Q Mid-Atlantic | Wedding Book 2019

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The Marriage Myth


Wedding Traditions Reconsidered


The Happy Couples


Marriage is Forever, Right?

A New Take on Some Old Favorites Two Couples Share Their Stories

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t is my deepest pleasure to welcome each of you to Q Media’s 4th annual Wedding Issue!

In June of 2015, what many thought was impossible happened… marriage equality became the law of the land! The path to this major legal victory began on June 26, 2003 when the Supreme Court decriminalized sodomy in the landmark case of Lawrence v. Texas. This monumental decision cleared the path for marriage equality to take root across the nation, state by state, until the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015. However, I’d be remiss if I failed to mention that the true path to marriage equality began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York City. This year, we celebrate 50 years of Pride and the tremendous advances our community has made across the world, from legal victories to more inclusive representation in public spaces. Make no mistake, there are still many battles to be fought and injustices to make right; however, it’s important that we collectively take a moment to celebrate the rapid pace of progress our community has made in 50 short years. With that, I welcome you to this fabulous issue and hope you enjoy


Wedding | No. 16

Q Mid-Atlantic Staff

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Justin Ayars, JD Managing Editor & Creative Director Jesse LaVancher Art Director John Dixon | Runningfire Design Director of Communications Steven Yavorsky, MBA Web Designer Taylor Pace Logo Designer Umbrella Management Group, LLC Advertising Manager Joy Farmer | info@qmediaco.com National Advertising Rivendell Media Collegiate Fellows Kyle Bevenour Lily Boock Aaron Keen Kristopher Patrick McKeever

Q Mid-Atlantic Contributors Kevin Assam Justin Ayars, JD Patricia Bradby Gretchen Gales Meredith Jenkins Jesse LaVancher Sarah Pete Rizzi Joseph Romano Terri Schlichenmeyer Tammy Shaklee Cleon Smith Jerome West Michele Zehr

Q Mid-Atlantic Publishing Office The Brookwood 1342 Flynn Road Richmond, VA 23225 info@qmediaco.com

reading it as much as we enjoy sharing it with you. Cheers,

Justin Ayars, JD Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

6 | Q Mid-Atlantic

Q Mid-Atlantic magazine is published by Q Media, LLC. Q Media, LLC is a full-service marketing and multimedia company. We connect inclusive businesses to the $1 trillion LGBTQ market through education, storytelling and technology. We believe that the best way to promote equality and connect communities is through the timeless art of storytelling. What’s your story? © Q Media, LLC 2019. Q Media owns and/or operates various physical, digital and broadcast media platforms, events and services including, but not limited to, Q Mid-Atlantic magazine, Q Guidebook, qmediaco.com, Q Consulting, Q Weddings, The Q College and The Q Expo. All rights reserved.

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Featured Contibutors

Kevin Assam

Sarah Pete Rizzi

Michele Zehr, M.A., M.Ed.

Kevin Assam is a leftie with the second most

Sarah has more than 16 years of experience

Michele is the founder and Executive Direc-

beautiful penmanship you’ll ever see. He

in the hospitality, wedding & events indus-

tor of the Center for Earth-Based Healing,

thinks life is too short to skip dessert and do

tries. Her diverse background includes event

a non-profit organization offering free trau-

separate loads of laundry. His personality

sales and management at the Willard Inter-

ma-informed ecotherapy programs for survi-

and relationship columns get him in trouble

Continental & Benchmark Hotels and the co-

vors of sexual and domestic violence.

with conservative society, sometimes. He has

ordination of large-scale conferences for the

a few awards. Kevin is still searching for the

Department of Defense.

finish line in his pursuit of love. Also, the ice caps are definitely melting.

the entire 2,175-mile Appalachian Trail and, In 2015, she launched Sincerely Pete Events,

in her free time, composes music, hangs

a boutique wedding firm based in Washing-

out in nature and loves snuggling with her

ton, D.C., focused on cultivating meaning-

14-year-old kitty, Henry.

ful, beautiful, timeless and equality-minded events. In 2016, she paired her passion for events with her love of travel and partnered with award-winning travel agent, Heather Christoper, to co-found Wanderlust Wedding Co., a destination wedding company, planning and designing events all over the world.

10 | Q Mid-Atlantic

She is a former U.S. marine, has backpacked

Table of Contents

22. The Marriage Myth

We’ve all grown up believing the marriage myth— that marriage is forever. It certainly can be, but what does it mean when it isn’t?

14. 16. 18. 20. 38.

Dates in the House of the Lord

Sunday church drama. Elton John tickets! Hair in your fettuccini? Enjoy this relationship column you didn’t ask for but absolutely need.

Book Review: Before I Do

Before you say, “I do” and walk down the aisle, it’s important to have some serious conversations with your future spouse about… well, your future together.

Book Review: Equally Wed

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Slay the Wedding Game

Getting hitched? Follow this outrageously updated advisory list of do’s and don’ts when you’re getting ready to tie the knot.

Selecting Your Signature Cocktail

No wedding is complete without a signature cocktail. Explore some of the finest recipes we’ve hand-curated that will wet your whistle and wow your guests!

Weddings Hacks

50. 54. 58. 60. 62.

Learn how to create a memorable wedding, host the perfect welcome reception, the difference between a wedding coordinator and a wedding planner and discover things you need to do after you get married.

Wedding Horoscopes

What does your sign say about your wedding prospects? Put the magic 8 ball down and dive into our wedding horoscopes.

5 Things to Know About Attending a Destination Wedding

Destination weddings can be a lot of fun. Before you make your plans, check our list of things you should absolutely know about these special occasions.

Things Wedding Planners Wished You Knew

Wedding planners can help make your wedding go off without a hitch (well, except for the fact that you’re getting hitched). Here are some things they want you to know before you hire them.

3 Common Questions About Destination Weddings

Looking to have a destination wedding? Here are the most common questions about planning these extraordinary events.

Always a Bridesmaid/Groomsman?

24. Wedding Traditions Reconsidered

Weddings are full of time-honored traditions. If you’re looking to try something different at your wedding, check out our fun alternatives to some common wedding traditions.

70. 72. 74. 76.

Do you feel like you’re often in the wedding party, yet always a party of one? When inside, you’re ready to be the one walking down the aisle for the ring and lifetime commitment?

Financial Planning for Same-Sex Couples

Planning your finances as a married couple is not a sexy topic, but it’s a critical one as you and your spouse begin to plan your lives together.

First Time Home Buyers

Tired of paying someone else? Consider paying yourself! Stop renting and start owning. If you’ve been renting for years, where do you start?

12 FAQs About Gay Weddings

What makes a wedding “gay?” Does RuPaul need to officiate the ceremony? Does the full cast of Queer Eye have to be there? How much glitter do you need?

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W W W . Q G U I D E B O O K . C O M

Dates In The House of the Lord. By, Kevin Assam


unday church drama. Elton John tickets! Hair in your fettuccini? Let’s shut all this down with another relationship column you didn’t ask for but absolutely need.

I have been seeing my boyfriend for one

you an incredible experience. Have fate

If I’m on a date at a restaurant and I find a

month. I want to bring him to my die hard

decide. If you like them both equally make

hair in my meal, should I send it back or will

Roman Catholic mother’s Sunday mass.

them agree to a coin toss. Or just take your

that make me appear bitchy?

Should I?

mother. Mom trumps all. Make sure it is not your hair of course. Then

Unlike Sunday lunch, church is another ball

We live in a small town and my best friend

scrutinize the location. Is the hair intertwined

game where the only things on the menu

who is a lesbian constantly slides into depres-

in your fettuccini or casually hanging off the

are wafers, wine, and judgement. If your

sion over the lack of available single women.

plate well away from the food? In the case of

boyfriend is down to go and not a hostage,

What can we do?

the former, be polite and send it back. This

that shows dedication on his part. Unless

has to do more with hygiene and less the feel-

your mother is as chilled as mine, expect

Small towns are tough. More so when you’re

to be scrutinized in the house of the Lord.

a lesbian or a non-G or B member of the rain-

ings of your date.

You might get stared and scowled at by

bow community. There are a few options that

Most relationship guides read terribly and

the more conservative members. Use your

jump out off the bat. Moving to a more diverse

borderline folksy. What gives?

mother as a human shield.

city. Engaging long distant relationships. But neither are ideal. If her depression is truly linked

The notorious venture capitalist, Paul Gra-

I won two tickets to see Elton John live but

to her relationship status, perhaps you can il-

ham, recently reminded me in one of his

there is so much pressure from my two close

luminate the merits of singledom. Not having

fabulous essays that you should write like

friends to come with me. I’m considering not

to share leftovers. Sleeping diagonally on your

you talk. These columnists are either forcing

going and having them both attend so no

bed. Having the luxury to travel uninhibited.

their writing into a style that sounds nothing

one feels left out. What do I do?

This is not great advice because this is a dif-

like them in real life or they’re obsessed with

ficult issue. Though, that last point may hold

being scrutinized and are outright lying. You

If you don’t go that’s really generous on

some truth. Travel. Find a nearby Womenfest

can also weed out the mediocre ones by look-

your end and shows how attentive you are

or pride event. Lord knows they are year-round.

ing at the type of questions and scenarios

to the emotions of everyone around you.

