawyer - a profession rather than a vocation. It wasn’t long before he immersed himself in his passion for theater, where his talent was quickly recognized. One production followed another and the big screen gave him the room to express his confident and multitalented personality. Under no illusion that talent is rewarded through concessions and compromises, he throws himself completely into every role. And nothing stimulates him more than stretching himself and discovering new horizons. So is it surprising that last year his attention was caught by a certain watch in a store window? Since that moment, Gerard Butler has kept the faith with Geneva watchmaker ROGER DUBUIS and enjoys showing off this watch that is so like him, one of the Warrior range from the Excalibur collection. Intrigued by this Maison that shared so many of his values, he sought to discover more. The spell really took hold after a recent tour of the ROGER DUBUIS manufacture. “I’m blown away”, said Butler – who has seen many things in his time – on discovering the world of fine watchmaking

and its most arcane secrets. The innovation, passion and creativity at ROGER DUBUIS were what struck him most during his visit, where he had a glimpse of all stages in the watchmaking process, with every step performed in-house by the Geneva company. Gerard Butler ended his tour with a long look at the Manufacture’s current models, particularly the Excalibur and La Monégasque collections. As a friend of the ROGER DUBUIS brand, Gerard Butler intends to take an active role in spreading the word about the Swiss manufacture and introducing people to this unique world, bubbling in perpetual effervescence, where creativity and innovation rule. Deliberately extravagant, the future is bright for the Swiss Maison, which values boldness as much as it respects tradition. ROGER DUBUIS CEO Georges Kern: «counting Gerard Butler among the brand’s friends is all the more special since this proximity is a natural fit with the world of ROGER DUBUIS. Gerard’s fire and powerful image resonate perfectly with the firm’s watches and will increase publicity amongst an audience who appreciate art and aesthetics.» Gerard Butler happily admitted that «watchmaking is just like the cinema, it hides a precise mechanism which must then generate emotion. The world of ROGER DUBUIS, the arrival of its collections, like spaces of freedom, perfectly matches my principles. You need to take chances in life and always push yourself.» Founded in 1995 and based in Geneva, ROGER DUBUIS stands out with its avant-garde watches made in limited production runs, meeting the most demanding quality standards. The quest for excellence, the long search for the right gesture, the development of unique skills are all constants of the Swiss Maison. Boldness and extravagance are the brand’s signatures, and determination its engine. Distributed worldwide through an exclusive sales network, its flagship collections are named Excalibur and La Monégasque. ROGER DUBUIS is the only watchmaker in the world to have all of its movements stamped with the Geneva Hallmark, a guarantee of fine craftmanship.

‫ساعة ‪LUMINOR 1950 3 DAYS - 47 MM‬‬


‫الل حقبتي الثالثينات واألربعينات بات إسمي ‪ Radiomir‬و ‪ Luminor‬موازيني‬ ‫للمواد الب ّراقة التي تستخدمها شركة ‪ Officine Panerai‬في سبيل زيادة إمكانية‬ ‫رؤية ميناء الساعات املصممة لسالح الكومندوس في البحرية اإليطالية‪ ،‬خالل الليل‬ ‫وحتت امل��اء‪ .‬ومع م��رور السنوات‪ ،‬بات ه��ذان املصطلحان يحددان أيضاً الشكلني‬ ‫املختلفني املعتمدان في العلبة احلاضنة للساعات املميزة لهذه العالمة التجارية‪،‬‬ ‫والتي مت تطوير الواحدة منها إنطالقاً من األخ��رى‪ .‬في الواقع‪ ،‬مت إبتكار العلبة‬ ‫احلاضنة لساعة ‪ Luminor‬بغية جعل العلبة احلاضنة لساعة ‪ Radiomir‬مقاومة‬ ‫أكثر لتس ّرب املياه‪ .‬وفي سبيل حتقيق ذلك‪ ،‬متت إضافة اجلسر مع ذراع نقل السرعة‬ ‫امللزّم‪ ،‬والذي يحمي تاج التعبئة ويجعل من الساعة مقاومة أكثر لتس ّرب املياه‪ .‬في‬ ‫املقابل‪ ،‬جاءت العروات الكبيرة واملستقيمة والتي مت دمجها بالعلبة احلاضنة إنطالقاً‬ ‫من كتلة معدنية واحدة‪ ،‬لتستبدل أسالك ربط احلزام وامللحومة في مكانها‪.‬‬ ‫وألول م��رة‪ ،‬يستخدم من��وذج ‪ Officine Panerai‬اجلديد علبة حاضنة فريدة‬ ‫مت ّثل التط ّور التاريخي لعلبة ‪ Radiomir‬احلاضنة‪ :‬ساعة ‪Luminor 1950 3‬‬ ‫‪ .Days – 47 mm‬ويتسم هذا النموذج اجلديد من ساعات ‪Luminor 1950‬‬ ‫بكونه مصنوعاً من الفوالذ املصقول باحلجم الكالسيكي من ‪ 47‬ملم‪ ،‬كما أنها تتسم‬ ‫بشريط العلبة احلاضنة الدائري واملستدق الطرف والذي ينحدر مباشرة من العلبة‬ ‫احلاضنة بتصميم الوسادة‪ ،‬ميزة ساعات ‪ Radiomir‬حتى اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫ومن التفاصيل األخرى التي تتميز بها هذ الساعة‪ ،‬هو البحث املتواصل عن املزيج‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫املسطحة مع نافذة‬ ‫األفضل بني إستعادة املاضي والبحث عن اإلبتكار‪ :‬اجلهة اخللفية‬ ‫الكريستال الصفيري الكبيرة احلجم والتي تُتيح إمكانية رؤية آلية احلركة التي تصنعها‬ ‫الشركة؛ أما العروات فهي ض ّيقة بعض الشيء وتوفر القوة الدافعة األقوى لكامل‬ ‫اآللية؛ الكريستال املصنوع من مادة ‪®Plexiglas‬؛ نقش الرقم املرجعي بني العروات‪،‬‬ ‫والذي يعتمد للمرة األولى في تاريخ شركة ‪ Officine Panerai‬احلديث ولكن في‬ ‫هذه احلالة فهو مستمد مباشر من أصولها التاريخية؛ كما ونقش عبارة “‪Luminor‬‬ ‫‪ ”Panerai‬الذي لم يعد مطبوعاً بل منقوشاً على امليناء بأحرف تلك احلقبة‪.‬‬ ‫كذلك‪ ،‬يأتي امليناء ليؤكد على إلتزام شركة ‪ Officine Panerai‬باألصالة والوالء‬ ‫للتقاليد‪ :‬فهي تُط ّبق هيكلية “السندويش” التي توفر رؤية ممتازة في ظل جميع‬ ‫الظروف‪ ،‬وذلك نتيجة الكمية الكبيرة من املواد الب ّراقة التي تستخدم بني الصفيحتني‬ ‫الرقيقتني اللتني تشكالن امليناء‪ ،‬حيث يبرز ملعانها من خ�لال األرق��ام ومؤشرات‬ ‫الساعة التي مت تقطيعها عبر الصفيحة العلوية‪ .‬عقربا الساعة والدقائق أيضاً متت‬ ‫معاجلتهما باملادة البراقة عينها باللون البيج‪.‬‬

‫وقد ز ّودت ساعة ‪ Luminor 1950 3 Days – 47 mm‬اجلديدة بعيار ‪،P.3000‬‬ ‫آلية احلركة امليكانيكية ذات التعبئة اليدوية والتي مت تصميمها وإنتاجها بالكامل في‬ ‫مصنع شركة ‪ Officine Panerai‬في نيوشاتل‪ .‬قطر عيار ‪ P.3000‬هو بحجم ‪16‬‬ ‫½ وحدة قياس قطرية‪ ،‬وهو يتمتع باخلصائص الهيكلية املميزة من اجلسور الكبيرة‬ ‫احلجم‪ ،‬أسطوانتني نابضتني توفران طاقة إحتياطية تدوم حتى ‪ 3‬أيام وجمود متغ ّير‪،‬‬ ‫معدل الساعة بسرعة وسهولة‬ ‫عجلة ميزان بسماكة ‪ 13.2‬ملم تساعد على ضبط ّ‬ ‫عبر إستخدام البراغي املوجودة على اجلهة اخلارجية من حول احلافة‪.‬‬ ‫جتدر اإلشارة إلى أن ‪ PAM00372‬هو الرقم املرجعي لساعة ‪Luminor 1950‬‬ ‫‪ ، 3 Days – 47 mm‬وقد صنعت منها ‪ 3000‬قطعة فقط‪ .‬هي م��ز ّودة بحزام‬ ‫جلدي – معتق ليصبح مشابهاً جداً لألحزمة املستخدمة في النماذج القدمية‪ -‬يقفل‬ ‫بواسطة إبزمي باناراي الكالسيكي املصنوع من الفوالذ املصقول‪.‬‬ ‫ساعة ‪LUMINOR 1950 3 DAYS - 47 MM‬‬ ‫آلية احلركة‪ :‬ميكانيكية ذات تعبئة يدوية‪ ،‬عيار باناراي ‪ P.3000‬املنفّذ بالكامل‬ ‫من قبل شركة باناراي‪ ½ 16 ،‬وحدة قياس قطرية‪ ،‬سماكة ‪ 5.3‬ملم‪ 21 ،‬محور‬ ‫ارتكاز‪ ،‬ميزان ‪ Glucydur®، 21,600‬تناوب‪ /‬ساعة‪ .‬جهاز ‪ ®Incabloc‬املقاوم‬ ‫للصدمات‪ .‬طاقة إحتياطية تدوم ملدة ‪ 3‬أيام‪ ،‬أسطوانتني نابضتني‪ 160 .‬عنصر‪.‬‬ ‫السمات‪ :‬الساعات‪ ،‬الدقائق‪.‬‬ ‫العلبة احلاضنة‪ :‬قطر ‪ 47‬ملم‪ ،‬من الفوالذ املصقول‪.‬‬ ‫اإلطار‪ :‬من الفوالذ املصقول‪.‬‬ ‫اجلهة اخللفية‪ :‬الكريستال الصفيري الشفاف‪.‬‬ ‫مسجلة) من الفوالذ املصقول‪.‬‬ ‫اجلهاز الذي يحمي التاج‪( :‬محمي كعالمة جتارية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫امليناء‪ :‬أسود اللون مع اعداد عربية ب ّراقة ومؤشرات الساعة‪.‬‬ ‫الكريستال‪ :‬صفيري من مادة ‪ ،®Plexiglas‬بسماكة ‪ 3‬ملم‪.‬‬ ‫مقاومة لتس ّرب املياه‪ 10 :‬بار (نحو ‪ 100‬متر)‪.‬‬

‫احلزام‪ :‬حزام باناراي اجللدي املصمم خصيصاً مع إبزمي كبير احلجم مصنوع من‬ ‫براغ‬ ‫التيتانيوم املصقول‪ .‬مز ّود بحزام ٍ‬ ‫ثان قابل للتغيير‪ ،‬أداة لتبديل احلزام ومفك ٍ‬ ‫فوالذي‪.‬‬

‫‪ 23‬‬

MAYA DIAB Adorns her Eyes with make up for ever smoky looks Maya Diab is the face for MAKE UP FOR EVER’s Fall/ Winter 2011 Smoky Couleur Collection in the Middle East


his Fall/Winter 2011, the renowned Lebanese Celebrity, Maya Diab gets hooked on color with MAKE UP FOR EVER’s Smoky Looks. Being the stylish person that simply loves trying new things, Maya was chosen to be the face of MAKE UP FOR EVER’s Smoky Couleur Collection for the Middle East and got her eyes adorned with the 4 fashionable shades to show off the trendy Smoky looks infront of MAKE UP FOR EVER’s camera. 24

Coinciding with fashion and setting the trend, MAKE UP FOR EVER also worked with the well-known Lebanese designer, Nicolas Jebran for the launch of the collection in the Middle East. He added his touch by creating trendy outfits and accessories for the 4 Smoky Looks where he highlighted each of the 4 fashionable shades in unique attires and styles. Smoky Look hits all the catwalks this fall and MAKE UP FOR EVER releases its Smoky Couleur Collection just in time to offer women this new must-have look of the fashion world! For a complete trendy Smoky look, Smoky Couleur Collection entails a Limited Edition Smoky Eyeshadow Palette that brings together the most beautiful, intense and smoky colors of the fall/winter season as well as new colored Smoky Lash Mascaras and Kohl Pencils that match the palette to perfect the smoky eye technique. With these products, every woman can give herself the stunning Smoky look of the season and play with colors to her heart’s desire!

LIMITED EDITION SMOKY PALETTE The Smoky Palette contains a complete color range of 8 eyeshadows in smoldering fall shades. A matte black and 7 iridescent or satiny eyeshadows: Deep Plum Shimmer, Metallic Navy Blue, Peacock Green, Metallic Copper, Metallic Taupe, Yellow Beige and White Shimmer. These intense and enchanting colors can be applied on their own or together to create 5 smoky makeup looks. SMOKY LASH MASCARA Inspired by the catwalks and the color trends of the season, the legendary Smoky Lash Black Mascara is now available in 4 new shades! Four ultra-pigmented colored mascara shades: Brown, Green, Blue and Plum. With the same stringent formula for a volumizing, lengthening and curling effect, these new mascaras come with a new-generation brush with twisted elastomer fibres which separates lashes and fully coats them with color! KOHL PENCIL As the final touch of a truly smoky makeup, the Kohl Pencil steeps the gaze in depth and mystery. 5 kohl shades: Black, Pearly Deep Blue, Matte Mocha Brown, Pearly Black Purple, Intense Pearly Green are available to match the mascaras and eyeshadow palette. The Kohl pencil’s melt-away texture makes it easy to blend it on the eye contour and eyelids to amplify the smoky effect as much as you desire With the MAKE UP FOR EVER’s latest Smoky Couleur Collection, women can now choose a different irresistible smoky look for every mood, occasion and outfit!

‫‪:Vertu‬‬ ‫الهدية املثالية للعيد‬ ‫م‬

‫ع اقتراب عيد الفطر املبارك‪ ،‬تتجه األفكار إلى الهدية املناسبة لألشخاص املق ّربني‬ ‫إلينا‪ .‬ولع ّل ‪ ،Vertu‬املصنّع الرائد للهواتف املتح ّركة الفاخرة‪ ،‬قد وجد احل ّل‬ ‫األفضل حيث جتتمع احلرفة اليدوية وأروع التصاميم مع مجموعة من اخلدمات في‬ ‫أسلوب احلياة‪ .‬ومع باقة متن ّوعة من الطرازات‪ ،‬ال ب ّد من إيجاد الهاتف األنسب من‬ ‫‪ Vertu‬لك ّل من أفراد العائلة‪.‬‬ ‫ك ّل هاتف مز ّود مبجموعة من اخلدمات التي تدعم أسلوب احلياة واملص ّممة لتسهيل‬ ‫حياة املستخدم وجعلها أكثر بساطة‪ .‬فخدمة ‪ Vertu Concierge‬تق ّدم نصائح‬ ‫اخلبراء والدعم على مدار الساعة أينما كنتم‪ ،‬بينما تز ّود خدمة ‪ City Brief‬العميل‬ ‫مبعلومات حول مكان وجوده فض ً‬ ‫ال على آخر األخبار خالل فترة سفره‪ .‬وهذه اخلدمة‬ ‫ص ّممت خصيصاً لعميل ‪ ،Vertu‬توفّر التوصيات ح��ول املطاعم والتس ّوق‬ ‫التي ٌ‬ ‫واملعارض فض ً‬ ‫ال على االقتراحات الثقافية حرصاً على أن يستفيد املستخدم من‬ ‫سفره إلى أقصى ح ّد ممكن‪ ،‬أسواء كان مسافراً للعمل أم الترفيه‪.‬‬ ‫ال ّ‬ ‫شك في أنّ اآلباء سيُعجبون بهاتف ‪ Signature 2011‬الذي يوفّر إمكانية النفاذ‬ ‫املباشر إلى خدمة ‪ .Vertu.Me‬من خالل مزامنة الرسائل اإللكترونية اخلاصة‬ ‫باملستخدم‪ ،‬واألرق��ام والبيانات واملواعيد مع خ��وادم ‪ Vertu‬اآلمنة‪ ،‬يضمن هذا‬ ‫الهاتف حماية معزّزة للمعلومات‪ .‬تتوافر الهواتف باملعدن املصقول‪ ،‬أو الذهب األبيض‬ ‫أو األصفر ومتتاز بأزرار من الكريستال السفيري وبخلفية من جلد التمساح‪.‬‬

‫حصة أيضاً من الهدايا مع ‪ .Vertu‬وال ّ‬ ‫شك في أنّ الهاتف األمثل لهم‬ ‫ولألشقاء ّ‬ ‫هو ‪ Ascent Ferrari GT‬املستوحى من مح ّرك فيراري ثُماني األسطوانات‪ .‬ومع‬ ‫نغمات مأخوذة من أصوات مح ّرك ‪ ،Ferrari 458 Italia‬ولوحني جانبيني مصنّعني‬ ‫في ورشة عمل فيراري‪ ،‬ورمز ‪ ،Cavallino Rampante‬يعتبر ‪Ascent Ferrari‬‬ ‫‪ GT‬نتيجة رائعة للتعاون احلقيقي بني الشركتني‪.‬‬

‫‪ 26‬‬

‫أ ّما لأل ّمهات والشقيقات‪ ،‬فال ّ‬ ‫سيفضلن ‪ Constellation Ayxta‬إذ‬ ‫أنهن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫شك في ّ‬ ‫مي ّثل االنسجام األجمل ما بني األسلوب الرفيع واألناقة واملستوى العالي من الدقة‬ ‫التقنية التي لطاملا اشتهرت بها ‪ .Vertu‬يش ّكل ‪ Constellation Ayxta‬الهاتف‬ ‫األ ّول القابل للطي من ‪ ،Vertu‬وميتاز بتوفير دعم من الدرجة األول��ى في أسلوب‬ ‫احلياة‪ ،‬مع التركيز على التوفيق ما بني احتياجات العميل في العمل والسفر ومتطلّباته‬ ‫الشخصية‪ .‬يتوافر الهاتف في باقة من األل��وان‪ ،‬وميتاز بنغمة موسيقية من إبداع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫واملرشحة جلوائز غرامي‪.Zero 7 ،‬‬ ‫الفرقة املوسيقية البريطانية الشهيرة‬

‫«صالة كوادرو للفنون اجلميلة»‬ ‫تستكشف فن «الكوالج»‬

‫الصالة تستضيف معرضاً تسلط من خالله الضوء على خصوصية فن «الكوالج» الذي اشتهر بفضل جتربة‬ ‫بيكاسو في مطلع القرن العشرين‬


‫بتستضيف «صالة كوادرو للفنون اجلميلة» معرضاً فنياً تستكشف من خالله سمات فن الكوالج‪ ،‬وتأثير تلك التقنية اإلبداعية في الفنون التقليدية‪ ،‬مثل الرسم والتصوير‪ .‬فمن‬ ‫خالل أعمال عشرة فنانني‪ ،‬يبرز املعرض القدرة املميزة لفن الكوالج في دمج الواقع في األعمال الفنية عبر إدخال عناصر خارجية‪ ،‬وكذلك قدرته على جتاوز قيود اللوحة‬ ‫القماشية واحلدود ثنائية األبعاد‪.‬‬ ‫ويتسم الكوالج بقدرته على منح األشياء العادية بُعداً جديداً ومفهوماً مختلفاً‪ ،‬إذ اعتاد الفنان الهولندي ديداريك كرايجيفيلد‪ ‬على جمع فئات اخلشب خالل رحالته وأسفاره‬ ‫وجتميعها في أعمال فنية ثالثية األبعاد‪ .‬وإلبقائه على األلوان األصلية لألخشاب التي جمعها حيث حتافظ كل قطعة على أصالتها وخصوصيتها‪ .‬وأما الفنان التشكيلي السعودي‬ ‫محمد الغامدي فيؤكد رؤيته اخلاصة للبيئة احمليطة به التي يستعير منها مواده‪ ،‬حيث دأب على جمع بقايا األخشاب وغيرها من املواد املهملة في مدينته مكة املكرمة ومن ثم‬ ‫جمعها في أعمال كوالجية‪.‬‬ ‫وللفنان اإلسباني أليكس دي فلوفيا رؤية وقصة أخرى مع فن الكوالج‪ ،‬فأعماله املستلهمة من فن اخلط تتخللها أشياء مه َملة جمعها خالل إقامته بدبي‪ ،‬مثل تذاكر املترو ووصول‬ ‫االستالم من املطاعم وقسائم الشحن وغيرها ليذ ِّكرنا من خاللها بتجربته اخلاصة في املدينة‪.‬‬ ‫مجمعة من أزمنة متباينة‪ ،‬وأمكنة متباعدة‪ ،‬وكأنها تأخذ من يشاهدها في جولة تتالحق خاللها اللقطات‪ .‬وهنا يستخدم الفنان‬ ‫وتتيح تقنية الكوالج للفنانني ابتكارات من مواد‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫الفلسطيني عبد الرحمن قطناني القصدير املم َّوج والورق املق ّوى واخلِ رق البالية املأخوذة من مخيم صبرا في لبنان إلبداع صور ظل َّية (السلويت) ألطفال يلعبون‪ ،‬جامعاً بني املعاناة‬ ‫املريرة وبصيص األمل‪ .‬وباملثل‪ ،‬يستحضر الفنان املصري كرمي لطفي شوارع القاهرة عبر اجلمع بني ملصقات متراكمة ومواد مه َملة جنباً إلى جنب مع عناصر من إبداعه‪ .‬وأما‬ ‫احلي البيروتي الذي عاشت به‪ ،‬ليصبح اخلط‬ ‫الفنانة اللبنانية نادين قانصوه فتلصق صوراً من مجالت ودوريات نُشرت عام ‪( 1968‬العام الذي ُولدت فيه) على صور ملتجر في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الفاصل بني ما هو واقع وما هو ُمستذ َكر ضبابياً مشتتاً بني صور احلاضر باللونني األبيض واألسود والصور امللصقة ألعوام بعيدة مضت‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 27‬‬

‫ويتفق النقاد على أن فن الكوالج قادر على جتاوز احلدود ثنائية األبعاد‪ .‬وهنا تستحضر الفنانة اإلماراتية خلود شرفي شخصية كوكب الشرق أم كلثوم بكل تألقها عبر جتسيدها‬ ‫من خالل الوسيلة اإلعالمية التي حولتها إلى أسطورة‪ ،‬وهي الكاميرا والشريط السينمائي وجهاز العرض الضوئي‪.‬‬ ‫وتعليقاً على استضافة املعرض‪ ،‬قال بشار الشروقي‪ ،‬مدير «صالة كوادرو للفنون اجلميلة»‪“ :‬أكثر ما يبهر في فن الكوالج فكرة أن يأخذ الفنان شيئاً قدمياً مه َم ً‬ ‫ال ليحوله إلى‬ ‫يشد األنظار”‪.‬‬ ‫عمل ّ‬ ‫وسيقام حفل استقبال عند افتتاح املعرض وذلك يوم الثالثاء ‪ 4‬أكتوبر عند الساعة ‪ 7:30‬مساء‪.‬‬ ‫ويشمل املعرض أعمال الفنانني محمد الغامدي‪ ،‬وعمر الراشد‪ ،‬وإبراهيم بوسعد‪ ،‬وأليكس دي فلوفيا‪ ،‬وخالد حافظ‪ ،‬ونادين قانصوه‪ ،‬وعبد الرحمن قطناني‪ ،‬وديداريك‬ ‫كرايجيفيلد‪ ،‬وكرمي لطفي‪ ،‬وخلود شرفي‪.‬‬

Discover A world where Retouching does not Exist with Make up for ever MAKE UP FOR EVER launches its first not retouched makeup campaign with HD “Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that matters the most”


etouching is everywhere! Whether you are looking at a celebrity’s pictures in a magazine or watching TV, retouching is always there. However, the trend now is genuine beauty and MAKE UP FOR EVER is out there to provide you with its High Definition (HD) range, a 3 step program designed to offer women a flawless complexion for a picture-perfect look everyday and on camera where no retouching will be needed. 28

For the first time ever, MAKE UP FOR EVER launched a non-retouched campaign to highlight how a woman can look perfect without being retouched. In this innovative campaign, 4 young women take snapshots of themselves with their cameras and camera phones. The results entailed 4 impeccable visuals that have not undergone any retouching whatsoever and got certified by a notary public. At the heart of the professional ranges offered by MAKE UP FOR EVER for both public and professionals, there have always been revolutionary products reserved for the cinema world. To highlight the fine art of Cinema, MAKE UP FOR EVER is set to be the Principal Partner at this year’s Abu Dhabi Film Festival, the Middle East’s renowned International Film Festival, which is taking place on 13th -22nd October and aims at inspiring filmmakers while nurturing the growth of the regional film industry. MAKE UP FOR EVER will be taking part behind the scenes with its latest High Definition range which has been created to meet the new standards of HD technology in TV and Cinema. Professional makeup artists from around the world are flying to Abu Dhabi to support the prestigious Middle Eastern festival by bringing the world of professional makeup from backstage onto the red carpet and stage. Live the unique and exciting HD experience by visiting . Watch the HD video and discover firsthand that with HD cameras everywhere you turn, a woman’s makeup must be picture-perfect. MAKE UP FOR EVER makes this possible for everyone with its HD Range.

