Issue 40

Page 1

‫ب � � � � �ج � � � � �ه� � � � ��ود ش�� � � �ب� � � ��اب�� � � �ي� � � ��ة ك� � ��وي � � �ت � � �ي� � ��ة‬

Back to School

New Collection

September 2011

Issue 40

Tel : 22637171 - Mob : 90060034 Salon la Bourjoisie - Kuwait - Shaab bahri block 8 street 80 bldg 49


uniQue ‫هيئة التحرير‬

‫جاسم املرزوق‬


‫نائب رئيس التحرير‬ ‫ مبارك رشيد العميري‬.‫م‬

‫نوره اليعيش‬

‫حسناء باخيش‬

‫حنان محمد‬

‫مدير التحرير‬ ‫أفراح عبدالله الشمري‬


‫سارة املسعود‬

‫زينب عبدال‬

‫سارة الهاجري‬

‫نائب مدير التحرير‬ ‫أسماء مساعد العبكل‬


‫​عائشة الضعيان‬‎

‫دالل عماد الربيعان‬

‫عبدالله الشمري‬.‫أ‬

‫مدير التسويق‬ ‫عماد الدنف‬

‫املوقع االلكتروني‬ ‫فيصل عبدالله‬

‫فهد اليحيى‬

‫منى سلطان‬

‫تصميم وإخراج‬ ‫علي عبد املنعم‬

‫هبه عبدالله‬ Selcouth


‫رئيس التحرير‬ ‫ أحمد عيسى الثويني‬.‫م‬


‫عبدالرحمن املسعود‬


‫شادي الصيرفي‬


Before every summer vacation I see people get so excited and look bright and happy as all they talk about their PLANS for the vacation .And usually their plans are BIG. They either plan for a travel around the world or go and live luxury in a resort or doing nothing but living in malls and spend all they have on buying things they may not need. And of course staying in cafes at least two hours or restaurants or to the movies. Such PLANS cost a lot don’t you think so!! See such plans are wonderful but if you spend your whole vacation this way then you may be broke. Because these plans are not going to give you a happy ending all the time. On the other side when a new back to school comes, some people get dull and unhappy and start the year like going to no where!! I think that’s normal,, you know why? Because we don’t make PLANS for it, ,just like we do for holidays. So let’s get a plan now for the up coming school days or work. Let’s begin now drawing our dreams and make the lines to our targets in bold and clear enough to follow. Let’s decide that in the coming days I’m going to be a writer of a successful story because every morning is going to be my successful story that I’m going to write every night before I go to bed. So be brave to plan BIG dreams now, and read them later.


Afrah Al-Shammari Managing Editor Tel : +965 25732874 - Fax : +965 25732874 - E-mail :

‫إن المقاالت واآلراء في المجلة ال تع ّبر بالضرورة عن رأي المجلة‬ - - Tel.: (965) 22429 662/ 4 - 22422 959 - Fax: (965) 22422 949


TE CH 8 7

GIRL S 7 7

GUY S 6 5

S TA RS 4 9






‫ال حتملوا كيس البطاطا ؟؟؟‬

Top 4 Ways To Stop Growing Older




Dean Martin

New Hampshire

‫جامعة الكويت‬ ‫كلية الطب‬ ‫كلية العلوم االجتماعية‬ ‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية‬ ‫كلية الحقوق‬ ‫كلية العلوم‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬ ‫كلية البنات‬

‫أماكن التوزيع‬

‫الــمــجــلــة الــوحــيــدة الــتــي تــوزّع فــي كــل جــامــعــات الــكــويــت‬

‫الجامعات الخاصة‬ ‫جامعة الخليج (‪)GUST‬‬ ‫الجامعة األمريكية في الكويت (‪)AUK‬‬ ‫الجامعة االسترالية في الكويت (‪)ACK‬‬

‫المنتزهات‬ ‫منتزه الخيران‬ ‫منتزة الشعب الترفيهي‬ ‫مرح الند (الصباحية)‬

‫المعاهد الصحية والصالونات‬ ‫صالون بيتي بوب‬ ‫نادي فليكس الصحي‬ ‫نادي تشالنج الصحي‬

‫الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب‬ ‫كلية العلوم الصحية‬ ‫كلية الدراسات التجارية‬

‫المطاعم والكافيهات‬ ‫سلسلة مطاعم وكافيهات الحميضي‪:‬‬ ‫برج الحمام‬ ‫الكبابجي‬ ‫برجر كنج‬ ‫أبل بيز‬ ‫بيتزا هت‬ ‫سكوبا كون‬ ‫كلر مي ماين ‪ -‬مارينا مول‬ ‫ديفاز‬ ‫كاريبو كوفي‬

‫المستشفيات والعيادات الخاصة‬ ‫مستشفى دار الشفاء‬ ‫عيادة الدكتور‪ /‬حـسين دشـتي‬ ‫عيادة فيصل التخصصي‬ ‫عيادة الميدان‬ ‫مستشفى المواساة‬

‫أماكن أخرى‬ ‫فيرجن‬ ‫كينكوز‬ ‫دايت سنتر‬ ‫نيوهورايزون‬

Calorie Control

‫غبقة فندق املارينا‬ ‫لإلعالميني‬ ‫و‬

‫سط أجواء شرقية ساحرة أقام فندق املارينا الكويت غبقة رمضانية على شرف‬ ‫وسائل اإلعالم احمللية في خيمة قمر املارينا‪ ،‬بحضور مدير عام الفندق وموظفيه‬ ‫ومجموعة كبيرة م��ن الصحافيني واإلع�لام �ي�ين‪ ،‬وق��د تضمنت األم�س�ي��ة فقرات‬ ‫موسيقية وسحوبات على جوائز‪ ،‬وقد استمتع احلضور بأصالة الضيافة العربية‬ ‫والطابع الرمضاني املميز‪.‬‬ ‫عمر الناقة ‪ -‬فاطمة سالم ‪ -‬محمد عمر‬

‫وسام عبد النور وحرمه بسمه‬

‫عادل السيد ‪ -‬جورج أهوش‬

‫‪ 16‬‬

‫عماد عبدالرحيم ‪ -‬ماهر اسعد ‪ -‬طوني طنوس‬

‫محمد عيتاني وحرمه دانا‬


‫"أنوتا"‪ ‬أقامت‪ ‬إفطارا‪ ‬ملوظفينها‬

‫قامت شركة أنوتا الرائدة في عالم األزياء إفطاراً ملوظفيها وذلك في قاعة سلوى‪،‬‬ ‫وبحضور السيد ‪ /‬إحسان الطحان مؤسس وصاحب “ أنوتا “ وع��دد من كبار‬ ‫املسئولني وموظفي جميع الفروع وعائالتهم في الكويت في جو جسد روح األسرة‬ ‫الواحدة بني إدارة الشركة وموظفيها‪ ،‬وقد تضمن احلفل مسابقات وجوائز قيمة‬ ‫وتكرمي للموظفني املثاليني‪.‬‬

‫من اليسار تيدي أبورجيلي وإحسان الطحان‬

‫من اليسار إحسان الطحان‪ ،‬أنور الطحان‪ ،‬حمزة الطحان و عمر الطحان‬

‫‪ 17‬‬

‫صورة جماعية‬

‫صورة جماعية‬ 18

‫صورة جماعية‬

‫غبقة رمضانية في فندق‬ ‫هوليداي ان الساملية‬


‫قامت إدارة فندق هوليداي ان الساملية غبقة رمضانية على شرف اإلعالميني‪،‬‬ ‫بحضور مدير ع��ام الفندق رام��ي هيكل وع��دد م��ن املوظفني وم��دي��ري اإلقسام‬ ‫ومجموعة كبيرة من الصحافيني واإلعالميني‪ ،‬وقد استمتع احلضور بأجواء األمسية‬ ‫الرمضانية املميزة على أنغام املوسيقى الساحرة‪.‬‬

‫رامي هيكل مدير عام فندق الهوليداي إن‬



‫‪ 19‬‬ 20 21 22 23

‫الكمية محدودة‬ ‫بالتعاون مع «باكارا» الرائدة إلنتاج الكريستال منذ عام ‪ ، 1764‬قامت دار جيفنشي‬ ‫بأبتكار زجاجة هذا العطر االيقونة التي تخالها قطعة فنية غنية ‪ .‬تتخذ الزجاجة‬ ‫التحفة شكل املستطيل بحواف مشطوبة تسمح بنفاذ النظر لرؤية ما بداخلها من‬ ‫قطرات العطر احلاملة مما يؤكد على التواجد امللفت املؤثر و االطاللة االستثنائية‬ ‫املتألقة‪.‬‬ ‫و كما هي انثى عطر «داليا نوار» فأن الكريستال االسود هو حكر على عالم اخليال‬ ‫و االحالم ‪.‬‬ ‫فاالسود هنا ليس سوى صنية اللون االحمر الداكن – لون العتيق النفيس االسطوري‪،‬‬ ‫وتكن الزجاجة االنيقة في علبة هدية مطلية بالالكر االسود ‪ ،‬مزدانة بلوحات زجاجية‬ ‫في داخلها ‪...‬‬ ‫علماً بأن كمية العطر محدودة ال تتجاوز ‪ 200‬عبوة عاملياً‪.‬‬ ‫زجاجة العطر‬ ‫غني التصميم الهندسي و روعة اخلطوط و تكاملها أبعاد متزنة لزجاجة عطر أزلية‬ ‫عنوانها االناقة االنثوية و قوامها‪.‬‬ ‫الرقي و الفتنة االستثنائية‬ ‫جبارة متسلطة و حنونة في آن ‪ ! ...‬جتمع املتناقضات في تركيبة متناغمة عجيبة ‪،‬‬ ‫وتوليفة منسجمة غريبة شبيها بالعطر في داخلها ‪ ،‬مثيلة متاماً ألنثى «داليا نوار»‬ ‫تضيف الزجاجة لغزاً الي غموض العطر ‪ ،‬كونها تأبى البوح عن مكوناتها بوضوح و‬ ‫نحن ال نكشف كلمات االسم «وداليا نوار « والتي تظنها خطت سراً إال في جانب‬ ‫غطاء الزجاجة من اخللف و كتبت االحرف الغنية بأنافة مفرطة على لوحة وردية‬ ‫سوداء ‪.‬‬ ‫يتوفر العطر في حجمني ‪ 50 :‬و ‪ 75‬مللتر في زجاجة شاتولية و الغطاء موحد في‬ ‫احلجمني‪.‬‬

‫‪ 26‬‬

‫‪Exclusive for Kuwait only for one year then in the middle east.‬‬

‫‪GIVENCHY‬‬ ‫‪DAHLIA NOIR‬‬ ‫‪The Quintessence of a Fleur Fatale Eau De Parfum‬‬

‫عطر املتناقضات حيث جتسيد قدرة املرأة الواهنة الضعيفة و القوية في شد االنتباه‬ ‫اليها وخطف االبصار في آن ! ‪ ...‬وكيف ال وهي انثى عطر «داليا نوار» عطر مستلهم‬ ‫من زهرة الطورية ذات عبق سحري خيالي ‪ ،‬عبق ال يعرف القيود و شذا ليكون نعومة‬ ‫امل��رأة ورقتها ودالل االنثى وعبقها ‪ ،‬غني حالم من مستخلص الزهور «الشايير‪،‬‬ ‫امليموزا‪ ،‬االيريس‪ ،‬الباتشولي وخشب الصندل «عطر روحاني معطاء وصوفي سخي‪.‬‬ ‫‪Dahlia Noir Bacarat‬‬ ‫‪ 27‬‬

Centrepoint rings in `Back to School` collection to Offer Exclusive Designs and Excellent Value The biggest collection of school essentials from Juniors, Shoe Mart and Lifestyle


etting back to school will be even more fun this year as Centrepoint launches its `Back to School` collection across all its concepts. Centrepoint is a one stop shop having a variety of concepts offering the biggest collection of school essentials. The ‘Back to School’ collection offers a unique combination of style, comfort, durability and affordability expected of children’s essentials. 28

Juniors, the region’s leading children’s retail concept, has pieced together a collection to help children get over their school-day blues at the end of the summer-vacation and inspire them to go back to school in style. Juniors ‘Back-to-School’ includes interesting options for boys and girls of all ages. While the Barbie, Micky Mouse Club House, Dora, My Melody and Disney Princess ranges are ideal for any girl, boys will enjoy flaunting their bags and accessories including water bottles, stationery items etc featuring Ben10, Spiderman, Cars, Ferrari, Hotwheels, Manchester-United and Transformers. The comprehensive assortment that extends across every educational facet of a child’s life also includes school staples and uniforms. ‘Back to school’ this year offers a great collection to choose from along with an amazing gift exclusively at Shoe Mart stores. The Shoe Mart Back to School’ Campaign entitles every purchase of school shoes and or a school bag from Shoe Mart’s new collection a funky stationery set. The unique colorful set includes a pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener, whistle, ruler and a tape dispenser. An essential school kit for every child making a new start. For school essentials and footwear Shoe Mart’s ‘Back to School’ has a collection which ranges from pumps and Mary Jane’s in straps for girls and court shoes. For boys they have moccasins adorned with buckles

or straps. A vivid range of colors and cartoon characters are seen on various school bags in the range. Also available in store are school essentials such as lunch bags and water bottles. Shoe Mart also has a collection consisting of movie sensations and child artists such as Selena Gomez, Hannah Montana and High School Musical allow children to latch on to the feel-good factor. Girls will have every reason to flaunt the cotton candy pink colour with charming characters. Boys will speak louder with Ben 10, Hot Wheels and Transformers creating action packed fun. They would also get to take to school pencil cases and other stationary items with their favourite characters on them. Get the kids ready for the new term with Lifestyle ‘Back to School’ offering an array of bright and stylish yet durable and essential bags and accessories. Lifestyle’s exclusive ranges for little princesses include school accessories from brands such as Happy House, Jordi Labanda and Kimmidoll, which all include beautiful bags, quality lunch boxes and a pretty yet functional array of stationery to get kids organized for the term ahead. For boys this year, the hardwearing collections offer quality and strength without forgoing style. The themes focus on racing cars, warriors and bikers – cool favourites for the boys. Available in grown up blues, reds and black, a wide assortment can be purchased with matching school bags, satchels and lunchboxes, pencil cases and water bottle holders. So gear up for the new academic year with the latest ‘Back to school’ collection which is up for grabs across all Centrepoint showrooms at Al Rai, Fahaheel, Kuwait City, Salmiya, Hawally, Jahra and Fintas. Discover a whole new range of school essentials for your little ones!

‫ش‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫كن‬


. . ‫مبقا‬


r u o y d Sen es l c i t Ar 32

‫رواية رحلة املوت‬

‫هذه قصة فيها تذكير باملوت والقبر وعذابه بطريقة مؤثرة جداً وجتعلك تعيش فع ً‬ ‫ال فى هذه األوقات احلرجة‬ ‫فى القبر حيث يتوقف عملك إال من الثالث املعروفة ولن ينفعك إال عملك الصالح‪ .‬ستجعلك هذه القصة‬ ‫مراجعة نفسك ففيها الكثر من املواعظ والعبر‪.‬‬


‫احللقة الثالثة ‪ :‬اللقاء بامللكني وعرض األعمال ‪:‬‬

‫ملون� � ��ي لقب� � ��ري وكان� � ��وا يس� � ��يرون بي س� � ��ريعاً وأس� � ��مع دع� � ��اء البعض‬ ‫واس� � ��ترجاعهم وب� � ��كاءاً كثي� � ��راً ‪ ..‬وأن� � ��ا ف� � ��ي حالة ارتب� � ��اك وخوف مما‬ ‫س� � ��يحصل لي ألني تذكرت ف� � ��ي هذه اللحظ� � ��ات مظالم وذنوب � � �اً اقترفتها‬ ‫وس� � ��اعات غف� �ل��ات قضيته� � ��ا ‪ ،‬وصبوات جت� � ��رأت عليه� � ��ا ‪ ..‬الوضع مربك‬ ‫ومرع� � ��ب وش� � ��عرت بانتقاض� � ��ة م� � ��ن الوج� � ��ل واخل� � ��وف ‪ ،‬وحينم� � ��ا وصلت‬ ‫لقبري س� � ��معت أصواتاً وكلم� � � ٍ‬ ‫�ات كثيرة ملن يريد دفن� � ��ي وأذكر من كلماتهم‬ ‫‪ :‬م� � ��ن هنا‪ ،‬قرب� � ��وه للقبر ‪ ،‬تعالوا من هنا ‪ ،‬لو س� � ��محتوا أفس� � ��حوا الطريق‬ ‫للجنازة‪ ..‬ياالله ما كنت أراه وأس� � ��معه في حياتي أسمعه اآلن بعد مماتي !!‬ ‫أدخلوني لقبري بجس� � ��دي وروحي وهم ال يش� � ��عرون وال يرون إال جس� � ��دي‬ ‫ويقول من يحملني ‪ :‬بسم الله وعلى ملة رسول الله ‪..‬‬ ‫وب� � ��دأ صف احلجر والطني كنت أري� � ��د أن أصرخ وأقول أرجوكم ال تتركوني‬ ‫ف� �ل��ا أدري ما الل� � ��ه صانع بي ‪ ،‬وأحياناً يأتيني ش� � ��عور بالثق� � ��ة وأن الله لن‬ ‫يضيعني ‪..‬‬ ‫علي التراب وبدأ ظالم ش� � ��ديد وأصوات الناس تختفي وتبتعد‬ ‫بعدها هلّوا ّ‬ ‫ولكن أسمع بوضوح أصوات مشيهم وقرع نعالهم وسمعت أناساً يدعون الله‬ ‫لي وكان دعاؤهم أنساً لي وانشراحاً لصدري خاصة أن أحدهم قال بصوت‬ ‫مسموع ‪ :‬اسألوا له الثبات فإنه اآلن يُسأل ‪..‬‬ ‫وفج� � ��أة ب� � ��دا القبر يضيق علي ويضيق حتى ش� � ��عرت أن� � ��ه يضغط على كل‬ ‫جسمي وارتعبت وكدت أصرخ بأعلى صوتي ثم اتسع كما كان ‪..‬‬ ‫بع� � ��د ذل� � ��ك التفت ميين � � �اً وش� � ��ماالً ترقباً وخوف � � �اً مما س� � ��يأتي وفجأة الح‬ ‫ل� � ��ي مل� � ��كان بص� � ��ورة مهيب� � ��ة ج� � ��داً أجس� � ��ادهم عظيمة ُس� � ��ود األجس� � ��ام‬ ‫زُرق العي� � ��ون طرفه� � ��م يل� � ��وح كالب� � ��رق ‪ ،‬وأنيابه� � ��م ت� � ��كاد تص� � ��ل ل� �ل��أرض‬ ‫وبي� � ��د أحده� � ��م مطرق� � ��ة كبي� � ��رة ل� � ��و ضرب� � ��ت به� � ��ا مدين� � ��ة لهدمته� � ��ا !!‬ ‫قال لي أحدهما مباش� � ��رة ‪ :‬اجلس ‪ ،‬فجلست مباشرة ‪ ،‬فقال ‪ :‬من ربك ؟–‬ ‫والذي بيده املطرقة يرقبني بنظرة قوية ‪ ,‬فقلت مباش� � ��رة ‪ :‬ربي الله ‪ ،‬كنت‬ ‫أرجت� � ��ف وأنا أجيب ليس عدم ثقة باإلجابة ولكن أرعبتني صورهم وطريقة‬ ‫سؤالهم ‪ ..‬من نبيك ؟ قلت محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ‪..‬‬ ‫ما دينك ؟ قلت ‪ :‬اإلسالم ‪..‬‬ ‫ق� � ��اال ‪ :‬اآلن جن� � ��وت من فتن� � ��ة القبر قلت له� � ��م ‪ :‬هل أنتما منك� � ��ر ونكير ؟‬ ‫قاال ‪ :‬نعم ولو لم جتب لضربناك بهذه املطرقة ضربة ستصرخ منها صرخة‬ ‫تسمعك كل اخلالئق إال الثقالن ولو سمعوك لصعقوا من شدة صراخك ‪..‬‬ ‫ولهويت في األرض سبعني ذراعاً ‪.‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬احلمد لله الذي جناني من هذا وهذا بفضل الله وحده ‪..‬‬ ‫ثم انصرفا ولم أشأ أن أكثر الكالم معهما فلم أطمئن إال بانصرافهما ‪..‬‬

‫تُهدى لك إلى يوم القيامة‪.‬‬ ‫قلت لهما ‪ :‬والله رأيت منذ مت شيئاً مهيباً ولم أتوقع أنه بهذه الشدة وهذه‬ ‫الكربة ‪ ..‬ولكن هل تأذنان لي بسؤال ؟‬ ‫قاال ‪ :‬نعم‬ ‫قل� � ��ت ‪ :‬هل أنا من أهل اجلنة ؟ وبعد كل ه� � ��ذه األحداث هل هناك خطورة‬ ‫أن يدخلني الله النار ؟‬ ‫قاال امللكني ‪ :‬أنت مس� � ��لم والذي حصل لك ألنك مس� � ��لم آمنت بالله ورسوله‬ ‫صلى الله عليه وسلم ‪ ،‬ولكن دخول اجلنة والنار ال يعلمه إال الله ‪ ،‬ولكن ثق‬ ‫أنك لو شاء الله وأدخلك النار فلن تخلد فيها ألنك موحد !!‬ ‫بكت عيني وقلت وماذا لو أدخلني الله النار فكم سأمكث فيها !!‬ ‫قاال ‪ :‬ثق بربك وأعلم أنه كرمي ‪ ..‬وس� � ��نبدأ اآلن بعرض أعمالك عليك منذ‬ ‫بلغت وإلى آخر نفس لك في حادثك ‪..‬‬ ‫وبدؤا بقول استغربته وهو ‪:‬‬ ‫سنبدأ بصالتك ألنها العهد الذي بني املسلم والكافر ولكن لن ترفع لك حسنة‬ ‫واحدة ولن جتازى على أي عمل صالح ألن أعمالك احلسنة املاضية كلها معلقة ‪.‬‬ ‫قلت باستغراب ‪ :‬ملاذا ؟!! وما هو السبب الذي من أجله مت إيقاف كل أعمال‬ ‫اخلير التي عملتها بحياتي وهل هناك عالقة بني ذلك وبني حرارة جس� � ��مي‬ ‫التي أشعر بها كأن حمى األرض جمعت لي ؟!!‬ ‫قاال ‪ :‬نعم لذلك عالقة وأنت الس� � ��بب في ذلك بتس� � ��اهلك في دين عليك لم‬ ‫تقضيه قبل موتك واآلن أنت في خطر شديد ؟!!‬ ‫قل� � ��ت وأنا أبكي ‪ :‬وكيف ؟ وهل الدين هو الذي جعل جس� � ��دي يحتمي بهذه‬ ‫الشدة قبل عرض األعمال ؟!!‬ ‫و ُقطع س� � ��ؤال بش� � ��ئ الح لي باألفق نوراً مشرقاً آنس ظلمة قبري وله صوت‬ ‫ومنه تنبعث رائحة زكية لم أشم مثلها في حياتي وال منذ مماتي ‪..‬‬ ‫وقال الضوء ‪ :‬السالم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‪..‬‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬عليكم السالم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‪ ..‬من أنت ؟‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬أنا سورة امللك ( تبارك ) أتيت ألنافح وأحاج لك عند الله فأنت قد‬ ‫حفظتني وقد أخبركم رسولكم محمد عليه الصالة والسالم أنني أطلب من‬ ‫الله أن ينجي كل من يحفظني ‪..‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫أتلوك في صالتي وفي‬ ‫قلت ‪ :‬مرحبا بك س� � ��ورة حفظتك منذ صغري وكنت‬ ‫بيتي وأنا االن في أشد احلاجة لك ‪..‬‬ ‫قالت ‪ :‬نعم ولذا أنا هنا وسأطلب من الله أن يفك كربتك ألنك اآلن تساهلت‬ ‫ب َد ٍين كان سبباً بتعليق أعمالك وحرارة جسدك !!‬

‫‪ 33‬‬

‫بعد انصرافهما مباش� � ��رة شعرت بحرارة عجيبة وبدأ جلدي يحتمي خشيت‬ ‫أن تكون فُتحت نافذة من جهنم على جس� � ��دي من ش� � ��دة احلرارة ‪ ،‬ولكني ال‬ ‫أرى أي شئ سوى حرارة أشعر أنها تخرج من جسدي !!‬

‫قلت ‪ :‬وكيف السبيل للنجاة ؟!!‬

‫حضر لي بعد ذلك ملكان آخران وقاال ‪ :‬السالم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‪..‬‬

