Lesson Plan 1

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Seton Hall University College of Education & Human Services Graduate Studies and Special Programs

GSSP Lesson Plan Template Use the Lesson Plan Resource Guide to Complete this Plan

Name: Jonathan W. Stoessel Date: 5/13/2012 School: The Wardlaw-Hartridge School Setting/Grade Level: 11th Grade Mainstream/Typical Setting Subject(s): United States History II Lesson Theme or Topic: The Roaring 20s: Booming Business and Advertising in the 1920’s Composition of Class: Male 15

IEP: 3

Inclusion Class: Class follows the inclusion model, non in class support. For more information about classifications, click here: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Section 504 http://www.cleweb.org/Disabilities/overviewIDEA504-799.htm

GOALS, OBJECTIVE(S), STANDARDS 1. Established Goal: Students will be able to classify the various aspects of the advertising/ consumer driven economy in the 1920’s and explain its direct impact on industrial growth. 2. Student Knowledge, Skills and Enduring Understandings Lesson Objectives:

1. By selecting (2) of their favorite TV ads and completing the “What Get’s you Hooked?” PreAssignment on Wall-Wisher, students will be able to identify the presence of advertising and marketing in contemporary society. 2. By reading the “The Gospel of Advertising” digital resource on the classroom Issuu account in Reading Teams and completing the accompanying “Getting Hooked in the 20’s” Graphic Organizer, students will be able to assess the effectiveness of advertising strategies in their individual selected television ads. 3. By accessing the digital resource entitled “The Gospel of Advertising on Issuu, students will be able to demonstrate their proficiency navigating, reading and uploading documents on Web 2.0 tools.

4. By participating in a classroom discussion guided by the Prezi entitled “Advertising in the 1920’s”, students will be able to analyze primary resource examples illustrating a variety of advertisements from the 1920’s. 5. By viewing an embedded Prezi video entitled “The Centuries: An Electrifying Age”, students will be able to validate the age of consumerism by witnessing firsthand accounts from those who experienced cultural change in the 1920’s. 6. By planning, designing and creating their own 1920’s styled periodical advertisement (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint) and publishing each individual project in a collaborative classroom magazine VIA Issuu, students will be able to synthesize the marketing strategies, style and societal themes of 1920s. 7. By participating in the “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” assignment, students will be able to collaborate with one another in reference to period themes, trends, styles and resources used.

3. NJCCC Standards 8. The Emergence of Modern America: Roaring Twenties The 1920s is characterized as a time of social, economic, technological, and political change, as well as a time of emerging isolationism, racial and social tensions, and economic problems. 6.1.12.A.8.a: Relate government policies to the prosperity of the country during the 1920s, and determine the impact of these policies on business and the consumer. 6.1.12.C.8.b: Relate social, cultural, and technological changes in the interwar period to the rise of a consumer economy and the changing role and status of women.

4. NJCCC Technology Standards 8.1.8.A.1: Create professional documents (e.g., newsletter, personalized learning plan, business letter or flyer) using advanced features of a word processing program. 8.1.8.A.3: Create a multimedia presentation including sound and images. 8.1.8.A.5: Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. 8.1.12.A.2: Produce and edit a multi-page document for a commercial or professional audience using desktop publishing and/or graphics software. 8.1.2.B.1: Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. 8.1.8.B.1: Synthesize and publish information about a local or global issue or event on a collaborative, web-based service. 8.1.8.C.1: Participate in an online learning community with learners from other countries to understand their perspectives on a global problem or issue, and propose possible solutions.