‫أنس الطحان خالل افتتاحه بوتيك في مجمع ميغا بالشارقة‬

‫تشكيلة من األزياء اجلديدة‬

‫أنوتا تكشف عن أزيائها املميزة‬ ‫في الفرع اجلديد في مجمع ميغا‬ ‫التجاري في الشارقة‬ ‫ك‬

‫شف بوتيك أنوتا‪ ،‬عالمة األزياء الفاخرة عن مجموعة األزياء الراقية واألنيقة التي أطلقها حديثاً‪ ،‬وذلك بعد إعادة افتتاح البوتيك في مجمع ميغا التجاري في الشارقة‪ ،‬بعد‬ ‫انتقاله إلى موقع جديد ومميز وأكبر مساحة في “ميغا” بدال من املوقع السابق الذي افتتح عام ‪ 2007‬ليليق باألزياء والتصاميم اجلديدة التي يعرضها من الفساتني النسائية‬ ‫األنيقة والتنانير والقمصان باإلضافة إلى أزياء خاصة بالشباب واألطفال‪ ،‬وذلك ترجمة لرؤية اجلديدة التي تتبعها أنوتا في خطتها الطموحة وإستراتيجيتها املستقبلية‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 29‬‬

‫وقال السيد أنس الطحان‪ ،‬مدير تطوير األعمال في أنوتا بعد افتتاح البوتيك مبشاركة مديرة املول‪“ :‬نحن نؤمن بأن فهمنا لذوق ومتطلبات الزبائن في هذه املنطقة هو سر جناحنا‪،‬‬ ‫ونتيجة لذلك فقد ازداد الطلب على األزياء التي تقدمها أنوتا فأصبح لدينا اآلن ما يزيد عن ثالثني بوتيك في كل من الكويت‪ ،‬وقطر‪ ،‬والبحرين‪ ،‬واململكة العربية والسعودية‬ ‫واالمارات العربية املتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫وأشار إلى أنه من املقرر افتتاح فرعني جديدين قريباً في االمارات العربية املتحدة أحدهما في أبو ظبي واآلخر في منطقة العني‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى األفرع املوجودة حالياً في كل‬ ‫من العني والشارقة‪ ،‬مع احلرص على أن تضم مجموعة جديدة مفعمة باحليوية تلفت أنظار جميع الزبائن الذين يبحثون عن أزياء راقية وفريدة من نوعها التي يقوم فريق أنوتا‬ ‫املتخصص بتصميمها وتصنيعها في العديد من الدول األوروبية وتركيا والشرق األقصى‪ ،‬ولذلك فإنها تلقى رواجاً كبيراً جلودتها العالية وأسعارها املناسبة وتصاميمها املتميزة‪.‬‬ ‫وباإلضافة إلى املجموعات التي تقدمها أنوتا في احملالت التجارية فإنها تقدم خدمة التسوق عبر اإلنترنت وحترص على شحن املشتريات خالل ثالثة أيام بأسعار مدروسة مواكبة‬ ‫الحتياجات الزبائن ومتطلباتهم في هذا العصر‪.‬‬

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‫احللقة الرابعة " اجلزء األول"‬ ‫الطرق التي أوصلتني للنجاة من الدين الذي في ذمتي‬

‫‪ 32‬‬

‫قالت سورة امللك لي ‪ :‬قبل أن أقول لك ُسبل النجاة هل كتبت ورقة بها‬ ‫الدين الذين عليك حتى يسددها الورثة عنك ؟‬ ‫عندما س� � ��معت كلمة ( الورثة ) كانت هذه الكلمة ش� � ��ديدة علي ودمعت‬ ‫عين� � ��اي فقد تذكرت أهلي جميعاً أمي وأبي وزوجتي وإخوتي وأبنائي يا‬ ‫ترى ما الذي حصل لهم من بعدي وكيف هم ؟!! ابنتي س� � ��ارة وإخوانها‬ ‫تذكرت انكسارهم وكيف أصبحوا أيتاماً من بعدي من الذي سيرعاهم‬ ‫ومن الذي س� � ��يقوم على مصاحلهم ؟!! تذك� � ��رت بنيتي الصغيرة عندما‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬أريد كاكاو ماذا س� � ��يقولون لها – عندما تس� � ��أل عني – وكيف‬ ‫سيقولون وكيف ستكون نفسيتها من بعدي !!‬ ‫زوجتي ماذا عملت من بعدي اآلن !! سيقال لها أرملة !! كيف ستتحمل‬ ‫عبء أوالدي من بعدي !!‬ ‫تذكرت وتذكرت وتذكرت ودموعي تنهمر ونشيجي يعلو ‪..‬‬ ‫قالت سورة امللك ‪ :‬كأنك تذكرت شئاً ؟!!‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬نعم تذكرت أهلي وأبنائي ماذا سيعملون من بعدي ‪.‬‬ ‫قالت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬لهم الله هو الذي خلقهم ورزقهم وهو الذي يتولى‬ ‫أمرهم ‪.‬‬ ‫كانت هذه الكلمات مبثابة املاء البارد على الظاميء فقلت في نفس� � ��ي ‪:‬‬ ‫بالفعل لهم الله وملاذا القلق !!‬ ‫اس� � ��تطردت بالفك� � ��ر قلي ً‬ ‫ال ولم يقطع تفكيري إال زيادة حرارة جس� � ��مي‬ ‫فقلت مباش� � ��رة لس� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬باالله عليك هل ل� � ��ي أن أعلم كم الدين‬ ‫الذي علي ؟!!‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قالت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬نعم لقد سألت امللك فأخبرني أنها ألفا وسبعمائة‬ ‫ري� � ��ال ‪ ،‬األلف لصاحب لك يقال له ‪ :‬أبا حس� � ��ن أما الس� � ��بعمائة فهي‬ ‫متفرقة ‪..‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قلت متعجبا ‪ :‬كيف متفرقة ؟!!‬ ‫قالت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬أنت تساهلت بديون صغيرة منذ بلوغك فتراكمت‬ ‫عليك ‪.‬‬ ‫فقلت ‪ :‬ملن ؟!!‬ ‫فقالت سورة امللك ‪ :‬خمس رياالت لبائع أغذية قد اشتريت منه طعاماً‬ ‫قلت له ‪ :‬س� � ��أردها لك غداً‬ ‫لك ولم يكن معك نقود وعندما طلبها منك َ‬ ‫هذا عندما كان عمرك خمس عش� � ��رة س� � ��نة واآلخر يعمل في مغس� � ��لة‬ ‫املالبس غس� � ��ل ثوبك وقلت له نفس كالمك الس� � ��ابق وتس� � ��اهلت حتى‬ ‫نس� � ��يته واآلخر محل كذا ومحل كذا فعددت مح� �ل��ات أتذكرها واحداً‬ ‫تلو اآلخر ‪ ،‬ثم قالت ‪ :‬تس� � ��اهلكم بالديون واستصغاركم لها سبب شقاء‬ ‫الكثير منكم في قبورهم‪..‬‬ ‫ألم يحذركم الرس� � ��ول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم من الدين وأخبركم‬ ‫أن الش� � ��هيد على جاللة قدره توقف أعماله بس� � ��بب الدين ألم تعلم أن‬ ‫أحد أصحاب الرس� � ��ول صلى الله عليه وس� � ��لم على فضله أوقفه الدين‬ ‫ولم نستطع أن نعمل له شيئاً حتى سدد صاحبه الدين !!‬ ‫قلت برعب ‪ :‬إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون وكيف اخلالص أرجوك فجسمي‬ ‫سيتقطع أملاً وحرارة ‪.‬‬ ‫قالت سورة امللك ‪ :‬بأمور ثالثة ‪.‬‬ ‫قلت بعجل ‪ :‬ما هي ؟!!‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬إما أن يسامحك من عليه الدين ‪.‬‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬الكثير منهم نس� � ��ي كما نس� � ��يت وال يعلمون مبوتي بل رمبا الكثير‬ ‫منهم ال يعرفني ونسيني ‪ ،‬لكن ما احلل اآلخر ‪.‬‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬وإما أن يسدد عنك ورثتك ‪.‬‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬كيف سيعلمون بديني ومشكلتي أني لم أكتب ورقة حلقوق الناس‬ ‫ألن املوت أتاني بغتة ولم أكن أتوقعه أو أحسب له أي حساب !!‬ ‫قال� � ��ت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬بقي أمر س� � ��أحاول ل� � ��ك به ولعل� � ��ه يكون جناتك‬ ‫وسأخبرك به بعد وقت إن شاء الله واآلن سأنصرف ‪..‬‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬ال أرجوك ال تذهبي فانا أش� � ��عر بوحش� � ��ة شديدة وظلمة ورهبة‬ ‫إضافة حلرارة جسمي التي تزداد ‪..‬‬ ‫قالت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬لن أبتعد كثيراً فأنا س� � ��أذهب ألجل املحُ اجة عنك‬ ‫والبحث عن حل وبإذن الله ستكون جناتك ‪ ..‬فانصرفت ‪..‬‬

‫ٍ‬ ‫وهم وغم فأُلهمت دعاء فقلت ‪ ( :‬يا‬ ‫بقيت وحيداً مستوحشاً في‬ ‫ظلمة ٍ‬ ‫من ال يأنس بش� � ��ئ أبقاه ‪ ،‬وال يس� � ��توحش من شئ أفناه ‪ ،‬ويا أنيس كل‬ ‫غري� � ��ب ‪ ،‬ارحم في القبر غربتي ‪ ،‬وي� � ��ا ثاني كل وحيد ‪ ،‬آنس في القبر‬ ‫وحدتي ) لكني تذكرت أني في دار حساب ال عمل‪..‬‬ ‫ما هي إال حلظات حتى س� � ��معت صوتاً أعرفه إنه أبي احلنون وأسمعه‬ ‫يقول ‪ :‬السالم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته قلت مباشرة بشغف ‪ :‬وعليكم‬ ‫السالم ورحمة الله وبركاته أه ً‬ ‫ال بك يا أبي فعلمت أنه لن يسمعني ‪..‬‬ ‫ث� � ��م س� � ��معته يق� � ��ول ‪ :‬الله� � ��م اغف� � ��ر ل� � ��ه الله� � ��م ارحم� � ��ه اللهم وس� � ��ع‬ ‫مدخل� � ��ه الله� � ��م آن� � ��س وحش� � ��ته ث� � ��م س� � ��معته ينش� � ��ج ويبك� � ��ي ويقول‬ ‫راض عن� � ��ه ف� � ��ارض عن� � ��ه وانص� � ��رف‬ ‫الله� � ��م أحل� � ��ه الله� � ��م إن� � ��ي ٍ‬ ‫الح ل� � ��ي بالظ� �ل��ام – أثناء دعاء والدي – نو ٌر عظي � � � ٌم فإذا هو ٌ‬ ‫ملك من‬ ‫مالئكة الرحمة يكتب دعاء والدي ولم يكلمني امللك بكلمة واحدة حتى‬ ‫انص� � ��رف والدي فبق� � ��ي قبري منيراً والتفت لي املل� � ��ك وقال ‪ :‬إن دعاء‬ ‫والدك س � � �يُرفع للس� � ��موات العلى وبإذن العلي القدير سيجيبه الله ألن‬ ‫دعاء الوالد لولده مستجاب ‪..‬‬ ‫ياالله متنيت أن يطيل أبي الوقوف على قبري ويس� � ��تمر بالدعاء لي ألن‬ ‫أثر دعائه وجدته في قبري بل وعلى نفسي ‪..‬‬ ‫قلت للملك ‪ :‬هل لي أن أسألك سؤاالً ؟!!‬ ‫قال ‪ :‬وما هو ؟‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬منذ متى وأنا ميت وما هو الوقت اآلن ؟!!‬ ‫قال ‪ :‬أنت ميت من ثالثة أيام واآلن وقت صالة الظهر ‪..‬‬ ‫تعجبت بش� � ��دة وقلت س� � ��بحان الل� � ��ه كل هذه األحداث ف� � ��ي هذه املدة‬ ‫القصيرة ؟!‬ ‫وكل هذه الظلمة التي أجدها في قبري ونحن وقت الظهيرة !!‬ ‫قال امللك ‪ :‬الزال الطريق أمامك طوي ً‬ ‫ال أعانك الله عليه ‪..‬‬ ‫لم أمتالك نفس� � ��ي فبكيت وبكيت بكاء ال أذكر بحياتي أني بكيت مثله ‪،‬‬ ‫وقلت في نفسي ‪ :‬سبحان الله كم كنت غاف ً‬ ‫ال عن مثل هذا ‪..‬‬ ‫انصرف امللك وهو يقول سيس� � ��تمر النور في قبرك إلى أن يش� � ��اء الله‬ ‫بفضل الله ثم دعاء والدك ‪..‬‬ ‫كانت زيارة أبي مؤنس� � ��ة لي ومتني� � ��ت أن يزورني كل أقاربي ومتنيت أن‬ ‫يقف على قبري أصحابي ‪..‬‬ ‫متنيت أن يسمع والدي صوتي فأقول ‪ :‬يا أبي أرجوك سدد الدين الذي‬ ‫في ذمتي أرجوك تصدق عني أرجوك ادع الله لي ‪ ..‬لكن ما السبيل بأن‬ ‫يسمع صوتي وتذكرت قوله تعالى ( وحيل بينهم وبني ما يشتهون )‬ ‫ش� � ��عرت بحرارة جسمي كأنها تهدأ ولكنها تزداد أحياناً فظننت أن هذا‬ ‫له عالقة بزيارة والدي ولكن األمر لم يكن كذلك بل ألمر آخر ‪..‬‬ ‫م� � ��ا هي إال حلظات حت� � ��ى الح لي نور أعرفه إنها س� � ��ورة امللك قالت ‪:‬‬ ‫عندي لك بشارتان‪.‬‬ ‫قلت بسرعة ‪ :‬ما هي ؟‬ ‫قال� � ��ت األولى ‪ :‬صاحبك الذي يطلبك األلف ري� � ��ال تذكر دينك ثم قال‬ ‫‪ :‬اللهم إني عفوت عنه محتس� � ��باً األجر م� � ��ن الله ولم يطلبها من أهلك‬ ‫فتهل� � ��ل وجه� � ��ي فرحاً ثم قلت ‪ :‬احلمد لله رمبا هذا س� � ��بب أن احلرارة‬ ‫خفت قلي ً‬ ‫ال علي ‪..‬‬ ‫وما البشارة األخرى ؟‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬لقد س� � ��ألت الله لك كثيرا لكن حقوق اآلدميني مش� � ��كلة ‪ ،‬وقد‬ ‫أُرس� � ��ل لك ملك موكل بالرؤى واألحالم وهو س� � ��يأتي أحد أقاربك في‬ ‫املنام برموز لعلهم يفهمون دينك ‪..‬‬ ‫تفاجأت بهذا اخلبر فسكتت متعجبا ‪..‬‬ ‫قالت سورة امللك ‪ :‬من برأيك يأتيه امللك في املنام ؟‬ ‫فكرت بأمي وعلمت أنها لو رأتني باملنام فس� � ��تبكي علي ولن تفس� � ��رها‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ففكرت بأقاربي فتذكرت أقرب الناس لي بعد والدي وهي أيضاً مهتمة‬ ‫بالرؤى واألحالم ‪ ..‬إنها زوجتي الوفية احملبة لي ‪..‬‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬زوجتي زوجتي هي التي أمتنى أن ترى هذه الرؤيا ‪..‬‬ ‫قالت س� � ��ورة امللك ‪ :‬س� � ��أخبر امللك أس� � ��أل الله أن يعجل فرجك ويحل‬ ‫كربتك‪..‬‬

‫رواية رحلة املوت‬

‫هذه قصة فيها تذكير باملوت والقبر وعذابه بطريقة مؤثرة‬ ‫ج��داً وجتعلك تعيش فع ً‬ ‫ال فى ه��ذه األوق��ات احلرجة فى‬ ‫القبر حيث يتوقف عملك إال م��ن ال�ث�لاث امل�ع��روف��ة ولن‬ ‫ينفعك إال عملك الصالح‪ .‬ستجعلك هذه القصة مراجعة‬ ‫نفسك ففيها الكثر من املواعظ والعبر‪.‬‬

‫‪ 33‬‬

‫ميكن متابعة باقي القصة على الصفحة الرئيسية للمجلة مبوقع الفيس بوك‬

In Qur’an and Bible Mariam Shehab


t is noticeable when reading “the secret” book that there is a similarity between the “the secret” book and religious books from the application of the law of attraction aspect. I came with a hypothesis that is the religious books interpreted how the law of attraction works. And a prediction that is the secret “The Law of Attraction” is within the religious books.

This research is based on literature observations and tests. The next paragraphs show some of the secret book concepts and similar verses from Quran and bible.

The secret of money in Quran and Bible The secret: Giving is a powerful action to bring more money into your life, because when you are giving you are saying, “I have plenty”. It will not be surprising to you to learn that the wealthiest people on the planet are the greatest philanthropists. They give away vast amounts of money, and as they give, by the law of attraction, the Universe opens up and floods vast amounts of money back to them-multiplied. The Qur’an: 34

Surah 2 _ al-Baqarah 261. The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed (of grain) which grows seven spikes, in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies (His reward) for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. The Bible: Proverbs 28:27 - Whoever gives to the poor will lack nothing, but one who turns a blind eye will get many a curse.

Proverbs 22:9 - Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor. Psalm 41:1 - Happy are those who consider the poor, the LORD delivers them in the day of trouble. The second letter of Paul to the Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Gratitude - The secret: Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life. - The Qur’an: - Surah 3 _ Ali ‘Imran 144. but Allah will reward the grateful Surah 3 _ Ali ‘Imran145. And We will reward the grateful - Surah 14 _ Ibraheem 7. If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor), but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe - The Bible: - The second letter of Paul to the Corinthians 4:15 Yes, every thing is for your sake, so that grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God

The Secret, the Qur’an and the Bible - The secret: - “you don’t need to know how it’s going to come about. You don’t need to know how the universe will rearrange itself. “ - How it will happen, how the universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job Allow the universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith-that you don’t believe you have it already. You

- Size is nothing to the Universe. It is no more difficult to attract, on a scientific level, something that we consider huge to something that we consider infinitesimally small. It is easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars. It is the same process, and the only reason why one may come faster than the other may take longer is because you thought that a million dollars was a lot of money and that one dollar was not very much. The Qur’an: - Surah 2 _ al-Baqarah 117. Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, “Be,” and it is. - Surah 36 _ Ya Seen 82. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, “Be,” and it is - Surah 3 _ Ali ‘Imran 189. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is over all things competent - The Bible: - The letter of Paul to the Philippians 4:6 - Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving let your requests be made known to God - The secret: - People who acquired massive wealth, lost it all, and within a short time acquired massive wealth again. What happened in these cases, whether they knew it or not, is that their dominant thoughts were on wealth that is how they acquire it in the first instance. Then they allowed fearful thoughts of losing the wealth to enter their minds, until those fearful thoughts of loss become their dominant thoughts. They tipped the scale from thinking thoughts of wealth to thinking thoughts of loss, and so they lost it all. Once they had lost it how ever, the fear of loss disappeared, and they tipped the scales back with dominant thoughts of wealth. And wealth turned. - The Qur’an: Surah41 _ Fussilat 36. And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. - The Bible: - Proverbs 11:27 - Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to the one who searches for it. - Amos 5:14 - Seek good and not evil, that you may live, and so the LORD, the God of hosts, will be with you, just as you have said. No doubt that “the secret” book is right in some aspects, but it is showed only the principles of using the law of attraction, so it is insufficient and lack of information especially in the interaction between people and the different types of energies. There is many factors affects people’s energy, the energies of the surrounding environment including people’s energies affect the energy

of the people negatively or positively. The interaction between people and the living organisms differ from the interaction between people and solid bodies or the universe, etc. So when asking for something from God is absolutely not the same when asking from the universe or other things or other people, but whatever we want and whoever we ask from God knows about it, and He decide when and how to give it for us, or maybe He will not, that depends on many factors such as if the person deserve to get what he want or not, or to test his patience, as God said in the Quran in Surah 2 _ al-Baqarah 155. And we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. or in case God give the person what he want even if the person was bad and don’t deserve it, God maybe want to punish him after that in these giving, and so many factors depends on it, if we get what we want. The secret book shows us that if we did good things in our life such as giving or gratitude or any thing emits good (positive) energy, we will get good things, and that is what already our religions said before. So The “the secret” book interprets the principles methods of using the law of attraction in new scientific very simple way, to understand what is already exist before in religious books which they interpreted the law of attraction in vastly and wider way. All good things derive good things, and all bad things derive bad things, that were already what religions said before. As the LORD said in Surah 99 _ az-Zalzalah 7. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, 8. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. The negative things attracts bad situations and events and continue to happen without stop until the energy of the person changed from negative to positive and vise versa, that what the verse in Quran in Surah41 _ Fussilat 36. And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing. The Satan (devil) let us think in negative way, so the verse telling us to seek refuge in God to change the negative energy we emit from negative suggestions from Satan to positive energy. “The secret” book released to remind people how to live and deal with life, because people forgot how to apply the concepts of religious books but it is lack of information and it is overdrawn. All religious books interpreted the law of attraction according to all people understanding degrees in all mentality levels, and each era has a different mentality and assimilation way differ from the other, and this doesn’t mean the kind of people, their nationalities, traditions or races, however, on the mentality aspect, because of that God discourse us from these aspects, otherwise there will be a religious book for each race, town, tribe, etc. So the Torah came in specific diction to let people of that era understand it according to their mentality, then the bible came because the people’s mentality differs, and finally the holy Quran, and why there is no religious books came after it? Because it still and will be for all eras a comprehensive and capable of discourse all kinds of mentalities, that it is still has a powerful information and contains the different kinds of sciences, regardless of the concepts evolution and the new discoveries appears, we still see the Quran even discover it before, or talked about it in some way, or it is the reason for their appearance. It is obviously more advanced than the Torah and the Bible. 35

think you have to do it and you do not believe the Universe will do it for you. The how is not your part in the creative process.

