Seton Hall University College of Education & Human Services Graduate Studies and Special Programs
GSSP Lesson Plan Template Use the Lesson Plan Resource Guide to Complete this Plan Pages will expand as you type Name: Jonathan W. Stoessel Date: 5/20/12 School: The Wardlaw-Hartridge School Setting/Grade Level: 11th Grade/ Mainstream Typical Setting Subject(s): United States History II Lesson Theme or Topic: The Roaring Twenties: A Triad of Hate: The KKK, Red Scare and Nativism in the 1920’s Composition of Class: Male: 15
IEP: 3
Inclusion Class: Class follow inclusion model, non in-class support For more information about classifications, click here: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Section 504
GOALS, OBJECTIVE(S), STANDARDS (Complete the following four questions): 1. Established Goal: Students will be able to interpret the innate causes of the KKK, Red Scare and Nativism and classify their unique role in the Triad of Hate in 1920’s America. 2. Lesson Objectives: 1. By contributing a 2-3 sentence answer in a “5 Minute Forum Anonymous Response” Do-Now utilizing, students will be able to isolate examples of why Americans fear immigrants, foreign manufacturers and different religions in contemporary society (citing economics, politics and social issues). 2. By observing the “Modern Triad of Hate” SmartBoard application of their Chatzi feedback, students will be able to differentiate the categories of hate and prejudice in contemporary society.
3. By engaging in discussion during a Prezi entitled “Red Scare, Nativism and KKK in the 1920’s, students will be able to identify the major players in the 1920’s Triad of Hate (i.e. KKK, Nativist, Red Scare). 4. By observing embedded videos containing scholarly interviews, primary source citation and creative representations of pertinent underlying themes, students will be able to appraise the influence of The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s. 5. By completing the graphic organizer entitled “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”, students will be able to differentiate the major themes, characters involved and root causes of fear in the 1920’s.
6. By interpreting (3) political cartoons in small groups highlighting their individual characteristics and presenting them to the class VIA DropBox for further discussion, students will be able to document their understanding of the societal influence of the Triad of Hate. 7. By engaging in the DropBox Political Cartoon Activity, students will be able to employ the major themes of Nativism, The Red Scare and the KKK in a collaborative setting.
3. NJCCC Standards: 8. The Emergence of Modern America: Roaring Twenties The 1920s is characterized as a time of social, economic, technological, and political change, as well as a time of emerging isolationism, racial and social tensions, and economic problems. 6.1.12.A.8.c: Relate social intolerance, xenophobia, and fear of anarchists to government policies restricting immigration, advocacy, and labor organizations. 6.1.12.D.8.a: Explain why the Great Migration led to heightened racial tensions, restrictive laws, a rise in repressive organizations, and an increase in violence.
9. NJCCC Technology Standards 8.1.8.A.3: Create a multimedia presentation including sound and images. 8.1.8.A.5: Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. 8.1.2.B.1: Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. 8.1.8.B.1: Synthesize and publish information about a local or global issue or event on a collaborative, webbased service. METHODOLOGY (Choose from the list below) • What instructional strategies will you use? • Next to each strategy selected, describe your rationale for selection of each strategy. Collaborative Learning: Creating a “5 Minute Forum” for students to voice their opinion on contemporary immigration, discriminatory and political issues VIA is critical for establishing the major themes behind “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”. Students are encouraged to provide their individual opinions to the following question, “Why do the Americans of today’s society fear foreign manufacturers, religions, races and political viewpoints?”. Participating individually at the onset merges into a more collaborative activity once student responses are placed into one word categories based on response. Through this “5 minute” conversation/discussion students will engage a variety of issues that lay the groundwork for the lesson over the next few days by making connections between the past and present. Collaboration also takes place during the “Political Cartoon Dropbox” activity where students work in groups to analyze a selection of 1920’s political cartoons and apply appropriate categories to them, highlighting critical aspects and snapping pictures of these specific areas to submit to our classroom Dropbox account. Project-Based Learning: Students will be asked on Day 2 of the lesson to form 5 groups of 3 students to analyze, categorize and dissect political cartoons dealing with the KKK, Nativism and The Red Scare in the 1920’s. This project will be conducted over the course of the second class period. This mini PBL will require that students work to isolate the
major themes discussed over Day 1 of the lesson within the context of political cartoons. Each group will be provided with (3) cartoons to categorize, label and highlight as they see fit noting any of the major themes. Students will also be encouraged to highlight the strategies and symbols utilized by the cartoonist and what direction he/she wishes the reader to take. Each portion that is made note of will then be photographed with the classroom iPads and saved to our classroom DropBox account. Groups will then be required to present their findings to the rest of the class by opening their cartoon excerpts on the Smartboard. Problem Solving: Students will be solving the problem of primary resource interpretation by participating in the political cartoon analysis activity. By utilizing prior knowledge established by the previous day introductory activity and Prezi presentation, students will solve several issues of primary resource analysis. These problems are: What is it in response to? How can I categorize this? (KKK, Nativist, Red Scare) Who is its intended audience ? Students will need to provide some kind of solid historical context in 2-3 sentences that adequately explains the situation and topic of the political cartoon at hand, while also solving the problem of highlighting specific features that support the group’s argument.