8.1.4.D.3: Explain the purpose of an acceptable use policy and the consequences of inappropriate use of technology. 8.1.4.E.2: Evaluate the accuracy of, relevance to, and appropriateness of using print and non-print electronic information sources to complete a variety of tasks. METHODOLOGY (Choose from the list below) • What instructional strategies will you use? (Leave all that apply – delete others. You may add to this list.) • Next to each strategy selected, describe your rationale for selection of each strategy. Collaborative Learning: The introductory pre-assignment for this lesson which asks students to access Wall-Wisher and leave a video example of their (2) favorite television advertisements fits this criterion. After contributing their own input, students can also reference a peers selections and what 20’s advertising technique would apply. Students are also asked to engage in the material collaboratively by participating in classroom discussion led by the “Advertising in the 1920’s” Prezi presentation. A plethora of primary sources allocated to describing different advertising techniques are meant to peak student interest and spark classroom discussion regarding the specific strategies used and their effectiveness. Collaborative learning also occurs when students are asked to formulate their own stylistic approach to creating a 1920’s periodical advertisement, and are encouraged during their class editing time to share ideas with fellow classmates regarding the publishing software they chose, styles, themes and helpful resources. Project-Based Learning: The nature of this lesson is to bracket a group discussion and lecture with two activities that encourage students to construct their own interpretation of central themes by participation in preparatory and bookend activities. The final project directs students to synthesize information regarding culture, society, politics, gender roles and major themes of advertising in the 1920s into their own creative interpretation of what an advertisement may look like. This digitally enhanced performance based task relies on publishing software (i.e. Microsoft Publisher, Expression, Word or PowerPoint) and is eCollaborative using the Web 2.0 tool Issuu. Peer Editing: Implementation and development of peer editing skills should be encouraged during the “Create Your Own 1920s Advertisement” project. In addition to working independently in class, students are asked to make suggestions that would improve style, format and mechanics to peers. Role Playing: Students completing the lesson project will essentially be taking the role of an advertising designer in the 1920s. This task should not only outline and maintain that students utilize the stylistic and thematic attributes of 20s media, but also show evidence of understanding gender/ethnic roles, society and culture of this time period as well. Reporting/Reading Teams/Group Discussion: After being broken down into reading teams to address the “Gospel of Advertising” digital article on Issuu, students will be asked to highlight import themes within the text (i.e. advertising strategies of the 1920’s, anecdotal evidence, specific examples of ad’s, target audiences, media used, etc.) and discuss these as an individual group. When a consensus is made on pertinent information to be imported into the “Getting Hooked in the 1920’s” graphic organizer, it will then be shared with the class who has had time to compile information on their own specific section of the article. Problem Solving: Navigating the issues of creating and developing an advertisement, is aided by resources aimed at guiding students past inherent problems. The aforementioned “Gospel of Advertising” resource is one of several resources on the class Issuu page that will provide specific examples to inspire creativity and individuality in design, theme and subject of their lesson project/assignment. NOTE: Students are also asked to problem solve as they take the videos they have uploaded on our Wall-Wisher page on the first day of the lesson and determine which advertising techniques of the 1920’s would apply. Discovery/Inquiry: The introduction to the lesson with a Pre-Assignment to gather (2) impactful television advertisements relies on student discovery following their reading of “The Gospel of Advertising”. As their Reading Teams progress through the resource, students should begin to identify and discover many characteristics of contemporary advertising as well as types we may analyze during classroom discussion.

Technology/Delivery: Several digital resources will be implemented in order to make the material within the lesson have as accessibility as possible, while maintaining student engagement. Students are asked to participate in a Wallwisher.com activity, which is a Web 2.0 tool that allows students post thoughts on a specific topic, in our case contemporary television ads as they compare to the 1920s, while supplementing this personal input with embedded YouTube video, sound or images. Students will then utilize a digital resource entitled “The Gospel of Advertising” that takes a PDF journal article and reformats it into a more flexible and comfortable reading experience through Issuu.com. This same Web 2.0 tool allows students to access a digital catalogue of 1920’s Print Advertising that will allow more visual learners to understand the marketing strategies implemented in this time period. Finally, the core of the lesson guide classroom discussion and lecture through a Prezi.com presentation entitled “Advertising in the 1920’s”. Reflection/Response: Reflection and response is essential is making the conceptual information regarding the consumer boom of the 1920’s and the underlying reasons behind it come to life. Students are asked to reflect on their own favorite television advertisements in relation to concepts outlined in their Reading Team activity. Sharing information with their peers in a short classroom discussion aimed at providing insight into the advertising strategies of the 1920s. The goal is not only to have students highly engaged, but also motivated to incorporate the lesson themes and core principles into analyzing the primary documents within the Prezi, the embedded “The Centuries” video as well reflecting on these examples when constructing their lesson project. Lecture/Large Group Discussion