‫قالت ‪ :‬بأحد ثالثة أمور ‪..‬‬

‫قلت ‪ :‬وعليكم السالم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‪..‬‬

‫قلت بسرعة ‪ :‬وما هي ؟!!‬

‫قاال ‪ :‬نحن مالئكة أتينا لعرض أعمالك في قبرك وإحصاء احلسنات التي‬

‫فقالت سورة امللك ‪.………… :‬‬

‫ال حتملوا‬ ‫كيس البطاطا ؟؟؟‬ ‫شيماء العوض‬


‫د تطوق� � ��ك حيناً بح� � ��ار اليأس مبياهها اآلس� � ��نة جترفك دوامة األي� � ��ام إلى جهة‬ ‫املجهول وال ترى احلياة سوى بلون واحد‪،،،‬لون وجعك وهمك من ذكريات وجتارب‬ ‫مؤمل� � ��ة‪ ،‬من منا ال يحلم بأن يكون كأفضل ما ميكن إن يكون في ش� � ��تى ميادين احلياة‬ ‫لك� � ��ن عراقيل احلي� � ��اة ومثبطات الطموحات كثر منثورة هن� � ��ا وهناك في طريقها إلى‬ ‫بس� � ��اتني أحالمنا وتؤثر على صفاء حياتنا وكم من مرة ضاقت علينا احلياة وش� � ��عرنا‬ ‫بأن� � ��ه ال منف� � ��ذ و بأن النهاية قد حان� � ��ت وانتهت الدنيا في نظرن� � ��ا بكل ما حتمل من‬ ‫مباه� � ��ج وانطفأت أضواؤها على التوالي أمام م� � ��رأى أعيننا القاصرة عن النظر إلى‬ ‫جهة أخرى من احلياة‪.‬‬

‫إن النس� � ��يان نعمة تس� � ��تحق الشكر‪ ,‬ودفن الس� � ��يئ من الذكريات هو أفضل ما يعيننا‬ ‫على االستمرار في حياتنا بسعادة و صفاء وتفاؤل‪ ،‬لذا علينا إن نتعلم مهارة النسيان‬ ‫حلي� � ��اة جميلة وأح� �ل��ام تتحقق وتنظيف أرش� � ��يف عقولنا باس� � ��تمرار وال نحتفظ إال‬ ‫باجلميل م� � ��ن الذكريات والتجارب االيجابية أما املؤل� � ��م واحملبط منها فلنقطف منه‬

‫ذات يوم طلب احد األس� � ��اتذة من طالبه أن يحضروا كيس � � �اً نظيفاً وعندما نفذوا ما‬ ‫أمره� � ��م به طالبهم بأن يضعوا في هذا الكيس ثم� � ��رة بطاطا عن كل جتربة أو ذكرى‬ ‫س� � ��يئة ال يريدون محوها من ذاكرتهم و أن يكتبوا على كل ثمرة بطاطا املوقف السيئ‬ ‫وتاريخ� � ��ه ‪ ،‬وبالفع� � ��ل قام الطالب بعمل ما أمرهم به األس� � ��تاذ وأصبح لدى كل واحد‬ ‫منهم كيس ال بأس به حينها طالبهم األستاذ أن ال يتركوا هذا الكيس ابدآ فهو معهم‬ ‫ف� � ��ي كل مكان ‪ ،‬وما أتعس من يحملون كماً كبي� � ��راً من الذكريات املؤملة ترجموها إلى‬ ‫حب� � ��ات بطاطا أرهق كاهلهم حملها بعدما تعبت منها نفوس� � ��هم ‪ ،‬إن عبء حمل هذا‬ ‫الكي� � ��س طيلة الوقت أوض� � ��ح أمامهم العبء الروحي الذي يحملون� � ��ه لذكراهم املؤملة‬ ‫والثقل النفس� � ��ي الذي تبعث� � ��ه هذه الذكرى‪ ،‬وبطبيعة احلال تده� � ��ورت حالة البطاطا‬ ‫وأصب� � ��ح لها رائحة كريهة مما يجعل حملها غير لطيف فلم مير وقت طويل حتى كان‬ ‫كل واح� � ��د منه� � ��م قد قرر أن يتخلص من كيس البطاط� � ��ا نهائياً بدالً من حمله في كل‬ ‫مكان يذهب إليه‪.‬‬ ‫ل� � ��ذا أنصحكم وهذه عن جتربتي الش� � ��خصية “ ال حتملوا كي� � ��س البطاطا”” ‪.......‬‬ ‫ودمتم‬

‫‪ 34‬‬

‫تعل� � ��م عزي� � ��زي وعزيزتي إنن� � ��ا جميعاً لدينا مش� � ��كالت ونعاني أحيان� � ��ا من احباطات‬ ‫وعقبات و من ذكريات مؤملة مرة في حياتنا ال نس� � ��تطيع نس� � ��يانها لكن يجب علينا إن‬ ‫نأخذ من جتارب الفش� � ��ل دروساً وعبر نس� � ��عى فيها خلف أحالمنا لتتحقق و نستفيد‬ ‫منها حلياتنا املستقبلية‪ ،‬دائماً وابداً علينا أن نعلم إن اإلحباط واحلزن بضاعة قليلي‬ ‫احليلة والضعفاء فاتركوها لهم‪.‬‬

‫العبرة و نلقيه بعد ذلك خلفنا ‪ ،،‬قد نكون عاجزين عن تغيير املاضي لكن املس� � ��تقبل‬ ‫مازال في أيدينا‪.‬‬

‫لقد ُحصرت ‪ ...‬حولت احلراك ‪ ...‬لم أس� � ��تطع ‪ ...‬نظ� � ��رت الي أفراحي وقد تلونت‬ ‫بألوان الرماد ويداي أيضا‬ ‫وبدأوا في االقتراب وبدأ الرماد يقترب من عنقي ‪..‬‬ ‫اغلقت عيناي ‪ ...‬علي موعد مع االختناق ‪...‬‬ ‫لم أشعر سوا أنني قد سابقت الرياح ‪ ...‬ما الذي حدث البد أن أري ‪...‬‬ ‫وبصعوبة نظرت ‪...‬‬ ‫أنه هو ‪...‬‬ ‫لقد رأيته ‪...‬‬ ‫وأخيرا ً‪....‬‬ ‫وحال بيني وبني الضوء الساطع ‪...‬‬ ‫مخرج‪...‬‬ ‫استيقضت علي هزات شقيقتي محاولة أيقاضي ‪:‬‬ ‫ نورة ‪ ...‬نورة‬‫ لقد رأيته ؟‬‫ ماذا ؟‬‫ من أنقذني؟‬‫ أختي وقد بدأ عليها اخلوف من عودة فجر اجلنون الي أشراقي ‪:‬من ؟‬‫‪ -‬نظرت أليها بحدة ‪ :‬أرادتي ‪...‬‬

‫‪ 36‬‬

‫ال يزال نظري معلق في السقف ‪...‬‬

‫ما بني حلم وكابوس‬ ‫نوره السبيعي‬ ‫مدخل‪...‬‬

‫ِ‬ ‫عليك منه فهو متهور قليال ً ‪..‬‬ ‫التفائل بخجل ‪ :‬هذا هو االبتسامة ال‬ ‫وعرفني عليهم جميعا ‪...‬‬ ‫أال واحدا ً ‪...‬‬ ‫ التفاؤل ‪ :‬أين هو ؟ أين ذهب هذا املجنون ؟‬‫ الفرح ‪ :‬ال نعلم لنذهب للبحث عنه ‪...‬‬‫ التف� � ��اؤل متج� � ��ة نح� � ��وي ‪ :‬ال تتح� � � ِ‬‫�رك س� � ��نذهب قليال ً وس� � ��نرجع ولك� � ��ن حذاري‬ ‫االبتعاد‪...‬‬

‫لم يكن س� � ��واي انا وش� � ��قيقاتي ال ُكبريات في املنزل لقد قرر والدي السفر وتركنا ملدة‬ ‫ش� � ��هر ‪ ...‬من � � � ُذ أن أخبرتني ام� � ��ي وانا غاضبة جدا ً علي أس� � ��تغفالهم لي ‪ ..‬وأخذت‬ ‫أمش� � ��ي بخطوات س� � ��ريعة الي حد ٍ ما أضرب بقدماي الصغيرتان علي االرض معبره‬ ‫عن أس� � ��تيائي الشديد ملا حدث ‪ ...‬وأغلقت علي نفسي الباب وألقيت بجسدي علي‬ ‫السرير ُمعلنه دخولي الي سبات عميق ‪.‬‬

‫رحلوا جميعهم وجلس� � ��ت وحدي أفكر في هذا املجنون من هو ‪ ...‬جلست في مكاني‬ ‫أنتظره� � ��م ولكن ما لبث ِ النجوم حتي أغرتني بالرقص معها ‪ ...‬الي أن زللت بقدمي‬ ‫نحو الهاوية السحيقة ‪...‬‬

‫ورقات حلم بيضاء‬

‫في ثغرات كابوس عجوز‬

‫ما هذه الرائحة ‪..‬انها أشبه برائحة الياسمني ‪ ...‬فتحت عيناي بخفه وبطئ ‪...‬‬ ‫ ما هذا ‪ ...‬ما الذي أتي بي الي هنا ‪...‬‬‫حديقة غناء متلونة بألوان الياقوت والبنفسج ‪ ...‬النجوم الراقصة مألت أولى السماء‬ ‫بزخ� � ��ارف ضوئية المعة وبدأت وكانها تتراقص مع أش� � ��عة البرمي الس� � ��اطعة بخيوط‬ ‫الصف� � ��راء واحلمراء ‪ ...‬والورود قد مألت املكان باللؤلؤ الش� � ��فاف ‪...‬وقد أنتش� � ��رت‬ ‫الرائحة العبقة في أرجاء املكان ‪...‬‬ ‫بدأت استكشف هذا املكان يا تري كيف أتيت الى هنا ‪ ...‬وفي أثناء جتوالي‬ ‫سمعت صوت غريب ‪...‬‬ ‫ نورة ‪ ...‬نورة‬‫جتمدت في مكان وبدأت ألتقط أنفاسي قبل أن ألتف ببطئ الي اخللف ‪..‬‬ ‫فقد كان طفل صغير أشقر يرتدي رداء أزرق وعينان تلمعان ببريق عسلي جميل ‪...‬‬ ‫ من انت ؟‬‫ِ‬ ‫حياتك كل حلظة ‪ ...‬انا تفاؤلك‬ ‫ ألم تعرفيني ‪ ...‬أنا أعيش في‬‫بدأ علي عالمات التعجب واالستغراب ‪ :‬لم أفهم شي ‪...‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫حملتك الترانيم الي هنا ‪...‬‬ ‫ التفاؤل ‪ :‬لقد‬‫ال زلت أنظر أليه وفي بالي ماليني االسئلة ولكني أكتفيت بالصمت‬ ‫ التفاؤل ‪ :‬تعالي معي ألشرح ِ‬‫لك ‪....‬‬ ‫وفي أثناء سيري مع التفائل دلني علي كوخ ذهبي مزخرف باملرجان االخضر ‪...‬‬ ‫وخرج من الكوخ أطفال ُكثر بتجاهي ‪ ...‬فبدأو في ُمنادات بعضهم البعض‬ ‫ لقد اتت ‪ ....‬لقد أتت ‪....‬‬‫فأخذت نظراتي تتناقل ما بينهم وبني التفاؤل بحيرة ‪...‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ألعرفك علي باقي االصدقاء‬ ‫فقطع حبل تفكيري التفاؤل معرفاً ‪:‬‬ ‫فاقتربت فتاة جميلة ذات عينني ناعس� � ��تني وش� � ��عر أحمر طوي� � ��ل مرتدية ثوب فضي‬ ‫اللون‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 37‬‬

‫ِ‬ ‫أعرفك علي الفرح ‪..‬‬ ‫التفاؤل ‪:‬‬ ‫ابتسمت ‪ :‬أهال ِ‬ ‫بك‬ ‫وابتس� � ��مت هي أيضا ً ولكن ابتسامتها كانت مختلقة متاما فقد بعثت نسائم فرحيها‬ ‫في قلبي ‪...‬‬ ‫اتي طفل أخر ‪ :‬جاء دوري ‪ ...‬فقد بدأت االبتسامة‬ ‫فأخرج ريش� � ��تة الزمردية وبدأ برس� � ��م االبتس� � ��امة علي وجوه احلاضرين ‪ ...‬وعمت‬ ‫الضحكات املوجودين ‪...‬‬

‫م� � ��ا ال� � ��ذي حدث الب� � ��د أنني فق� � ��دت الوعي ‪ ...‬أعتدلت في جلس� � ��تي وأنا ممس� � ��كة‬ ‫برأسي‪...‬‬ ‫فقد كانت الس� � ��قطة مؤملة ج� � ��دا ً ‪ ..‬ألتفت من حولي ‪ ....‬ما هذا الس� � ��واد ‪ ...‬أرض‬ ‫جرداء انتش� � ��رت بها زهور االقحوان الس� � ��وداء تنثر غبراها ب� �ي��ن الضباب رمادي ‪...‬‬ ‫وقفت وقد تبللت ألواني ببعض ماء السواد ‪ ...‬فقد كانت االرض رطبة ‪...‬‬ ‫بدأت اتقدم‬ ‫خطوة ‪...‬‬ ‫خطوة ‪...‬‬ ‫الي أن رأيت من بعيد مرأءه بأطار ذهبي معتم ‪ ....‬أقتربت منه ‪...‬‬ ‫ما هذا ‪ ...‬لم أرى صورتي التي يجب أن أراها بل صورة لفتاة جالس� � ��ة علي االرض‬ ‫وقد أحتظنت س� � ��اقيها تبكي بشهيق حاد بجانب شجرة س� � ��وداء يبدو أنه لم يكن لها‬ ‫أوراق يوم ما ‪...‬‬ ‫وضعت يدي عليها ‪ ...‬لم تكن مراءه فحسب بل معبر ‪...‬‬ ‫عبرت اليها واقتربت منها بخوف ‪...‬‬ ‫ ملاذا تبكني ؟‬‫توفقت عن البكاء فجأه ورفعت رأسها ‪...‬‬ ‫ف� � ��أذا بها فتاة بوجة عجوز وجس� � ��م عذراء في العش� � ��رين محدب� � ��ت الظهر وقد كانت‬ ‫بشرتها بلون الرمادي ‪ ...‬وهالالت سوداء حتت عينيها وقد جري في وجهها عالمات‬ ‫البكاء املرير وقد غطي نصف وجهها شعرها االسود الطويل يصل الي قدميها ‪..‬‬ ‫رمقتني بنظرة مميتة ‪ ...‬ووقفت وبدأت هيا باالقتراب مني‬ ‫انتابني اخلوف مجددا وأخذت بتراجع الي اخللف ‪...‬‬ ‫ ماذا بك ِ؟ ملاذا تبكني ؟ أين أنا ؟‬‫ِ‬ ‫حزنك‬ ‫بدأت بنحيب قبل أن جتيبني ‪ :‬انتي في عالم أخر لطاملا أردتي أخفاءه ‪ ...‬وانا‬ ‫القدمي املقيد وقد حان وقت حتريره ‪...‬‬ ‫وف� � ��ي هذه اللحظة تذك� � ��رت كل الذكريات األليمة في حيات� � ��ي ‪ ....‬أخذت أجري الي‬ ‫املجهول ‪ ...‬الي أي مكان حتملني ساقاي اليه ‪..‬‬ ‫وصلت الي نهر من الدماء ‪ ...‬ونظرت الي بعيد ‪ ...‬يجب أن اعبر النهر ‪ ...‬ووضعت‬ ‫قدمي في طرف النهر ‪...‬‬ ‫وبدأ النهر في االنني القوي ‪ ...‬ابتعدت عنه ‪...‬‬ ‫وف� � ��ي ه� � ��ذا اللحظات خرج رجل من النهر ‪ ...‬وهو ين� � ��زف وقد أقتعلت أحدي عينيه‬ ‫حامال يده املقطوعة بيده االخري ‪..‬‬ ‫فنظرت الي اخللف فوجدتها قد أقتربت ونظرت الى االعلى ‪ ...‬بدأت أشباه السعادة‬ ‫تتطاير فوقي ‪..‬‬

That Unforgettable Week-end! Jassem Almarzoug


he other weekend when you were in such pain … It was simply my worst day I had ever seen … My tears were about to fall like unstopping rain in a cloudy février … I hardly kept them into the sockets of my eyes so you wouldn’t glimpse the weakness of mine that had no place in this difficult day which was a complete nightmare … I was in disbelief … I was in an absolute shock because this was something new and rare … Seeing you in that sort of agony was a terrified experience I pray to God to never ever happen again to both of us … Seeing you in this strange way made my heart beats bounding so strong that I no longer felt my gloomy chest … The frightened look on your pretty face had an intense sadness that turned my whole world into the black madness … I wasn’t able to recognize myself which was filled by yourself … My head was spinning around as your hand was circling over the painful part … I didn’t know now what to do and how to react … The situation was much beyond my ability to handle … I knew that it wasn’t really the perfect time to do nothing … but, I was in such a grand surprise that was making my strength fade away … I just knew that I was in need to hug you tightly and to kiss you beautifully so the pain would perhaps walk away.

The day when you had gone and said the final goodbye, had been the toughest day in many ways … I was still living those many complicated nights … I couldn’t sleep or eat for so many days … My sorrows were getting bigger and bigger … My eyes became reddish like the color of the bleeding blood … My tongue whitened just like the shattered snow balls covering the top of the mountain … All I was seeing and feeling right now was your angelic visage whose unique features were extravagant and your rosy scent which was incredibly still the same, though you were not the same … I really desired to call you or give you a considered homage … I was afraid to pick up the phone … I was worried to cause more pain … So, I preferred to wait and have more faith. 38

I had been recently thinking continuously about us … What did they do to us? Why they had been constantly attacking the beauty created within inside the two of us? Who on earth thought they were? Why there were lots of them everywhere? What did they tell you about me? What kind of lies did they deeply plant in your head? Did they convince you about how right and blessed they were thinking of themselves? Did they change you into their only way? Did you have something to add or to say? You should realize the bond we were sharing would be always so much difficult for them to comprehend and to understand … Most of them forgot that the sun shone its warmth and light in all over the land without an exception for a tripe or a band … They forgot that the falling, refreshing rain didn’t choose which sort of heads they’d touch and that the air breeze had no free will to smoothly enter the mouths and the noses. Even so you might have given up your faith … I’d be gardening and keeping ours … I’d be always cherishing and nurturing what we were having and what I hope would last despite of all … I wouldn’t change myself for them at all … I’d have a strong control in spite of all … I’d be waiting for you to come because

you were mine and I was yours … This matter of fact had been written before the divine creation of Adam and Eve in Eden … Did you miss the old times when you and I had been living joyfully alone in that splendid garden? We had been expelled from its eternal beauty and breathtaking charm without doing a mistake or something fake … We hadn’t obeyed the snake for God’s sake or eaten from the tree nearby the lake … We had been like the white angels that had glittered wings on their backs. LOVE! If you were hearing me now … Hmmm, why I used the assumption … For sure you were right here … inside me despite the tens of thousands of miles separating us at the moment … I just needed you … I needed myself to come home … I’d be dreaming of the day of our union … I’d be right here waiting for you without accusing or blaming or any sort of condition … I’d always have an ambition that you’d someday know the truth hidden behind the thick curtains of suspicion and the solid iron door of superstition.

‫الدفء االجتماعي‬ ‫أبو عمر التهامي‬ ‫(التقيا فسلم أحدهما على اآلخ��ر قائ ً‬ ‫ال ‪ :‬كيف حالك ؟ لم نرك منذ زمن ‪ .‬قال‬ ‫صاحبه ‪ :‬كنت مريضاً طريح الفراش ‪ .‬فقال له ‪( :‬سالمات) ال بأس طهور إن شاء‬ ‫الله ؟! ‪ .‬قال صاحبه ‪ :‬كنت أشكو من مرض كذا ـ وبدأ يذكر شيئاً من معاناته مع‬ ‫املرض ـ قاطعه ‪ :‬عن إذنك إني مستعجل ‪ .‬ثم انصرف والدهشة في وجه صاحبه)‪.‬‬ ‫هذه صورة ملظهر من مظاهر أمراضنا االجتماعية ‪ ،‬التي دبت إلى بعض أوساطنا‪..‬‬ ‫وهو الالمباالة مبشاعر اإلخوة ‪ ،‬فال حرج أن ال أسأله عن مرضه ؛ فض ً‬ ‫ال عن زيارته‬ ‫حال امل��رض ‪ ،‬وال حرج أن أقاطع حديثه ألن كالمه غير مفيد!! ‪ ،‬وال حرج أن ال‬ ‫أستقبله استقباالً حسناً عند زيارته لي ‪ ،‬وال حرج أن أعتذر إليه عن عدم استقبالي‬ ‫له في املطار ؛ فليركب سيارة أجرة ؛ فإنها بانتظاره على األبواب ‪ ،‬وال حرج أن ال‬ ‫أبتسم في وجهه ألن اجلدية تتطلب ذلك ‪ ،‬وال حرج وال حرج وهكذا من الالءات‬ ‫الرافعة للحرج ‪ ،‬لتصبح أمورنا وطقوسنا االجتماعية شكليات ال روح فيها ‪ ،‬بل هي‬ ‫خالية جوفاء من معنى األخوة احلقيقي الذي رسمه لنا شرعنا ‪.‬‬ ‫ثم نزيد الطني بلة عندما نسوغ هذه التصرفات باجلدية تارة ‪ ،‬وباحلفاظ على الوقت‬ ‫تارة أخرى ‪ ،‬وباألخوة في الله تارة ثالثة ‪ ،‬وبأني أعرف أخي فلن يحمل علي شيئاً‬ ‫رابعة ‪ ،‬وخامسة ‪ :‬وماذا يعني لو غضب ؟!! هل نحن بحاجة إلى عواطف أنثوية ؟!‬ ‫نحن بحاجة إلى نفوس قوية صخرية ال تنظر إلى مثل هذه السفاسف ‪ ..‬وهكذا ‪.‬‬ ‫إن ظهور األخطاء االجتماعية في بني اإلنسان أمر طبعي لصدوره من نفوس بشرية‪،‬‬ ‫أما أن يصبح اخلطأ مبرراً ؛ بل هو الصواب بعينه فهي الكارثة ‪.‬‬ ‫إن احمل� �ب ��ة احل� �ق ��ة بني‬ ‫الشارع احلكيم وندب‬ ‫ح �ت��ى ت��ؤم �ن��وا ‪ ،‬ول��ن‬ ‫“ “إذا أح��ب أحدكم‬ ‫منزله ‪ ،‬فليخبره أنه‬ ‫مبعامالتنا إلى أسمى‬ ‫األخوة التي أرادها الله‬ ‫ل��وازم �ه��ا ‪ “ :‬وتبسمك‬ ‫“ “وال رآن������ي‬

‫امل��ؤم��ن�ي�ن ال��ت��ي دع� ��ا إل�ي�ه��ا‬ ‫إليها ‪ “ :‬لن تدخلوا اجلنة‬ ‫ت��ؤم�ن��وا حتى حت��اب��وا ‪..‬‬ ‫ص ��اح� �ب ��ه ف��ل��ي��أت��ه ف��ي‬ ‫يحبه لله “ ‪ ..‬لترتفع‬ ‫درجاتها لنحقق معنى‬ ‫ت �ع��ال��ى ؛ وال� �ت ��ي من‬ ‫في وجه أخيك صدقة‬ ‫إال ت �ب �س��م “‪ ...‬وم��ن‬ ‫لوازمها ‪ :‬الزيارة بينهما‬

‫والتناصح ‪ ...‬ومن لوازمها ‪ :‬حق املسلم على املسلم خمس ـ أو ست ـ زيارته عند‬ ‫مرضه ‪ ،‬السالم عليه ‪،‬إجابة دعوته ‪ ،‬تشييع جنازته بعد موته‪ ...‬والتي ذكر العلماء‬ ‫لكل حق منها آداباً يحب أن تراعى ‪ ،‬فاستحبوا مث ً‬ ‫ال أن يطيل املكث عند املريض إن‬ ‫كان ذلك يؤنسه ‪ ،‬وأن تصافحه وأنت مقبل عليه ‪ ،‬وأن تظهر له مشاعر احلب والود‬ ‫ـ التي أضحت عيباً في عرف بعض اجلاهلني ـ في تعاملك وكالمك معه ؛ ونصحك‬ ‫له في انفراد ‪ ،‬وعدم إهمال جانب املشاعر بحجة من احلجج ‪ ،‬ولتعلم أنك إذا أردت‬ ‫أن تكسب أخاك فعامله مبا يناسبه ال مبا يناسبك ‪.‬‬ ‫إن وجود مثل هذه املظاهر االجتماعية الراقية ليست بدعاً من القول ‪ ،‬بل هي سنة‬ ‫حبيبنا عليه الصالة والسالم ‪ :‬ألم تكن اجلارية تأخذ بيده ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ‬ ‫وتسير به في طرقات املدينة ‪...‬ألم يكن ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ يسلم على الصبيان‬ ‫إذا مر بهم ‪ ...‬أما كان ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ إذا صافحه أحد لم يكن يدع يده حتى‬ ‫يدعها صاحبه ‪ ...‬أما استمع ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ لعائشة رضي الله عنها وهي‬ ‫حتكي قصة طويلة كما في حديث أم زرع املشهور ‪...‬فهل بعد هذا خفاء ؟! ومما‬ ‫جتدر اإلشارة إليه ما يحدث من بعضنا جتاه إخوانه في الله من سوء في املعاملة‬ ‫وجتريح في الكالم على خالف معاملته للناس ‪ ،‬وكأننا نرى أن إخواننا ليسوا بحاجة‬ ‫إلى مثل هذه املظاهر والتعامل احلسن ‪ ،‬برغم أنهم رأس مالنا الذي يجب أن نحافظ‬ ‫عليه وننميه ‪ ،‬وما بعض حاالت السقوط إال نتيجة طبيعية ملعامالت خاطئة ‪ .‬نسأل‬ ‫الله العفو والسالمة ‪.‬‬ ‫وم���ع ال �س�لام��ة وق���ف ال��ي��راع‬ ‫م ��ودع� �اً وم�س�ل�م��ا وداع� �ي� �اً أن‬ ‫يقينا الله شرور أنفسنا وغوائل‬ ‫أعمالنا ‪ ،‬وأن يجعلنا رحمة على‬ ‫امل�س�ل�م�ين ؛ ش��وك��ة ف��ي حناجر‬ ‫ال��ك��اف��ري��ن “ رب� �ن ��ا اغ� �ف ��ر لنا‬ ‫وإلخواننا الذين سبقونا باإلميان‬ ‫والجتعل في قلوبنا غ ً‬ ‫ال للذين آمنوا‬ ‫ربنا إنك رؤوف رحيم”‬ ‫وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد‬ ‫وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعني‬

‫‪ 39‬‬

The Path Elegance Sara Al-Hajeri


ivid as she was, I watched her. The aura resonating from her shone like the warm rays of the sun, brightening everything on her path. I couldn’t help but to follow, if only to see where she was headed. I was curious, with so many questions running through my head. Who is she? What is this road that she is walking on? Why does she glow so brightly? I walked alongside her, hoping to get a glimpse of the answers to the questions that burned inside of me. Carefully, I observed her. She was gentle, like the butterfly that flutters from one flower to the next, helping as she goes along her way. Smiles and kind words were plentiful in her wake and given in abundance to everyone that she met, her generosity exceeding all those that I have met before her. But that is not what made her stand out, like the deep red rose against a monotonous grey cloud. The ability to render all things beautiful, no matter how plain or simple, was her gift. Her softest touch had the ability of transforming others, exuding the calmness and serenity that accompanied her wherever she went. I know who she is, now that I have walked with her down this path. I have an answer to my question. Who is she, you ask? 40

She is Elegance, walking on the ardent Path of Beauty.