Hell, find anywhere with a bevy of entertaining

they tend to respond to. If it’s all cookie cutter

Your friends however should not feel so en-

women and go with her. She will need you as a

nonsense, they’re playing it safe. Tell them to

titled during a happy windfall that it costs

wingman. She most certainly needs fun.

keep it to their journals.

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Book Review: Before I Do by, Terri Schlichenmeyer


here was no pony in there,

she points out. Yes, you’re in love,

Educate yourself on insurance cov-

no new car, not even a

and yes, you’ve been together for-

erage, asset protection, pre-nups,

stuffed animal. The box was

ever but now’s the time to be sure

and estate planning.

too small for all that, but it held so

you know exactly what you’re in

much more: dreams, ideas, happi-

for. That starts by asking yourselves

Though she says her advice in this

ness, congratulations! And if you’re

a series of difficult but important

book is appropriate for anyone, au-

lucky, your wise new fiancé tucked

questions. Once you’ve gotten that

thor Elizabeth F. Schwartz focuses

Before I Do by Elizabeth F. Schwartz

(perhaps uncomfortable) part out of

more on gay and lesbian couples,

(afterword by Jim Obergefell) in the

the way, be sure that any past rela-

as well as trans individuals and their

box with your beautiful engagement

tionships are completely and legally

prospective spouses. She does so, in

ring. So you put a ring on it, made the

finished and “do not create con-

part, because she feels that they’ve

proposal, and now you’ve got a wed-

fusion with multiple statuses with

only seen marriage “on the fringes.”

ding to plan. It’s all quite exciting, but

multiple people.” Know what paper-

slow down a minute. If you’ve grown

work you need in order to proceed,

What somewhat sets this book apart

up thinking that this day would nev-

and what questions you’ll be asked

from the thousands of other wed-

er come, then you might not have

as you’re filling it out. This pre-wed-

ding-planner books on bookshelves;

thought about what marriage entails.

ding period is a good time to talk to

what really makes it different, how-

“LGBT people,” says Schwartz, “have

a financial expert, a tax consultant,

ever, is that Schwartz admits her

not lived in a world with premarital

and a lawyer. Don’t trust word-of-

no-nonsense words may talk pro-

guidance for LGBT couples. We have

mouth to protect your finances;

spective brides and grooms out of

suffered systemic exclusion…”

the laws in your state may horri-

having a wedding. Truth: readers

fy you, if wedded bliss goes bust.

who might’ve somehow taken mar-

Just because you can be married

Talk about debt: how much each of

riage lightly before will absolutely be

now is no reason that you should,

you has, and how you perceive it.

convinced otherwise.

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Book Review: Equally Wed by, Terri Schlichenmeyer


our beloved asked. And you

Time management will be your

Remember that flowers are optional

said “yes.”

friend in this process, so find a

or you both can carry bouquets; in

system that works for you and be

fact, your decorations and what you

Like many people, Palladino grew up

faithful to it. Keep phone numbers,

carry down the aisle can be anything

dreaming of The Perfect Wedding.

contracts, ideas, lists, worksheets

unique to the two of you. Personalize

She could just picture it – but making

and budgets in the same place, and

the ceremony in ways that make you

it happen started out wrong: when

keep track of all gifts received. Take

happy; there are all kinds of options

she got engaged to her now-wife,

a look at Palladino’s list of possible

and it’s your wedding.

Maria, and went looking for help

items needed, then remember that

getting started, she could only find

nothing there is mandatory.

books for straight couples. That was

Ever since you were small, you’ve dreamed of getting married but, if

definitely not going to work, so the

Decide on the kind of wedding you

you don’t have a model to follow, it

Palladinos created an online wedding

want, the venue you’ve dreamed

can be hard to know where to start

magazine and this book. So, you just

about, and the size of your ceremo-

and where to get what you want.

got engaged. As you might guess,

ny. Remember that age and gender

Equally Wed

there’s a lot of planning that goes

of attendants isn’t cast in stone,

“grides” and “brooms” the path. This

into a wedding, starting with whom

and the only requisite for attire is

is an easy-to-use book that covers

(and how) you tell about it. Palladino

comfort. Know what questions to

all bases from “will you?” to “I do.” If

advocates being gentle with family

ask the “wedding pros” you need

there’s a wedding in your future and

members who may feel uncomfort-

to make your day special: a planner,

you need a starting point, Equally

able. She says, “… give them some

photographer, videographer, the offi-

Wed is a big “YES!”

time” and know how to decide to in-

ciant, baker, bartenders and your DJ.

vite them or not.

18 | Q Mid-Atlantic



Slay the Wedding Game with this Outrageously Updated Do’s and Don’ts List

June. That gloriously time of year where all you couples require us singles to empty our checking accounts and fly back to cities we had hoped to have escaped. If we’re going down the rabbit hole of inevitable regrets, you can at least do us the courtesy of following this outrageously updated wedding advisory on what you should precisely aim to do.

Don’t Wear White. Do Match the Color of Your Soul. Innocence? Yeah right. Instead of worrying about potential stains caused by your fifth Merlot, embrace the color of your soul. For many of you that means black. Though it’s not magic, its slimming qualities eliminates the need for dieting – a main contributor to bridezilla hysteria. Try jewel tones. They can communicate your newfound regality and dominant position to your irked and increasingly irrelevant mother-in-law. Watch out for reds though. As vibrant as they are, reds may also communicate that every guest should hold on to their significant other lest you wretch them away for a post nuptial ménage à trois.

Don’t Get a Cover Band. Do Hire an Astrologer. No one wants to hear a mediocre rendition of Moby’s Porcelain. Especially when the real Moby will probably come to your wedding for free if you swear off putting meats in your mouth for a month. Put that money towards hiring an astrologer for the day. Guests will

20 | Q Mid-Atlantic

love you for helping them figure out just how

While J.K. Rowling continues to expand the

much their Scorpio North Node will cement

wizarding world, this once charming theme

their promiscuity on Grindr and whether a

is now inundated with boggling questions in-

packed Ninth House signals an impend-

cluding whether Newt Scamander is hetero

ing Elizabeth Gilbert-esque quest for food,

or bi-curious and if mythical creatures like

prayers, and a good romp in the sack.

Nifflers be used to help find lost gilded adult toys. Instead, purchase a ton of crap off of

Don’t Be a Hermione Granger. Seriously. Pay Homage to Game of Thrones Instead.

Amazon that are themed in the recently concluded Game of Thrones TV series. Come next year, this cultural moment will have gone stale. Seize what’s left of its momentum now.

Though its literary source, A Song of Ice and

quite the bit of credit card debt from a gaudy

Lesbians sober can be pretty shy. Throw

Fire, won’t be completed for another hundred

reception decorated in gold and silver. Blech!

some tequila in and they’re the next Wanda

years or so, the TV series at least hobbled toward definitive answers. Shapeshifting Arya is indeed non-binary and Jon Snow resolutely committed incest. At the end of the day, all

Sykes. Listen to them slur their way through

Don’t Do a Drag Bachelorette Party. Have a Come to Jesus Moment at Group Therapy.

you queers should be able to get behind its

outstanding zingers and digs aimed at your unscrupulous guests who will be reminded of that time they matched with their not too distant cousin on Tinder or failed to appear in

most important point: we’re just a bunch of

Throw that crumpled dollar bill just at the

court after starting a riot in the drive-thru at

mad queens.

right angle and you might find yourself get-

Wendy’s. Comedy can be a unifying medi-

ting dragged on stage for a beat down. As

um. Let your lesbian friend shine as she forces

much as it will fill their vicious hearts with

your conservative grandmother to flee from

glee, drag queens would rather not mess up

the ballroom.

Don’t Tie the Knot at A Pre-existing Church. Start Your Own and Make off Like a Bandit.

their acrylic nails escorting your drunk party out of the club. Instead, book an alcohol

Tax exemptions. That’s all.

friendly ex-therapist whose license to practice has been revoked and let the Sangria flow as

Don’t Be Exclusive. Do Invite Your Single Ex. What? Your ex is going to have a lot of

your group descends into madness over who secretly slept with who and who’s a closeted

Salt on your margarita? Perhaps. Sand? No.

lezzie. Confession is good for the soul and

Forcing your gramophone guests to displace

your upcoming Roman Catholic ceremony.

their footwear when their toes look positively

laughing to do once your newborn turns your life upside down and your partner falls for the surrogate mama. This is your last chance to show that still single bastard exactly what

Don’t Host Your Wedding at a Beach. Do Educate Your Guests on the Danger of Crabs.

torn up is just rude. As is having everyone’s

Don’t Allow a Boring Emcee to Slow the Vibe. Have Your Drunk Lesbian Friend Roast the Guests Instead.

hair blasted by the sea and caked faces melted in the beachside heat.

they’re missing out on: a bubble butt and

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y partner and I recently per-

I hate to be Debbie Downer, but the truth

As cliché as it sounds, the only constant in life

formed music at the wedding

is that no matter what ceremony we par-

is that everything constantly changes, even

of two dear friends who—after

ticipate in, no matter what legal system

if we can’t perceive it while it’s happening.

