Issue 11

Page 1

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‫‪Issue 11‬‬

‫ﺇﻟﻰ ﺟﻨﺔ ﺍﻟﺨﻠﺪ ﻳﺎ ﺑﻮ ﻓﻬﺪ‬

‫‪June 08‬‬

Read the Magazine online at : w w w . u n i Q u e . c o m . k w



8 10






VIP Coverages

41 Articles

60 Guys World 72 Girls World

Stars World 82 Interviews 84 Way No Way 94


To uniQue


‫ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﻳﻨﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﻡ‬ ‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ ﺣﺼﺔ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺮ ﹼﻳﻊ‬.‫ﺃ‬ ‫ﻧﺎﺋﺐ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﻓﺮﺣﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﹼ‬

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‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﻮﻳﻖ‬ ‫ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺧﻠﻒ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺇﺧﺮﺍﺝ‬ ‫ﻋﺒﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺪﻱ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻐﻼﻑ‬ Picture Talk Company ‫ﻣﺴﺆﻭﻝ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ‬ ‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺇﻳﻤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻨﺪﺭﻱ‬

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‫ﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﺜﻤﺎﻥ‬

‫ﺑﺸﺎﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﺩﻳﻨﺎ ﺣﺴﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﺯﻳﻨﺐ ﺩﺷﺘﻲ‬

‫ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﺩ‬

‫ﺳﻌﺪ ﺍﻟﻴﺎﺗﻲ‬

‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﻫﺎﺱ‬

‫ﻃﻔﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﻴﻮﺳﻒ‬ ‫ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺃﺷﻜﻨﺎﻧﻲ‬ WK−L�« Í√— sŽ …—ËdC�UÐ d³Ò Fð ô WK−L�« w� ¡«—ü«Ë ôUIL�« Ê≈ Tel.: (965) 2429 662/ 4 - 2422 959 - Fax: (965) 2422 949

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‫ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺣﻴﺪﺭ‬

‫ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺰﻱ‬

‫ﻓﻮﺍﺯ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

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‫ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ‬ Picture Talk

uniQue VIP

by uniQue Staff

‫ﺭﺣﻴﻞ ﺭﻣﺰ ﻭﻃﻨﻲ ﻭﻫﻤﺔ ﻛﻮﻳﺘﻴﺔ ﺷﺎﻣﺨﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻷﻣﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﻮﺍﻟﺪ ﺍﻟﺸﻴﺦ‬

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w−×�« nÝu¹ bO��« WOL�UF�« W¹dO��« W¾ON�« fOz—

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Dr. AbdulRahman Al-Muhailan & Dr. Osama Al-Hares Hanan Yassein – Sara Al-Shammeri – Sarah Al-Dahas

GUST Spring Job Fair 2008


he Centre of Career Services & Alumni (CCSA) organized GUST Spring Job Fair 2008 which was held on the 7-8th of May under the patronage of Dr. AbdulRahman Al-Muhailan (GUST President). The fair was held in cooperation with GUST student Union.


Dr. Osama Al-Hares, Director of CCSA pointed that oncampus recruiting and interviews took place during the fair. Part-and full-time vacancies and internships were available to GUST students, expected graduates and Alumni. There were also be a specialized section addressed to Multimedia students and expected graduates as this is fairly a new major, not only at GUST but in Kuwait. The CCSA’s mission is to provide GUST students & Alumni with personalized career development process by focusing on self-awareness & broadening career options through lifelong career management skills.

uniQue Magazine

CCSA (Organizing Committee)


Gulf Bank

Gulf Insurance

Financial Manager of GUST University MGRP


Ghanem Al-Gharaballi

AlRai TV


Sarah Al-Dahas - Dr. Osama Al-Hares


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‫ﺳﻤﻮ ﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻟﻌﻬﺪ ﻳﻜ ﹼﺮﻡ‬ ‫ﺧﺮﻳﺠﻲ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬

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bNF�« w�Ë uLÝ l� WOŽULł WDI�

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‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻔﻬﺪ ﻛ ﹼﺮﻡ ﻣﺘﻤﻴﺰﻱ‬

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uniQue CoVeRaGe

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uniQue CoVeRaGe


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uniQue CoVeRaGe


ABS Charity Carnival


n March 29, 2008 the American bilingual school had a charity carnival that included many fun activities, booths and sponsors.

Other than ABS students, families and friends from other school came which added entertainment to the atmosphere.

uniQue CoVeRaGe


“‫ﺇﻃﻼﻕ ﺣﻤﻠﺔ ”ﺍﻷﺳﺒﻮﻉ ﺍﻷﺧﻀﺮ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻹﺩﺍﺭﻳﺔ‬ UO�UF� X¹uJ�« WF�U−Ð W?? ¹—«œù« ÂuKF�« WOK� X�U�√ ¨“dCš_« Ÿu³Ý_«” Ê«uMŽ XKLŠ w²�« WO¾O³�« WKL×�« b??ý«— Æœ ÂU??� b??�Ë ¨u??¹U??� s??� ‰Ë_« v??�≈ b??²?�« w??²?�«Ë U�dý …—«œ≈ fK−� fOz— bO��«Ë WOKJ�« bOLŽ wL−F�« hIÐ ©WKL×�« ÁcN� ÍdB×�« wŽ«d�«® X¹uJ�« w� qý b�Ë ¨WKL×�« UO�UF� W¹«bÐ sŽ U½öŽ≈ ÕU²²�ô« j¹dý w� qý W�—UALÐ tðœUFÝ sŽ lOD� bLŠ√ bO��« »dŽ√ w� «d³��« qI½ v�≈ ·bN¹ Íc�« wÐöD�« ◊UAM�« «c¼ u¼Ë ¨X¹uJ�« WF�UłË W�dA�« sOÐ „d²AL�« ÊËUF²�« —UÞ≈ ÆX¹uJ�« W�ËœË qý sOÐ WO�¹—U²�« U�öF�« l� oH²¹ U�


uniQue CoVeRaGe



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uniQue CoVeRaGe


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uniQue CoVeRaGe

Arab Media Forum

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uniQue CoVeRaGe


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uniQue CoVeRaGe


PALME takes centre stage today Mid East’s premier entertainment and event management show opens with a cast of thousands thrust into the limelight


purred by the continued boom in tourism, regional real estate investment and the exponential growth in the events industry, PALME 2008 the Middle East’s biggest gathering of entertainment industry professionals is set to break all previous records.

The sixth PALME Middle East show opens today (Sunday 27 April 2008) at the Dubai International Exhibition Centre. “This year’s show has set a new record in terms of the number of exhibitors and the amount of exhibition space sold. Five exhibition halls covering 20,000 square metres have been sold out for some time and with trade visitor numbers expected to top 8,500, PALME is now firmly established as the world’s largest event of its kind,” said Neil Hickman, Group Exhibitions Director of event organisers IIR Exhibitions Entertainment and Installations Technology Group.




he 8th BNP Paribas Middle-East Territory Meeting, was opened at Ritz Carlton Hotel & Spa in Bahrain on 23rd April and chaired by Georges Chodron De Courcel, Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Executive Committee Board of BNP Paribas Group and sponsor of the region.

The high profile event was attended by prominent guest speakers as well as key management from BNP Paribas’ regional and global offices. Among the key speakers, were Talal Al Zain – Chief Executive Officer of Mumtalakat and Ray Everett – Head of Middle East and South Africa of Mc Lagan Partners. The GCC is one of BNP Paribas’ key markets, due to its financial power, fast accelerating openness and its increased sophistication. As a result, the group has set high-level objectives for all three core-business lines: Corporate and Investment Banking; International Retail Services, and Asset Management and Services. To date, these objectives are being met and exceeded with excellent results in the first quarter of 2008,


uniQue CoVeRaGe


Global Industrial & Institutional Cleaning Products Market to Reach AED 84.41 Billion by 2010

“Middle East region shows strong potential for growth” - Fountain he global industrial & institutional cleaning products market is forecast to wax at a slow rate to reach AED 84.41 billion by the end of 2010. The Asia Pacific and the Middle East however represent the fastest growing markets, exhibiting a combined annual growth rate of almost 4% according to UK’s CMPi, organizers of Working Buildings Middle East, which is scheduled to take place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre 17th and 18th November 2008.

“The industrial and institutional cleaning products market has come a long way and the sanitation & janitorial cleaners segment forms the fundamental platform, which will continue to provide enduring healthy growth in the Middle East,” remarked Chris Fountain, Event Director of CMPi. He noted that the series of construction projects invariably underway in the Middle East backed by high oil revenues, easing property laws and the effort to diversify local economies has stimulated the market for industrial and institutional cleaning products. Consumers are favoring environment-friendly solutions, which

provide perfect blend of technology and application. With rising raw material prices and increased downward pricing pressure from the customers, producers are under extreme pressure to optimize their production and operational efficiency. “With increased safety standards and health concerns, disinfectants and sanitizers are positioned to emerge as one of the fastest growing segment in global industrial & institutional cleaning products market,” remarked Mr. Fountain. “Hand cleaners, another large category in sanitation and janitorial market, after hard floor cleaning chemicals and ‘cleaners and degreasers’ are likely to continue strong growth with enhanced hygiene concerns,” he stressed. Working Buildings Middle East will provide a valuable opportunity for local and international companies to showcase their products and services to the increasingly important Middle East market. The new event has been designed to target all those involved in the management and maintenance of buildings and property. Working Buildings Middle East will explore the latest products, services and best-practice examples relating to the complete life cycle of a building.

