‘Cause Loving is Caring 4X4 Movies, Art, Books, Music
BIMONTHLY MAGAZINE United Societies of Balkans is a Non Governmental Organization, founded in Thessaloniki in 2008, by a team of active young people. The organization was created as a response to the pressure of constant changes in the Balkan and Eastern European region and under the need for the creation of a better social environment. Key areas of the organization’s activities concern the defense of human rights, the organization of youth exchanges and training courses, which will bring young people from Balkans and Europe together, the organization of local educational seminars and multimedia production (web radio, videos, documentaries). Main goals of the organization -To promote the values of non formal learning, volunteering, active citizenship and democracy for the creation of a better future for European youth. -To promote human rights, solidarity and respect for diversity. -To build healthy cooperation bridges between countries of the Balkan area and that of Eastern Europe with the rest of Europe. -To locate and multiply the special cultural attributes of our societies. -The break down of prejudices and stereotypes between Balkan countries. Property of Balkan Beats The United Societies of Balkans, NGO, does not necessarily share the opinions expressed in Balkan Beats. It is illegal to reproduce any part of this publication without referring to the source. This magazine is distributed free of charge.
Food, hot & clean water, safety, love / belonging... Can you go to the other steps of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? You have time to think.
Activists from Croatia and Slovenia met up on their border to cut a section of the razor wire fence that’s been erected to block refugees from crossing...
European Opportunities, Personal Branding, Training Course: “Religious Diversity and Understanding”, Training Course: Correlation, The Netherlands
There are some ways to leave our comfort zone, and find new ones…
Everything began in the end of the month of August, when a father asked to the volunteers “a bag to carry his child.”
When you go to Idomeni and see what happens there, it’s impossible not to do something to help these people.
Artist most of us never heard of.
Metelkova city
Our travel section will focus this month on the capital of Hungary. In the very core of Europe, Budapest is certainly one of the people’s favourite city in the continent. A must to visit. Green, bright and full of characteristic details, Budapest clearly lighted-up my eyes and heart.
Movies, Art, Books, Music
Piece of Love; ‘Cause Loving is Caring
Singing Train of SURVA Festival 2016
THESS MUSIC Electronic Music Culture in Thessaloniki Hip Hop: Straight Outta Greece
Fashion Trend winter 2015-2016
Balkan Recipes
NEW TECHNOLOGIES When we talk about Greece, most of the people will occur to beautiful Greek islands, beaches so on. But at the same time Greece has really good another destinations. For example in this article we will talk about the “City of Water: Edessa” and “Thermal beauty: Loutra Pozar”
Need new body parts? “Bioprinter” successfully print them for you!
SPORT A success story of Arda Turan from Bayrampasa to Barcelona
Food, hot & clean water, safety, love / belonging... Can you go to the other steps of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? You have time to think.
Time to talk about how a necessity can become an inspiration, and then become a reality. he gets inspired by a father in the borders. This inspirational father needs something to carry his children, he asks to Francesca and her friends, if they have it or not. Then, an awareness movie just starts for us, but it is more than this. Because it is the beginning of a woman’s social entrepreneurship story. They notice that they do not have anything to carry their children, and immediately after this thought, an idea comes into her mind: this idea is about a bag to carry children which her sister had, and she asks to herself ‘To make this kind of bag, it is very easy. Why do not we make it?’ In her opinion, this project is very useful, because when people take these bags, they seem very happy and grateful. Now she is very pleased that her idea is reaching many people in Greece, but this effect does not concern only in Thessaloniki where it is the origin of the story, but also this effect concerns the same in Athens. At the same time, she adds that the project needs new people as volunteers.
On the other hand, she has been thinking: how to sustain this project? She has been trying to fund raise from associations in Greece, and Italy. Maybe it is not possible to save the world with an invention... But it is possible that a necessity can become an inspiration, and then become a reality with simple touching as she does. Do You Want to Know Who She Is ? She is Francesca Wizovsky. She had some experiences in Thessaloniki, Eidomeni -which is the border of FYROM- as a volunteer. Her own professional field is architecture. She describes herself as a very creative person who likes to work about craft. She came to Greece one year ago for European Voluntary Service at United Societies of Balkans (For this reason we can see her interview at Voice of Volunteers to find out more about this entrepreneur woman deeply in future). But if you want to see her project details before the interview, you can check this link; babycarriersformigrants/?fref=ts May Inspiration Be With You!
Francesca Wizovsky Interviewer & Author: YeĹ&#x;im Bayrak 2
european opportunities United Societies of Balkans February 2016 EN Winter is ending, we slowly can see the sun rising again and we start to warm our creative machines for the period that comes.
Video of the month Being me‌
A real story of a person who faced discrimination based her sexual orientation. A next door hero:
1. One EVS position for a Greek participant for 6 months in Italy. United Societies of Balkans are searching for 1 volunteer for an EVS programme in Marche (Mercatino Conca) of Italy. Travel costs, accommodation, insurance and language courses are covered by Erasmus+ programme. More Information at:
2. Two positions for a short EVS in the Netherlands! (For youngsters with fewer opportunities) This project is for two months June-July. Deadline for applications: 11/03/2016 Travel costs, accommodation, insurance and language courses are covered by Erasmus+ programme. More information at:
ACT REACT 3. “BALKAN IDENTITY OF YOUTH”: We seek for participants!opportunities)
6. Spring Workshops in U.S.B. We will offer to our members a series of creative workshops. Do you want to learn more and take part of them?
Youth Exchange, 01/04/2016 - 12/04/2016, Craiova, Romania United Societies of Balkans are looking for 8 participants! Deadline for applications: 11/03/2016. This youth exchange is funded by Erasmus + which covers 100% of the travel costs, accommodation and food.
More information at:
More information at:
7. Week Against Racism in Thessaloniki by U.S.B.
Our volunteers will organize a series of activities in the city. You can follow them, more information here: More information at:
4. Contact Making Seminar for the development of youth prevention programs, 15 - 20 Απριλίου 2016, Nasutów, Poland: We are looking for 2 participants!
United Societies of Balkans are looking for two participants. Deadline for applications: 06/03/2016. This seminar is funded by Erasmus + which covers 100% of the travel costs, accommodation and food.
8. PAL project 2016 – 2017 PAL project aims to develop a comprehensive approach and endorse a number of goals in education, employment in order to speed up Roma Integration.
More information at:
More information at:
5. Erasmus+ Mobility programmes INFO DAY 9. “WEEELABS” project 2015 – 2016
This meeting will be a briefing on the programme “Erasmus +” and the opportunities for mobility and action through it, but also the exchange of experience on the European Voluntary Service (EVS).
The main aim is to create a strategic partnership between organizations from 4 Countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) with experience in the social field, for working and learning together exploring new opportunities for employability of youth in a situation or at serious risk of exclusion.
More information at:
More information at:
Contact: 4
european opportunities Ενωμένες Κοινωνίες των Βαλκανίων Ιανουάριος 2016 GR O χειμώνας τελειώνει, σιγάσιγά βλέπουμε τον ήλιο να ανατέλλει ξανά, ζεσταίνοντας τις μηχανές της δημιουργικότητας μας για την περίοδο που έρχεται.
Βίντεο του μήνα Being me…
Μια πραγματική ιστορία ενός ανθρώπου που δέχεται διακρίσεις λόγω του σεξουαλικού του προσανατολισμού. Ένας ήρωας της διπλανής πόρτας:
1. Μία θέση EVS για ‘Ελληνα συμμετέχοντα για 6 μήνες στην Ιταλία. Οι Ενωμένες Κοινωνίες των Βαλκανίων αναζητούν 1 εθελοντή για το πρόγραμμα της Ευρωπαϊκής Εθελοντικής Υπηρεσίας, στο Marche (Mercatino Conca) της Ιταλίας. Τα έξοδα μετακίνησης, η διαμονή, η ασφάλεια, pocket money και μαθήματα εκμάθησης της γλώσσας καλύπτονται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
2. Δύο θέσεις EVS στην Ολλανδία! (Για νέους/ες με λιγότερες ευκαιρίες) Το πρόγραμμα είναι για δύο μήνες Ιούνιος-Ιούλιος 2016. Προθεσμία αιτήσεων: 11/03/2016 Τα έξοδα μετακίνησης, η διαμονή, η ασφάλεια, pocket money και μαθήματα εκμάθησης της γλώσσας καλύπτονται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
ACT REACT 3. Ανταλλαγή Νέων «BALKAN IDENTITY OF YOUTH» αναζητούνται συμμετέχοντες/ουσες!
6. Ανοιξιάτικα Workshops από τη U.S.B. Οι Ενωμένες Κοινωνίες των Βαλκανίων προσφέρουν μία σειρά από workshop για τα μέλη του φορέα.