17 years—were legally married. I imagine

acknowledges our relationship, no mat-

In fact, we take it for granted and become

same-sex couples across the U.S. holding

ter what vows are spoken from our lips, we

blind to this constant. Turn on your faucet

sacred ceremonies, honoring their commit-

still aren’t guaranteed a healthy “forever”

and try making the water “look exactly the

ment and love for one another, and enjoying

relationship. I realize this may sound bla-

same” as it did 5 seconds ago. It’s impossi-

new legal rights. I truly appreciate the tre-

tantly obvious at best or horribly cynical at

ble because it’s always changing. We are no

mendous amounts of energy and resources

worst, but knowing this wisdom and living

different; we just change at a slower—yet per-

it took to secure this right for the LGBTIQ

this wisdom are two very different things.

ceivable over time—rate than running water.

community. With that said, I want to ex-

I believe marriage can serve as the most

plore the aspect of relationship that even

Marriage, or any type of relationship “sta-

amazing ‘container’ for a full, loving, life-

legal marriage can’t seem to touch with

tus” for that matter, was never meant to be

long relationship. However, until both people

a ten-foot pole—the messiness of growth.

our Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee or Your

challenge the notion of “forever”—thereby

Money Back deal. When we are taught that

debunking the myth—and instead choose to

According to the American Psychological As-

marriage = forever, that is the moment we

commit the energy required for meeting one

sociation, 90% of people marry by the age of

turn a myth into a “truth.” Till death do we

another from moment-to-moment at every

50, but 40-50% of marriages end in divorce.

part—words that may or may not appear

growth point that presents itself throughout

We’ve all heard these statistics, and same-

in everyone’s vows, but the cultural impli-

the span of the relationship, the ‘container’

sex couples aren’t immune to them, but some

cation of “getting married” is that once we

we call marriage can just as easily remain

how they have become normalized. It’s not

tie the knot, “we” are supposed to last “for-

empty. We literally aren’t pouring ourselves

even shocking anymore, and I’m personally

ever,” and yet up to half of marriages don’t

into the process of growth, and believe me,

not ok with just accepting this phenomenon

last forever. Hmm…I spy a major disconnect.

a relationship will demand that you grow.

as “normal” without digging a little deeper. So I ask again, what force could be so

Next thing we know, we wake up and ask

Maybe it’s that we aren’t wired psychologi-

powerful that it can undo half of com-

the person sharing our bed, “Who are you?”

cally to withstand a long-term relationship? If

mitted relationships? The answer leads

If we can’t answer that question—or even

so, are we trying to force ourselves into a cul-

us into the hopeful part of this explo-

worse—if we can’t answer, “Who am I?”, then

turally-created institution called “marriage”

ration, and it is quite simple—growth.

I think we’ve just identified the birthplace

that actually doesn’t work with our psycho-

of those divorce statistics. The exception is

logical makeup? What force exactly could be

Demands for growth combined with a re-

any violent or abusive relationship, which

so powerful that it can undo half of commit-

fusal to act upon those demands is powerful

must not be confused with healthy growth.

ted relationships that have had the magical

enough to undo any relationship in existence.

wand of legal marriage waved over them?

Think about who you were when you first met

I think the queer community is in a unique

your partner. Have you both changed over

position to offer much wisdom on this entire

How do we explain those couples who some-

the years? Did growth sometimes cause dis-

topic. Until now, our reality was that noth-

how found a way to make it work for the

comfort and conflict? Did you find a way to

ing reinforced the bonds of our relationships

long haul? Were they all secretly miserable

meet that while discovering more about your

other than our own personal choice to con-

and living in a state of denial (some yes),

capacity to navigate life’s challenges togeth-

tinue meeting one another at every single

or did they discover this tiny little nugget of

er? Maybe you felt the tug of growth pull-

place where growth was asking to happen.

wisdom—that even within the sanctity of mar-

ing at your heart but ignored it out of fear

Couples like my friends have not lasted this

riage there exists a myth that is often repre-

of throwing off the equilibrium of your rela-

long because they stayed the same. They

sented as fact. Taking a myth and deeming

tionship? For what it’s worth, there is nothing

lasted this long because they continued to

it “the truth” is a dangerous game to play

wrong with any of these choices, but growth

“show up” through all of the growth periods

and usually results in some form of suffering.

is a persistent force that is not easily ignored.

that were inevitably going to demand that

The myth: If we’re married, it’s forever.

It usually catches up to us at some point.

they figure out another way to make it work.

22 | Q Mid-Atlantic

The Marriage Myth By, Michele Zehr, M.A., M.Ed.

Wedding Traditions Reconsidered By, Sarah Pete Rizzi Traditions and customs are a big point of discussion for most couples as they outline their wedding day. Often times, family & friends have opinions to contribute on the subject and this can lead to a couple making decisions to include or not include specific elements that they might not want to.

There’s definitely something to be said for tradition. There’s something magical about participating in a custom that has been passed down from generation to generation. Tradition has its place in our lives and special meaning to certain people, so don’t throw it all out the window… unless, of course, that’s what you feel in your heart you want to do! When it comes to one’s wedding day, couples should do whatever they want to and not feel compelled to do something just for the sake of tradition.  Let’s explore the origins of some time-honored wedding traditions and consider some alternatives in case you want to try something different.

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The Bouquet & Garter Toss The Tradition The bouquet toss and garter toss traditions are said to have originated in Europe in the 14th century when touching the bride was considered good luck. Guests would try to tear a piece off of the bride’s dress as a lucky charm. In order to save herself from literally having her dress ripped off of her, brides started throwing their bouquets into the crowd to deter them. They would then make a getaway to the wedding chamber with their new husband. Once safely inside, the groom would toss the garter out of the chamber door. This tradition evolved over time to the modern-day bouquet and garter toss where catching these items is seen as good luck and may determine who is next to wed..

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The Bouquet & Garter Toss The Alternative The bouquet and garter tosses are less common today and, frankly, are falling out of fashion. Here are some alternatives to this tradition couples should consider: • Give the bouquet or other flower arrangements to guests of honor, such as grandparents, parents or guests who have special meaning in the couple’s life. You could also honor the couple who has been married the longest or the next couple planning to get married in attendance at the wedding. • For small weddings, host a flower ceremony. Take a special bouquet, walk around to each guest, hand each one a flower and say something special or simply thank them for being in attendance. • Use a wedding bouquet to honor loved ones who have passed. Put your bouquet in a vase at the reception surrounded by photos of friends and family who have passed to serve as a reminder of them.

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Wedding Cake The Tradition The wedding cake has come a long way from its origins in ancient Rome where marriages were sealed when the groom smashed a barley cake over the bride’s head—this is probably where the practice of smashing cake in each other’s faces came from. And thank goodness the wedding cakes have evolved past the 17th century British “Bride’s Pye” made of cockscombs, lamb testicles, sweetbreads, oysters and spices. Due to the special and expensive nature of cakes, and to bring good luck from their past to their futures, couples would save the top tier of the cake until the christening of their first child.  Due to the white color of sugar, it became a natural color for traditional cakes.

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Wedding Cake The Alternative Bite-sized Desserts. This isn’t a new idea, but it’s still a great one. Bite-sized desserts either placed on a display or, even better, tray passed with coffee and champagne to guests on the dance floor, are a great way to get both a variety of options and to personalize the sweet choices.  Custom Plated Desserts; when someone thinks of a wedding, they don’t expect a dessert option such as an ice cream sundae; however, this dessert option is quickly becoming a modern favorite! Why not surprise guests with a favorite ice cream treat plated following entrees.  Interactive Dessert Stations give guests sweet and fun. Crepes, s’mores, churros, milkshakes (add booze to up your game), waffles, custom fried on-site donuts, funnel cakes or cotton candy all make for engaging and delicious dessert options.  qmediaco.com | 31

Waiting to See Each Other The Tradition Marriage used to solely be a business transaction. A father would promise his daughter to another family’s son and in exchange would receive gold, jewels, land and titles. The first time the bride and groom would see each other was at the actual wedding ceremony. One of the main reasons for this was to keep either party, but mostly the groom, from bolting if they didn’t find the other attractive. Nowadays, the custom is practiced with the superstition that seeing each other on the wedding day before the ceremony is bad luck. But actually, most of the world’s wedding couples already see each other as part of the wedding day process. In many cultures and religions, couples meet before the ceremony for other types of traditional rituals such as tea ceremonies, ketubah signings and garland ceremonies.  qmediaco.com | 33

Waiting to See Each Other The Alternative Either you see each other, or you don’t. Think about it. Most of your wedding day is about being surrounded by your family and friends. Getting portraits and wedding party photos out of the way prior to the ceremony gives the photographer and the couple time to capture all the photos that are most wanted without feeling crunched for time.  Although a few additional photos will still need to be snapped after the ceremony, the couple can join in at cocktail hour. Why skip a part of the day that so much time and money has been spent on to make it perfect? If the “First Look” is the first thing following having hair and makeup done and getting dressed, then a couple won’t haven’t ruined their pristine look in the heat, snow, rain, tears, etc. It’s also more intimate because it is just the couple alone.