Group Discussion: A group discussion will be held at (3) separate marking points over the course of the two day lesson. Group discussion should facilitate student learning by making connections to prior knowledge, opinion and suggestions for further examination. Students submit their own opinion in an identifiable or anonymous nature during our TodaysMeet activity when connects contemporary foreign and domestic discrimination with that of the 1920’s. The results of which will be up for discussion and debate following the “5 Minute Forum”. Group discussion will also be utilized during the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” Prezi presentation which contains embedded videos in reference to the KKK, Nativism and the Red Scare. Feedback regarding student feelings and reflections to the issues identified earlier will enhance the relevance of the material and its eventual application to the Political Cartoon project, while also completing a “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s Graphic Organizer”.
Discovery/Inquiry: The group discussion noted in the above rationale, also occurs within the small groups during the “Political Cartoon-Dropbox” mini project. Working in teams, students will be required to make inquiries regarding their interpretations of the intended meaning, audience and categorization of these primary resources. Since these resources are highly specific in terms of historical context, students will be required to make discoveries about the symbolism and words used within the cartoons based on the prior knowledge and discussions during Day 1 of the lesson.
Technology/Delivery: Delivery of the lesson plan will center on different applications of the SmartBoard resource within the classroom as the technology platform. The introductory “5 Minute Forum” will be displayed in real-time in front of the classroom on the SmartBoard so that students can see their peer’s comments on issues regarding foreign politics, beliefs, race and societal issues. These comments will then be placed into condensed categories so that students can visualize both their innate differences, but also the overarching theme which is at its root, which is FEAR. Following the activity, students will then differentiate the historical content of the lesson by observing a Prezi presentation on the SmartBoard and completing its complimentary graphic organizer. Finally, students will use the iPads as a way to distribute the different aspects of their political cartoon analysis in a flexible way that gives every student the opportunity to view the work of each group, and make the appropriate connections between primary resource and the themes established in the previous day’s activities and discussions. Lecture: Lecture format will be used in conjunction with the Prezi presentation to establish the major themes and content associated with this section of the unit. Students will be able to interject and form discussions by making connections to the introductory activity and contemporary society, while also commenting on material pertinent to the presentation itself. The lecture will be guided by visuals and embedded video’s which will illustrate the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” in a
way that will reach the diverse learning styles within the classroom. Students will also have the opportunity to organize content from the lecture by completing the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” graphic organizer. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Check the non-technology materials and resources you plan to use in your lesson. X
Visuals Games Flat Pictures Manipulatives Handouts
Reading Materials Maps Objects/Artifacts Guest Speakers List Others:
TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED • Mark box next to type of technology. • In box, next to each strategy selected, describe your rationale for selection of each strategy.