Ανταλλαγή νέων, 01/04/2016 – 12/04/2016 Κραϊόβα, Ρουμανία Οι Ενωμένες Κοινωνίες των Βαλκανίων αναζητούν 8 συμμετέχοντες/ουσες! Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων 11/03/2016. Η ανταλλαγή αυτή χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ και καλύπτει το 100% της μετακίνησης, διαμονής και διατροφής.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
7. Εκδηλώσεις για την Εβδομάδα Κατά του Ρατσισμού από τη U.S.B.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
Οι εθελοντές/τριες του φορέα ετοιμάζουν μία σειρά από δράσεις για την εβδομάδα κατά του ρατσισμού! Μπορείς να συμμετέχεις για συ! Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
4. Contact Making Seminar for the development of youth prevention programs, αναζητάμε 2 συμμετέχοντες
Οι Ενωμένες Κοινωνίες των Βαλκανίων αναζητούν 2 συμμετέχοντες/ουσες. Προθεσμία υποβολής αίτησης 06/03/2016. Το σχέδιο κατάρτισης χρηματοδοτείται από το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ και καλύπτει το 100% της μετακίνησης, διαμονής και διατροφής.
8. PAL project 2016 – 2017 Το PAL πρόγραμμα στοχεύει να αναπτύξει μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση και να υλοποιήσει μια σειρά από στόχους στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης, της απασχόλησης, προκειμένου να επιταχύνει την ένταξη των Ρομά.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
5. Erasmus+ Προγράμματα κινητικότητας INFO DAY 9. “WEEELABS” project 2015 – 2016
Στη συναντήσεις αυτές ενημέρωση για το πρόγραμμα “Erasmus +” και τις ευκαιρίες κινητικότητας και δράσης μέσω αυτού, αλλά και την ανταλλαγή εμπειριών σχετικά με την Ευρωπαϊκή Εθελοντική Υπηρεσία (ΕΕΥ).
Ο κύριος στόχος του προγράμματος “WEEELABS” είναι η δημιουργία στρατηγικής συνεργασίας μεταξύ φορέων με εμπειρία στα κοινωνικά ζητήματα, με σκοπό την από κοινού εργασία, εκπαίδευση και εξερεύνηση νέων ευκαιριών για την επαγγελματική αποκατάσταση νέων που είτε είναι είτε κινδυνεύουν να βρεθούν κοινωνικά αποκλεισμένοι
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο:
he phone is ringing. Unknown number. I answer and hear one voice telling me: “Good afternoon and congratulations, you have been selected to participate in “Personal
Branding Erasmus + program. Calling from the U.S.B. to discuss the details of your journey.” And after that nothing was the same. Heard about Erasmus + programs and one afternoon, like everything 7
else, I decided to send a request to a program that was as if he had created for me. And here I am on the plane to travel, knowing that my peers from 8 different European countries do the same,
ACT REACT with destination Cluj Napoca, a student town in fantastic Romania. Free ticket, accommodation and meals (all covered by the EU) met with 20 people with whom we share the same concerns, the same curiosity, the same desire to help, to exchange views, to discover the country feel piece something bigger now created, becoming youth workers. One week with excellent trainers, experiential exercises, games, discussions, multicultural evenings. Within a week I dare to say that I found evidence of myself that I did not know that I hide, I added 20 new contacts
in facebook with people who will always connects us this experience, I raised the file with my pictures at about 1000, opened my horizons, I identified exactly what the dream job, dared to express the most intimate thoughts and discuss without wearing any “mask” and finally I have suggestions for the summer holidays in 7 different countries Once I could, you too..! For more information about the program Personal Branding:
Χτυπάει το τηλέφωνο. Άγνωστος αριθμός. Απαντάω και ακούω μία φωνή να μου λέει: « Καλησπέρα και συγχαρητήρια, έχετε επιλεγεί να συμμετέχετε στο πρόγραμμα Personal Branding του
Τηλεφωνώ από το U.S.B. για να συζητήσουμε για τις λεπτομέρειες του ταξιδιού σας.» Και μετά από αυτό τίποτα δεν ήταν το ίδιο. Άκουγα για Erasmus+ προγράμματα και ένα απόγευμα, σαν όλα τ’ άλλα, αποφάσισα να στείλω μία αίτηση σε ένα πρόγραμμα που ήταν λες και είχε δημιουργηθεί για μένα. Και να ‘μαι στο αεροπλάνο να ταξιδεύω, ξέροντας ότι συνομήλικοι μου από 8 διαφορετικές χώρες της Ευρώπης κάνουν το ίδιο, με προορισμό την Cluj Napoca, μια φανταστική φοιτητούπολη της Ρουμανίας. Χωρίς άγχος για εισιτήρια, διαμονή και διατροφή (όλα επιχορηγούμενα από την Ε.Ε) συναντήθηκα με 20 άτομα με τα οποία μοιραζόμουν τις ίδιες ανησυχίες, την ίδια περιέργεια, την ίδια θέληση να βοηθήσουμε, να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις, να ανακαλύψουμε την χώρα, να νιώσουμε κομμάτι κάτι μεγαλύτερου που τώρα δημιουργείται, να γίνουμε youth workers. Μία εβδομάδα με εξαιρετικούς εκπαιδευτές, βιωματικές ασκήσεις, παιχνίδια, συζητήσεις, πολυπολιτισμικές βραδιές. Μέσα σε μία εβδομάδα τολμώ να πω ότι ανακάλυψα στοιχεία του εαυτού μου τα οποία δεν ήξερα ότι έκρυβα, πρόσθεσα 20 καινούριες επαφές στο facebook με άτομα τα οποία πάντα θα μας συνδέει η εμπειρία αυτή, αύξησα το αρχείο με τις εικόνες μου κατά 1000 περίπου, άνοιξαν οι ορίζοντες μου, προσδιόρισα ακριβώς ποια είναι η δουλειά των ονείρων μου, τόλμησα να εκφράσω τις πιο ενδόμυχες σκέψεις και να συζητήσω χωρίς να φοράω καμία «μάσκα» και τέλος έχω προτάσεις για διακοπές το καλοκαίρι σε 7 διαφορετικές χώρες Αφού μπόρεσα εγώ, μπορείς και εσύ Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το πρόγραμμα Personal Branding: personalbranding4euth.wordpress. com
Anna Apostolou 8
TRAINING COURSE “Religious Diversity and Understanding� our experience and conclusions
f somebody ever asks us to mention some of the most beautiful moments abroad, we think that both of us will include the Training Course in Berlin. Not only the topic of the training course, but also the participants as well as the place the TC took place were so interesting that made our visit in Berlin and unforgettable experience.
the participants as everyone is in exactly the same position; no one knows anybody and there is a mutual purpose which is to take the most out of the training course and have fun at the same time. During the training course, we were glad to see that each one of the participants exchanged their ideas and beliefs, presented the reality existing in their countries and it was obvious that all of us pleasingly accepted any differences that may exist in various religions and cultures. In fact, everybody seemed willing to learn and ask for even more information about the participants’ religions and social or cultural reality.
Probably, the biggest fear of those who have never participated in such programmes before is to cooperate and spend some days with people that they have never met. The truth is that it only takes some minutes to feel comfortable with the rest of 9
These seven days, we had the opportunity to discover and explore unknown aspects of other European countries and their cultures, understand how religions coexist in different places among the European Union and of course, taste some of the most popular products of each country, during the intercultural nights that were part of the training course.
This training course gave everyone the chance to understand that religion and cultural diversity indeed exists in any place in the world and is treated with various ways, depending on the beliefs and stereotypes pre-existing in each society. Another point that has to be stressed is the way of learning during this training course. We managed to learn and discuss on a lot of new topics, not by following formal educational methods, but by participating in numerous activities, forming groups or pairs. All in all, the week in Berlin has offered us a lot of new, interesting and necessary knowledge as well as many new friends, with whom we hope to meet again one day in the near future.
