Artworks Booklet
Welcome to our booklet! Find various inspirations regarding interesting artworks created by reusing materials as part of the project "REST art"
Discover various ways to create artwork
Through the usage of various materials the creation of many artworks was possible in order to promote sustainable use.
June2023 uthexchange Stratoni,Greece
a type of artistic activity, the plastic arts are among the phenomena of social consciousness. At all stages of human‘s historical development, they have occupied an important place in the spiritual assimilation of reality, in ideological life, and in the social struggle. USB organized and hosted the youth exchange targeting staff members, youth workers, trainers and educators. In this mobility 32 participants attended, 4 young people*6 organizations + 1 participant as group leader for each national group and 2 facilitators. The topic of the training focus on "Nonformal environmental education in youth work" and took place in Stratoni in a green-open area close to the sea, where participants had the opportunity to be in contact with nature, while, working on the planned activities. The mobility lasted 7 days (travel days included). In particular, the participants proceeded with the creation of artworks through single use materials that cannot be recycled. Earlier, they collected such material from the seaside and used them to create art.
It is strongly believed that the art creations sensibilize and change people‘s consciousness regarding the environment. Because of this statement the happening of this youth exchange was very important and empowering.
YouthExchange Stratoni,Greece y
The participants started with a walk around the village in pairs, in order to talk and communicate about their personal dreams, milestones thoughts and whatever they wanted to share about themselves. This walk was the beginning of the process to define "Who am I?" While they walked around they could collect materials from nature and later on use it for their creation. When returning back, they used a compilation of materials such as old book covers and magazines as the surface to create a collage on and with them. At the end, everyone created their own collage with the tittle "Who am I?" and exhibited the artwors following an interaction between all participnats.
Planting Seeds
YouthExchange June2023
Theparticipantsdividedinto groupsconductedvariousworks inthe"Ippokampus"park.They collectedthetrashaswellas naturalmaterials.Theyalsofixed thesignsthatremindpeopleto keeptheareaclean.Anoldboat wascleanedandgainedanew purpose.Nowtheboatishosting asmallgardenforthe communityofthevillage.
Thepeoplewereveryhappywith thechangetheydidinapublic space.Thenewseedswillbecome beautifuladintothearea. Withthatwork,theyfeltcloserto thecommunityandhadnice interactionwitheachotherwhile workingalltogether.
Art workshop
Throughtheuseofold magazines,newspapers andgenerallypaperpieces thegroupcreatedatree withacombinationof materials
From one to whole
YouthExchange June2023
Everyoneworkedindividuallyfirst byreusingplatesandlidsthat couldn'tberecycledanymore. Theycreatedsome2D compositionbasedoncolorand shape.
Anacclivityfollowedwerethe participantsweredividedinto groups.Arectangularspacewas formedinthefloorandevery grouphadthechancetocreate somesymboloranycreationwith thecombinationofallindividuals work.
Exhibition at the park
YouthExchange June
Alltheartworkswerecollectedin thepark"Ippokampos"inorderto usethepublicspaceforthe exhibition.Theartworkswill remaintherealsofortheoficial openingoftheparkthatwilltake placeintheupcomingweeks.
Theword"Why"waswrittenintoa signbyusingplasticlidsthatcan nolongerbeusedandarea waste.Thissignwascreatedion ordertoraiseawarenessaboutthe plasticpollution.
Local Activities
Local Activities
Having acquired new skills and competences, every participant organization launched a local activity where they disseminated the art works from the Youth Exchange and proceeded with the creationofnewones.
Albania,Croatia,Montenegro, Egypt,BosniaHerzegovina, Greece
The participants in the activities creatednewartworksusingmicroplastic and non-recyclable materials. The number of participantsthatattendedthe workshops were about 90 people (15fromsixorga
Albania,Croatia,Montenegro, Egypt,BosniaHerzegovina,Greece
Acollectionofphotosthatcapturetheinvolvementofeveryonebothin theYouthExchangeinGreeceaswellasintheLocalActivitiesineach organizationandcountry.ThemessageoftheprojectREST_ART"Reduce, Reuse,Recycle"wasspreadeverywhereinvariouswaysthrough workshops,activities,discussions,documentaries,publicperformance, cleanupsandcreationofartworksfromnonrecyclablematerial
Albania,Croatia,Montenegro, ypt,BosniaHerzegovina,Greece
The End..
Albania,Croatia,Montenegro, Egypt,BosniaHerzegovina,Greece
Project Tittle:
Raising Environmental Awareness through Art, REST ART
Project Number: 101093068
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.