‫احلياة حقنة‬ ‫صفا العرادة‬

‫في بساتني ذهني أتبختر ال أعلم أي من أزهار األفكار اقطف لكم ‪ ,‬صغيرة في سني‬ ‫أبلغ اخلامس� � ��ة عش� � ��ر و ألعلم أي من األفكار س� � ��تنال على إعجابكم ‪ ,‬لعلي سأختار‬ ‫زهرة حتوي جميع هذه األعباء و األفكار التي ُغرس� � ��ت ‪ ,‬أال و هي زهرة احلياة التي‬ ‫غرس� � ��ت لكل منا عند خروجنا لهذه الدنيا ‪ ,‬نعم كم آملتنا حياتنا !! و كم تعاركت مع‬ ‫ضروفنا و هزمتنا !! كم عدد الدمعات التي س� � ��قطت بس� � ��ببها !! ‪ ,‬و رغم ذلك هذا‬ ‫احلي� � ��اة لن تعتذر لنا و لن تقدر مدى حزننا بس� � ��بب مجراه� � ��ا اخلاطئ !! ‪ ,‬أهذا هو‬ ‫طبعها أنانية أم ماهو طريقها ‪ ,‬جميعنا عندما نفكر بحياتنا س� � ��نراها الطريق املظلم‬ ‫الذي يؤدي الى نهاية مجهولة الهوية ‪ ,‬حس� � ��ناً برأيي س� � ��أختار كلمة واحدة تعبر عنها‬ ‫احلياة ‪ ,‬احلياة بالنس� � ��بة لي "حقنة املرض" ‪ ,‬جميعنا منرض و نذهب إلى املش� � ��فى‬ ‫لتلقي العالج و نتيجة العالج شفاء و راحة ‪ ,‬و أعباء هذه احلياة جميعها تتجسد في‬ ‫حقنة ‪ ,‬تدخل بأعماق جلودنا مسببة لنا األلم الذي ال يحتمل ورغم ذلك نتحمل ألم‬ ‫احلقنة ؟ قف هنا !!!!!‪,‬‬

‫‪ 41‬‬

‫متعن بحديثي منرض و مرضنا ألم و دخول احلقنة جللدنا ألم ‪ ,‬نحن نتحمل األلم من‬ ‫أجل الش� � ��فاء و الراحة ‪ ,‬احلياة كذلك تؤملنا وحتزننا و تكسر مجاديف الوصول لكننا‬ ‫ال نرى نتيجة هذا األلم بل نأخذ بيد األستسالم سريعاً و نبدأ بالشكوى و التذمر من‬ ‫هذه احلياة ‪ ,‬ملاذا ال نرى األمل بل هناك حاجز كريه يدعى اإلستس� �ل��ام يبدء بتدمير‬ ‫كل ش� � ��يء بني س� � ��ابقاً ‪ ,‬أحتدث لكم اليوم بلس� � ��ان خبراتي احلياتية الصغيرة جميع‬ ‫كلماتي تتجسد مبعنى عميق ان احلياة حقنة تسبب لنا مشاكلها األلم و بعد ذلك يحل‬ ‫الشفاء و الراحة ‪ ,‬جميعنا سواء صغار أم كبار لن ننسى ماهي احلياة ؟ فاحلياة حقنة‬ ‫‪ ,‬أنني اعلم باأللم الذي سببته لكم ‪ ,‬انني أعلم باحلزن الذي صنعته لكم ‪ ,‬انني أشعر‬ ‫باحساسكم ‪ ,‬لكني واثقة بأنكم أقوى منها و لن تستسلموا بل انتم اآلن قائمون بجعلها‬ ‫تستسلم من قوة صمودكم بوجهها‪ ,‬نحن نستطيع ‪ ,‬متنياتي لكم بالتوفيق ‪.....‬‬


‫ملبة مضيئة‬ ‫في عتمة الواقع‬ ‫فاطمة احلمود‬

‫ن أقــــ� � ��ول بأن هناك أمل ل � � �ـ حياتـــي‪ ،‬ولكن هناك ملبة تضيء عتمة الواقع‪ .‬فأنا ال‬ ‫أطيق العتمة بقدر اليأس وال أخاف من ش� � ��يء بقدر اخلوف من اخلوف نفس� � ��ه ‪،‬‬ ‫فاخلوف هو العتمة التي تعيق تقدمنا في طريق احلياة فال نس� � ��تطيع التقدم لألمام‬ ‫وال حتى الرجوع للخلف خوفاً من السقوط‪.‬‬ ‫من منا ال يستطيع املشي ورا ًء حتت ظل اليأس‪ ،‬ولكنها العتمة هي التي توقف عجلة‬ ‫احلياة وجتعلها ساكنة كذلك هو اليأس‪ ،‬فترى األمل جمي ً‬ ‫ال أما األجمل أن يكون لك‬ ‫نوراً في دروب حياتك‪ .‬فلم يكن اإلسالم أم ً‬ ‫ال بل نوراً يضيء حياة املسلم‪ ،‬كما لم يكن‬ ‫العلم أم ً‬ ‫ال بل نوراً يضيء مسيرتنا التعليمية‪.‬‬ ‫إن التفرقــــة الفلسفية في الفكر واملنطق هي مقياس النظرة الكلية لألشياء ‪.‬‬ ‫فـ � � �ـ املثال هنا‪ :‬أن األمل هو الدافع الذي يدفعنا للـ مضي نحو إكمال مس� � ��يرة حياتنا‬ ‫وبناء املس� � ��تقبل و الس� � ��عي قدما لتحقيق األهداف‪ ،‬ولكن النور هو الضروري لـ تكون‬ ‫هناك مس� � ��يرة حياتي� � ��ة فليس احلب هو النور‪،‬و ليس� � ��ت وجهات نظ� � ��ر اآلخرين هي‬ ‫النور‪،‬بل هي األفعال التي تطبق األمل وجتعله واقعا ال س� � ��رابا‪..‬فأعمالنا وأفعالنا إما‬ ‫تدفعنا أماماً أو خلفا‪.‬‬

‫فالتخاذل هو منا ألننا لم نلتزم بـ النور الذي أضاء دروب آمالنا و السلبية جاءت نتيجة ألفعالنا‬ ‫التي ال هدف منها وال أمل فأمسينا كاملوج الذي ال ميلك سوى اخلضوع لـ عصمة تيار الرياح‪.‬‬ ‫أخيرا‪ :‬امليل الفكري هو السبب في اعوجاج غصون شجرة األمة ‪..‬‬

‫‪ 42‬‬

‫كما وأنه الفكر واملنطق هما اللذان يحددان مسارنا‪ ،‬فهناك من يكون منطقه خاطئا‬ ‫‪ ..‬فنراه يخطئ بكل خطوة وبكل قرار في حياته‪ ،‬فـ يختلف الناس باختالف أفكارهم‪،‬‬ ‫ليس لـ أنهم من ساللة مختلفة ولكن ألنهم اتخذوا التطرف منطقا أو اتخذوا احلرية‬ ‫الت� � ��ي ال ح� � ��دود لها تطبيقا وس� � ��بي ً‬ ‫ال ألهدافهم ‪ ،‬انظرو إل� � ��ى أمم الظالم وكيف هي‬ ‫حياتهم اآلن‪ ،‬وإنظرو إلى أمتنا اإلس� �ل��امية وحالها ف� � ��ي وقتنا احلاضر‪ .‬فلم يخذلنا‬ ‫األمل ولكن قد انطفأ النور أي انعدم الفعل الذي هو متسكنا بقيمنا واتباعها‪ .‬بل كان‬ ‫اتباعنا ألهواءنا هو الس� � ��بيل ألهدافنا و زيادة على ذلك مشينا في عكس تيار املعتقد‬ ‫اإلسالمي الصحيح الوسط الذي يبغض التطرف و يتجنب التعدي على حدود احلرية‬ ‫وانتهاك حريات اآلخرين خطوة نحو حتقيق مصاحلنا الش� � ��خصية واجلشع واألنانية‬ ‫سمة لكل من أراد حتقيق مصلحته على حساب املصلحة العامة في املجتمع‪ .‬فالنظرة‬ ‫الدونية للغير أخذت بيده نحو الال أمل والالسبيل كمن ميشي طريقه سالكا فـ ينتهي‬ ‫ب� � ��ه املطاف إل� � ��ى طريق مغلق ليقطع ذات الطريق إلى اخلل� � ��ف فهو يظن بأنه قد قام‬ ‫بتحقيق مصلحته ولكنه ال يعلم بأنه قد قام بهدم بعضا من مستقبله إن لم يكن كله‪.‬‬

‫همـهـمات مراهـقة‬ ‫صــفـــا العـــرادة‬


‫ن� � ��ا طالبة لـم أع� � ��د حتى تخرجي حتى اآلن من مدرس� � ��ة "الدنيا"‪ ,‬معلماتي‬ ‫كثيرات منهن ‪ :‬اخلبرة‪ ,‬الصبر‪ ,‬النجاح و الطموح‪ ...‬أما املعلمات السلبيات‬ ‫فهن ‪ :‬اليأس‪ ,‬الفش� � ��ل‪ ,‬اإلستس� �ل��ام ‪ .....‬ومديرة املدرسة هي ‪ :‬احلياة‪ ,‬أما‬ ‫مس� � ��اعدة املديرة فهي‪ :‬األمل‪ ....‬تكتظ هذه املدرس� � ��ة دائماً بالطالب و لكن‬ ‫اجلمي� � ��ل فيه� � ��ا أن اجلميع بهذا الك� � ��ون طالباً فيها يدرس� � ��ون بها و مختلف‬ ‫األعمار توجد بها‪.‬‬ ‫دروس� � ��نا منوعة فلكل يوم لنا قيمة نس� � ��تفيد بها من معلماتنا‪ ,‬فصولنا منوعة‬ ‫ومراحلن� � ��ا مختلف� � ��ة‪ ,‬ومن يرفض اإلجتهاد فيها فإنه يُرس� � ��ل إلى اإلخصائية‬ ‫اإلجتماعية ‪ :‬العقاب والعظة‪ ....‬ومن يعاني من ضعف دراس� � ��ي فإنه يرس� � ��ل‬ ‫إلى نائبة املديرة ‪ :‬األمل‪ ...‬فهي تس� � ��تدعي جميع أمور الطالب وتناقش� � ��ه ثم‬ ‫تساعده ‪.....‬‬ ‫البع� � ��ض أستس� � ��لم م� � ��ن ه� � ��ذه املدرس� � ��ة وعوقب� � ��وا‪ .....‬وآخ� � ��رون أجتهدوا‬ ‫وجنحوا‪.....‬‬ ‫‪ 43‬‬

‫وأخرون حققوا الفوز في مسابقات بها و وصلوا لقمم النجاح من خالل درس‬ ‫الطموح واملثابرة ‪......‬‬ ‫ومن يحاول الهروب منها فيسمى هروبه "إنتحاراً" ‪.....‬‬ ‫و لك� � ��ن الغريب فيها إن ي� � ��وم تخرجك منها مفاجئ غي� � ��ر معلوم ‪ ,‬لكن رصد‬ ‫درجاتك تظهر بعد تخرجك منها‪ ...‬فكبار وصغار و شباب و أجداد تخرجوا‬ ‫منها‪....‬‬ ‫و لكن تقديرهم يكون عند "الله سبحانه و تعالى "‪ ,‬أما املدرسة فهي دار جني‬ ‫اخلي� � ��ر و الدرجات ليوم تخرجك منها‪ ,‬فاجتهدوا بها و ثابروا و واضبوا على‬ ‫اإللتزام بحصصها ودروسها وال تتهربوا منها‪......‬‬

‫ماذا ف� � ��ي مقدورنا فعله حتى نضمد جراحنا الش� � ��خصية ونخفف من وطأة معاناتنا‬ ‫كذلك؟‬

‫إن العطاء ف� � ��ي العمل التطوعي يقوي جهاز املناعة ويقلل من معدالت الكولس� � ��ترول‬ ‫ويقوي القلب وجتعلك تتمتع بصحة وحياة أفضل‬

‫ميكننا العطاء ‪ ...‬إن العطاء هو اجلواب الوحيد عن جميع تلك التساؤالت‬

‫"ما تزرعه هو ما حتصده وما تعطيه سوف حتصل عليه"‬

‫يروي العلماء إن األعمال اخليرية التي تساهم فيها حتسن صحتك وتزيد سعادتك‬

‫هناك قصة عن جنار مس� � ��ن كان على وش� � ��ك التقاعد وقد اخبر النجار رئيس� � ��ه في‬ ‫العمل عن قراره في ترك العمل بعد هذه اخلدمة الطويلة من اجل أن يحيا حياة أكثر‬ ‫راحة مع زوجته وأس� � ��رته‪.‬وقد ش� � ��عر صاحب العمل باألسف لقرار هذا العامل بترك‬ ‫العمل فطلب منه إعداد واجناز على منزل آخر خلدمة شخصية له‪.‬‬

‫أظهرت الدراس� � ��ات أن األش� � ��خاص الذين ميارس� � ��ون قدر كبير م� � ��ن اإلثارة(تفضيل‬ ‫االخرين على أنفسهم) يتمتعون بتدفق كمية اكبر من االندورفني وهذه الكمية تعطي‬ ‫للمناعة (اجلهاز املناعي)‬ ‫يساعد على التعافي السريع‬ ‫وقد اتضح من خالل اس� � ��تفتاء بريطان� � ��ي مت على مجموعة من املتطوعني إن نصفهم‬ ‫أشاروا إلى حتسن حالتهم الصحية أثناء قيامهم باألعمال التطوعية‬ ‫إن الش� � ��عور بالراحة النفس� � ��ية منبعه األساس� � ��ي س� � ��خاء الروح واألفعال وايا كان ما‬ ‫(سنس� � ��خره) في حلظة العطاء س� � ��واء وقت أو مال أو فرص س� � ��يعود علينا مضاعفة‬ ‫عندما جنني ثمار العطاء‬ ‫وكم نؤمن بان تلك الثمار هائلة ودائمة ونأتي في صورة التمتع بصداقة أعمق وتعليم‬ ‫لآلخرين السخاء والتمتع بتكامل ذاتي اكبر والشعور باحلرية والبهجة واحلب‬

‫يرى الفيلس� � ��وف والعالم كورنيل ويس� � ��ت إن احلياة الثرية تعن� � ��ي في جوهرها خدمة‬ ‫االخرين ومحاولة ترك العالم على حال أفضل مما وجدته عليه‬ ‫وبعد العطاء جزء رئيسيا من هذه العملية نظرا الن العطاء يقلل من األنانية والتمركز‬ ‫حول الذات كما يساعدك على الشعور بالتواصل اكبر مع االخرين‬

‫لذل� � ��ك قام بعمل غير متقن واس� � ��تخدم مواد رديئة وأنهى ه� � ��ذا النجار حياته املهنية‬ ‫الطويلة بش� � ��كل سيء وعندما أنهى عمله س� � ��لم املنزل إلى صاحب العمل الذي بدوره‬ ‫أعط� � ��ى مفتاح املن� � ��زل إلى النجار وقال ل� � ��ه هذا هو منزلك ال� � ��ذي أجنزته انه هدية‬ ‫التقاعد التي امنحها لك‬ ‫ش� � ��عر النجار بالصدمة فلو كان يعرف انه يعمل إلى إعداد منزله لكان قد شيده على‬ ‫نحو مختلف متاما هذا هو س� � ��ائر حال البش� � ��ر فالبعض يبن� � ��ي منزله وحياته متخذا‬ ‫خطوات تفتقر الى احلماس والعطاء ولصدمته عندما يدرك ان عليه العيش في هذا‬ ‫املنزل الذي شيده بنفسه‬ ‫انك أنت النجار وحياتك مشروع البناء الذي تعمل عليه‬ ‫ش� � ��يد حياتك بالعطاء واحلب والعناية وعليك إن تقدم أفضل ما لديك الن اخليارات‬ ‫التي ستقوم بها اليوم ستبني مستقبلك‬ ‫وهذا هو صلب ديننا اإلس� �ل��ام احلنيف الذي يدعو الى العطاء لتحصل على اجلزاء‬ ‫ف� � ��ي الدنيا واآلخ� � ��رة (خير الناس انفعهم للناس) إن الله يدعو العبد ما دام العبد في‬ ‫عون أخيه‬ ‫قال تعالى (إنا النضيع اجر من أحسن عمال)‬ ‫لكي حتقق الثراء عليك بالعطاء‬

‫‪ 44‬‬

‫وأنا على املستوى الشخصي وجتربتي الشخصية حتية وفاء وإجالل لصاحب العطاء‬ ‫الالمحدود أخي العزيز الغالي صاحب األيادي البيضاء علي ش� � ��خصيا وعلى كل من‬ ‫يطلب املساعدة منه الس� � ��يد عبداللة مرزوق مدير اخلطوط اجلوية في بيروت يبقى‬ ‫عطائه خالدا في الوجدان‬

‫وقد وافق النجار على العمل في هذا املشروع على مضض‪.‬‬

‫قوة للعطاء‬ ‫أ‪ .‬عبد الله الشمري‬

‫س‪-‬كيف ميكن للعطاء أن يحقق الثراء؟‬ ‫"إن قدرنا سوف يتحدد في نهاية األمر من خالل ما مننحه ونعطيه وليس ما نحصل‬ ‫عليه" روبني شارما‬ ‫يخبرنا احد احلكماء قصة ش� � ��خص كان يغرق فص� � ��اح الناس في هذا الرجل اعطنا‬ ‫ي� � ��دك حتى نتمكن من إنقاذك – فتردد الرجل ول� � ��م يعطها لهم وفي نهاية األمر قال‬ ‫احدهم للرجل "خذ يدي" فأخذها‬ ‫تعرفون ملاذا لم يعطي يديه هذا الرجل؟‬ ‫ألنه معتاد على األخذ ال العطاء وكان ذلك يتسبب في قتله‬ ‫إذا احتفظت دوما بيدك داخل جيبك لن تتمكن مطلقا من مصافحة احد ولن تتمكن‬ ‫من تقدمي يد العون واملس� � ��اعدة للمحتاجني ولن تتمكن من تقدمي ملسة حب حانية –‬ ‫انك لن تنمو كبشر حقيقي إال إذا أخرجت يدك من جيبك‬

‫‪ 45‬‬

‫عندما متنح احلب والعطف واحلنان واملال ملساعدة (أسرة ‪ ,‬أب ‪ ,‬أم ‪ ,‬طفل ‪ ,‬شيخ) أو‬ ‫حلماية البيئة أو لتحقيق العدالة بصورة اكبر في العالم سوف تستفيد أنت شخصيا‬ ‫من هذه املشاركة‬ ‫إن العطاء بأي ش� � ��كل من إش� � ��كاله أفضل من عدم العطاء على اإلطالق ولكن ولكن‬ ‫عندما تعطي من قلبك يصبح العطاء أكثر قوة‬ ‫إننا نعيش في عالم من العنف والوحش� � ��ية واملعاناة اإلنس� � ��انية والظلم والدمار البيئي‬ ‫ولكن ماذا في مقدورنا كأش� � ��خاص مهتمني باألمر أن نفع� � ��ل لنضمد جراح االخرين‬ ‫ونخفف من أالمهم؟‬

‫وفي الوديان والسهول‪ ،‬ومناطق البادية وهي من أهم أشجار االستزراع في األراضي‬ ‫الصحراوية املس� � ��تصلحة‪ ،‬ومتت� � ��از مبقاومتها للحر والبرد واجلف� � ��اف وامللوحة‪ ،‬وهى‬ ‫توف� � ��ر الغذاء وامل� � ��أوى للعديد من الطيور‪ ،‬وتعمل على تثبي� � ��ت التربة ومنع اجنرافها‪،‬‬ ‫وهي أشجار معمرة ولذلك متثل زراعة الزيتون عمال متوارثا بني األجداد واألحفاد‪.‬‬ ‫تستمر في العطاء ملدة طويلة‪ ،‬تعطي عاما وتتوقف عن العطاء العام التالي‪.‬‬ ‫وألشجار الزيتون أهمية كبرى من حيث تدعيم اقتصاديات كثير من الدول املنتجة له‪،‬‬ ‫ويس� � ��هم بجزء كبير في االقتصاد القومي لتلك الدول‪ ،‬ولها الكثير من االستخدامات‬ ‫حيث يس� � ��تفاد باألوراق بع� � ��د جني احملصول في تغذية حيوانات املزرعة‪ ،‬ويس� � ��تعمل‬ ‫اخلشب ونوى الثمار في مختلف الصناعات اخلشبية‪.‬‬ ‫حبوب اللقاح في الزيتون خفيفة‪ ،‬غزيرة حتملها الرياح بكميات كبيرة وتنش� � ��رها في‬ ‫مساحات واس� � ��عة‪ .‬وصدق احلق تبارك وتعالى حيث يقول‪َ { :‬وأَ ْر َس � � �لْنَا ال ِّريَا َح لَ َواقِ َح‬ ‫الس َماء َماء َف َأ ْس َقيْنَا ُك ُموهُ َو َما أَنتُ ْم لَ ُه ِبخَ ازِ ِننيَ}‪( ..‬احلجر‪.)22 :‬‬ ‫َف َأن َزلْنَا مِ َن َّ‬ ‫وتش� � ��ير هذه اآلية الكرمية إلى إعجاز علمي أش� � ��ار إليه القرآن الكرمي فمنذ أكثر من‬ ‫أربعة عش� � ��ر قرنا من الزمان وفى وقت لم يعرف فيه البش� � ��ر شيئا عن عالقة الرياح‬ ‫باجلمع بني الشحنات املوجبة والشحنات السالبة أشار القرآن الكرمي إلى دور الرياح‬ ‫ف� � ��ي تكون قطرات املطر وكذلك في نقل حبوب اللق� � ��اح لتلقيح النباتات ذات التلقيح‬ ‫اخللطي وه� � ��ذه احلقائق لم يتوصل إليها العلماء إال بع� � ��د جهود مضنية في مختلف‬ ‫فروع املعرفة لتكشف لنا جانبا من جوانب اإلعجاز في القرآن الكرمي‪.‬‬