Nektaria Papadaki & Michael Dirhalidis 10
CORRELATION the netherlands
The Netherlands was always a place that I wanted to visit. Due to a very successful advertisement of a milk company when I was child, which was using a sweet woman from The Netherlands to hold a bucket of flowers, I always believing that the milk was coming from these flowers‌ well now I am sure is not!
he Netherlands is the correct name of the country and not Holland as is well known to many languages. Holland is a region, is like we Greeks to say that the name of the country is Attica… ok not absolutely mistake since the half of our populations lives in Athens, but you got my point. The Netherladns from the other side, are 3 -4 big cities and then full of small, small villages, almost all of them one after the other one, without obvious the space between them. My goals was to go to Ommen. That means….Thessaloniki to Istanbul, Istanbul to Amsterdam (by plane), Amsterdam to Ommen (by train). After 12 hours of trip…yes AMEN I was in ©Aris Paraschou Ommen! Ommen is a lovely village, by the river (don’t remember the name, the country is under the level of the sea so rivers are everywhere). The houses of the village and the attitude of the people are like from fairytale! All of them gentle, sportive, with their smile all the time, with their pets, the small wooden houses with cared gardens. Everything was so dreamy, except the prices…and the fact that there is no night life…but you can used it…not for long! The reason of me been there, to participate in an international training on EVS, the well know European Voluntary Service. The hosting organization was a very well know foundation, the Olde Vechte, a foundation with great history of exist and a long experience on personal developing. During the 7 days of the training, the 30 participants from different countries of Europe, we learn how to write an accreditation project of our ngos to become hosting/sending/coordinating organizations for EVS, or we developed our skills of writing proposals for EVS. We were accommodated to the dormitories of the foundation, which we were cleaning in swifts every day, and the nice EVSers of the foundation was cooking delicious foods every day. One of these days we went to visit the refugees camp, which was very organized and when I enter I thought how lucky are these people who managed to reached the Ommen, and at the same time how many people dieing in the sea. The experience was great for me, I didn’t learn many new things related with the EVS, since the topic of the project was mainly for those who has not so much experience, but for sure I gain many things, I develop new skills, I made new partners and new friends and many other things that happened to Ommen and will stay to Ommen!
Aris Paraschou 12
is the International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination,
established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1966 following the brutal murder of 69 protestors in the South African 1960. The massacre occurred during a protest against the apartheid laws of the South African government, a regime systematically enforcing racial inequality and segregation. Today racist murders and violence are still frequent and racial discrimination continues to be found in our society. What could we do to contrast? spreading a positive message to encourage ourselves and others to stand hand in hand for diversity. From 12th to 21st March you are all invited to share a picture of you with a sentence followed by this hashtag #UnitedInDifferences. We put some examples of picture but everyone is free to follow his creativity and post it. It could be a positive things to sensitize people through Social Media. So everyone of us will be the first of a big chain, all of your friends are welcome to join us! Spread the Hashtag :)
his meeting is first of all a Practical Information Moment about the Erasmus+ Programme but also a moment for an exchange of experiences on the European Voluntary Service(EVS), which gives young people between 17 and 30 the opportunity to carry out voluntary work in one of the countries participating in the European program Erasmus+ or outside Europe, for a period ranging from 2 to 12 months, engaged as “European volunteers” in local projects in various sectors or areas: culture, youth, sports, social care, cultural heritage, arts, leisure, civil protection, environment, development cooperation, etc. In the Time Table we have planned also some testimonies of young volunteers from different accredited association for sending and reception EVS in all the EURO-BALKAN-MED Zone. Come to Have a coffee with us and discover new opportunities! :) 13
There are some ways to leave our comfort zone, and find new ones… But, one of the most important thing is challenging to ourselves. For this reason, I want to start to talk to old EVS (European Voluntary Service)’ volunteers to show their motivations, backgrounds, their career paths to new candidates, each other, and to see as USB (United Societies of Balkans) to find out beforeafter. Let’s start!
Michela Sartini, she is from Italy and she is 27 years old. She was definetely an unsatisfied person, she had got graduate a few months before. (Un)Fortunately she was not able to find any job (she took advantage of her situation), so she thought that an experience like EVS could be the best thing to do in a proper time! She became an EVSer in 2015 in Greece - Thessaloniki. Her professional field is an on-going project. Since she got back from Thessaloniki she took some months to feel comfortable with her Italian environment (family, friends and other situation that she has kept frozen. Accordingly this situation, we can say ‘Do not keep freeze your relations when you leave your comfort zone!). On the other hand it is a probability after you come back home since a so long time. Maybe, it is up to you. After some time she has tried to understand her way and now she is keeping on doing private lessons for elementary school children and she has been collaborating with a local newspaper keeping a music space on it! And she is pretty excited because she will start a project in Italy very soon (She does not give any clue about it, we will see her secret project)! She says that ‘EVS brings good luck (until now, almost)!’
Then we can talk about EVS effect on her life. In her opinion, EVS is a great personal challenge that she took with herself last year (2014-2015) in Thessaloniki during 9 months, and I should learn from her ‘What EVS means at United Societies of Balkans’. She thinks EVS is an incredible opportunity to share your passions and cababilities with your mates and to use your creativity in order to practise with video and radio tools getting inside the core of the city. Also she adds, ‘what EVS means in Balkans, Thessaloniki’, Balkans have a wide spectrum of cultures and Balkans influence on Thessaloniki is very important so you can not say to know Thessaloniki if you have never experienced a trip in a Balkan country’. Suddenly we make a deal to learn about her Balkan Trip memories for future editions. Michela Sartini
I think, time to ask, ‘What kind of changes she has got in her life through EVS?’. Her answer is pretty decisive and useful for new candidates actually, because she shares frankly her own ideas. In her opinion, EVS is not totally a revolution for herself, because she had some experiences abroad before this project. For this reason, she thinks it is such a good idea to feel new cultures deeply. She has also passed incredible moments during this adventure she had the possibility to know herself better and to develop her human relations. After spending so much time with people from all over Europe she feels really European despite European Institutions are still passing a troubled time! She thinks that this experience made her grow up and she feels more self confident than one year ago. We give out our interview with her message to new candidates; ‘As my EVS friend Tommaso says, if you have decided to live an experience like EVS you are already brave enough to face this adventure in the most positive attitude! EVS is an incredible opportunity where you can really live the best time of your life and have the possibility to know better yourself, a different environment and maybe your future!’ Contact Details for Michela Sartini: Contact Details for Yeşim Bayrak:
We Wish You All Positive Attitude & Good Luck 17
Michela Sartini
Interviewer & Author: YeĹ&#x;im Bayrak 18
Activists from Croatia and Slovenia met up on their border to cut a section of the razor wire fence that’s been erected to block refugees from crossing. The first joint Croatian-Slovenian wire cutting was organized by Workers Front, to raise awareness of what they consider uncivilized.
In Nanjing, the capital of China’s eastern Jiangsu province, opened a bookstore called “The honesty bookshop” , with no cashier desk or staff . This bookshop adopted the “pay what you will” policy. they sold over 300 books on the store’s opening day and the money put into the box was “basically” the right amount.
The European Parliament says no to euthanasia. Only 95 out of the 751 members of the European Parliament supported the Declaration on the dignity of life. The declaration stated that “All European citizens, regardless of their nationality, who are in an advanced or terminal phase of an incurable illness, causing unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated, should be able to benefit from medical assistance to end their life with dignity”.
SYRIA Under the bombs, thousands of civilian volunteers – engineers, bakers, students, carpenterscalled White Helmets risk their life every day to save the people that are trapped under the ruins. Until now they saved 40 thousand of lives.
©White Helmets
IRAN The “Walls of Kindness” appeared in the major Iranian cities. The idea seems to have started after someone installed a few hooks and hangers on a wall , next to the words : “If you do not need it, leave it, if you need it , take it .” Donations of coats , pants and other warm clothing began to appear .
Twitter page of Disconnected @islanded
Benedetta Vassallo 19
domeni is a small town on the border between Greece and FYROM, and every day is crossed by an increasing number of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Kurdistan. The small village, in fact, it is an obligated checkpoint due to its location in the middle of the Balkan Route, which leads migrants to the European countries. Here, in one tent, groups of volunteers are supporting refugees by providing them with basic necessities - like water, food, clothes, shoes . Trying to relieve the long trip that they face to reach the “European dream” symbolized by the countries of Northern Europe. “It’s in this background that was born the baby carriers project” says Francesca, one Italian volunteer. Everything began in the end of the month of August, when a father asked to the volunteers “a bag to carry his child.” In fact, the migrants and the refugees have not only the weight of their luggage, but they carry in their arms also their children especially if these are very young, during a long and arduous trip. A new baby carry can costs up to 100/ 120 Euros and to find a second hand baby carry it is not so easy but above all it is not immediate. Furthermore, the requests are many and it’s impossible to find the baby carriers for everybody, the only possible solution was: to sew them.
Francesca Wizovsky
Francesca Wizovsky
From August to December several hundred baby carriers are been produced and distributed, thanks to different kind of donations, monetary or tissues donations. A well-known community centre in the city of Thessaloniki, who were already offering support to refugees, gave a space where they organized a studio and, thanks the donation of one Italian NGO, the volunteers bought a professional sewing machine. In this manner the realization of baby carriers is increased allowing a distribution of at least 30 baby carriers per day, but still are not enough. For this reason started a online fundraising campaign: so-called “crowd funding”, during the donation you can choose the “benefits” of your donation that is you can choose how they will use the money.