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Check the non-technology materials and resources you plan to use in your lesson. x



Visuals Games Flat Pictures Manipulatives Handouts


Reading Materials Maps Objects/Artifacts Guest Speakers Examples of Past Projects

TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED • Mark box next to type of technology. • In box, next to each strategy selected, describe your rationale for selection of each strategy. Audio CD’s/Cassette Tapes Overhead Transparencies


Commercial Software (e.g. Inspiration) Blog, Wiki, other Web-based communication (Web 2.0 tools) Wall-Wisher: Wall-Wisher provides students with an interactive way not only to contribute their favorite advertisements, but a vehicle for giving their own opinion as to target audience, 20s advertising strategy that applies, as well as opinion on fellow peers submissions. Students must be instructed to follow the classroom Web 2.0 and Internet policy and should conduct themselves in a manner which produces a high quality of work and collaboration. Students who may have trouble organizing their own thoughts, or classifying their contribution because of executive functioning issues or anxiety may consult a peers or instructors input to model their own. ISSUU: This tool creates a completely digital resource for students to access independently on their laptops in their Reading Teams. Having a digital resources allows students not only to feel more comfortable if they prefer reading in a manner which is familiar to them (electronic) but also gives them

the ability to instantly access secondary materials to aid in their understanding of the former. Secondly, ISSUU provides a forum to display student work individually where students can visit electronically and comment on projects as well as create the collaborative piece to store there as well highlighting the different themes, styles and advertising strategies utilized by individuals and the overarching lesson and unit themes as a whole class.




Prezi: Prezi facilitates the use of primary resources in a more dynamic manner than PowerPoint. Since this lesson on Consumerism and 1920s Advertising is resource driven, it is important to give students the opportunity to see as many of these primary resources as possible while also breaking down what makes each unique to a specific advertising technique. Integrating a video which validates the concepts, themes and goals of the lesson/unit also becomes simplified through its embedding feature. Finally, PowerPoint slides that may have been used in effective lessons in the past can now be saved as picture files, mixed and matched, then placed within a current Prezi to add depth of knowledge and standard related content. Digital Storytelling Podcast

Tape Record/CD Player/MP3 VCR/TV/DVD Assistive Technology Devices (Type) Smart Board: The Smart Board provides a central access point for students or instructors to navigate the various Web 2.0 applications incorporated throughout the duration of this lesson. Creates a more smooth transition from task to task, absent trips back and forth to a main terminal or laptop. Also provides the means to highlight certain aspects of student work on WallWisher, parts of digital resources on Issuu and specific qualities in primary resources on Prezi. Computers/Printers: Digital resources, Web 2.0 tools such as Wall-Wisher and presentation software such as Prezi are all accessed through a classroom laptop or desktop. Students have access to computers on the class work day aimed at allowing them to collaborate on one another’s “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” using the COWS (Computer on Wheels) which have been signed out to the classroom for 2 days. After sharing and commenting on one another’s work at the close of our lesson/unit, the final product will be color printed and placed within the collection in the Library Media Center. Basic software tools (Word, Publisher and PowerPoint): In order to complete the lesson project, students must show adequate proficiency in 1 of these 3 programs. Having explained to the students the design features and advantages of each to create custom colors and layouts, part of their assignment is to select whichever they see easiest to utilize and upload content from onto ISSUU. Within the PBL framework, students will also be asked to give a certain level of instruction to one another as a peer guided

Websites www.wallwisher.com www.issuu.com www.prezi.com www.youtube.com


activity when working independently during the 2nd day of the lesson. PowerPoint is also utilized by the instructor as a means to upload content slides into the Prezi to create new content from already proven resources. Students will also be given permission to access and contribute to the classroom Wall-Wisher Page dedicated to contemporary and 1920s advertising and consumerism. Guidance on the URL as well as login procedure and how to participate will also be given prior to the Pre-Assignment. The same procedure will also be followed when logging on to the class ISSUU page.