A cleaner performs a difficult cleaning operation on the exterior of a national monument


Chris Fountain, Event Director, CMPi UAE


uniQue SeRies

by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri

‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﻴﺢ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﺘﺔ‬

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uniQue SToRy

by Farah Al-Shemmeri

¨ÂuM�« Ë√ q�ú� ô≈ XO³�« w� ÀuJLK� X�Ë ÁbMŽ fOK� ¨tðôËUI�Ë tF¹—UA� lÐU²¹ u¼Ë ¡U�L�« v�≈ ÕU³B�« sL� ¨qLF�« tJN½√ Íc�« Áb�«Ë vKŽ qHD�« qšœ ∫t� ‰U� Ë …d� tOÐ_ qHD�« ¡Uł Ê√ Àb×�

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uniQue TrAdiTiNaL CuLTuRe

by Fatima Haidar

¨WFz«d�« r¹bI�« qO−�« U¹d�– ŸUłd²Ýô UM� WHN�Ë UMO{UL� UM� U�uýË w� WDO�³�« ‰U¦�_«Ë ULKJ�« s� …—U²�L�« WŽuL−L�« Ác¼ rJ� ÂbI½ ∫U¼UMF� w� WIOLF�« ¨UNEH� U¹«bN�«Ë W³OD�« WK�UFL�UÐ t??K?¼√Ë U??N?łË“ U¼bF�¹ s??� ∫…bF�L�« æ ÆV¼c�«Ë ƉuCH�« ∫ný WžöÐ æ WO�«bB� ôË t�ö� w� Êe²� dOG�« h�A�« Y¹b×� ‰UIð ∫qšË cš æ ÆY¹b×�« qI½ w� ÁbMŽ ÆWO�UÐ fÐö� w� Vðd� dOG�« h�A�« ∫qL²N�« æ WK¹uD�« —UHÝ_« w� UCFÐ UNCFÐ W¹d׳�« V�«dL�« WI�«d� ∫—UOMÝ æ ÆU�uBš ÆVFK�« w� gG¹ ∫qžËe¹ æ ÆœuF�« W½U¹— WF�UO�« WKOL−�« …U²H�« ∫WCÐ WCž æ Æ·U−�« —U×�« ¡«uN�« ∫»u¼ô æ Æ…uIÐ tłu�« vKŽ bO�« nJÐ »dC�« ∫Íbý«— æ ÆÁUG²³� vKŽ ‰uB×K� ⁄Ë«d¹ Íc�« d�UL�« h�A�« ∫wðu� æ ÆÂöJK� ÂUL²¼ô« ÂbŽË ¡wA�« sŽ w{UG²�« ∫‘UMÞ æ ÆUN�³K�Ë UNKJA� WKLNL�« …√dL�« ∫sOłö��« Â√ WKO×Ý æ ‰U¦�ô« rKJð qF� Ë√ UN�U� tLKJÐ Âe²K� h�A�« Ê√ wMFð ∫ÕuKÐ —UL�� t²LK� æ ÆtMŽ l�Ë tL�ł w� WÐU�≈ s� w½UF¹ Íc�« h�AK� ‰UIð ∫œd³ðË …—u�J� æ Æt³Fð rž— ¡wý qF� vKŽ t�H½ ržd¹ p�– tKLŽ w??� «b??ł o??O?�b??�« h�AK� ‰U??I? ð ∫ö??L? �« W??ŽU??Ý s??� j??³? {« æ ÆÁbOŽ«u�Ë Ë√ t�U�√ s� WLO� ·dF¹ ô sL� ‰UIð ∫t¹uA¹ dIB�« ·dF¹ U� wK�« æ ÆtMŽ Àbײ¹ s� qLײ� „b??¹ lM� s� «c??¼ Ê√ wMFð ∫tOK�≈ WK�d�U¹ tO²�³Þ a³Þ æ Æ„bŠË ZzU²M�« t²L��Ë t??K?�« ¡UCIÐ v{dK� ‰U??I?ð ∫t??K? �« ÁU??O?Š t??K?�« s??� w??¹≈ w??K?�« æ Æh�AK� Æd�UL�« h�A�« sŽ ‰UIð ∫Y³Ž ‰ËdN¹ U� V¹c�« æ vKŽ bL²Fð w²�« W�u�J�« …√dL�« sŽ ‰UIð ∫ ö�U��« vKŽ …ËUDI�« ‚“— æ ÆXO³�« ‰ULŽ√ “U−½« w� dOG�« ÊËœ W�Uš WK�UF� vIK¹ sL� ‰UIð ∫d¼b�« p�U{U� wMOŽ p²³Š Ê≈ æ ÆbŠ«Ë h�ý s� ÁdOž lOLł qAHð Íc�« k×�« fOFð h�AK� ‰UIð ∫W¹uŽ UNID¹ U� s¹Ë æ ÆbN²ł« ULN� t�ULŽ√ Ë√ tðUDD�� tÐ —bž Ê≈ e¹eF�« h�AK� ‰UIð ∫tMOłU−Ý d¦� qL−�« ÕUÞ «–≈ æ ÆÁË–RO� t�uŠ s� tOKŽ lL²ł«Ë ÊU�e�« u¼Ë t³Jðd¹ r� V½cÐ dOG�« tLN²¹ sL� ‰UIð ∫r¹U½ X½«Ë r¹UN²�« pO−ð æ ÆÊuKLF¹ ULŽ q�Už 40

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by Chadi El-Serafy


ne of the most things that bother most of the people nowadays is racism because it makes a group of people better that the rest of people and it makes a lot of difference between them according to their nationalities or regional origin, religion, occupation, social status or some other distinction.

Media, Nationalism and Racism

I still canít understand how come some people in this world donít accept a person because his colour, nationality, religion or his family is different than them? It really bothers me when I see someone is making difference between people for that reason. For example, if there is a couple who love each other and then when the guy talk to his family or when the girl talk to her family about it, they say no because their family can not marry from that family and it happens or because his nationality is different, or because his colour... etc, Is that fair?! In Islam, our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said there is no difference between black people or white people or red people the only different between them is in worshiping Allah. Well I believe that nationalism is a huge part of Racism because nationalism leads to racism, well lets all go back to the history when Muslims used to be one hand living in one big country while having the … Khilafaî system, we used to be the strongest people on earth, but now we are over 44 Muslims countries each country has its own name and people in each country has different nationalities. Really our enemy did well in their job by using the principle of (divide and rule). Now look at us, we donít lead the world anymore we follow the west and we became from the 3rd world, we had something that made us the top of the world, and we still have it and it can make us lead the world again. Itís even in your room everywhere, itís the holy Quran. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: I left 2 things if you follow them you will never lose your way and keep at the top, he said the Quran and his Suna. After our enemy divided us they made sure that we will never be one hand again if they changed the rules that we follow in our daily life, so they changed the rules of Allah ( al shariaía) to men rules which is known now as The Law.


Always put in your mind that law will never make justice because humans have different views and what some people think is right others thinks itís wrong, also we should follow God rules because he is the one who created us and knows what is better for us and knows what is going to happen in the future but as humans we donít know and thatís why rules changes every day. I hope that we will stop using nationalism. I mean here to stop using it when you talk or deal with other people. And of course you must love your country and die for it but we have to make a definition for what does our country means in Islam? Maybe you will say why Islam? Because Islam is our religion and when we used to follow it we used to be the leaders of the world and itís the most important thing in our life because life is a test, you pass you go to heaven you fail you go to hell. Well country in Islam means, the place where Muslims live, is our country and we have to die for it not just the country which itís written in our ID. Muslims are brothers and sisters and they have to stand up for each other not like what we see now, everyone cares only about himself, while our enemies are killing our brothers everywhere. Let me ask you something what did you do for your brothers who got killed from our enemies? I just want you to remember this story during the … khilafaî system when there was a Muslim woman when she was disrespected in a bad way she said (wa moítasemah) she asked for help from El Khalifa El Moatasm (the leader of the Islamic nation that time) and when he heard of it, he made a huge army and attacked the roman empire for her. This story shows you how Muslims used to be one hand and stands for each other no matter how far they were. Now I want you to be honest with yourself once and answer this Questions (What did you do in your life for Islam? Why as a Muslim and you hear and you see what is happening around you and you donít do anything? What would you say to Allah when he ask you what did you do for your brothers while they were getting killed and you were having fun?) Now can you please wake up from the dream your living in, and donít believe what the media is feeding you, we became like a tube, we live like a tube, and we act like the people in the tube. Thatís how we got brain washed, I really felt bad when I heard some of my friends saying there is no god and they donít believe in god or Islam anymore. I asked myself why and then I asked them why did you become like that? I was shocked when I heard them saying because the whole world says we are terrorist and we canít live our life we canít travel we canít have fun!! Those people never knew the truth of Islam and itís their parentís mistake as well because they

didnít teach them how to worship Allah and be good Muslims also media and what it feeds them from lies and hate has a huge part in that. I remember when I was young my father told me there is a Question you have to ask to yourself when you grow up I said what is it? He said ask yourself why you are a Muslim. I said because youíre a Muslim he said no, now after almost 10 years I just knew why I am a Muslim and why I should never leave Islam, and give up my life for Islam, because Islam is not just a religion, Islam is a way of life and once you know the truth about it and how great it is you will never leave it or stop following it. And to be a good Muslim it doesnít mean you wonít have fun but do as the prophet Muhammad said: do to your life as if youíre living forever and do to your end as if you will die tomorrow. The media misinterprets Islam, and affected people with all the fake news they hear every day about, Muslims are killing each others in Iraq or Palestine ... etc well we all watched in the news in 2005 when the Iraqi government arrested 2 British soldiers were wearing like Arabs and killing and shooting people while driving by and saying Allah Akbar, and then they said on TV in all the news channels look Muslims are killing each other to grow up racism and hate between them and says your Suna he is Shiaía then they fight each other. And when the British government told the Iraqi government to let them go, and they refused, they destroyed the jail and set them free. If you think about it itís the same thing they did before DIVIDE AND RULE. They divide us now by saying suna and shiaía, or by the nationality, by using all the ways of racism. Our enemies are using the media to grew up racism and hate between us and they are destroying the youth minds and life by showing all the sexual clips, movies and send us their culture to be just like them and to forget who we are and to follow them and stop using our minds. I hope we will be one hand again no racism no nationalism itís not hard to be like that again and thatís why our enemies are trying to keep us weak and planted Israel between the Islamic world to make sure we will never be one hand again, because they are 100% sure that if we become one hand again we will rule this world. All we need is to get back to Allah and to the Quran and once we do that we will be one hand again. And donít say that I wonít do that because I wonít help in anything, start by yourself change yourself, try with your family and then your friends and if we all did that, all of us will get to the top as we used to be and we will never accept anything less than the top. always put in your mind our enemies are not playing and once they finish with what they are doing you will be the next. 43

uniQue InTeRvieW

by Sarah Al-Dahas


t e a m ’s m a n a g e r

Haya Al-Shatti W

esal is a media group that consists of 50 Kuwaiti girls, started on the fifteenth of March 2002, and they have accomplished four successful plays and two more plays in Al-khrafi festival.. follow with us this interesting interview with the team’s manager Haya Al-Shatti.

• From where did you get the idea to form this group? - When we presented our first play we had a great hit. After that we were determined to come together as an official group under the name of the Volunteer Center that is run by Sheika Amthal Al- Subah. , Actually the idea of creating a group came by chance; we really didn't think that it will grow that big, moreover we realized that our society needs its youth to spread our Islamic values.



Haya Adnan ALShatti



Hobbies: I like any thing has water “swimming, boats..Etc” / reading / Traveling to old towns / and of course Media “shooting , writing , editing , acting”

• What kind of activities do you have? - We have a weekly meeting where all members of Wesal come together and learn valuable lessons about life. - 14 camps in Kuwait and 1 abroad - We made a camp for young girls called "Mini Wesal" - "Will Club"-it's a club for qualifying our leaders for the future.