For more information and updates, the Facebook page is “Hand-Made Baby Carriers for Refugees in Idomeni.” Domenico di Nuzzo 20
©Benedetta Vassallo
“When you go to Idomeni and see what happens there, it’s impossible not to do something to help these people” “We don’t need a reason to help the people” it is the perfect quote to summarize the work done by the πλεκοθμε αλληλεγγύηKnitting solidarity, an instinctive movement born in Thessaloniki with the aim to help the refugees who come to Idomeni, the village closer the FYROM border and the new crossroad for the refugees who want to reach the North European countries. The initiative began the last October after the visit to Idomeni of IRINI AKRITIDOU - the founder of this initiative - after witnessing the dramatic conditions of the refugees she decided that was necessary to do something. The family is the first supporter of our goals, we know it, and her family encouraged her to help the in need refugees “my son is my first supporter but also my mother, she with her fiends started to divide the clothes which arrived in the containers” she says.
Thus, she started to share posts on Facebook about the difficult situation in Idomeni and her will to help the refugees and migrants, and in less than three days the requests of people who wanted to help her were so much that Irini decided to organize the first meeting of the movement. Since that day the group is growing more and they continue to meet each other onetime per week in different café which gives free space or aid in other ways. “The owner of this café wanted to help and support us, but he didn’t know how do it neither how to knit and he decided to give us for free all the upstairs space and offer free drinks” says Vasilikh, one of the activist who enjoyed the activity from the beginning. In the meantime, while chatting and drinking coffee they create hats- gloves - scarves that they later on donate to the refugees in the border. The meeting is also an occasion to continue to gather all the handicraft works done during
the rest of the week and to collect and after distribute the balls of wool donated by other people. In fact, many people are supporting the initiative in many ways “one time a lady went to one bakery to order 200 koulourakia [a typical bread with different staffing inside] to bring them to Idomeni and the owner gave us everything for free, many bakeries and pastry shops donate food for the refugees” continues Vasilikh. Their action doesn’t end with the handicraft clothes, but also they started to prepare homemade food like biscuits or pieces of cake for the refugees given that the people who are arriving in Idomeni, with the bus from Athens, are always more and sometimes they wait the opening of the border for many hours without eat. Most of the solidarity and support arrive from Greece, but also from other countries like U.S.A or France, they don’t send only balls of wool but also second
©Benedetta Vassallo
hands clothes or new clothes. The network at the moment is bigger than in the beginning, of course, but they still need other volunteer to help the group in Idomeni to distribute the clothes and the food among the refugees but also they need more balls of wool. The Iron Ladies are not supported by local or international organisations, they are going by themselves to Idomeni, and they will go until it will be possible. They are not scared or worried about a possible closing of the borders and a forthcoming creation of a refugees camp in the city of Thessaloniki or in the neighbouring cities, one of activist says “we will go where the people need our help, where are women and children in need of our support” If you want to enjoy this action you can contact the Founder via the Facebook group: πλεκοθμε αλληλεγγύη- Knitting solidarity or also take part to the weekly meeting, if you are not able to knit don’t worry how Erietta says “If you want to learn, you will find for sure someone who will teach you. Never give up.”
ŠBenedetta Vassallo
Interviewer and Author: Benedetta Vassallo
Milan Keleuva is a painter from Croatia who’s dreadfully unappreciated and unrecognized within his borders. He was born in Glina, which is a small city in Croatia, in 1979. Most of his life he has lived in Serbia. He started drawing when he was a teenager, the story of how he began is quite funny. Him and his friend drew an ugly old big nosed man who had two teeth and three hairs on his head, that nosy guy made one girl laugh, Mr. Keleuva had a little crush on her. He liked her presence so he kept drawing. Even though at some point she left from his life - drawing didn’t, so that is how it all begun.
©Milan Keleuva
©Milan Keleuva
t was war time in Croatia and there was nothing to do so he worked on his drawings and one after another he got better and better. When he was 21 he was wondering what to do with his life, he knew that he wanted to be a painter and to live off of his paintings but he wasn’t able to sell them. So he kept wondering “what if I’m no good, what if my paintings are not as good as I think, what am I going to do now?” so he found a job. Every day he traveled over 40km to go to work, he took any transportation available, hitchhiking and even walking in the freezing and summer hot weather when there was no other option. But never did he gave up painting, every time he would get back home he would pick up his tools and started painting. First exhibition he had was in 2003 in Kosjerić, Serbia. All of the paintings were black and white. For that time it was a huge success with over 80 people at it. The next year he visited a famous painter who judged his work and told him “ I can ©Milan Keleuva 27
CULTURE ©Milan Keleuva
see you have talent and the only advice I can give is just paint”. His only objection was that Milan never used color in his work but only black and white paintings. First color painting he did in 2005, even though he loved doing black and white it was not selling nor was it popular. When he finally decided to paint with color more, it turned out to be a great success.
I have asked him a few questions. Can you live off of your work? “I can, but very modest I have sold almost all of my paintings, I have done around four hundred and I don’t have a lot of them left”. Do you have any role models? “ No I don’t think I do”. Do you have a favorite painting? “ Yes quite few of them there is “Serbian Breakfast”, “Whore”, “Sin Street”, “Forrest Dream.” If you weren’t a painter what would you do with your life? “ Honestly I have no idea, I’ve always seen myself drawing or painting and I haven’t really thought about it”. Where do your paintings sell? “ They sell in Japan, America, various countries in Europe and I have one painting in New Zealand.” He also told me that he had two exhibitions In Zurich, Switzerland in 2011 and in 2012 and that in 2008 he was chosen as one of 49 best artists from Serbia for his “Serbian Breakfast”. Do you have any hobbies? “ In my free time except from painting I enjoy photography and cycling”. From my personal experience he is a great painter and a good person, he even helped me develop my own skill and we did a painting together. He guided me through all the steps and explained how this technique is used. He gave me advice and said that other artists can be deceiving giving you wrong tips so your work would not be good. They do this so you wouldn’t represent competition to them. We should try to spread our horizon and look beyond it. Find beauty in which ever form it is and recognize it not to keep it for ourselves because beauty is not ours to keep, but to spread and share with the world. This is why I want to show Mr. Keleuvas work and I can feel proud that I’ve found this beauty when many others have just passed by it. ©Milan Keleuva
Valentina Petrak 28
CULTURE A country in the heart of Europe, where the Alps meet the Mediterranean, covered with more than 90% of forest, rich child of the Balkans with the greatest poet France Prešeren and the contemporary philosopher SlavojŽižek, of course I am talking about Slovenia. Moreover, I missed to mention:
Valentina Petrak Š Asli Yerlikaya, L.Philip Lucas and Ulas Ozturk
The year is 2012 and I have just started a new adventure; I was full of hope but this time was different, because I was among people which I’ve never met before, in another city, in a different country. If you are walking alone in Ljubljana’s streets, it is impossible to miss Metelkova with its huge walls covered with graffiti. I felt that I am in Hansel and Gretel story; Metelkova was the candy house the witch lives in. When I first entered, I found it a bit spooky, but still it was such an exciting feeling. Let’s discover Metelkova.
In a few words, Metelkova was the barracks of Yugoslav National Army, now it’s an autonomous cultural, art and social centre since it was squatted in 1993. It is in the central district of Ljubljana, 15min walk from France Prešeren Square, the very heart and centre of Ljubljana and only 5 minutes away from the bus and train stations. You can see many squats in Berlin, Budapest, Prague or Thessaloniki, but they are not extremely original and different as Metelkova is. It hosts all arts; graffiti, gorgeous stencils, many unbelievably
© Asli Yerlikaya, L.Philip Lucas and Ulas Ozturk creative sculptures, types of music as Reggae, Dub, Techno, Heavy Metal, Punk Rock… And lots of different people who have a mutual point: being friendly. One is doctor, one is journalist, one is migrant, the other one is homeless, one is from Turkey… It is the only place in the world where you can meet a variety of different people. Also you should be ready for all kinds of unusual offers, the craziest, sophisticated and deeply talks, etc… The space consists of seven buildings; several clubs, a hostel, live music spaces, art galleries, artistic studios, even anarchist and lesbian libraries, dedicated to organization of social and cultural activities for the public. Also Metelkova has a nonstop events schedule, every year it hosts more than 1,500 alternative events in its illegally occupied buildings, from theatre performances and punk
concerts to disability workshops and LGBT club nights. That’s why it became Europe’s most successful urban squat. One of the classical Metelkova’sday; in the morning workshops for young kids, teaching them some useful things, in the afternoon having a theatre rehearsal and in the evening, it’s the only place in Ljubljana where you can hear so many different kinds of music. You can live with Metelkova 24 hours without sleeping. It is also one of the few places in Slovenia to offer migrants and asylum seekers, members of ethnic and other minorities, a possibility to socialize among themselves and with other people. For many years, Metelkova has hosted the only Women’s centre, and it is today still the only place in the country with community run clubs for handicapped youth, gay and lesbians. Many campaigns against
© Asli Yerlikaya, L.Philip Lucas and Ulas Ozturk
© Asli Yerlikaya, L.Philip Lucas and Ulas Ozturk
racism have been planned and carried out at Metelkova. About history of Metelkova, as a conclusion we can say that they have struggled against the many difficulties. Their battle still continues year by year. Until 1991, the army barracks of the former Yugoslav army were located in Metelkova. Yugoslav army had been obliged to leave Slovenia in 1991, the City Council secretly planned to tear down the barracks and put a commercial business centre in their place. Therefore, the city’s activists, intellectuals and artists came together to propose a new, creative, peaceful use for the former military barracks and began to squat the buildings. In 1993, the City Council cut Metelkova’s water and electricity in an attempt to prevent the artists’ cultural programs and to force the activists to leave the squat. Today Metelkova is called “Metelkova City,” thus symbolising its history and its past battles, as well as being a cynical reminder of the center’s proper position in town. Nowadays Metelkova City is a place where young people can come and experience a sense of freedom, an island in the core of the city, an utopia where the people establish their own rules, a sort of parallel universe the paradise in the world. I hope we will meet again… See you soon!