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The Wedding Party The Tradition The tradition of a wedding party can be traced back to ancient Rome. During that time period, for a marriage to be considered legally binding, 10 witnesses had to be present. To ensure the right number of people bore witness, maids and men stood by the bride and groom. But because the ancient Romans were so superstitious the bridesmaids and groomsmen dressed identically to the couple to protect them from evil spirits. These days, the wedding party tradition continues. Couples choose to incorporate close relatives and their best friends as bridesmaids, groomsmen, attendants, grooms-ladies and bridesmen. Wedding parties come in all different sizes and compositions. Ultimately, these guests of honor are there for support and companionship.

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The Wedding Party The Alternative Perhaps just having one attendant, such as a Maid of Honor or Best Man, feels right to you. With the advent of marriage equality, mixed gendered wedding parties are becoming increasingly common. Are you a woman with a male best friend? It’s totally acceptable to have him stand next to you. Love knows no gender. Gone are the days of matchy-matchy… and this is a great change! For one, mixing colors and textures looks gorgeous in your photos (and the photos are the thing you’ll have forever!). Also, your friends and family will be happier wearing something that they feel comfortable in. Giving guidance is always ok but allowing for each person to choose the specific design of their attire is a great way to have a happy wedding party!

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Selecting Your Signature Wedding Cocktail.

Make it low alcohol -- you’ll thank us later!

Signature cocktails have burst on the scene for

3. Make it easy to duplicate.

good a reason. The recipe creates an additional personal touch and it gives your guests an answer to the inevitable question “what should I order?”

Bartenders are some of the hardest working staff at the wedding. Make their job easier by selecting a drink they can make well and make speedily. Try to keep the recipe to about three-ish ingredients total.

1. Make it low octane. There are several styles of cocktails to take into consideration. One

4. Make it yours.

of the most popular types right now are the stirred, boozy, old

You still want something that most people will enjoy, it adds a touch

fashioned drinks. These are the worst types of wedding cocktails

of warmth to make it a personal recipe. Is it from your first date?

as they’ll go down fast and pack a punch. We all love Uncle Joe,

Did you discover your favorite cocktail on a vacation together? Is it

but once you stick the word “Drunk” in front of Uncle he’s not nearly

your go-to cocktail to enjoy after a long work-week? If people ask,

as charming. I recommend a “long” drink or a drink that has an

and they will, the warm glow of “awwws” will be overwhelming.

alcohol base with a non-alcoholic mixer such as club soda or fresh juices to lower that boozy level. People will still find a way to drink

Still unsure where to start? Don’t worry – Here are ten of my fa-

enough to have a good time, trust me.

vorites to help with your research. If none of these cocktails feel personal, make one of them tonight with your fiancé and say, “I

2. Make it photogenic.

love you, here’s a drink.” You’ll feel a strong connection to the drink

Have you seen a Long Island Iced Tea in the light of day? Well,

in no time. don’t look even slightly believable.

it ain’t pretty. Select a drink that’s light and bright in color. You’ll thank yourself later when flipping through your wedding album.

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Tequila Eastside 2 oz. Blanco 100% Agave tequila, 75 oz. simple syrup (to make, combine and stir one part granulated sugar and one part water), 1 oz. lime juice, 2 cucumber wheels & 2 mint sprigs (or sage leaves). Why it works: ”For weddings, a good starting point is a drink that’s accessible and refreshing. I like to make a Tequila Eastside, which consists of tequila, lime, cucumber and mint and switch the herbs based on the season -- sage works well year-round when combined with the minerality of the tequila. You should also always have something on-hand for your guests that aren’t drinking; Seedlip Garden, a non-alcoholic spirit, subs for the tequila perfectly in this recipe. Buy a bottle or several, depending on the size of the wedding, and ask your caterer to make a small batch of non-alcoholic cocktail.” -- Aaron Polsky, bar manager at Harvard & Stone in Los Angeles, California

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Basil-Blueberry Tom Collins 2 oz. gin (or vodka), 5 oz. lemon juice, a heaping teaspoon of powdered sugar, Basil & blueberries, to taste.

“I think the perfect wedding cocktail is a Tom Collins. It is an incredibly versatile drink. This version here includes basil and blueberries. You can even make a DIY station with a variety of add-ins. It is a great classic and a crowd-pleaser that you can truly make your own with just a few fun changes.” -- Alejandro De La Parra, manager at Teardrop Lounge in Portland, Oregon

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St. Louis Bellini 1 oz. ginger vodka, 1/2 oz. of elderflower liquor & 1 oz. Sauvignon BlancDry Champagne.

“Your guests will fall in love with the sparkling St. Louis Bellini. Ginger vodka, elderflower liquor, and your favorite dry champagne come together in the glass for true wedded bliss. The St. Louis Bellini is also a fun, cost-effective way to liven up the traditional champagne toast.” --Lucas Gamlin, proprietor of Sub Zero Vodka Bar in St. Louis, Missouri

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Norwegian Wood 1 oz. Hayman’s Old Tom Gin1 oz., Mizu lemongrass shochu.5 oz., ginger demerara syrup, 2 dashes 1821 Earl Grey bitters, lime or lemon & top with Indi & Co strawberry tonic. “This spirit-forward cocktail is refreshingly light and has great balance in being tart and sweet with delicate herbal tones. If you want to impress your guests during cocktail hour, but make sure they’re not over-boozed before the reception, this should be your summer go-to.” --Andrew Dissen and Taylor Katz, bartenders at Sugarvale in Baltimore, Maryland

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Strawberry Gold Rush 3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice, 3/4 oz. honey syrup (combine and stir two parts honey, one part water) & 2 oz. bourbon2-3 fresh strawberries.

“It can appeal to those who like a strong whiskey cocktail, as well as to those who prefer something fruity and light. It’s an all-around crowd pleaser.” -- Becky McFalls-Schwartz, the beverage director at Bar Moga in New York City

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Pineapple Daiquiri 1 oz. fresh lime juice, 3/4 oz. simple syrup (combine and stir one part granulated sugar and one part water), 2 oz. aged or white rumand 1 pineapple wedge.

“It’s fresh and bright and brings a touch of the tropics to your special day.” -- Becky McFalls-Schwartz, the beverage director at Bar Moga in New York City

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Rio Bravo 1 oz. Sino jalapeño tequila, 5 oz Cynar bitters, 5 oz. mezcal, Basil & 1 lime.

“If you like margaritas, this is great because it’s an earthy and spicy alternative to typical sweet and syrupy margaritas. The Sino Jalapeño Tequila gives the margarita its spicy kick while the Cynar bitters, basil and lime give the cocktail its herbal, citrusy flavor.” -- Kaitlin Dover, bar manager at the Driftwood Roomin Portland, Oregon

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Kingdom Of Passion 1 oz. espresso coffee, 1 oz. Lab’s Old Timer’s tonic syrup½ oz., Absente 55 Absinthe 1 ½ oz., Tia Maria coffee liqueur2 oz. milk + .5 oz. vanilla liquor to cover.

“Coffee cocktails are often overlooked but they’re so popular with guests. Plus, serving them is a great for late night parties and receptions because of the caffeine. And it’s not necessary to have an espresso machine to be able to serve our sweet energizing beverages. The coffee is cold-pressed (cold brew) and can easily be prepared in advance. As for conservation, it can go up to 14 days without actually losing its aroma.” --Fabien Maillard, mixologist at Bar Le LAB in Montreal, Quebec

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Bubbly Bouquet 1 oz. Fords Gin1 oz., lemon juice75 oz., Aperol.25 & Giffard’s orgeat syrup.

“For a wedding cocktail, you want something refreshing, easy to drink and crowd pleasing. Gin is a spirit that is fitting for any season. The use of Ford’s Gin gives beautiful notes of grapefruit and juniper and plays well with the bitter orange flavors of the aperol. I use orgeat as the sweetener to add flavor and mouth feel, along with fresh lemon juice. It is finished with champagne on top. Everything except the fresh lemon juice has shelf life so the only thing you need to prepare the day before or day of is the lemon juice.” -- Bethany HamBar, manager at Birds & Bees in Los Angeles, California

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French 75 1 oz. dry gin1 oz., fresh lemon1/2 oz., 2:1 simple syrup (two parts sugar, one part boiling water) & 2 oz. cava.