- Discussion club-the members of Wesal are required to read a book and then we discuss it every week. - Diwaneyat Wesal- an open invitation for everybody who is curious about Wesal. It is held once in every two months. - Training courses- self-estimation courses - Participating in youth conferences- local and international. • How do your activities contribute to the society? - Attract the attention of people and let them embrace volunteer work. - Remind the Kuwaiti people about their faith and values. - Our activities have an effect on the relation ship between youths and their realization of our religion. • What’s your next activity? - We are working on a comedy & crazy play that is called “Jnoon A’ala Mostawa”. This play shows us how sane crazy people are. We are going to show it on the 18TH of June inshallah. • What are your plans for the future? - We plan to change the current media into a more classy and useful one made by youth. - We have a 3 year plan ahead that consists of – media activities on the internet, plays, movie, and T.V shows. • Last words you would like to say. - I would like to say thank you for everybody that helped in making Wesal successful. I would also like to thank all of our sponsors and a special thanks to whoever believes in the idea of sophisticated media.

Contact details


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V i s i t



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A r t i c l e s






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uniQue ArTiCLes


by Fawaz Al-Shemmeri

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uniQue IsLaMic

by Mai Al-Shemmeri

(‫)ﺍﻟﺠﺰﺀ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ‬

‫ﺃﻫﻤﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺣﻴﺪ‬

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uniQue HiSToRy

by Faisal Al-Enzi

…b−M�«Ë …¡ËdL�« ‚öš√ t�H½ w� —UŁË ¨…bOBI�« ÁcNÐ U¹d�“ uÐ√ dŁQð b�Ë dG¦�« œU−½ù ªfÐöL�«Ë ¨ «u�_«Ë ¨Õö��UÐ tM×ý ‰uDÝ√ eON−²Ð —œU³� ÆWO�MKÐ v�≈ WN−²� f½uð dGŁ s� WŽd��« ÕUMł vKŽ XFK�√Ë ¨w��b½_« Õö��UÐ r¼bLð Ê√Ë ¨s¹—uB×L�« v??�≈ qBð Ê√ …b−M�« ÁcN� —b??� u??�Ë ‰uDðË d�U×L�« VFA�« «b??�√ X³¦ð Ê√ sJLL�« s??� ÊUJ� ¨ «u?? ?�_«Ë v²Š d�U×L�« dG¦�« ÁUO� s� »d²Ið œU� U� …b−M�« Ác¼ sJ� ¨t²�ËUI� Ác¼ dD{U� ª¡UMOL�« ‰u??šœ s� UN²FM�Ë ¨WO½uł—_« sH��« UNðœ—UÞ X¦³� U� rŁ ¨f½uð v�≈ UNł«—œ√ œuFðË ¢WO½«œ¢ w� UN²M×ý ⁄dHð Ê√ sH��« s� ≤π Ω ? ?¼∂≥∂ dH� s� ±∑® w� XLK�²Ý« Ê√ …d�U×L�« WM¹bL�« Ʃ±≤≥∏ d³L²³Ý WOBH×�« W�Ëb�« —U¼œ“« W�Ëb�« W½«eš ú²�U� ¨‰UL�« dOÐb²Ð œUB²�ô« ÊËRAÐ W¹UMŽ U¹d�“ wÐ_ ÊU� ÆW�ËbK� tðU�Ë bMŽ —UM¹œ ÊuOK� ±∑ „dð t½≈ v²Š ‰«u�_UÐ ÊU�Ë ¨È—UBM�« Ëe??ž s� s¹—UH�« f�b½_« wLK�� t²�Ëœ XK³I²Ý« b??�Ë v�≈ «uKIM� ¨WO�«— …—UCŠ d�UMŽ ÊuKL×¹ ¨ÊuO�dŠË ÊuÝbMN� rNMOÐ s� sOO��b½_« iFÐ v�] uð UL� ¨rN²�UIŁË rNð—UCŠ U½uJ� WOBH×�« W�Ëb�« U¹d�“ wÐ_ WÐU²J�« v�] uð Íc�« —UÐ_« sЫ q¦� ¨W�Ëb�« w� W¹œUOI�« V�UML�« ÆwBH×�« v�≈ U¹d�“ wÐ√ dOÐbð s�×Ð WO�UL�« U¼œ—«u� …œU¹“Ë W�Ëb�« —«dI²Ý« Èœ] Q� WKOL−�« t²F�u�Ë W³BI�« l�Uł U¹d�“ uÐ√ QA½Q� ¨WOKš«b�« ÊËRA�UÐ W¹UMF�« …dž® w� UN�ULð WKO� t�HMÐ UNO� Ê–] √Ë ¨tLÝ« UNOKŽ gI½Ë ¨f½uð w� ‚uÝ QA½√Ë ¨…dO¦� ”—«b� vMÐË ¨©Â±≤≤≥ uO½u¹ s� ±± Ω ?¼∂≥∞ ÊUC�— ] ÆbK−� n�√ ≥∂ XL{ w²�« W³BI�« dB� W³²J� QA½√Ë ¨s¹—UDF�« U¹d�“ wÐ√ …U�Ë QA½√ ¨Íd−N�« lÐU��« ÊdI�« ‰Uł— “dÐ√ s� ÊU� U¹d�“ UÐ√ Ê√ tO� pý ô UL� s²H�«Ë »«dD{ô« W�UŠ vKŽ vC�Ë ¨UNŽuЗ w� s�_« dA½Ë ¨W¹u� W�Ëœ ‰Ułd�« —UO²š« s�Š√Ë ¨‰bF�« Ê«eO� ÂU�√Ë ¨œö³�« Ác¼ X�“ô w²�« WM�eL�« ] ¨ÊËd� WŁöŁ s� d¦�√ ÁœUHŠ√Ë ÁƒUMÐ√ UNLJŠ vKŽ v�«uðË ¨U¼dLŽ ‰UD� qþË ÈœULł s� ≤µ® w� tЗ wI� v²Š UNOKŽ «dÎ �u²� W�Ëb�« ÊËRý vKŽ U¹d�“ uÐ√ Ʃ±≤¥π dÐu²�√ s� µ Ω ?¼∂¥∑ …dšü«

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by Chadi Al-Serafy

S t o r y

o f


Tr u e

Malcolm X

L e g e n d


alcolm was a smart man and he became the national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Malcolm made a huge increase in the Nation of Islam from 500 in 1952 to 30,000 in 1963. Later the US government helped Malcolm to spread the racism covered by Islam to everyone (I think the reason is known to everyone). In 1963 the civil (human) rights movement by Martin Luther King crushed with Malcolm’s faith. In the same year, Malcolm started to read many books about the teaching of Islam and he has discovered that Elijah Muhammad was wrong.

Malcolm had a new image of Islam after he did the pilgrimage to Mecca, when he saw that Muslims are not only black. After his break with Elijah Muhammad, he changed his name to Malik El-Shabazz. The Muslim honorific title ElHajj would later be added to his name after his trip to Mecca to perform the Hajj. The new Malik Shabazz also chose the mainstream Sunni Islam as his religious creed. In doing so, he became the vocal denouncer of his former master and his teachings. He confessed to several audiences around the US and abroad that his activities and speeches gave greater visibility to the heretical teaching of the NOI (Nation of Islam). He told his audiences that now that he has seen the light of true Islam, he would do everything to teach, elucidate and pass on the true teachings of Islam to African-American. This new mission of Mr. Shabazz endeared him to the small minority of African-American Sunnis who had previously seen him as an agent of a diabolical movement and a perpetrator of the greatest sin in Islam; shirk (associating partnership with Allah). By travelling to Makah for Hajj and by perceiving the collective legitimization of the leaders of the Muslims on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Mr. Shabazz developed a new image in the Muslim world. He, in turn, also provided greater visibility to Islam in the United States. Although many African-Americans, who embraced Islam, because of Mr. Shabazz’s teachings and lectures, knew Islam, one 52

could argue that the transformation of Malcolm X into a veritable Sunni Muslim leader created the atmosphere for the development of the various African-American Muslim groups. Three of these groups that have embraced Mr. Shabazz as a brother and a hero of Islam in America are the Darul Islam Movement, the Islamic Brotherhood, Inc., and the Islamic Party of North America. In two publications “al-Jihad al Akbar” and “al-Taqwa”, Mr. Shabazz defended the Islam Movement from the vitriolic attacks of the NOI and other Black Nationalist groups who saw Mr. Shabazz’s decision to join the international Muslim community as a deviation from the real problems of Black people in the US. At a speaking engagement in the Manhattan’s Audubon Ballroom on February 21, 1965, three men with guns rushed Malcolm onstage and shot him 15 times at close range. The 39-year-old was pronounced dead on arrival at New York’s Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. Fifteen hundred people attended Malcolm’s funeral in Harlem at the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ on February 27, 1965. After the ceremony, friends took the shovels from the gravediggers and buried Malcolm themselves. Later that year, Betty (his wife) gave birth to their twin daughters. Malcolm’s assassins, Tallmadge Hayer, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson were convicted of first-degree murder in March 1966. The three men were all members of the Nation of Islam. To be continued

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Mohammad Al-Yati

10/90 ‫ﻗــــﺎﻋــــﺪﺓ‬

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by Sarah Al-Dahas


f You Could See Me Now is the name of the last novel I’ve finished reading. It’s a fiction story about an imaginary friend who falls in love with his real friend. While he helps her adopted nephew cope with his problems, he starts getting involved with her & helps her with her problems too. Eventually, he falls in love with her.