Audio CD’s/Cassette Tapes Overhead Transparencies Tape Record/CD Player/MP3 VCR/TV/DVD Assistive Technology Devices (Type) Smart Board Computers/Printers/iPad Basic software tools (Excel, Word, Access)
PowerPoint Slides Commercial Software (e.g. Inspiration) Blog, Wiki, other Web-based communication Digital Storytelling Podcast Other not listed Internet/Websites (type in URLs)
Birth of a Nation Clip uI2zc Anti-Communist Cartoon: KUP3Og
PROCEDURE (See WHERETO instructions.) Please provide a step-by-step proposal for completing your lesson plan activities. The description should be complete so that another teacher could teach this lesson. Time allocated for lesson: 54 Minutes (2 Days) Step 1: Introduction: Day 1 Prior knowledge in this lesson is contingent upon the adequate completion and understanding of the prior lesson, which touches on the some of the themes students will need in order to understand the root causes of the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”. The essential component of said prior knowledge, is the aspect of the Harlem Renaissance known as the “Great Migration”. This concept brings in to question certain principles that preceded the creation of the Ku Klux Klan such as job competition, property competition, rural vs. urban values and racial discrimination between southern migrant blacks
and WASP’s in the northern states. Students who have garnered an adequate understanding of the major themes behind the “Great Migration” will have a strong launching point for a more in depth look at discrimination in regard to domestic and foreign affairs during this two day lesson. After completion of the preceding lesson plans within the Unit, students will be given the task of watching a clip from the movie “The Birth of a Nation” and an Anti-Communist cartoon entitled “Ism”. Regardless of background knowledge on the roots of the KKK or The Red Scare, students are encouraged to take note of anything controversial, racists or biased within the two clips. Although students will not be prompted to discuss the contents of either of the videos, they may use this as a basis for further discussion during their “5 Minute Forum” on Students will also have access to a brief introduction to the night before as well as in invitation located in their school wide e-mail inbox to the following day’s digital discussion. Day 2: The previous day’s introduction to “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” should have provided a detailed and organized discussion of the major themes, causes and details behind the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, Nativist groups and the Red Scare. Given the framework for making connections to contemporary issues, students should be ready to take content to a level of synthesis needed in applying various aspects of “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” to primary documents. Students will be broken down into (5) groups of (3) students. Each group will be given 3 political cartoons which pertain to the KKK, Nativism or The Red Scare in the 1920’s. Instructions will prompt students in each group to highlight and note the document, taking pictures of the important aspects of the political cartoon with the iPads. The instructor should take 5 minutes to model this activity using a few examples so that students can visualize the process, in order to execute it as efficiently as possible during class time to increase the length of time provided for students to share their insights at the conclusion of the mini project.
Step 2: Essential Questions 1) What major controversial beliefs and viewpoints did Americans of the 1920’s hold and how were these reflected in popular culture? 2) How were African American’s, radical political groups and immigrants marginalized in the wake of World War I and The Great Migration? 3) How does fear of foreign and domestic influence political, economic and social norms in contemporary society? 4) What connections can historians make between the roots of hatred in the United States in the 1920’s and present day society? 5) What were the (3) major components and subsequent causes of the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”? 6) Who were the major leaders of the Ku Klux Klan, Red Scare and Nativist groups of the 1920’s? 7) How the “Triad of Hate” was in 1920’s directly linked to a variety of American fears? 8) How were major themes, symbols and characters of “The Triad of Hate” depicted in the political cartoons of the 1920’s? Step 3 Exploration: Day 1 Students will begin the lesson, having been prepped for the overall themes and content in the previous evenings homework (viewing the aforementioned YouTube videos), by participating in the “5 Minute Forum”. Within the parameters of this activity, students will be answering the question, “Why do the Americans of today’s society fear
foreign manufacturers, religions, races and political viewpoints?” Along with the previous evening’s homework, students were also sent an introduction to the private chat room on their school wide e-mail address. Once the activity begins, students will enter the forum private chat room designated by the instructor. Instructors should also monitor the “5 minute” aspect of the activity, providing extra time if the discussion generates ideas and discussion for further examination. NOTE: Students should be given the opportunity to remain anonymous in responding to the prompt as a live feed will be refreshed on the SmartBoard, so that multiple platforms will record the discussion and students will be held accountable for comments made as well as giving a 2nd platform for all learning styles to pace themselves within the activity. Upon completion, significant contributions will be recorded, categorized and discussed through a short SmartBoard activity. The lesson will then transition into the lecture portion and discussion guided by a Prezi entitled “The Triad of Hate: The KKK, Nativism and Red Scare in the 1920’s”. Students will be prompted to comment on the embedded videos within the presentation, as well as primary resource photos. In addition, students will complete the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” graphic organizer. This lecture will serve as the platform for core content, themes and facts for the lesson and prepare students for analysis and synthesis on Day 2. Day 2 Students will be utilizing the iPads (available on Rent from the SLMS) to examine and display examination of primary resources in the form of political