1920’s Political Cartoons: The Triad of Hate Cartoon Analysis Using DropBox
Description: DropBox is a file sharing system that acts as a “Cloud” for all of our classroom documents, including photographs. This software is already loaded on our iPad’s, so this task relies on the fact that you know how to take pictures and save them to our classroom DropBox folder. Please follow the directions below for several steps that will make navigating the iPads more simple. Step 1: To begin taking pictures of your political cartoons
Step 2: Use the camera icon at the bottom of the screen (in red to take the photo.
Step 3: The icon at the bottom left gives you access to saved pictures.
Step 5: Each picture will automatically upload into our classroom Dropbox.
Step 6: You will find each picture in my laptops Dropbox folder for presentation.
, tap the Camera Tool.
Step 4: Take a picture of each important symbol, section of text and cartoon detail.