“If you ask me, the French 75 is the quintessential wedding cocktail for any time of year. It’s light, refreshing, easy to drink, sexy, bubbly and not terribly boozy so it won’t get all your guests hammered early in the night. To mix it up, try it with blanco tequila! and sparkling rosé! And a grapefruit twist! Talk about sexy.” -- Banjo Amberg, head bartender at Clyde Common in Portland, Oregon

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Cirque Mei

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Harlem 100: A Harlem Renaissance Celebration

Che Malambo

Barefoot Puppets: Little Bread Hen

Sat. October 12 Sat. October 19

Sat. October 26 Sat. March 7

Smooth Jazz with Jeff Lorber Fri. November 8

David Sanborn Jazz Quintet Sat. November 9

The Texas Tenors Sat. November 16

An Evening with Jane Monheit Sat. November 30

A Debby Boone Christmas Sat. December 7

BROADWAY AT THE AMERICAN 2019 Hampton Arts Anniversary Gala



Hampton Roads Philharmonic: Mendelssohn’s “Italian” Symphony

Sat. November 2

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus LIVE! Fri. November 22

Mrs. Krishnan’s Party

Thurs. December 12

That Golden Girls Show! A Puppet Parody

The Soul and Spirit of Christmas with CeCe Winans

God Help Us with Ed Asner

Bluegrass and Brew Festival: Rhonda Vincent

Sat. February 15 Sat. April 25 Sun. April 26


Sat. January 25

Conversations With… Donna Brazile

Bluegrass and Brew Festival: Ladies of the Crooked Road

Conversations With… Rich Lowry

The Loose Strings Band and Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones

Sun. January 26

Clowning Around with Avner the Eccentric Sat. February 1

Linda Eder in Concert Sat. February 29

10000 Maniacs Sat. March 21

A Night with Buddy Holly Sat. April 4

Emily Asher’s Garden Party Sat. April 11

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Sun. October 13

Riddick Dance Company: Visions of the Protest Fri. October 18

Movie Nights: The Rocky Horror Picture Show Thurs. October 31

Hampton Roads Philharmonic: Winter Classics & Holiday Favorites Sun. December 8

The Jazz Side of Aretha Franklin Starring Desirée Roots

Sat. February 22

Fri. January 24

Bluegrass and Brew Festival: Summer Brooke and the Mountain Faith Band

Sat. April 4

Sat. October 5

Fri. February 7 Sat. February 8

Sat. December 14

Sat. January 18

Town Mouse and Country Mouse

Christmas with the Nelsons

Starring Matthew and Gunnar Nelson

Sat. November 30

Fri. October 11

Thurs. November 14

Hampton Roads Philharmonic: Young Artist Competition Showcase Sun. March 8

Riddick Dance Company: Three Souls Unfiltered Fri. April 17

Conversations With… David Hogg Sat. November 23

Conversations With… Connie Schultz Thurs. January 16

CREATING WELLNESS The Mystical Arts of Tibet Thurs. August 8 Fri. August 9 Sat. August 10 Sun. August 11

5 Ways to Create a Memorable Wedding

Chances are you’ve been to quite a few weddings over the years. They all have similar elements and they might even start to run together in your head. Now that you’re engaged, I’m sure you want to plan a day that’s not only perfect for you but memorable for your guests. How do you do that? #1 - Plan more than just the wed-

rival at the hotel. Include local treats,

ding. On your wedding day you get

a list of your favorite nearby spots and

to spend little time getting to enjoy

something to make the room feel more

your guests’ company. Between get-

at home. Following that up with a wel-

ting ready, pictures, toasts, dances and

come party is a way to kick your wed-

more, there’s not a lot of time to get to

ding weekend off with a bang!

visit with each of your guests. Planning pre and post wedding events like a wel-

#4 - Set the stage with good style. The

come party or brunch where all guests

most memorable weddings focus on the

are invited means you get more quality

details, not letting anything go by the

time together and your guests will re-

wayside. Creating a wedding day that’s

member that.

as stylish, thoughtful and unique as you are will make a lasting impression on

#2 - Have good communication with

your guests.

your guests. Good communication is the key to every great event. Make sure

#5 - Incorporate personal details. The

your save the dates, invitations and

best way to make sure you have the

wedding website include not only the

perfect wedding day that your guests

necessary information but details your

remember for years to come is to incor-

guests would enjoy learning about be-

porate personal details. Focus on the

fore the big day. This will make them

things that make you and your love sto-

feel included and increase their antici-

ry unique. Then find ways to incorporate

pation for your wedding.

them into the details of your wedding. Doing this creates a wedding that’s as

#3 - Make them feel welcome. Welcome

unique as you and one that guests won’t

your guests to your wedding weekend

soon forget.

with a welcome basket upon their ar-

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What’s one way you are going to make your wedding a memorable celebration?

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How to Host the Perfect Welcome Reception! With more and more guests traveling from out of town for a wedding, your rehearsal dinner could easily be the size of your reception if you followed tradition and invited all out of town guests. Because of this, welcome receptions have become more popular in recent years. A welcome reception serves as a casual and fun way to welcome your guests into town and kick off the celebratory weekend in style. Here’s how to host the perfect welcome reception the day before your wedding.

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Keep it casual and fun. For a welcome reception, choose a

after dinner and enjoy some time with you before heading

location that’s unique yet close to where most of your guests

home to rest up for the next night of celebration.

will be staying. Your favorite local bar with the great patio, the tasting room at the craft brewery or even around the

Thank your guests for coming. Your welcome reception is

pool at your hotel are great options. You’ll want some place

the perfect time to thank your guests for making the trip to

where guests don’t feel like they have to get dressed up, can

support you on the big day. It doesn’t have to be long, but

relax and get to know each other before the big day.

a short speech mid-party is encouraged. This is also a great time for members of your wedding party to give their toasts if

Make sure there is food. While you don’t need to feed your

they don’t want to do it during the wedding reception.

guests a full dinner, having a few hors d’oeuvres for guests to snack on is a good idea.

Keep it simple. Between last minute errands and your ceremony rehearsal, you won’t have a lot of extra time to pull

Play your favorite tunes. But not too loudly. If you’re in

together a detailed event. Keep it simple and choose a loca-

an environment that won’t have any other music, you could

tion that can handle the majority of the details for you. This

bring in an acoustic musician or create a playlist. Back-

way all you have to do is show up and celebrate.

ground music is always a nice touch, but you won’t want it to be so loud guests can’t carry on a conversation. Host it early. With a big day ahead of you, you’ll want to end the night early. Start in the early evening wrapping up around 9 or 10 pm. This allows guests to stop by before or

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Venue Coordinator vs. Wedding Planner Most couples today recognize the importance of hiring a wedding planner, whether that be for full-service planning or wedding management. The experience and guidance a professional wedding planner can give you is invaluable when trying to plan your big day. As the need for wedding planners has risen over the years, more and more venues are stating that a coordinator is included in your venue pricing.

While the service a venue coordinator provides is crucial in planning and executing your big day, their services are meant to compliment a wedding planner, not replace one. Choosing to not hire a wedding planner simply because your venue has a coordinator could leave you overwhelmed during the planning process and on your wedding day. Here are the key differences between a venue coordinator and a wedding planner. A venue coordinator represents the venue only. It’s the responsibility of the venue coordinator to represent the venue’s best interest at all times. They make sure that venue policies are being met and no damage is being done to the space. At the end of the day, they will always advocate for what is best for the venue.

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A venue coordinator oversees the set up and

every detail of your wedding as it pertains to

doors lock behind you. This person does not

breakdown of venue provided items only. If

the services they provide, a venue coordinator

run your timeline ensuring everything hap-

your venue provides tables, chairs and linens,

will not know all the details you’ve arranged

pens as it was planned.

your venue coordinator will ensure that those

with each of your other vendors. Knowing

items are set up in a timely manner. They

these details is critical to executing your day.

don’t handle any set up or breakdown of any items provided by you.

A wedding planner makes your timeline. Not only does your wedding planner run your day

A wedding planner sees your vision and

of timeline coordinating the important mo-

brings it to life. Whether your wedding plan-

ments throughout your day, they also create

A wedding planner oversees the setup of

ner has been involved since the beginning or

it. Your wedding planner is in constant com-

everything else. Your wedding planner knows

is only stepping in six weeks out, it’s their job

munication with each of your vendors ensur-

what’s to be provided by each of your ven-

to know your vision and learn the details of

ing that the linens arrive before the flowers

dors and how those items are supposed to be

each item being provided by a vendor. This

and the cake isn’t delivered too early. As

set up. They will ensure that vendors are not

allows them to bring all of your hard work

you’ll soon learn, a stress-free wedding day is

only arriving on time but fulfilling their con-

and planning to life.

the product of a well-designed timeline.

tracts. Additionally, your wedding planner will set up any items provided by you.

A venue coordinator does not run your wedding day timeline. Your venue coordinator

A venue coordinator is not involved in the de-

cares about two moments on your timeline:

tails of your planning. While they will know

when the doors open for set up and when the

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5 Things To Do Right After You Get Married. From the time you get engaged until the day you say, “I Do,” there are endless tasks you have to accomplish. Over the next few months your wedding planner will appear in your call log more times than your bestie and you’ll make more decisions about colors, fabrics, fonts and papers than you ever have in your life. While every minute of the planning is well worth it, your checklist doesn’t end when you walk down the aisle.

After you’ve said your vows, celebrated all night and relaxed on your honeymoon, here are the final tasks that will need to be accomplished. #1 - Mail Your Marriage License. If your of-

#4 - Review Vendors. Think about when you

ficiant doesn’t mail it for you following your

were booking your vendors how helpful pre-

ceremony, you’ll want to make sure this is

vious couple’s reviews were. Ask your vendors

the first post wedding task you tackle after

their preferred site for reviews and share your

returning from your honeymoon. It takes time

experience. Be detailed but brief and think

to process and you can’t change your name

about the things you would have wanted to

or update insurance paperwork without a

know when you were booking.

certified copy. #5 - Decide What to Do with Important #2 - Change Your Name. Once you’ve

and Leftover Items. When you return from

received a copy of your marriage certifi-

your honeymoon, you’ll have boxes of items

cate you can change your name (if you so

that require your attention—decor pieces,

choose). Start with your local Social Security

your dress and other important details. Go

Administration office followed by the DMV.

through each box and decide if you’re going

After that, you can notify everyone else.

to sell, donate or preserve the item. After all, you have to make room for the beautiful gifts

#3 - Write Thank You Notes. Etiquette

you received!

states that you have three months following your wedding to send thank you notes for gifts received. Instead of trying to tackle them all in one sitting, write a

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5 Things to Know About Attending a Destination Wedding Since it’s likely the majority of your guests have never attended a destination wedding, they are probably unsure of the proper etiquette. While you could answer each of your guests directly, try sharing this brief article first. Here are the five things that every guest should know when attending a destination wedding.