cartoons. (5) Groups of (3) students will be formed and provided with (3) political cartoons that were created to illustrate themes, characters and ideologies discussed in the lecture “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”. The instructor will model the method for breaking down each political cartoon by using (2) examples and importing the results into the classroom Dropbox folder. Modeling the activity is essential for students to effectively display their analysis and synthesis of lesson material on the Smartboard for further discussion. Step 4: Application – How will students USE or PRACTICE using the new knowledge or skills? Day 1 Application of introductory knowledge and themes within this lesson is predicated on the organization of information during the Prezi presentation entitled “The Triad of Hate: The KKK, Nativism and the Red Scare in the 1920’s”. During this presentation, students will be asked to view several introductory videos which outline the content in each part of the triad in a way that will initiate classroom discussion. This classroom discussion is also facilitated by the student’s effective participation in the aforementioned “5 Minute Forum” activity. Themes and trends including, but not limited to; injustice, persecution, segregation, migration, employment, religion and politics should all be held in high regard and prompted for further examination during the presentation. Students will also be organizing the information provided, as well as their own connections and insights by completing the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s Graphic Organizer”. NOTE: Students will also be applying what they viewed in the (2) preparatory videos from the previous evening to their “5 Minute Forum” as well as to the Prezi presentation and discussion. Instructors should note that this creates a layered effect to the discussion where students not only have reference points in regard to the content, but to their own progression and learning as well. Day 2 Students utilize the major themes and content of “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” through the “Political Cartoons Dropbox Activity”. As stated before, before embarking on this activity, the instructor should be sure to model what is expected of the (5) groups of (3) in terms of analysis and application of the previous days instruction, as well as how it is to be imported to the classroom Dropbox account. Paper instructions, video and modeling ensure that all learning styles understand the task at hand and are able to perform at an optimal level. Within the PBT itself, students will be asked to analyze their selection of political cartoons through the lens of “The Triad of Hate”, as each will have either a Ku Klux Klan, Nativist or Red Scare connotation. The instructor should also guide the students to answer the following questions as the analyze each word, illustration and symbol within the political cartoon in question: What was this created in response to? How can I categorize this? (KKK, Nativist, Red Scare)
Who is its intended audience ? Was this designed to encourage, convince or scare people into a set of beliefs? In addition to answering these questions, students should be prompted to utilize their graphic organizers, contributions to the “5 Minute Forum” as well as re-collections from the previous evenings (2) YouTube videos. Each of these resources is crucial in creating a confluence of information and content recognition key in this type of PBT. When students have answer these questions, as well as highlighted key symbols, characters and themes of the political cartoons they will move on to the next task. Students will then take pictures of their insights and comments left on the primary resource, as well as any of the key parts of the political cartoons they have isolated and upload them to the class Dropbox page. Once the task is completed by all groups, each will then be asked to come forward to the SmartBoard and bring up their individual photos and explain their political cartoon and justify their comments and areas of focus using their prior knowledge. Students will be encouraged to utilize the interactive aspect of the SmartBoard to leave additional comments as well as reenforce areas of particular interest. This activity encourages students to actively apply and synthesize the content by feeling, watching, thinking and doing.
Step 5: Closure and Assessment – How will you review, reinforce, and wrap-up the lesson? After students have been given adequate time to apply the content acquired and documented regarding “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” from Day 1 to the “Political Cartoon Dropbox” activity, they will then be asked to share their findings with the rest of the class. As stated earlier, this provides a chance for all learning styles inventoried at the onset of the unit to have the opportunity to contribute and become engaged in the activity through feeling, watching, thinking and doing. Each group will be asked to answer the aforementioned primary resource analysis questions, as well as utilize the Smartboard tools to re-enforce specific aspects of the political cartoon that they deem important for further discussion. At this point, the instructor may interject to allude to similarities or differences between the political cartoon in question, and those analyzed by former groups who may have shared viewpoints. Bringing to the forefront both the similarities and differences of the primary resources give students insight into well established ways of both analysis and application of prior knowledge. Finally, at the conclusion of the lesson a few examples of modern political cartoons and a modeled analysis will be displayed to students on the Smartboard that the instructor had prepared at an earlier time. Making the full circle connection at the onset and conclusion of the lesson plan ensures that students make relevant and applicable connections between the 1920’s and contemporary society in regard to fear and hate. Bookending the lesson this way will once again give students reference points to take stock of their own understanding of the material, as well as utilize specific activities for recollection of key themes, characters and events within “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”. The instructor should take a responsibility in both modeling the proper execution of this short PBT and for giving students insight to the relevance of historical events to contemporary society.