‫درجات الزيت‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬زيت درجة أولى ويسمى الزيت الفاخر وهو الذي يؤخذ من لب الثمار دون البذور‪،‬‬ ‫ال تزيد نسبة احلموضة فيه عن ‪ ،0.6%‬يستعمل في األغراض الطبية فقط‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -2‬زيت الدرجة الثانية ويس� � ��مى الزيت املمتاز‪ ،‬يؤخذ من لب الثمار الناضجة وغير‬ ‫تامة النضج بعد اس� � ��تبعاد البذور‪ ،‬ال تزيد نس� � ��بة احلموضة فيه عن ‪ 2%‬ويس� � ��تعمل‬ ‫هذا الزيت في الطعام‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -3‬زيت الدرجة الثالثة ويسمى الزيت اجليد‪ ،‬يؤخذ من لب الثمرة دون بذرتها‪ ،‬نسبة‬ ‫احلموضة تتراوح من ‪ ،2-3%‬يستمل في الطعام‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -4‬زيت الدرجة الرابعة ويسمى زيت التجميل‪ ،‬يؤخذ من بقايا لب الثمرة مع مجروش‬ ‫النواة‪ ،‬تصل فيه نسبة احلموضة من ‪ 4%‬ويستعمل في صناعة الصابون وال يستعمل‬ ‫في الطعام‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -5‬زيت الدرجة اخلامسة يؤخذ من الثمار اجلافة واملهشمة ومن البذور وتصل نسبة‬ ‫احلموضة إلي ‪ 5%‬ويستعمل في صناعة الصابون وال يستعمل في الطعام‪.‬‬

‫وتتميز ش� � ��جرة الزيتون بعدة صفات منها طول العم� � ��ر‪ ،‬وقدرتها على النمو في أفقر‬ ‫األراضي أي أنها ترضى بالقليل وتعطي الكثير‪ ،‬كما أنها جتدد نفسها بنفسها حيث ال‬ ‫تفنى وال تزول فإذا جف الساق خرجت من اجلذر خلفات جتدد الشجرة وأن خشبها‬ ‫من أفضل أنواع األخش� � ��اب من حيث قلة إصابته بالس� � ��وس‪ ،‬وعند حرقه تنبعث منه‬ ‫رائحة طيبة‪ .‬و أن كل جزء من ش� � ��جرة الزيتون مب� � ��ارك فيه‪ :‬الزيت‪ ،‬األوراق‪ ،‬الثمار‪،‬‬ ‫نوى الثمار وجميع أجزاء الشجرة لها استعماالت عديدة‪.‬‬ ‫مكونات ثمرة الزيتون‪:‬‬ ‫يحت� � ��وي (‪ )100‬ج� � ��رام م� � ��ن الزيتون األخضر على ‪ 132‬س� � ��عر ح� � ��راري‪ 1.5 ،‬جرام‬ ‫بروت� �ي��ن و ‪ 13.5‬جرام دهن‪ 4 ،‬جرام كربوهيدرات‪ 1.25 ،‬جرام ألياف‪ 90 ،‬ملليجرام‬ ‫كالس� � ��يوم‪ 17 ،‬ملليجرام فوسفور‪ 2 ،‬ملليجرام حديد‪ 2400 ،‬ملليجرام صوديوم‪55 ،‬‬ ‫ملليجرام بوتاسيوم‪ 22 ،‬ملليجرام مغنسيوم‪ 300 ،‬وحدة دولية من فيتامني أ وأثار من‬ ‫الزنك والنياس� �ي��ن وفيتامني ب‪ ،1‬فيتام� �ي��ن ب‪ .2‬الرطوبة والزيت يكونان ‪90% 85-‬‬ ‫م� � ��ن وزن اللب بينما الباقي ميث� � ��ل مواد عضوية ومعادن‪ ،‬والس� � ��كريات األحادية هي‬ ‫اجللوكوز وامللتوز والزيلوز واجلاالكتوز واألرابينوز‪.‬‬ ‫وفي بع� � ��ض األصناف يوجد منها مانيتول ‪ Mannitol‬ورامنوز ‪ .Ramnose‬واللب‬ ‫غن� � ��ي بالبوتاس� � ��يوم كما يوجد كميات صغيرة من األحماض العضوية مثل الس� � ��تريك‬ ‫واملاليك واالكساليك واملالونيك والفيوماريك والطرطريك والالكتيك‪.‬‬ ‫(كما يوجد بعض املركبات الفينولية كأحماض الكافييك وحمض الفيوليك)‪ .‬واملركب‬ ‫األساس� � ��ي هو األوليوروبيني ‪ Oleuropein‬وهو املسؤل عن الطعم املر في الزيتون‬ ‫غير الناضج‪ .‬ومنتجات أكسدة األوليوروبيني واملركبات الفنولية األخرى تعطي اللون‬ ‫األسود للثمرة‪.‬‬ ‫واجلل� � ��د واللب والب� � ��ذرة حتتوي على أجزاء مختلفة من الده� � ��ن واألحماض الدهنية‬ ‫والستيروالت وثالثي تربينات الكحوالت وثنائي الكحوالت واأليدروكربونات‪.‬‬

‫صف� � ��ات زيت الزيتون‪ :‬وزيت الزيت� � ��ون يتألف كيميائيا من م� � ��واد دهنية وانزميات –‬ ‫وفيتامين� � ��ات (أ‪ ،‬ب‪ ،‬ج‪ ،‬د‪ ،‬هـ) ومواد ملونة (كلورفيل – زنثوفيل)‪ ،‬وكميات ضئيلة من‬ ‫العناصر املعدنية (حديد – ماغنسيوم – كالسيوم‪.‬‬ ‫وحلام� � ��ض اللينوليك وحامض االرش� � ��يرك أهمي� � ��ة في عملية التمثي� � ��ل الغذائي في‬ ‫اجلسم‪ ،‬وحلامض األرشيرك أهمية في تنظيم ضربات القلب وضغط الدم‪ ،‬وسالمة‬ ‫وكفاءة وظائف اجلهاز العصبي املركزي‪.‬‬

‫‪ 46‬‬

‫واجلل� � ��د يحتوي عل� � ��ى كميات مختلفة م� � ��ن األريثرودي� � ��ول ‪ Erythrodiol‬وآثار من‬ ‫اليووف� � ��وال ‪ Uvaol‬وحم� � ��ض األوليانوي� � ��ك ‪ Oleanoic acid‬وآث� � ��ار م� � ��ن حمض‬ ‫اليوروس� � ��وليك ‪ Ursolic acid‬والدهيدات األوليانويك ‪.Oleanoic aldehydes‬‬ ‫واالس� � ��تيروالت في البذرة وزيت احلبة يتميز بوجود استراالوس� � ��ترون ‪Oestrone‬‬ ‫‪ ester ( 8‬ميك� � ��رو ج� � ��رام ‪ 100 /‬م� � ��ل زي� � ��ت) ويوجد ‪ 56‬مركبا طي� � ��ارا في األوراق‬ ‫واألزهار والغالف اخلارجي والوسطي لصنفي لوكا ‪ Lucca‬وامليشني ‪.Mission‬‬

‫اإلعجاز العلمي في شجرة الزيتون "‪"1‬‬ ‫ش‬

‫ِّني‬ ‫جرة الزيتون ش� � ��جرة مباركة أقس� � ��م الله تبارك وتعالى به� � ��ا حني قال { َوالت ِ‬ ‫ني}‪( ...‬التني‪.)1-3 :‬‬ ‫َوال َّزيْتُونِ ‪َ -‬و ُطورِ ِسي ِن َ‬ ‫ني ‪َ -‬و َه َذا الْ َبلَدِ الأْ َمِ ِ‬

‫كما اش� � ��ار الله تبارك وتعالى إلى فوائد تلك الشجرة بقوله { َو َش َج َر ًة تَخْ ُر ُج مِ ن ُطورِ‬ ‫َسيْنَاء تَنبُ ُت بِال ُّد ْهنِ َو ِصبْ ٍغ لِّلآْ كِ ِلنيَ}‪( ...‬املؤمنون‪.)20 :‬‬

‫ورد ذكر الزيتون في القرآن الكرمي سبع مرات‪ ،‬منها أربع مرات بلفظ الزيتون وهي‪:‬‬ ‫{ َو َجن ٍ‬ ‫َّات ِّم ْن أَ ْعن ٍَاب َوال َّزيْتُو َن َوال ُّر َّمانَ}‪( ...‬األنعام‪.)99 :‬‬ ‫�ات َو َغيْ َر َم ْع ُر َ‬ ‫َّات َّم ْع ُر َ‬ ‫{ َو ُه َو ا َّلذِ ي أَ َ‬ ‫وش� � � ٍ‬ ‫وش� � � ٍ‬ ‫نش � � � َأ َجن ٍ‬ ‫�ات َوالنَّخْ َل َوال َّز ْر َع ُمخْ تَ ِل ًفا أ ُ ُكل ُ ُه‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َوال َّزيْتُ� � ��و َن َوال ُّر َّما َن ُمتَش� � ��ا ِب ًها َوغيْ َر ُمتَش� � ��اب ٍِه كلوا مِ � � ��ن ث َمرِ ِه ِإ َذا أث َم َر َوآتُ� � ��وا َح َّق ُه يَ ْو َم‬ ‫ِت لَ ُكم بِهِ ال َّز ْر َع‬ ‫صادِ ِه َوالَ ت ُْسرِ فُوا ْ ِإ َّن ُه الَ يُ ِح ُّب المْ ُ ْسرِ فِ نيَ}‪( ..‬األنعام ‪{ .) 141 :‬يُنب ُ‬ ‫َح َ‬ ‫ات إِنَّ فِ ي َذل َ‬ ‫َاب َومِ � � ��ن ُك ِّل ال َّث َم َر ِ‬ ‫ِك آليَ� � � ًة ِّل َق ْو ٍم يَتَ َف َّك ُرونَ}‪..‬‬ ‫َوال َّزيْتُ� � ��و َن َوالن َِّخي َل َواألَ ْعن َ‬ ‫(النحل‪.)11 :‬‬ ‫ِّني َوال َّزيْتُونِ }‪( ...‬التني‪ .)1 :‬ووردت مرة واحدة بلفظ زيتونا في س� � ��ورة عبس‪:‬‬ ‫{ َوالت ِ‬ ‫{ َو َزيْتُو ًنا َونَخْ لاً } ومرة واحدة بلفظ زيتونة في سورة (النور‪{ )35 :‬يُو َق ُد مِ ن َش َج َرةٍ‬ ‫ُّم َبا َر َك ٍة َزيْتُون ٍِة لاَّ َش � � � ْرقِ َّي ٍة َولاَ َغ ْر ِب َّي ٍة}‪ ،‬ومرة واح� � ��دة بلفظ يدل على أن املقصود هو‬ ‫�ج َر ًة تَخْ ُر ُج مِ ن ُطورِ َسيْنَاء تَنبُ ُت بِال ُّد ْهنِ َو ِصبْ ٍغ لِّلآْ كِ ِلنيَ}‪ ..‬في‬ ‫شجرة الزيتون { َو َش� � � َ‬ ‫سورة (املؤمنون‪.)20 :‬‬ ‫إنها الش� � ��جرة املباركة التي ضرب الله بها املثل لنوره وقال تعالى في س� � ��ورة (النور ‪:‬‬ ‫الس َما َو ِ‬ ‫اج ٍة‬ ‫ات َوالأْ َ ْر ِ‬ ‫ِص َبا ُح فِ ي ز َُج َ‬ ‫ص َبا ٌح المْ ْ‬ ‫ض َمثَ ُل نُورِ ِه َكمِ ْش َكاةٍ فِ ي َها مِ ْ‬ ‫‪{ )35‬اللَّ ُه نُو ُر َّ‬ ‫�ج َرةٍ ُّم َبا َر َك ٍة َزيْتُون ٍِة لاَّ َش � � � ْرقِ َّي ٍة َولاَ َغ ْر ِب َّي ٍة يَ َكا ُد‬ ‫اج ُة َك َأ َّن َها َك ْو َك ٌب ُد ِّر ٌّي يُو َق ُد مِ ن َش� � � َ‬ ‫الز َُّج َ‬ ‫ضرِ ُب اللَّ ُه‬ ‫َزيْتُ َها يُ ِضيءُ َولَ ْو لَ ْم تمَ ْ َس ْس � � � ُه نَا ٌر ُّنو ٌر َعلَى نُ ٍور يَ ْهدِ ي اللَّ ُه ِلنُورِ ِه َمن يَ َشاء َويَ ْ‬ ‫َّاس َواللَّ ُه ِب ُك ِّل َش ْيءٍ َعلِي ٌم}‬ ‫الأْ َ ْمثَا َل لِلن ِ‬

‫وف� � ��ي تفس� � ��ير (املنتخب) جاء تفس� � ��ير هذه اآلي� � ��ة الكرمية أن الله مص� � ��در النور في‬ ‫الس� � ��ماوات واألرض‪ ،‬فهو منورهما بكل نور حسي نراه ونسير فيه‪ ،‬وبكل نور معنوي‪،‬‬ ‫كنور احل� � ��ق والعدل‪ ،‬والعلم والفضيل� � ��ة‪ ،‬والهدى واإلميان‪ ،‬وبالش� � ��واهد واآلثار التي‬

‫أودعها مخلوقاته‪ ،‬وبكل ما يدل على وجود الله ويدعو إلى اإلميان به سبحانه‪ ،‬ومثل‬ ‫نوره العظيم وأدلته الباهرة في الوضوح‪ ،‬كمثل نور مصباح ش� � ��ديد التوهج وضع في‬ ‫فجوة من حائط تس� � ��اعد على جتمي� � ��ع نوره ووفرة إضاءته‪ ،‬وق� � ��د وضع املصباح في‬ ‫ق� � ��ارورة صافية المعة ملعان كوكب مش� � ��رق‪ ،‬يتألأل كالدر ويس� � ��تمد املصباح وقوده من‬ ‫ش� � ��جرة كثيرة البركات‪ ،‬طيبة التربة واملوقع‪ ،‬هي ش� � ��جرة الزيتون املغروسة في مكان‬ ‫معتدل متوس� � ��ط فال هي شرقية فتحرم حرارة الش� � ��مس آخر النهار‪ ،‬وال هي غربية‬ ‫فتحرمها أول النهار‪ ،‬يكاد زيت هذه الش� � ��جرة يضيء لش� � ��دة صف� � ��اؤه يضيء‪ ،‬ولم لم‬ ‫متسسه نار املصباح‪ ،‬فهذه العوامل كلها تزيد املصباح إضاءة‪ ،‬ونوراً على نور‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬منش� � ��أ الزيتون‪ :‬اختلفت اآلراء بش� � ��أن موطنها األصلي على وجه التحديد‪ ،‬وأحدث‬ ‫اآلراء تقول أن ش� � ��جرة الزيتون نش� � ��أت أصال في فلسطني ومنها انتشرت إلى سوريا‬ ‫وتركيا وإيران شماال‪ ،‬ثم إلى اجلنوب عن طريق التجارة إلى إسبانيا وإيطاليا‪.‬‬ ‫وقد اهتم الفينيقيون بشجرة الزيتون فقاموا بزراعتها ونشرها في معظم دول البحر‬ ‫املتوس� � ��ط‪ ،‬كذلك اهتم بها املس� � ��لمون وأدخلوا زراعتها في ش� � ��مال أفريقيا وإسبانيا‬ ‫والبرتغال‪.‬‬ ‫ه� � ��ذا ويوجد حوال� � ��ي ‪ 98%‬من أش� � ��جار الزيتون في منطقة ح� � ��وض البحر األبيض‬ ‫املتوس� � ��ط‪ ،‬ويوجد حوالي ‪ 850‬مليون شجرة زيتون في العالم (اجلمعية العاملية لزيت‬ ‫الزيتون) ‪1994‬م‪ .‬أما اإلنتاج العاملي للزيتون يقدر بحوالي ‪ 11.5‬مليون طن متري‪.‬‬ ‫وش� � ��جرة الزيتون لها مكانتها في قلوب الن� � ��اس منذ القدم فقد ورد ذكرها في الكتب‬ ‫املقدس� � ��ة‪ ،‬وقال موسى عليه السالم فيها‪“ :‬ال تقطفوا شجرة الزيتون حتى آخر حبة‪،‬‬ ‫بل اترك� � ��وا عليها بعض ثمارها ليأكل منها الناس والطي� � ��ور واحليوانات البرية‪ .‬وفي‬ ‫الكتاب املقدس” ان نوحا عليه السالم عندما رست به السفينة على جبل أرت‪ ،‬اطلق‬ ‫احلمامة عادت إليه وفي فمها غصن زيتون أخضر‪.‬‬ ‫ش� � ��جرة الزيتون مس� � ��تدمية اخلضرة والش� � ��جرة بأوراقها الرفيعة اجلميلة املنتظمة‬ ‫الترتيب على األفرع‪ ،‬وهي تنمو على س� � ��طوح اجلبال الرملية والصخرية قليلة العمق‪،‬‬

‫‪ 47‬‬

‫لوحة دافنشي في املطعم‬ ‫تـراث الـــصانع‬


‫خــلـــت إحــدى املــطــاعم ألتزود بالــطـــعـــام‪.....‬‬ ‫فمرر لي الــنـــادل الــقــائمة فــاخترت ما اشـتــهــي‪.....‬‬

‫فها هـــو يـــقع بـــصــري عــلــى حســنـــاء تـجـــلــس باألمــــام‪....‬‬ ‫فــجــا ًة هــذه الــغـــريبــة دخــلـــت قــلــبـــي‪.....‬‬ ‫نـــفـــســي إرتـــاحـــت إلــيــهـــا حـســبــت نــفــســي أعــرفــهـــا مــن أعـــوام‪....‬‬ ‫كــــانت سارح َة بعــاملهـــا فــجــأةَ إنتـــبهــت لي‪....‬‬ ‫ألنــنـــي تركـــت صحونــي و بـــان عـــلي اإلهــتـــمام‪....‬‬ ‫أعـــجــبـــت بــهـــا فأردتـــهـــا أن تكــــون لـــي‪.....‬‬ ‫فحقاً هــذه الــفـــتـــاة الطـــاملـــا رأيـــتـــها بــاألحالم‪.....‬‬ ‫تخيـــلــت حالنا معاَ فرحني و تشاركني مستــقـــبـــلي‪.....‬‬ ‫أظن أن تفكيري خياالً و مــجـــرد أوهــــام‪......‬‬ ‫فعدت للواقع و اعــتـــبـــرتــها كــلوحـــة لـ دافنشي ‪.....‬‬ ‫أستــطـــيـــع أن أراهـــا و أحظو باإللهام ‪......‬‬ ‫بـــل ستظل لـــوحة مبتحـــفـــهـــا طــوال الزمـــان‪.......‬‬ ‫حب عـــابر ألهـــمـــنـــي‪.....‬‬ ‫فــاعتــبـــرتـــها ُ‬ ‫و ستظل لوحــــة رســـمـــها فنــــان‪.....‬‬ ‫فــكــتـــبــت هــذه الســطـــور لهـــا‪...‬‬ ‫و أعتـــبــــرتـــهــــا “ لــوحـــة دافـــنــــشـــي فــي املـــطــعـــم”‪......‬‬

‫‪ 48‬‬

‫لــكـــنـــي ال أستطــيــع أن أخذهـــا لنــفــســي‪....‬‬

> H. Gossips > Music > Cinema > B. Gossips > Tv Show > Movie > Red Carpet > Articles > Tribute

By Dalal E. Al Rubai’aan


elanie Moo


u Can Dance

u Think Yo

by So Yo : Shocked



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August 12th,


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by Free Britney

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Dean Martin June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995, born Dino Paul Crocetti, was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian. Martin’s hit singles included “Memories Are Made of This”, “That’s Amore”, “Everybody Loves Somebody”, “Mambo Italiano”, “Sway”, “Volare” and smash hit “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?”. Nicknamed the “King of Cool”, he was one of the members of the “Rat Pack” and a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage, recordings, motion pictures, and television. 52


artin was born in Steubenville, Ohio, to Italian parents, Gaetano and Angela Crocetti (née Barra). His father was from Abruzzo, Italy, and his mother was an Italian of part Neapolitan and part Sicilian ancestry. Martin was the younger of two sons. His brother was named Bill. Martin spoke only Italian until he started school. He attended Grant Elementary School in Steubenville, and took up the drums as a hobby as a teenager. He was the target of much ridicule for his broken English and ultimately dropped out of Steubenville High School in the 10th grade because he thought that he was smarter than his teachers. He delivered bootleg liquor, served as a speakeasy croupier, was a blackjack dealer, worked in a steel mill and boxed as welterweight. He grew up a neighbor to Jimmy the Greek. At the age of 15, he was a boxer who billed himself as “Kid Crochet”. His prizefighting years earned him a broken nose (later straightened), a scarred lip, and many sets of broken knuckles (a result of not being able to afford the tape used to wrap boxers’ hands). Of his twelve bouts, he would later say “I won all but eleven.” For a time, he roomed with Sonny King, who, like Martin, was just starting in show business and had

little money. It is said that Martin and King held bare-knuckle matches in their apartment, fighting until one of them was knocked out; people paid to watch. Eventually, Martin gave up boxing. He worked as a roulette stickman and croupier in an illegal casino behind a tobacco shop where he had started as a stock boy. At the same time, he sang with local bands. Calling himself “Dino Martini” (after the then-famous Metropolitan Opera tenor, Nino Martini), he got his first break working for the Ernie McKay Orchestra. He sang in a crooning style influenced by Harry Mills (of the Mills Brothers), among others. In the early 1940s, he started singing for bandleader Sammy Watkins, who suggested he change his name to Dean Martin. In October 1941, Martin married Elizabeth Anne McDonald. During their marriage (ended by divorce in 1949), they had four children. Martin worked for various bands throughout the early 1940s, mostly on looks and personality until he developed his own singing style. Martin famously flopped at the Riobamba, a high class nightclub in New York, when he succeeded Frank Sinatra in 1943, but it was the setting for their meeting.

By 1946, Martin was doing relatively well, but was still little more than an East Coast nightclub singer with a common style, similar to that of Bing Crosby. A number of Dean Martin songs have constantly been featured across popular culture for decades. Hit songs such as “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head”, “Sway”, “That’s Amore”, and Martin’s signature song “Everybody Loves Somebody” (and many more) have been used in films (such as the Oscar-winning Logorama, A Bronx Tale, Casino, Goodfellas, and Return to Me), television series (such as American Dad!, Friends, and House MD), video games (such as The Godfather: The Game, The Godfather II, Fallout: New Vegas, and Mafia II), and even fashion shows (such as the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2008). 53

Drafted into the United States Army in 1944 during World War II, Martin served a year stationed in Akron, Ohio. He was then reclassified as 4-F (possibly because of a double hernia; Jerry Lewis referred to the surgery Martin needed for this in his autobiography) and was discharged.

Final Destination 5 Survivors of a suspension-bridge collapse learn there’s no way you can cheat Death. Captain America 54

After being deemed unfit for military service, Steve Rogers volunteers for a top secret research project that turns him into Captain America, a superhero dedicated to defending Americas ideals.

Coming Soon September 2011

Paranormal Activity While visiting San Diego, a young student picks up an evil spirit and brings it back home in Tokyo

Kuwait Top 10 Contagion Rise of the Planet Apes An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man’s own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.

The Help Cowboys & Aliens A spaceship arrives in Arizona, 1873, to take over the Earth, starting with the Wild West region. A posse of cowboys and natives are all that stand in their way.


The Debt


Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Apollo 18

Our Idiot Brother

* All Movies are subject to the approval of Ministry of Information

Spy Kids: All the Time in the World 55

Shark Night 3D

ctress Kareena Kapoor is on


cloud nine these days.

starring Salman Khan shooting of film Bodyguard Recently she completed the thrown by Shahrukh Khan. the wrap up of film Ra.One and immediately rushed for she is the only actor who has news daily Kareena told that . During an interview with a out any kind of discomfort with h the satrs simultaneously managed to work with bot ct her and her work as she so called rivalry does not affe The actress told that their ight cut statement saying that camp. Kareena gives a stra s never belonged to anyone’s of these Bollywood A-lister part nds. She says that she is a . role ar icul she is not here to make frie y forward a part nt and the capability to carr films because she has the tale ur Bhandarkar’s Heroine speculations regarding Mad Kareena went ahead to all dates and fees is being the a nod to the project and saying that she has given will offend Aishwarya, the she didn’t bother if this step ed worked out. When asked if her decisions are purely bas here to please anyone and actress said that she is not on the script of the film.