You don’t have to bring a gift. While it’s nice

You should attend all activities unless

Always be considerate of the couple’s

to bring a congratulatory card, it doesn’t

noted as optional. Most couples will plan

time. Even though you’ve traveled thousands

have to contain a check. The happy couple

pre-wedding activities including excursions

of miles to celebrate with the couple, it’s still

knows the sacrifices you had to make to cel-

and dinners. You should plan on attend-

their wedding week and they will have lots of

ebrate with them and don’t expect anything

ing all of them, unless they are noted as

last-minute tasks to take care of. While they

in return.

optional, since the couple has already paid

will make every effort to spend as much time

on your behalf.

with each guest as possible, it may not be as

The travel dates may not be flexible. If

much time as you had hoped and thought.

you can’t travel the whole time, it’s best

Don’t assume it’s casual. A common miscon-

to check with the travel agent to see what

ception is that a destination wedding is more

arrangements can be made. Depending on

casual than a local one. However, this is not

the hotel, there may be a minimum night

always the case. Be sure to read the couple’s

stay requirement that makes the arrival and

invitation and website carefully to ensure

departure dates firm.

you’re dressed appropriately.

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Have you attended a destination wedding before? What is something you wished you knew before attending?

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Things Your Wedding Planner Wished You Knew.


nless you’ve been married before, planning a wedding is uncharted territory for every

couple. While you might have attended many weddings, until now, you’ve had no clue what went into to planning it. As you start making plans for your big day, you’ll often find that things don’t always go as you imagined they would.

As a planner, I’m often asked what my number one tip for newly engaged couples is. While I could share endless tips that could all easily be number one, there are four things that I wish every couple knew. Trust Me. I know how difficult it can be to give up control of one of the most important days in your life to someone you’ve only just met. But, as your planner, I am your biggest advocate throughout the planning process. Each piece of advice I give and decision I make is done in the best interest of you and your wedding. You’ve hired a planner for their years of experience and the talents they bring to the table. Trust them to execute on the vision you’ve created for your day. Your perfect wedding isn’t on Pinterest. We believe in planning weddings that incorporate your story into every detail. While Pinterest is full of pretty pictures, it’s not going to help you plan a wedding that’s unique to you. And, when we’re creating something unique there won’t be preexisting pictures to show you. Your planner’s creativity is one of their strongest assets and trusting their vision will result in a wedding more beautiful than anything you’ve pinned. Working together is a partnership. Of course, hiring a planner makes the planning a lot less stressful and time consuming for you. However, it doesn’t mean they are going to make every decision on your behalf. There are some tasks your planner can’t do for you like making your guest list or choosing your attire. You still have to be involved in the planning process working in partnership with your planner. Your vendors have other clients. As a wedding vendor, we want each and every client to feel like our only client. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have other clients. Sometimes, especially during the busy season, it can take a little longer to respond to an email or return a phone call. Don’t interpret this as disinterest in you or your wedding. Know the delay is because they’re devoting as much time as needed to executing a perfect wedding day for their clients getting married that week just as they’ll do for you.

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The 3 Most Common Destination Wedding Questions.


estination weddings have become increasingly in popular over the last few years. How-

ever, they’re unique enough that in all likelihood you haven’t actually attended one. That’s okay! You love the idea of heading off to your favorite spot, or even a brand new one, with your favorite people for a fun filled and celebratory adventure. Leaving the stress of work and everyday life behind you, relaxing and enjoying every minute of your wedding week sounds like a dream.

While planning your destination sounds like a lot of fun, you probably have a lot of questions as well. Let’s start by answering the three most common questions about destination weddings. 1. What does a destination wedding cost? The overall cost of your destination wedding has a number of factors. The cost of goods in your preferred location plays a big role as does guest count and pre-planned activities for your guests. These expenses are in addition to your traditional wedding costs, such as venue, catering, photography, flowers, decor and more. Since destination weddings are typically more intimate, you could potentially have more savings than if you got married locally. However, always start with your budget and determine your options from there. 2. What is the weather like in my destination? The weather will be dependent on the time of year you’re choosing to travel and varies greatly with each destination. It’s not always safe to assume the weather will be what you expect in a certain season. If you don’t have your heart set on a specific destination, determine the type of weather and experience you’re looking for to help develop a list of locations that would be ideal based on the time of year you’re looking to get married. 3. How accessible is it for my guests? Accessibility should be at the top of your priority list when choosing a destination. You’ll want to consider the number and length of flights, any in-country travel that will have to be done and the cost to get there. Choosing a location with a nearby international airport is a good place to start. From there, you can develop a travel plan that is best suited for you and your guests.

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Your Wedding Day Astrological Forecast.

Whether you’re planning your wedding or already married, the date of your marriage is influenced by the cosmos! Astrology can offer clues to what the big day -- and the marriage itself -- will be like. Look at which zodiac sign the Sun will be in (or was in) on the date of your wedding for cosmic insight that can put you on the path toward “happily ever after.” 64 | Q Mid-Atlantic

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The fiery energy of Aries is the force that

For those who look at marriage as the next

pushes life out of the dormancy of winter.

logical step in their relationship, the slow,

It’s an excellent time to get married, be-

steady and protective energy of Taurus

cause love thrives in the fresh atmosphere

makes it the perfect time of year to tie the

of springtime. Making a pledge to be with

knot. It is quite compatible with the con-

one other person for the rest of your life is a

cept of allowing no one to “set asunder” the

big, bold step, and Aries supports the kind

bonds that are created during the ceremo-

of courage that it takes to do this. Once

ny, yet it also allows for a festive, indulgent

this marriage gets off the ground, though,

spirit to prevail at the reception. As they go

it’s important to keep the relationship fresh

through life together, couples married under

and exciting. Anniversary getaways to spots

Taurus will be secure and happily. Sensuality

that show spring blooming in all its glory will

will thrive when they take short, impromptu

keep the sexy side of this union sizzling. ve-

trips together.

liratem veliqu.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The busy-busy buzz that occurs during the

The spirit of the beginning of summer comes

Sun’s visit to Gemini is totally perfect for

from the enjoyment of Earth’s bounty, so

weddings. The wedding preparations will

Cancer weddings are always about the food,

probably come together all at once, but

desserts, and the love of the couple, their

people can often be of two minds about

families, and friends. As two become one,

their choices regarding wedding colors, flow-

the spirit of this domestically-oriented zodiac

ers, food and transportation logistics. The

sign will emphasize the meaning of joining

Gemini marriage will be characterized by

hands and hearts to create a new entity. The

strong communication between the partners

trick to preserving passion is to demand time

on both the verbal and physical levels.

that’s dedicated to just the two of them.

qmediaco.com | 65

The Bridge Across Forever Set your ceremony apart! Personalize your programs or equip your reader with a unique reading that reflects your relationship and wedding style.

A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our soul mate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our soul mate is the one who makes life come to life. By Richard Bach

66 | Q Mid-Atlantic

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

Leo’s warm, flashy energy is perfect

For those who want to celebrate the bounty

for drawing attention to the pomp and

of their love while the weather is still ultra-

ceremony of weddings. People will go out

pleasant, the Sun’s visit to earthy Virgo is a

of their way to honor the bride and groom,

great time for weddings. Pushing toward the

and the wedding may include elements of

practical will give the Virgo wedding a strong

flourish that seem to treat them as royalty.

focus and allow for the smooth execution of

There is sure to be a lot of down-to-earth

plans. A Virgo marriage will be characterized

fun, too. The Leo marriage will be a point of

by the sense of duty that supports the love

pride for both partners, and each will want

and passion between two people. When

the other to live up to high expectations --

it comes to lifelong commitments, taking

both in and outside the bedroom.

responsibility for one another is simply the right thing to do.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

The romantic spirit of Libra is like no other.

The deep emotional atmosphere created

The whisper of chillier winds is instantly

by the Sun in Scorpio brings out passion in

warmed by the bright colors and happy

the whole wedding party. From sexy bridal

moods of people reaping the bounty of the

fashion to sumptuous food, the idea of

harvest. Couples searching for richly hued

“excellence” is certain to come across in the

backdrops and quiet, peaceful moods will

ceremony and reception. In life, the couple

enjoy getting married during this time. The

married under Scorpio will like having a lot

Libra marriage will probably be marked by

of private time so they can explore the joys

many discussions and controversies between

of their sexual and spiritual connect

life mates; but arguments can always be settled with true compromise.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

There probably isn’t any more joyful wedding

Getting married at the beginning of

than the one that takes place while the Sun

winter can be a lot of fun, whether the

is in Sagittarius! The pure happiness that

couple decides on destination nuptials in a

emanates from the happy couple will create

tropical locale or a traditional wedding that

contagious laughter among the wedding

coincides with seasonal family gatherings.

party and guests. A marriage formed under

Dignity is the key here, as that is the chief

Sagittarius will produce a family that’s

attribute of Capricorn. This doesn’t mean

always ready for adventure -- from trekking

there won’t be a lot of laughs, though. The

through the Himalayas to camping out in

Capricorn marriage will take on some of

the backyard with the kids.

the characteristics of a business relationship; the love life will be private, but far more passionate than outsiders might imagine.