‫هل احلياة تعتمد على اخليارات‬ ‫أم أنها مسألة صدفه ؟‬

‫حسناء باخيش‬


‫حلياة مليئة باخليارات و أيضا مليئة بالفرص‪ .‬احلياة دائمة املفاجآت لنا وال نعرف‬ ‫ما تخفيه‪ .‬ال نعرف القرارات التي س� � ��نأخذها جيدة أم سيئة‪ .‬ولذلك يبقى السؤال‬ ‫“ هل احلياة تعتمد على اخليارات أم على الصدف ؟‬ ‫ال ب� � ��د من باب الفضول تتس� � ��اءلون ملاذا اخترت أنا هذا املوض� � ��وع بالتحديد من بني‬ ‫ماليني املواضيع التي استطيع أن اطرحها ‪ .‬هذا املوضوع غريب إلى حد ما‪ ،‬فالكثير‬ ‫م� � ��ن األحيان أفكر أن احلياة تعتمد على اخليارات ألن� � ��ي أكون قد اخترت بعض من‬ ‫اخليارات التي أريد أن متضي حياتي بها‪ .‬و في األحيان األخرى حتدث لي األش� � ��ياء‬ ‫من طريق الصدفة فأقول هل هذه األش� � ��ياء حدثت من القدر والصدفة أم كان مقدر‬ ‫لها أن حتدث بسبب خياراتي‪.‬‬

‫دعن� � ��ا اآلن نأخذ النقطة األخرى التي هي أن احلياة تعتمد على خياراتنا‪ .‬من أعظم‬ ‫هدايا احلياة لإلنسان هي عندما ندرك إننا لدينا القدرة على اتخاذ قرارات اخلاصة‬

‫أخيرا برأيي اخلاص اعتقد أن احلياة هي مسألة اختيار‪ .‬أنت الذي تستطيع أن توجه‬ ‫حيات� � ��ك و تختار القرارات ملا هو األفضل بالنس� � ��بة لك أو ما يجعلك س� � ��عيدا‪ .‬عيش‬ ‫احلياة على أفضل ما تس� � ��تطيع حتى لو كن� � ��ت تؤمن أن احلياة تعتمد على قرارات أو‬ ‫الصدفة الن أهم ش� � ��يء هو قدرتك على إدارتها ‪ .‬احلياة مليئة باملفاجآت واألس� � ��رار‬ ‫والتحدي� � ��ات ‪ .‬احلياة تكون في بعض األحيان تعتمد عل� � ��ى الفرص لتعلمنا كيف هي‬ ‫قيمه و كيف نك� � ��ون حذرين في كل خطوه نخطيها‪ .‬احلياة تعتمد على قراراتنا وعلى‬ ‫الفرص والصدف التي هي تقدمها لنا ‪ .‬لذلك لنحاول أن نعيش� � ��ها بطريقه صحيحة‬ ‫على أكمل وجه‬

‫‪ 36‬‬

‫لنأخذ كال من اخليارات والصدفة بش� � ��كل منفصل‪ .‬دعنا نبدأ بان احلياة هي مسألة‬ ‫صدفه‪ .‬هناك شيء يسمى مصير‪ ،‬و بوجود الله وعبارة “ هو من املفترض أن يحدث‬ ‫“‪ .‬هذه هي األش� � ��ياء الذي يعتمد عليها بعض الناس و يعتقدون أن احلياة تعتمد على‬ ‫الفرص فقط‪ .‬ولكن هل تعتقد أن الفرص هي كل شيء ؟ أنت متتلك احلياة وتستطيع‬ ‫توجيهها حيثما تريد وأيضا اعتقد أن بعض األش� � ��ياء في حياتنا التي حتدث صدفه‬ ‫لتعلمنا أن نعيش احلياة بالرغم من التحديات التي تواجهنا ‪ .‬إذا هل الزلت تعتقد أن‬ ‫احلياة تعتمد على القدر والصدف ؟‬

‫بنا و بها نباش� � ��ر حياتنا‪ .‬نعم ! نس� � ��تطيع أن نوجه حياتنا مثلما نريد ولكن ملاذا تكون‬ ‫هن� � ��اك قرارات خاطئ� � ��ة بعد اختيارنا لم نريد حياتنا أن تك� � ��ون ؟ باختيارنا القرارات‬ ‫ال نعلم ماذا س� � ��تكون نتائجها الحقا ‪ ،‬أحيانا نختار ما يجعلنا س� � ��عداء ولكن في بعض‬ ‫احلي� � ��ان ال ي� � ��ؤدي هذا القرار إلى ما كنا نتوقع ‪ .‬ما هو االختيار الصحيح ؟ وكيف لنا‬ ‫أن نعل� � ��م أن هذا هو اخليار الصحيح ؟ اخليار الصحيح هو الذي يخبرنا به احلدس‬ ‫أن هذا هو القرار املناس� � ��ب لنا ‪ ،‬بغض النظر عن ما يقوله الناس و بغض النظر عن‬ ‫األص� � ��وات الذي تس� � ��معها بداخلك ‪ .‬الصوت الذي بداخلك ه� � ��و صوتك الذي دائما‬ ‫ما يكون مائال إلى ما يريده قلبك ولكنه ال يس� � ��اعدك في مواجهة حتديات احلياة ‪.‬‬ ‫وهذه التحديات ممكن أن تؤدي بنا إلى السعادة والى عكسها‪ ..‬فبعض القرارات التي‬ ‫نأخذها تكون قد مرت نفسها علينا سابقا ‪ .‬فهل حقا احلياة مسألة اختيار ؟‬

‫تاريخ السينما‬ ‫ابراهيم الطبطبائي‬


‫ص� � ��ور أحداثاً خيالي� � ��ة‪ ،‬أو تعيد أحداثاً قد حدثت بالفعل ف� � ��ي املاضي‪ ،‬تعيدها‬ ‫ع� � ��ن طريق التقليد بأش� � ��خاص مختلفني وظروف مصطنع� � ��ة ‪ .‬وهناك التصوير‬ ‫السينمائي الوثائقي‪ ،‬الذي يحاول إيصال حقائق ووقائع حتدث بالفعل بشكل جذاب‪،‬‬ ‫أو إيصال فكرة أو معلومة بش� � ��كل واضح وس� � ��لس أو مثير لإلعجاب‪ .‬تسمى السينما‬ ‫أيضا الفن الس� � ��ابع‪ .‬فهي فن اس� � ��تخدام الصوت و الصورة سوية من أجل إعادة بناء‬ ‫األحداث على شريط خلوي‪.‬‬ ‫نشأة السينما وانتشارها‪:‬‬

‫‪ 37‬‬

‫ترجع بداية ظهور الس� � ��ينما في العالم بيوم الثامن والعشرون من شهر ديسمبر لعام‬ ‫‪ , 1895‬وه� � ��و اليوم الذي ق� � ��دم فيه األخوان لوميير أول عرض س� � ��ينمائي من خالل‬ ‫جهازهما املعروف بالس� � ��ينما توج� � ��راف أمام اجلمهور مبقابل م� � ��ادي وكلن ذلك في‬ ‫باريس في فرنس� � ��ا‪ ,‬كان الشريط السينمائي الذي قدمه األخوان لوميير مدته ثالث‬ ‫دقائق تقريب� � ��ا‪ ,‬وكان عنوانه (إنصراف العمال من مصن� � ��ع لوميير)‪,‬الفيلم عبارة عن‬ ‫تس� � ��جييل للواقعة بطريقة بدائية مبسطة ملشاهد متحركة‪ ,‬لكنه القى استحسانا من‬ ‫جان� � ��ب اجلماهير فتم عرضه في أماكن أخرى من فرنس� � ��ا‪ ,‬وجتول في بعض الدول‬ ‫االوربية ثم الوالسات املتحدة‪ ,‬ولم تكن صاالت العرض معروفة فكانت املشاهدة تتم‬ ‫في مس� � ��ارح عادية‪ ,‬حيث توضع الشاشة ويتم العرض عليها‪ ,‬أما آلة التصوير فكانت‬ ‫ه� � ��ي األخرى بدائية محدودة االمكانيات‪ .‬ومنذ تق� � ��دمي العروض األولى البدائية في‬ ‫فرنس� � ��ا ‪ ,‬ب� � ��دأ االهتمتام بتوالى في ال� � ��دول االدوربية ببناء وتش� � ��ييد قاعات العرض‬ ‫السينمائي‪ ,‬ففي فرنسا افتتحت أول دار سينما ثابتة على يد األخويني لوميير ‪1897‬‬ ‫‪ ,‬وفي بريطانيا ش� � ��يدت أول دار عرض ثابته عام ‪ . 1904‬وفي عام ‪ 1908‬صدرت‬ ‫التشريعات القانونية التي تنظم قواعد تشييد دور العرض السينمائي في روسيا‪.‬‬ ‫ومع مرور الوقت مت استحداث أشكال جديدة للعرض ‪ ,‬وزادت املدة الزمنية املخصصة‬ ‫للعروض السينمائية‪ ,‬وزاد تأثير على هيكل صناعة السينما‪ ,‬فازدادت هذه الصناعة‬ ‫تعقي� � ��دا وأصبح العارضون يش� � ��ترون األفالم من املنتجيني ويقدمونها للمش� � ��اهديني‬ ‫ف� � ��ي دور العرض مقابل تذاكر ذات أثم� � ��ان معروفة‪ ,‬زمنذ ذلك احلني أصبح الذهاب‬ ‫الى الس� � ��ينما ملشاهدة العروض الس� � ��ينمائية عادة ملحوظة لدى قطاعات واسعة من‬ ‫اجلمهور في العديد من دول العالم‬

‫غالباً ما تنطبق مهمة القائد على اجتاهات وسلوكيات الناس‬ ‫كيف تغير اجتاهات الناس دون أن تؤذي مشاعرهم وتثير استيائهم‬ ‫‪ 1‬ابدأ باملدح والتقدير‬‫إن الكثير من الزعماء والقياديني في العالم ( كوليدج – ماك كينلي – لينكولن ) كانوا‬ ‫ميتازون مبدح العاملني معهم والثناء عليهم وتشجيعهم‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 2‬نبه اآلخرين إلى أخطائهم بشكل غير مباشر‬‫ذات يوم كان ( تش� � ��ارلز ش� � ��واب ) مير بأح� � ��د مصانع احلديد التابع� � ��ة له وفي وقت‬ ‫(‬ ‫الظهيرة صادف املوظفني وهم يدخنون بينما فوق رؤوس� � ��هم متاماً الفتة تقول‬ ‫ممنوع التدخني ) هل أش� � ��ار ش� � ��واب لالفتة وقال “ أال جتيدون القراءة ؟؟ ال ليس (‬ ‫ش� � ��واب ) هل الذي يفعل هذا بل مشي نحوهم وقدم لكل واحد منهم سيجاراً وقال “‬ ‫سأقدركم لو أنكم دخنتم هذا السيجار في اخلارج “‬ ‫‪ 3‬حتدث عن أخطائك قبل أن تنتقد اآلخرين‬‫‪ 4‬اطرح أسئلة بدالً من أن تصدر أوامر مباشرة‬‫‪ 5‬دع الشخص اآلخر يحفظ ماء وجهه‬‫‪ 6‬امدح أقل بادرة حتس� � ��ن وامدح كل حتس� � ��ن وكن صادقاً في تقديرك وس� � ��خياً في‬‫مدحك‬ ‫يق� � ��ول عالم النفس “ جيس لير “ في كتابه ليس لدى الكثير يا عزيزي فأنا ال أملك‬ ‫س� � ��وى ذاتي “ املدح كضوء الش� � ��مس الدافيء لروح اإلنسانية ولن تستطيع أن تنمو أو‬ ‫تزدهر بدونه كثير من املتميزين واملبدعني أثرت كلمة مدح من أستاذ لهذا الطالب في‬ ‫مرحلة من مراحل حياته فإذا استطعت أنا وأنت أن جنعل الناس الذين نتعامل معهم‬ ‫يدركون ما لديهم من كنوز مخبأة فلماذا ال نفعل ونعيد تشكيلهم باملدح والتشجيع بدالً‬ ‫من أن تخبو هذه القدرات بالنقد‬

‫كن قائداً‬ ‫أ‪ .‬عبد الله الشمري‬

‫‪ 7‬اعط الش� � ��خص اآلخر س� � ��معة طيبة جتعله يس� � ��عى ألن يكون عند حسن ظنك به‬‫ماذا تفعل لو أن ش� � ��خصاً بدأ يهمل في عمله بعد أن كان عام ً‬ ‫ال نش� � ��يطاً ؟ قد تفصله‬ ‫ولكن هذه احلقيقة لن حتل املشكلة أو توبخه وكان هناك ميكانيكي يعمل لدى شركة‬ ‫حتت رئاس� � ��ة ( هنري هنكي ) مدير مش� � ��روع ولقد بدأ أداء هذا العامل في االنحدار‬ ‫ولم يعد مرضياً وبدالً من فصله وتهديده قام السيد ( هنري ) باستدعائه إلى مكتبه‬ ‫وحادث� � ��ه بصدق وحم� � ��اس وأنه ميكانيكي بارع ومتميز وعمل في الش� � ��ركة لفترة بكل‬ ‫تفان� � ��ي ومهارة عالية وقد أجاب امليكانيكي أنه س� � ��وف يعمل بكل جهد وتفاني ليكون‬ ‫عن حسن ظن املدير ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 8‬قم بالتشجيع واجعل اخلطأ يبدو سهل االصالح‬‫إذا أخبرت طفلك أو زوجتك أو موظفك أو ابنك بأنه غبي في شيء ما وأن ال موهبة‬ ‫له قد تدمر بذلك كل حافز لديه للسعي للتحسن وعليك التشجيع وجعل األشياء تبدو‬ ‫سهلة وجتعل الشخص يثق أنك تؤمن بقدراته‬ ‫‪ 9-‬اجعل الشخص اآلخر سعيد بفعل الشيء الذي تقترح عليه فعله‬

‫كن قائداً واعمل بهذه املبادئ‬

‫‪ 38‬‬

‫( جافتر ش� � ��ميدث ) يحكي عن موظفه في متج� � ��ر لألغذية الذي كان يديره لم تكن‬ ‫تتقن وضع األسعار املناسبة على األرفف وهو يسبب حيرة وشكاوى للعمالء ولم تفلح‬ ‫معها مذكرات تعنيف أو مواجهة وفي النهاية استدعاها السيد ( شميدث ) إلى مكتبه‬ ‫وأخبرها أنه اختارها لوضع بطاقات األس� � ��عار في جميع املتاجر وأنها مس� � ��ئولة عن‬ ‫ذلك العلم وقد غيرت هذه املس� � ��ئولية واللقب من موقفها وقامت بواجبها كما ينبغي‬ ‫على أفضل حال‪.‬‬

‫ﻛﻞ ﻣﺎ ﺗﺤﺘﺎﺟﻪ اﻟﻤﺮأة ﻟﺠﻤﺎﻟﻬﺎ‬ ‫أﻛﺒﺮ وأرﻗﻰ ﺻﺎﻟﻮﻧﺎت اﻟﺘﺠﻤﻴﻞ ﻓﻲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺠﻬﺮاء وﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى اﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﻋﺎم‬ ‫اﻟﺨﺪﻣﺔ اﻟﻤﻤﻴﺰة واﻟﺘﻌﺎﻣﻞ اﻟﺮاﻗﻲ وﺟﻮدة ﻣﻮاد اﻟﺘﺠﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﻤﺴﺘﺨﺪﻣﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻛﺒﺮى ﺷﺮﻛﺎت اﻟﺘﺠﻤﻴﻞ‬

‫‪Qƒ£©∏d - »°ùfôØdG õcôŸGh ΩõeR ¥ƒ°S ÖfÉéH IQGh äÉ©ª› ´QÉ°T - AGô¡÷G‬‬ ‫‪24582667 : ¢ùcÉa - 94994418 - 24582663/4 : ¿ƒØ∏J‬‬

‫ضع القلم‬

‫واهجر الكتابة‬ ‫مصلح العتيبي‬


‫ا أدري أيهما أكثر عشقاً لآلخر وأشد تعلقاً به الكاتب بالقلم أم القلم بالكاتب ؟‬ ‫عشق سرمدي وتعلق وجداني ؛لكنه أحياناً حب من طرف واحد‬

‫الكاتب يعشق القلم بال شك !‬ ‫والقلم ال يهيم بأي كاتب وال ريب ؛بل إن القلم لو نطق لقال لبعض الكتاب (ضع القلم‬ ‫واهجر الكتابة ) ‪.‬‬ ‫ال بليلى ‪ ---‬وليل ال تقر لهم وصاالً‬ ‫وكل يدعي وص ً‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫وعشق الكاتب للقلم ألنه وسيلة تبليغ اخلير للغير ‪،‬ووسيلة عرض أفكاره على الناس‬ ‫والتواصل معهم والتألم ألملهم والفرح لفرحهم والقلم وسيلة للشهرة أيضاً ‪.‬‬ ‫أما عش� � ��ق القلم للكات� � ��ب فيتوقف على نوعية ما يكتب وج� � ��ودة ما يعرض وصدق ما‬ ‫يطلب وأهمية ما ينتج ‪.‬‬ ‫فالقلم مغلوب على أمره ال يس� � ��تطيع أن يعبر بصراحة أو ينطق بصدق ؛ليقول لبعض‬ ‫من يكتب (ضع القلم واهجر الكتابة)‪.‬‬ ‫ومس� � ��اندة للقلم ف� � ��ي أمره ودعماً له في قضيته فس� � ��وف نوجه رس� � ��الته نيابة عنه ؛‬ ‫لنقول ‪:‬‬ ‫ضع القلم واهجر الكتابة عندما تريد أن حتاد الله ورس� � ��وله صلى الله عليه وسلم أو‬ ‫عندما تريد أن تشكك في دين الله ‪.‬‬ ‫ضع القلم واهجر الكتابة عندما تنسى هموم أمتك ‪،‬فتساند أعدائها بكتاباتك وحتاول‬ ‫املساس مبعتقداتها وأمنها ووحدتها ‪.‬‬

‫ض� � ��ع القلم واهجر الكتابة عندما تنطلق في كتاباتك من الهوى بغير نور من كتاب أو‬ ‫سنة ‪.‬‬ ‫ضع القلم واهجر الكتابة عندما تكتب لتعيش وابحث عن مهنة أخرى ‪،‬فالكتابة رسالة‬ ‫وعقول الناس أمانة والقلم شاهد واملوعد القيامة ‪،‬والله يحكم بني عباده ‪.‬‬

‫‪ 40‬‬

‫ضع القلم واهجر الكتابة عندما ال يكون لك هم إال إخراج ذوات اخلدور من خدورهن‬ ‫بغض النظر عن أين تكون مصلحتهن ؟‬

‫من هو املعلم‬

‫‪ 41‬‬

‫املعلم هو القائد التربوي الذي يتص� � ��در لعملية توصيل اخلبرات‪ ‬واملعلومات التربوية‬ ‫وتوجيه الس� � ��لوك لدى املتعلمني الذي� � ��ن يقوم بتعليمهم‪ ‬نعم إنه‪ ‬قائ� � ��د تربوي ميداني‬ ‫يخوض معركته ضد اجلهل والتخلف ببسالة فائقة سالحه اإلميان بالله‪ ‬تعالى ‪ ،‬ونور‬ ‫العلم ال� � ��ذي يتحلى به‪ ،‬وهو يحقق االنتصار تلو االنتصار في الصباح وفي‪ ‬املس� � ��اء ‪،‬‬ ‫صفوه بالشمعة التي حتترق لتضيءالطريق‬ ‫وبذلك فهو يسعد الناس من حوله حتى َو َ‬ ‫أمام اآلخرين‪ ،‬وال شك أن هذا التشبيه له داللته الهامة على مكانة املعــــلم‪ ‬على الرغم‬ ‫من أن تشبيه املعــــلم بالشمعة ال يروقني ‪ ،‬ألن الشمعة إذا انتهت خلّفت‪ ‬رماداً وفاقد‬ ‫الش� � ��يء ال يعطيه ‪ ،‬ولكنني أشبه املعلم بالشمس الساطعة التي تضيء لنفسهاوتضيء‬ ‫لآلخرين‪ ‬إن دور املعلم في بناء اإلنس� � ��ان وقيام احلضارة ال يستطيع أن‪ ‬يتجاهله أحد‬ ‫‪ ،‬ب� � ��ل إن جناح النظام التعليم� � ��ي يعني جناح احلضارة ومتيزها ‪ - -‬قالقائل األملان ملا‬ ‫انتص� � ��رت أملانيا في احلرب الس� � ��بعينية ‪ :‬لقد انتصر معلم املدرس� � ��ةاألملانية ‪ ،‬وقال‬ ‫قائل فرنس� � ��ا ملا انهزمت في احلرب الثانية ‪ :‬إن التربية الفرنسيةمتخلفة وقال قائد‬ ‫األمري� � ��كان ملا غزا الروس الفضاء ‪ :‬م� � ��اذا دها نظامناالتعليمي؟ إذن فاملعلم هو الذي‬ ‫يصنع النصر وهو الذي‪ ‬يكون سبباً في الهزمية يقول أحد الباحثني ‪ :‬يترك املعلمون‬ ‫آث� � ��اراً واضح� � ��ة علىاملجتمع كله ولي� � ��س على أفراد منه فحس� � ��ب ‪ ،‬كما هو احلال مع‬ ‫األطباء مث ً‬ ‫س لطالب واحد فقط ‪ ،‬وإمنا للعشرات وهو‬ ‫ال ‪ ،‬فاملعلم في‪ ‬الفصل ال يُد ّر ُ‬ ‫به� � ��ذا مير على مئات التالميذخالل يوم واحد من أيام عمله ‪ ،‬ثم وإن الطبيب عندما‬ ‫يعالج مريضاً فهو إمنا يعالج‪ ‬اجلزء املعتل في بدنه فحس� � ��ب وليس البدن كله وهو ال‬ ‫يؤثر على املريض ذلك التأثيرالذي يتركه املعلم على عقول طلبته وعلى ش� � ��خصياتهم‬ ‫وكيفي� � ��ة منوها وتفتحها على حقائق‪ ‬احلياة ‪ ،‬وأحياناً على مس� � ��ارات حياتهم ما بقي‬ ‫فيه� � ��م عرق ينبض وبنا ًء على ماتقدم جند أن علماء التربية واملهتمون بالتعليم عكفوا‬ ‫على دراس� � ��ة األمور التي تخص‪ ‬املعلم فمن الباحثني من درس صفات املعلم النفسية‪،‬‬ ‫وخصائصه املعرفية ‪ ،‬ومنهم من درس‪ ‬س� � ��لوكه وأث� � ��ره على املتعلمني ومنهم من درس‬ ‫كيفية تعامله مع الطالب ومنهم من بحث في‪ ‬أساليب التدريس السليمة ‪ ---‬الخ وقد‬ ‫حتدث (ايرل بولياس ‪ ،‬جيمس يونغ) في‪ ‬كتابهما عن املعلم والذي كان عنوانه‪-: ‬‬

‫(‪)A teacher is Many things‬‬ ‫عن صفات‪ ‬وخصائص يتصف بها املعلم زادت عن عشرين صفة أهمها‬ ‫‪ .1‬املعلم مرش� � ��د فهومرشد في رحلة املعرفة‪ ،‬يعتمد على جتاربه وخبرته ألنه‬ ‫يعرف الطريق واملسافرين ويهتماهتماماً بالغاً بتعليمهم‪ ‬‬ ‫مرب‪ -:‬يعلم وفقاً للمفهوم القدمي‪ ‬للتعليم فهو يس� � ��اعد الطالب على‬ ‫‪ .2‬املعلم ًّ‬ ‫التعلم‪ ‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬املعلم مجدد وهو جسر بني‪ ‬األجيال‬ ‫‪ .4‬املعلم قدوة ومث ٌل ‪ ،‬في املواقف ‪ ،‬في الكالم ‪ ،‬في العادات ‪ ،‬اللباس‬ ‫‪ .5‬املعلم باحث يطلب املزيد من املعرفة‬ ‫‪ .6‬املعلم ناصح أمني وصديق حميم‪ ‬ومبدع وحافز على االبداع‬ ‫‪ .7‬املعلم خبير وإنس� � ��ان يع� � ��رف ‪ ،‬ويعرف أنه يعرف ان عليه‪ ‬ان يكون واس� � ��ع‬ ‫املعرفه‬ ‫قصاص ‪ ،‬ممثل‪ ،‬مناظر ‪ ،‬باني مجتمع‬ ‫‪ .8‬املعلم رجل متنقل ‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫‪ .9‬املعل� � ��م يواج� � ��ه احلقيق� � ��ة ‪ ،‬طالب علم ومعرف� � ��ة ‪ ،‬مق ّوم ‪ ،‬مخل� � ��ص ‪ ،‬املعلم‬ ‫إنس� � ��ان وبنا ًء على ذلك نس� � ��تطيع القول إن املعلم يجب أن يكون مبثابة املوجه‬ ‫احلازم‪ ‬للطف� � ��ل واملرش� � ��د اله� � ��ادي الذي يوجهه إل� � ��ى ما فيه اإلنت� � ��اج واخللق‬ ‫والس� � ��لوك االجتماعي‪ ‬الصحي� � ��ح واألخ األكب� � ��ر الذي يهي� � ��ئ إلخوانه الصغار‬ ‫اجلو املناس� � ��ب الذي مييل� � ��ون إليه ‪،‬وعليه إن يعيش معه� � ��م فيه ويظهر أمامهم‬ ‫عل� � ��ى طبيعته من غير تكلف أو كبري� � ��اء ‪ ،‬ومن واجبه‪ ‬كذلك أن يكون معيناً لهم‬ ‫يس� � ��اعدهم على مقابلة الش� � ��دائد والتغلب على الصعاب ‪ ،‬بهذا فقط‪ ‬يستطيع‬ ‫أن يكسب ثقة تالميذه وحبهم له‪ ،‬ويستطيع أن يؤثر في نفوسهم ويوجههم إلى‬ ‫مافيه خيرهم وخير اإلنسانية فكم من معلم محبوب أثر في تالميذه أكبر األثر‬ ‫فجعلهم‪ ‬يشغفون بأقل األشياء جاذبية وأكثرها جفافا‪.‬‬

‫اإلحساس اجلديد‬ ‫�����ت علـــ������ي بش������ائـِـــــــ ُر ُحبـــــــ������ك‬ ‫أقبلـــــــ� ْ‬ ‫و ح� � ��ارت دمعـــت� � ��ي ب� �ي��ن فرحـــ� � ��ةِ لقــائــــهِ‬ ‫أضــــــ� � ��اء لــــيــــــ� �ل��ا ق� � ��د طـــ� � ��ا َل س � � �ـــواده‬

‫منى سلطان‬

‫�وع َحنـــانـــــــــ� � ��ه‬ ‫�ب رحي � � � ٌم يفي� � � ُ‬ ‫قل� � � ٌ‬ ‫�ض كينب� � � ٍ‬ ‫ليت يس� � ��يرا عل� � ��ى‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫القلب أن يُبدي ُش� � ��عورهُ‬ ‫أكتــ� � ��م س � � � ّر اله� � ��وى ف� � ��ي داخلـــ� � ��ي قـهـــــرا‬ ‫أُبدي إحساس� � ��ا غي� � ��ر إحس � � �ــاس داخلــــي‬ ‫وي � � � َح قلبي ِأم � � � ْن أجـ� � ��ل عينـي� � ��ك يرضــــى‬

‫أحس به‬ ‫ـب عش� � ��رون ربيعا ل� � ��م‬ ‫خف� � ��ق القل ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فس � � �ـــالم إليـــ� � ��ك يـــ� � ��ا مــ� � ��ن كنــ� � ��ت الـذي‬

‫و خــوف������ا عــــليــــ������هِ مــــ������ن أن يـــــــ������زوال‬ ‫و قتـــ������ل الظـــــ���ل��ا ُم ظهــــ������و ُر ِهاللـــــــ������ه‬ ‫ــحــبــ� َ‬ ‫�����ـــدنــــي إلـــيـــ������ه بِــقــــ������وي ال ِ‬ ‫�����ال‬ ‫َش� ّ‬ ‫يخش� � ��ى بع� � ��د رِ فع� � ��ة أن يكــــ� � ��ون ذلــــــــي� �ل��ا‬ ‫أتــ� � ��رى عذابـــــــ� � ��ي كــــــ� � ��م هــــ� � ��و مهــــ� � ��وال؟‬ ‫ألتـــ� � ��رك قـــلـــب� � ��ي يـــجـــمـــ� � ��د ذهـــــــــ� � ��وال!‬ ‫قــــربــانـــ� � ��ا أَمـــ� � ��ام اإليـــثــــ� � ��ا َر ُمـــثــــــ� � ��وال؟‬ ‫ت� � ��رى مـــ� � ��ن يــمـــاريـــ� � ��ك ف� � ��ي الـــرجــولــــ� � ��ة‬ ‫�رع الــطــبــ� � ��ول‬ ‫مــالــ � � � ُه اآلن أصـــبـَــ� � ��ح كـــقـــ َ� � � ِ‬ ‫�ت عقــلــــ� � ��ي لقــلـــبـــ� � ��ي َعــــــ� � ��ذوال‬ ‫َجعـــــــلــ� � � َ‬

