RITU NEBB PROFESSIONAL EXPRESSIVE DANCE INSTRUCTOR • CANADA Ritu Nebb is the owner of Pure Soul Energy Dance Studio. Classes are inspired by the Bollywood
dance scene and authentic cultural moves. All are presented in a simple and age appropriate way. There is just enough challenge to get students of all levels engaged and excited. She is also a valued and award winning member of Toastmasters (District 60) and owner of Elegant Media a graphics and web design company. www.puresoulenergy.ca
When we say Red, we mean passion, aggression, taking action and loving w ith every inch of our heart. W e began our journe y with fear & darkness, th e colour Black; follo wed by the colour Coppe r, wherein we calm ed ourselves by keepin g a balanced approa ch towards life. Now, we bring forth our inner most desires and al l our energy as we are ready to face the w orld together, mor e than ever. For us, the co lour Red is the forc e of nature that drives us to bring out our be st in this video.
160 • United Colours of Design Magazine
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