1 minute read

Ritu Nebb (Canada)

Featured Artist Gallery

Professional Expressive Dance Instructor



Ritu Nebb is the owner of Pure Soul Energy Dance Studio. Classes are inspired by the Bollywood dance scene and authentic cultural moves. All are presented in a simple and age appropriate way. There is just enough challenge to get students of all levels engaged and excited.

She is also a valued and award winning member of Toastmasters (District 60) and owner of Elegant Media a graphics and web design company.

When we say Red, we mean passion, aggression, taking action and loving with every inch of our heart. We began our journey with fear & darkness, the colour Black; followed by the colour Copper, wherein we calmed ourselves by keeping a balanced approach towards life. Now, we bring forth our inner most desires and all our energy as we are ready to face the world together, more than ever. For us, the colour Red is the force of nature that drives us to bring out our best in this video.

Visit United Colours of Design on Youtube to view the production (UCOD Red Book Playlist)

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