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Indian Movie

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara T

he film opens with the scene Kabir (Abhay Deol) proposing to Natasha (Kalki Koechlin). The families meet at their engagement party where Imraan (Farhan Akhtar) and others raise a toast to them. At the engagement party, Natasha learns that Kabir is planning a three week long bachelor road trip to Spain with his high school friends Imraan and Arjun (Hrithik Roshan). Kabir explains that the three men have a long-standing pact, and that during the road trip, each one would pick an adventure sport for the trio to try. However, Arjun, a workaholic obsessed with making money, is reluctant to take part in the trip. Later, it is revealed that Arjun’s ex girlfriend had left him due to his same obsession with work. Imraan, though, has an additional personal agenda on the trip - to find his biological father Salman Habib (Naseeruddin Shah), an artist in Spain. They finally set off to Spain, where they plan on to visit the Costa Brava, Seville and Pamplona. They meet Laila (Katrina Kaif), a British-Indian woman on the Costa Brava beach and Imraan flirts with her. Kabir reveals that he has chosen deep sea diving, and they find out that Laila is their diving instructor. Arjun, who can’t swim and is mortally afraid of water, is helped by Laila to overcome his fears and explore the world. He soon begins to develop romantic feelings for her. They attend Buñol the La Tomatina festival with Laila, where they meet Laila’s friend Nuria (Ariadna Cabrol) who falls for Imraan. In the meantime, Natasha, who has grown suspicious of Kabir’s involvement with Laila, surprises Kabir by crashing his bachelor party. Imraan meanwhile spends time with Nuria and Arjun with Laila. When the boys are leaving, Laila realizes she has fallen in love with Arjun and they express their feeling for each other by a deep passionate kiss.

The trio set on their final adventure, and by far the most dangerous one, taking part in the bull run at Pamplona. Imraan suggests they create a new pact, to keep their promises if they return alive. Imraan vows to get his poems published, Arjun vows to visit Morocco with Laila, and Kabir vows to tell Natasha that he is not ready for the marriage yet. At the end, they have a renewed sense of their relationships with each other, with others they know, and most importantly, with themselves. As the credits roll, Kabir, Imraan, Natasha and Nuria are shown to be attending the wedding of Arjun and Laila in Morocco. 57

Arjun, Imraan and Kabir visit Seville for sky diving, as per Arjun’s choice. Now it is Imraan who has to overcome his fear of heights and learn to let go. After their skydiving adventures, the three men go to a bar, but get into a fight with a stranger, on whom they tried to pull a prank, and end up in jail. Salman, Imraan’s father, bails them out, and takes them to his home. Salman, in his conversation with Imraan, reveals that he never wanted to have a settled life and never wanted kids, as opposed to Imraan’s mother. Kabir, meanwhile, admits to Arjun and Imraan that he is not ready for marriage, but is reluctant to call off the wedding as it might break Natasha’s heart.

Don’t Be Afraid of the DARK Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark is an upcoming American horror film written by Matthew Robbins and Guillermo del Toro and directed by comic book artist Troy Nixey. It is a remake of the 1973 ABC made-for-television horror film of the same name. Cast Katie Holmes as Kimberly “Kim” Hirst Bailee Madison as Sally Hirst Guy Pearce as Alex Hirst Alan Dale as Jacoby Jack Thompson as Harris 58

Eliza Taylor Cotter Nicholas Bell as The Doctor When young Sally, her father, and his girlfriend move into Blackwood Manor, Sally is haunted by “voices” that plead for her to set them free in a sealed up basement. Sally’s curiosity consumes her when she opens a door in a fire place keeping them and frees a group of little, demonic monsters who are very “hungry” and “want her” and thus,want to claim her as one of their own. The only trouble is that no one believes her. Can she escape this hellish nightmare or will she be at the mercy of the creatures?

Two and a Half Men wo and a Half Men is an American television sitcom which premiered on CBS on September 22, 2003. Starring Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, and Angus T. Jones, the show is about a hedonistic jingle writer, Charlie Harper; his uptight brother, Alan; and Alan’s growing son, Jake. Charlie’s free-wheeling life is complicated when his brother gets divorced and moves, along with his son, into Charlie’s beach-front Malibu house. In 2011, a news article in The New York Times called it “the biggest hit comedy of the past decade.” The show has ranked among the Top 20 programs every season since it first aired.

There have been eight seasons of Two and a Half Men and at least one additional season to come. In 2010, CBS and Warner Bros. Television reached a multi-year broadcast agreement for the series, renewing it through at least the 2011–12 season. However, CBS and Warner Bros. decided to end production for the rest of the eighth season due to Sheen entering drug rehab and making disparaging comments about the show’s creator and executive producer, Chuck Lorre. Sheen was fired from the show on March 7, 2011. The ninth season will include Ashton Kutcher as Sheen’s replacement. 59


Reeve was born in New York City on September 25, 1952, the son of Barbara Pitney, a journalist, and Franklin D’Olier Reeve, who was a teacher, novelist, poet and scholar. His paternal grandfather, Colonel Richard Henry Reeve, had been the CEO of Prudential Financial for over twenty-five years, and his great-grandfather, Franklin D’Olier, was a prominent businessman, veteran of The Great War, and the first national commander of the American Legion. Reeve’s father was also descended from a sister of statesman Elias Boudinot, as well as from Massachusetts governors Thomas Dudley and John Winthrop, Pennsylvania deputy governor Thomas Lloyd, and Henry Baldwin, a US Supreme Court Justice. Reeve’s mother was the granddaughter of Mahlon Pitney, another US Supreme Court Justice, and was also a descendant of William Bradford, a Mayflower passenger. Reeve’s father was a Princeton University graduate studying for a master’s degree in Russian language at Columbia University prior to the birth of his son, Christopher. Despite being born wealthy, Franklin Reeve spent summers working at the docks with longshoremen. Reeve’s mother had been a student at Vassar College, but transferred to Barnard College to be closer to Franklin, whom she had met through a family connection. They had another son, Benjamin Reeve, born on October 6, 1953. Franklin Reeve’s interests in socialism and English language and literature became important to him. He and Barbara divorced in 1956, and she moved with her two sons to Princeton, New Jersey, where they attended Nassau Street School. Franklin Reeve married Helen Schmidinger in 1956, a Columbia University graduate student. Barbara Pitney Lamb married Tristam B. Johnson, a stockbroker, in 1959. Johnson had Christopher and his brother, Benjamin, enroll in Princeton Country Day (later Princeton Day School), a highly selective, elite private school. Among a very talented student body, Reeve distinguished himself by excelling academically, athletically, and onstage; he was on the honor roll and played soccer, baseball, tennis and hockey. The sportsmanship award at Princeton Day School’s famed invitational hockey tournament was named in Reeve’s honor. Reeve admitted that he put pressure on himself to act older than he actually was in order to gain his father’s approval.

r e h p o Christ e v e e R r e i l D’O (September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004)

w 60

as an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter and author. He achieved stardom for his acting achievements, including his notable motion picture portrayal of the fictional superhero Superman.

On May 27, 1995, Reeve became a quadriplegic after being thrown from a horse in an equestrian competition in Virginia. He required a wheelchair and breathing apparatus for the rest of his life. He lobbied on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries, and for human embryonic stem cell research afterward. He founded the Christopher Reeve Foundation and co-founded the Reeve-Irvine Research Center. Reeve married Dana Morosini in April 1992, and they had a son, William, born that June. Reeve had two children, Matthew (born 1979) and Alexandra (born 1983), from his previous relationship with his longtime girlfriend, Gae Exton.

Reeve found his passion in 1962 at age nine when he was cast in an amateur version of the play The Yeomen of the Guard; it was the first of many student plays. In the summer of 1968, at age fifteen, Reeve was accepted as an apprentice at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Williamstown, Massachusetts. The other apprentices were mostly college students, but Reeve’s older appearance and maturity helped him fit in with the others. In a workshop, he played a scene from A View from the Bridge that was chosen to be presented in front of an audience. After the performance, actress Olympia Dukakis said to him, “I’m surprised. You’ve got a lot of talent. Don’t mess it up.” The next summer, Reeve was hired at the Harvard Summer Repertory Theater Company in Cambridge for $44 per week. He played a Russian sailor in The Hostage and Belyayev in A Month in the Country. Famed theater critic Elliot Norton called his performance as Belyayev “startlingly effective.” After My Life, Stark Hesseltine told Reeve that he had been asked to audition for the leading role as Clark Kent/Superman in the big budget film, Superman: The Movie (1978). Lynn Stalmaster, the casting director, put Reeve’s picture and resume on the top of the pile three separate times, only to have the producers throw it out each time. Through Stalmaster’s persistent pleading, a meeting between director Richard Donner, producer Ilya Salkind and Reeve was set in January 1977 at the Sherry-Netherland Hotel on Fifth Avenue. The morning after the meeting, Reeve was sent a 300 page script. He was thrilled that the script took the subject matter seriously, and that Richard Donner’s motto was verisimilitude. Reeve immediately flew to London for a screen test, and on the way was told that Marlon Brando was going to play Jor-El and Gene Hackman was going to play Lex Luthor. Reeve still did not think he had much of a chance. Though he was 6 ft 4, he was a self-described “skinny WASP.” On the plane ride to London, he imagined how his approach to the role would be. He later said, “By the late 1970s the masculine image had changed... Now it was acceptable for a man to show gentleness and vulnerability. I felt that the new Superman ought

to reflect that contemporary male image.” He based his portrayal of Clark Kent on Cary Grant in his role in Bringing up Baby. After the screen test, his driver said, “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but you’ve got the part.”

Reeve was never a Superman or comic book fan, though he had watched Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves. Reeve found the role offered a suitable challenge because it was a dual role. He said, “There must be some difference stylistically between Clark and Superman. Otherwise, you just have a pair of glasses standing in for a character.” On the commentary track for the director’s edition of Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, Creative Consultant Tom Mankiewicz spoke of how Reeve had talked to him about playing Superman and then playing Clark Kent. Mankiewicz then corrected Reeve, telling him that he was always, always playing Superman and that when he was Clark Kent, he was “playing Superman who was playing Clark Kent.” Mankiewicz described it to Reeve as a role within the role. The film grossed $300,218,018 worldwide (unadjusted for inflation). Reeve received positive reviews for his performance: “Christopher Reeve’s entire performance is a delight. Ridiculously goodlooking, with a face as sharp and strong as an ax blade, his bumbling, fumbling Clark Kent and omnipotent Superman are simply two styles of gallantry and innocence.” - Newsweek “Christopher Reeve has become an instant international star on the basis of his first major movie role, that of Clark Kent/Superman. Film reviewers - regardless of their opinion of the film - have been almost unanimous in their praise of Reeve’s dual portrayal. He is utterly convincing as he switches back and forth between personae.” - Starlog Won a BAFTA Film Award for Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Roles. Christopher Reeve also guest starred in “Smallville”, the very successful American television show about Clark Kent/Superman’s childhood. He appeared as Doctor Virgil Swann, helping Clark Kent to understand his heritage, in Seasons 2 and 3, until the character was ultimately “killed off”. He appeared in two episodes entitled “Rosetta” and “Legacy”, while his death was made known in the fourth season episode “Sacred”.

Reeve used his celebrity status for good causes. Through the Make-a-Wish Foundation, he visited terminally ill children. He joined the Board of Directors for the worldwide charity Save the Children. In 1979, He served as a track and field coach at the Special Olympics, alongside O. J. Simpson. [Much of Superman II was filmed at the same time as the first film. After most of the footage had been shot, the producers had a disagreement with director Richard Donner over various matters including money and special effects, and they mutually parted ways. He was replaced by director Richard Lester, who had the script changed and reshot some footage. The cast was unhappy, but Reeve later said that he liked Lester and considered Superman II to be his favorite of the series. Due to fan encouragement, Richard Donner’s version of Superman II, titled Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, was released on DVD in 2006 and dedicated to Reeve. Superman III, released in 1983, was filmed entirely by Lester. Reeve believed that the producers ruined it by turning it into a Richard Pryor comedy. He missed Richard Donner and believed that Superman III’s only saving grace was the junkyard scene in which evil Superman fights Clark Kent in an internal battle. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace was released in 1987. After Superman III, Reeve vowed that he was done with Superman. However, he accepted the role on the condition that he would have partial creative control over the script. The nuclear disarmament plot was his idea. The production rights were given to Cannon Films, who cut the budget in half to $17 million. The film was a major flop and Reeve later said, “the less said about Superman IV the better.” Following the first Superman movie, Reeve found that Hollywood producers wanted him to be an action star. He later said, “I found most of the scripts of that genre poorly constructed, and I felt the starring roles could easily be played by anyone with a strong physique.” In addition, he did not feel that he was right for the other films he was offered, and turned down the lead roles in American Gigolo, The World According to Garp, Splash, Fatal Attraction, Pretty Woman, Romancing the Stone, Lethal Weapon and Body Heat. Katharine Hepburn recommended Reeve to director Roger Donaldson for the role of Fletcher Christian in a remake of Mutiny on the Bounty titled The Bounty, starring Anthony Hopkins. After considering it, Reeve decided that he would be miscast, and Donaldson went with his second choice, Mel Gibson. Reeve took up horse riding in 1985 after learning to ride for the film Anna Karenina. He was initially allergic to horses, so he took antihistamines. He trained on Martha’s Vineyard, and by 1989 he began eventing. As with every other sport and activity in which he participated (sailing, scuba diving, skiing, aviation, windsurfing, cycling, gliding, parasailing, mountain climbing, baseball, tennis), he took horse riding seriously and was intensely competitive with it. His allergies soon disappeared. 61

Mr. Reeve was a talented all-around athlete. Portraying the role of Superman would be a stretch for the young actor, but he was tall enough for the role and had the necessary blue eyes and handsome features. However, his physique was slim. He refused to wear fake muscles under the suit, and instead went through an intense two-month training regimen supervised by former British weightlifting champion David Prowse, the man under the Darth Vader suit in the Star Wars films. The training regimen consisted of running in the morning, followed by two hours of weightlifting and ninety minutes on the trampoline. In addition, Reeve doubled his food intake and adopted a high protein diet. He put on thirty pounds (14 kg) of muscle to his thin 189 pound (86 kg) frame. He later made even higher gains for Superman III (1983), though for Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) he decided it would be healthier to focus more on cardiovascular workouts. 62

What You Need to Know Before Being a Singer!

verybody knows how to sing! You just open your mouth and sing! Well, its not that easy. There is a right way and a wrong way to sing. Or more accurately, a healthy way of singing that you can maintain throughout your singing life, or an unhealthy singing that are prone to damages to your vocal cords and ultimately end of your singing life.

Whether you dream of becoming a professional vocalist or are a purely recreational singer, you want your voice to sound its best and that can last a lifetime. The best way to preserve your voice is to keep yourself physically fit and in good overall health. Maintain a healthy diet, have proper sleep, and moderate exercise. You have to avoid smoking, illegal drugs, and alcohol. The stereotype of the hard-partying rock star isn’t a reality in most cases. Most of the recording artists who have had the longest careers have taken good care of themselves and avoided the excesses that prematurely ended the careers of such talents as Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Elvis Presley. Training? You will need training on how to sing if you ever want to become a serious singer, be it professional or recreational. For all you aspiring professionals, it is essential. Just as doctors and lawyers have to go to school for their chosen occupations. You can either find a local vocal instructor or take lessons from online courses such as Singing Is Easy by Yvonne DeBandi or Singorama by Emily Mander. No matter which method you choose, you need to learn how your voice box in your throat works and how to use it properly, and also how to deal or avoid with any kind of voice problems you might encounter. With the right instructor or course, learning how to sing can be very fun and exciting. The first thing any good instructor or online course should do is to check your posture and breathing support, as it the most important aspect in singing especially if to allow production of the best vocal tone. Posture Check To check your posture, stand up with your back against a wall, and your feet parallel to your shoulders. Your back should be straight. This aligns your spine, allowing the vertebrae to be stacked on top of each other in a straight line. When the spine is out of alignment, your body will be out of balance, and you will create unnecessary muscle tension. Walk away from the wall while maintaining the same position and then wrap your hands around your neck. Stretch your neck straight up. This will give your head an elevated feeling. If you force yourself to hold this position, you’ll only end up distorting your posture. If you find yourself slouching or forming any other distorting stance, recheck your posture. Allow yourself to physically feel the same as you did when you were against the wall with your spine straight and your head elevated. Here is an easy exercise to help you achieve good singing posture. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Bring your arms in a rapid circular motion across your body and over your head, rising onto your tiptoes at the same time while taking in a good, deep breath.

Slowly start to exhale, bringing your arms down to your sides and coming down from your toes. As you exhale and bring your arms down, try to keep your chest and shoulders in the same position they were in at the top of your stretch. Breath support enables you to produce a pleasant tone without straining your throat. When you inhale to sing, you should feel expansion all around your midsection. Your diaphragm, abdominal, and spinal muscles should all be working together. Once you have taken in a good breath, breathe out on a hissing sound while trying to maintain the expansion of your midsection. It will take some time and effort to strengthen those muscles, but ultimately you will learn to sing in a healthy manner, with better tone and less vocal fatigue. Importance of Posture and Breath Support Posture and breath support are only the foundation of how to sing well. The next level is tone placement and quality. There are three primary areas where our vocal tone resonates: the chest, the pharynx (mouth and throat), and the head (sinuses). You use your “head voice” for higher notes, and your “chest voice” for the lower ones. In most cases, you will want to use what voice teachers call a “mixed tone”, which is a sensation that you feel when singing in head voice in its lowest pitch (and not a high chest voice). The sensation is called mask resonance, because you want to feel the sound vibrations in the area that would be covered by a half-face Halloween mask. You can feel mask resonance with this simple exercise. Take in a good, well-supported breath. Starting on a high note with the syllable “hoo” or “hee”, slide from the top of your range down to the bottom. It should feel a bit like yawning, and you should feel vibration in the soft palate (roof of your mouth) and in the triangle between your eyes and the bridge of your nose. Bonus Tip! Here’s a tip for you guys out there. The Alexander Technique, (created by Australian actor and teacher Matthias Alexander) is a mind-body technique that enables the body to work freely and naturally flow as was originally intended, to release all unnecessary physical tension, postural imbalances, restrictive breathing habits and mental stress. It was originally developed as a method of vocal training for singers and actors in the 1890s. Alexander realized the direct correlation between singing, posture, and the need to retrain the body for natural breathing. The method expanded to incorporate and help all types of people from musicians, such as pianists who suffered with back pain from sitting at a piano stool; computer programmers suffering from cramped hands due to typing all day; factory workers who complained of aching feet and backs, and enabled each individual to correct their personal physical body imbalances and release muscle tension. This is an excellent method for establishing a perfect body posture and flow for singing and performing. Mastering all this is the first step in learning how to sing. It will take time, effort, and practice, but if you work patiently and consistently, you will definitely see results. 63


Amy Winehouse A 64

my Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011) was an English singer-songwriter known for her powerful deep contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres including R&B, soul and jazz. Winehouse’s 2003 debut album, Frank, was critically successful in the UK and was nominated for the Mercury Prize. Her 2006 follow-up album, Back to Black, led to six Grammy Award nominations and five wins, tying the then record for the most wins by a female artist in a single night, and made Winehouse the first British female to win five Grammys, including three of the “Big Four”: Best New Artist, Record of the Year and Song of the Year.

On 14 February 2007, she won a BRIT Award for Best British Female Artist; she had also been nominated for Best British Album. She won the Ivor Novello Award three times, one in 2004 for Best Contemporary Song (musically and lyrically) for “Stronger Than Me”, one in 2007 for Best Contemporary Song for “Rehab”, and one in 2008 for Best Song Musically and Lyrically for “Love Is a Losing Game”, among other distinctions. The album was the third biggest seller of the 2000s in the United Kingdom. Winehouse is credited as an influence in the rise in popularity of female musicians and soul music, and also for revitalising British music. Winehouse’s distinctive style made her a muse for fashion designers such as Karl Lagerfeld. Winehouse’s problems with drug and alcohol abuse, violence, and her self-destructive behaviours were regular tabloid news from 2007 until her death. She and her former husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, were plagued by legal troubles that left him serving prison time. In 2008, Winehouse faced a series of health complications that threatened both her career and her life. Winehouse was found dead on 23 July 2011, at her home in London; police have said that the cause of her death is “as yet unexplained”. However, an inquest regarding Winehouse’s death has been opened and delayed (adjourned) until October 26, 2011, per a London coroner. Coroner Sharon Duff from North London’s St. Pancras Coroner’s Court stated that a “Section 20” postmortem had been done on Winehouse. Section 20 postmortems imply that the coroner believes “there is reasonable cause to suspect that a person has died a violent or unnatural death or in any other way which would require an inquest,” according to regulations. The coroner’s office also stated that police had determined the death to be “non-suspicious”. Winehouse’s family and friends attended her funeral on 26 July 2011. She was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium.

> Fashion > Cars > Sport > Articles

By Abdulrahman Al-Masuod

Reebok - RunTone Action





Paul Smith - Zebra Motif Polo Shirt

Paul Smith - ‘Mini on Location’ Billfold Wallet (wallet1)

Paul Smith - Five Eyes Horizontal watch 68

Paul Smith - Scissor Print T-shirt

Paul Smith - Drayton Sunglasses

Kenneth Cole - Aged Gold Dual Time Zone Watch

Paul Smith - Hand Burnished Billfold Wallet (wallet2) 69



Kenneth Cole - Big Round Chrono

The new Porsche 911 Carrera

Tradition meets modernity 70

World premiere at the 2011 IAA Frankfurt Motor Show


he Porsche 911 Carrera is younger than ever: The completely redesigned generation of the sports car icon is stepping into the limelight with its flat, stretched silhouette, exciting contours and precisely designed details, yet from the very first glance it remains unmistakably a 911. True to the 911 tradition, the distinctive Porsche design language with its tendons and muscles exudes power and elegance.

The all-new, lightweight body is an intelligent aluminium-steel construction. It is responsible for a significant proportion of the weight reduction of up to 45 kilograms. Combined with significantly greater rigidity. Aerodynamic optimisation – including a wider, variably extending rear spoiler – enabled the new 911 Carrera’s lift to be reduced yet further while retaining a very good Cd value. To complement the modern exterior design, the Porsche designers created an interior, the architecture of which takes its cue from the Porsche Carrera GT. The driver is now even more closely integrated with the cockpit thanks to the centre console rising up to the front with the high-mounted shift lever or gear selector located especially close to the steering wheel in typical motorsport fashion. Classic Porsche elements are also to be found inside, as they are on the outside: the instrument cluster with five round instruments – one of them a high resolution multi-function screen, the central rev counter and the ignition lock to the left of the steering wheel. Setting the standard in its class, as it has for generations, the new 911 Carrera and Carrera S raise the performance and efficiency bar yet another notch. All versions get by with significantly less than ten litres of fuel per 100 kilometres (28 mpg imp.). Fuel consumption and emissions are up to 16 per cent lower compared with its predecessor. Among other things, this is achieved by systems and functions such as auto start/stop, thermal management, electrical system recuperation, the world’s first seven-speed manual transmission and – in conjunction with the Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) – sailing as it is called. The new electro-mechanical power steering offers not only Porsche’s typical precision and feedback but also helps to increase efficiency and reduce fuel-consumption. For example, the 911 Carrera with the new 350 hp (~ 257 kW) 3.4litre boxer engine and optional PDK consumes a mere 8.2 litres per 100 kilometres (~ 34 mpg imp.) based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) – 1.6 l/100 km (~ 6 mpg imp.) less than its predecessor. Also, at 194 g/km CO2, it is the first Porsche sports car to make it below the 200 g/km mark. With the 911 Carrera S as well, with its 3.8-litre boxer engine and what is now 400 hp (~ 294 kW), fuel consumption when paired with the optional PDK is reduced by 14 per cent or 1.5 l/100 km (~ 5 mpg imp.) to 8.7 l/100 km (~ 32 mpg imp.) despite 15 hp (~ 11 kW) more power. That equates to CO2 emissions of 205 g/km. At the same time there are performance improvements in both models. The 911 Carrera S with PDK manages to accelerate from nought to 100 km/h (~ 62 mph) in 4.3 seconds. Pressing the Sport Plus button on the optional Sport Chrono package cuts that to 4.1 seconds. The 911 Carrera with PDK needs only 4.6 seconds (Sport Plus 4.4 seconds) to sprint from a standing start to 100 km/h (~ 62 mph).