PROCEDURE (See WHERETO instructions.) Please provide a step-by-step proposal for completing your lesson plan activities. The description should be complete so that another teacher could teach this lesson. Time allocated for lesson: 54 minutes Step 1: Introduction – How will you get started? What content or skills do you need to review prior to starting the lesson? What is your hook to draw students into the lesson? Day 1 Prior knowledge for the lesson remains contingent on the completion of the 2 prior lessons within the unit (Introduction to Society in the 1920’s, Great Migrations in the 1920’s). Each of these lessons is a building process, creating a new piece of the framework that is the foundation of the various themes within the Roaring Twenties in the United States. Two separate activities engage students in the overall themes within the “1920’s Booming Business” lesson. The first of which is the Chapter 21 Section 2 outline in the America: Pathways to the Present textbook. These assignments are used specifically for the purpose of providing adequate background knowledge to build upon with diverse instructional strategies. Topics covered within this section are broad but are not limited to an economic overview of 1920s advertising, outlining the consumer economy, the lure of electric power (see “The Centuries Video), Marketing Strategies etc. Secondly, students participate in a Pre-Assignment designed to serve as the primary introduction to the “1920’s Booming Business” lesson. Students were asked to log-in to the class WallWisher.com page and select (2) of their favorite television advertisements, describe them and imbed a YouTube video (if possible) of the advertisement. Students must make certain they double click and create a note on the Wall-Wisher canvas and type their name in the top line of the post (see http://wallwisher.com/wall/USHistory2Stoess). Initially, a short 5 minute discussion about what marketing

strategies, if identified at all can students point to that really hook them effectively. Students may draw on content acquired from reading Chapter 21 Section 2 as well. Major themes from the Roaring Twenties such as emphasis on modernity, economic boom following World War I, industrial growth and changing family/gender roles should be noted. Day 2 Having concluded the previous day’s class with “The Centuries: Electrified America in the 1920s”

http://prezi.com/1yo7gxqiadga/advertising-in-the-1920s//, students should be adequately prepared with both a visual and auditory sense of the themes involved in the 1920s. Firsthand accounts make this video an excellent primary resource which draws on the concepts covered in the previous day’s lesson and makes a smooth transition to a real life embodiment of the content. Transitioning from this point, the Prezi then becomes the vehicle for a classroom discussion guided by Primary Resource examples of 1920’s advertisements supplemented by lesson content. Content outlined gives a basic overview of how American society favored buying on credit so that modern conveniences could be acquired by average middle class citizens.

Understanding not only the reasons why middle class Americans were swayed by marketing campaigns, but the means by which they acquired these products is a crucial element in their understanding and success with their lesson product. Step 2: Essential Questions – What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding (make connections between students’ past experiences and new knowledge) and transfer of learning? Question #1: How do modern conveniences affect the way in which we see each other in terms of wealthy? Do we as Americans view a lack of certain material possessions as a negative attribute? Question #2: What kinds of advertisements you find to be the most effective and what attributes do they have that make them particularly influential? Question #3: When can you recall seeing a product advertisement, and finding yourself purchasing the item in question within the next week? Question #4: What trends and themes economically occurred following World War I that caused Americans to become a consumer driven country? Question #5: How did the United States transform from a rural-centric to an urban-centric society, and what effect did this have on popular culture and product placement? Question #6: What portion of society drove the economic boom in the United States following World War I, and why was this group the target of marketing campaigns? Question #7: What were the advertising strategies employed by marketing expects in the 1920’s? Question #8: Why did productivity increase during the 1920s and how did electric power have a direct effect on the interest of middle Americans in new technology? Question #9: How would you describe the style of 1920’s marketing and advertising campaigns in newspapers and magazines. What role do color, text and imagery place in these primary resources. Question #10: How could you implement the strategies and trends of buying on credit, innovation and consumerism in your own advertisement?