‫‪ 42‬‬

‫م� �ل��أتَ عينــ� � ��ي َقلــب� � ��ا و قالبـــ� � ��ا و لـــ� � ��م‬

‫فأصبــــ � � � َح للقـلــ� � � ِ�ب رِ متـ � � �اً كـ� � ��ا َن مجهـــوال‬

Things That Will Stop You From Sleeping

Is every morning a drag? Are you feeling lethargic throughout the day? How many of these 10 things are getting in the way of your sleep? Bladder While drinking a nice cup of tea or warm milk before bed is a great way to wind down, it’s also a great way to ensure a midnight trip to the bathroom. Overactive bladder, an actual medical condition caused by the involuntary contractions of the bladder muscles, can also disrupt your beauty rest. Overcome bladder disruptions by limiting your intake of fluids after about 6 p.m., and by avoiding foods that irritate the bladder like spicy Indian dishes. If all else fails, try a double take: After you urinate before bed, give it five minutes and then force another round. 44

Mattress Remember the good old days of kick-ass sleepovers and playing Nintendo till 2 a.m. at your best bud’s house? Yeah, well, those days are gone and so too is your ability to sleep on any couch, floor or mattress. Because choosing the right mattress is almost entirely a matter of personal choice -- meaning that most studies on mattress type and back pain, for example, are inconclusive -- finding a mattress that works for you is probably best achieved through trial and error. Don’t be afraid to take notes on the various mattresses that you lay upon throughout your life, whether at hotels or family functions, until you find a perfect match. Of course, you can always use the fact that you’re researching mattresses as a cheesy pickup line.

bedtime typically being the only time for peaceful reflection, it’s quite common to relive all the stressful events that occurred throughout the day. But stress-induced sleep disturbance isn’t just a mental thing; stress induces physical changes, such as the release of the hormone cortisol -- another factor intimately related to sleep. If you’re having trouble with stress and sleep, the best solution is to address the stress itself, rather than look for quick fixes. Make sure you wind down hours before bedtime, whether through mediation, a good book or mutual massage -- anything to keep your mind at ease -- and be sure to make these healthy habits routine. Light Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, free from disturbance, and most importantly, free from light. Man-made light, whether from outside street lamps or from your TV or computer, can disrupt our internal clocks (or circadian rhythm), making it difficult for our brain to understand when it should begin to wind down. Because our bedtime routines tend to vary from night to night, the amount of light we are exposed to before sleep will also vary, making it near impossible for our bodies to secure a natural rhythm. If you’re having trouble finding your nightly groove, make sure that your bedroom is as dark and distractionfree as possible. Buy thick curtains and remove the TV and computers to ensure that your space is for sleeping only. TV It seems that almost every day new research emerges on the effects of TV and sleep. Of biggest concern, is bedtime viewing. Not only does the light from television throw off our natural circadian rhythms, which are normally controlled by daylight, but the sights and sounds of television act as a brain stimulant, further preventing sleep. The scariest part of TV’s effect on sleep is that nearly everyone is doing it. A very recent, large-scale survey of 21,475 adults, known as the American Time Use Survey, found that television viewing accounted for nearly 50% of pre-bedtime use! Do yourself a favor and unplug. Computer and cell phone

There may be no worse feeling than snuggling into bed only to be loudly awakened by a rumbling stomach. To avoid those late-night pangs of hunger, simply plan your meals better. Sometimes eating too big of a dinner will keep you full until the exact moment you lay down for bed. So try not to overdo it at dinnertime, eat at a reasonable time and follow up your dinner with a light snack a few hours before bed. Exercise Ever felt jacked-up immediately after a good workout? If so, you’re not alone. Usually, during exercise and shortly thereafter, our bodies experience a rapid increase in stress hormones. These hormones help increase blood flow, boost our heart rates and raise our body temperature in order to keep our muscles pumping. The net effect, however, will leave you wide awake. Over time, though, stress hormone levels drop, thereby promoting the opposite effect of making you tired. Studies have even shown that regular exercise will actually improve sleep in insomniacs in the long run. To ensure that exercise is promoting sleep rather than disturbing it, avoid the gym before bedtime. In fact, the earlier you work out, the better you’ll sleep. Stress Whether it’s a looming deadline, a blind date or having to tell your wife that you spent the vacation fund on a big-screen TV, stress and anxiety are sleep killers. The inability to prevent our minds from racing at night is a common symptom of stress-induced sleep disturbance. With

In a world dominated by electronics, avoiding computers or cell phones before bedtime is nearly impossible, but it may be necessary in order to get a good night’s sleep. Not only do computers and cell phones give off loads of unnecessary light (think of all the flashing lights on computers, cell phones and AC adapters), but they also serve as a constant reminder of work. Cell phones go one step further with some studies suggesting that the radiation given off by our mobile phones may be disturbing sleep. Then there’s the added disruption of late-night texts, phone calls or e-mails that can wake you without you even knowing it (a phone’s vibration is more than enough to wake you mid-sleep). Help yourself by disconnecting. Caffeine We probably don’t need to tell you outright that caffeine affects sleep, but most of you probably aren’t aware of how this process happens. Caffeine works partly by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that induces drowsiness and sleepiness by binding to its adenosine receptor. When this action is blocked, we tend to stay awake. Because the half-life of caffeine is about six hours in humans, that means that if you consume a big cup of coffee with 200 mg of caffeine at 3:00 p.m., by 9:00 p.m., there is still about 100 mg of that caffeine in your system. Although you may be able to fall asleep, you might not reap the benefits of deep sleep. To overcome caffeine-related sleep deprivation, try to avoid caffeine after 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. This may be tricky since some foods like chocolate or various soft drinks also contain caffeine. But, generally, you’ll be fine if you just avoid coffee later in the day. 45


Teach your Child the Importance of Appreciation T

he word “appreciation” means really seeing something for what it is- an awareness of how special, how lucky, how unique, how blessed, how big, wonderful or awesome something is. Appreciation is a recognition not based on comparison, but based on the intrinsic value, character or immensity of a thing or state itself.

Some people are born “appreciators”. They see the world at its essencethe beauty of a sunset, the fragile green of a leaf, the boundless energy of a small child. Others must be helped to learn to see the beauty and wonder in the world. Gratitude is one form of appreciation that is easier to express. Thankfulness is part of our religious and cultural heritage and the antidote to selfishness and complaining. It can come in the form of praise, recognition or humility. Another form of appreciation is respect toward someone or something valued. In relationships this translates as care, concern, fair treatment and courtesy. Teaching your child to appreciate starts at birth with your loving regard toward him or her and continues throughout the life of your relationship. As they observe the way you view and deal with people, things, and situations, they will no doubt learn to appreciate also. Preschool Nature is a major doorway to appreciation. The unarguable beauty and power encountered in natural places inspires a young child’s appreciation. The sound of a bird in the tree overhead, the rustling grass as the wind passes by, a butterfly lighting briefly on a blossom- all are breathlessly beautiful and awe-inspiring! Take frequent forays into wild places. Let your child experience the wonders of nature through their senses. Walk through well-tended gardens and notice the colors, shapes and smells you encounter. They will see your obvious pleasure and join you in your appreciation. Share what you’ve experienced later by reviewing the experience. Care is an important aspect of appreciation. Help your child take care of their things. Teach them to respect their belongings and the property of others. Demonstrate an attitude of thankfulness for what you have and for your life together. Prayer, celebrations and shared reflection are simple ways to express your gratitude. Affection is a powerful way to express appreciation. Hugs, kisses and loving words show your child how much you value him and others. Simple thank-yous given often and sincerely introduce your child to the graciousness of appreciation. There is no more powerful teacher than your own example! • Main points to address: 46

Being close to nature brings out appreciative feelings, as this activates the heart. This is accomplished through the senses. Teach your child how to care for and respect their belongings. Show thankfulness with prayer, celebrations and simple reflection. Hugs, kisses and loving words are powerful expressions of appreciation. Use them often along with sincere thank-yous. • Grades K-3rd Young school age children are strongly influenced by those outside the home. They may encounter those who lack appreciation and respect for people and property. You will need to counter this by continuing to deliberately teach and demonstrate appreciation.

One fun way to do this is to create a “Thankfulness Tree”. Using construction paper, or a cardboard tube, make a “trunk” for your tree. Cut out colorful leaves and have each family member write something they are thankful for on them. Each week add another set of leaves to the tree. Take time afterward to re-read the leaves. You’ll be surprised what your family will come up with! Keeping a family journal, perhaps alongside a photo album or scrapbook, can provide a running record of gratitude. Take time every month to update events or developments that have inspired thankfulness. Encourage but don’t require participation each time, but know your contributions are setting a standard they will internalize. Use holidays as opportunities to show appreciation for what you have, for each other, and for what you’ve experienced over the year. Your child will develop an appreciation for the “seasons of life” in this way. Sometimes an event such as illness, death or other tragedy can later viewed as a blessing. Openly thank your child’s teachers, coaches and care providers. Encourage your youngster to do the same. Again, make sure your child knows you appreciate them. Praise, noticing effort and accomplishment and kind words need to be part of the climate of the thankful home. Prayer remains a powerful vehicle for gratitude at this age. • Main Points to address: Counter outside influence by being deliberately appreciative. Create a “Thankfulness Tree” together. Use holidays as opportunities to show appreciation. Continue using praise, recognition, prayer, and kind words. • Grades 4-6th Older school age children can begin to show appreciation in more tangible ways. It is important to foster the development of gratitude in order to keep your youngster’s heart open at a time when many around them are “shutting down” in this way. A good extension of the family journal is to provide your child with a journal of their own. Writing out their thoughts and feelings is a wonderful way to express what they may find difficult to verbalize. Journaling requires time, thought and reflection and opens a doorway for appreciation that might not otherwise be opened. Provide your older child their own stationary, including thank you notes. You may need to prompt them to send thank yous, but if they have seen you do this, they will feel quite grownup sending them. Show them how to be specific when expressing their gratitude.

Again, your own appreciation and how you show it will be the best teacher for your child. Know that how you view and respond to the world around you and the life you live will be the critical factor in opening your child’s heart to appreciation. Main points to address: A personal journal provides a forum for thoughtful expression. Sending thank you notes is a grownup way to show gratitude. Volunteer activities can keep your child’s heart open and give them a chance to be a blessing to others. Your example is the most powerful teacher. 47

Volunteering to work at an animal rescue or shelter, read to older folks at a nursing home, or participate in a community cleanup or food shelter can provide your child with opportunities to realize their own blessings and give back by being a blessing to others. This is one of the most powerful ways of teaching appreciation- by showing them appreciation has both receptive and expressive qualities.

‫ملاذا ال يضحك االنسان‬ ‫عندما يدغدغ نفسه؟‬ ‫م‬

‫ـن املعروف ان لكل فعل رد فعل ‪ ،‬أي أنه عندما يقوم شخص ما بدغدغتك يكون رد‬ ‫فعلك هو الضحك‪ ،‬ولكن ملاذا ال يحدث ذلك إذا قمت أنت بدغدغة نفسك؟‬

‫ان اإلجابة تتواجد في املنطقة اخللفية باملخ والتي تسمى “‪ ”cerebellum‬وتختص‬ ‫مبراقبة احلركة ‪.‬‬ ‫وأن الدراس� � ��ات التي أجري� � ��ت في جامعة لندن أثبتت أن ه� � ��ذه املنطقة ميكنها التنبأ‬ ‫باإلحس� � ��اس عندما تس� � ��ببه حركة اجلسم نفس� � ��ه‪ ،‬ولكنها غير قادرة على التنبأ بهذا‬ ‫اإلحساس إذا صدر عن مصدر خارجي‪.‬‬ ‫الشخص عندما يقوم بدغدغة نفسه فإن املخ يتنبأ بهذا اإلحساس ‪ ،‬هذا التنبؤ يلغى‬ ‫رد فعل املناطق املخية األخرى لهذه احلركة ‪.‬‬ ‫اإلنســـــان ال يضحك وحيدا‬ ‫وللتع� � ��رف اكث� � ��ر على تل� � ��ك العملية توضح ان هن� � ��اك منطقتني بامل� � ��خ تختص بعملية‬ ‫اإلحس� � ��اس بالدغدغة‪ ،‬وقد وج� � ��د أن هاتني املنطقتني تكونا أقل نش� � ��اط إذا دغدغ‬ ‫الش� � ��خص نفس� � ��ه وعلى العكس تنش� � ��ط بش� � ��كل ملحوظ إذا دغدغ الشخص من قبل‬ ‫شخص أخر‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت أن دراس� � ��ات أخرى استخدم فيها الربوت اآللي أظهرت أن وجود تأخر بني‬ ‫حركة الدغدغة وظهور رد الفعل قد يؤدى إلي الشعور بالدغدغة ‪ ،‬وكلما زاد التأخر‬ ‫كان الشعور بالدغدغة أقوى‪.‬‬ ‫وأخي� � ��ر نقول لك عزيزي القارئ أن الدغدغة كالضحك تعبر عن نش� � ��اط اجتماعي‪,‬‬ ‫فاإلنس� � ��ان ال يضحك وحيدًا‪ ,‬وال يدغدغ نفسه‪ ,‬وإذا فعل فلن يضحك‪ ,‬ومثل الفكاهة‬ ‫التي يُضحك فيها اإلنس� � ��ان عندما يدغدغه شخص آخر‪ ,‬وال يضحك عندما يدغدغ‬ ‫نفسه‪ ,‬فهو يفتقد عنصري املفاجأة والتفاعل االجتماعي‪ ,‬فالدغدغة نشاط اجتماعي‬ ‫احلسي‪.‬‬ ‫يشبه اللعب يعتمد على املفاجأة والتنبيه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الدغدغة قد تفقد اإلنسان توازنــه‬ ‫وقد قال العلماء عن الدغدغة أنها إحدى خواص اجلسم البشري التي مازال يحيط‬ ‫بها الكثير من الغموض ‪ ...‬وقد شغفت ظاهرة الدغدغة الناس على مر العصور ‪.‬‬ ‫و ميكانيكياته� � ��ا معروف� � ��ة ‪ :‬فحينما تداعب أطراف األعصاب ‪ ,‬ترس� � ��ل إش� � ��ارة بهذا‬ ‫للمخ الذي يحولها إل� � ��ى انقباضات عصبية عضلية هي القهقهة احلرة املتفجرة غير‬ ‫اإلرادية‪ ,‬التي يصعب التحكم فيها ‪ ...‬و قد اكشف علماء جامعة سان دييجو بأمريكا‬ ‫أن الضحك يبدأ بعد بدء الدغدغة بسبع ثوان ‪ ,‬و يستمر ملدة ‪ 50‬ثانية ثم يقل ‪ ,‬إذا‬ ‫لم تستمر الدغدغة و تزيد ‪.‬‬ ‫عصبي ‪ ,‬عن الضحك الفكاهة مثال ‪ ,‬و هو عقالني ‪.‬‬ ‫وال تعجب عزيزي القارئ إذا عرفت ان الدغدغة قد تفقد االنس� � ��ان توازنه و حتكمه‬ ‫في جسده ‪.‬‬ ‫فعلى س� � ��بيل املثال ميارس االطفال ‪ ,‬مثال لعبة (حرب الدغدغة ) حيث الهدف ليس‬ ‫إثارة ضحك املنافس ‪ ,‬بل دفعه لفقد الس� � ��يطرة على جس� � ��ده ‪ ...‬و قد اس� � ��تخدمت‬ ‫الدغدغة في املاضي (في املانيا القرن السابع عشر مث ً‬ ‫ال ) كسالح للتعذيب و أحيانا‬ ‫لإلعدام ‪ ,‬بإماتة الشخص من شدة الضحك‬

‫‪ 48‬‬

‫و يختلف ضحك الدغدغة ‪ ,‬والذى يعتبر انعكاس‬

> H. Gossips > Music > Cinema > B. Gossips > Tv Show > Movie > Red Carpet > Articles > Tribute

By Dalal E. Al Rubai’aan

‫املوسيقار‬ ‫أحمد باقر‬ ‫أ‬

‫حمد باقر (مواليد ‪ )1933‬هو موسيقار وفنان وملحن كويتي‪ ،‬يعد العالمات البارزة‬ ‫في الطرب الكويتي ومن ومطورين األغنية الكويتية احلديثة‪.‬‬

‫ولد الفنان أحمد محمد يوسف باقر في مدينة الكويت منطقة الشرق عام ‪1929‬‬ ‫التحق مبدرسة املباركية في بداية حياته التعليمية ثم تو ّقف عن الدراسة عندما‬ ‫وصل إلى املرحلة الثانوية‪ ،‬بسبب حبه للفن وانشغاله الدائم به‪ .‬بعد ذلك بدأ البحث‬ ‫عن وظيفة‪ ،‬فكانت بداية حياته املهنية من خالل شركة النفط حيث التحق بوظيفة‬ ‫«تل كالرك»‪ .‬كان راتبه آنذاك ‪ 150‬روبية‪ .‬عندما تسلّم أول راتب‪ ،‬بادر إلى شراء‬ ‫آلة عود‪ ،‬وذلك إلشباع رغبته الفنية‪ .‬ترك العمل في شركة النفط والتحق بشركة‬ ‫أميركية تعمل في منطقة املشعاب براتب أكبر‪ ،‬وكان يتولى مهمة فرز البريد وتعمل‬ ‫بأمرته مجموعة من املوظفني يوزعون البريد‪ ،‬لكنه ما لبث أن ترك الوظيفة وعاد‬ ‫للعمل مجدداً في شركة النفط‪.‬‬ ‫في عام ‪ 1960‬قام بتلحني قصيدة بعنوان لي خليل حسني للشاعر أحمد العدواني‬ ‫وقام الفنان شادي اخلليج بغناءها‪ .‬وقد كانت طفرة في األغنية الكويتية‪ ،‬حيث انها‬ ‫جنحت جناحا كبيراً واعتبرت انعطافا فنيا جديداً في مسيرة األغنية الكويتية‪.‬‬

‫كان أول لقاء بني باقر وعبد الكرمي عبد القادر في عام ‪ 1967‬وذل��ك من خالل‬ ‫أغنية بعنوان “سرى الليل”‪ ،‬تأليف الدكتور عبد الله العتيبي فكانت أح��د أبرز‬ ‫األعمال الغنائية التي ساهمت في ظهور عبد القادر وشهرته وتألقه على الساحة‬ ‫الغنائية الكويتية‪ ،‬على الرغم من وجود أصوات غنائية مشهورة ومتميزة عدة في‬ ‫تلك الفترة‪.‬‬

‫التحق أحمد باقر باملعهد العالي للموسيقى العربية التابع ألكادميية الفنون بالقاهرة‪.‬‬ ‫حتى يطور من موهبته املوسيقية ويصقلها بالدراسة األكادميية‪ .‬وقد كان موهوباً‬ ‫والفتاً ألنظار اقرانه‪ ،‬حيث أطلقت عليه عميدة معهد املوسيقى العربية الدكتورة‬ ‫رتيبة احلفني لقب سنباطي اخلليج‪ .‬وفي عام ‪ 1968‬حصل على شهادة بكالوريوس‬ ‫الفنون املوسيقية من املعهد وبهذا أصبح ثاني فنان كويتي يحصل على مؤهل أكادميي‬ ‫في املوسيقى بعد الفنان شادي اخلليج‪.‬‬ ‫عند عودته للوطن قام باقتراح فكرة إنشاء معهد للموسيقى في دولة الكويت ومت‬ ‫إنشاءه في عام ‪ 1972‬وعمل مشرفا فيه‪ .‬وقام بعدها بتطوير هذه الفكرة ليتحول‬ ‫معهد املوسيقى إلى املعهد العالي للفنون املوسيقية وذلك في عام ‪ ،1976‬والذي من‬ ‫ميكن الطلبة من استكمال الدراسة األكادميية وصقل مواهبهم الفنية ‪.‬‬ ‫خالله ّ‬

‫‪ 50‬‬

‫جمعت أغنية “يا ساهر الليل” الشهيرة‪ ،‬باقر وصديق عمره الشاعر العتيبي‪ ،‬وغناها‬ ‫مطرب الكويت الكبير الراحل عوض دوخي‪ .‬اتفق اجلميع على أنها من أبرز األعمال‬ ‫الغنائية البحرية املطورة والتي ال تزال تُذاع حتى اآلن وحتتفظ مبستواها الفني‪.‬‬

‫كانت أحلان باقر الوطنية متميزة وال تقل عن أحلانه العاطفية خصوصاً من حيث‬ ‫مطابقة النغم للمعنى‪ .‬كان متواص ً‬ ‫ال مع كبار املطربني ويعتبر الفنان شادي اخلليج‬ ‫أكثر املطربني تعاوناً معه في هذا املجال‪ ،‬إذ غنى له أجنح أغانياته من بينها‪“ :‬أنا‬ ‫العربي” و”طاب النشيد” وهي من كلمات الشاعر الراحل عبد الله العتيبي و”كويت‬ ‫العرب” من كلمات الشاعر عبد الله سنان و”صدى املاضي” من كلمات الشاعر‬ ‫أحمد العدواني كذلك غنت له املطربة جن��اة الصغيرة أغنية “بلدي احملبوب”‪،‬‬ ‫واملطربة عليه التونسية أغنية “بلدي احلبيب”وعاليه حسني أغنية “أنشودة الكفاح”‬ ‫وسناء اخلراز أغنية “باخلير ياللي مشيتوا”‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى أعمال غنائية وطنية‬ ‫أخرى عدة بأصوات كويتية وعربية‪.‬‬

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ENNIFER LOPEZ KICKS OFF 42ND BIRTHDAY WE EKEND IN MIAMI Not letting the media spo tlight surrounding her sud den split from Marc Ant glammed up Jennifer Lop hony dampen her birthda ez stepped out solo in Mia y weekend, a mi, Florida on Friday nig ht (July 22). The “American Idol” jud ge looked dashing in a colorful patterned gown restaurant by a team of as she was escorted into security personnel to gra a local sunshine state b up a late night meal. The trip to Miami comes after Miss Lopez has spe nt the past few days in Atla titled “What to Expect Wh nta - where she’s filming en You’re Expecting” alon a new ensemble movie gside Elizabeth Banks and Chris Rock. Meanwhile, J. Lo slipped away from set duties for the weekend in Miami, as (July 24) with rumors tell she’ll be ringing in her 42n ing that the celebration d birthday on Sunday will be held with celebrit y friends Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

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T 52

Neighbor to the Moon

eighbor to the Moon, Ambassador to the Stars, the legend of today is yesterday’s shy little village girl. The superstar acclaimed by millions as magical, brilliant, and angelic is our one and only Fairuz.

Born and raised in Lebanon, Fairuz began her musical career as a teenager. From chorus girl at the Lebanese radio station in the late 1940s, to critical and popular acclaim from the 1950’s to today, Fairuz is acknowledged not only for her musical talent and contribution, but also as a cultural and political icon. A symbol of a people, a heritage, a quest for peace, and of humanity. During most of her career, Fairuz reflected two other great artists, Assi and Mansour Rahbani. They wrote the lyrics and composed her tunes. Today, many of her songs reflect the composing talent of Ziad Rahbani who is Fairuz’s son. Her songs testify to the Rahbani musical genius, as well as to Fairuz’s broad musical background. As Dr. J. Racy says, “More than just a singer’s name, Fairuz is a concept whose connotations are ethnic and nationalistic, as well as musical and poetic.” Referred to as “The Soul of Lebanon” in the 70’s, Fairuz became a pre-eminent figure, a superstar of current music in the Arab world. Together, the Rahbani family is both a school of music and a cultural phenomenon. For the girl who loved to sing to her friends and neighbors in the little village, it was an overwhelming experience when, in 1957, Lebanon’s

President Chamoun presented Fairuz with the “Cavalier”, the highest medal ever conferred on a Lebanese Artist. In 1969 a memorial Lebanese stamp was issued in her name. Meeting royalty, once an experience she had expected to encounter only in the fairy tales of her childhood, has become a reality for her. She is routinely welcomed, greeted, received, and honored by today’s world leaders. In 1963, King Hussein of Jordan presented her with the Medal of Honor, followed by his Majesty’s Gold Medal in 1975. In Brazil, the crowds attempted to carry her with her limousine. In 1981, while touring in the U.S., Senators, Governors and Mayors of various cities honored her. A Harvard University scholar, Barry Hoberman, even wrote: “Quite simply, Fairuz is one of the world’s nonpareil musicians and outstanding Artists, an international treasure of the order of Rostropovich, Sills, Ravi Shankar, Miles Davis, Sutherland, Pavarotti and Dylan.” Her record-breaking concerts at the Royal Festival Hall in London made headlines worldwide. The Daily Mail wrote: “The box office was besieged as never before. Tickets changed hands at more than 1,000 Pounds on the black market. Takings reached a record, breaking the previous best when Frank Sinatra was in town. And who was the star that packed them in last night? Madonna? Springsteen? Domingo? Horowitz? No ... FAIRUZ, the top female singer in the Arab world”. Fairuz has headlined at the most prestigious venues in the world including the Albert Hall, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Salle Pleyel, among many others. 53


The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn - Part 1 54

The Quileute and the Volturi close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses different threats to the wolf pack and vampire coven.

Horrid Henry : The Movie When Henry fails yet again to hand in his homework for the umpteenth time, he has no idea that this will set off a chain of events which will see him forming an unlikely alliance with Moody Margaret, the infuriating girl next door, and his irritating little brother Perfect Peter, outwitting corrupt School Inspectors and toppling an evil Headmaster, winning a talent contest and facing his ultimate nemesis with no way out - all because he is trying to save the very school which he has always professed to hate!