ASSESSMENT, PERFORMANCE TASKS, PROJECTS “Contemporary American Fear” 5-Minute Forum Using TodaysMeet: See attached Rubric and Directions “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” Graphic Organizer: See attached Document and Directions “Triad of Hate Political Cartoon Analysis”: See attached Rubric
DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES How did you differentiate the lesson to accommodate students with differences in preferences in learning styles/ intelligences? Assimilating Learners (5): Students within the classroom who prefer reading, lecture and applying abstract concepts to a modeled assignment or project are accounted for in several ways. The “Triad of Hate” in the 1920’s Prezi introduces material in lecture format while also incorporating some models for students to understand the concepts behind Nativism, The Red Scare and the KKK in the 1920’s such as embedded videos, images and primary resources. In particular, the political cartoons and embedded videos give students the opportunity to apply the major themes of “The Triad of Hate” to future projects. Screenshots accompanied with text instructions provide students the opportunity to feel a certain level of comfort when accessing a new resource such as TodaysMeet or Next, the classroom page provides several resources that allow students to explore the impact, audience and major themes behind the political cartoons of the 1920’s in reference to “The Triad of Hate”. The digital resources allow assimilating learners to take course content and interpret the textual and symbolic components of these political cartoons. Finally, students have the opportunity to take their understanding of course content to the next level by modeling and assignment through observation of the instructors techniques for identifying major themes, symbols and historical contexts involved in their groups selection of political cartoons. Accommodating Learners (5): Students within the classroom who prefer hands on, collaborative and action based learning are accounted for in several ways. Specifically in regards to the “5 Minute Forum” activity facilitated by TodaysMeet, students have the opportunity to interact with students within the classroom collaboratively to answer a contemporary question that has avenues to the content being covered within the next two days. These topics include a discussion about why modern day American’s fear foreign influence, personal experiences and future consequences to the growth of this point of view. Instructors should also highlight the importance of giving students the opportunity to identify themselves or remain anonymous. Maintaining a clear understanding that collaboration does not necessarily always work hand in hand with identification of one’s personal beliefs. Students who may not necessarily be inclined to share their opinions within the common classroom environment the opportunity to contribute. The action based nature of this activity is the responsibility of the instructor to model proper etiquette within this forum and to facilitate necessary points of discussion that have solid connections to “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s”. Students also should observe the progression of personal viewpoints and their contribution to the class as a whole by having the discussion projected in real time on a projector screen or SmartBoard. Furthermore, action based learning is also facilitated by the students breaking down into groups to work on the “Triad of Hate Political Cartoon Analysis”. Each group will be prompted to work with tangible primary resources in the form of political cartoons (which are also located on the class ISSUU page). The action learning will be modeled by the instructor as students use their content knowledge to identify symbols and important references located within the cartoons, and document them with iPad photos VIA DropBox. Finally, the collaborative piece of this activity is initiated once students identify the cartoons they selected and their subsequent photos on the SmartBoard through DropBox and making the necessary connections between primary resources presented by their fellow classmates. Diverging Learners (4): Students within the classroom who prefer idea generated, artistically centered group activities based on peer assessment are accounted for in several ways. As collaborative techniques are used to bring diverse student experiences and viewpoints to the forefront, the assessment piece generates a forum for diverging learners to use their unique skill set. As the “5 Minute Forum” is being conducted, each student will be prompted to not only contribute their own ideas to the discussion using the prior knowledge given by the YouTube video’s from the previous evening as background. The second part of this process, as part of the instructor’s responsibility, is to model the correct way to assess peer responses and perhaps direct a question for further expansion. This requires students to make an adequate assessment of a peer’s point of view and responsibly make a comment in agreement or disagreement, making certain to highlight specific facts the support their claim. Assessment skills are vitally important not only for the Diverging Learners, but for the overall skills provided to the students throughout the activity and moving forward to other topics for the rest of the year. Secondly, peer assessment skills are also highlighted once students complete the documentation and analysis of the “Triad of Hate” political cartoons and their subsequent group presentations. The content knowledge and major themes and ideas behind this activity are only one component, but the connection each student makes between their own analysis and that of their peers further solidifies the application/synthesis of this course content.