© Asli Yerlikaya, L.Philip Lucas and Ulas Ozturk Ugur Dogan 32
SUR © Kristian Ivanov
© Ioana Takova
© Ioana Takova
VA © Kristian Ivanov
© Ioana Takova
Singing Train of SURVA Festival 2016 What is SURVA? If you are wondering what to do in January, let me propose you an option to visit a Festival in
Bulgaria Surva Festival of Masquerade Games is one of the most colorful events on the Balkans. It is authoritative expression of traditional folk games and customs with masks. The festival promotes variants of ancient bachelor rituals which have survived over the years. The festival competition program is the place where the living carriers of the tradition meet and contest, most popular with their designations as “survakars”and “mummers”. In 2015 the Surva tradition was registered in the world treasury of UNESCO and is now officially part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. It incorporates the traditional masquerade games and rituals in 31 residential places that are related in the region of the town Pernik, Bulgaria. The Festival is held on annualbasis in the last weekend of January. Traditionally, the beginning of the event is set
© Kristian Ivanov
by an outdoor performance, when Surva’s leader (voevoda) or bilyukbashiya lights the festival bonfire. This is the time when Pernik is obsessed by the charm of the world’s folklore. The groups are competing for three days in the center of the town, showing the magic of their dances and unique masks and costumes. The participants generate a continuous stream of colors, sounds and rhythms which have come from all over the world. “The difference this year is that we made the Festival bigger and more meaningful in the region. We put a big effort to promote some supportive events – Bulgarian culinary workshops and art exhibitions in The National Palace of Culture in Sofia and in Pernik – as well as a scientific conference for anthropologists
and ethnographers. This year the participators in masquerade games were even more – 110 groups, 92 of them Bulgarian and the rest are from abroad. A really nice Greek group was one of our guests. We hope they will come again next year because of the nice memories we made. The guests of Pernik’s Festival were more than 300 000 this year and we are pretty happy that the comments in the social media were more than optimistic. One video of a “singing train” with people going back from the Festival and singing made me feel more than happy. It becomes viral very fast. What can be better than a “singing train?!?” - said the mayor of Pernik, VyaraTserovska. She was so kind to accept us in her office and to tell us more about the traditions, connected with the 25 anniversary edition of 50-yearsold festival.
ernik festival is one of the oldest masquerade games in Bulgaria. It has been organized by Pernik municipality since 1966, and since 1985 it has got the status of an international festival. In 1995 Pernik was accepted as a member of the Federation of European Carnival Cities, and in 2009 the town was announced as European Capital of survakars and kukers (mummers) traditions. So far, groups from Greece, Japan, India, China, Egypt, Northern Ireland, Italy and all around the world have taken part in the biggest masquerade festival on the Balkans. “All the January is a Festival for Pernik and the region! It begins in the first days of the month in the small villages. All the rituals start with mystique bonfires and 3-4 generations around the table. I think that this is the most valuable – 4 generations from all around the world are gathered by a tradition.”- the mayor Tserovska continues.”This is a celebration not just for families, but for children too. The relay “To be” is a part of a Survasupporting events. It is made in the kinder gardens which traditionally pass between each other a beautiful carnival mask singing all the same song on their own way as a real kukers. This is an emotionally celebration for all the children, parents and teachers. But it is not the end of the preparation for the festival. On the day of the opening of Surva 450 high school students made their own defile of their own-made masks and costumes, acting the traditional rituals.”
The Sourvakars’ costumes are mainly two types – made out of leather or cut rugs. The masks and garments are being made throughout the year. InPernik region the masks are made out of skins of sheep and goats, wings and feathers from poultry, horn, corn husks, hemp. Elsewhere – from cloth, woolen yarn, beads, dried plants, paper flowers. The
masters who know the tradition well. They make the “second face” of their relatives and friends, and sometimes even of the whole group. Before the festival the masks must be kept secret in order to surprise everyone and keep their magic power. Some of the costumes weight up to 50 kg but each participant strives to show the most provocative costume.
different materials embedded in them give them a look of weird creatures, some of which is characterized as animals with frightening faces and protruding teeth, tails, or clacking breaks. Sometimes the mask is only a blackened face on which mustaches and beard of wool, thread of hemp can be attached. There are complex structures of feathers of poultry on a wooden skeleton, which can reach up to two meters. The more frightful they are, the bigger their strength against evil is. The participants make their masks themselves or with the help of established
The lightening of bonfires and jumping over them for health is a part of a Survakars’ ritual. Therefore, in the evening of January 13, torches and bonfires can be seen from a far. It can also be heard the ringing of the Sourvakars’ bells. They are different in number, size and sonority. Sometimes they reach up to 40-50 kg. From time immemorial it has been known that if Sourvakar plays in your house, the good will surely instill inside. To disguise is a very old tradition. According to researches the
© Ioana Takova
characters recreate the folk tale of the birth of order from chaos and indicate when the boy becomes a marriageable man. And until today the Sourvakars perambulate the whole village. The groups recreate a wedding according to which the ancient tradition and the bride is necessarily a male. The monsters coming after the wedding participants make unimaginable noise with their bells, which is, however, in strict rhythm and so, on its own unique way, puts order. They chase the evil and bring good with themselves. The hosts give them meat, dried fruits, flour, beans, rakia, wine and money. The group blesses and wishes health and thus establishes the new beginning and the desire of fertility, prosperity and well-being. A major role is “bolyukbashiya”. The rest of the group reincarnate in different roles – a priest who sprinkles water for health, a best man and a maid of honor, a bride and a groom... What is the point of view of youngsters who are part of the Festival we get from KaloyanVelinov (27 years old). He is working as a business consultant and entrepreneur, but also is one of the regular participants in Masquerade Games from 5 years in his home town Pernik. “The feeling to be watched, wanted to be touched, asked questions as a VIP makes me feel more energized after the festival.”, said Kaloyan. “The message of the event is simple. It is showing an anciant ritual in the most attractive way. Preparing, training and the festival itself makes all the participants feel proud. It makes us feel closer and full of positive thoughts... The awards are welcomed but they are not a goal for us. They are just a way to show us we are good in what we do. We are used to be on one of the first places in the competing part of the festival but this really is
© Ioana Takova
not our reason to participate.” continuesKaloyan. On a question what makes him participate he answers: “My business partner and friend made me participate 5 years ago and now I am the one who makes him be strict and participate. I know people from almost every group from different cities. We became friends and even my old friends come to see me and help me with wearing the mask because it is really heavy. I think that the Festival is a really good option for touristic business of the region. Do you know, people pay much for being away from their daily life.” For the final of our exploring Surva we asked Kaloyan to wish something to the young audience of „Balkan Beats“. „I wish to youngsters not to listen too much what the old say with all their prejudices and ambitions. Let youngsters from all the Balkans to show Europe that we have something to show, something to give...!“ We are waiting forward Surva 2017… Iva Veneva
© Kristian Ivanov
Ajvar Ingredients
8 to 12 fresh red New Mexican chiles, or substitute green 4 medium-sized eggplants ½ to ¾ cup olive oil or corn oil 1 large onion, minced 3 large garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice (or 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar) salt and pepper to taste chopped fresh parsley for garnish
Roast the chiles and eggplants over charcoal or a gas flame or bake them in a preheated 475 degree f oven until the skins are blistered and black. Place the roasted vegetables in a paper bag and let them steam in their own heat for 10 minutes. Peel off and discard the burnt skins along with the stems and seeds of the chiles.Mash the peppers and eggplant pulp together to form a homogeneous mass - completely smooth or slightly chunky, as desired. You can do this in a food processor. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet, and saute the onion until very soft. Add the garlic and cook 2 minutes longer. Remove from the heat and stir in the pepper-eggplant pulp, mixing well. Slowly drizzle the remaining oil into the mixture, stirring constantly to incorporate all of the oil. Add lemon juice or vinegar, salt, and pepper, to taste. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with the parsley. 37
Cevapcici Ingredients
1 lb ground beef 1lb ground pork 1 lb ground lamb 2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed 3 tbsp hot Hungarian paprika, or sweet paprika and a little cayenne 2 tbsp freshly ground black pepper salt to taste Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
Mix well all the ingredients, except the oil. Leave in fridge for 24 hours. Mix well thoroughly again. Roll the mixture into little “cigars” about 1 inch by 3 inches. Rub lightly with sunflower oil and grill on medium heat or broil until well done. Serve hot Cevapcici immediately.