Coming Soon October 2011

The Adventures of Tintin : The Secret of the Unicorn Tintin and his friends discover directions to a sunken ship commanded by Capt. Haddock’s ancestor and go off on a treasure hunt.

Kuwait Top 10 Dolphin Tale Tower Heist When a group of hard working guys find out they’ve fallen victim to a wealthy business man’s Ponzi scheme, they conspire to rob his high-rise residence.

Moneyball Trespass As they’re held for ransom, a husband and wife’s predicament grows more dire amid the discovery of betrayal and deception.

The Lion King



Dream House

What’s Your Number?


* All Movies are subject to the approval of Ministry of Information

Killer Elite 55


in Returns

Salman’s Pa

facial nerve rgery for a su a t is en Tiger’ which who underw g of ‘Ek Tha tin alman Khan, oo ed sh em e ent, all se ok part in th . For a mom problem, to ork. ots in Dublin sh resumed w its d g an in ts nn emed ed to the se right now ca se rn t tu no re s i ha ha r Sallu B e surgery and, well that ou lief from th evails in Irel ately, the re un ate that pr rt im fo cl un t him ld un co But ha e th to n en back agai long. Giv has come to last for reduced his in the face the surgery in gh pa ou ’s th an at th Salm is especially ed it at d st i an Sallu Bha still feel it, n ca he t, apparently. en t 60-70 perc pain by abou a s to talk. ie tr he n he Neuralgia, intense w Trigeminal r fo on as y re er e surg e unknown derwent th rve for som stated Salman un the facial ne in Salman has . rs w cu ja e oc th at d th an m rgery le ce su fa ob pr in the und of the a lot of pain a second ro r fo ck and causes ba ld have to go that he wou s again or 3 month 2 xt in the ne



Amitabh-Ash makes Abhishek feel


e recently reported that Abhishek Bachchan was unwell following a mishap on the sets of Bol, where he had to undergo a few stitches on his face below his eye. Well, Abhi’s dearest wife and daddy dear are trying their best to make him feel better by shoing him the positive side of the scars on his face. Abhishek Bachchan tweeted: “The father and mrs. In an attempt to make me feel better told me that a scar on the face adds character and apparently even looks attractive!!!” However, Abhishek is in no mood to agree with them. He wrote, “Not too sure about that. The airhostess on my flight to Jaipur refused to serve me and when I disembarked from the plane had the look….Of sheer horror on her face.” Now, things are getting better with Abhishek and the actor is all set to resume the shooting of Bol. 56

Kareena makes way for Karishma’s come back!!


arishma Kapoor is all set to make a smashing come back in Bollywood and her little sister Kareena, is doing everything possible to ensure Lolo comes back with a bang.

“Karisma is looking better than any of the current heroines. I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am about her starting work again,” Kareena says, Karisma has been off screen for quite sometime now. Yet the actress is all set to make a comeback with impressive projects. Apart from playing the lead in Dangerous Ishq, she will also be featured in a number of item numbers and endorse brands.

Indian Movie



The film is jointly produced under Khan’s production company Red Chillies Entertainment and Eros International, and was originally scheduled to release in the summer of 2011. However, due to extensive post-production work involving special effects and its 3D conversion, the film was pushed back and is now set to release worldwide during the Diwali weekend of October 26, 2011. Ra.One is currently India’s most expensive film to date and will be released in both 2D and 3D formats across 3,200 screens in India, along with its dubbed versions in Tamil, Telugu and German. 57

a.One is a Hindi Superhero film directed by Anubhav Sinha, and starring Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Rampal in the lead roles. It also stars Shahana Goswami, Dilip Tahil and Chinese-American actor Tom Wu in supporting roles.

Tower Heist T 58

ower Heist is an upcoming 2011 crime comedy film directed by Brett Ratner and starring Ben Stiller, Casey Affleck, Matthew Broderick, Eddie Murphy, Alan Alda, Michael Pena, Tea Leoni and Gabourey Sidibe. Produced by Imagine Entertainment, it is scheduled for release on November 4, 2011 by Universal Pictures.

When the hard-working staff of a Columbus Circle high-rise find out they have fallen victim to the Ponzi scheme of one of the tenants, a wealthy Wall Street businessman, they conspire to rob his penthouse residence.

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yan Thomas Gosling (born November 12, 1980) is a Canadian actor and musician. Having first gained notice at the age of 12 as a mouseketeer on the variety show The Mickey Mouse Club, Gosling has built a reputation for playing misfits in independent films: a fanatic Neo-Nazi in the The Believer (2001), a socially inept loner in Lars and the Real Girl (2007) and a frazzled husband in Blue Valentine (2010). He has been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Leading Actor (for Half Nelson) and two Golden Globe Awards (for Lars and the Real Girl and Blue Valentine). His most commercially successful movie to date is 2004’s romantic drama The Notebook. 2011 was a landmark year for the actor as he appeared in three mainstream films: romantic comedy Crazy, Stupid, Love, action movie Drive and political drama The Ides of March. 60




Gosling first made his name as a child actor on The Mickey Mouse Club alongside fellow future stars Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake. He also appeared in many Canadian television series and movies including Goosebumps and Breaker High, and, in 1998, he moved to New Zealand to film the adventure series Young Hercules. Gosling outside a concert for his band Dead Man’s Bones in Montreal, Canada in October 2009 His first serious role was in 2001’s controversial drama The Believer, which won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. He has described it as “the film that kind of giftwrapped for me the career that I have now. I suddenly found myself at Sundance, where people were asking me about my craft. So I had to pretend I had one.” In 2002 and 2003, he appeared in The Slaughter Rule, Murder by Numbers and The United States of Leland. In 2004, he starred opposite Rachel McAdams in the sleeper hit The Notebook. The film made stars of its two leads, had huge popular culture resonance and frequently appears on Most Romantic Movies lists. The chemistry between Gosling and McAdams was often remarked upon, with the New York Times writing, “Their performances are so spontaneous and combustible that you quickly identify with the reckless sweethearts, who embody an innocence that has all but vanished

from American teenage life. And against your better judgment, you root for the pair to beat the odds against them.” In 2006, he appeared as a drug-addicted, junior high school history teacher in Half Nelson, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a Broadcast Film Critics Association Award and won Best Actor at the Spirit Awards.and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Broadcast Film Critics Association and won a Satellite Award. He also starred opposite Anthony Hopkins in the 2007 courtroom thriller Fracture. Gosling focused mainly on his band Dead Man’s Bones in 2008 and 2009, releasing a debut album and touring North America. The band was formed with his friend, Zach Shields. The two met in 2005 (Shields was dating Rachel McAdams’ sister) and quickly realized that they shared an obsession with ghosts. Thus, they decided to form their band around the themes of ghosts and monsters. In 2010, he co-starred with Michelle Williams in Derek Cianfrance’s directorial debut, Blue Valentine. The low-budget film was mainly improvised: “Most movies when you’re acting you’re trying to block out the lights and the trailers. Here, you had to remind yourself you were making a film,” says Gosling. “Michelle and I found it hard to take off our wedding bands when it was over. We’d built this castle and then had to tear it down.” His performance was nominated for many awards, most notably a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama. 2011 saw him expand his horizons: he appeared in his first comedic role, in Crazy, Stupid, Love. and his first action role, in Drive. He was also directed by George Clooney in the political drama The Ides of March, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival. 61

He recently finished filming The Place Beyond the Pines, a bank heist movie with Bradley Cooper, Eva Mendes and Ray Liotta, He is currently working on The Gangster Squad and is attached to two movies currently in pre-production: Only God Forgives and a remake of Logan’s Run.

Bing Crosby Harry Lillis “Bing” Crosby (May 3, 1903 – October 14, 1977) was an American singer and actor. Crosby’s trademark bass-baritone voice made him one of the best-selling recording artists of the 20th century, with over half a billion records in circulation.

A 62

multimedia star, from 1934 to 1954 Bing Crosby was a leader in record sales, radio ratings and motion picture grosses. His early career coincided with technical recording innovations; this allowed him to develop a laidback, intimate singing style that influenced many of the popular male singers who followed him, including Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, and Dean Martin. Yank magazine recognized Crosby as the person who had done the most for American G.I. morale during World War II and, during his peak years, around 1948, polls declared him the “most admired man alive,” ahead of Jackie Robinson and Pope Pius XII. Also in 1948, the Music Digest estimated that Crosby recordings filled more than half of the 80,000 weekly hours allocated to recorded radio music.

Crosby exerted an important influence on the development of the postwar recording industry. He worked for NBC at the time and wanted to record his shows; however, most broadcast networks did not allow recording. This was mainly because of the quality of recording at the time. While in Europe performing during the war, Crosby had witnessed tape recording, on which The Crosby Research Foundation would come to have many patents. The company also developed equipment and recording techniques such as the Laugh Track which are still in use today. In 1947, he invested $50,000 in the Ampex company, which built North America’s first commercial reel-to-reel tape recorder. He left NBC to work for ABC, because NBC was not interested in recording at the time. This proved beneficial because ABC accepted him and his new ideas. Crosby then became the first performer to pre-record his radio shows and master his commercial recordings onto magnetic tape. He gave one of the first Ampex Model 200

recorders to his friend, musician Les Paul, which led directly to Paul’s invention of multitrack recording. Along with Frank Sinatra, Crosby was one of the principal backers behind the famous United Western Recorders recording studio complex in Los Angeles. During the “Golden Age of Radio,” performers often had to recreate their live shows a second time for the west coast time zone. Through the aegis of recording, Crosby constructed his radio programs with the same directorial tools and craftsmanship (editing, retaking, rehearsal, time shifting) being used in motion picture production. This became the industry standard. 63

Crosby won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Father Chuck O’Malley in the 1944 motion picture Going My Way, and was nominated for his reprise of the role in The Bells of St. Mary’s the next year, becoming the first of four actors to be nominated twice for playing the same character. In 1963, Crosby received the first Grammy Global Achievement Award. Crosby is one of the 22 people to have three stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Jeff Conaway J 64

effrey Charles William Michael Conaway (October 5, 1950 - May 27, 2011, known by his stage name, Jeff Conaway, was an American actor, best known for his roles in the movie Grease, and the US TV series Taxi and Babylon 5. He also directed the 1992 film Bikini Summer 2.

On May 11, 2011, Conaway was found unconscious from what was initially described as an overdose of what was believed to be pain medication, and was taken to a hospital in Encino, California, where he was listed as being in critical condition and in a coma. After the initial reports, Dr. Drew Pinsky, who had treated Conaway for substance abuse, said the actor was suffering not from a drug overdose but rather from “pneumonia with sepsis”, for which he was placed into an induced coma. 5 months later, Los Angeles County coroner ruled his death accidental. Jeff Conaway died mn May 27, 2011, after 2 weeks in a comma. Jeff Conaway was 60 years old at the time of his death. Conaway appeared on VH1’s ‘Celebrity Fit Club’ in 2008 and later on ‘Celebrity Rehab,’ where he admitted to being addicted to cocaine, painkillers and alcohol.

> Fashion > Cars > Sport > Articles

By Abdulrahman Al-Masuod



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‫كيف تصبح ناجحاً‬ ‫في حياتك العملية وسعيداً في زواجك‬ ‫م‬

‫ن الن� � ��ادر حدوث التوافق والرضا بني األزواج في ظل ظروف العمل‪ ،‬وهذه النتيجة‬ ‫املؤكدة ليس� � ��ت كالم� � ��ا عاما غير مثبت بل إنها من واق� � ��ع اخلبرة‪ ،‬وهي أيضا التي‬ ‫توصل� � ��ت لها العديد من الدراس� � ��ات الت� � ��ي مت إجراؤها مؤخرا حي� � ��ث أثبتت أحدث‬ ‫الدراس� � ��ات أن اقل م� � ��ن ‪ 45%‬من األزواج يش� � ��عرون بالرضا والس� � ��عادة في عملهم‬ ‫وحياتهم الزوجية‪.‬‬

‫والس� � ��بب في ذلك يرج� � ��ع إلي الضغوط املتزايدة التي توجد ف� � ��ي العمل ثم مضاعفة‬ ‫هذه الضغوط مئات املرات عند الرجوع إلي املنزل لالصطدام بواقع احلياة الزوجية‬ ‫املل� � ��يء أيضا باملتاعب‪ ،‬وهذا احل� � ��ال ال ينطبق علي الرجال فقط بل إنه أيضا ينطبق‬ ‫كذلك علي النس� � ��اء العامالت‪ ،‬فاألمر أكثر صعوبة بالنسبة إليهن حيث يصعب عليهن‬ ‫الربط والتوفيق بني أعمالهن وحياتهن الزوجية؛ خاصة بالنسبة ألعمال املنزل وتربية‬ ‫األطف� � ��ال‪ ،‬ومن ثم يصعب حدوث نوع كبير من الس� � ��عادة وحتقيق الرضا املطلوب في‬ ‫احلياة الزوجية والعملية‪.‬‬

‫ف� � ��ي املقابل أكدت دراس� � ��ة حديثة أخري تنامي نس� � ��بة املعاناة م� � ��ن الضغوط والتوتر‬ ‫وارتف� � ��اع نس� � ��بة األمراض النفس� � ��ية والعصبية الناجمة عن مش� � ��اكل ومتاعب احلياة‬ ‫في العمل والزواج‪ ،‬وهذه النس� � ��بة الكبي� � ��رة ال ميكن بأي حال من األحوال إهمالها أو‬ ‫إغفالها ألنها تنتشر كثيرا بني األزواج والزوجات الذين يعملون‪.‬‬ ‫عدد ساعات العمل‪:‬‬ ‫أوضحت دراسات أخري أيضا أن نسبة عدم الرضا بني األزواج خاصة الذين يعملون‬ ‫وعدم ش� � ��عورهم بالسعادة يرتبط في املقام األول بزيادة نسبة ساعات العمل‪ ،‬خاصة‬ ‫إذا زاد عدد ساعات العمل عن أربعني ساعة أسبوعيا‪ ،‬حيث ستزداد نسبة الضغوط‬ ‫وفق� � ��ا لذلك في املن� � ��زل‪ ،‬األمر الذي يجعل من الصعب حدوث الس� � ��عادة بني األزواج‬ ‫الذي� � ��ن يعملون في حياتهم الزوجي� � ��ة‪ ،‬وهو األمر الذي دفع العدي� � ��د من األزواج إلي‬ ‫تقليل عدد س� � ��اعات العمل قدر املستطاع‪ ،‬بغرض حتقيق نوع من السعادة في احلياة‬ ‫الزوجية بعيدا عن ضغوط العمل التي تعتبر العامل األكبر في انهيار العديد والعديد‬ ‫من العالقات الزوجية التي تنتهي بالطالق بس� � ��بب أن الزوج ال يش� � ��عر بالسعادة التي‬ ‫يتمناه� � ��ا من جانب زوجته العامل� � ��ة‪ ،‬أو أن الزوجة تلح علي زوجها طالبة منه الطالق‬ ‫وذلك لعدم قدرته علي حتقيق الس� � ��عادة املطلوبة لها نظرا النخراطه في عمله الذي‬ ‫يأخذ كل وقته واهتمامه‪ ،‬فتشعر زوجته بعدم الرضا والسعادة وهو األمر الذي أصبح‬ ‫مسيطرا علي معظم العالقات الزوجية في العصر احلديث‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬السعادة في العمل‪:‬‬ ‫لكن دراس� � ��ات أخري أثبتت أن السعادة في العمل تنعكس جملة وتفصيال علي احلياة‬ ‫الزوجية‪ ،‬حيث قال املش� � ��اركون في االستطالع األخير الذي أجرته “جمعية‪ ‬األزواج‬ ‫األمريكية” أن الس� � ��عادة في العمل تنعكس بصورة كبيرة وتامة علي الرضا في احلياة‬ ‫الزوجي� � ��ة‪ ،‬وأب� � ��دي األزواج العاملون وأيض� � ��ا الزوجات العامالت الذين ش� � ��اركوا في‬ ‫االس� � ��تطالع أن سعادتهم في حياتهم العملية ووظائفهم لها التأثير الكبير في الشعور‬ ‫بالس� � ��عادة الغامرة في احلياة الزوجية‪ ،‬وأن الرضا بالوظيفة واالطمئنان إلي الوضع‬ ‫املستقبلي بها يزيد من سعادة احلياة الزوجية والرضا بها‪.‬‬ ‫ولكي تتحقق لك الس� � ��عادة التي تتمناها في حياتك الزوجية والعملية إليك النصائح‬ ‫التالية‪ :‬‬ ‫اسع إلي الدعم وطلب املساعدة من زوجتك‪:‬‬ ‫إذا كنت تعاني من مشكلة في عملك‪ ،‬فلتطلب املساعدة واالستماع إلي النصيحة من‬ ‫شريك حياتك‪ ،‬حيث يقول اخلبراء إن احلكمة التي يجب أن تتبع وتؤتي ثمارها جيدا‬ ‫هي تلك النصيحة التي تأتي في املقام األول من شريك احلياة‪.‬‬ ‫طور من وظيفتك‪:‬‬ ‫أثبتت أحدث الدراس� � ��ات التي مت إجراؤها في جامعة هارفارد األمريكية أن السعادة‬ ‫الزوجي� � ��ة والرضا به� � ��ا يأتي في املقام األول من خالل التط� � ��ور والتقدم في الوظيفة‬ ‫خاصة بالنس� � ��بة للرجال‪ ،‬حيث إن النس� � ��اء تشعر بالسعادة الغامرة عندما يرين جناح‬ ‫أزواجهن في حياتهم الوظيفية‪.‬‬ ‫جتنب ضغوط العمل‪:‬‬

‫‪ 69‬‬

‫لق� � ��د ثبت مبا ال يدع مجاال للش� � ��ك وج� � ��ود صلة وثيقة بني ضغوط العمل واملش� � ��اكل‬ ‫الصحية الكثيرة والتي تنعكس بدورها علي عدم الرضا الوظيفي‪ ،‬لذا ينصح اخلبراء‬ ‫بالبعد متاما عن الضغوط املتزايدة في العمل أو جتنبها قدر املستطاع حتي ال ينعكس‬ ‫ذلك علي حياتك الزوجية وسعادتها‪.‬‬ ‫التقارب‪:‬‬ ‫أثبتت دراس� � ��ة أخري أجريت في جامعة هارف� � ��ارد أيضا أن احلياة الزوجية الناجحة‬ ‫والسعيدة هي التي يقوم فيها األزواج مبشاركة معلومات العمل وطلب العون واملؤازرة‬ ‫من بعضهم البعض‪.‬‬

The new Mercedes-Benz E 63 AMG

The businessman’s dirty secret gets more AMG grunt 70


he Mercedes-Benz E 63 AMG has always been the businessman’s dirty secret. A pinstriped wolf in sheep’s clothing, the thunderous AMG sports saloon masquerades as a refined and palatial vehicle for the corner-office elite. Yet beneath its distinguished exterior lies its true character; a huffing, snorting mechanical beast, ever-ready to devour its more placid contemporaries in the corporate lot with its roaring engine note and unmatched performance. Now even more powerful and efficient, the new generation of the high-performance car has taken its predatory nature to a new level, and now packs the earth-shattering AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine, part of the “AMG Performance 2015” model strategy, which delivers phenomenal power and torque.

Dynamic tweaks to the exterior of the new E 63 AMG advertise the power underneath the bonnet with new 10-spoke AMG alloy wheels, full AMG bodystyling across front, rear and both sides, a distinctive AMG sports exhaust system with two chrome-twin tailpipes while “V8 BITURBO” lettering warns the layman of the performance within.

Available in both saloon and estate variants, the base level E 63 AMG produces 525 hp and 700Nm of torque which can be called upon across the rev range between 1750 and 5000rpm. Combined with the optional AMG Performance package, these figures increase to 557 hp and 800 Nm, through 2000 to 4500 rpm. Both variants of the E 63 AMG achieve exceptional performance: acceleration from zero to 100 km/h takes 4.3 and 4.2 seconds respectively (Estate: 4.4 and 4.3 seconds), and the top speed is 250 km/h (electronically limited).

The new E 63 AMG also features a host of additional new driver assistance systems such as new AMG RIDE CONTROL sports suspension to further improve the ride, while Active Blind Spot Assist and Active Lane Keeping Assist raise occupant safety to a whole new level.

The new engine, already familiar from the recently launched CLS 63 AMG, delivers an output of 525 hp to 557 hp, together with an impressive reduction in fuel consumption: the E 63 AMG consumes 9.8 litres per 100 kilometres (Estate 10.0 litres) according to NEDC combined, 2.8 litres per 100km (22 percent) less than its predecessor’s AMG 6.3-litre V8 naturally aspirated engine. An important contribution to this is also made by the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7-speed sports transmission, and the newly developed electromechanical AMG speedsensitive sports steering system. Drivers can choose between ‘C’ for Controlled Efficiency, ‘S’ for Sport ‘S+’ for Sports Plus and ‘M’ for Manual settings putting the driver firmly in control of the car’s character and responsiveness at any given time.

On the inside, the new AMG Performance, three-spoked steering wheel has been flattened at both top and bottom to facilitate better control, and features aluminium gear shift paddles amidst perforated leather in the grip areas, and a three dimensional airbag cover design with ‘Silver Shadow’ trim element.

Frank Bernthaler, Director, Sales and Marketing, Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Middle East and Levant, said: “The new Mercedes-Benz E 63 AMG has raised the bar once again in the executive saloon segment, and now offers further refined luxury and increased exhilaration for almost exactly the same price as its predecessor – something sure to put a smile on the face of even the most earnest CFO.” With a host of optional ex-factory extras from the AMG Performance Studio available, including carbon fibre trim inside and out with piano lacquer, AMG Performance steering wheel, illuminated AMG door sills and titanium grey 10-spoke alloy wheels, the E 63 AMG is set to become a mouthwatering prospect for any senior executive. The 2012 Mercedes-Benz E 63 AMG will be available in the Middle East as Saloon and Estate variants in Q4 with GCC pricing starting at USD119,450 (AED438,400).

Key data at a glance: E 63 AMG

E 63 AMG Estate


5461 cc

5461 cc

Bore x stroke

98.0 x 90.5 mm

98.0 x 90.5 mm

Compression ratio



525 hp at 5250-5750 rpm

525 hp at 5250-5750 rpm

557 hp at 5250-5750 rpm*

557 hp at 5250-5750 rpm*

700 Nm at 1750-5000 rpm

700 Nm at 1750-5000 rpm

800 Nm at 2000-4500 rpm*

800 Nm at 2000-4500 rpm*

Engine weight (dry)

204 kg

204 kg

Fuel consumption NEDC combined

9.8 l per 100 km

10.0 l per 100 km

CO2 emissions

230 g/km

234 g/km

Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h

4.3 s 4.2 s*

4.4 s 4.3 s*

Top speed**

250 km/h

250 km/h

Output 71

Max. torque

Rafael Márquez Álvarez R

afael Márquez Álvarez is a Mexican footballer, playing for New York Red Bulls in Major League Soccer. He plays as a centre back or defensive midfielder. After spending over a decade playing in France and Spain, he was widely considered one of the best central defenders in the world. Márquez is also considered one of the best Mexican defenders of all time. He won numerous titles with Monaco and FC Barcelona. After winning the 2006 UEFA Champions League with Barcelona, he became the first Mexican to win the honour, something Mexican legend Hugo Sánchez was not able to do while playing for Real Madrid. Márquez began his career at Mexican club Atlas, for whom he débuted in 1996 at only 17 years old. Márquez rose to prominence while with Atlas, making 77 appearances for the team and being runner-up in the league losing the final against Deportivo Toluca in penalties. In 1999, Monaco purchased him for €6 million. Monaco scouts had gone to see Pablo Contreras during the Copa América tournament. After seeing Márquez play, they signed both players. In his first season, he helped lead Monaco to become Ligue 1 champions, in which he played a vital part in defence. In 2003, Márquez was signed by La Liga giants FC Barcelona. 72

In his first season with Barcelona, Márquez appeared 21 times, helping the team to a second place finish in La Liga. During his second season, he was moved from his natural position as a centre back to a defensive midfield role, due to injuries to players Thiago Motta, Edmílson and Gerard López. He completed a great season, being one of the main players that helped Barcelona win its 17th league title on 14 May 2005 after a 1–1 tie with Levante. After an injury in his left knee, he returned after a month to play against Milan in the first leg of the 2006 UEFA Champions League semi-final. Barcelona, playing away at the San Siro, won 1–0. Márquez was present in the Champions League final on 17 May 2006 for Barcelona, in which they won the tournament over Arsenal. This achievement made him the first Mexican football player to ever win this competition, something Hugo Sánchez was not able to do during his time in La Liga with Real Madrid. After the 2006 World Cup, Barcelona extended his contract for the following 4 years to €38.5 million which would see his contract end in June 2010. Despite sustaining injuries, he was rumoured to be up for sale at the end of the 2006–07 season. His

future at Barça was up in the air until the 2007 Copa América, where Márquez regained his best form and was one of the best players of the competition, helping Mexico reach the 3rd place. In the 2007–08 season, Márquez got off to an excellent start, as he managed to form a solid partnership with new signing Gabriel Milito while captain Carles Puyol was out injured. However, constant injuries threw off his form. Márquez’s success declined with the rest of the season leading Barcelona to end up in 3rd place after a miserable second half where injuries lead to his contribution being negligible. Even so, new coach Josep Guardiola continued to rely on his contributions; with the departure of Ronaldinho, Márquez had become the last original signing of the Rijkaard era to remain on the team. He was Guardiola’s first choice at centre back along with captain Puyol for the 2008–09 season. On 13 December 2008, Márquez played his 200th match for Barcelona in the clash against Real Madrid, which they won 2–0. He got injured on 28 April 2009, in a match against Chelsea in the semifinal. Márquez was told he needed surgery on his left knee, forcing him to miss the rest of the season. FC Barcelona would go on to win a

historic treble after winning the 2008–09 Champions League, in which Márquez was present but was sidelined. Márquez received an offer from Italian side Fiorentina. However, Márquez said he would like to end his career at Barcelona. Márquez signed a new contract with Barca in November 2009 that would keep him at the club until 2012. On 20 February 2010, he scored his first goal since his return against Racing Santander. On July 31, 2010, Marquez was released from Barcelona. He left the club as one of the most successful foreigners ever to play for Barcelona, earning 12 titles during his 7 seasons with the club. He also scored 13 goals in 242 matches, making him the most-capped non-European player in the club’s history and the eighth most capped foreigner. New York Red Bulls After being released by Barcelona and a good performance at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, it was reported that Italian club Juventus was strongly linked to the Mexican defender, as a back-up for defender Leonardo Bonucci. 73

On 2 August 2010, it was announced that Márquez had signed with New York Red Bulls on a 3½ year contract. He was declared as the club’s third Designated Player and was unveiled to the media at Red Bull Arena on August 3 wearing his number 4 jersey and being reunited at the club with former FC Barcelona teammate Thierry Henry. On August 8, Márquez made his MLS début against the Chicago Fire in a scoreless draw. On August 21 Márquez scored his first goal for the Red Bulls in a 4–1 win at Toronto FC. On October 21, 2010 Márquez started for Red Bulls in a 2–0 victory over New England Revolution which clinched the regular season Eastern Conference title. 74

10 Plays For The Perfect Shave Banish those ingrown hairs and rashes for good.


cruff and stubble keep you from looking and playing your best on the field. Whether you’ve been in the league of daily shavers for a while or it’s your first season, you have some bad habits which make your daily shave a poor excuse for manhood. Lucky for you, we’ve stepped up to be your new defensive coordinator and these are the new plays. Know ‘em and use ‘em because a second-rate shave just isn‘t good enough. Ready. Set. Shave.