Step 3 Exploration – What will learners actually DO to work with the new material presented in this lesson? Day 1: After completing the Pre-Assignment on the class Wall-Wisher account, students will then be given the task of breaking into their Reading Teams (see Differentiation) and accessing the digital resource “The Gospel of Advertising” located on issuu.com(http://issuu.com/unitedstateshistory2stoes/docs/1920s_advertising_resource?mode=window&viewMode=singl ePage&backgroundColor=%23222222). This resource originally came from a digital journal article that was difficult to access as a PDF and did not have a centralized location that could easily access supplemental materials to aid in student understanding. After accessing the resource in Issuu, students will work on completing a section of 5 pages assigned by the instructor and completing the “Getting Hooked in the 1920’s” graphic organizer. Each group will be charged with compiling a list of important advertising strategies mentioned, specific examples and anecdotes cited by the author to illustrate the main idea. The instructor will circulate the room to ensure students have accessed the resource correctly, and that they are focusing their efforts in their respective groups on the following: Focus on consumer image vs. product quality, appeal to human emotion, appeal to fear, appeal to insecurities, advent of celebrity endorsement, appeal to vanity, racial and gender specific marketing, etc. Once students have filled out their respective section of the graphic organizer, the class returns to the large group setting and reports their findings to the whole class. Having the digital resource on the

SmartBoard will allow groups to migrate to the front of the room and use MagicPen or colored marker to highlight specific portions of the text they had noted to support their insights. Day 2: After taking part in the most didactic part of the lesson, which is the “Advertising in the 1920s” Prezi guides a classroom discussion contingent on the examination of the primary documents (vintage 20’s ads). Following this portion of the lesson, students will then engage in a collaborative work period where students are encouraged to bounce ideas off of one another while they use the COWs to continue to start their “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” project. This should be a day for the instructor to basically give the students examples of past students work and the various ways and platforms that students can use to create their projects. These should be limited in nature, ideally the students will use PowerPoint to design their projects (NOTE: students who utilize PowerPoint should be warned to switch their Page Layout to Portrait). Instructors should also consistently encourage students to ask one another about settings, colors, palettes, text and image editing. The result of this project will be collaborative in nature as each project will be collaborative as the finished projects will be upload by students to the class Issuu page and a day later in the unit will be dedicated to a gallery showcase of individual projects. Each project will then be placed into a Student generated magazine at the conclusion of the unit. Utilizing the Prezi Presentation, Wall-Wisher exercise, “The Gospel of Advertising” and further examples of 1920’s advertising located in Issuu students will be able to construct their own idea of how their resource would look. Please do not hesitate to include supplementary tools if students inquire about utilizing fonts similar to those within the vintage advertisements themselves in order to make their projects more authentic. This is a direct link to learning style and may provide deeper understanding for students who link tactile and kinesthetic activities to content acquisition. Step 4: Application – How will students USE or PRACTICE using the new knowledge or skills? Day 1: After the students form their Reading Teams and analyze the digital resource “The Gospel of Advertising”, and complete the attached graphic organizer, they will use this information to return to the class Wall-Wisher page individually to assign as specific marketing and advertising strategy to their (2) selected television ads. Remaining engaged is predicated on students seeing the connection between the anecdotes and examples provided by the text and the attributes presented by their own examples. Students will also be given the task of assigning the same characteristics to as many other students within the class as possible that evening for homework. Through this collaborative practice students are also encouraged to debate and dispute with their fellow classmates, ensuring that they cite specific aspects of the specific advertisement in question that point to a specific marketing technique. The instructor should monitor this activity closely to ensure that students are dedicating the time the scholarly debate instead of allowing it to escalate into total digression. The information catalogued during group reading should be expressed more succinctly as effective peer review and debate are more precise indicators of proper content synthesis. Day 2: The overall culmination of the assigned reading and outline, Wall-Wisher analysis, “Gospel of Advertising Reading”, “The Century “ video and “Advertising in the 1920’s” Prezi presentation is the “Create Your Own 1920s Advertisement”. Students should be encouraged and given proper guidance on how to use PowerPoint effectively as a stylistic palette, utilizing the various design tools (colors, shadow, downloaded font for text, image customization, etc) to make their projects as authentic as possible. Launching the project during a class period where students are given the opportunity to explore their ideas independently, setting a two week deadline outlining project parameters and engaging in collaborative editing sets the tone for the entirety of the project. Instructors should be certain to explore individual student learning styles to utilize their unique creativity. Where as one student may favor a more delegated approach exploring the stylistic tools moderately, other students may focus on portion of the design ad-nauseam unless prompted to move on. More importantly, instructors must emphasize to students that while the project needs to reflect authenticity, a majority of this authenticity is rooted in bringing out the themes, trends and most importantly marketing techniques drawn from the many primary resource examples given in the past couple of days. If students are even in need of additional inspiration or explanation, a database for these resources is also located on ISSUU that students can consult at any time to model their own projects.