Converging Learners (1): The student within the class who prefers a straightforward, application based, practical approach is accounted for in several ways. Proper application of knowledge, while it should be a goal for all students within a history classroom, is the primary way of understanding for this learner. The design of this lesson notes the establishment of prior knowledge in each activity and assessment to assure that students are placing the content in the proper historical context. By providing students with the opportunity to the “Birth of a Nation” and “Ism” YouTube video clips on the night prior to the “5 Minute Forum”, it provides a framework from which their discussion on American fear can be built upon. The instructor should also facilitate the student’s ability to draw from information already covered within the unit to apply prior knowledge to the discussion. Secondly, students transition into the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” Prezi presentation which gives them a venue to explore each prong of the “Triad of Hate” (i.e. Nativism, The Red Scare, and the KKK) in intimate detail and provide even more context to the lesson. The graphic organizer assists Converging Learners, as well as those students who would benefit from transition into this style, with the application of the general themes, major events and people associated with the “Triad of Hate”. Finally, the acquisition of the bulk of the lesson content from the “5 Minute Forum” and “The Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” Prezi give an avenue for students to use an application based approach to explore the Political Cartoon DropBox activity more effectively. The instructor needs to be aware through observation, discussion and questioning of the students retention of content knowledge before the application of these major themes takes place in this group project.
ADHD (2): Students within the classroom who have difficulty with organization of materials, cognition-to-speech, attention span and independent reading as a result of ADHD diagnosis are accounted for in several ways. In the traditional classroom discussion setting, students with ADHD may become lost or confused at the direction and mini transitions that occur in such an activity. By utilizing the Computers on Wheels (COWs) and conducting the discussion VIA a “5 Minute Forum” on TodaysMeet, students with ADHD can dictate the pace of their own contributions, as well as their own viewpoints on the submissions of their peers without feeling left behind. The instructor needs to monitor the pace of the discussion so as to not stifle the creativity or insight that these students may have, essentially opening the possibility of making the “5 Minute Forum” a “10 Minute Forum” or longer. The activity also provides students with the opportunity to improve executive functioning skills on a full scale level by having the transcript of the discussion available to them to print and evaluate in the future (transcript is available on TodaysMeet for 1 year). Executive functioning needs are also identified by the implementation of the “Triad of Hate in the 1920’s” graphic organizer which complements the Prezi. Individual connections as well as major facts and themes can be included in a fashion that reflects the organization style of the instructor, instead of relying on static note taking. Execution of the DropBox activity by students in a group setting will aid ADHD population by allowing them contribute information in a technology driven/active setting (identifying symbols, taking photos, highlighting on the SmartBoard).
Oppositional Defiance Disorder (1): Student within the classroom who has difficulty with processing of verbal instructions, task management, digression from tasks and behavior issues is accounted for in several ways. Development of proper social skills in the classroom setting is critical to the improvement and development of this student. Without adding anxiety to the classroom discussion setting, the “5 Minute Forum” activity allows for anonymous participation at a selected pace. Elimination of this anxiety is not only a benefit to this student to use their prior knowledge effectively, but also provides a way to exercise proper social functioning void of confrontation to use in transition to the Prezi discussion. The instructor should be aware of this students effective and relevant conversations held in the “5 Minute Forum” to award positive feedback, so that similar behaviors can be self regulated in future settings. The group work required in the DropBox project also complies with ODD by giving this student several tasks to complete that contribute to overall group and classroom success. Both the “5 Minute Forum” and DropBox group project are also complimented with checklist rubrics, and text/visual instructions. These give the student adequate time and opportunity to break each task down into several steps, at the direction of the instructor, to eliminate the constraints of time as an inhibitor to retention.