Suggested product: Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor for Men Rinse Your Face With Warm Water

Warm Up Before You Shave A hot towel will do in a barber shop or before a last minute date, but a steamy shower is your first play of the day. The hot moisture from the steam will open up your skin and prep it for the next play.

Wash Your Face A bar of soap is easy, but “easy” never got you anywhere. Clean your face with a cleanser in the shower to wash away the dirt and grime without drying out your skin. Cleaning your pores and stubble is more than just a play to get a better shave. This is your three-point stance. Skip this step and the razor will knock you back with redness and itching.

Suggested product: Gillette Fusion ProSeries™ Sensitive Face Wash

Immediately after the last pass of the razor, you need to rinse with warm water. Just use your hands and splash it across your face in preparation for a balm or lotion. This is perhaps the quickest of plays, but it works every time.

Don’t Use A Towel Wiping your face with towel after you rinse is a rookie mistake. It might feel good, or keep you from dripping some water on your toes, but all those loose fibers in the towel will find little places across your face to cling to and irritate your skin. All the effort up until this point will be wiped away. Aftershave Moisturizer Cologne is not an aftershave balm. It is not a play in the game of shaving. If you want splotchy skin, then go ahead and waste a few drops of your favorite scent. Seasoned veterans know that only an aftershave balm will cool off your skin and prevent that bad-shave-in-the-locker-room look.

Scrub Your Whiskers

Suggested product: Gillette Fusion ProSeries™ Thermal Facial Scrub Use A Quality Shave Gel New shaving gels like Gillette’s Pro Fusion Irritation Defense are made for daily shaving and designed to prevent razor burn. Think of the Pro Fusion Irritation Defense gel as a Free Safety, ready to tackle even the toughest facial hair.

Suggested product: Gillette Fusion ProGlide Irritation Defense Shave Gel Your Shave Is Only As Good As Your Razor Keep those no-name cheap plastic disposables for your fishing trips in upper Ontario. Your daily razor should do the work for you. You can’t expect to shave every day if you don’t use a good blade. You’re face can’t handle it. Use the best equipment for the best results. For a reliable choice, try the Fusion ProGlide. It has a host of skills that make it a key player in your defense, including a soothing aloe strip and a design that ensures less tug and pull on your face.

Suggested product: Gillette Fusion ProSeries Irritation Defense Moisturizer Wash Your Face Before You Sleep First, wash your hands. Then look at the anti-bacterial soap next to the sink and get that “why not?” look out of your eyes. That soap is made for a visit to the zoo or a kindergarten -- not your face. Just wash your face with a little dab of the cleanser you use before you shave. Rinse quickly with warm water. After washing your face each night, you should also wash your pillowcase weekly, if not more, depending on how many home games you host.

Organize Your Shaving Gear Resist the urge to drop everything into a drawer or leave it strewn across the sink. Get your shaving gear organized in a case that will hold only your shaving items. This keeps it clean, organized and ready for use or packing for those road games which will always impress her. The best benefit is that you’ll start thinking about shaving in a new way. 75

If your wife or girlfriend were doing a play-by-play of your shaving routine, she would call it exfoliating, but guys know it as scrubbing. You need to wash your face at least once a day with a cleanser in the shower, but you really need to scrub your mug every other day. Grind it into your pores and rinse away the scruff and dead skin cells.

Lessons in Male Friendship From Fast Five • No.5 Don't Leave Your Friends Hanging Paul Walker tried to go it alone in 2 Fast 2 Furious, but the popular street-racing franchise never ran quite as smoothly without both Vin Diesel and Walker behind the wheel. After Diesel opted out of what he felt was a quickie sequel, Walker was left to take the brunt of the pans, and then didn’t appear at all in Tokyo Drift (though Diesel did, albeit briefly). It wasn’t until the old friends reunited that the franchise roared back to life -- and things worked so well, they brought everybody back for a victory lap in Fast Five. So take a page from Walker and Diesel: If you made a commitment to your close friend, honor it no matter what. Whether that means traveling halfway across the world to Rio de Janeiro for a heist, halfway across the country for a bachelor party or just halfway across the city for a beer, don’t underestimate the importance of simply showing up. • No.4 Finding The Right Crew Is Key 76

It’s one thing to be a good friend, but it’s just as important to find the right friends. And when Brian and Dom need to pull off an impossible heist, they make sure they choose the right people to help them out. Each member of the Fast Five crew brings a different talent to the table, whether it’s the smooth-talking Roman (Tyrese Gibson) or the techie Tej (Ludacris), and together, they’re unstoppable. The same applies to you and your friends. Whether you’re hitting the basketball court, different situations call for different skill sets. And just like Brian and Dom, finding the right guys to run with can be the difference between a successful night and one that ends in incarceration. • No.3 A Little Friendly Competition Can Be Healthy It’s no fun hanging out with someone who turns every little thing into a constant competition, but some back-and-forth is part of what makes male friendship unique. Good-natured ribbing and a little friendly competition is a major component of male bonding. It’s true for the guys in Fast Five, who

turn a cop car hijacking into an opportunity for a friendly wager, and it’s probably true for you and your buddies, too. That said, everybody knows that one guy who takes things a little too far, the one who makes a friendly game of Madden overly intense or turns touch football into tackle. Don’t be That Guy. You hang out with your friends to have a good time, not pad your lifetime win total. • No.2 Money Means Nothing Compared To Friends It’s the central theme of Fast Five, and the main motivating factor for Dom: Family means everything. And while your friends may not technically be family, you should treat them like they are, and never let petty disputes -- about money or anything else -- come between you. From the Ocean's series to Fast Five, heist movies always face potential problems that bring their large casts together, and someone’s always sacrificing a bigger paycheck to get everyone in the fold. But that applies to the rest of us, too, and if you have to foot the bill for a guys’ night or drop some cash on a plane ticket to a reunion, sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice in order to get the gang back together again. • No.1 No Matter How Crazy Things Get, Stick Together We’re guessing you’ll never have to smash through half of downtown Rio with your best friend, but this lesson still applies: Even when things get crazy in Fast Five -- and we mean really crazy -- Brian and Dom stick together (figuratively and literally). And it’s only because they’re in it side by side that they’re able to pull off such an outrageous heist, physics and logic be damned. True loyalty characterizes any good male friendship, and that means always having your friend’s back, even if he’s about to do something criminally stupid. Because, ultimately, that’s what friendship comes down to for men. What might seem like an impossible task to do alone, whether it’s building a deck or getting through a messy divorce, becomes a hell of a lot easier when we’ve got a good friend by our side.

> Fashion > Beauty > Kitchen > Articles

By Sarah Al-Masuod




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o doubt, the face is the most important part of the human body! Isn’t it the face by which we tend to recognize an individual? A face fresh as a flower, is glowing and healthy and is undoubtedly the most beautiful one. And it is such a face that tends to make you a cynosure gaining you the admiration of all. A fresh face and glowing skin are the boons that are conferred on us by nature, as we are infants and children. As we grow, countless factors tend to have a negative impact on the beauty of the face. Wouldn’t it be unwise to neglect them? The freshness of the face could be retained if you care to protect, repair and pamper it. What is needed is a bit of patience, a little amount of time and further a bit of awareness. You could regain the lost freshness and delicacy. You could continue to be the centre of attraction. There are countless methods, interesting yet easy, to retain the freshness and glow of the face. Here are some causative factors that tend to spoil the beauty and the tried and tested measures to maintaining the health, glow and complexion. Dead skin cells, dust and toxins get deposited in the body and on the skin causing the complexion to become dull and blemishes to appear. Steaming for a few minutes, once in a month, could be mentioned as a simple yet effective measure to deep clean the skin. It removes very effectively the accumulated dirt and pollution from deep within the skin. However, frequent steaming for long periods could cause the skin to lose natural essential oils.

Then, exfoliation once every week proves to be the best measure to free the skin of unwanted deposits. There are several ingredients that could be mixed in the right combination and used for exfoliation. For instance, a mixture of dry and powdered neem leaves, Bengal gram powder, turmeric and a little curd make an effective cleanser. Above all, confine yourself to taking in just fruits and liquids for one entire day, once a month. This gets rid of the toxins accumulated even within the body. It is the moisture that keeps the skin soft, smooth, tender and glowing. Loss of moisture makes the skin rough and causes wrinkles to appear. Drinking plenty of water and fresh fruit juices, eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and salads helps retain the moisture maintaining the tenderness. You can keep away from premature wrinkles. Massaging the face gently with a moisturizer, in circular movements, relaxes the skin and stimulates blood circulation bringing fresh blood to the face. A mixture of plain yogurt and honey makes a great moisturizer. The skin under the eyes is very sensitive. Dark circles under the eyes are the worst of enemies for a face fresh as a flower. The most interesting way to beat dark circles is to place green tea bags, the already used ones, under the eyes. The skin receives considerable nourishment and becomes devoid of dark circles. The face with all its glow, tenderness and freshness so gained certainly makes you ‘a beauty beyond description. 81

The Best of Tips for A Face Fresh As a Flower


How to Choose the Right Salon W

hen trying to find the right salon, there are two important things to look out for: cleanliness and a warm welcome with great customer service. Cleanliness

The salon should be spotless from top to bottom. A clean looking salon generally means that there is an agenda for hygiene and proper sanitation. So why does this matter? Very simply, clean salons are better structured and organized. The salon and its employees take pride in what they do with a team effort needed to maintain clean and tidy work areas. This “team effort” is very important to the overall running of the salon, including its work flow and how well all services are coordinated and performed. Also, it is much nicer sitting in clean fresh surroundings. 82

Great Customer Service First impressions start from when you first make your phone call to enquire. Is the staff helpful on the phone? Or do they leave you on hold for what seems like forever? Do they seem willing to listen to you and your questions? Staff should be professional at all times, both in their manner and dress codes. Another handy tip is to have a look at the stylist’s hair. What sort of hairstyle and colors etc are they sporting? Usually, what you see is an indication of what you get!

Acknowledgement from the staff is also very important on your first visit. Do they leave you waiting at the front desk while they gossip amongst themselves? A good sign is when at least one of them greets you straight away and makes you feel welcome and important in an instant. Another sign of great customer service is if you are offered a free hair consultation and help. If you are, make sure that you ask as many questions as you like. Remember, they are there to help you. Another good sign is if they offer suggestions and make recommendations for your hair type. A good salon will also offer an extra service or pampering extras to keep you feeling important, and last of all, free home hair care advice should always be given. So whatever your needs may be, a professional salon should always be remembered for good reasons and not for any of the following: • making you cry on your first visit • making the girl next to you cry • having a stylist who is too busy gossiping with the stylist next to her to look after you • having a stylist who leaves you ten times in the space of 20 minutes to take phone calls • giving all the customers exactly the same hairstyle

Tips to Upgrade Your Wardrobe ardrobes need upgrading for many reasons. Sometimes, old clothing is no longer your size or doesn’t fit as well as it used to. Other times, clothing becomes dated or faded. You may also be transitioning to a different job or role and need new clothes. Regardless of the reason, a wardrobe upgrade requires an honest assessment of what you currently possess and what is missing.

Analyze Your Wardrobe Before you buy or throw away anything, it is important to assess your current selection. Create an inventory of all of your clothing. It doesn’t need to be complicated--just make a list of all the garments and accessories you possess. Then look to see what categories of items are missing. Are you lacking professional attire? Does your clothing not fit? Does it feature a long-ago trend? Keep an open mind during your assessment. Once you’ve pinpointed what the major issue is, separate the items into two divisions: items that will work with your upgrade goals and items that will not work.

Modifying and Altering Pieces Take a look at all the pieces in the “do not work” section. Anything that is too small can be immediately taken away--donate the nice pieces and toss the rest. Separate clothing that fits but is out of fashion next. Take a hard look at each item. Fashion tends to cycle. Pieces that look

great on you but are too trendy can be stored away in plastic bins if you have the storage. Clothing with out of date details, such as certain sleeves, collars or buttons can be modified to omit the dated details. If you can’t sew, take the garments to a tailor or seamstress and get a quote for each. Torn or irreparably stained clothing should be tossed. Clothing that is too big can also be taken to the tailor for alteration. The rest of your pieces should be fine in all other ways except that they don’t fit the look that you are building towards. Keep them and wear them on occasions wear the new look is not necessary.

Budget Savvy Tips Upgrading a wardrobe is easy if you have a few thousand dollars to spend and can buy your way into a completely new look. Most people don’t have that kind of money to spend solely on clothing. Instead, buy a few basic wardrobe pieces that you can use in multiple ways. A collared, white dress shirt is almost compulsory for men and women alike if they are looking to upgrade a professional wardrobe. Black or gray slacks can be combined with many different items. Don’t buy for labels, buy for the quality of the garment and shop the sales. Don’t worry about changing bags and purses to stay current. Instead, invest in a classic, high quality leather bag. Don’t buy into any fads. These put a time limit on your wardrobe. Stick with classic pieces that look good on you personally. Finally, care for your clothing. Follow the label directions and pre-treat stains as soon as they happen. 83


uniQue’s recipies Apple Pie Prep Time


30 Minutes

Cook Time


1 Hour

Ready in


1 Hour 30 Minutes




“Grandmas from all around can be proud of this unique recipe that brings fabulous results. Sliced apples are mounded in a prepared pie shell, covered with a latticed crust, and just before slipping into the oven, doused with a sugary butter syrup.” Ingredients: 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie 1/2 cup unsalted butter 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 8 Granny Smith apples - peeled, cored and sliced Directions:

Apple Cinnamon Muffins Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 1/3 cup milk 2 apples - peeled, cored and chopped 1/2 cup white sugar 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup butter, cubed 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon Directions: 84

1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease six muffin cups or line with paper muffin liners. 2.Stir together 1 1/2 cup flour, 3/4 cup sugar, salt, baking powder and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Mix in oil, egg and milk. Fold in apples. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups, filling to the top of the cup. 3.In a small bowl, stir together 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, butter and 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon. Mix together with fork and sprinkle over unbaked muffins. 4.Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

1.Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add water, white sugar and brown sugar, and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and let simmer. 2.Place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apples, mounded slightly. Cover with a lattice work crust. Gently pour the sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off. 3.Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes, until apples are soft. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve hot with “Kaak” Arabic biscuits.

Sahlab Prep Time


10 Minutes

Cook Time


10 Minutes




Ingredients: 4 cups water or 1000 ml 1 tin NESTLÉ® Sweetened Condensed Milk or 397 g ¼ teaspoon mastic, ground ¼ teaspoon ground mahlab 3 tablespoons corn flour or 40 g 3 tablespoons rose water 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Directions: Add water, NESTLÉ® Sweetened Condensed Milk , mastic, mahlab and corn flour to a large saucepan. Bring to boil then simmer for 7-10 minutes while stirring continuously.

Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve hot with “Kaak” Arabic biscuits.

Mint Tea Punch Prep Time


10 Minutes

Cook Time


10 Minutes




“Tea, mint, sugar, orange and lemon juices make this a quick and easy, refreshingly delicious drink on a hot summer’s day, given to me by a true Southern lady. Goes great with Cajun or spicy foods too. Every time I serve this someone asks me for the recipe!” Ingredients: 3 cups boiling water 12 sprigs fresh mint 4 tea bags 1 cup white sugar 1 cup orange juice 1/4 cup lemon juice 5 cups cold water 3 orange slices for garnish (optional) 3 lemon slices for garnish (optional) Directions: 1. Place the tea bags and mint sprigs into a large pitcher. Pour boiling water over them, and allow to steep for about 8 minutes. Remove and discard the tea bags and mint leaves, squeezing out excess liquid. Stir in sugar until dissolved, then stir in the orange juice and lemon juice. Pour in the cold water. Serve over ice cubes, garnished with orange or lemon slices. 85

Remove from heat, add rosewater then pour mixture into serving cups.


The Best Way To Lose Weight After Having a Baby

t is normal that after giving birth, you retain some of the weight that you gained during pregnancy. But you do not need to worry because shedding off that weight can be easy if you know the right way to go about it.

Take It Easy Before you rush in to losing your postpartum weight, you must remember that your body is still adjusting. Your arms and legs may still be swollen and your pelvic area hasn’t returned to normal yet. It usually takes about 6 months before your body returns to its normal metabolic state. So go easy. Do not strain yourself because in time, your body will begin to adjust at its own pace.

Healthy Lifestyle Actually, a healthy lifestyle can be one of the best ways to lose weight after having a baby. This means eating healthy and eating right. You need not decrease your food consumption immediately as you still need all the nutrients that you can get from food, especially if you are nursing.

Well Balanced Diet Be reminded that proper pacing is important. You want to make sure you lose the weight the right way. That’s why having a well balanced diet is advisable in order to control your body weight. When at all possible make sure to eat at least breakfast lunch and dinner. Also, don’t forget while you’re on the move with your baby to grab a healthy snack as well.

Exercise Apart from your diet, you must also include exercise in your daily routine. This can also be a good way to relieve yourself of the stress from taking care of your new born baby. But do not over exert yourself as this can be harmful to your health too. Start with less vigorous exercise like walking every morning so that your body can properly adjust. Then gradually lead up to jogging, taking a fitness class, or exercising at home. Breastfeeding 86

Lastly, breast feeding can also be a great way to lose pregnancy weight. It is proven that it takes at least 500 calories in order to produce milk. So if you are nursing, you are burning calories just by sitting and feeding your baby. Combining all these techniques can definitely help you shed those unwanted pregnancy pounds. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself too soon. You may want to lose those pounds overnight, but you definitely want to do it the right way.

> Click & Check > Articles > Digironix

By Noura Al Yaeesh

5 Reasons Why Tablets Will Take Over Computers You can’t walk into a phone store, mall, or electronics retailer without seeing a bevvy of tablets on display. Instead of using clunky laptop computers with keyboards attached, tablets are an easy way to both access the web and use the innovative apps that are featured on smartphones. Because of the touchscreen technology featured on these devices, it is a more high-tech method of browsing than traditional computers. Sometime in the future tablets may take over as the predominant computing technology over desktop and laptop models. Here are 5 reasons why owning a tablet will overtake computers in the years to come:

Specialized Browsers 88

With geolocation technology and browsers, like Amazon Silk powered by extensive cloud networks, using a mobile tablet to conduct searches wherever you are is an effective way to find relative information about your current location. Cloud networks are able to predict what you will search for and give you results based on real-time algorithms.

Lower Price Purchasing a quality laptop can cost up to $1,000 and extra if you want virus protection, Tech Support, and a warranty. The most expensive tablets are iPads which can cost over $600 if you want a version with extensive memory. There are plenty of other tablets that run on Android’s Honeycomb software which cost a fraction of the price of a PC or Mac. HP even has their tablet priced at a ridiculously low $99.

Versatility Not only do tablets perform all of the functions of computers, they also do everything a smartphone does except make calls. You don’t need to carry it around in a bag with its power chord because the battery life is enough to get your through an entire day at work. The games and apps on tablets are also much more interactive because you are using your fingers to perform actions. Ease of Trading Ideas The most effective way to exchange media, currency, or ideas through a computer is to send emails, credit card numbers, or social media messages. With NFC technology soon to become common in all mobile devices, we will no longer have to rely on physical properties for our exchanges. By simply being in range of another tablet device, you can share songs, movies, and other recording with friends. Google is going to introduce a new commerce system that will allow you to

Paper Replacement Amazon has recently released a color tablet version of their popular Kindle series of eReaders. This will revolutionize the way we use books and read materials that have traditionally been printed out for us. Kindle’s are priced as low as $79 now, and ebooks are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than their physical counterparts. If you are skeptical about purchasing a tablet device, don’t be. Instead be skeptical about throwing a lot of money into a laptop or desktop that will become obsolete as soon as you leave the store.

Click and Check record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube. shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes. the best place to find icons of all sizes. download templates, clipart and images for your Office documents. 89

copy special characters that aren’t on your keyboard.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 bike incoming from 14 Bike Co


amsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 is one of the better iPad 2 competitors we’ve seen, and now it’s got an accessory to help it pull away from the competition. Made courtesy of UK bike manufacturer 14 Bike Co, it’s a customised road bike complete with a holder for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.

The holder for the Samsung galaxy Tab 10.1 is made from the same carbon fibre as used in F1 cars, so it should be nice and sturdy, while the bike itself has a steel frame and two-tone black and white paint job. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is accessible from the side, though we wouldn’t advise using it while on the move. Not unless you fancy going headfirst into a postbox. You can download mileage and speed apps from Android Marketplace and track your trails though; then when you reach your destination, just clip it off and use it as normal. It will actually go on sale in the UK, though there’s no pricing or release date given. We’ll bring you more when we get it.

Apple iPhone 4S spotted in iTunes beta


e’re just a day away from Apple’s iPhone event, where it’s expected to out (hopefully) an iPhone 5 as well as an iPhone 4S. Well the second of those is a dead cert, if the latest version of iTunes is to be believed.

The latest iTunes beta, released on Friday, contains the product name ‘iPhone 4S’ in the description tag, as well as featuring an image that looks the same as the regular white iPhone 4, according to a screenshot leaked to MacRumors. So it looks like the iPhone 4S will look identical to the iPhone 4, as predicted. After some more digging, it seems the iPhone 4S reference first appeared in iTunes beta 6.1, which was released on 29 August this year, so a little over a month ago. 90


foxLv2 Portable Speaker

ooking for a portable speaker and expecting big sound may not always be possible for many people. For the most part, what they may get is a speaker that can only provide so-so sound output. It is a good thing that this is not always true, especially with the likes of the new foxLv2 Portable Speaker.

The new foxLv2 Portable Speaker is not only unique in terms of its name. It is quite unique in that it is able to provide big sound for quite a small package. It features a sound driver that works both as a tweeter and a woofer. But aside from that it is also designed to have a passive bass radiator to handle the bass sound output better. It also comes with Bluetooth support, making wireless streaming of audio from Bluetooth enabled devices possible. With a battery charge that can last for up to 8 hours, it is indeed ideal for travel. The foxLv2 Portable Speaker is available at Soundmatters for US$200.

There’s no word on an iPhone 5 yet, prompting speculation Apple will only unveil the 4S, a tweaked version of the iPhone 4, at its event tomorrow. If that is the case, all that talk of a slimmer tapered design, 8-megapixel camera, and larger screen was pure bunkum. We’ll bring you all the official news as it breaks tomorrow evening, so keep it locked to for more.

BBM for Android pictures leak ahead of official rollout


lackBerry’s hugely popular BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) service looks set to be rolled out across rival devices and operating systems with BBM for Android snapped ahead of launch

RIM’s hugely popular BlackBerry Messenger service looks set to be rolled out across rival devices with screens of a BBM app running on Android making a premature appearance. The screens, which were sent to T3 via an anonymous source, show a Beta model of the free to use instant messaging service running on an unspecified Google Android OS powered handset, adding meat to the formerly speculative rumours that BlackBerry is to bring its BBM service to Android and iOS devices in the near future. BBM for Android Release Date Currently available exclusively to BlackBerry handset owners, the much loved BlackBerry messenger service is, according to our internal source, on its way to rival handsets with the BBM for Android app currently in the “final stages of testing.” Further teasing the service’s more widespread availability they added “it should be out by 2012.” BBM for Android Features


LiveLens MFT adapter brings aperture control to Canon EF lenses

t may be serving a somewhat small niche, but we’re guessing that niche will be plenty pleased that something like the LiveLens MFT adapter now exists. That’s MFT as in Micro Four Thirds, and the adapter is for Canon EF lenses. Nothing too special there, but this particular adapter now also allows for aperture control for the first time, which is actually done on the adapter itself, not the camera -- the only remaining drawback is a lack of autofocus. Expectedly that ability comes at quite a premium -- you’ll have to fork over $442 for the adapter and an extra $52 for the necessary 9V battery cable.