68 | Q Mid-Atlantic

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

The dead of winter might not seem to be

The dreamy spirit the Sun in Pisces exudes

the most warm and toasty setting, but to the

can be perfect for the most romantic of

couple that chooses this time to seal eternal

dreamers. The hope of the approaching

love with a kiss, it’s the most romantic moment

spring can feel as refreshing as Sleeping

of the year. It could, after all, be Valentine’s

Beauty’s magic kiss. The couple will want to

Day! The wedding will feature unconventional

bring out the soft side of their love as they

elements to shock their families and guests

create a magical wedding for themselves

out of the winter doldrums. The couple

and their loved ones. The couple married

married under Aquarius will see the highest

under Pisces may be dreamers, but everyone

potential in one another, and work hard to

will admire their ability to go with the flow as

bring it out, sexually and otherwise.

they sail the seas of life.


Always a Bridesmaid/Groomsman? While the traditional wedding season has historically been in June,  the same-sex wedding season feels like it’s NOW!

Do you feel like you’re often in the wedding party, yet always a party of one? When inside, you’re ready to be the one walking down the aisle for the ring and lifetime commitment? I recently met a lesbian single who is attending a niece’s wedding this spring. Her strongest feeling of loneliness and longing for a partner is sparked by the thought of attending such a large family celebration without even a compatible date. While she’s not yet ready for personal offline matchmaking, I can’t let her miss the opportunity to take pro-active steps now to be her own matchmaker. Sometimes it’s as easy as stepping away from the laptop, turning off your devices and trying different things. That’s what I’m hoping works for her and all LGBT singles. Here are some tips to help you become your own matchmaker:

70 | Q Mid-Atlantic

Get Fresh: A new or trendy top, jeans, or outfit

Go Shopping: For up to two months, try a

Shoot for a Headshot: Before returning to

can take years off your age and attitude,

new coffee shop, gym, yoga studio or LGBT-

social media, why not update your online

especially if the cute single stylist in the

friendly faith-based service. Be a visitor in your

profile, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and/

department store picks it out with you in person.

own city, but outside of your neighborhood.

or Facebook with a new photo shot by a real

Pair that with a self-imposed mini-makeover of

photographer with all the latest looks.

teeth whitening, new trendy glasses frames or

Break Up: For one month, change up your

contacts. Top it off with a trendy hair cut or style

routine. Try out a different grocery store, dry

Plan a Party: Buddy up with a friend

from a new stylist—one who cuts someone’s hair

cleaners, car wash or dog park to switch up

or neighbor to co-host a social or mixer

that you admire. Now get out there!

being a regular. They’ll notice you as the

with a strategy to meet your goals. Every

newbie, as they are all new to you.

couple coming must bring a dateable

MeetUp: Check out the social online site of

single, for example.

MeetUp.com ONLY long enough to select

Call Your Crushes: You know who they are,

three LGBT specific events to attend at

so set a goal to invite three of them to meet

Start this season feeling refreshed, engaged

least once to check them out. New ones are

for a coffee, drink or open mic night. You’ll

and current. Whether you try any or all of the

added weekly.

have fresh topics and places to discuss them.

above, you’re going to be a more interesting

Plus, you’ll show your crush what a hip, or at

single, meet a slew of new acquaintances, try

least relevant, single you are in your city.

new experiences and become more eligible

Volunteer: Sign up to work advocacy events, especially the registration table, for your

than when your friend’s wedding invitation

passion, politics or pets. This is a great way to

first arrived. Good luck!

meet like-minded singles.

qmediaco.com | 71

Financial Planning for Same-Sex Couples.

In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, and now roughly 10% of LGBTQ Americans are married (Gallup). Around 60% of cohabitating same-sex couples are married (Gallup). The Supreme Court ruling was a historic victory for LGBTQ rights and for those who want to get married.

By Meredith Jenkins

LGBTQ individu-

terparts, especially

als in the United

when it comes to

States have more

the financial impli-

rights than ever

cation of marriage,

before, but they

family planning

still face unique

and children.

financial and legal

From a financial

challenges. When

perspective, mar-

same-sex couples

riage makes sense

think about money,

for some LGBTQ

they should care-

couples but not

fully consider their

for others. Some

marital status and

couples who have

family structure.

cohabitated for

These factors can

many years opt not

have a major

to get married for

impact on their

practical reasons,

financial future, in-

while others deter-

cluding retirement.

mine that marriage

Same-sex couples

is the right path for

often have more

their situation.

financial and legal hurdles than their heterosexual coun-

72 | Q Mid-Atlantic

even want to amend previous years’ returns. Moreover, they are eligible for capital-gains treatment accorded to the sale of a home. On the other hand, they may be subject to the “marriage penalty,” as dual-income couples might jump into higher tax brackets and start paying higher rates faster. When it comes to Social Security, LGBTQ couples who are married are now eligible for certain spousal and survivor benefits, which can have an advantageous impact on their retirement funds. If two people want to marry later in life and are approaching retirement age, a critical consideration is the difference in income between the two earners over the course of their careers. The spouse earning less may have the advantage of collecting a higher Social Security benefit. Family Considerations: There are more options than ever for LGBTQ couples looking to create a family, but the endeavor can be legally complex and potentially financially draining. If samesex couples want to start families—through surrogacy, artificial insemination or adoption—they need to become well-acquainted with the family and adoption laws of their home state. Despite the red tape and high cost, many advise LGBTQ couples to pursue second-parent adoption, where possible. This is a legal Economic

This helps ensure

procedure that allows a same-sex parent,


both partners are

regardless of whether they are legally

on the same page

LGBTQ Americans have more rights than ever before, but they still face greater financial and legal challenges when it comes to major life events like marriage and raising children.

married to the other parent, to adopt her or his partner’s biological or adoptive child

Before any couple

prior to merging

says, “I do,” they

their lives legally,

should weigh the

spiritually and

economic advan-

financially. No one

tages versus the

wants to find a

potential pitfalls

financial skeleton

of marriage. First

in their partner’s

and foremost,

closet years after

by unmarried same-sex couples in some

they need to be

they tied the knot.

counties include Alaska, Delaware, Florida,

totally candid and

The second step is

Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Mary-

transparent with

to speak with a tax

land, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington and West Virginia. It’s important

one another when

advisor. Taxes are

to remember that even if second-parent adoption is permitted in your home state, it may

it comes to money.

certainly not the

not be recognized in a neighboring state. For readers of Q Mid-Atlantic, note that while it’s

Each partner

most romantic as-

Maryland, it’s not in Virginia or Washington, D.C. No matter how same-sex couples choose

should evaluate

pect of marriage,

to create their families, planning ahead as much as possible is the key to long-term financial

the status of their

but they are worth

stability and a secure retirement.

own finances and

discussing. Legally

then come together

married couples

LGBTQ Americans have more rights than ever before, but they still face greater financial and

to talk about their

are eligible to file

legal challenges when it comes to major life events like marriage and raising children. No mat-

financial goals and

joint federal tax

ter how same-sex couples choose to create their families, planning ahead as much as possible

spending habits.

returns and may

is the key to long-term financial stability and a secure retirement.

without terminating the first parent’s parental rights. Doing so protects the rights of the nonbiological parent if the biological parent passes away, if the couple gets divorced or when the family travels. States that allow second-parent adoptions

qmediaco.com | 73

Buying Your First Home: One Huge Step Towards Financial Security Tired of paying someone else? Consider paying yourself! Stop renting and start owning. If you’ve been renting for years, where do you start? I recently interviewed Hoang Nguyen, a computer engineer in Northern Virginia, about his home buying experience. Q: What led you to purchase your first house? A: I rented a condo and the landlord kept increasing the rent every year—every year when I renewed the lease, the rent would go up by at least $100. Another reason is I wanted a tax write off. I realized that I could deduct interest and mortgage fees from my taxes. So, I bought my first home in early 2000’s right before the housing boom. Q: What are some of the benefits that you have enjoyed after purchasing your home? A: I realized that I could build equity in owning a home. I could even get a second mortgage for

Magazine Template

any emergencies. I opened a line of credit just in case I needed it. I felt like I have accomplished something big and gained some financial stability. Q: How was your loan process? A: The loan process was tricky and required many different documents. I was right out of college when I bought my first house, so I was only able to put 3% down and therefore able to qualify for a government loan program. This program required even more paperwork. I had to keep calling the mortgage loan officer to make sure things were coming along smoothly. On the day of closing, I realized that the interest rate on the closing doc-

uments differed from the rate when my loan application was initially approved. It appeared that the rate was not locked. Eventually, I was given a small rebate from the mortgage company. It’s very important to read the fine print. Q: What emotions did you feel when you got the keys to your home? A: I felt relieved, I felt like I had become more responsible and grown up. Hoang still owns his 3-bedroom condo in Southern California. Hoang and Kevin split their time between Fargo, ND and Alexandria, VA. For first time home buyers, it’s wise to sit down and draw two columns on a sheet of paper: Needs and Wants. Brainstorm about what you need versus what you want. Some common examples of needs might be a specific number of bedrooms, a fenced in yard for the dog or location proximity to work. Common examples of

wants might include a pool, a garage or a corner lot. Allow the needs and wants to reflect your desires and goals for a minimum of five to seven years into the future. Another important tip is to establish a realistic budget. Buying your first home is a big step and it is likely to impact your financial future for years to come. The costs of owning a home are more than meet the eye. In addition to mortgage, taxes and insurance, a little savings should be set aside for maintenance and unexpected emergencies. Remember, you will eventually need to repair or replace some items in the home including appliances, heating and air systems and the roof.

