5 Minute Forum Rubric

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1920s Triad of Hate “5 Minute Forum” Assignment Checklist TASK:

After participating in reviewing a couple of YouTube videos that reference discrimination in the 1920’s; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXxDEAuI2zc AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_DaMKUP3Og as well as reading/viewing the instructions about using todaysmeet.com, you will be required to participate in the “5 Minute Forum” at the beginning of class tomorrow 5/20/2012. During this forum, you will be required to adhere to the responsibilities and code of ethics presented in the schools Digital Media Policy. Appropriate submissions, comments and interactions with classmates are required in order for you to participate effectively and achieve your desired grade. During this activity you will be asked to answer the following question: Why do the Americans of today’s society fear foreign manufacturers, religions, races and political viewpoints? Please be as descriptive as possible while establishing your position on this topic, while taking the time to support your beliefs with evidence from the videos you watched or other sources (news articles, politician remarks, personal experience). The classroom “5 Minute Forum” will be displayed in real time in front of the class on the SmartBoard, so choose your words wisely. Please also debate and discuss peer positions on the question as much as the forum allows.

Please note the following criteria which should guide you during the completion of this assignment. Consideration to these criteria (5) will give full credit (5 points) for each of them met. There is NO PARTIAL CREDIT. This assignment is based on your input, participation as well as the connection of prior knowledge to the activity. CHECK EACH ITEM OFF AS YOU COMPLETE THE TASK IN THE BOX PROVIDED.


Active Participation

Making Connections




Description Student, upon revealing their screen name (if choosing to remain anonymous to the class) displays an adequate level of participation during the activity. This will be marked with (2) submissions responding to the question at hand. If having trouble using todaysmeet.com or accepting invitation, consult written/video directions OR consult instructor. Student uses the previous nights pre-assignment of viewing YouTube videos (see above). May also mention personal connections, articles read and any other information relevant material. Avoid arbitrary or irrelevant connections that stray from the initial question. Student also responds to at least (2) peers during activity. These responses should stay academic and stretch into personal attacks. Discussion and debate is permitted if it stays within the boundaries of the initial question. Please take note of Mr. Stoessel’s participation and model interactions with peers if it becomes difficult. Student shows respect for the opinions of others by showing support with their response, or providing information that warrants their disagreement with the opinion. Student will remain accountable for their response by having it displayed in real time on the SmartBoard, and revealing their screen names if choosing to be anonymous. Student should stay within the boundaries of the activity and question at hand, and discuss without arguing. Submissions should show a commitment to an academic and mature discussion guided by Mr. Stoessel. Any breach of this criteria will result in discipline and an automatic F for the assignment.

TOTAL SCORE: Out of (25) possible


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