The new 911 doesn’t just offer better longitudinal dynamics, however, but top performance at an unprecedented level in terms of transverse dynamics as well. In addition to the longer wheelbase, the greater agility, precision and driving stability are based, among other things, on the wider front track, the new rear axle and new electro-mechanical power steering. Depending on the model, there are other standard or optional active control systems available as well that further enhance the driving dynamics. That is especially true for the Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control (PDCC) active roll stabilisation system, available for the first time on the 911 Carrera S. For example, the system reduces lateral inclination when cornering, the tyres always being in the optimal position relative to the road surface and able to transmit higher lateral forces. Maximum cornering speeds are increased; even faster lap times on racing circuits are possible. It has therefore been possible in the new model to extend yet further the span of apparently contradictory attributes such as performance and efficiency, sportiness and everyday practicality that has always typified the Porsche 911. That makes the 911 Carrera more of a 911 than ever. The new Porsche 911 Carrera celebrates its world premiere at the 2011 IAA Frankfurt Motor Show. The launch of the new 911 models gets under way on 3 December 2011. Prices in Germany are 88,038 euro for the 911 Carrera and 102,436 euro for the 911 Carrera S, including 19 per cent VAT and market-specific equipment. 71

The 100 millimetre (~ 3.9 inches) longer wheelbase and reduced height combined with the up to 20-inch wheels underpin the athletic appearance.At the same time, the typical sports car compact exterior dimensions were retained. Seen from the front, the eye is drawn to the 911’s trademark wide-arched wings. They emphasise the wider front track, so that the new 911 Carrera models sit even more solidly on the road. The remodelled exterior mirrors are accommodated on the upper edge of the door and not as before on the mirror triangle. Not only is this aerodynamically advantageous, it also emphasises the new design line and visual impression of width.

‫البداي� � ��ة واالنطالقة لكن قبل أن يصبح قلب الهجوم الذي تس� � ��ير األمور معه بصورة‬ ‫طبيعية كانت احلياة صعبة وقاس� � ��ية‪ .‬فقد نشأ روماريو في منزل متواضع بحي فيال‬ ‫دا بيني� � ��ا‪ ،‬في ري� � ��و دي جانيرو‪ ،‬حيث بدأ يلعب في إس� � ��تريلينيا‪ ،‬وهو فريق لكرة قدم‬ ‫الصاالت أنشأه والده إديفاير‪ .‬إال أن غيابه وسط حجب هذا احمليط الفقير لم يحل‬ ‫دون س� � ��طوع موهبته‪ ،‬وعندما بلغ سن الثالثة عش� � ��رة‪ ،‬لفت انتباه نادي أوالريا‪ ،‬وبعد‬ ‫وقت قصير انضم لناشئي فاسكو دا جاما‪ .‬ومن هنا بدأت القصة املعروفة‪.‬‬ ‫وحني أمت ‪ 19‬سنة‪ ،‬في عام ‪ ،1985‬دخل في عداد الفريق األول لنادي فاسكو‪ ،‬وعلى‬ ‫مدى السنوات الثالث التالية كان مبثابة بطل حقيقي جلماهير ملعب ساو جانواريو‪.‬‬ ‫وس� � ��اقه أداؤه إلى املنتخب البرازيلي الذي فاز بامليداليات الفضية في مس� � ��ابقة كرة‬ ‫القدم بألعاب س� � ��يئول األوملبية ‪ ،1988‬تلك الدورة التي نال هو لقب هدافها برصيد‬ ‫س� � ��بعة أهداف في س� � ��ت مباريات‪ .‬وكان ذلك كافي � � �اً ليذيع صيته وتتجاوز ش� � ��هرته‬ ‫احلدود البرازيلية‪ .‬وكان بطل أوروبا آنذاك‪ ،‬نادي بي أس في إيندهوفن‪ ،‬حتت قيادة‬ ‫جوس هيدينك هو أس� � ��رع املبادري� � ��ن للتعاقد معه‪ .‬وفي هولندا‪ ،‬ت � � � ّوج روماريو بط ً‬ ‫ال‬ ‫للدوري ثالث مرات‪ ،‬وهناك توطدت ثقته بنفس� � ��ه وأصبح معروفاً بأنه هداف مهاب‬ ‫اجلان� � ��ب وال يكف عن الكالم‪ .‬وقد أقر هيدينك بعد س� � ��نوات من ذلك الوقت قائ ً‬ ‫ال‪:‬‬ ‫“إن� � ��ه أكثر الالعبني الذين عملت معهم إث� � ��ارة لإلهتمام‪ .‬قبل املباريات املهمة‪ ،‬عندما‬ ‫كانت األعصاب تتوتر‪ ،‬كان يقترب مني ويقول‪‘ :‬اهدأ أيها املدرب؛ روماريو سيس� � ��جل‬ ‫وسوف نفوز’‪ .‬وكان يسجل بالفعل‪ .‬في ثمان من كل عشر مباريات من تلك‪ ،‬كان يحرز‬ ‫هدف الفوز‪”.‬‬ ‫‪ 30‬هدفاً ولقب عاملي كان التعامل مع روماريو بشخصيته املندفعة‪ ،‬املتبجحة أحياناً‪،‬‬ ‫أصعب بالنس� � ��بة ملدربي املنتخب البرازيلي‪ ،‬الذين ال يحتكون به بصورة يومية‪ .‬ولهذا‬ ‫الس� � ��بب عل� � ��ى وجه اخلصوص كانت مس� � ��يرته مع السيليس� � ��او موس� � ��ومة باألهداف‬ ‫وبالصدامات على حد سواء‪.‬‬ ‫وقد بدأت صورته كبطل قومي تتش� � ��كل في كوبا أميركا ‪ ،1989‬عندما قطع أصحاب‬ ‫القمص� � ��ان الصفراء الش� � ��هيرة فترة جفاف غابت عنهم فيه� � ��ا األلقاب واعتلوا منصة‬ ‫التتوي� � ��ج في املاراكانا عقب الفوز على أوروجواي بهدف وحيد س� � ��جله هو برأس� � ��ه‪.‬‬ ‫ولكنه س� � ��رعان ما تلق� � ��ى أول صدمة حني أصيب قبل انط� �ل��اق نهائيات كأس العالم‬ ‫إيطاليا ‪ FIFA 1990‬بثالثة أش� � ��هر‪ .‬وبعد جهد جهيد اس� � ��تطاع أن يتماثل للش� � ��فاء‬ ‫ودعاه سيباس� � ��تياو الزاروني للفريق‪ ،‬ولكنه لم يلعب سوى عدة دقائق في مباراة ضد‬ ‫اس� � ��كتلندا‪ ،‬ولم تكن مشاركته األولى في املس� � ��ابقة الكروية العاملية الكبرى توحي مبا‬ ‫سيحدث بعد ذلك أو تشير إليه من قريب أو بعيد‪.‬‬

‫العبني اثنني آخرين أو ثالثة‪ ،‬من أفضل ممارسي اللعبة في عقد التسعينات‪”.‬‬ ‫بكاء وأهداف بعد تلك احلقبة بدأت فترة تركت لدى الناس ش� � ��يئاً فش� � ��يئاً انطباعاً‬ ‫بأن أيام مج� � ��د النجم القصير قد ولت‪ .‬وكانت البداية بقراره الرحيل عن أوروبا في‬ ‫عز تألقه‪ ،‬ليعود إلى البرازيل واإلنضمام لصفوف فالمينجو‪ ،‬خصم فاسكو دا جاما‪،‬‬ ‫النادي الذي انطلق منه إلى سماء كرة القدم العاملية‪.‬‬ ‫لكن روماريو كان دائماً يتخطى حدود التوقعات‪ ،‬س� � ��واء في املجد أو اإلحباط‪ .‬وعند‬ ‫احلديث عن اإلحب� � ��اط‪ ،‬تتبادر إلى األذهان ذكريات مناس� � ��بتني‪ :‬أوالهما أنه اضطر‬ ‫ملشاهدة كأس العالم ‪ FIFA 1998‬من خارج امللعب بسبب تعرضه لإلصابة‪ ،‬والثانية‬ ‫أن� � ��ه لم يش� � ��ارك في كأس العال� � ��م ‪ FIFA 2002‬أيضاً بقرار م� � ��ن املدير الفني لويز‬ ‫فيليبي سكوالري‪ .‬وفي املناسبتني ظهر روماريو بني اجلمهور وبكى‪.‬‬ ‫ث� � ��م جاء زمن تب� � ��دد فيه اخلوف من اإلنطالقات اخلطيرة التي كان يش� � ��نها روماريو‪،‬‬ ‫الذي أصبح مجرد مهاجم أوسط يضع اللمسة األخيرة وينهي الهجمات‪ ،‬وكان ضعف‬ ‫لياقته البدنية ظاهراً جلياً في مناس� � ��بات ال تعد وال حتصى‪ ،‬وغلب على أداؤه البطء‬ ‫بش� � ��كل ملحوظ‪ .‬وعلى هذا احلال سارت أموره في فاسكو وفالمينجو وفلومينينسي‬ ‫وفي بعض التجارب التي خاضها في اخلارج‪ .‬ومع ذلك‪ ،‬تأخرت نهاية املسيرة سنوات‬ ‫وس� � ��نوات‪ .‬وبلغت منه العبقرية أن ت ّوج هدافاً للدوري البرازيلي سنة ‪ ،2005‬وهو في‬ ‫التاسعة والثالثني من عمره‪ ،‬واحتفل أيضاً عام ‪ 2007‬بتسجيل ألف هدف في حياته‪،‬‬ ‫وذلك طبقاً حلسابات تشمل مبارياته غير الرسمية‪.‬‬ ‫كل ه� � ��ذا يكفي العيش مع ذكرياته على وقع اإللهام وحده‪ .‬وحس� � ��ب الالعب نفس� � ��ه‪،‬‬ ‫تتلخ� � ��ص نظرته إلى عمله في قوله‪“ :‬لم أكن رياضياً أبداً‪ .‬لو كنت اتبعت النظام في‬ ‫حياتي‪ ،‬لكنت س� � ��جلت أهدافاً أكثر‪ .‬لكني ال أعلم ما إذا كنت سأشعر بنفس السعادة‬ ‫التي أش� � ��عر بها اآلن‪ ”.‬وال ش� � ��ك أنه كان مصيباً في نظرته تلك‪ ،‬ولكنها بالتأكيد ما‬ ‫كانت لتصلح ألي كان‪.‬‬

‫كان روماري� � ��و عقب تلك البطولة على وش� � ��ك بلوغ ذروة مج� � ��ده الكروي‪ ،‬ووقع لفريق‬ ‫آخر كان بطل أوروبا آنذاك ويقوده املدرب يوهان كرويف‪ ،‬هو برش� � ��لونة‪ ،‬ليكون رابع‬ ‫أجنبي في التشكيل في وقت لم يكن امللعب يحتمل أكثر من ثالثة‪ .‬ولم يكن اآلخرون‬ ‫س� � ��وى البلغاري خريستو ستويتش� � ��كوف والهولندي رونالد كومان والدامنركي مايكل‬ ‫الودروب‪ .‬وم� � ��ع وجود كل هؤالء العمالقة‪ ،‬وصل روماريو ليصرح قائ ً‬ ‫ال‪“ :‬إنه ش� � ��رف‬ ‫لي أن أكون هنا‪ ”،‬ويعد عند تقدميه بجرأته املعهودة بأنه في موس� � ��م ‪1993/1994‬‬ ‫سيس� � ��جل ثالثني هدفاً! فماذا حدث؟ لقد وصل إلى اجلولة األخيرة في املوسم وفي‬ ‫جعبت� � ��ه ‪ 29‬هدفاً‪ ،‬وأمت الثالثني في ‪ 33‬مباراة‪ ،‬وخرج من امللعب فائزاً بلقب الهداف‬ ‫وبدرع الدوري‪ .‬بهذه البساطة!‬

‫لقد ش� � ��ارك روماري� � ��و تقريباً في كل العملي� � ��ات الهجومية التي ق� � ��ام بها الفريق‬ ‫البرازيل� � ��ي في الواليات املتحدة األمريكية ‪ ،1994‬ون� � ��ال كرة ‪ adidas‬الذهبية‬ ‫كأفض� � ��ل العب في البطولة‪ .‬ويؤكد يوه� � ��ان كرويف‪“ :‬أنا متأكد من أن البرازيل‬ ‫ما كانت لتفوز بدونه‪ .‬وهذا ش� � ��يء يتفق عليه اجلميع‪ .‬كان روماريو‪ ،‬إلى جانب‬

‫‪ 72‬‬

‫واملش� � ��كلة الوحيدة هي أن روماريو رغم كل هذا لم يكن يتلقى الدعوة لإلنضمام إلى‬ ‫املنتخ� � ��ب‪ .‬ليس بعد ش� � ��كواه العلنية من عدم تلقيه الدعوة م� � ��ن كارلوس ألبرتو بريرا‬ ‫خلوض مب� � ��اراة ودية في أواخر عام ‪ .1992‬لكن معان� � ��اة منتخب البرازيل في حملة‬ ‫التصفي� � ��ات كانت في صالح املهاجم العبقري؛ إذ طالبت اجلماهير باإلس� � ��تعانة به‪.‬‬ ‫وقب� � ��ل وقت قصير من خوض آخ� � ��ر مباريات التصفيات ض� � ��د أوروجواي في ملعب‬ ‫املاراكان� � ��ا أصيب مول� � ��ر‪ .‬وجاء روماريو ف� � ��وراً بناء على طلب اجلماهير ليش� � ��ارك‬ ‫كأساس� � ��ي يحمل آمال املاليني‪ .‬وكان أداؤه أسطورياً‪ ،‬وس� � ��جل الهدفني اللذين فاز‬ ‫بهما فريقه دون رد‪ ،‬متخذاً بذلك اخلطوة األولى نحو كأس العالم ‪،FIFA 1994‬‬ ‫تلك البطولة التي كان هو أبرز معاملها وفاز بالكأس فيها ليتخذ مكانه عن جدارة‬ ‫بني عظماء اللعبة‪.‬‬


‫روماريو‬ ‫عندما تطغى املوهبة واإللهام‬

‫‪ 73‬‬

‫لى مدى عش� � ��رات‬ ‫الس � � �نني لم ميل العالم ترديد‬ ‫مق‬ ‫ولة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ملخ‬ ‫ترع‬ ‫األ‬ ‫مري‬ ‫كي‬ ‫يوجد عن‬ ‫توماس أ‬ ‫لفا إديسون‪“ :‬العبقرية قوامها‬ ‫صر فارق يتعلق بالتفاني في الع‬ ‫مل‬ ‫‪1%‬‬ ‫وب‬ ‫من‬ ‫ذل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫اإلل‬ ‫جل‬ ‫هام‬ ‫هد‪.‬‬ ‫و‪%‬‬ ‫ول‬ ‫‪99‬‬ ‫يس‬ ‫من‬ ‫من‬ ‫ا‬ ‫املع‬ ‫لعر‬ ‫هذا صحيحاً متاماً‪.‬‬ ‫قول أن يتحول ش� � ��خص ما إلى‬ ‫ق‪ ”.‬ففي معظم قصص النجاح‬ ‫عبقري بغير س � � �عي وعمل‪ .‬ل‬ ‫كن‬ ‫بالن‬ ‫س‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�بة‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫ر‬ ‫وما‬ ‫ريو‬ ‫سوزا فاريا‪ ،‬لم يكن‬ ‫وقد نصدق املهاجم‬ ‫العظيم أو ال نصدقه في قو‬ ‫له‪:‬‬ ‫“عن‬ ‫دما‬ ‫ولد‬ ‫ت‪،‬‬ ‫أ‬ ‫شار‬ ‫أبي‬ ‫ليكون من عباقرة منطقة اجل‬ ‫بأصبعه وقال‪ :‬هذا هو!”‪ .‬ل‬ ‫زاء‪ ،‬حتى بدون ‪ 99%‬من الع‬ ‫كن ما ال يُنكر هو أنه قطع م‬ ‫رق‪.‬‬ ‫سي‬ ‫و‬ ‫رته‬ ‫كان‬ ‫كلها‬ ‫من‬ ‫ب‬ ‫يق‬ ‫ثقة‬ ‫ينه‬ ‫من‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫علم‬ ‫لم‬ ‫علم اليقني أنه خُ لق‬ ‫يحاول حتى أن يخفي األمر‪.‬‬ ‫حتى أولئك ال‬ ‫ذين كانوا يتحملون مزيداً من امل‬ ‫ش‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�قة‬ ‫ب‬ ‫س‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫بب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫لك‬ ‫ال‬ ‫س‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�مة ال‬ ‫كرويف على سبيل املثال كان‬ ‫عجيبة التي يتمتع بها لم ينقطع‬ ‫يضطر أحياناً رغماً عنه ملنح رو‬ ‫عجبهم للس� � ��هولة التي كانت‬ ‫ت‬ ‫مار‬ ‫يو‪،‬‬ ‫سير‬ ‫ح‬ ‫بها‬ ‫سب‬ ‫أمو‬ ‫ره‪.‬‬ ‫قول‬ ‫ف‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫مد‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ربه‬ ‫ألخ‬ ‫هل تتركني أذهب؟” في‬ ‫ير‪ ،‬عدة أ‬ ‫في برشلونة يوهان‬ ‫يام من الراحة ليسافر إلى الب‬ ‫قبل الهولندي‪ ،‬وينزل النجم الك‬ ‫راز‬ ‫بير‬ ‫يل‪.‬‬ ‫ق‬ ‫إذ‬ ‫صير‬ ‫كان‬ ‫الق‬ ‫ر‬ ‫امة‬ ‫وما‬ ‫أر‬ ‫ريو‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ا‬ ‫قول‬ ‫مللعب‪ ،‬فيس‬ ‫بقدرات مدهشة‪ .‬و‬ ‫له‪“ :‬إذا سجلت هدفني‪،‬‬ ‫جل الهدفني‪ ،‬ويسافر! بهذه ال‬ ‫حتى بدون أن يبذل جهداً‪ ،‬كان‬ ‫سهو‬ ‫ي‬ ‫لة!‬ ‫فعل‬ ‫و‬ ‫أ‬ ‫كان‬ ‫شياء‬ ‫كرو‬ ‫عب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يف‬ ‫قري‬ ‫م‬ ‫ة‪”.‬‬ ‫حق‬ ‫ا‬ ‫حني وصفه قائ ً‬ ‫ال‪“ :‬كان يتميز‬

e h t f o y r o t s i H The 0 0 1 1 B C A D N HO 74


he first Honda CB 1100 was launche d in 1980 and rec notable handling as eived immense po well as the promulga pularity due to its powerful engine sch tion of a visibly comf the original CB1100 ematics, ortable riding experi featured an in-line ence. In essence, ter fou r str ok e, air cooled (4 valves med as a sports bik 1062 CC. On the oth e, per cylinder) DOHC er hand, it had a bo engine with a displa re value of 70 mm ratio of about 9.7 to cement rating of as well as stroke val 1. ue of 69 mm in conju nction with a comp ression Consequently, in acc ordance with such a po werful engine, the 8500 revolutions pe CB1100 had the ab r minute which me ility to produce 11 ant that it could eff 0 Horse Power at the other hand, acc ortlessly accelerate about eleration was furthe to a top speed of ab r en ha out 128 miles per nced because of the allowed the CB1100 hour. On incorporation of a ’s rider to shift smoo 5 speed chain transm thly from one gear ission gearbox that level to another. On the other hand , the Honda CB11 00 was also fitted exceptional handling with a commenda at high speeds but ble suspension sys also resulted in an tem that not only were measurable at extremely comfortab allowed for 100/90-18 whereas le riding experience. the rear tire dimen The front tire dimen CB1100 had a dual sions measured at sions disc braking unit wit 130/90-17. In terms hin its front tire as of braking power, well as a single disc the braking unit within the rear tire. In essen ce, these

two units wer 75

e able to prov ide ample br aking power Lastly, the CB allowing the 1100 also ha rider to slow d a large fuel down the bi excellent mile capacity of ab ke easily and age out of it. out 20 liters effortlessly. which was an Honda CB11 other plus po 00 (2000-20 int since one 03) could get After the first version of Hon da CB1100 w released a br as manufactu and new vers red and prod ion of the CB the latter m uced from 19 1100 during odel was inhe 80-1983. Th the year 2000 re nt e Honda Mot ly different from new Honda an d its produc or Company CB1100 had its tio pr n continued ed ec essor in term a slightly mor until 2003. In so popular am s e of ru gg its ed ph essence, ongst local outlook as w ysical exterio as well as in ell as an old r, design and also slight m ternational co school Harle st yl odifications in g. The y look to it w nsumers part in terms of en outclassed th hich is why it icularly in Au gine schemat be e latter one st came ra lia ic . On the othe s and most ex easily. r hand, ther perts agreed e were that the new Fundamenta er version of lly, the new the CB1100 Honda CB11 displacemen 00 featured t capacity of a liquid cooled 1140 CC. O of 67.2 mm , four stroke n the other . Also, the CB , in-line four hand, it had 1100 had a a bore value cylinder engi similarity that compression of about 73 ne with a the new Hon ratio of abou .5 mm as w da CB1100 shar t 9.5 to 1 whi five speed ch ell as a stroke ed with the ch ain drive gear w value as similar to its 1983 Honda box. However predecessor. trail was appr CB1100 was , the wheelba An oximately 77 ot th her e se fa ct that both of the 2000 5 mm. This particularly at were fitted w Honda CB11 inherently al high speeds. ith a 00 was abou lowed the H t 1490 mm onda CB1100 whereas the (2000 model On the other ) to provide hand, the fron more stability t tires compr Similarly, the ised of Dunlo wet weight of p D205 110/ the new CB11 have any impa 80R18 where 00 was abou as the rear tir ct whatsoeve t 247 kilogram es consisted r up on the overal in terms of m s, slightly on of 140/70R1 l engine perf ileage the 20 the heavier si 8. ormance of 00 CB1100 de although kilometers. H th e w bi as ke this did not sl in ightly expens owever, mot te rm s of sp eed and acce ive with a fu orcycle enth well as its co usiasts fell in el consumpt leration. Last mmendable ion rating of love with the ly, performance about 6 liter rugged stylis . s per 100 h outlook of the 2000 Hon da CB1100 as


Top Ways To Stop Growing Older


here is no doubt about the fact that growing older is inevitable, but looking your age is not – and slashing years off your aging body starts with eating the right foods.

And that is where a healthy diet equipped with lean protein and whole grains will give you an opportunity to retain muscle tone but lose excess fat as you age, while lots of antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies will help stave off those wrinkles. Below you will find a list of simple to-dos to keep you younger-looking, younger-feeling: 1. Say yes to whole grains Point to be noted here is that the waistlines of middle-aged people who ate white bread and other white carbohydrates expanded three times more than those who ate wholemeal foods, that has come out from a recent study. 2. See fish as your ally 76

Fish is a tremendous source of the protein leptin, which acts like a hormone in the body. In addition, it also controls your appetite so you don’t overeat. Oily fish like salmon consists of high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are potent wrinkle-fighters at any age. As a matter of fact, the ‘fish facelift diet’ was created as a result of this. 3. Bacteria buddies After you have attained the age of 30, levels of friendly gut bacteria drop significantly, leaving you at an increased risk of sluggish digestion and bloating. To combat this, have a probiotic drink or yoghurt every day. 4. Ditch the biscuit For every decade you age once you turn 30, your body needs around one per cent fewer calories. The good news is you can easily drop these calories just by stopping your mid-morning biscuits or not having that extra slice of toast.