Whilst we are still uncertain exactly what guise BBM for Android will take, it is expected the app-based service will be free to download and play host to the same functionality bestowed upon BlackBerry handset users. The source responsible for the leaked images added: “I’m afraid there isn’t really much more I can tell you apart from it seems to work quite well with Android’s push notifications.” Would a BBM app for Android or iOS benefit you or further mark the end for BlackBerry handsets? Let us know what you think by the comments box below.

OnLive MicroConsole and controller unboxing pictures OnLive will soon be heading to the UK, along with the OnLive Micro Console and wireless controller. T3 gets snap happy with our unboxing. OnLive has already been available in the US for a year now, giving us tantalising glimpses at what the cloud-gaming system is capable of. Even with only 100 title’s the service proved to be hugely successful at launch, and with the promise of thousands of title’s when it launches in the UK it has the potential to be huge.

he Amazon Kindle Fire was undoubtedly the star of the show at Amazon’s press conference where they also had a few more hardware surprises up their sleeves. We round-up all the other big announcements in a big day for tablet and Kindle fans...

Before we could lock eyes on the Kindle Fire in all its glorious wonder, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos built up the anticipation for the Android tablet device nicely by serving up a few little hardware suprises. Helping you catch up on all the Kindle Fire details and the announcements that Kindle fans will be keen to find out about, see below for our Amazon press conference round-up. 91


Amazon Kindle Fire launch: All the details

The best chrome Apps for writers I

n my opinion, there are two ways to stay focused: get rid of all the distractions or constantly time yourself. All those who are prone to procrastination will be glad to note that there are Chrome apps for both options.

Stay focused If you are like me, staying focused can be very difficult. The solution is to block out the sites that tend to distract you (eg. Facebook, YouTube, Life, etc.). This app lets you easily block the websites that distract you and keeps them blocked for a pre-determined period. There are some pretty interesting features including a nuclear option that blocks everything except for the sites that you explicitly allow. One tip I can give you is to “hide” the Stay Focusd icon because you might have the tendency to disable it when the temptation becomes overbearing. Also enable the app to function in “incognito”, otherwise you might end up opening incognito windows to get back to your distractions.

Diggo web highlighter A very helpful tool when you want to highlight key text, add bookmarks or add sticky notes. You can visit the web page later and still access the highlighted bits and notes that you placed earlier. The tool is also not intrusive and interface is very simple.

Timer tab

Google screen capture

There are numerous timers out there. The one I am testing now is called Timer Tab. Just set the amount of minutes and it automatically counts down. It is very pretty but there are other timers with more functions including alarms, stopwatches, etc.

There are also numerous Chrome apps project management. Some of the latest that I reviewed are Multitask and Gantter.

A neat little app for taking screenshots. You can take screenshots of the entire page, screen, or even parts of the screen. Once you have taken the shot, you can highlight and add annotations. In addition, you can save the files to a local folder. My tip would be to memorize some of the shortcuts, which can be especially helpful if you want to take screen clippings of PDF files. This is because in my experience, the only option that works is the “Capture Screen Region” and if you click on the app to access the option, the menu blocks the view.


Easy reader

This is visually a more appealing option and it allows you to upload MS project files (Google Docs integration option is said to be coming soon). What I like about this is the graphics, which is smooth and visually pleasing.

The easy reader helps you focus on one part of the page when reading. This is quite a nice app but frankly, I have never actually thought of using it much. I suppose it never crosses my mind to access it when I have something interesting to read. Not one of the best Chrome apps but still worth giving a try.

Chrome apps for project management

Gantter This is what I am currently using, it is not as visually appealing as Multitask but you can customize more features including columns and other minor details. You can save and upload files from Google docs and Microsoft. In addition, this has relatively less glitches than Multitask. 92

the page. The problem is that it is not transparent and the size of the writing space cannot be customized. It is far better to open it on a new tab and start writing on it there. You can paste pictures and add some simple formatting. However, this is not even close to stand-alone note taking options like MS Office OneNote.

Chrome apps for notes

iReader This is a great app for stripping a webpage of pictures or unhelpful alignment and just looking at the text. This may have a similar function but it is very different to Easy Reader. With this app, you can toggle pictures on and off, share (Facebook, Twitter or email), zoom and print. I would recommend customizing the size of the display via the settings.

Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any viable Chrome apps that can rival the likes of Microsoft’s Office OneNote. The following are some apps that you could use in a combination. I actually use all of the following…

This saves unread web pages to your Google reader so that you can read it later. It is very easy to use; a simple click would do.

Quick note

Google Dictionary

This allows you to make notes via Chrome and saves them on the cloud. You can sign up for this using a Google Account. You can open it on an existing webpage and it slides into view, taking up about 1/5 of

The dictionary tool is quite useful. Simple double click a word and the meaning appears. For more detailed definitions, you will have to copy the word paste it on the app’s search box.

Postpone adder


Power tool batteries should be used regularly for its smooth functioning. Numerous small batteries together make up one battery. It’s electric current is measured by voltage while how long it will last is determined by ampere hour. They are also available in three types for using in power tools that is 1. Lithium ion also known as Li-ion 2.Nickel Cadmium also known as Ni-cad and 3. Nickel Metal Hydride also known as Ni-MH. Lithium ion has a life span for more than 1200 charges while Nickel Cadmium will survive 400 charge cycles and thereafter needs to be replaced. Nickel Metal Hydride will last more than 400 charges. Power tool batteries if overcharged will reduce its life span. It is the most common occurrence that we forget to switch off the battery which is left charging, sometimes overnight. Because of the heat that is generated it damages the battery. You not only spoil your battery, the energy is wasted and you are the risk of electrical fire. To avoid risks and accidents you should take precautionary measures. The new types of batteries have the options of inbuilt cooler fan and sounds to indicate that the charging is over. But none of them switch off automatically. They are costly products and in order to avoid incurring expenses on them it is advisable to take good care of them. Power tool batteries replacement is a costly affair that all of us are aware of. The latest new service that you might not be cognizant with is the power tool battery rebuilding services. The battery is rebuilt with new cells which are better than the original, improving its performance and life span. In this process whole battery is pulled apart and then the new cells are put in. Even if it sounds simple it is not do-it- yourself kind of a project. Non working batteries make up the most of the wastes and it is hazardous for environment. With advancement in technology the old batteries become unavailable in market and your tool becomes useless too. With rebuilding service you will be able to use your tool as long as you wish. Without power tool batteries your tool will become ineffective and hence taking good care of it is very important. So do not overcharge your battery resulting in its reduced life span and save your money too. 93

Power Tool Batteries Important Information About Them

ower tool batteries determine the performance of your cordless tools. So while purchasing a cordless power tool for your household project voltage of the batteries though important is not the only factor to be taken into consideration. Their amp/hour capacity should also be checked before opting for it. Battery cost is the capital cost in any power tools. Such rechargeable batteries have cells with voltage of 1.2V, 1.5V or 3.6V. Batteries with voltage of 3.6V to 12 V are used in light duty tools and high duty tools need 14.4V to 36 V They may last for short time even after being charged because of the “memory effect� in them, which affects their runtime seriously.

What to Look For In A Helmet Camera D

o you know what to look for in a helmet camera? There is a large selection of helmet cameras that have hit the market. When you are looking to purchase a helmet camera you’ll need to look several features to make sure it is the right one for you. If you are involved in sports such as snowboarding, skiing, parachuting or any other outdoor activity a helmet camera will give you a great view of the action. Getting mobile and recording these activities will be a fun way to show people exactly what you see. But when considering the different helmet cam products you’ll want to consider the following.

Battery packs are extremely important because you want to make sure you have the power when you need it. Because an extreme sports you may not get a second chance. Usually you’ll have a couple choices in battery configurations. The single 9 V pack is a little smaller and usually can run for 15 to 20 hours before changing out. There are also AA packs usually with big batteries but they appear to be a little bulky and don’t last as long. The life of the AA packs are usually 5 to 7 hours. Believe it or not the quality of your recording highly depends on the power that is being supplied. Knowing what to look for in a helmet camera and the recording device you have is important. Make sure that your recording device is datable of dubbing from other video sources. If this is true you will have no problems working with the helmet camera. And you may be able to use a digital camcorder or any other type of personal media player. 94

The cheapest connectors are not always the best. Normally when you go cheap on connectors it will give you a bad signal in very poor video quality. So you want to make sure that she spend a few extra dollars bill with a higher quality connector. Storing all of your equipment including connectors should be considered because you’re not sure exactly what temperatures and weather conditions you’re going to run into. Make sure to have plenty of storage space available for recording device, extra wires, and battery packs. When purchasing a helmet video camera you’ll also want to edit and share the videos. Is the camera user friendly and being able to edit video. So being able to download in a format that can be compatible to your editing program. So video editing is what to look out for in a helmet camera to make sure to have a great product at the end. Using online to learn what to look for in a helmet video camera will save you hours shopping at brick-and-mortar places. Do all your research on the Internet this way you can compare the different helmet camera products and get one that will be specifically for your activity. One thing to know is the cheaper you go in most cases it will be a lesser quality camera. Something to remember is this camera will be bruised and battered and it will need to keep on working. If you are looking for a way to record your extreme sports like snowboarding, skiing, and biking then you need to get a helmet camera. A helmet camera lets you record without having to hold the camera, which can be tough.

> Books > Travel > Ask a Doctor > Personal Quiz > Design > Interview > Selcouth > Photos > Entertainment

By uniQue Staff

How to Appreciate your • Write for Your Teacher Write poems, letters, or notes of appreciation and leave them in teachers’ mailboxes. Read them at morning assembly or in the claasroom. • Organize Breakfast A day before Teachers’ Day, order coffee and breakfast items, for your teachers. Arrive in the school early. Receive the foodstuff yourself in the morning and set up the whole breakfast before your teacher’s arrival. 96

• Prepare Souvenirs Print your teacher’s names on coffee mugs, T-shirts, schoolbags, etc or to commemorate the efforts put in by your teachers. • Make Notes Write teachers notes like “Well done”, “Thank You”,” You Are The Best”, “You Are Appreciated”, etc. Put them on the desk of your teacher before he/she comes to the class. • Activities after School Plan a party for teachers at the end of the school day. Organize some light games and provide refreshments. • Decorations Decorate the staff room and the hallways of the school for Teacher’s Appreciation Day.


• Red Carpet Create your own Walk of Fame for your teachers. Get a piece of red carpet or put red butcher paper down in the entry hall. Make gold stars with a teacher’s name on each, and have the school meet the teachers as they arrive one morning. • Flower Shower Make a student stand at the entry gate before the teacher’s arrival. Shower the teachers with flowers when they enter the school. • Say Thank You Differently Prepare a group of twenty students. Write the phrase ‘THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR!’ with each letter on a separate piece of paper. Now attach one letter on the front side of one student. Arrange the students in a horizontal line at the entry gate to form the complete phrase. Make sure all this is done before the teachers start coming. • E-mail During computer class, send your teachers thank you notes via e-mail. When he comes up to you to say thanks, gift him with a wonderful flower bouquet. • Dress Up On Teacher Appreciation Day, dress up as your favorite teacher. Ask him/her to take sometime off and take the class that he/she was supposed to take. But, don’t forget to take prior permission from your principal for this.

The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor by Robert Kirkman , Jay Bonansinga


n the Walking Dead universe, there is no greater villain than The Governor. The despot who runs the walled-off town of Woodbury, he has his own sick sense of justice: whether it’s forcing prisoners to battle zombies in an arena for the townspeople’s amusement, or chopping off the appendages of those who cross him. The Governor was voted “Villain of the Year” by Wizard magazine the year he debuted, and his story arc was the most controversial in the history of the Walking Dead comic book series. Now, for the first time, fans of The Walking Dead will discover how The Governor became the man he is, and what drove him to such extremes.

The Storm Before the Calm: Book 1 in the Conversations with Humanity Series by Neale Donald Walsch Something happened in early 2011 that hasn’t happened in decades, perhaps centuries—and we didn’t even notice it. That is, we didn’t see it for what it was. Massive unrest from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya rocked the Arab world and threw the globe into political crisis. Within days, an earthquake-tsunami-nuclear calamity of terrifying proportions shocked Japan and sent the world reeling once again, even as the globe’s financial markets shuddered to sustain themselves while states and nations tottered on the brink of bankruptcy—where many still linger. All of this, of course, we did notice. What we may have missed was that ancient predictions for this period of time called for exactly this: simultaneous environmental, political, and financial disasters. Were we seeing the beginning of “the end of history”—and not picking up the signal? In his prescient new book The Storm Before The Calm, seven-time New York Times best-selling author Neale Donald Walsch offers a startling answer: yes. But Walsch also says there is nothing to fear, advancing an extraordinary explanation for what is happening even now all over the planet. Then—and more important—he provides a stunning prescription for healing our lives and our world through the answering of seven simple questions, inviting people everywhere to join in an earth-saving exchange at TheGlobalConversation. com. Compelling and perfectly timed, The Storm Before The Calm answers every question that is worth asking about December, 2012 and beyond.

Every Day a Friday: How to Be Happier 7 Days a Week The title comes from research that shows people are happiest on Fridays. Pastor Joel Osteen writes how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week. Known as a man who maintains a constant positive outlook in spite of circumstances, Osteen has described this message as a core theme of his ministry. Combining his personal experiences with scriptural insights and principles for true happiness, he shows readers how every day can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that they experience at five o’clock on Friday. 97

by Joel Osteen

The Galapagos Islands A Honeymoon Destination 98


he Galapagos Islands draw thousands of visitors every year, including scientists, students, naturalists, photographers and more. The Galapagos Islands’ status as a mustsee, “bucket list” sort of destination also draws in retirees and off-the beaten path travelers. While the Islands are often overlooked by the “in-between” crowd of people in their 20’s and 30’s, the Galapagos Islands actually make for an outstanding honeymoon destination. Why pick Galapagos for your honeymoon? Here are five reasons:

The Galapagos Islands are Romantic That’s the number one qualification after all, isn’t it? A honeymoon is a romantic vacation, and the Galapagos Islands fit the bill. Moonlit cruises? Check. Exotic location? Check. Excellent facilities and service? Check and check. The dramatic sunsets, fearless wildlife and memorable landscapes combine with first-rate services to create the perfect atmosphere for romance.

The Archipelago has something for everyone. He wants hiking, she wants a beach. He wants water sports, she wants shopping. Galapagos is about not having to sacrifice or compromise. There are great beaches and hikes on the islands, as well as snorkeling and other water sports. The towns on the islands have a surprising amount of quality souvenirs from all over Ecuador and South America. You can even decide between land-based and cruise ship tours. Why fight over a destination when Galapagos has it all?

The “Enchanted Islands” are a destination for the young and vibrant. The Islands are on many people’s “bucketlist” of places to visit. Many retirees go because they finally have the time and money to do so. Unfortunately, by the time they get there, many seniors find that some of the hikes and islands are too challenging for them and they miss out. The Galapagos Islands are best enjoyed by those who are old enough to appreciate them and still young enough to hop from one lava rock to the next, perfect for young newlyweds!

The Islands are more affordable than you think. Many young couples are not yet established and may avoid seemingly pricey destinations like the Galapagos Islands. Although the costs are undeniable - airfare to and from Ecuador and then to the islands, plus park fees and the cost of cruises or lodging - they are relatively low right now. The worldwide economic downturn has had one positive effect: fewer people are visiting Galapagos and the tour companies and hotels are willing to make deals they would not have considered before.

Ecuador has much more to offer than just the Islands. 99

A honeymoon to the Galapagos Islands carries the side benefit of a trip to Ecuador. Why not spend a few days relaxing in the natural spas of Papallacta surrounded by the Andes, or taking a romantic carriage ride in Quito’s charming colonial center? For such a small nation, Ecuador is home to a wonderfully diverse ecosystem with everything from snow-capped volcanoes to sandy beaches.

What You must Eat After Exercising W

orking out is important for the body. So, too, is eating right after exercising. Both form the optimal basis of natural health. A recent study comes with a few excellent health tips for people actively trying to get the most out of exercising. What you eat after can affect all the effort you did before. Let’s dive into this latest batch of health secrets. Many of the health benefits of aerobic exercise come from the last exercise session you did. A single workout has a bigger impact on you health than the cumulative effects of weeks, months or years of exercising. With that in mind, we should all know that a new study found that the nature of these benefits can be greatly affected by the food we eat afterwards. What you choose to eat will have different effects on the body’s metabolism. The study found that exercise enhanced insulin sensitivity, particularly when meals eaten after the exercise session were low in carbohydrates. When you have enhanced insulin sensitivity, it is easier for the body to move sugar from the blood into tissues where it is stored or used as fuel. When that insulin sensitivity is impaired, it is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. One of the things the study found was that depriving yourself of calories after exercising (not eating a lot) didn’t improve insulin sensitivity any more than when they didn’t worry that much about calories. The idea: you don’t have to starve yourself after exercise to still reap some of the important health benefits.

The study included nine healthy sedentary men who underwent four sessions that lasted about 30 hours. Here are the four sessions: 1. No exercise, and meals matched their daily calorie expenditure. This was the control trial. 2. Exercise for 90 minutes at moderate intensity. After, meals matched the calories they just burned, with carefully balanced carbohydrates, fats, and protein. 100

3. The same as number two, except they ate meals afterward with relatively low carbohydrate content. But here they still ate enough total calories to match what they burned off. 4. The same as number three, but the low-calorie meals provided less energy than what was burned off. The food here had one-third fewer calories than the other sessions. This session had relatively high carbohydrate content to replace those burned off. The exercise, if you are wondering, was a stationary bicycle and a treadmill. Each exercise session tended to increase insulin sensitivity. When people ate fewer carbohydrates after exercise, it enhanced insulin sensitivity significantly more. The results showed that people can still reap some important health benefits from exercise without under-eating or shedding pounds. Plus, it reinforced the idea that each exercise session can affect the body’s physiology. In other words, every workout counts. Don’t get give up if you haven’t exercised in a while.

... ‫حافظ على بصرك‬ ‫البصر الرديء سببه وراثي ولكن‬ ‫االستعمال اخلاطئ للعيون أيض ًا ي‬ ‫سبب‬ ‫ض‬ ‫عف‬ ‫الب‬ ‫صر‬ ‫مثل‬ ‫ال‬ ‫تح‬ ‫ وللتخفيف‬،‫شاش ��ات احلاس� �وب‬ ‫ديق املستمر في‬ ‫من هذه املش� �كلة ميكنك القيام ب‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫لتم‬ ‫رين‬ ‫الب‬ ‫س‬ � � ‫يط‬ . ‫بعد‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ ثم‬،‫ وأغلق عيونك‬،‫نفس عميق‬ ‫ قم بأخذ‬،‫ساعة‬ ‫انفخ الهواء وأرخي جميع عضال‬ ،‫تك‬ ‫كرر‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫لتم‬ ‫رين‬ ‫وست‬ ‫شعر‬ ‫بأن الضغط على‬ ‫عيونك قد خف‬ Hiccups Try one teaspoon of Sugar swallowed dry. The sugar acts on nervous impulses that cause the diaphragm to spasm and relaxes them. My favorite that has never let me down is taking a bag and re-breathing the air for a few minutes while taking a fresh breath when the carbon dioxide builds up to much. But this only works well if you catch the hiccups when they first start. (remember not to let a child see you do this without explaining to them what your doing and never use or leave a plastic bag lying around). Actually their are hundreds of cures and here are a few. Yank forcefully on the tongue, Lift the uvula with a spoon, Tickle the roof of your mouth with a cotton swab where the hard and soft palate meet, Chew and swallow dry bread, Suck a Lemon soaked with Angostura bitters, Hold your breath, Suck on crushed ice.

... ‫للحكة أو الدغدغة في احلنجرة‬

‫ افرك أذن ��ك! ملاذا؟ هن ��اك أعصاب‬،‫ج ��رة‬ ‫إذا أصابت ��ك حك ��ة أو دغدغ ��ة ف ��ي احلن‬ ‫تقوم بعم ��ل رد فعل في احلنج ��رة ميكن أن‬ ‫ وعند ح ��ك األذن‬،‫محف ��زة ف ��ي األذن‬ .‫شنج يخفف احلكة املزعجة أو الدغدغة‬ ‫ هذا الت‬،‫يسبب تشنج العضلة‬

Headaches When you get a headache and decide to take an Aspirin, take it right away, when it first starts, otherwise, it may not work very good. If you have a slight headache, you may want to try exercising. But if you have a severe headache, don’t exercise, because it will make the headache worse, especially if you have a migraine. Something you can do is protect your eyes from any light, because it might lead to a headache. This includes : sun, fluorescent lighting, television, etc. They can start with squinting, eyestrain, and then a headache. Here are some things that you could avoid that trigger headaches : strong perfumes, a lot of caffeine, milk, chewing gum, high salt intakes, chocolate, nuts, and aged cheese. Also, if you eat ice cream too fast, you probably will feel an intense rush of pain in your head. Eat ice cream slowly so that your palate will cool gradually instead of receiving a shock of cold. Here is a few extra tricks to try : 1. Using your forefinger and thumb, apply pressure in a massaging motion to the bony ridges at the back of the neck. 2. You may want to try a cold compress on your forehead and/or neck. 3. Some people prefer hot showers by pointing the shower-head at the back of your neck.

‫ماذا ت‬ ‫فعل لو علقت عظمة سمكة فى البلعوم‬ ‫هناك من يحب الس� �مك ومن‬ ‫كثرة حبه ياكله بعظمة يحب كثير من ال‬ ‫ناس‬ ‫اكل‬ ‫اال‬ ‫س‬ � � ‫ماك‬ ‫النها‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ذيذة‬ ‫وم‬ ‫فيدة‬ ‫ولكن قد يعاني الب‬ ‫لصحة االنس ��ان‬ ‫عض من مشكلة عظامها اذا علقت في الب‬ ‫لعوم‬ ‫و‬ ‫غالبا‬ ‫ما‬ ‫ت‬ ‫كون‬ ‫م‬ ‫شكلة‬ ‫مز‬ ‫عجة‬ . ‫اكيد مزعجة‬ . ‫طريقة شعبية الزالة العظام‬ ‫تأخذ اوال بعض حبات الزيتون وت‬ ‫ضعها في قدر مع بعض املاء البارد وتغليها‬ ‫علي‬ ‫النار‬ ‫ملدة‬ ، ‫ثم‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ � ‫�رب‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫الع‬ ‫شيئا فشيئا وت‬ ‫صير الس� �اخن‬ ‫بلعه جرعة بعد جرعة لكي مير عصير ل‬ . ‫بوب الزيتون لوقت اطول علي العظمة‬ ‫وبعد دقائق تختفي الع‬ ‫ظمة تلقائيا ويختفي معها االزعاج من الب‬ ‫لعوم‬ . ‫اذا‬ ‫كنت‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ت‬ ‫صدق‬ ‫فع‬ ‫الية‬ ‫هذه‬ ‫بعض عظام السمك في‬ ‫الطريقة فيمكنك ان تضع‬ ‫ ست‬، ‫مثل هذا العصير لترى ماذا يحدث‬ ‫صبح‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ظام‬ ‫ال‬ ‫سمك‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫د‬ ‫قائق‬ ‫لينة‬ ‫جدا كانها مكرونة مطبوخة‬ 101

.. ‫تخفيف احتقان األنف‬ ‫طريقة أرخص وأسرع وأسهل‬ ‫ أليك‬،‫ولم تنفع معك األدوية‬ ‫اني من احتقان األنف املزمن‬ ‫ ثم اضغط بني‬،‫مك بالتن ��اوب‬ ‫هل تع‬ ‫بدفع لس ��انك ضد س� �قف ف‬ ‫ي ��ف م ��ن ضغط اجليوب قم‬ ،‫عبر املمرات األنفية إلى الفم‬ ‫للتخف‬ ‫بب هز عظمة فوم ��ر التي متر‬ � �‫ هذا يس‬.‫واجب ��ك بإصبع واحد‬ .‫بأن االحتقان بدء بالتحلل‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ ثانية ستشعر‬20‫ بعد‬،‫حتقان‬ ‫هذه الهزات تسبب حترك اال‬ ‫و‬