Step 5: Closure and Assessment – How will you review, reinforce, and wrap-up the lesson? Following the same pattern laid out by former exercises within the lesson plan and throughout the unit as a whole, once students complete their individual advertisements they will be submitted to the instructor for grading while at the same time being uploaded individually to the class ISSUU page. By using the SmartBoard, iPads or laptop computer (or a combination depending on availability) students can use ISSUU as a type of digital project gallery where they can access one another’s work, leave comments and deliberate on the marketing strategies utilized in each of the student generated projects. The collaborative practices employed throughout the lesson (and unit) should prepare students to act accordingly and provide helpful feedback (both positive and critical) for current projects. Instructors should also take note of the difficulties, roadblocks and areas where students excelled to reflect on and improve the project for the future. Students can circulate the room or present their projects in front of the class to utilize the MagicPen and other highlighting features of SmartBoard technology to make specific aspects of their projects pop. The benefit of creating a completely sharable, digital copy of student work and saving it in the class Issuu page as an electronic gallery, is that students who may have apprehension about sharing their work in front of a crowd can do so from their seat either through providing audio to their document or leaving captioned comments. At the conclusion of the project, the digital copies will then be imported into one presentation and upload to ISSUU together to catalogue the classes work for future years as an example. Each issue of the student “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” will be on display in the Library Media Center for students to access and consult in the future if they would desire. ASSESSMENT, PERFORMANCE TASKS, PROJECTS “What Gets You Hooked” Wall-Wisher Pre-Assignment and Reflection: See Attached Rubric and Directions “Gospel of Advertising” Marketing Strategies of the 1920’s Team Read ISSUU: See Attached Rubric and Directions “Getting Hooked in the 1920’s” Graphic Organizer: See Attached Document and Directions “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” Project/Digital Gallery Expo ISSUU: See Attached Rubric and Directions


Assimilating Learners (5): Students within the classroom who prefer reading, lecture and applying abstract concepts to a modeled assignment or project are accounted for in several ways. The assignment “What Gets You Hooked” is introduced through written, verbal and video instructions on how to operate our class Wall-Wisher page. This assignment also presents students with an idea or question (what is your favorite TV advertisements) and allows them to explore the boundaries of this question with a variety of advertisements (sad, retrospective, humorous, powerful, public service, etc). A Team Read assignment also gives students the opportunity to explore the material through a digital resource which highlights the marketing strategies of the 1920’s in detail, providing anecdotal examples. Application of these concepts build a framework for the rest of the lesson when these learners are asked to apply them to their selected TV advertisements. A lecture model built on the framework of a Prezi presentation guides learners through various concepts while remaining visual in nature presenting the concepts behind 1920’s marketing. Finally, students will utilize the primary resource examples from their reading, in addition to an ISSUU advertising database, past and present student work to explore models for their “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” project and to utilize concepts properly. Accommodating Learners (5): Students within the classroom who prefer hands on, collaborative and action based learning are accounted for in several ways. The innate principles behind the “What Gets You Hooked” assignment lay out groundwork for students to view each other’s feedback and utilize the post it features of Wall-Wisher to leave their own comments, as well as gain insight from others. Following their initial posts and reading digital materials in their Reading Teams, students will then collaborate by fixing the marketing concepts on their own selections. Learning through taking concepts and applying them to a practical experience is also realized when these students participate the in collaborative environment set up by Day 2 of the lesson. Although students will be given individual attention and instruction when

creating their 1920’s advertisement project, they will also be graded on how well they can seek advice and instruction from their peers and apply it to their own projects. Finally, teamwork is facilitated not only by the Reading Teams in the former assignment, but when the class has its Digital Gallery Expo. Students will be encouraged to analyze each other’s work individually while contributing as a team to create a final class product of a 1920’s advertisement magazine.