Imaginary Friend

At the beginning Elizabeth (Main Character) doesn’t believe in the existence of Luke’s (Nephew) imaginary friend Ivan, because she cannot see him. But then somehow, she starts seeing him without knowing or realizing that other people can’t see him, just like her before. She thinks Ivan is real just like any other human being but the truth he’s not. As the story develops, she falls in love with him & her life gets better than before because Ivan teaches her how to enjoy every single moment of her life. The story is very intriguing as it goes on & the ending of the novel is somehow realistic & satisfying to the mind of the reader, which I’m not going to mention in case you’re planning to read the novel, which I highly recommend it. The main question here is “Do imaginary friends exist?” Play with me now, we all know that they don’t exist at all because WE humans are the creation of God & Imaginary Friends are the creation of Human’s mind. “Can we see them?” Well, for me, I think it depends on the mind of the person. Whether he’s creative enough to form an imaginary figure & communicate with it as if it does exist, or whether he’s having some psychological problems & starts to imagine some kind of figures & talk to them, or he’s just sane enough not to see them or believe in them. I’m sane enough to be able to write, read, work & do everyday activities like any other person. But when my mother died, I somehow shut myself from the real world & became a loner for quite a while. I started imagining my mother talking to me. I even sometimes believed that I saw her angellike figure staring & smiling at me (just like in the movies). I know now that I haven’t seen anything of that kind, but at that time I swear that I saw my mother & felt her existence. I still can feel it now, even though it’s not real. After a period of time, after I’ve learned how to move on & accept that this was fate & it was meant to happen. I stopped seeing my mother-angle-like figure. Talking to her every day & night helped me to move on with my life & learn how to deal with sorrow & pain & live with it. Now, can I categorize my late mother as an imaginary friend? We’re all humans, we all have our ups & downs, & there are no ups without downs. If an imaginary friend is going to help you either in your problems or cope with sorrow. Then go ahead, imagine a kind of figure, name it, talk to it, play with it, & do whatever you want to do with it. Nobody is going to call you crazy, & if they do, act if you’re deaf & can’t hear what they say.


uniQue FaCTs

by Ghalia Al-Shamlan

Did you know? Ever stop to think about stuff!! Wacky stuff!! Neat to know! • Wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of your left hand because people used to believe that the vein in this finger goes directly to your heart. • The blue whale, the largest animal to have ever existed, is 96 feet long and weights 125 tons. This is as much as 23 elephants, 230 cows or 1800 men. • For humans the normal pulse is 70 heartbeats per minute. Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000! • It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. Where we use an average of 43 muscles for a frown and an average of 17 muscles for a smile, and they say every two thousand frowns creates one wrinkle. • The average person has at least seven dreams a night. Maybe that’s why we are always tired in school! • Your brain is move active and thinks more at night than during the day. • Your brain is 80% water • Only 85% of the population can curl their tongue into a tube. So can you do it? • There is no word that rhymes with orange. Tell me if you find anything?! • There may be as many as 3,000 different kinds of insects -- more than all the other animal and plant species combined • It’s more dangerous to swallow a Kuwaiti 5-fils than it is to swallow a Kuwaiti 100-fils, Because the 5-fils change chemicals in the body and it could be deadly harmful. • In ancient China, criminals who attacked travelers had their noses cut off. Ouch!


uniQue ArTiCLes

by Yousef Al-Bader

ô≈ b¹—√ Ê≈ ò —UFA�« vKŽ V²�Ë WLzUI�« rÝ« sŽ …—U³Ž WOÝULš ‰UJý√ Æå XFD²Ý« U� Õö�ù« 1977 WO�ö²zù« WLzUI�« sOO�b²FL�« sOO�öÝù« q¦LðË Î«—UA²½« UNFÝË√Ë WOÐöD�« rz«uI�« d³�√ ÊËbײL�«Ë W�b²FL�«Ë WKI²�L�« rz«u� n�Pð s� 1977 nO� w� XKJý …bŠu�« —UB½√ WLzU�Ë WO�öÝù« WLzUI�« rŽœ vKŽ WKOJA²�« Ác¼ “UŠË WŁœUŠ Ê√ ô≈ 1978 d³L�u½ w� …d� ‰Ë_ UÐU�²½ô« X{Uš ÆWOÐöD�« Èdš√ …d??� UÐU�²½ô« X¹dł√Ë ŸdH�« …œUO� s� WLzUI�« XFM� d¹Ëe²�« %51.96 W³�MÐ ‰Ë_« e�dL�« vKŽ WO�ö²zù« XKBŠ 1979 u¹U� w� bI� »U²J�« «c¼ œ«bŽ≈ v²Š X¹uJ�« W³KD� wMÞu�« œU×ðô« œuIð dL²Ý«Ë Æ 1997 UÐU�²½« w� %51.3 —«bI� «u�_« s� UN� W³�½ dš¬ XGKÐ tK�« ŸdA� V×� rK�� q� WLzU� UN½QÐ UN�H½ WO�ö²zù« WLzUI�« ·dFðË WF�Uł bAMÐ V�UÞ q� WLzU�Ë ÁœöÐ W×KBL� vF�¹ sÞ«u� q� WLzU�Ë v²ý w� WO²¹uJ�« WOÐöD�« W�d×�« rOŽbð vKŽ WLzUI�« XKLŽ ÆqC�√ b¹bF�« ÂU�“ WLzUI�« XLK�ðË ÆlL²−L�« w� qŽUH�« U¼—Ëœ “«dÐ≈Ë ôU−L�« sO�UF�« w� UNFOLł UNOKŽ dDOÝ v²Š WOLKF�« jЫËd�«Ë UOFL−�« s� rÝUÐ ·dFð …dA½ UN� 1989 1990≠ ÂU??F? �«Ë 1989≠1988 wÐUIM�« s�Ë Æn�P²�« q¦Lð sO²JÝUL²� sO²C³� sŽ …—U³Ž U¼—UFýË åWO�ö²zù«ò ∫r¼ 1998 ÂUŽ v²ŠË 1978 ÂUŽ cM� WO�ö²zô« œU� w²�« ¡ULÝ_« bL×� Æ√ ¨w�uN�« bLŠ√ Æœ ¨—œU−�« b³F�« Õö� ¨ÊUL¦F�« s�×L�« b³Ž Æœ¨jOL��« —bÐ ¨‰ôb�« bL×� Æ√ ¨—UBI�« Í“u� ¨‘d²��« w�UÝ Æœ ¨dLF�« bŽU�� ¨Íe??M?F?�« Õ—U??Ð d??�U??½¨Íe??M?F?�« w×C� d??�U??½ ¨ÊUFAI�« œu??L?Š ¨bO³F�« ÂUA¼ ¨vO×O�« qBO� ¨—u�cL�« b�Uš bO�Ë ¨‰öN�« bLŠ√ ¨ÍdOHE�« ÆsO¼UA�« ÂUA¼


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1974 wÞ«dIL¹b�« jÝu�« WLzU� WLzU�Ë WOÞ«dIL¹b�« WLzUI�« n�UײР1974 ÂUŽ dš«Ë√ w� WLzUI�« QA½√ 1975 ÂUŽ w� rÝù« «cNÐ …d� ‰Ë_ UÐU�²½ô« X{UšË wÐöD�« jÝu�« dAŽ WŁö¦Ð WLzUI�« “U??� 1976 UÐU�²½« w�Ë ŸdH�« vKŽ dDOÝË X¹dł√Ë 1977 ÂUŽ w� UÐU�²½« Èd−ð r�Ë ÆdAŽ W�Lš q�√ s� ΫbFI� ô≈ …d� ‰Ë_ UÐU�²½ô« WO�ö²zù« WLzUI�« ÷u�Ð tOK¹ Íc??�« ÂUF�« w� bNŽ dš¬ «c¼ ÊU�Ë œU×ðù« bOL−ð v�≈ œ√ …dONA�« d¹Ëe²�« WŁœUŠ Ê√ UÐU�²½« w� WO�ö²zù« “U� rŁ œU×ðù« …œUOIÐ wÞ«dIL¹b�« jÝu�« WLzU� XFÞU� Æ»U²J�« «c¼ œ«bŽ≈ v²Š ŸdH�« WðœUO� w� dL²Ý«Ë 1979 ÂUŽ rŁ UN�«—Ë√ VOðdð bOF²� 1980 u¹U� UÐU�²½« wÞ«dIL¹b�« jÝu�« WLzU� ‰UJý√ W�U� b{ò —UFý cš√Ë UNOKð w²�« UÐU�²½ô« w� …uIÐ bł«uð w�Ë Y�U¦�« e�dL�« w� UMO½UL¦�« w� UNF�u� ÊU� ÆåeOOL²�«Ë VBF²�« l� «c¼ s�«eðË w½U¦�« e�dL�« v�≈ XK�ËË d¦�√ UNðbŽU� b²�« UMOF�²�« Æ…d×�« WO�öÝù« …d×�« WLzUI�« lł«dð Ær¼dOžË ‰öN�« bLŠ√ ¨f¹bOL�« Õö� Æœ ¨ŸUML�« b¹UŽ Æœ UNO�ÝR� “dÐ√ s� WOLKF�« UOFL−�« s� dO¦J�« vKŽ WOÐUIM�« UNðdO�� w� WLzUI�« XKBŠ Î IF� W¹—«œù« ÂuKF�« WOK� WDЫ— d³²Fð UMOF�²�« w�Ë WLzUI�« —bBðË ÆUN� ö …—u� s� ÊuJ²¹ U¼—UFýË wÐöD�« wŽu�« …dA½Ë W�UÝd�« …dA½ sOðdA½ dLðRL�« v�≈ b¹b−�« rÝùUÐ WLzUI�« qBð r�Ë ÆWKFý ULN�bI²ð ÁU²�Ë »Uý wÞUO²Š≈ gLOGM�« bL×� ‰u�u� W−O²½ dAŽ ”œU��« dLðRL�« w� ô≈


uniQue ArTiCLes

by Maha Al-Enzi

‫ﻗﻄﺮﺍﺕ‬ ¨¡UL�UÐ Íuðdð wJ� dDL�« s� «dDI� ÁdDI� ÁdD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ UNMOŠ —UL¦�« ZCMðôË œ—u�« qÐc¹ U�bMŽË WKŠUI�« ¡«d×B�U� ÊuJðË ÷—_« `Að U�bMŽ ÆœU²FL�« UNI½Ë— v�≈Ë WFO³D�« UNðUO×� œuFðË ¨b¹bł s� iNM½ v²Š «dD� lC³� ÃU²×½ U�bMŽ UMðUOŠ w¼ UNK¦L� lI½ sOŠË ¨`−M½Ë œuF½ wJ� …œ«—ù« s� «dD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ qAH½ sO×� ÊuJ½ sOŠË ¨UNNł«u½ wJ� d³B�« s� «dD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ »UFB�« w� Êe×½ sOŠË ¨l�«u�« tÐU−½ wJ� WŽU−A�« s� «dD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ ¡UM³ł ÊuJð sOŠË ¨Î«œb−� fLA�« ‚dAð wJ� q�_« s� «dD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ UN½uK½ wJ� Ÿ«b??Ðù« s� «dD� v�≈ ÃU²×½ ¡«œu??Ý Ë√ ¡UCOÐ UM²×H� ÆŸË—√Ë qLł√ ÊuJ²� WO¼«e�« Ê«u�_UÐ v²Š «dDI� jI� ÃU²×½ w²�« WO³K��« —u�_« s� dO¦J�« …UO×�« Ác¼ w� UN²KŠ X�³� uð—« U�bMŽ WKŠUI�« ÷—_« pKð q¦� wN� ¨tOÐU−¹≈ UNKF−½ s×½ U½uŽb� ¨UNFOЗ dA½Ë œË—u�« X½uKðË —ULŁ_« d¼“√Ë ¡«dC��« q�Ë WI¦�«Ë W³×L�«Ë q�_« UMÐuKIÐ X³Mð v²Š UMKš«bÐ «dDI�« pKð oK�½ ‚ULŽú� qK�²ð »UF� Ë√ ”Q¹ Í√ Ÿb½ôË ¨r�²³½ UMKF−¹Ë qOLł u¼U� ÆÆUMÐuK�Ë UMðUOŠ q×IðË dDLðË ‰ËeM�UÐ qNð «dDI�« «uŽœ jI� ‰ËeM�UÐ dL²�ðË dL²�ðË dL²�ðË t?? ? ? ? ?¹UNM�« v²Š