> Fashion > Beauty > Kitchen > Articles

By Sarah Al-Masuod

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN Snakeskin and brass wrap bracelet

EMILIO PUCCI Glass crystal-embellished wing cuff.jpg

KENNETH JAY LANE Swarovski crystal cocktail ring 79

LULU FROST 100 Year necklace

BOTTEGA VENETA Intrecciato silver ring

MIU MIU Glitter and suede peep-toe ankle boots 80

SWASH Baboushka printed silk-crepe scarf

BOTTEGA VENETA Silk-blend lace bustier dress

MIU MIU Bow-embellished glossed-leather tote

THAKOON ADDITION Printed asymmetric silk dress

ALICE + OLIVIA sequined silk top

CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN Big Dorcet 120 suede pumps

GUCCI 1973 mini leather shoulder bag 81

YVES SAINT LAURENT Leopard-print silk scarf

EMILIO PUCCI Glass crystal-embellished wing

‫مجموعة ‪Sweet Alhambra‬من الذهب الزهري‬ ‫بنسخة م �ص � ّغ��رة ج� ��داً‪ ،‬وس �ح� ٍ�ر ص � ٍ‬ ‫�اف ومت��اي��ز م�ط�ل��ق‪ ،‬تعبق مجموعة ‪Sweet‬‬ ‫‪ Alhambra‬املشغولة بالذهب الزهري تزيد من جمال هذا الرمز اخلالد بعذوبة‬ ‫وه�ن��اء‪ .‬نقش البرسيم الرقيق والناعم يظهر اليوم بحلة جديدة وبأكثر األل��وان‬ ‫رومنسي ًة‪ :‬الذهب الزهري‪.‬‬ ‫فاحلنايا الرقيقة ملجوهرات مجموعة ‪ Sweet Alhambra‬املشغولة بالذهب‬ ‫الزهري تتألق جماالً وسحراً‪ .‬مجوهرات أيقونية تنضح بعواطف رقيقة وتصورات‬ ‫أنيقة وأمل بأسرار مستقبلية‪.‬‬ ‫مجموعة ثالثية ساحرة وأنيقة‪ ،‬تتألف من قطعة متدلية وسوار وقرطي أذن‪ ،‬وتل ّون‬ ‫أيامك بسعادة بريئة‪.‬‬ ‫تتوفر القطع املتدلية واألساور على سالسل غاية في األناقة تزيد تصاميم املجموعة‬ ‫جماالً‪.‬‬ ‫• قطعة متدلية تبرز جمال عنقك‪.‬‬ ‫• سوار من نقش واحد يلفت االنتباه إلى رسغك اجلميل‪.‬‬ ‫• قرط األذن من نقش واحد يبرز جمال ابتسامتك‪.‬‬ ‫ل��م ال تبتكرين م�ج��وه��رات��ك بنفسك‪ ،‬م��ن خ�لال امل ��زج ب�ين مجموعة ‪Vintage‬‬ ‫‪ Alhambra‬بالذهب الزهري ومجموعة ‪ Sweet Alhambra‬بالذهب الزهري‬ ‫مع برليه‪ Perlee‬وتشارمز ‪...Charms‬‬ ‫فرص السعادة واحلظ ال حتصى‪...‬‬

‫‪ 82‬‬


‫‪Vintage Alhambra‬‬


‫‪Sweet Alhambra‬‬

‫تتألقان بالذهب الزهري‬

‫سحر الذهب الزهري‬ ‫ال شيء يضاهي مجموعتي ‪ Alhambra Vintage‬و‪ Alhambra Sweet‬من‬ ‫فان كليف أند أربلز بأناقتهما الراقية واخلالدة‪.‬‬ ‫منذ العام ‪ ،1968‬ونساء العالم مغرمات بحنايا هذا النقش الساحر حامل احلظ‬ ‫السعيد‪.‬‬ ‫بلون جديد هو لون الذهب‬ ‫تسطع أيقونات احلظ والصحة والثروة واحل��ب اليوم ٍ‬ ‫الزهري‪.‬‬ ‫الذهب الزهري‪ :‬متألق ودافئ‬ ‫مينح ال��ذه��ب ال��زه��ري مجموعة ‪ Vintage Alhambra‬ومجموعة ‪Sweet‬‬ ‫‪ Alhambra‬طابعاً أنثوياً جديداً‪ ،‬لتتألقي بالدفء والسحر والغموض‪.‬‬ ‫يعد الذهب الزهري من امل��واد الرقيقة‪ ،‬ويتطلب العمل عليه خبر ًة خاص ًة‪ .‬لذلك‬ ‫أبدعت األيادي الذهبية في دار فان كليف أند أربلز في حياكة سلسلة رفيعة وعززتها‬ ‫مبحيط لؤلؤي منقوش من الذهب الزهري مبسافات منتظمة‪.‬‬ ‫طوال عقود خلت‪ ،‬عملت دار فان كليف أن أربلز على استخدام سبيكة خاصة من‬ ‫التوهجات‬ ‫الذهب والنحاس والفضة‪ .‬والنحاس هو الذي مينح املعدن الثمني تلك‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بلون دافئ‪.‬‬ ‫الزهرية الدقيقة التي جتعل اجلوهرة تسطع ٍ‬ ‫التألق الفريد ملجوهرات ‪ Vintage Alhambra‬املشغولة بالذهب الزهري‬ ‫الصياغة اجلديدة ملجموعة ‪ Vintage Alhambra‬تأتيك بست قطع مختلفة‪:‬‬ ‫• قالدة طويلة من عشرين نقشاً يز ّين صدرك‪.‬‬ ‫• قالدة من عشرة نقوش وقطعة متدلية حتيط بالعنق‪.‬‬

‫‪ 83‬‬

‫• سوار من خمسة نقوش يزيد رسغك جماالً‪.‬‬ ‫• قرطا األذن من نقش واحد يضفي تألقاً على وجهك‪.‬‬ ‫• خامت من نقش واحد جلمال يدك‪.‬‬

uniQue’s recipies Chocolate Chip Pie Prep Time


15 Minutes

Cook Time


55 Minutes



15 Minutes




The sweet, creamy richness of a brown sugar base makes this chocolate chip pie a perfect foil for chopped nuts and whipped or ice cream. Serve with strong coffee or tea. Ingredients *1 unbaked 9-inch (4-cup volume) deep-dish pie shell * *2 large eggs *1/2 cup all-purpose flour *1/2 cup granulated sugar *1/2 cup packed brown sugar *3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) butter, softened *1 cup (6 oz.) NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels *1 cup chopped nuts *Sweetened whipped cream or ice cream (optional) Directions PREHEAT oven to 325° F.

Ginger Lemonade Prep Time


5 Minutes

Cook Time


5 Minutes

Ready In


1 Hour 25 Minutes




“What a great twist on lemonade. Freeze some of this into ice cubes to use in the drinks, so it won’t be diluted!” Ingredients: *3 cups white sugar *4 quarts water *14 slices fresh ginger root 84

*4 cups fresh lemon juice *2 lemons, sliced Preparation 1. In an 8-quart saucepan combine sugar, water and ginger root. Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. 2. Stir in lemon juice. Cool 15 minutes. Remove ginger. Refrigerate lemonade at least 1 hour, or until chilled. 3. Serve over ice, and garnish with lemon slices.

BEAT eggs in large mixer bowl on high speed until foamy. Beat in flour, granulated sugar and brown sugar. Beat in butter. Stir in morsels and nuts. Spoon into pie shell. BAKE for 55 to 60 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between edge and center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Serve warm with whipped cream, if desired.

Sure Fire Ways to Keep Your Wavy Hair Straight All Day Long L

adies with wavy hair often long for smooth, straight locks. If this describes you, the good news is that following a few simple steps can transform your look while at the same time help to keep your hair healthy and strong. First and foremost, understanding your hair is an important factor to keeping wavy hair straight and frizz free. Each strand of hair has an exterior layer called the cuticle, and moisture helps to keep these layers tightly woven. Wavy and curly hair is prone to dryness more so than naturally straight hair and therefore the cuticle layers often tend to separate. Keeping your hair moisturized, getting trims on a regular basis, and not over-processing your hair are big factors in keeping your hair healthy, shiny, and frizz free. Wavy hair is different for each person and a little experimentation is typically required, but the following advice typically works for almost any hair type.

While washing your hair, use a good conditioner. It is not necessary to drop a lot of cash on salon based formulas, but don’t opt for the cheapest conditioner either. Make sure the conditioner coats your hair completely and soaks in for at least two minutes before rinsing with cool water. Rinsing with hot water keeps your hair cuticle expanded, which can facilitate layer separation. Cool water, on the other hand, helps to keep the hair cuticle smooth and tight. When you are finished, gently squeeze the water out of your hair with a towel, and if you use a hair dryer, use the coolest setting possible along with the air diffuser attachment. Dry your hair one small section at a time while using a comb or brush to keep it from moving around too much. After your hair is completely dry, section it off in 1-2 inch segments, clipping it close to your head so the sections will stay out of your way until you are ready to straighten them. Heat your flat iron on the lowest setting possible, and remember that some experimentation on the proper heat setting might be needed as everyone’s hair is different. 86

Depending on how thick your hair is, secure a section of your hair in between the iron at the roots, and in a smooth steady motion, move it down the length of your hair. It takes a little practice to know how much hair to section off and how slow to go, but practice makes perfect! Continue this process working up to the crown of your head until you are done with all the sections. Finally, finish it off with a silicone based hair serum. The serum adds shine and also keeps the cuticle nice and smooth, but be careful - a little goes a long way! For instance, shoulder length hair may need only a dime sized amount of serum, but long hair might require a quartersized dab. Following these steps, your hair will stay smooth and straight until it gets wet again. As an added step, look for products that are specifically designed to moisturize your hair. The bottom line is that experimentation and care are the key variables to changing your look from wavy to smooth, so be patient and sooner or later you will surely be on your way to a brand new look.

> Click & Check > Articles > Digironix

By Noura Al Yaeesh

Click and Check Kuwait Agenda is a local multimedia publisher of cultural experiences in Kuwait, with an aim of providing up-to-date and accurate information to help our readers remain at the cutting edge of culture. Wherever you visit, you’ll find the very best that Kuwait has to offer. going to travel? … check out this site. A hotel reservation comparison site that facilitates and insures you get the best booking price available for any given hotel. We bring prices from over 30 of the top global hotel reservation sites for all world destinations. Where you can find the best offers and deals in Kuwait. 89

This blog is all about the wonderful life that surrounds the spirit of cooking. Ahmad Albader’s passion in life is food and mastering the culinary arts. He has been on a huge journey starting off with a bachelors in Finance from Suffolk and going from there to Le Cordon Bleu and the French Culinary institute and ending up back in Kuwait as a Chef.


iPhone Virtual Reality Viewer

he iPhone is able to do a whole lot of stuff – not just over the screen itself, but you can also use it to control remote controlled helicopters as well. This extreme versatility that had never been seen before in any phone prior to it has made it a hugely desirable handset, so you can more or less expect the frenzy that will surround the iPhone 5′s release. Well, for the moment, you might as well as add another job description to the already long list on the iPhone 4′s resume – the iPhone Virtual Reality Viewer.

Yes sir, this unique device will work with the iPhone, rolling out immersive, three-dimensional viewing experiences. You will need not spend anything more than the $49.95 asking price since you will take advantage of free downloadable applications that will use the iPhone’s accelerometer, allowing the 3D environments within to move when the iPhone is moved. You wear the iPhone Virtual Reality Viewer just like a pair of binoculars, where a couple of finger holes are located at the bottom so that you can access the smartphone’s touchscreen display. 3D movie trailers aren’t the only way to keep yourself entertained with this – you can also use it to play a smattering of interactive games. It will play nice with the iPhone 4, iPod touch (4th generation), iPhone 3G/3GS, and 2nd/3rd Generation iPod touch.

Pre-order Star Wars R2-D2 Limited Edition Xbox 360 With Kinect


2-D2, one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars universe has been captured by the Jawas at Microsoft and turned into an Xbox 360 gaming system. Recently announced at the 41st annual Comic-Con Convention, this awesome bundle includes exclusive sound effects, a C-3P0 wireless controller, Kinect Star Wars game, Kinect Adventures, and a first-ever white Kinect camera sensor unit. Also included is a 320GB hard drive which is currently the largest available for the Xbox 360. Drooling yet? The Force is strong with this one – available for pre-order now and we predict that this will be the hottest Christmas gift to appear under any Star Wars fanboy’s tree in 2011.

The 3D monitor Playstation you will lose the Christmas market 90


ony announced that its 3D Monitor for Playstation 3 alias PS3 not be able to get out in time for Christmas and will be sold for 31 December. Not so much bad news for users, but for society itself, which loses the most successful trading period of the year. The model with 24-inch diagonal will be sold with a pair of 3D glasses active package and a copy of Motor Storm Apocalypse, Supporting the technology that forms a sort of Simul View split screen with division only apparent.

Each player will see a different screen with the glasses showing a different image depending on the view. To benefit from this course you need a second pair of glasses, the cost of about $ 70, while the 3D displays will cost $ 500

Kingston USB Wi-Drive Wirelessly Shares Files With 3 Apple Devices


ver find yourself wishing you had more storage on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad? Kingston feels your pain and has released their new Wi-Drive USb 2.0 portable hard drives with 802.11g/n wi-fi allowing up to three Apple devices to wirelessly connect at the same time. WPA/WEP security means you can lock down access to the files on your Wi-Drive and according to Kingston the internal battery will run for approximately four hours of continuous use. Configurable access point name (APN) means you can set the network name of the drive to whatever you want and a dedicated app is available to download from Apple’s App Store. Theoretically, with an Apple TV, an iPod Touch, and one of these Wi-Drives you should be able to wirelessly stream HD content from the drive to your HD television using AirPlay. We may need to pick up a Kingston Wi-Drive to test this theory! Comes in 16GB and 32GB flavors.


Latest technology of 3D Camera gadget

he evolution of the cameras is well known and very fast after the cheapness of the equipment for the manufacture of new models modern and that can be recorded even in memory card instead of movies that can disintegrate.

The brand launched a DXG camera with a detail that is very much in fashion today, when you will choose an electronic device: the 3D view! Now with the modernization and capacity of many teams to display images in 3D, the DXG advantage of this opportunity to make this camera that allows viewing of two viewers, inside the cylinder has a kind of paper that allows such an effect. What makes this camera is busy and the price is super affordable, costing only $ 69.99 it will make a difference in your pocket and clicks after viewing photos. The DXG 018 is available in several colors: pink, purple, orange, yellow, orange and green. But unfortunately for many, it only has a resolution of 1.3 Mpx which makes it very unfavorable when you want to enlarge certain photos.

Headphone Concept is inspired by Mikey


But the major problem encountered when using a wired headset is related to its transport, has the same hours that wraps around other objects that are inside your bag and to avoid this, some designers just Koreans, to present concept of a headset that seems to have been inspired by Disney’s Mickey Mouse. The device name is MIKI Ear and he looks like a ring that keeps your headset so “behaved” as he is not used. Whether you are the owner of Ear MIKI, you simply pull the ears and use the headphones. Simple, elegant and very functional, but now we need to put it in the process of manufacturing. 91

ven with the coming of technology Bluetooth over the past months, many people have been migrating from conventional headphones for phones that use this technology to connect to your smartphone / audio device, but many still prefer wired ones.

BA to give Apple iPad 2’s to cabin crew B

ritish Airways has begun field testing iPad 2’s as replacements for the old paper manifest while also offering passenger profiles, live seating layouts and special food requests 92

The airline has decided to make the move from paper to ‘pad in a bid to not only provide ‘better customer service’ but also to better equip the cabin crew. The iPad 2’s are all 3G and have specialised software onboard which shows the full passenger manifest, where each passenger is sat and any special dietary requirements they might have. Not only that but the Apple tablets are fully laden with timetables, safety manuals and live customer service updates, meaning that even when the plane is on the runway, they’ll still be getting information sent to them. BA’s head of inflight customer experience Bill Francis believes this is just the start however pointing out that ‘the possibilities for future development are endless’. At present it’s simply a trial with 100 staff testing out the scheme however BA is planning on bringing the tablets to all 1,800 senior cabin crew members in the next few months.

HP Introduces 64GB TouchPad H

P has today introduced a new 64GB version of its TouchPad tablet via its French website. The image below has been added to the front page of the HP France website and introduces the arrival of the 64GB TouchPad, which is now available to purchase from the site for €599.

It also indicates that the new TouchPad with increased storage will also be available in “White lacquered finish”, i.e. a white case with a black glass front. Together with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 1.5 GHz dual-core APQ8060. 94

The new HP 64GB TouchPad has finally arrived but only currently in Europe,

> Books > Travel > Medical Tips > Personal Quiz > Design > Interview > Selcouth > Photos > Entertainment

By uniQue Staff

Reality Hunger: A Manifesto by David Shields


e’ve already discussed Shields’ forthcoming “manifesto” quite a lot at The Millions. It was first noted, in glowing terms, by Charles D’Ambrosio. This prompted me to dig deeper in a longer look at the book. From my sleuthing, and noting blurbs by J.M. Coetzee, Jonathan Lethem, and others, I posited “the intriguing possibility that a book of ideas will capture the popular interest [in 2010].” The book now sits on my desk, and while haven’t yet jumped in with both feet, I can report that it is both structurally (a lettered and numbered organization scheme whose logic is not immediately discernible) and stylistically (deep thoughts, reminiscences, aphorisms, and pop culture nuggets abound) unique. It will be interesting to see if readers decide the book coalesces into a successful whole. This just in – British publisher Hamish Hamilton reports that Zadie Smith will be writing up the book in The Guardian soon.

The Ask by Sam Lipsyte


ipsyte had a breakout hit with Home Land in 2005. His follow-up novel was reviewed recently in The Quarterly Conversation, which says “let’s be frank: this is a hard novel to review. The Ask makes for your heart with its claws so efficiently that it leaves you torn and depleted. How are you to review a book that simply frightens you?” Ultimately, TQC decides The Ask “isn’t quite as good as Home Land. The latter was nearly perfect in idea and execution—an ’80s high-school movie gone sick with nostalgia for its own John Hughesian past. The Ask is more generationally diffuse. While just as snotblowingly funny as its predecessor, The Ask is more devastating in its pitilessness.”

The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer rringer received more than the typical notice for a debut short story collection when her 2003 How to Breathe Underwater was named a New York Times Notable Book, landed on various other lists, and picked up a small prize or two. It’s looking like that promising first effort may translate into a “big” novel for Orringer in 2010. Library Journal reported a 60,000-copy first printing for The Invisible Bridge – the book follows a trio of Hungarian brothers in Budapest and Paris before and during World War II – and it carries with it a blurb from Michael Chabon (“To bring an entire lost world… to vivid life between the covers of a novel is an accomplishment; to invest that world, and everyone who inhabits it, with a soul… takes something more like genius.”) 97


New Hampshire W

hen deciding to visit the beautiful and serene New Hampshire, you will probably be tempted to hit all of the places in New Hampshire! You will find places that inspire while others leave you in awe. So come on and check out what there is to see and do.

When thinking of places to visit in New Hampshire, do you think of the covered bridges there? You should check as many of the bridges that your time allows. The bridges here are not only for curious children, but also active adults, and relaxing seniors. Many find that the covered bridges snuck into their hearts through the lens of a camera or a simple picture on the wall. These bridges are always a treat to see and experience, whether they are covered with nature’s graceful touch or bare for you to check out every nook and cranny. 98

There are quite a few popular and historic bridges to check out and the Bement, located in Bradford, is no exception. This bridge is a quarter of a mile long and was built in 1854. The next bridge you might want to visit is the Blacksmith Bridge in Cornish; it is over 90 feet long and carries a footpath over the town of Cornish. There are other great bridges as well, such as the Blow Me Down Bridge, Cilleyville Bog Bridge, Cornish-Windsor Bridge, Dalton Joppa Road Bridge, Dingleton Bridge, Edgell Bridge, and Keniston Bridge to name only a few of them. There are also otherplaces to visit In new hampshire, such as the many Museums and Galleries. One of the famous and rich in history and culture museums you can go and see is the Amos Blanchard House and Barn Museum in Andover. The Museum is open throughout the year and with hours from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday.

Next is the Canaan Historical Museum in Canaan. This museum has items from the 18th and 19th century focusing on a collection of Shaker Items. There is also the Claremont Historical Society Museum, in Claremont, the Enfield Shaker Museum, Hood Museum of Art, Mount Kearsarge Indian Museum, each museum has its own set of hours and prices so you need to check them out before hand. There are also the Historic Homes and Sites, when thinking of Places to Visit In New Hampshire. You can go to the historic Amos Blanchard House and Barn Museum in Andover, the Canaan Historic District Meeting House and Historical Museum, Claremont Historical Society Museum are a few of them that are not only historic homes but as you museums as well. You can also check out the Fells Historic Site, where the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge on Lake Sunapee is located. These amazing gardens offer a 100-foot perennial border and have a breath taking view of Lake Sunapee from the Rose Terrace. You can also look to the Fort at No. 4 in Charlestown; this living museum focuses on the French and Indian war. You might also check out the Newport Opera House in Newport for some lovely music and performing arts. Then there is the Old Webster Meeting House. Here you can get a true feel for the history of New Hampshire. With other Lakes, Bridges, Museums, Houses, Parks, White crested mountains, and refreshing seacoast views, what are you waiting for there are plenty places to visit in New Hampshire. 99

5 medication free strategies to help prevent heart disease You can prevent heart disease by following a heart-healthy lifestyle. Here are five strategies to help you protect your heart. You can avoid heart problems in the future by adopting a healthy lifestyle today. Here are five heart disease prevention tips to get you started. 1. Don’t smoke Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease. Chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Atherosclerosis can ultimately lead to a heart attack. When it comes to heart disease prevention, no amount of smoking is safe. Smokeless tobacco and low-tar and low-nicotine cigarettes also are risky, as is exposure to secondhand smoke. In addition, the nicotine in cigarette smoke makes your heart work harder by narrowing your blood vessels and increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces some of the oxygen in your blood. This increases your blood pressure by forcing your heart to work harder to supply enough oxygen. Even socalled “social smoking” — smoking only while at a bar or restaurant with friends — is dangerous and increases the risk of heart disease. Women who smoke and take birth control pills are at greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke than are those who don’t do either. This risk increases with age, especially in women older than 35. The good news, though, is that when you quit smoking, your risk of heart disease drops dramatically within just one year. And no matter how long or how much you smoked, you’ll start reaping rewards as soon as you quit.

2. Exercise for 30 minutes on most days of the week Getting some regular, daily exercise can reduce your risk of fatal heart disease. And when you combine physical activity with other lifestyle measures, such as maintaining a healthy weight, the payoff is even greater.Try getting at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week. However, even shorter amounts of exercise offer heart benefits, so if you can’t meet those guidelines, don’t give up. You can even break up your workout time into 10-minute sessions. 3. Eat a heart-healthy diet Eating a special diet called the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan can help protect your heart. Following the DASH diet means eating foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt. The diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, which can help protect your heart. Beans, other low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish also can reduce your risk of heart disease. Limiting certain fats you eat also is important. Of the types of fat saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fat - saturated fat and trans fat increase the risk of coronary artery disease by raising blood cholesterol levels. 4. Maintain a healthy weight As you put on weight in adulthood, your weight gain is mostly fat rather than muscle. This excess weight can lead to conditions that increase your chances of heart disease — high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes * Men are considered overweight if their waist measurement is greater than 40 inches (101.6 centimeters, or cm) Women are overweight if their waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (88.9 cm) Even a small weight loss can be beneficial. Reducing your weight by just 10 percent can decrease your blood pressure, lower your blood cholesterol level and reduce your risk of diabetes.

5. Get regular health screenings High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage your heart and blood vessels. But without testing for them, you probably won’t know whether you have these conditions. Regular screening can tell you what your numbers are and whether you need to take action. 100

Blood pressure. Regular blood pressure screenings start in childhood. Adults should have their blood pressure checked at least every two years. You may need more-frequent checks if your numbers aren’t ideal or if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Optimal blood pressure is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury. Cholesterol levels. Adults should have their cholesterol measured at least once every five years starting at age 20. You may need more frequent testing if your numbers aren’t optimal or if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Some children may need their blood cholesterol tested if they have a strong family history of heart disease. Diabetes screening. Since diabetes is a risk factor for developing heart disease, you may want to consider being screened for diabetes. Talk to your doctor about when you should have a fasting blood sugar test to check for diabetes. Depending on your risk factors, such as being overweight or a family history of diabetes, your doctor may recommend first testing you for diabetes sometime between ages 30 and 45, and then retesting every three to five years.

.. ‫تخلص من آثار احلروق‬ ‫عندما حترق إصب‬ ‫ نظف ا‬،‫عك عرضي ًا على فرن الغاز‬ ‫جللد‬ ‫واض‬ ‫غط‬ ‫ب‬ ‫شكل‬ ‫خف‬ ‫يف‬ � ‫ الثل ��ج س‬.‫األخ� �رى‬ ‫على مكان احلرق بأصابع يدك‬ ‫ لكن ال‬.‫�يخفف أملك بس� �رعة أكبر‬ ‫طري‬ ‫ق‬ � ‫�ة‬ ‫ال‬ ‫طبي‬ ‫عية‬ ‫س‬ � ‫�ت‬ ‫عيد‬ ‫ا‬ ‫جللد احملروق إل ��ى درجة احلرارة‬ ‫ال‬ .‫ فيصبح اجللد أقل تشوه ًا‬،‫طبيعية‬

Nose The first thing to do when a bloody nose strikes, is to pinch your nose and put your head between your knees. Placing your head back, only allows the blood to run down to your stomach. Try an ice pack. The cold encourages the blood vessels to narrow and reduces bleeding. Blow the clot out. Before you try to stop a nose bleed, give your nose one good vigorous blow. Blowing your nose causes the clot to come out, which in turn causes the blood vessels to snap back and close off. You may also use wet cotton or gauze to plug up the nostril for about 5 to 10 minutes, then when you remove it, the bleeding will hopefully have stopped. Also, don’t pick at it, for it takes 7 to 10 days to heal. You may also apply an antibiotic / steroid ointment to help speed the healing process, and help eliminate infection.