Ingredients For the Cake:
6 eggs, 300 gr sugar, 2 packets vanilla sugar, 1 packet baking powder and 400 gr flour For the Topping:
500 ml sweet cream, 2L milk, 300 gr powdered milk, Liquid caramel
Separate egg whites from egg yolks and put them in a bowl. Beat the yolks in a separate bowl. Beat the whites together with the sugar then gradually add the beaten yolks, flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. You can also use a spoon to mix the ingredients. Pour the mixture in a square pan and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 220 º C. Meanwhile, prepare the topping. Mix the milk, powdered milk and sweet cream in a big bowl. Let the cake cool and then pour the milk topping on it. Let it soak then top with liquid caramel. Mert Girengir and Dino Mitar 38
Influenced by the Techno movement coming from emblematic cities such as Detroit, Berlin or London; Thessaloniki is taking its marks in the electronic world’s scene. The city is fully engaged to make this culture grow by delivering quality events or festivals in order to fulfill purists expectations. It has now the privilege to host many great Dj’s from all around the world.
Mert Girengir and Dino Mitar
reece succeeds to create a new era in the art culture by gathering modern arts and artists by making the efforts to contribute in the elevation of this movement. The electronic culture is now defined as the essence of modernity and innovations; Greeks are definitely proud of establishing it. Helped by several collectives who point out the really important relationship between sound, motion and image, they are able to provide great events regularly in Thessaloniki. The best way to show this involvement is the renowned REWORKS festival with an exciting line up. This 3 days of joy and happiness proposed this year the performances of Ellen Allien, Tale of Us, Dubfire, Pan-Pot, Art Department, Mano Le Tough but also many locals emerging talent. It introduces new musical and artistic paths in 12 stages in total, including a portside warehouse, street stages in Thessaloniki’s center, a hotel rooftop and an indoor-outdoor complex.
who try and resist to the difficult cultural environment regarding the economic crisis. It is a need for Greeks to follow their dreams and ambitions through musical and artistic creativity. Nowadays, Thessaloniki can count on several collectives to provide the most thrilling parties by considering the environment around and the good assets that the city has to offer in order to introduce a new sound to the city. Motivated by their passion for modern electronic music, they are successful in giving successful session of events.
Reworks is therefore an attractive combination of entertainment, art and holiday which will present a broad spectrum of electronic music for every taste and a large audience. Reworks is even more than the best festival in Northern Greece, with good values and quality programming. It is also considered as the symbol of a national meeting point for a youth
Founded in the mid 90’s, with the idea of organizing and realizing a series of events and embracing a large number of activities such as famous and local artists’ performances, event coordination, music management and graphic design. NON efforts had an important impact and parties became appealing, bigger and stronger. Numerous events and festivals
The most active one which organized more than 500 events the past years and hosting more than 200 artists is undoubtedly “NON”.
then took place mainly in Thessaloniki but also all over Greece. Bringing electronic legends alive such as MaceoPlex, Robert Hood, Juan Atkins, Marcel Dettmann or Ben Klock, they are making the best efforts to put the city in a higher level. Moreover, Street outdoors and their parties are unavoidable as they are improving Greek’s
nightlife with an unexpected concept which consists in making parties in open venues such as La Doze, Cocktail Bar or Kantina Tropicana, in order to spend the night outside and to bring the festivities in the street. Those events fit perfectly with the amazing weather that Greece still experiences until the late October. One of the most noteworthy organizers over the last 2 years, The Synthetic team is creating unforgettable mobile party taking place in several places all over the town. With the genuine idea to give a top quality music to the audience, they are embracing the infrastructures and the environment that Thessaloniki is known for. This movement couldn’t go further and won’t be anything without the clubs and bars, which are considered as temples for techno lovers. In Valaoritou area that is full of mainstream choices you can still find few bars that are totally dedicated to the fans of pure electronic music.
Without any doubt, the well-known Division Club is considered as the meeting point for every connoisseur who expects good quality music in a nutty atmosphere. Tokyo City Bar reminds us more as an Eastern Europe ruin club. As you step in, you will feel the mixture of excitement, eagerness to dance and the good dynamic that make it so special. Also Rocknrolla has one of the best sound systems in town and Coo Bar which is more alternative, propose different kind of music for a larger audience. Outside of the city, the two huge complexes and creative spaces Mylos and Block 33 and the Decadence club which recently reopened, are the biggest venues to host the best electronic parties. Techno is becoming more of a therapeutic outlet for individuals struggling to adapt to the harsh realities of contemporary life. Indeed, despite a hostile time regarding the actual economics difficulties, Greeks are well-determined to follow their own ambitions and dreams through this movement which gather each of them, for the love of music. 43
Antoine Bergamo 44
STRAIGHT OUTTA GREECE A brief glance into 13 years old hip hop tradition
ack in 2002-3 the Greek hip hop stage was quite poor, with big old school names playing in front of 50 people audience. On one hand, there were really talented artists, but on the other, the people dealing with event organization were not into hip hop, they were business people with good connections, but mostly focused on easy money. In the same period, a group of friends who wanted nothing more, but to attend cool events, decided to make a change and tried to organize what they were eager to see. In the beginning there were 10-15 people who grew up with the hip hop way of living and breathing, motivated by the love for this music and culture. They had a very specific vision, but due to the lack of experience they had to begin experimenting with the media and the ways to get there. In general, the idea was very simple, but innovative in that particular period of time. Everything started with small scale events and parties, but without the aim of something so massive, just trying to be a role model in a good way 45
and the first proper solution that came up was the festival. The concept back then was more like an annual meeting of creators and audience, to connect, to exchange, to propose and to come back next year with new ideas.For the first time someone tried to set some standards in aspect of quality and correct attitude towards the artists, and the most important - respecting the audience since these are the people who will come again, buy the album, etc… “The hardest thing is to keep the tradition, every year something different.” - Zoltan Tribe Hip hop in Greece firstly appeared in Athens, but on the other hand Thessaloniki is considered as the capital of alternative movements such as the Film Festival. Technically, choosing Thessaloniki as the host of THHF is practical, because it is smaller city, so it makes it easier to coordinate and connect the people. However, this decision broke the circle with the things that used to happen with the Greek hip hop, it created competition and helped spreading this culture around the country. Of course there were people who didn’t like or couldn’t understand the way the things were happening. During the years, a lot of events were organized, but only for a while and then disappeared. Still, THHF survived, it took around 10 years to make a point and gain respect and now it became an annual tradition. “If you don’t have enemies, you are doing it wrong” –Ευθύμης This festival thought the artists to be together as a family, not as competitors. In the beginning there were a lot of conflicts, people yelling at each other or the groups going outside to fight, so the crew behind Zoltan Tribe had the role to balance them. They had to train the artists and the audience, with a lot of energy and patience, but finally with positive results. Historically, the assassination of Killah P helped this happen. It was an event that changed everybody’s mind -that it is stupid to fight with each other instead of finding a common ground in order to create a space for creativity, freedom and social fights. In the beginning there was a lot of pressure in the society, but then Killah P helped to create positive role models for the young people. “We wanted to promote the hip hop as a serious thing and we wanted the people to see the culture the same way we see it.” – Zoltan Tribe This is why it started like a concert, but in the process of growing, side events were added like MC battles, Beatboxing, Graffiti, etc. In order to motivate the young people, every year Zoltan Tribe tries to find new artists and to give them chance to expose their talents, no matter if they are street artists, on YouTube or whatever. At the moment, behind the name of Zoltan Tribe are two people, but with the time passing a team of helpers has formed around them, all connected through the same purpose, same love. Every year the festival has a certain subject (THHF2015: UNITED WE STAND – FREEDOM WE SEEK) and the whole line up is created according to it. It is a long process of combining new with old, old with new and creating a mixture between different styles and messages. The whole preparation takes around 6 months, but making the connection between the artists is the secret ingredient that makes THHF an exceptional event. “The main idea is to have a dope festival.” – Zoltan Tribe Special thanks to Alex Zoltan for introducing me into this amazing music world!
Photo credits: Anthony Black Author Anna Beykova
Egészségedre!* * “cheers”
Our travel section will focus this month on the capital of Hungary. In the very core of Europe, Budapest is certainly one of the people’s favourite city in the continent. A must to visit. Green, bright and full of characteristic details, Budapest clearly lighted-up my eyes and heart.