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by Fatma Ashkanani

ÆÆ wAL¹ ÷—_« vKŽ XO� »—Ë ÆÆsO�œ »«d²�« X×ð u¼Ë wŠ »— ˝ Êu�“d¹ rNЗ bMŽ ¡UOŠ√ qÐ Uð«u�√ tK�« qO³Ý w� «uK²� s¹c�« s³�×ð ôË ˚ rOŠd�« sLŠd�« tK�« r�Ð

U¾Oý b−½ U� «—œU½Ë ¨ÊU�½ù« pKL¹ U� rEŽ√ w¼ fHM�« Ê≈ UNMJ�Ë ¨œU³F�« »— s� WO�UG�« W³N�« ÁcNÐ WO×C²�« oײ�¹ ÆÆsÞu�« ÂU�√ …dOIŠ WBOš— Ê«bOF�« d�U½ —bÐ bONA�« XOÐ v�≈ tłu²�« w¼ d�_« W¹«bÐ X¹uJ�« ¡UMÐ√ tł«Ë YOŠ ¨…dONA�« s¹dI�« W�dF� XŁbŠ YOŠ …U−½Ë lOL−�« œUNA²Ý« U¼dOB� ÊU�Ë ¨WO�«dF�« «—U³�²Ýô« ÊuJð w²�«Ë …dOGB�« W�dG�« w¼Ë ¢ WOIMJ�« ¢ w� UOL²Š« sOMŁ« ÆÆr¼bŠ√ WÐU�≈ V³�Ð p�–Ë – tK�« rJKł√ – ÂUL×�« ‚u� …œUŽ ÆÆÀbŠ U� WB� UM²K�Ë UNM�Ë ôË ¨«c¼ q¦� d¹dIð w� UNIŠ ‰UMð s� W�dFL�« qO�UHð WIOIŠ W¹ƒd� »U¼c�« rNOKŽ V−¹ X¹uJ�« w� …ušùU� ÆÆd¹dIð n�√ w� …d¹dFAI�UÐ —uFA�«Ë WM¹UFL�U� ¡wý ö� rNMOŽ√ ÂQÐ ÊUJL�« ÆUNÐ U½dFý w²�«

‫ﻗﺼﺔ‬ ‫ﺑﻴﺖ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﻳﻦ‬

u¼ ÊuJ¹ b� tMJ� U� ÊU�½≈ dLŽ W¹UN½ u¼ uL�« ÆÆwz«eŽ√ s� ÊU??ÞË_« w� …UO×�« X¦Ð rJ� ÆÆÁb−L� WOIOI×�« W¹«b³�« u¼Ë wŠ »d� øÊU�½ù …UOŠ ÊU� u� s� r�Ë ø uL�« ‰öš ÆÆwAL¹ ÷—_« vKŽ XO� »—Ë ÆÆsO�œ »«d²�« X×ð YOŠ ÆÆÈd??š√ dE½ WNłË s� s¹dI�« W�dF� ÈdM� ¨¨ wz«eŽ√ ÂUOI�« tM� Vłu²�ð tðUO×Ð qŠ«dL�« s� b¹bF�UÐ ÊU�½ù« dL¹ gF½ w� dOš_« —UL�L�« Á—«d� ÊuJ¹ Ê√ U�≈Ë ¨W³F� «—«dIÐ ÆÆ¡UÐù« W�dF� w� v�Ë_« W�U�d�« ÊuJð Ë√ ¨W�«dJ�« w²�« W¹d��« W�Oz— ÆÆÍuKŽ ÍœU¼ bOÝ s� rKF²½Ë kF²M� «c� dOš YOŠ ÆÆWO�«dF�« «—U³�²Ýô« b{ s¹dI�« XOÐ w� XЗUŠ t²IOIŠË tð«—«dIÐ »cŽ ÆÆU¹d¼Uþ d� UL¼öŠ√ s¹—«d� sOÐ W�ËUIL�« sOÐË ÆÆ«b?? Žù« U³�UžË ‰–U�²�«Ë Âö�²Ýô« sOÐ °° W�ËUIL�« u¼ —UO��« ÊU�Ë ÆÆsÞu�« qO³Ý w� WOÐ_« s� ÆÆs¹dI�« XOÐ s� dO³� ¡e−� ÀbŠ U� UM½e×¹ WIOIŠ sJ� ¡U�œ —UŁ¬ iFÐ u×�Ë jzU×�« m³� …œUŽ≈Ë ULO�d²�« ‰öš »c−OÝ s� u¼ b¹b−²�« ÊQ� ÆÆWÝbIL�« …d¼UD�« U½¡«bNý w²¹uJ�« q¦L�« s¹bLF²� «uÝUMðË ÆÆw�¹—U²�« rKFL�« «cN� ”UM�« s�b½ v²� v�S� ¢ r�¹d³�« b¹b¹ ôË ·uB�« ZO²Ž ¢ ‰uI¹ Íc�« °øÆÆ UM¹b¹QÐ WOŠUO��«Ë WO�¹—U²�«Ë W¹dŁ_« UMM�U�√ UM¹b¹QÐ —«dÐ_« U½¡«bNý o×K¹ Ê√ tK�« ‰U�½ Ê√ ô≈ UM¹b¹QÐ fO� W¹UN½ v�uL�« sOKzUÝ vKŽ_« ”ËœdH�« UM−Ð sO×�UB�«Ë ¡UO³½_UÐ ¡ôRN� œ«b²�« r¼ s� sÞu�« «c¼ ¡UMÐ√ s� qF−¹ Ê√ qł Ë eŽ qł√ s� r¼UDš vKŽ «ËdO�O� œ«bF²ÝUÐ r¼ s�Ë ÆÆ¡«bNA�« Æ¡UDFL�« bK³�« «c¼ 59

uniQue GuyS WoRLd

ยบ Fashion ยบ Sport ยบ Electronics ยบ Cars

D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Codename’ Chronograph Leather Watch

uniQue FaShiOn Watches

D&G Dolce & Gabbana ‘Ibiza Rock’ Watch

Emporio Armani Men’s Large Dual Chronograph Watch

MICHAEL Michael Kors Men’s Chronograph Watch

Skagen Men’s Two Tone Chronograph Bracelet Watch

TX Technoluxury ‘Perpetual Calendar’ Steel Case Watch

Emporio Armani Men’s Large Dual Chronograph Watch

Movado ‘Junior Sport Gents’ Bracelet Watch

uniQue FaShiOn Clothes

Obey Short Sleeve Screenprint T-Shirt

Obey Short Sleeve Screenprint T-Shirt

Brown Sound Short Sleeve Printed T-Shirt

Howe Screenprinted T-Shirt

Howe Screenprinted T-Shirt

Ed Hardy ‘Patch’ T-Shirt

uniQue FaShiOn Shoes

True Religion Brand Jeans ‘Dylan Spray’ Sneaker (Men)

Børn ‘Dare’ Slide

Lacoste ‘Zepher’ Sneaker (Men)

Børn ‘Benjamin’ Slide

Creative Recreation ‘Cesario’ Oxford

Bed Stu ‘Confused’ Sandal

Puma ‘Speed Cat’ Athletic Shoe (Men) Bacco Bucci ‘Hossa’ Slide 63

uniQue DiGiRoniCs


By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

Take Better Pictures With Your Camera Phone (1)


ith digital cameras showing up in more cell phones these days, lots of folks are using their phones to record what could be priceless memories. The trouble is that getting a good picture out of your cell phone’s digital camera is more challenging than it would be with a dedicated camera. That’s in part because the resolution of cell phone cameras is low, but it’s also due to other limitations imposed by the cell phone’s form factor and the less capable electronics in most cell phone cameras.

With a little know-how, though, you can work around those shortcomings and end up with phone camera photographs that are worthy of a place in your book of memories. 1. Hold it steady

2. Get close

Tiny cameras such as those built into mobile telephones are especially prone to camera shake. The result of camera shake is blurry pictures - it’s what happens when the camera itself moves when you snap a picture. There are two ways to counteract camera shake. The first is to take pictures only in brightly lit areas. The bright light will allow the camera to use a fast shutter speed - so fast that any movement caused by camera shake will be negated. The second is to use your body as a tripod. When lots of light isn’t available, it’s especially important to hold the camera phone steady. Try bracing your arm with your other arm - or leaning your body against a solid object. Anything that helps you to keep the camera phone steady will decrease the number of blurry images you take.

Whenever possible, get as close to your subject with your camera phone. When you do so, you’ll overcome the low resolution of your camera phone. When capturing images with low-resolution devices, it’s important to fill the frame with your subject so that you won’t lose even more resolution later by cropping the picture in software to get the image you really wanted. Second, close-ups often leave more of an impression with the viewer than photographs in which your subject is just a part of a larger scene. Unless your intention is to take a picture of your subject in context. Also, when you have a choice, get close by moving your feet rather than using the built-in digital zoom on camera phones. Digital zooms work by taking a snapshot of a scene and then blowing it up digitally. That means pixelation and lower quality will result.





3. Keep your lens clean

4. Use the highest resolution

Some camera phones have such tiny lenses that it’s difficult even to see where the lens is. But take the time to find the lens on your camera phone, and keep it clean. Cell phones tend to get quite dirty, as they jostle around in pockets, purses, or are handled often. That’s bad news for a camera lens, which needs to stay relatively dirt- and dust-free in order to produce the best pictures possible.

Some camera phones allow you to change the resolution at which photographs are captured so that you can fit more photos on your phone. Always choose the highest resolution, however, so that you give yourself more options for editing photos later. Digital photographs with higher resolutions will not only print better at larger sizes but also give you more options when editing. Cropping a photograph to emphasize just part of the image, for instance, will be more feasible when you are working with more megapixels. 65

uniQue SpOrTs

by Sa’ad Al-Yati

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uniQue WheeLS


Maserati A8GCS Berlinetta To u r i n g



he A8GCS Berlinetta Touring premiered at the 2008 Villa d’Este Concours d’Elegance represents the return of the famous Milan coachbuilders. The A8GCS Berlinetta Touring is based on the Maserati Coupe GranSport and was designed by Belgian designer Louis de Fabribeckers.