‫• هل تشعر غالبا ان الناس ال يستحسنونك ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر أن السعادة التي تعيشها اآلن البد ان تدفع ثمنها شقاء بعد ذلك ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعتقد بوجه عام ان شخصيتك شخصية سيئة ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر بالذنب ألنك أكثر ثراء من كثيرين غيرك ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل فعلت أشياء ال تستطيع التوقف عن تذكرها والتفكير بها ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• إذا وقعت لك حادثة‪ ،‬فهل تشعر انك البد ان تستحقها ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• إذا ارتكب� � ��ت خط� � ��أ أخالقيا‪ ،‬فهل تس� � ��تطيهع ترك� � ��ه خلفك‪ ،‬وتوجي� � ��ه أفكارك جتاه‬ ‫املستقبل ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• إذا إرتكب� � ��ت خط� � ��أ‪ ،‬فهل متيل إنتق� � ��اد اآلخرين واملغالطة حتي حت� � ��اول تغطية ذلك‬ ‫اخلطأ وتبريره ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعاود التفكير غالبا في الطريقة التي عاملة بها اآلخرين في املاضي ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر باخلجل من رغباتك ومتعتك اجلنسية ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• ه� � ��ل تعتق� � ��د أنك خيبت أمل اآلخري� � ��ن فيك في املاضي ألنك لم تب� � ��ذل مايكفي من‬ ‫اجلهد ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعتقد ان كل البشر خطاة وملوثون باملعاصي ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر أنك تعلمت دروسا جيدة من األخطاء التي ارتكبتها في املاضي ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر بالذنب بسبب أخطاء األخرين وسلوكياتهم غير القومية ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر بالندم علي جتاربك اجلنسية األولي ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل لديك بعض العادات السيئة غير املقبولة باملرة‪ ،‬وغير املبررة ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل هناك أشياء تود فعلها رغم علمك أنها أشياء خاطئة جدا ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر بتأنيب الضمير غالبا ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعتقد أنك أسأت قضاء فترة شبابك ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل هناك أشياء فعلتها ومستعد اآلن لفعل أي شيء متمنيا أنها لم تكن لتحدث ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعتقد أنك ال تستحق ثقة اآلخرين وال عاطفتهم ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تقضي الكثير من الوقت متذكرا األش� � ��ياء التي وقعت في املاضي متمنيا لو كنت‬ ‫قد تصرفت بصورة أكثر مسئولية‪.‬‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تخفي سرا يجعلك تشعر بالذنب وتخشي من أن يفتضح ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تؤمن بأن املخطيء البد أن ينال عقابه علي خطأه علي املدي البعيد ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫إن الش� � ��عور بالذنب أحد مظاهر عدم اإلستقرار اإلنفعالي‪ ،‬والذي يرتبط‬ ‫إرتباطا وثيقا – ولألس� � ��ف – بعملي� � ��ة التكيف الثقافي‪ .‬إن قواعد (ماينبغي‬ ‫وم� � ��اال ينبغي) والتي يفرضها علينا اآلب� � ��اء‪ ،‬والقواعد الدينية تخلق حاالت‬ ‫م� � ��ن التبعي� � ��ة الغير منطقية في الغال� � ��ب‪ ،‬والتي تقوم عل� � ��ي معايير صارمة‬ ‫للحكم علي الس� � ��لوك والتفكير باالضافة للعقاب املقرر علي تلك الينبغيات‪،‬‬ ‫والالينبغيات‪.‬‬ ‫إن األخ� �ل��اق ومعايير احلكم علي الس� � ��لوك ال ينبغ� � ��ي أن تكون من مصدر‬ ‫خارجي بل ينبغي أن تكون تلك التي يفرضها الش� � ��خص علي نفسه‪ ،‬والشك‬ ‫في ان اخلطايا ليست سوي أخطاء او سلوكيات في االجتاه اخلطايء والبد‬ ‫ان نتعل� � ��م منها‪ .‬إن التعلم هو احملور االساس� � ��ي للحياة وهو حقيقة العاقبة‬ ‫اخللقية‪.‬‬ ‫إنن� � ��ا إذا تعلمن� � ��ا ذلك الدرس فإننا – أنفس� � ��نا – من س� � ��يتحرر من أخطاء‬ ‫املاضي بعدم تكرارها‪ .‬إننا مبواصل� � ��ة تبرير أفعالنا والدفاع عنها بوصفها‬ ‫صواب� � ��ا رغ� � ��م تعارضها مع الصوت الصادق للضمي� � ��ر ‪ ..‬ذلك الصوت غير‬ ‫املسموع إال أنه معلوم دائما‪ ،‬ومع الذات العليا فإننا نواصل املعاناة‪.‬‬ ‫إن الذي� � ��ن يح� � ��رزون نقاطا مرتفعة عل� � ��ي ذلك اإلختبار يقلل� � ��ون من أهمية‬ ‫أنفسهم ويشعرون بعدم إستحقاقهم االحترام الالزم‪ ،‬ويشعرون بعد التوافق‬ ‫مع ضمائرهم بغض النظر عما إذا كان س� � ��لوكهم مشني أخالقيا بالفعل ام‬ ‫غير ذلك‪ .‬إن املبالغة في لوم الذات – والتي تس� � ��تند باألس� � ��اس إلي خليفة‬ ‫دينية – سمة من سمات الشخصية العصابية‪.‬‬ ‫أما الذي� � ��ن يحرزون نقاطا أقل علي ذلك اإلختب� � ��ار‪ ،‬فإنهم ال مييلون كثيرا‬ ‫ملعاقبة انفس� � ��هم‪ ،‬أو الندم علي س� � ��لوكياتهم في املاض� � ��ي‪ ،‬وذلك االجتاه إن‬ ‫لم يصحبه شعور باملس� � ��ئولية فلن يكون أكثر من مرض نفسي وعدم توافق‬ ‫إجتماعي‪ .‬والتحرر احلقيقي من الش� � ��عور بالذن� � ��ب ال يعود إلي قصور في‬ ‫االحس� � ��اس باملس� � ��ئولية‪ ،‬وليس عدم إحس� � ��اس مبش� � ��اعر اآلخرين – علي‬ ‫العكس‪ ،‬فالش� � ��خص املتحرر من الش� � ��عور بالذنب هو ذلك الشخص املنفتح‬ ‫عل� � ��ي احلقيقة الكامن� � ��ة بداخله ( وليس بالض� � ��رورة أن تكون تلك احلقيقة‬ ‫هي مايعتبره اخلط الثقافي للمجتمع هي احلقيقة)‪ .‬وذلك الش� � ��خص يقبل‬ ‫مس� � ��ئوليته عن نتائج أفعاله وتبعاتها‪ .‬وقد تعلم ذلك الش� � ��خص تعلما كامال‬ ‫وامينا للدروس التي علمته إياها اخلبرة والتجارب ويس� � ��ير في حياته وفقا‬ ‫لتلك الدروس‪.‬‬

‫‪ 102‬‬

‫• هل تشعر بالقلق ألن شيئا ما سبق أن فعلته قد ينكشف أمره ؟‬

‫حتليل االختبار النفسي‬

‫ه‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ض‬ ‫مير‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ؤ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ع‬ ‫و‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫الذنب‬ ‫إجابة االسئلة تكون إما بنقطة‪ ،‬أو نصف نقطة‪ ،‬أو بصفر‬ ‫ إذا أجبت بنعم ‪ ،‬أو ال ويجاورها عالمة النجمة (*) فإحتسب لنفسك ‪ 1‬درجة‬‫ إذا كانت إجابتك بنعم ‪ ،‬او ال بدون عالمة النجمة ‪ ،‬فإحتسب لنفسك صفر‬‫‪ -‬إذا ماكانت إجابتك علي أي سؤال رمبا ‪ ،‬فإحتسب لنفسك نصف درجة‪.‬‬

‫• هل تكدرك مشاعر الذنب أغلب الوقت ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تالحظ أنك تعتذر أحيانا دون أن يكون قد بدر منك مايستوجب اإلعتذار ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫‪ 103‬‬

‫• هل تشعر أنك خذلت والديك بنوعية احلياة التي حتياها ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تعتقد إعتقاد راسخا أنك ارتكبت خطايا ال تغتفر ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


‫• هل تشعر برغبة فوية في االعتراف بخطأ قد إرتكبته ؟‬ ‫نعم ‪-‬‬

‫رمبا –‬


t o h 104


setting you can practically any in t ea gr alized ok lo tions, they tire wall a person customizable op all nook or an en th sm wi a e d an giv s n ca ing ural paint plication which alternative to m ings for easy ap e endless‌ a nice modern whimsicle draw d sticker styles ar an ll d wa te y ica all stickers are nd ist tre ph d so an s te sy ea es cr m t nrin ns for no imagine. Wall-P texty‌ the optio y, techy, retro, effect. Cartoon

W 105

‫• هل تفضل التعامل مع مطرب معني؟‬ ‫والله كلهم احب اتعامل معاهم‬ ‫• من هو أقرب شخص لك من املطربني؟‬ ‫نبيل شعيل قريب من القلب واحبه من يوم كنت صغير وربي يدوم احملبه‬ ‫• كتبت أغاني وطنيه جميلة‪ ،‬هل فكرت في الكتابة لآلوبريتات الوطنية؟‬ ‫انشالله هناك أعمال وطنيه ظخمه في العام املقبل‬ ‫• هل انت شخص يصعب التعامل معه ام شخص سلس؟‬ ‫انشالله اكون سلس بالتعامل والكن احلكم عند من تعامل معي‬ ‫• ملن تهدي كلمة شكر؟‬ ‫أشكركم على هذا اللقاء احللو واخلفيف وسامحونا على القصور‬

‫الله يحفظ كويتنا وخليجنا الغالي‬ ‫ويحفظ حكامنا‬

‫‪ 106‬‬

‫• كلمة أخيرة؟‬

‫لقاء مع الشاعر‬

‫عبد العزيز العبكل‬ ‫• من اكتشف موهبتك؟‬ ‫أنا من اكتشف موهبة نفسي وان كان في فضل علي فالفضل يرجع لله سبحانه‬ ‫• من كان له الدور الكبير في إبرازها؟‬ ‫طبع� � ��ا اي حلن جميل وغنى جميل يكون له دور ف� � ��ي ابراز الكلمات الغنائيه فاالغنيه‬ ‫عباره عن بيت اذا اكتمل طلع حلو‬ ‫• هل تعتقد بأن كتابة الشعر شيء وراثي في العائلة؟‬ ‫ال طبعا موشرط كثير من الشعراء لم يتوارثو الشعر‬ ‫• ما هو جديدك داخل الكويت وخارجها ؟‬ ‫جديدي انش� � ��الله مع الفنان نبيل شعيل وفهد الكبيسي ومنى امرشا ومشاعل وهناك‬ ‫مفاجأة سأحتدث عنها في وقتها‬ ‫• هل فكرت في الغناء؟‬ ‫ال ال اجيد الغناء فالغناء له اهله‬ ‫‪ 107‬‬

‫• قدمت الكثير من اآلعمال مع العديد من املطربني‪ ،‬مع من كان أفضلها؟‬ ‫االغاني الوطنيه بعيني هي االفضل‬ ‫اغنية نوعدك نوعدك للفنان نبيل شعيل‬ ‫اما بالنسبه لالغاني الثانيه‬ ‫ماروم للفنانه يارا وياميه حبيته للفنانه منى امرشا‬

Ways to Clean with Lemon


aturally Clean with Lemon 108

Forget the cleaning products under your sink. You probably have a very powerful one right in your fridge: Lemon, which adds such welcome zest to food and cocktails, is also a mild but highly effective cleaning agent.What makes lemon such a powerful cleanser? Its high acid content, which enables the fruit to work as a powerful antibacterial sanitizer that combats common household bacteria, says Julie Edelman, author of The Accidental Housewife: How to Overcome Housekeeping Hysteria One Task at a Time. Here’s how to put it to work degreasing, deodorizing and more.

Freshen Up the Stinky Garbage Disposal “Lemon rinds ground in the disposal will deodorize your sink’s drain 1-2-3,” says Edelman. “And bonus, unlike vinegar, which leaves no scent, lemons provide a clean, crisp aroma.” Just slice a lemon into chubby quarters, slip them into the sink’s disposal, turn on the hot water and flip the power switch. Run the disposal until you hear the “gurgle-gurgle-grind-grind” sound—when that noise stops, it means the lemon is chopped and swallowed up. Turn off the disposal.

Sanitize the Microwave Put a Shine on Metal When it comes to copper, brass and chrome, nix harsh chemical polishes and instead put some elbow grease behind half a lemon. “Lemons are highly acidic, which enables them to cut through and loosen mineral deposits, making them easier to wipe away,” says Edelman. For extra oomph, before scrubbing, dip the fruit half in salt—it will help exfoliate the surface for added shine.

The lingering smell of popcorn, pizza and whatever you might have heated up recently can overwhelm a microwave. Edelman’s advice is to cut a whole lemon into super-thin slices and put the pieces in a microwavable bowl. Fill the bowl with hot water, place in the microwave and cook on high for one minute. The citric acid’s antibacterial properties will kill bacteria while the heat works like a humidifier to loosen icky, caked-on food. Afterward, wipe the oven with a damp cloth.

Nix Soap Scum in the Shower Instead of tending to the shower tiles, doors and fixtures with an abrasive chemical treatment, use this homemade natural remedy: Juice six lemons and pour the contents into a spray bottle. “The citric acid will break down hard water deposits and dissolve filmy soap scum,” says Edelman. “Also, the antibacterial and antiseptic properties will sanitize the space.”

Hand-Wash Dishes When you run out of dish soap, slice a lemon in half and sprinkle baking soda on top, working the lemon half like you would a Brillo pad. Watch as the citric acid cuts, loosens and then dissolves grease, giving your pots and pans a shiny glow. Oh, and your dishpan hands will smell sweet!

Wash the Windows Four tablespoons of lemon juice (either fresh or out of the bottle) mixed with a half-gallon of water makes an effective window cleaner—sans chemicals and streaking. The powerful citric acid dissolves dirt, grime and water stains, leaving your windows sparkling.

Deodorize the Laundry It doesn’t take much to combat the odors of work, the gym and the everyday grind. Adding just one teaspoon of lemon juice to the laundry along with detergent will provide a fresh, clean scent to socks, undergarments and other clothing.

Sanitize a Cutting Board

Clean Hard-to-Reach Places Make a paste of lemon juice and borax. With a toothbrush, use the fresh-smelling cleanser to scrub tiles and around drains. This mixture is also ideal for all those evil nooks and crannies! 109

Spruce up that kitchen workhorse-the cutting board-by squeezing a lemon half over the top and letting the juice absorb for 10 minutes. (It soaks into wood especially well, but this also works on plastic cutting boards.) This will loosen stains. Next, kill bacteria by using the fruit to scrub the board

World’s Best Airlines

No. 1 Singapore Airlines

No. 6 Virgin Atlantic Airways

In every category of our awards, Singapore Airlines consistently outpaces the pack. Even though its scores went down-slightly-since 2010, it still beats the competition, thanks to innovations such as inflight Wi-Fi, entertainment systems that allow you to play your own video and audio through your iPod, and USB ports for all passengers. But it’s the famous in-flight service—credit the legendary Singapore Girl in her sarong designed by Parisian couturier Pierre Balmain-that still keeps the rest of the pack at bay. - Everett Potter

Close on the heels of its American offspring comes Sir Richard Branson’s flagship carrier, which pioneered cheek and style (not to mention seatback video and amenity kits in every class) and gave the customers what they wanted (including pioneering economy plus). Fliers seem to like it, judging by the scores that have edged up in every category since last year. But since the other airlines did even better, it slipped from last year’s No. 4 position. -Everett Potter

No. 2 Emirates Ranked No. 2 as it was in 2010, the airline has improved its scores and even taken on a better reputation for value and food, while steadfastly maintaining its reliability for both in-flight service and customer service. Its reputation as an innovator-it pioneered laptop Wi-Fi in 2004 and mobile phones back in 2008-is another reason it remains one of our readers’ favorites. - Everett Potter No. 3 Etihad Airways High marks all around, but the second highest scores for in-flight service are the hallmarks of this flag carrier of the United Arab Emirates. On-board comforts include Cradle Recline seats in economy class, for a seat pitch of 32 to 34 inches. Apart from 600 hours of in-flight entertainment, you can charge and play your iPod and other devices through its E-BOX System. -Everett Potter No. 4 Air New Zealand 110

Improved cabin comfort and an increase in value helped Air New Zealand climb up the ranks from seventh position in last year’s poll. Food, in-flight service, and customer service also went up, just enough to nudge the carrier into our top five category. The airline’s Skycouch— three economy seats that convert to a bed—must have helped the cabin comfort ranking. -Everett Potter No. 5 Virgin America The highest-ranking domestic airline in our poll—and the only one in the top five-Virgin America scores impressively high marks with incremental improvements in every category. In other words, the airline founded on Virgin Atlantic’s formula for service, innovation, and attitude just keeps on getting better. The combination of low fares and tech improvements-it’s installing Lufthansa Systems’ BoardConnect to radically upgrade its Red entertainment system to enable you to use your own devices-keep it at the forefront. -Everett Potter

No. 7 Cathay Pacific Airways Cathay has always played second fiddle to Singapore when it comes to Asia-based airlines, and despite incremental improvements in every category except food-down just a tad-it slipped down from last year’s No. 5 ranking. But a flight on Cathay remains a singular pleasure. The “fixed shell” economy seat means that no one can recline into your space (your seat reclines within your space). -Everett Potter No. 8 All Nippon Airways (ANA) The carrier that used to exist in the shadow of Japan Air Lines (JAL) continues to move up the ranks from last year’s 11th position-and way ahead of JAL. Marked improvements in cabin comfort, in-flight service, customer service, and value helped. And that’s even before it has introduced such innovations as women’s-only bathrooms with Japanese-style bidet-toilets on the new Dreamliner 787.-Everett Potter No. 9 Korean Air Korean Air edged up from tenth place last year, with readers giving it slightly better scores in every category. Noteworthy are the ergonomically designed “slim seats” in economy with 34-inch pitch, not to mention the USB ports and chargers at every seat. The menus— Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Western are standard on every flight— have also improved. -Everett Potter No. 10 Thai International Airways While Thai Airways improved in every category, other airlines did more. Hence the fall from last year’s No. 8 position. But it did rank higher with customer and in-flight service, as well as food. After all, this carrier takes care of kids, with free toys, games, and books, and offers private Premium Economy cabins with 42-inch pitch seats with 122 degrees of recline. It’s just that the other guys pushed the envelope a bit further. - Everett Potter

No. 11 Qatar Airways Qatar suffered a fall from grace, after last year’s No. 3 ranking. Readers were not as happy with the airline’s cabin comfort, nor its in-flight service and customer service. Even its food was regarded as slipping in quality. Sure, it has touch screens with 150 movies and 500 music channels, 50 interactive video games for kids, and connectivity for all but calls for your smartphone. But the Doha-based carrier clearly has some catching up to do. -Everett Potter No. 12 Finnair Kudos to Finnair for showing the biggest improvement of any airline in the top 20. Vaulting from last year’s position at No. 28, it ratcheted up both its in-flight service and customer service. Cabin amenities, such as economy seats with a 32-inch pitch and lie-flat business class seats, also helped. But value and food were also radically improved, according to our readers, and that propelled this airline right up the ranks to the edge of the top 10. -Everett Potter

How did this airline slip from a No. 6 ranking last year? It fell short of its previous marks in every category, but especially in customer service. In our poll, that’s always a reason for a downgrade. Yes, its economy seats can have as much as 34-inch seat pitch, while the OZ Quadra Smartium seat in business is a self-contained lie-flat pod. Still, only Asiana’s food got somewhat higher marks this year. -Everett Potter No. 14 Air Tahiti Nui Call it the little airline that could. While it dropped from last year’s No. 12 ranking, the airline actually improved or held steady in all categories except food. There are little niceties-the amenities kit in economy, the gardenias they give you on boarding-and larger ones, like a new fleet of Airbuses. Year after year, Air Tahiti Nui offers one of the most consistent flying experiences. -Everett Potter 111

No. 13 Asiana Airlines


Logic puzzle L

ogic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle. Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with X’s and O’s to determine the solution.


First Names


Mythological Names

6:30 am 7:30 am 4:00 pm 112

7:00 pm 1.Either the person raised in Columbus or the person raised in Santa Fe is Jane. 2. The person raised in Fort Smith is not Taryn and didn’t dress up as a mad scientist. 3. The person raised in Santa Fe is not Taryn. 4. The vacationer who left on March 26 didn’t dress up as a mummy. 5. The person raised in Provo didn’t dress up as a witch. 6. The trick-or-treater who dressed up as a witch is not Jane. 7. Of Desiree and the trick-or-treater who dressed up as a mummy, one left for vacation on March 31 and the other grew up in Columbus. 8. The person raised in Fort Smith went on vacation after Desiree. 9. The vacationer who left on May 12 grew up in Fort Smith. 10. The trick-or-treater who dressed up as a mummy went on vacation before Taryn. 11. The vacationer who left on March 31 dressed up as a vampire

Previous Answers January 26



Marxh 26


mad Scientist

Columbus Provo

March 31



Santa Fe

may 12



Fort Smith

Reverse word search A bit more challenging than a regular word search puzzle. Build the grid up until every single empty square is filled, and all words are placed. The first letter of every word is given and circled to get you started. Note that more than one word might start on the same exact letter! Reverse Word Search Puzzle #I430CC







































Amaze Battered Beetles Blobs Daily

Decibel Dimly


Engraves Filching


Gentries Gristle

Guises Hated

Lavished Legend

Letdown Loins Malls


Needle Paint

Paternal Pulsate Recant Roams Rolls


Swifts Tiles



Wittiest Wreak Wreck

Sadness Sails

Previous Answers 113

Copyright Š Puzzle Baron September 24, 2011 - Go to for Hints and Solutions!

What Not to Eat to Fight Colon Cancer In all Westernized countries, colorectal cancer is among the deadliest tumors you can get. This story isn’t about how you eat to cut down the risk, because that much is well known. More whole grains, less meat, fewer fatty foods, and alcohol in moderation are shields against colorectal cancer. Instead, this story is about people who have colorectal cancer or used to have it. Few studies had focused on how diet could help stop the tumor from recurring, and help the patient in surviving. But in the past few years, researchers have looked more and more at the eating patterns of people with colon cancer. That includes people with (or who have had) a very serious condition: stage III colon cancer. At that point, the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes, and from there runs the risk of spreading anywhere. Still, in such dire situations, food could still play a major role in influencing a patient’s chance of survival. Also, food could help dictate whether cancer will recur in someone who has successfully treated it. One way of eating can be described as “Western.” Its focus is a touch unhealthy, and includes refined grains, sweets, fatty foods, and red and processed meats. A much more powerful way to eat for disease protection is to fill your plates with fruit, legumes, vegetables, fish, poultry and whole grains. Can eating one way be powerful enough to influence something as serious as colorectal cancer? As studies of people undergoing chemotherapy have shown, it most certainly can. Patients who tend to maintain a more Westernized diet, with the less healthy foods, tend to have a far greater risk of cancer returning to their body if chemotherapy was successful. What’s more is that they are also at significantly greater risk of dying from cancer. 114

The flip of the coin is a bit different. People who follow a healthy diet, with lots of produce and other nutrient-rich items, don’t really influence their cancer recurrence or survival. So, in the end, it is actually about what you don’t eat, rather than what you do eat. Colon cancer survivors who don’t eat lots of processed and fatty foods have greater protection against recurrence. It’s about limiting certain foods. A diet light in (or preferably void of) red meat, refined grains, and sugary snacks is one solid step that colon cancer patients can take to improve their outlook. And when one has been diagnosed with cancer and has experienced chemotherapy, these sorts of steps are an easy lifestyle change to make. Mix it together with regular exercise, and you are doing a lot to help create your own cancer shield.

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‫ﻧﻴﺴﺎن ﺟﻮك اﳉﺪﻳﺪة ﻛﻠﻴّﴼ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺳﻴﺎرة اﻟﻜﺮوس أوﻓﺮ اﻷﻛﱶ ﲤﻴّﺰﴽ‪.‬‬

‫َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ﺗﻄﻞ ﻋﻠﻴﻚ‬ ‫إﻟﻴﻚ ﻧﻴﺴﺎن ﺟﻮك‪ ،‬اﻟﺘﺤﻔﺔ اﻹﺑﺪاﻋﻴﺔ اﳉﺪﻳﺪة ﻣﻦ ﻧﻴﺴﺎن ﻓﺌﺔ ﺳﻴﺎرات اﻟﻜﺮوس أوﻓﺮ اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺟﻮك ﺑﺘﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻣﺘﻤﺮّ د وﻫﻴﻜﻞ ﻣﺪﻣﺞ ﻗﺎدر ﻋﻠﻰ اﺳﺘﻴﻌﺎب ﺧﻤﺴﺔ أﺷﺨﺎص ﲟﻨﺘﻬﻰ اﻟﺴﻬﻮﻟﺔ‪ .‬وﳏﺮّ ك ﺳﻌﺔ‬ ‫‪ 1.6‬ﻟﱰ ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ٍ ﺑﻨﻈﺎم ﺣﻘﻦ اﻟﻮﻗﻮد اﳌﺒﺎﺷﺮ ﻳُﻠﻬﺐ ﺷﻮارع اﳌﺪﻳﻨﺔ ﺑﺄداﺋﻪ ُ‬ ‫اﳌﺜﲑ وﺗﺴﺎرﻋﻪ اﻟﺴﻠﺲ وﺗﻘﻨﻴﺎﺗﻪ اﻟﺬﻛﻴﺔ‬ ‫واﳌﺘﻄﻮّ رة ﻟﱰﺷﻴﺪ اﺳﺘﻬﻼك اﻟﻮﻗﻮد‪ .‬اﻧﺘﻘﻞ ﻣﻦ وﺿﻌﻴﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﺎدة اﻟﻌﺎدﻳﺔ إﱃ وﺿﻌﻴﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﺎدة اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ّ‬ ‫وﻋﺰز ﻣﺰاﺟﻚ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ﺟﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻷﺣﺎﺳﻴﺲ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺟﻴﻞ‬ ‫ﺑﺘﺤﻜﻢ أﻓﻀﻞ واﺳﺘﺠﺎﺑﺔ أﻣﺜﻞ ﻟﻌﺠﻠﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﺎدة‪ .‬ﻧﻴﺴﺎن ﺟﻮك اﳉﺪﻳﺪة ﻛﻠﻴّﴼ‪،‬‬ ‫ٍ‬

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