... ‫عالج الم األسنان دون فتح فمك‬

‫ على املنطقة الغشائية على هيئة‬،‫يدك‬ ‫ملاذا ال جترب فرك قطعة ثلج على باطن‬ ‫ناك توجد ممرات األعص ��اب التي حتفز‬ ‫ مل ��اذا الن ه‬.‫ ب�ي�ن إبهام ��ك وس ��بابتك‬V ‫إشارات األلم الصادرة من الوجه واأليدي‬ ‫الدماغ ومتنع‬

Bad Breath: Rinse your mouth out. When you can’t brush, you can rinse. Go to a restroom after meals and get a mouth fool of water. Swish it around, and wash the smell of food out of your mouth. Spit the water out, of course. Also, eat three meals a day. Bad breath can be caused by not eating too. One of the side effects of fasting or a poor diet is bad breath. You also should brush your tong. Your tong is covered with little hair-like projections, which, under a microscope, looks like a little forest of mushrooms. Under the caps of the mushrooms, there is room to harbor plaque and some of the things we eat. That causes bad breath. While brushing, gently sweep the top of your tongue, too. Don’t leave food and bacteria behind to breed bad breath. Spice is also nice. Certain herbs and spices you keep in your kitchen are natural breath enhances. Carry a tiny plastic bag of cloves, fennel, or anise seeds and chew it thoroughly. Don’t forget, watch what you eat and drink, for the contents of your stomach can cause bad breath too.

.... ‫حتى ال تصاب بالدوخة‬ .‫الدماغ مؤش ��ر بأنك متوازن‬ ‫ليد حتتوي على أعصاب تعطي‬ ‫ضع يدك على ش� �يء ثابت الن ا‬ ‫ يعوم اجلزء املسئول‬.‫في األذن‬ ‫ اجلزء املسئول عن التوازن‬،‫عة‬ ‫عد اإلشارة التي ترسلها القوق‬ ‫كحول ال ��دم فيصبح أقل كثافة‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ بينما يخفف ال‬.‫كثافة الدم‬ ‫التوازن في س� �ائل من نف ��س‬ ‫ع ��ن‬ .‫القوقعة مما يسبب الدوخة‬ ‫وترتفع‬

‫ أما الطريق ��ة الصائبة فهي وضع قط ��ن على لثتك‬.‫ بالطب ��ع أذا كنت تريد االختن ��اق بدمك‬،‫أغل ��ق انف ��ك وارج ��ع رأس للخل ��ف‬ ،‫ جدار الغضروف الذي يقسم األنف‬،‫ ملاذا؟ يأتي أكثر النزف من جبهة احلاجز‬.‫العليا التي تقع أسفل األنف واضغط عليه بقوة‬ .‫والضغط عليها يوقف النزيف‬ 101

.... ‫أوقف نزيف الدم من األنف‬

What Kind of Patient are You? To find out, take our quick, informal patient quiz (or if you prefer, a doctor quiz) composed with help from several health-care experts who specialize in doctor-patient relationships.

1. When your doctor makes a recommendation for treatment, you say: A. “Whatever you say.” B. “OK. Is there anything I should know about this particular treatment?” C. “What made you decide that’s the best treatment for me?” D. “What are my other options?”

2. You get most of your health information: A. From my doctor. She tells me what I need to know. B. From many sources – television, magazines and online. But I rely on my doctor to help me understand it. C. From sources I trust, which are very few. D. Online. It’s the best place to find the latest information, even if it means I sometimes have to sort through questionable material to find the good stuff.

3. You’re most comfortable with a new treatment plan: A. When my doctor tells me it’s my best option. B. When my doctor explains why it’s my best option and writes down the plan for me to take home. C. When it’s one I’ve devised myself. D. When I’ve talked with my doctor, done my own research and consulted a specialist.

4. You ask your doctor questions about his treatment plan: A. Rarely. I trust him to know what’s best for my condition. B. Occasionally. I trust my doctor but sometimes want to understand his advice. C. Often. And I don’t always follow his advice if I think he’s wrong. 102

D. All the time. How else am I going to be sure I’m getting the best care?

5. You’d get a second opinion: A. If my doctor recommended it. B. After discussing it with my doctor. C. Only if I couldn’t avoid it. D. Any time I felt my doctor wasn’t aware of new developments, receptive to my questions or fully aware of the impact of arthritis on my life.

Mostly Cs: You’re a Skeptic.

Mostly As: You’re a Traditionalist.

You prefer having control of your own health and only visit the doctor when you absolutely have to. You do a lot of your own health research, but you don’t usually bring it up to your doctor and you don’t always believe what you read. Your ideal doctor is Dr. Low-pressure. He’s available by phone and e-mail and receptive to your questions and concerns. He asks specific questions, offers a simple, easy-to-understand treatment plan that follows national guidelines and doesn’t push you to try anything you feel wary about.

Your health is important to you, which is why you want a doctor whose advice and prescriptions you can trust. To you, a good doctor is someone who will make decisions about your care for you, and you don’t secondguess his decisions with a lot of questions. Your ideal doctor is Dr. Paternal. This old-style doctor gives good, easy-to-follow advice and stays abreast of all the latest medical information about your condition so you don’t have to. Mostly Bs: You’re an Informed Complier. You consider your doctor an expert and place a high value on his opinion, but you also actively keep up with the latest research and occasionally ask your doctor questions about something you’ve seen or read. You like clear, easy-to-understand information that you can review on your own. Your ideal doctor is Dr. Guide. She takes control but encourages you to ask questions and do your own research before blindly following her recommendations. She’s open-minded about different treatments and usually keeps her waiting room stocked with pamphlets and brochures to help you learn more about your condition.

Mostly Ds: You’re a Manager. You trust your doctor, but you consider yourself the first best line of defense when it comes to your own health. You actively seek out new information about your condition and often bring in articles and study abstracts to show your doctor. You come to every visit prepared with a list of questions. Your ideal doctor is Dr. Partner. Respecting your knowledge about your own health, she lets you take the lead during visits, outlining treatment options without making you feel rushed while you’re thinking them through. She stays up-to-date on the latest treatments and is open-minded about new and alternative therapies. 103

Patient-doctor quiz evaluation: If you answered...


Ways to Beautify your Home with White 104


hite interiors and dĂŠcor have long been associated with formality and immaculate surroundings. In home design, the front formal room that special guests sat in seemed to be the one room that no one was aloud in! Today, white has taken on a new look, from casual interiors to soft fabrics, tones of white are gorgeous and are for everyday living. By adding pops of color to white, or adding dark, rich colors, white seems to have taken on a new persona in modern home dĂŠcor. Here are 10 ways to beautify your home with white, the most versatile color in the spectrum!

1.) Vary tones of white: White can be paired up with beiges, tans, offwhite and ecru to give tone on tone color that makes white less stuffy and friendlier. Vary whites with patterns, and textures to enliven a space and add visual interest.

2.) Plumbing fixtures compliment white: Fixtures in chrome, antique bronze or brushed nickel show off the inherent nature of white sinks, bathtubs and showers. Farm house sinks with their exposed apron are beautiful in white. Add shiny chrome fixtures to your white kitchen and it will always appear clean and crisp.

3.) White in the kitchen: Long gone are the days when kitchen cabinets were only left naturally stained in varying shades of brown. White cabinetry alongside white marble or granite countertops is clean and classic. Bring in deep chestnut browns in a butcher block island counter and the two colors compliment each other flawlessly.

4.) Make a room feel larger with white: If you’re trying to figure out how to add space and depth to a room, use white. White reflects light and thereby adds a roomy feeling to the smallest of rooms. Use varying shades of whites on walls to create a relaxing mood without it feeling sterile.

5) Bathrooms feel clean and bright with white: Have you ever noticed most hotel bathrooms are white? White bathrooms feel luxurious and clean. Bathrooms are the one room that perception is reality, and you will relax and unwind in a white bathroom. From bath linen to white fluffy robes, indulge!

6.) Add dark colors for a dramatic feel to your space: If you prefer a sophisticated and refined feel to your space, add steel gray, espresso browns, and varying shades of blacks. The high contrast between white and these dark colors command attention and respect. Use these combinations in formal entertaining spaces and wow your guests!

7.) Use durable fabric around children: Don’t think that you can’t enjoy white interiors with children around. The color white works well in nurseries and play rooms when paired with bright primary colors or soothing pastels. Use washable slipcovers on furniture and use durable khaki and denim fabrics on throw pillows. These materials wash well, and will keep looking good for many washes.

8.) White trim brightens any room: White crown molding, base trim, chair rails and wainscoting compliments every color of the rainbow for paint colors. White trim finishes off the ceiling and floor with a refined and professional appeal.

10.) White is timeless: Regardless of the trends, white will be a classic next year, and 100 more into the future. From paint colors to décor, white is classic and timeless and will make any room look brighter and crisp with its fresh use.

White can bring your home a much needed amount of freshness and light. Each room can use white by itself, paired with punches of color, or contrasted with darker colors for added sophistication. Your style and lifestyle will help determine how white will transform your home! 105

9.) Add color accessories: Use bright colors in throws, pillows and area rugs to brighten up a white living area space. A white seating area with pops of bright color is modern and fun. The brighter the colors the more playful the atmosphere will feel. 106


‫مرمي اجلوعان‬

‫طع� � ��ت م� � ��رمي اجلوعان مس� � ��يرتها األكادميية ف� � ��ي الواليات املتح� � ��دة األمريكية‪،‬‬ ‫روس� � ��يا‪ ،‬وأوروبا‪ .‬حصلت على ش� � ��هادة البكالوريوس في عل� � ��وم األرض والفضاء‬ ‫م� � ��ع التخصص في علوم البحار م� � ��ن جامعة جاكوب برمين في أملانيا‪ .‬وحالياً تواصل‬ ‫دراس� � ��تها العليا في جامعة جينت في بلجيكا‪ .‬وفي فبراير ‪ 2011‬ش� � ��اركت مرمي في‬ ‫بعث� � ��ة علمية إلى القارة القطبية اجلنوبية مع عدد من العلماء‪ ،‬االس� � ��اتذة اجلامعيني‪،‬‬ ‫والطلبة م� � ��ن دول مختلفة وأجريت بحوث ميدانية مع جامعة ماكجيل الكندية بهدف‬ ‫دراس� � ��ة النظام البيئي للقطب اجلنوبي وعالقته مع تغي� � ��ر املناخ العاملي‪ .‬وبذلك تعد‬ ‫اجلوعان أول كويتية تشارك في بعثة علمية إلى القارة القطبية اجلنوبية‪.‬‬ ‫تعتبر مرمي اجلوعان أول ش� � ��خص في الش� � ��رق االوس� � ��ط يج� � ��ري حديثا مع احملطة‬ ‫الفضائية الدولية‪ ،‬فهي املنسق االقليمي ملنطقة الشرق االوسط للمجلس االستشاري‬ ‫جلي� � ��ل الفضاء لدع� � ��م برنامج األمم املتحدة ف� � ��ي ‪2006‬ـ‪ .2008‬قدمت عرضا أمام‬ ‫جلن� � ��ة االمم املتحدة املعنية باالس� � ��تخدامات الس� � ��لمية للفضاء اخلارج� � ��ي في فينا‪.‬‬ ‫تولت منصب املنس� � ��ق الوطني ألس� � ��بوع الفضاء العاملي‪ ،‬وأمس� � ��ية يوري‪ .‬مستش� � ��ارة‬ ‫للمنظم� � ��ة الطالبية الستكش� � ��اف وتطوير الفضاء ‪ SEDS‬ف� � ��رع الكويت‪ .‬كتبت عدة‬ ‫أوراق عمل بشأن التربية والتوعية بعلوم الفضاء ‪ ،‬وشاركت في العديد من مؤمترات‬ ‫الفض� � ��اء العاملية‪ .‬وهي عضو ومتطوعة في النادي العلم� � ��ي الكويتي لدى إدارة علوم‬ ‫الفلك والفضاء‪ .‬متتلك رخصة ملزاولة هواية الالس� � ��لكي وتستمتع بإجراء االتصاالت‬ ‫الراديوي� � ��ة من خالل األقمار الصناعية‪ ،‬وقد نس� � ��قت اتصالني مع احملطة الفضائية‬ ‫الدولية للطلبة في الكويت‪ ،‬مما يعد األول من نوعه في منطقة الشرق االوسط‪.‬‬ ‫وكان� � ��ت اجلوعان متدربة ل� � ��دى املعهد البلجيك� � ��ي لألجواء الفضائية في بروكس� � ��ل‪،‬‬ ‫بلجيكا‪ .‬وقد شاركت من قبل في بعثة علمية على منت سفينة البحث العلمي "هاينكه"‬ ‫التاب� � ��ع ملعهد ألفريد فيغنر للعلوم القطبية والبحرية لدراس� � ��ة تأثير العصر اجلليدي‬ ‫عل� � ��ى طبقات س� � ��طح األرض لبحر الش� � ��مال‪ .‬ولديها العديد من اخلب� � ��رات امليدانية‬ ‫املختلفة مثل فوهة النيزكية ريس في أملانيا‪ ،‬جبال غاستلوس� � ��ن في سويس� � ��را‪ ،‬جبال‬ ‫هارت� � ��ز في أملانيا‪ ،‬جزيرة هيلقوالند‪ ،‬بحر الش� � ��مال‪ ،‬و الوادي اخلاللي كوس� � ��تر في‬ ‫السويد‪ .‬وتتحدث اجلوعان اللغة العربية واالجنليزية‪ ،‬واألملانية‪ ،‬والروسية‪.‬‬

‫‪ 107‬‬

Italian Night in Kuwait Jassem Almarzoug


he universal message of ART – no matter how look it takes , which form it is made , which school it belongs to , which nationality or origin or religion or background that the artist has and shares – is to show us the different aspects of life .. to let us comprehend and see some deep meanings behind the artistic work .. which could be as easy and simple as the painting of an infant who has just started to make some random colors, shapes and lines in his small drowning book .. but, at the same time this piece of work could (or mostly) have an idea or a certain philosophy or a personal point of view which is usually complicated or not understandable for the viewer especially if it does not have a title or some few words that describe its mystery. And also as a part of its universal message .. the ART illustrates some new images of hidden beauty in our world . I’m not an expert of ART .. or an artist .. but, I love reading in this charming, interesting field .. and visiting the museums in each time I have the chance . 108

In one cold day of December 2010 (comparing with the frozen weather in Europe those days .. we were having a summer day in Kuwait!) , I was invited by a dear friend of mine (she is a respectful writer who has a passion in ARTS) to attend the special screening of an American movie called (MODIGLIANI) at the Kuwait Cinema Club in ALJEBLA (an old area in KUWAIT) . It was my first time to attend such an event in which I surprisingly found people (Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis) talking about some artistic definitions and subjects in a way that I felt I was temporary transferred by the magical carpet of ALADDIN in some place inside the narrow streets of Paris in France or Brussels in Belgium . The occasion of this special screening was an exterior activity for the 2nd grade students of the Higher Institute For The Dramatic Art in KUWAIT . Before the movie started at 7:15 P.M , there was a brief introduction by the Kuwaiti professor of the subject .

The movie basically talked about the short, complicated and sad life of the Italian artist MODIGLIANI (whose personality was perfectly performed by the American actor Andy Garcia) . This magnificent artist lived in the same era of PICASSO and KANDINSKY whom he knew personally when he moved in Paris .. but, he didn’t gain the super fame that the two had back at the time despite his perfected paintings (he specialized in the portraits) which show some inner feelings such as ; sadness, depression, emptiness …etc . There were some interesting facts about his technique which truly made him an exceptional artist despite his short life as he died from a disease that was caused by his poverty , the stress of his work and his addiction to the alcohol when he was just 35 years old .. : The faces that he draw always (or mostly) had an unseen masks on them . It’s sort of hard to notice and distinguish between the real face and the mask . The faces that he draw always (or mostly) didn’t have eyes . The lecturer (the Kuwaiti professor) said in his introduction that if the ART’S SWEET HEART whose name is the MONALISA is an artistic miracle because of her eyes that follow you wherever you go in front of her .. MODIGLIANI’S faces which don’t have eyes can magically follow the different movements you make in front of them .. and this is simply (as the professor said) something genius . The necks of the people he draw were mostly long in an obvious way . It was like he separated the head from the body . This technique might relate to his ability of reading people’s faces . Honestly , I hadn’t heard about this Italian artist until the day I attended this wonderful lecture and watched this amazing movie with my dear friend (Merci beaucoup to her) . This cultural experience which lasted two and half an hour .. taught me a quite,well lesson in the art of beauty and the life of art .

WHY THEN WHO …. and who will tell us how ? Selcouth S.


tried not to get into my political silo while writing this article. but each time i click on a letter on the keyboard it just clicks a cell in my brain and wakes up political idea. its not that much.. its just an idea i would love to speared out. who doesn’t know what a game theory is ? … its everywhere, applied in all life’s methods and fields. it treats every issue as a game … which needs planning, practicing and a catch in order to win the issue. who is a better player to apply the game theory on its practices than policy. games in its original forms were a win lose game. but this win lose game started to take a better a shape as days went by. the now call the win lose game a “compromise” or “negotiation”. in compromises and negotiations two or more parties confront each other on one issue.. in an opposition situation. this confrontation between the parties will bring out the powers that each party have in order to enforce it to re-direct the issue to their best intrest the powers vary, some .. have financial powers other have media in their pockets other comply use their religious soft side.. the powers will clash .. the power-est will win and re-direct the issue to his best intrest. so at the end of the day.. compromising is a beautified version of “You lost, i just saved you the embarrassments” … because of the spread of social networks world wide, people feel more comfortable to play a role in this political game .. the players a quite a lot… but few are those who win. the reason why i said only few is because of the majority who imitate people’s ideas and opinions which will lead to a wide spread for this or that idea wither it was right or wrong .. but those who win, never re-say what other think but rather think of a way to play and actually win. i observed the kuwaiti twitterers for four days, commenting on a single specific political issue. all i noticed is people lamenting their luck and their lives and feeling really angry towards that person who caused this issue .. how could he do that .. in all the sentences [that i’ve read] people were so eager to know the doer and how he did it .. which fascinated me because they are supposed to be players in a big game, they should at least know that the most important question they should ask in any given situation is WHY not who and not how .. in a generation that enriches their minds from tv shows and words of the mouth, it is hard to find one sane person who actually think by his own .. the impact is so high that it forces you to think in a single way … if you want to play, learn the rules and take your time to think about a method to play with .. If we knew WHY did that thing happen, we’ll know WHO is responsible and automatically will know HOW … 109

WHY-WHO-HOW is the way ..

How To Make Cruise Vacation Planning A Cinch A

cruise vacation is a vacation like no other. The journey to the destination is vacationing in itself. Aboard a cruise ship, you’ll find yourself in the middle of all things exquisite and luxurious. You’re bound to have a grand time. But of course, you still need to do the right planning. Here are some factors that you need to consider when planning for when going on a cruise vacation.

People going with you on the cruise 110

Who are going to the cruise with you? Are you going on a trip alone? Are you going with your partner or spouse? Are the kids coming along? Or will you be getting away with your old friends? It’s important to decide right away who are going on the cruise with you so that you can select the appropriate itinerary. For example, if you’re going alone, you would want to buy a cruise vacation that’s designed for singles who are ready to mingle. If you’re with your better half, a honeymoon cruise vacation is apt. For families, there are family friendly cruise vacations that offer kid-friendly amenities and activities.

Budget you’re prepared to spend This type of vacation is not cheap at all. You must expect to pay the minimum of $100 per day per person, exclusive of airfare going to the port of call. Take note of the word, minimum as the costs can definitely add up when you’re there already. Of course, there are some things that you can do to minimize the expenses. For example, you can opt to have more than two persons in a cabin, you can book early by at least nine months in advance, you can also risk with the last minute booking and book less than two months from the trip, and buy the cruise vacation online.

Time you’re allotting for the trip The length of your vacation would come into play when it comes to deciding where you’re going. If you only have five to seven days, then your choices would be restricted to Bahamas, Mexico and Caribbean. You can also have a cruise to nowhere type of vacation that doesn’t really go anywhere but just floats in the middle of the ocean during the weekend and then return. If you have more than a week, depending on your origin, you can go visit Alaska, South Pacific, Europe, and Hawaii. For a month long vacation, you can include all the continents in your trip.

Things you’ll need for the trip 111

First, you need to organize the travel documents. These would include the passport, visa, cruise tickets, and cruise travel insurance. Cruise insurance is widely available online. But you must be careful when making a choice. You must see to it that you only rely on a reputable insurer so that you’ll not only get adequate coverage but also efficient service. Have your passport and visa ready in advance so as not to encounter any problems with the immigration. It’s a must that you allot at least three months for the processing of this paper before you leave for vacation.


Logic puzzle L 112

ogic puzzles require the solver to deduce the relationships between different people, places and things based on a limited number of clues given in the puzzle. Remember: every item on the board belongs to one and only one person, no item will ever be shared. Using only the clues provided and simple deductive logic and reasoning, fill in the grid with X’s and O’s to determine the solution.

1.Either the person raised in Columbus or the person raised in Santa Fe is Jane. 2. The person raised in Fort Smith is not Taryn and didn’t dress up as a mad scientist. 3. The person raised in Santa Fe is not Taryn. 4. The vacationer who left on March 26 didn’t dress up as a mummy. 5. The person raised in Provo didn’t dress up as a witch. 6. The trick-or-treater who dressed up as a witch is not Jane. 7. Of Desiree and the trick-or-treater who dressed up as a mummy, one left for vacation on March 31 and the other grew up in Columbus. 8. The person raised in Fort Smith went on vacation after Desiree. 9. The vacationer who left on May 12 grew up in Fort Smith. 10. The trick-or-treater who dressed up as a mummy went on vacation before Taryn. 11. The vacationer who left on March 31 dressed up as a vampire

Previous Answers Dark lager

$ 320


Josef Street

$ 1120


Clearview Nane


$ 1240


Hattie Street

Pale Ale

$ 1580


Rosewood Street


Reverse word search A bit more challenging than a regular word search puzzle. Build the grid up until every single empty square is filled, and all words are placed. The first letter of every word is given and circled to get you started. Note that more than one word might start on the same exact letter! Reverse Word Search Puzzle #W107UQ









































Astonishingly Aunts











Heady Hiked Hills


Issuing Khakis Resin

Stand Taper





Situated Slept


Copyright Š Puzzle Baron August 18, 2011 - Go to for Hints and Solutions!

Previous Answers 113




‫ناظـــر البـــــدر بــحـرا‬ ‫ــــع فضــــــــــاه‬ ‫في لي ٍ‬ ‫ـــــــل واس ٍ‬ ‫كمل ٍــك اعتلـــــى عرشــا‬ ‫ال يكــــــــاد يعتلــــيـــهِ ســــــــــواه‬ ‫سألتــــه أن أروي لـــه‬ ‫ــــــب قد أنهـــكـــ ُه أســاه‬ ‫حكــــايــــة قل ٍ‬ ‫حب كان نبعــــه‬ ‫عـــن ٍ‬ ‫فأمسى اليــــــوم يـــزيـــد ضــمــــــاه‬

‫حبي األول‬ ‫منى سلطان‬

‫كان ذنبه أنه أوفى له‪...‬‬ ‫ــــر نبــــعــــــه جـــــازاه‬ ‫بالغدرِ و الهــج ٍ‬ ‫ال أقوى أدعو عليـه باألذى‬ ‫فقلبـي ما زال يحمـــل هـــــواه‬ ‫هل أعاتبه يا بدر؟ أم أنــــه‬ ‫نـــــــــاد ٌم على كل مــــا جنـــــــاه؟‬ ‫إن َمر ليلك يا بدر صاحبـي‬

‫داوي جراحه و نور مسيره و ممشاه‬ ‫كنت‬ ‫ال تقسو عليه يا بدر فقــد ُ‬ ‫للهم سـدا كـــــــي ال يــــــراه‬

‫ني‬ ‫و كم حلت كسور الصيـــن ب َ‬ ‫دمـوع احلــزن و عــيــنـــــاه‬ ‫قد كان يا بدر صاحبـــــــي‬ ‫يســعد بقدومــــي وكنت أسعـد بلقياه‬ ‫قد كنت أفضي له الهـم‬ ‫و كل مـا آذى الفــــــؤاد و أضنـــــــاه‬ ‫ماله بال عذر انقلب حاله؟‬

‫قد ولـــت ليـــــال طويل ٍـــة و أنـا‬ ‫علـــى عـــهـــده و ّذكـــــــراه‬ ‫واعلم أن قلبي قد غفر له‬ ‫كــل مــا فـــعـلت أو قد تفعل يداه‬

‫‪ 114‬‬

‫و لــــــم أعـــد بحـــره وال مــرســـاه!‬

Ebtisama Clinic

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