The A8GCS Berlinetta Touring is powered by a 4.244 cc V8 engine developing 295 kW (400 hp) at 7.000 rpm and 452 Nm of torque at 4.500 rpm. The light weight body of the A8GCS Berlinetta Touring is made from advanced composite materials that offer both strength and safety. There couldn’t be a better scenario than the 2008 Villa d’Este Concours d’Elegance for the debut of the stylish A8GCS Berlinetta Touring prototype, a berlinetta Gt marking the return of the famous Milan coachbuilders, among the leaders of the Italian automotive school. Based on the Maserati Coupe GranSport mechanics, the A8GCS Berlinetta Touring represents the high performance sports car concept, with small dimensions, state-of-the-art constructive technology and perfect stylish synthesis between factory tradition and advanced aesthetic criteria. The new A8GCS Berlinetta Touring has been designed by the young Belgian designer Louis de Fabribeckers, in charge of the Touring styling department. The A8GCS Berlinetta Touring lines are not affected by time or fashion: the car is characterized by a soft aggressiveness originated by the perfect balance between the front end, directly derived from competitions, and the harmonious and fluent flanks reminding of the extraordinary Alfa Romeo, Isotta Fraschini and Lancia Flying Star of the Thirties, an exceptional series created by Touring and still considered the best interpretation of Marinetti and Boccioni’s Futurism. The Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera style is first expressed through perfectly balanced volumes (reduced front overhang, front central engine and large rear overhang). The result is a dynamic form that doesn’t need a lowered waistline. Moreover, the horizontal development of lines create a natural elegance. The sporty look of the car is underlined by the combination between bonnet and front grille. An element dashing forward the other volumes. Hence the lateral lines of the body: the lower line ends on the rear wheelarch and the upper line dissolves in the rear end of the car. Together they create a dynamic sail shape, as on Flying Stars. Of course, also the most successful car design is not enough to make an alive and complete object. It must be combined with excellent dynamic qualities, derived from state-of-the-art technical solutions. For the prototype A8GCS Berlinetta Touring, Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera studied and designed a body in advanced composite materials, able to give the car lightness, structural strength and performance typical of top granturismo and obviously respecting all international safety and environmental rules. The result is clear: the style prototype A8GCS Berlinetta Touring is able to enter small series production, gaining immediately a top place among the best sports cars. 69

uniQue BoYs sTuFf

by UniQue Staff

w� œułuL�« ¡UL�« ‰öš s� ÊUšb�« —Ëd� ÊQÐ bzU��« œUI²Žô« V³�Ð p�–Ë ¨…—U−O��« s� «Î —d{ q�√ WAOA�« sOšbð ÊQÐ s¹dO¦J�« Èb� œUI²Ž« „UM¼ qOK×ð ‰öš s� œUI²Žô« «c¼ QDš sO³ð b�Ë ÆWAOA�« sOšbð sŽ rłUM�« —dC�« qOKIð w�U²�UÐË …—UC�« œ«uL�« s� ÊUšb�« `Oýdð vKŽ qLF¹ WAOA�« Ê√ UÝ«—b�« X²³Ł√ UL� dzU−��« ÊUšœ w� …œułuL�« WMÞd�L�«Ë …—UC�« œ«uL�« fH½ vKŽ Íu²×¹ t½√ vKŽ WAOA�« sšb� r� s� ×U��« ÊUšb�« ∫WAOA�UÐ sOšb²�« ÆÊU�œù« V³�¹ ≠1 »UN²�ô«Ë Wzd�« ŒUH²½« V³�¹Ë ¨ULNHzUþu� sO²zd�« ¡«œ√ …¡UH� s� qKI¹ ≠2 Í√ ‰c??Ð vKŽ ÊU�½ù« …—b??� s� b×¹ ÷dL�« «c??¼Ë ¨s�eL�« w³FA�« Ær�UHð ULK� œuN−� Æ…bFL�«Ë ¡ÍdL�«Ë rH�«Ë Wzd�« U½UÞdÝ ÀËbŠ v�≈ ÍœR¹ ≠3 ÆÂb�« w� ÊuÐdJ�« bO��√ ‰Ë√ “Už eO�dð ŸUHð—« v�≈ ÍœR¹ ≠4 ÆÀU½ù«Ë —u�c�« bMŽ WÐuB��« h�UMð v�≈ ÍœR¹ ≠5 «dOŁQ²�« s� p�c� ¨»UO¦�« s�Ë fHM�« l� WN¹dJ�« `z«Ëd�« ÀUF³½« ≠6 tłu�«Ë bK−�« bOŽU−ð —uNþË ¨sOMOF�« ÊUI²Š«Ë ¨ uB�« W׳� Èdš_« ÆdJ³� X�Ë w� U�uBš w� ¡«uN�« UŁuK� r¼√ bŠ√ d³²F¹ WAOA�« sOšbð Êu� vKŽ …ËöŽ «c¼ ≠7 ÆsOMšbL�« s� dO³� œbŽ błu¹ YOŠ w¼UIL�« s� ÎU³¹d�Ë ‰“UML�« ·dž WAOA�« U½uJ� Ê√ YOŠ ¨UN½UšœË dzU−��« m³ð U½uJ� sŽ U½uJL�« Ác¼ nK²�ð ô bO��√ ‰Ë√ “UžË sOðuJOM�« UNL¼√ ¨W�UÝ …œU� 4000 sŽ qI¹ ô U� UNÐ œ«uL�«Ë WMÞd�L�«Ë WFAL�« œ«uL�«Ë WKOI¦�« ÊœUFL�«Ë Ê«dDI�«Ë ÊuÐdJ�« œ«uL�« s� dO¦J�« U¼dOžË «dA×�« «bO³�Ë WOŽ«—e�« WOzUOLOJ�« ÆW�U��« s� Ê«dDI�« …œU??� rEF� Ë√ q� W??�«“≈ m³²�« ÃU²½≈ U�dý iFÐ wŽbð WNJML�« œ«uL�« s� b¹bF�« WAOA�« m³ð v�≈ ·UC¹ t½√ UL� ¨WAOA�« m³ð ÆU¼—d{ —«bI� qN−½Ë ¨VO�d²�« W�uN−� Ë√ m³²�« «b�²ÝUÐ WKOł—UM�« Ë√ WAOA�« o¹dÞ sŽ sOšb²�« sŽ ‰UI¹ U� X²³Ł√ bI� ¨W²³�« `O×� dOž dD��« s� w�Uš t½QÐ q�FL�« Ë√ „«d−�« ÊQÐ W¹œuF��« WOÐdF�« WJKLL�« w� «uMÝ lЗ√ Èb� vKŽ UÝ«—b�« bŠ√ Ê«u�_«Ë ⁄U³�_« s� …dO³� UOL� l� ¨h�Uš m³ð sŽ …—U³Ž u¼ q�?FL�« nK²�� V³�ð UN½√ X³ŁË ¨WO×� WÐU�— Í√ dOž s� jK�ð w²�« UNJM�«Ë Æ U½UÞd��«Ë ÷«d�_« t�«uH�«Ë q�F�« iF³Ð jK�¹ Íc�« m³²�« s� 15% vKŽ „«d−�« Íu²×¹Ë ÆdL�ðË a³Dð w²�« WOzULOJ�« U�UCL�«Ë

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uniQue GiRLs WoRLd

ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Kitchen

uniQue FaShiOn Clothes

Provided by

uniQue FaShiOn Shoes

BCBGirls ‘Paige’ Flat

Merrell ‘Zodiac Sport’ Mary Jane

BCBGirls ‘Paige’ Flat

ECCO ‘Coto’ Ballerina Flat

Jessica Simpson ‘Stephen’ Patent Leather Flat

Munro ‘Angie’ Flat


Børn ‘Begonia’ Sandal

uniQue FaShiOn Accessories

Judith Ripka Mabé Pearl & Diamond Necklace

Judith Ripka ‘Fontaine’ Ring

Judith Ripka Small Pavé Circle Stud Earrings

Judith Ripka ‘Dakota’ Horizontal Ring

Judith Ripka Double Hoop Earrings

Judith Ripka Canary Crystal Cuff Bracelet

Judith Ripka ‘Athena’ Berge Link Bracelet

Judith Ripka Wide Linen Cuff with Diamond Row


uniQue TeST

by Dalal Al-Haggan

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uniQue GiRLs sTuFf

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By Eman Al-Kanderi

‫ﺍﻟــﻠــﺒــﻨــﺎﻧــﻲ‬ ‫ﺗـﺒـﻮﻟﺔ‬ U½uJL�« ÆqždÐ ©ÊU−M� nB½® ⁄85 ≠ Æf½ËbI³�« s� sO²�UÐ ≠ ÆdCš√ ŸUMF½ W�UÐ ≠ Æ…dOG� ¡UCOÐ WKBÐ Ë√ ¡«dCš öBÐ 3 ≠ Æ…—ËbMÐ W³Š ≠ Æi�UŠ dOBŽ ©W¹œUŽ oŽö� 6® q� 90 ≠ ÆÊu²¹“ X¹“ ©W¹œUŽ oŽö� 4 ® q� 60 ≠ Æ`K� ≠

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uniQue HeaLTh

By Hamad D. Al-Othman - Physical Therapist

What Is Physical Therapy?


think it’s about time that I talk about my profession, which is physical therapy, what is physical therapy? What are the types of treatment in physical therapy? Where can you find physical therapy? When do you need physical therapy? And the most important of them all, how do you know that you have been given a full physical therapy program for you as a treatment?