©Maéva Bauval
n the cold weather of January, travel may be complicated. But Hungary seemed a good compromise to enjoy the charm of this winter. After finding cheap flight tickets and attractive prices for the accommodation and supplies, the decision was made. My only regret is that Budapest needs so much more than three days to be entirely explored. Landing at night was probably the best idea I’ve ever had. Discovering the city for the very first time in the partial darkness was absolutely breathtaking. Budapest is shinning even stronger when the sun goes down. I also understood what it meant to feel in the right time, in the right place. The city owns the third biggest parliament in the world on the Danube’s quay and the impressive Chain bridge which makes the separation between the two different parts: Buda the new and Pest the old. The first evening was meant to visit the contemporary part of the city. Hiking up the Gellért Hill under the falling flakes and using the historical funicular was a magical experience. We walked around the white Fishermen’s Bastion on the snowy ground and faced the Matthias Church but the freezing cold caught us. It was time to discover our new sanctuary for the next few days. In Budapest, hostels are like an El Dorado for youngsters who want to meet new people from foreign countries and have fun. And fortunately, I think we found the best place ever. The hostel wore the colours of Italy, Estonia, Norway, USA, Peru or Venezuela and made this trip deeply enriching. The day after, we experienced something totally new for me: the free walking tour in the centre of the city. Guides are here to optimize your time, show you the most important monuments and explain you the basic historical timeline of the country in a few hours. It was in my opinion the best option for the young broken tourists that we were, to get advices from local people and not miss anything. We made a break in a typical restaurant where we tasted the famous “Goulash” and appetizers served with Hungarian wine for less than six Euros. Unbelievable but true. Totally full and more than happy, we took the road toward the east part of the centre to find the heroes’ square and the huge Vàrosliget park that hosts one of the oldest zoo in the world. You can find there all the different styles of the Hungarian architecture and be amazed by the Vajdahunyad Castle and its open-air skating rink. And another interesting thing to do in the winter time in Budapest is enjoying the thermal baths. We choose for this the Széchenyi baths, a massive golden building and one of the last remnants of the Turkish influence in Hungary. It was without a doubt one the best experience in my life. You can take a daily pass and spend hours just to relax, play chess and talk in 39 degrees pools when the temperature outside it’s getting lower. The quintessence of serenity.
©Maéva Bauval
After a well-deserved sleep, we visited the two other different areas of the city: the Jewish centre and the old communist neighbourhood. Change of sense guaranteed. The air and the edifices are full of history and heavy feelings because of the large Jews deportation in the second world war. Budapest is a combination of culture, evolution and Art Nouveau that imposes a total respect.
The night life is moreover an unusual and unreal thing. Budapest offers a lot of ruins bars like the famous “Szimpla” with only recycled objects and materials that give to the atmosphere an enchanting underground touch. Pubs and clubs are all different and you can find all type of music. The city clearly doesn’t sleep, just as us. The prestigious Budapest with its particular alliance of Renaissance vestiges, Soviet influence and modernity is a city to remember. Leaving was the hardest part, but as least with my head full of memories. Maéva Bauval 50
When we talk about Greece, most of the people will occur to beautiful Greek islands, beaches so on. But at the same time Greece has really good another destinations. For example in this article we will talk about the “City of Water: Edessa” and “Thermal beauty: Loutra Pozar” which are not so famous but really beautiful places. Edessa is a city in northern Greece and the capital of the Pella regional unit, in the Central FYROM region of Greece. From Thessaloniki to Edessa the distance is approximately 75km.
Blessed City with Water
Thermal and Natural Beauty
©Mert Girengir
n Slavic languages Voda means water. Edessa (Turkish : Vodina) means it is a place where there are very rich water sources. Edessa indeed totally deserves this name because the city has many water channels and a huge waterfall. Edessa holds a special place in the history of the Greek world such as, according to some ancient sources, Caranus established it as the first capital of ancient Macedon. Later, under the Byzantine Empire, Edessa benefited from its strategic location, controlling the Via Egnatia as it enters the Pindus mountains, and became a center of medieval Greek culture, famed for its strong walls and fortifications. In the modern period, Edessa was one of Greece’s ©Mert Girengir industrial centers until the middle of the 20th century, with many textile factories operating in the city and its immediate vicinity. Today however its economy mainly relies on services and tourism. In the past, the city entered into the domination of many civilizations. In 1390 the city was conquered by the Ottoman Empire and for 522 years the city was under cover of Ottoman. After the Balkan Wars this territory was included to The Kingdom of Greece! Until the population exchange, Christians and Muslims were living together, really close and in peace. The most popular spot in the city is Waterfall Park where you can find coffees shops, restaurants and Water Museum inside. If you want you can go down from the stairs to see the waterfall from a better view. And It’s imposible to not be impressed when you see this huge waterfall! On another hand, I will suggest you to get lost in the streets. Thus you will discover/learn more things about the city. And the city is also not that big. You can probably finish to visit it in a couple of hours on foot. For Greeks and Macedonians, the other important factor of ©Mert Girengir the city is the fact that Alexander The Great’s father is from that territory. Edessa has also an importance for Turkish people. In fact, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s mother was from Edessa! After Edessa, there is one place that I will suggest you to visit: Pozar! Pozar is localised just 20km from Edessa, close to the FYROM border and a natural beauty.It’s actually so strange that the water coming from the mountains can be very cold. On another hand next to the river there are many thermal sources. In Pozar there are many facilities where you can swim in thermal pools, relax, eat and stay. For this reason, Pozar offers you many opportunity. Believe me, during wintertime when outside it is really cold, it will be perfect to swim and relax in thermal pools. And it is really healthy as well.
©Mert Girengir
Before to end up my article, I will highly suggest you to go Edessa and Pozar! I’m sure that you will like it, relaxing and enjoying! Mert Girengir
Have fun! 52
Kanye West – The life of Pablo
Sia – this is acting
The inescapable hip-hop album of 2016
highly acclaimed by critics and public, it’s the seventh studio album of one the best contemporary singer and songwriter
Rework festival #Horizon In Bansko from 12th to 17th March, the best winter underground festival in Europe with 120 international DJs
Dubioza kolektiv – happy machine Balkan’s vibes are on and we like it!
Made by Artists 2016 in Thessaloniki An event you shouldn’t miss from 3rd to 6th March (more informations on the Facebook page)
Budapest Spring Festival A large cultural festival from 8th to 24th April where Hungarian and international artists meet
Louis Vuitton foundation Opening of a new artistic place with workshops and exhibitions in Paris (cheap and direct flights from Thessaloniki)
the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam One of the most famous museum in Europe, a must to visit
M O V I E S x4 B O O K S
Victoria by Sebastian Schipper
Her by Spike Jonze A romantic and captivating science-fiction drama in futuristic Los Angeles
Impressive filming style with its single continuous take
The Danish girl by Tom Hooper
Mustang by Deniz Gamze Ergüven
The portrait of Gerda Wegener, first transgender woman
What freedom looks like...
Outline – Rachel Cusk A novel about complex human’s relationships taking place in Greece.
The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho :The philosophical classic, about the meaning of life.
Farewell Kabul – Christine Lamb From the awardwinning coauthor of ‘I Am Malala’, a deep and amazing story
When the doves disappeared – Sofi Oksanen 1941: in communist-ruled and ravaged Estonia.
Maéva Bauval
Photo credits: Anthony Black Author Anna Beykova
‘Cause Loving is Caring
For the celebration of the International Condom Day (ICD) 2016, Domenico di Nuzzo, European Volunteer of United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.), and Giorgos Christodoulou, Volunteer in Positive Voice and Thess-Checkpoint, gathered together in order to raise awareness to the people by the means of art, particularly through photography.
A campaign has been established, with the contribution of the photographers Anna Beykova(U.S.B.), Maeva Bauval (U.S.B.),Antonis Reverse (Positive Voice) and the Press Office Benedetta Vassallo and Esther Mastodicasa in order to present the Condom not just like a wall of distrust, but actually like a part of relation: a proper Piece of LOVE ! The project was also supported by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, who supports condom distribution and awareness-raising activities on every continent, spreading safer sex messages in 28 countries around the world. Furthermore, the event has been set up within AHF’s theme “Love is the Best Protection,” meaning that care about themselves and their partners is a motivation for safer sex. The #InternationalCondomDay is, indeed, an informal annual
Peace of Love. A safe love.
celebration of safer sex held on February 13 in conjunction with Valentine’s Day. In this way, the matter of the exhibition wanted to introduce to the audience some artistic photos of 6 models from Do you believe the condom is European Volunteers of USB, led only the matter of men? Wrong: by Erasmus Plus programme. Our women have to be involved as well. Why? Because Love involves both partners. Caring is living oneself sexuality respecting Peace and Freedom. Do you think using a condom will break the atmosphere, or ruin the moment? Wrong. Play kinky, play safely. The more you feel safe, the more you enjoy the moment, without regrets. photo Antonis Reverse, model Benedetta Vassallo Life is too short to team has been very enthusiastic mess it up, use your imagination! by the initiative of breaking The Aim of the campaign went the stereotypes of Condom. after speaking out about the daily Lets fight together the general love issues. In fact, the photos could affect anyone, showing a apprehensions: The Prophylactic is generally situation each of us can face one considered as something that you day. Each man, each woman, must use only for “one-night- each queer should be able to find adventures” while in reality it themselves and a way to Love provides you and your partner the safely ! 57
Love yourself and your partner(s), use a condom! You can join the impact of the event looking for our Official Hashtag
#PieceOfLOVE2016 On Facebook and Instagram
Domenico di Nuzzo and Esther Mastrodicasa
Fashion Trend winter 2015 2016 59
Spotted in the biggest cities FOR HER
From Paris to London, passing through Milan, with the wave massive expansion of hipsters and vintage trend, second-hand and 70ties trend clothing are back into fashion this winter. Key words 2016: punk spirit, murmur of tribal, graphic black and white, galactic influence or officer codes. The fashion trend is inspired by the today woman, confident and independent.