Diverging Learners (4): Students within the classroom who prefer idea generated, artistically centered group activities based on peer assessment are accounted for in several ways. Using a Web 2.0 platform such as Wall-Wisher not only allows these students to develop their personal opinion regarding the advertising selection of their choice, but to also feel part of the classroom as a whole. These students are also offered the opportunity to comment on and note qualities of the instructors own posts outside the walls of the classroom. This creative freedom expands the borders of the classroom in a way that extends the connections between content and product. Although students are asked to split into Reading Teams, generally these teams will be guided by the Divergent Learners who will gather the information at hand and look at the issue at hand from multiple perspectives. The “Gospel of Advertising” graphic organizer, not only provides a tactile representation of the content within the digital resource, but also serves as a pallet for these learners to apply theory creatively to the (2) selections submitted by their peers. Idea generation, artistic design and collaborative activities confluence during the “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” project where these students may not only be coming up with their own design ideas after documenting marketing strategies, but also evaluating and assessing the work of peers effectively when prompted by the instructor. Finally, the Digital Gallery Expo will afford these students even further opportunity to open their minds to contributions of others and construct observations from an artistic standpoint.

Converging Learners (1): The student within the class who prefers a straightforward, application based, practical approach is accounted for in several ways. This student while participating in the Wall-Wisher activity may not necessarily prefer part (A) of the activity, but will apply the marketing theory suggested by the digital resource effectively through effective application of content to solve a problem. Accommodating and Diverging learners within the class will push this student to see past the technical processes within the Wall-Wisher assignment and to share ideas and theories during the completion of the graphic organizer. Written directions, both for the Accommodating and Diverging learner may be difficult to apply to their own projects, therefore a more technically based/visual version will be created in the form of Video Instructions for how to use and execute the tasks within the Wall-Wisher and ISSUU activities. Technical processes and applications are central to success in the “Create Your Own 1920’s Advertisement” project. However, the Accommodating and Diverging learners, as well as the instructor, will have to motivate the student to become less introverted and share tips for developing style and design within PowerPoint, as well as creative ways to apply the content learned in class. A checklist provided within the instructions, while benefiting the class as a whole, will also encourage the Converging learner to move forward with their project before perseverating on minute details.

ADHD (2): Students within the classroom who have difficulty with organization of materials, cognition-to-speech, attention span and independent reading as a result of ADHD diagnosis are accounted for in several ways. Reading Teams have been developed not only to create a mixture of learning styles, but to maintain the focus of the ADHD students while evaluating classroom resources. These students are also motivated to maintain attention span by group conversation, completion of a graphic organizer in a chunking format, as well as visuals located within the “Gospel of Advertising” as well as a Primary Resource database within ISSUU. A framework for a non-text driven lecture presentation is executed through the use of a Prezi presentation. Primary resources are used to emphasize the marketing strategies of the 1920’s giving students the opportunity to observe and comment without feeling pressure to keep up with the text. Finally, complimenting the instructional videos on the Wall-Wisher and ISSUU assignments, are assignment checklists which guide students through step by step procedures. This will ensure proper participation and execution by breaking tasks down into mini tasks, which aids ADHD students with deficiency in executive functioning.

Oppositional Defiance Disorder (1): Student within the classroom who has difficulty with processing of verbal instructions, task management, digression from tasks and behavior issues is accounted for in several ways. Social skills training is a complementary element to this students daily school experience. Opportunities to put these skills into practice thrive on a mixture of collaborative and independent work. Independent work is facilitated by the Wall-Wisher Pre-Assignment, the merges with group work upon participating in Reading Teams and re-evaluating individual and peer submissions. Behaviors will be closely monitored during this time as student struggles with social situations. The learning styles within each group that focus on practical application, abstract thinking and group work could help to alleviate the anxiety of extending the students ideas past that of their own work. Executive functioning and focus are addressed on Day 2 (Independent Project Work) by complimenting written and digital instructions, with the use of verbal and visual cues. Proximity to student maintains focus, and eliminates the stress associated with ODD when trying to acquire attention from an instructor. Checklists will also aid in this students project progress, as well as the accessibility and knowledge of resources textually, visually and digitally in a variety of formats to aid in the absence of instructor or peer.

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