Unfortunately many, or most, of the people in Kuwait are mistaken between physical therapy and massagers. Many of them think that physical therapists are massagers, and use massage to treat their patients. That’s 100% wrong, massage is a different story where the massager takes some kind of a training course for 6 months to become a massager, where physical therapists study to get a bachelor degree in physical therapy in the faculty of allied health sciences; And 75% of the subjects they take is similar to those who study medicine. Now if you want to define physical therapy, it is the kind of treatment used to treat patients without using medicine, and by using physical means; for example exercises, manipulation, and electrotherapy machines. Physical therapists assess their patients muscle strengths, affected joint’s range of motion, pain, muscle length, proprioception, etc. in order to define their physical problems and build short and long term goals to lead them in their treatment programs. That is a brief definition of physical therapy, but now to go with the types and where to find them. There are three main categories of treatment in physical therapy; Exercise therapy, Manipulative therapy, and electrotherapy. Each of those main types contain sub groups (in which I will not explain) but what you need to know is that physical therapists uses exercises in their treatment programs, electrotherapy machines , and manipulation ; it is a special, fast, strong thrust used on the affected joint by the therapist in a certain position to treat it. To go on further, we can find physical therapy


in 7 main departments and specialties which are: Orthopedics, Sports injuries (my current specialty), pediatrics (treating kids), Cardiovascular and Pulmonary systems (to make it simple Chest and heart problems, with the ICU too), Burns, Adult neurology, Handicapped and artificial limbs. Most of the problems nowadays need physical therapy, because most of the diseases and injuries involve bedridden patients, inactivity, or loss of a certain movement. For an example, in my field, which is Sports injuries, any player gets injured needs a physical therapy program to make him/ her able to go back to their sport without any complains and decrease the recurrence of their injury as much as possible. There is a common complaint between many patients who undergo a physical therapy program which generally is: I didn’t benefit from my physical therapy treatment program at all. Now it’s important for you to know that each program must consist of either: Electrotherapy + Exercise therapy, Electrotherapy + Manipulative therapy, or the three main groups together. The main reasons why many patients don’t benefit from their program (in my opinion) are: - Patient’s receives only electrotherapy as their treatment program - Patient’s don’t argue, ask, or know what their physical therapist is doing to them( for an example if a patient goes to a physician they ask a lot of questions and argue a lot, but when they go to a physical therapist they are obedient, don’t ask questions, and give an impression to their therapist like they don’t care) - Most of the patient’s don’t follow the physical therapist’s recommendation or the home program after their treatment is finished (this is the main cause) And yet, this is only my personal opinion not based on any fact or research.

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by Tufail Al-Yousef

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uniQue InTeRvieW

by Zainab Dashti & Dalal Al-Haggan -

‫ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻠﺔ ﻣﻊ‬

‫ﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ‬ ‫ﻣﻮﻫﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﻐﻨﺎﺀ‬

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uniQue Red CaRpeT

By Unique Staff


1 June 1937


Memphis, Tennessee, USA


Won 1 Oscar and 1 Golden Globe

group. Freeman acted in a touring company version of The Royal Hunt of the Sun, and also appeared as an extra in the 1965 film, The Pawnbroker. He made his off-Broadway debut in 1967, opposite Viveca Lindfors in The Nigger Lovers (about the civil-rights era “Freedom Riders”), before debuting on Broadway in 1968’s all-black version of Hello, Dolly!, which also starred Pearl Bailey and Cab Calloway.


Early life Freeman was born in Memphis, Tennessee, the son of Mayme Edna (née Revere), a cleaner, and Morgan Porterfield Freeman, Sr., a barber who died in 1961 from liver cirrhosis. He was sent as an infant to his paternal grandmother in Charleston, Mississippi. He has three older siblings. Freeman’s family moved frequently during his childhood, living in Greenwood, Mississippi, Gary, Indiana, and finally Chicago, Illinois. Freeman made his acting debut at age eight, playing the lead role in a school play. At age twelve, he won a statewide drama competition, and while in high school performed in a radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1955, he turned down a partial drama scholarship from Jackson State University, opting to work as a mechanic in the United States Air Force. Freeman moved to Los Angeles in the early 1960s and worked as a transcript clerk at Los Angeles Community College. During this period, he also lived in New York City, working as a dancer at the 1964 World’s Fair, and in San Francisco, where he was a member of the Opera Ring music 86

Although his first credited film appearance was in 1971’s Who Says I Can’t Ride a Rainbow?, Freeman first became known in the American media through roles on the soap opera Another World and the PBS kids’ show The Electric Company, (notably as Easy Reader and Vincent the Vegetable Vampire) which he claimed he should have left earlier than he did. It was my idea to just do The Electric Company for a couple of years and go on. But, you get trapped by that money thing. It’s golden handcuffs. It gets a lot of people, including soap opera actors and commercial actors. Then, they don’t want to see you in serious work. That was going to be me, having people come up to me saying “My kids love you!”. I was there three years too long. Beginning in the mid-1980s, Freeman began playing prominent supporting roles in many feature films, earning him a reputation for depicting wise and fatherly characters. As he gained fame, he went on to bigger roles in films such as the chauffeur Hoke in Driving Miss Daisy, and Sergeant Major Rawlins in Glory (both in 1989). In 1994 he portrayed Red, the redeemed convict in the acclaimed The Shawshank Redemption. His star power was already confirmed as he starred in some of the biggest films of the 1990s, Robin

Hood: Prince of Thieves, Se7en, and Deep Impact. In 1997, Freeman, together with Lori McCreary, founded the movie production company Revelations Entertainment, and the two co-head its sister online movie distribution company ClickStar. Freeman also hosts the channel Our Space on ClickStar, with specially crafted film clips in which he shares his love for the sciences, especially space exploration and aeronautics. After three previous nominations – a supporting actor nomination for Street Smart (1987), and leading actor nominations for Driving Miss Daisy (1989), and The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Million Dollar Baby at the 77th Academy Awards. Freeman is recognized for his distinctive voice, making him a frequent choice for narration. In 2005 alone, he provided narration for two of the most successful films of the year, War of the Worlds and the Academy Award-winning documentary film March of the Penguins. In 1991, Morgan Freeman was offered a lead role in Jurassic Park. Unsure that dinosaurs could make for interesting costars, Freeman traveled to the Museum of Natural History to see the “damn beasts” in person. In a 2007 interview with Atlanta Radio Correspondent Veronica Waters, Freeman revealed that he was stunned when he learned that birds descended from dinosaurs. While he turned down the role, Freeman spent the next summer reading books on Ornithology. This would later lead to his desire to narrate the documentary March of the Penguins. Freeman has recently been well known for his role as God in the hit movie Bruce Almighty and its sequel, Evan Almighty, as well as his role as Lucius Fox in the critical and commercial success Batman Begins and its upcoming sequel, The Dark Knight. He starred in Rob Reiner’s 2007 film The Bucket List, opposite Jack Nicholson, playing terminal cancer patients who must fulfill their lists of goals. He teams with Christopher Walken and William H. Macy in the comedy The Lonely Maiden, due out in late 2008. In April ‘08, Freeman will return to Broadway in a Mike Nichols directed revival of Clifford Odets’s play The Country Girl. The play will also star Frances McDormand and Peter Gallagher.

Personal life Freeman was married to Jeanette Adair Bradshaw from October 22, 1967, until 1979. He has been married to Myrna Colley-Lee since June 16, 1984. He has two sons, Alfonso and Saifoulaye, from previous relationships. He adopted his first wife’s daughter, Deena, and the couple also had a fourth child, Morgana. Freeman lives in Charleston, Mississippi, and New York City. He has a private pilot’s license, which he gained at age 65, and co-owns and operates Madidi, a

fine dining restaurant, and Ground Zero, a blues club, both located in Clarksdale, Mississippi. He officially opened his second club Ground Zero in Memphis, Tn on April 24, 2008. His pilot’s license was suspended in 2004 for 45 days for failing to maintain altitude on approach. Freeman has publicly criticized the celebration of Black History Month and does not participate in any related events, saying, “I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history.” He says the only way to end racism is to stop talking about it, and he notes that there is no “white history month”. Freeman once said on an interview with 60 Minutes’ Mike Wallace: “I am going to stop calling you a white man and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man.” Freeman supported the defeated proposal to change the Mississippi state flag, which echoes the Confederate “Stars and Bars” flag. On October 28, 2006, Freeman was honored at the first Mississippi’s Best Awards in Jackson, Mississippi, with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his works on and off the big screen. He received an honorary degree of Doctor of Arts and Letters from Delta State University during the school’s commencement exercises on May 13, 2006. In 2008 Freeman’s family history was profiled on the PBS series African American Lives 2. A DNA test showed that he is descended from the Songhai and Tuareg peoples of Niger. Freeman has endorsed Barack Obama’s candidacy for the United States presidential election, 2008, although he has stated that he will not be joining Obama’s campaign. 87


KYLE XY is an incredible mystery about a teenager with no past. The series tells the surprising journey of Kyle, a 16 year-old teenage savant who is missing instinctive human behavior such as anger, joy and love, and the family who found him. After coming out of the woods and found walking into traffic, Kyle is sent to a youth detention center where he comes into contact with his first experience of eating food and human interaction: not all of it friendly. At the center they realize that Kyle is not like any ordinary teenager, especially once they find that he is missing his belly-button. With questions of Who is this kid? and Where did he come from? psychologist Nicole Trager is called in to help get some much needed answers. After a couple of hours with Kyle, Nicole realizes that he can not survive in the institution and needs special attention, so she decides to bring him home to keep a closer eye on him. The rest of the Trager family is not as welcoming of Kyle, seeing him as just another one of Nicoles special projects. Her





husband Stephen doesnt want his wife to get too attached to Kyle, while her teenage daughter Lori and son Josh see him as a freak that can only hamper their social lives.

Soon the family starts to see that Kyle has some unique abilities and an uncanny way of completing two hour IQ tests in 5 minutes with perfect scores. He encounters everyday activities such as video games, drawing and music with a wide-eyed wonder and a thirst for more knowledge. He also starts to grow fond of the Trager family and even rescues Lori from a high school party that gets dangerously out of hand.

As he settles in with the Trager family the question still remains, who is Kyle? What are his secrets, secrets that even he doesnt understand? Why doesnt he have a belly button? Why cant he remember anything from his past? Is he suffering from some sort of post-traumatic stress? If not, is he suffering from amnesia? And who is the suspicious looking man following him?


By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

uniQue Tv ShOwS

uniQue MoviEs


By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

here are heroes… there are superheroes… and then there’s Hancock. With great power comes great responsibility everyone knows that, everyone that is but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic and mis-

understood. Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind of man who cares what other people think, until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock’s greatest challenge yet and a task that may prove impossible as Ray’s wife May, insists that he’s a lost cause. 89

uniQue PhoTOs


By Photographer Mohammad Al-Saleh

‫ﺣــﻠــﺒــﺔ ﺍﻟــﺒــﺤــﺮﻳــﻦ ﺍﻟــﺪﻭﻟــﻴــﺔ‬


uniQue CineMa


Coming Soon June 2008 Provided By:

The Movie: The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Cast: Ben Barnes - Liam Neeson - Tilda Swinton * Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy


he Pevensie siblings return to Narnia, where they are enlisted to once again help ward off an evil king and restore the rightful heir to the land’s throne, Prince Caspian.

The Movie: Kung Fu Panda * Cast: Jack Black - Jackie Chan - Dustin Hoffman Genre: Animation | Action | Comedy


o the Panda is the laziest animals in all of the Valley of Peace, but unwittingly becomes the chosen one when enemies threaten their way of life.

The Movie: The Incredible Hulk * Cast: Edward Norton - Liv Tyler - Tim Roth Genre: Action | Fantasy | Sci-Fi


hysicist Bruce Banner takes flight in order to understand -- and hopefully cure -- the condition that turns him into a monster.