For 70ies nostalgic & retro fans: silk and velvet have been spotted in the fashion market of beginning 2016, bohemian lifestyle, vintage and androgynous style have been spotted, following by the latest great touch: silver colour everywhere.
Cara Delevingne source wikipedia
What hasn’t changed yet? Tattoos and piercings are still in keeping on 70ies revival, with 80Ies influence as well. Be a rebel with your customized belongings and biker boots. Actually, while leather is never
out of fashion, buckskin and silk appeared again this year. Feeling alone for Valentine’s day? No worries, single ladies or taken hearts will celebrate love day the same. Either way, we want to be fashionable, don’t we? As love sucks, many fashionistas are looking for a boyfriend, or at list a generous gentleman who will be willing to take us out for dinner and even more if affinity…. But you know what my darling? A pair of jeans boyfriends are even comfier than a proper boyfriend, with holes or without, light or navy-blue, they gonna warm your heart in the celebration of love. In coincidence with the celebration of love, tops and shirts lingerie imitation have been spotted. What’s in? Crop tops and skin tights turtleneck fit perfectly with high flared trousers, tree-quarter lenght or long- going along with colourful trainers or platform shoes. Androgynous style never stop with neo-grunge shoes such as moccasin or Derby shoes. Perfect for the February
sunshine! Yet, when January offers you its windy snowy days, you can either take advantage on cold to call sick to work, or you can wear your new to-wear navyblue or camel plaid on top of your timeless black leather jacket. Parka even obliged to cover freezing days. You’re a big girl,
ready to afford any temperature, right? When it finally gets warm? Good news for immortal hippies: bohemian lifestyle is still in expansion, so feel free to keep wearing your large wool poncho,
your fringed buckskin bag or your eternal denim jacket. You know what? Denim is indeed still unavoidable (and will remain forever)- plus it fits perfectly with your favorite old bandana! Which accessories to add to my outfit? Retro chocker necklace, dark lipstick, large hoop earrings, retro circular sun glasses for long face, cat-eyes shape pairs for the round ones. Jewellery and motifs? Fatima hand and psychedelic are in this season, such as hand-made artistic bags or accessories, made by myself or the second hand shop next corner street. Enjoy using your creativity my dear! What’s the must-have? A backpack! Over the shoulder, or in a schoolgirl way- the classic form is the black leather one, but you can dare the chic hippie fringed one! Tiny or big, with pockets or not, your backpack suits your mood. Fashion colours of winter 2016? Grey, khaki navy- blue, bordeaux and the new latest trend of silver. Hair style: Straight middle length haircut, the adopted dye and shaves partsplus double buns along with the great comeback of fringe, short for a vintage-style effect- or long for its glamorous way, fringe can you like a glove ! However, the latest hair fashion trend 2016 is the grey hair dye, turning into silver lately. Let’s shine for Spring !
In order to not make a cliché saying men get easily bored of fashion (except Jack- your best gay friend who created his own fashion blog), let’s talk quickly about our lovely Valentine’s season:
Septum piercing, patchwork jackets, stickers and visible seams- long coat and cardigan- What’ up? Hipsters are still our favourite trendy lovers in beginning 2016. Mixed between bad boy and nerd, hipsters love wearing either a moustache, or a off the wall shaved head with big beard. Fakery careless outfit in an offhand manner, hipster is first of all an attitude to get- alternating cheap and chic. You can wear a checked shirt, a pair of derbies and a long trench coat. If in addition you’re an electroalternative music listener, psychedelic motifs will fit you. So enjoy your skateboard, your favourite book in hand and let’s go to listen to your fav’ 70ies vinyl records ! What about his hair ? Pony tails and shaved heads, even buns have ven been spotted! Short or middle-length haircut, silver colour is gaining their heart as well, Looking forward the new Spring/Summer trend 2016, both men and women can simply wear their pyjamas! I’m not kidding guys, this is the new fashion coming, be ready! Esther Mastrodicasa 61
Need new body parts? “Bioprinter” successfully print them for you!
A new 3D printer can print living tissue structures that could one day be used to replace injured or diseased tissue in patients.
“With further development, this technology could potentially i02/bioprinted-2-jawbone-structure. jpg?1455643911 be used to print living tissue and organ structures for surgical implantation,” Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine who co-authored a study describing the new printer said in a statement. Bioprinter already printed ear structure and jaw bone fragment that are functional and ready for replacement. Scary or not this is big step in science and technology, more is yet to come and maybe if I live long enough I will be replaced completely. After all this project needs a lot of research to proceed on the next, even bigger step. Imagine printing more than bones, muscles for example or any kind of living tissue, on the end even organs! As technology is upgrading, you will be notified in your new section of the new technologies! Dino Mitar 62
rda Turan was born in 30 January 1987 in Turkey who has started to play football on the streets. During he has been playing football on the streets his only dream was playing in Galatasaray. In 2000 he was selected to play in Galatasaray’s youth team. Between 2005-2006 he was loaned by Vestel Manisaspor and this year was very important for him because he had a chance to show how good he is up to the others and he succeeded it.. After this year he returned to Galatasaray and on 4th August 2006with the match between Galatasaray and Ankaragucu his career in Galatasaray had started. Basically he realised his on of the biggest dream. He scored firstly in the match between Galatasray and Mleda Bodeslav. He took all attention on him because he finally showed his talent everybody. After this match he started to play constantly. His popularity in the world gradually has been increasing . Especially 2008 Eurocup was breaking point for his career. There was just one option for him to show himself all the world and he knew that. He performed very well during competition and his unforgettable moment was his score against Switzerland in the last minute of the match. Hehad contributed a lot to Turkey National Team in Eurocup 2008 that has come 3th in 2008 UEFA European Football Championship. Many football club from many country wanted to transfer Arda Turan because of his performance in Eurocup 2008. Nobody knows why he rejected all offers. Maybe he was afraid of going abroad, leaving home but this situation couldn’t last long for him. He just needed to think carefully and wait 3 years until 2011. During these tree years were too hard for him because everybody was questioning his performance and lifestyle especially Turkish media never let him breath. At the start of 2009-2010 season he has become captain of Galatasaray that one of his dream. It was big step for him because during his childhood he was always dreaming being captain of Galatasaray. He never gave up although he have had really bad time and was troubled with injuries. He kept developing himself. On 9th August 2011 Athletico Madrid which is one of the biggest team in Spain announced that Arda Turan would be playing in Athletico Madrid for a fee of €12 million. During his career in Athletico Marid he achieved La Liga Champion, Super Cup, Europe League and Copa Del Rey. For one Turkish foot ballplayer it was undreamed. He never stopped to work, train, develop. After this succesfull years, the biggest football club in the world, Barcelona wanted to transfer Arda Turan. Actually there was always rumors about relation between Arda and Barcelona when Arda was playing Athletico Madrid. Finally On 6 July 2015, Barcelona announced the signing of Turan from Atlético for €34 million, plus €7 million in variables. Nobody in Turkey couldn’t imagine that one day one Turkish is going to play in the biggest team on the world. That’s why Arda Turan has become a symbol for everybody in Turkey, especially among children. 10 years ago in Turkey all children who fall in love with football were dreaming for special moments, for example playing in Galatasaray or at least in the first division of Turkey but now their dreams are getting bigger thanks to Arda’s dreams. As Arda said, you can do it if you never give up, always train and keep your dreams alive.
Ceyhun Yenidogan 64
The volunteers responsible for this publication are hosted in Greece in the framework of the European ERASMUS+ Programme, European Voluntary Service. This project has been funded with support from the European Commision. This publication [communication] reflects the views of only of the author, and the Commision can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
General Director: Aristodimos Paraschou Editors: Benedetta Vassallo, Anna Beykova, Esther Mastrodicasa, Valentina Petrak EDITORIAL DESIGNER: TEMMUZ GUZEL