The Movie: Funny Games U.S. * Cast: Naomi Watts - Tim Roth - Michael Pitt Genre: Horror | Thriller


n this English-language remake of a deconstruction in the way violence is portrayed in the media, a family settles into its vacation home, which happens to be the next stop for a pair of young, articulate, white-gloved serial killers on an excursion through the neighborhood.

The Movie: Rescue Dawn * Cast: Christian Bale - Zach Grenier - Brad Carr Genre: Adventure | Drama | War

A 92

US Fighter pilot’s epic struggle of survival after being shot down on a mission over Laos during the Vietnam War.


TOP Movies 5 1

6 2

7 3 4

8 9 10 93

Have Your Break Time...

uniQue OpeN door

By Mohammed Al-Najdy

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Wataniya : 1782

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by farah alshemmeri

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uniQue InJaZ

by Zainab Dashti & Dalal Al-Haggan -

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uniQue FaCE BoOk

By uniQue Staff

‫ﻣﺎ ﻫﻲ ﺁﺧﺮ ﺟﻤﻠﺔ ﺗﻮﺩ ﺃﻥ ﺗﻘﻮﻟﻬﺎ ﻟﺸﺨﺺ ﻓﻘﺪﺗﻪ ؟‬ Chadi El Serafy


May 4, 2008 at 1:07 PM.

Most of us, have lost someone, maybe he passed away (died) and maybe you just lose him, and you wanted to tell him somthing but you were late, what would it be? or if you have something to tell that person now what would it be? Maybe that person is alive and you lose him which is worst, because you know he is there but you can’t talk to him and you miss him.. Let’s all share, what would that last sentence would be!!

Sara wroteon May 6, 2008 at 3:15 PM walla i didn’t lose my best friend but u can say i lost her, she got married AND I REALLY REALLY MISS THIS STUPID GIRL :s

Sevana Magarian (Kuwait) wroteon - May 5, 2008 at 4:10 PM I think who came up with this question was sitting in LALA Land, maaaaaaaaaaaan u better go to sleep and rest your mind because it hurts to answer such question (it must be one of those days) (is he getting the period) (yeah MEN HAS IT TOO) and yes I wanted to say to my brother the one I lost a year back that I really LOVED HIM more than any person on this earth and now Im broken without him,,,,,, Ahmad find u a better employee to come up with the right question before he comes up with another crazy question.

Sarah Al-D. (Kuwait) replied to Chadi’s poston - May 5, 2008 at 3:14 AM Two yrs ago, i’ve lost my dear mother, she was very close to me that I used 2 tell her “ I don’t care about having friends because i hv you”. i still remember her saying that friends are very important “ because i might not live 4 a long time “ it’s like she knew she’s going 2 die in a very young age. i just wanna tell her that i LOVE her very very very much & I really MISS her a lot. life worths nothing without you Mamma Mia, it’s nothing without ur existence, without ur scent, ur advices & ur punishment to me when i become naughty :( i really miss shopping with you “ Do u know that i can’t shop without u now that u’ve gone ? “ my aunts r with me but u’re different. I miss watching Friendz with u everynight. i miss goin out 2 the cinema with u. i miss having our girli chit chat every now & often. i miss telling you about my crushes & u laughin at me in sarcasm. I really Miss You Mama. i have alot of things in my life right now & i’ve achieved alot but I don’t feel them because you’re not here 2 share it with you. I love u & may god rest ur soul in peace ! Sorry 4 ur loss Chdi :(

Noon Alhajri (Kuwait) replied to Chadi’s poston - May 5, 2008 at 1:20 AM hmmm , i have a friend whos in a coma caused by a car accident , in the US , and i dont know how he is doing right now ,i havent seen him in months and i really miss him , cant contact him whatsoever , i just wnt him to know that hes really missed and im really afraid itll be worse :( and id lose a good friend forever just too soon i swear if its just some sick joke pretending to be in a coma or just some april fool’s joke im going to get really mad , its SOOOO NOT FUNNY :@


Chadi El Serafy (Kuwait) replied to Chadi’s poston May 4, 2008 at 2:15 PM well then i will start and i would say to my friend who passed away, i know it might be too late to tell you this but i really miss you and i really love you, every night i pray for you, you were more than a brother more than a best friend to me, so many lonely nights i sit alone just thinking of you, what we used to do and how good you are. You were always down for me, and that night i wish i never told you to come, if i knew that this car would hit and kill you :’( , i swear man if i was there i would pushed you and let it hit me.. I’m sorry man, but your always in my heart living, and i will never ever forget you... i hope i will meet you in another life better than this life, hopefully soon enough..

‫ﺷﺎﺭﻙ ﻭﺃﺑﺪﻱ ﺭﺃﻳﻚ ﻣﻌﺎﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺮﻭﺏ‬

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M i stakes in Web Des i g n 1. Bad Search Overly literal search engines reduce usability in that they’re unable to handle typos, plurals, hyphens, and other variants of the query terms. Such search engines are particularly difficult for elderly users, but they hurt everybody.

exclude links that proved fruitless in their earlier visits. Conversely, they might revisit links they found helpful in the past. 4. Non-Scannable Text A wall of text is deadly for an interactive experience. Intimidating. Boring. Painful to read.

2. PDF Files for Online Reading Users hate coming across a PDF file while browsing, because it breaks their flow. Even simple things like printing or saving documents are difficult because standard browser commands don’t work. Layouts are often optimized for a sheet of paper, which rarely matches the size of the user’s browser window. Bye-bye smooth scrolling. Hello tiny fonts.

5. Opening New Browser Windows Opening up new browser windows is like a vacuum cleaner sales person who starts a visit by emptying an ash tray on the customer’s carpet. Don’t pollute my screen with any more windows, thanks (particularly since current operating systems have miserable window management).

3. Not Changing the Color of Visited Links A good grasp of past navigation helps you understand your current location, since it’s the culmination of your journey. Knowing your past and present locations in turn makes it easier to decide where to go next. Links are a key factor in this navigation process. Users can

6. Not Answering Users' Questions Users are highly goal-driven on the Web. They visit sites because there’s something they want to accomplish -- maybe even buy your product. The ultimate failure of a website is to fail to provide the information users are looking for.


uniQue ArTiCLes

Bashayer Al-Shemmeri

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uniQue AroUnD The WoRLd

by uniQue Staff

Germany G

ermany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany. a country in Central Europe. It is bor-

dered to the north by the North Sea, Denmark, and

the Baltic Sea, to the east by Poland and the Czech Republic, to the south by Austria and Switzerland, and to the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands. The territory of Germany covers 357,021 km² and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. With over 82 million inhabitants, it comprises the largest population among the member states of the European Union and is home to the thirdhighest number of international migrants.

Something for all the senses That’s what Germany has to offer Germany‘s multifaceted appeal is based on a combination of great distinction: tradition kept alive and well, history spanning thousands of years and a land rich in striking monuments and flourishing folk customs. Wherever you go, classic German hospitality coupled with their passion for the finer things of life guarantees a warm and friendly welcome. Germany‘s blend of fascinating romanticism, chocolate-box villages and exciting, world-famous cities is second-to-none. And there‘s a big heart beating behind it all. Unspoilt nature, beautiful countryside and sleepy little towns are the icing on the cake in this mélange of diversity. So it really is no exaggeration when we say that Germany has something for everyone. Artistic Paradises: Palaces, Parks and Gardens Enjoy the Harmony of Architecture and Garden Art. The unique sites of past glory are among the most popular destinations in Germany. They take the enthused visitor on a travel through time back into the most divers epochs and styles introducing him to a tradition and history thousands of years old. They are, however, not only luxuriant vestiges of past glory but also event and exhibition locations for cultural highlights in a stylish atmosphere. 104

Package deal „Royal Munich“ Relive the royal splendour of Munich, enjoy the glory of the Bavarian royal family with all your senses. The unique castle scenery in Munich presents two particular highlights with Munich Residence and Nymphenburg Castle. Complete your visit with a shopping expedition to the former Purveyors to the Bavarian Court. The package includes the following services: - 2 overnight stays with breakfast at a hotel of your choice (only participating houses) - Ticket for the Munich public transport network - 1 admission ticket per person for Munich Residence and Nymphenburg Castle 1 exclusive set of postcards with royal Munich motives.

Germany‘s natural landscapes Germany‘s natural landscapes offer a wealth of options for an unforgettable holiday: long sandy beaches on the coasts and lake shores, enchanting lowland plains, extensive ranges of hills and the high peaks of the Alps. Whether you choose leisurely exploration, a spa or wellness break, or a sports activity on land, on water or in the air, you‘ll be amazed at what Germany has to offer.

Explore themed worlds and paradise recreated on earth In this age of globalisation, places which permit people to take a step back from their hectic everyday lives and explore new horizons assume a special significance. In this context, settings which symbolise permanence and tradition in the face of the all-pervasive pressure to speed up and to change become important. This goes some way towards explaining our appreciation of landscapes which allow people to immerse themselves in bygone times and which promise to provide cultural meaning through continuity. Garden art developed centuries ago as a means of bringing the order of nature into harmony with court culture. Nowadays this function has been assumed by modern theme parks and interactive exhibitions, which must reconcile our appreciation of entertainment - finely honed by the multimedia world in which we live - with the equally important need for recreation and relaxation.

Shopping - made in Germany Shopping - made in Germany is a wonderful experience. Germany has a huge range of different places to shop, from the traditional atmosphere of its town centres to more than 400 shopping malls, each like a world of its own. The one thing they all have in common is a colourful mix of shops, boutiques, restaurants and cafés. And nearly all Germany‘s towns and cities have pedestrianised areas with large department stores and shopping arcades. 105

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Dina Hassan

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‫‪Himam Advanced Diving International‬‬

‫ﻫﺬﺍ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺼﻴﻒ‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ﺭﺣﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﺮﺓ ﻭﺍﻟﻐﻮﺹ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﻣﻴﺎﻩ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮ ﺍﻷﺣﻤﺮ‬

‫ﻋﺒﺎﺩﺓ‪ ..‬ﻭﺭﻳﺎﺿﺔ‪..‬‬ ‫ﻳﻮﻡ ﻋﻤﺮﺓ ﻭﺃﺭﺑﻌﺔ ﺃﻳﺎﻡ ﻣﻊ ﻣﺘﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﻐﻮﺹ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺪﺓ ‪ -‬ﺑﺪﺍﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻨﺘﺼﻒ ﺃﻏﺴﻄﺲ ‪2008‬‬

‫ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺮﻭﻉ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺎﻟﻔﻲ‬ ‫ﻻﺳﺘﻨﻬﺎﺽ ﺍﻟﻬﻤﻢ‬ ‫‪Himam Advanced Diving International‬‬

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