Buying a home is one of the largest transactions you will ever undertake, so get informed and avoid some common buying blunders.

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Emily Post never gave advice on gay weddings (as far as we know), so how would one approach how it works? Have no fear! We’ll answer 12 common questions you might have about gay weddings!

12 Q&A’s About Gay Weddings 76 | Q Mid-Atlantic

1. Neither of us want to wear wedding dresses. What should we do?

2. Same question, except we don’t want to wear tuxes. Now what?

3. We want to wear suits, but want to know how to make them unique.

Chances are you’ll already feel nervous on

A nice shirt and dress pants can still look very

Experiment with different styled and color-

the big day, so don’t force yourself to wear

sharp if you want something simple and com-

ed shirts, jewelry, neckties, ascots, or bou-

something you won’t be comfortable in!

fortable. There are a variety of dress shirts to

tonnieres with your favorite flowers. There’s

Same-sex weddings are still fairly new and

choose from at a variety of men’s formalwear

many ways to alter the look of a simple suit,

no one has come up with concrete etiquette.

stores, so ask an associate to help find the

so have fun and get creative.

This means your wedding could be the trend-

best one for you.

setter. Pant suits are a popular choice for their breathable fabric and can be accessorized.

4. Can we use the rings from our commitment ceremony?

5. Can we see each other before the ceremony?

6. Would it be odd to create a wedding website?

Absolutely! Many couples choose to reuse

Totally up to you, but the reason why it is such

With technology the way it is, it’s best to just

their commitment ceremony rings for their

a popular tradition is that it’s a magical mo-

go for the website for many big events. It’s a

marriage. If you want something new, con-

ment to see the other “for the first time” again.

great tool to help keep your guests on track

sider having your rings engraved with your

It’s a nice surprise to see your partner in that

and prepared for the day!

wedding date or other customizations before

way, and should be considered, though it’s

purchasing brand new rings with the money

certainly not mandatory.

that you can splurge on the honeymoon!

qmediaco.com | 77

7. So, how do we word the wedding invitations?

8. How should we go about seating at the ceremony?

9. Who pays for what?

Formal: The honor of your attendance is

Even at straight weddings, it’s become more

Don’t feel constrained by traditional bride-

requested at the marriage of Erin Robbins

popular to allow guests to sit wherever they

groom arrangements when it comes to

Schmidt and Rachael Eliza Delano on Sun-

would like besides reserved seats for the fam-

bill-splitting. The best thing to do is to figure

day, the fifteenth of April at two o’clock in

ily. No matter what you decide, make sure

out who is contributing to your cash flow—you

the afternoon.

your photographer has plenty of space to

both, your parents, relatives, others? Once

photograph the both of you, no matter if one

you figure out how much money you have

or both of you are walking down the aisle.

to play with, you can then start planning the

Casual: Erin Robbins Schmidt and Rachael Eliza Delano invite you to their wedding Sun-

wedding of your dreams!

day, April 15th at 2:00pm.

1O. We want a friend to officiate, so how do they get ordained?

11. What do we do about last names?

12. If our event is more casual, should we have a traditional cake?

There are ways to get ordained via the

A common choice is to hyphenate both

Have whatever kind of cake makes you both

internet. If your ceremony is religious, re-

names to signify you are both united. One

happy! Whether you want a fancy cake or

mind them to check the affiliation of the

can choose to take the name of the other

Funfetti, just remember to have enough for

certificate before they apply. Some require

and keep their original middle name just like

all of your guests!

paperwork to be filled out. Also check the

straight couples. Or you can both keep your

Secretary of State’s office to ensure the cer-

maiden names. This is popular for those that

tificate is legitimate.

have made their career based on their maiden names.

78 | Q Mid-Atlantic

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Pinky’s Up: It’s Tea Time! There is so much to think about on your wedding day: the signage, the flowers, the caterer, the reception…but have you thought about what will fuel you and your bridal party from the beginning to the end of the day?

I have been a bridesmaid many times and while there are always mimosas flowing, there has often been an absence of food in the bridal suite as we enjoyed hours of pampering, having our hair, nails and makeup done. Once hunger begins to set in, the solution is to order whatever is quickest which often means closest to the venue. As the popularity of barn weddings and other less traditional venues continues to rise, the options for food close by continues to dwindle. I’ve had everything from meaty sub sandwiches to chicken parmigiana, and at best I’ve felt bloated and at worst I’ve allowed some sort of sauce to drip onto my dress. As a result, I’ve made it my mission to ensure that future bridal parties do not suffer that same fate.

82 | Q Mid-Atlantic

I know I feel my best when I have something delicious to snack on (something light) followed by a nice hot cup of tea to help with digestion and to create a relaxing sense of calm. So now I bring this experience to wedding parties as they begin their big day. This service is what we at Miss Priss Tea Co. refer to as the bridal suite tea. Whether you want to sip your favorite tea from English bone china or your favorite whiskey from

a highball glass, I encourage you to also consider what foods you will have available to give you the energy you’ll need for the many hours of celebration ahead (and maybe also to cushion the many glasses of alcohol). Tea service is nice because it provides a myriad of finger foods, easy to grab and go as you walk about back and forth to get ready. Providing snacks that can be consumed is just one or two bites prevents the likelihood of creating a mess

(especially once you begin to get dressed). You want to make sure you have a nice mix of savory and sweet selections, so there’s something to satisfy everyone’s tastes. Even if tea service is not for you, nourishment is. Make sure you add morning and afternoon meals or snacks to your wedding checklist. And don’t skip out on your favorite, sugary indulgence… you’ll just work off those calories later on the dance floor!

qmediaco.com | 83

Stacey and Kathy


tacey Bradford grew up in Wayne, New Jersey. Her wife, Kathy Peck, grew up in Plymouth, Michigan. Stacey is a lawyer in DC and Kathy is an administrative assistant for a security firm. The two met at church and had been together for about two years before getting married on September 1, 2018.

For their engagement, Stacey had bought the rings earlier in the year when they had bought the promise rings but was waiting to propose around Christmas time. Stacey

qmediaco.com | 85

came home one evening after work and Kathy said she had bought something for the house and Stacey had to find it. After searching the house and not finding Kathy’s surprise, Stacey gave up and blurted out that she had bought something and hidden it as well. Kathy said her purchase was only $3. Stacey said hers was a lot more. Kathy instantly went on a treasure hunt. After a few hot, colds and warmers, she found the ring! They each proposed to the other, but Kathy got to do it first because she initiated that evening’s festive atmosphere. Their favorite trip together was to Lake Phoenix, VA and they both love sports. They’re particularly fond of college basketball, football, baseball, but they don’t always cheer for the same team, which creates a fun rivalry during game time. They also enjoy playing golf and doing crossword puzzles together. Stacey is a Starbucks fiend and loves learning to play the guitar. They both love seafood, steak and escargot. When it comes to movies and music, Stacy likes The Sound of Music and Sixteen Candles and, being a Jersey girl, loves Bruce Springsteen. Kathy loves The Shawshank Redemption and the Little River Band. Their guilty pleasure is eating ice cream and chocolate while binge watching Netflix and playing puzzles.

86 | Q Mid-Atlantic

“ It is a treasure that is outshined by what it means… eternal romance." — Theresa Ann Moore, "Engagement Ring"

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Sean and Alex


onnie Sean Benoit (Sean) and Alexander Ian Hay (Alex) met in Paris in 2001 but have lived in separate countries—the UK and US—over the years. Sean is a trauma and general surgeon and Alex is a media advertising account manager.

88 | Q Mid-Atlantic

They got engaged on August 9, 2016 while vacationing in Spain. Sean proposed to Alex in front of friends and family inside a castle in Celra, Spain, which is about 90 minutes north of Barcelona. They got married on July 2, 2017 at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. They later held their reception

at the Carnegie Institute for Science in downtown D.C. Both the ceremony and the reception honored the couple’s respective native countries (the UK and US) and featured LOTS of great music.

Game of Thrones. Their guilty pleasure when it comes to TV shows is Family Guy. They enjoy going out to eat Chinese, French and Italian food. Their perfect day would consist of going to the beach and then cuddling together in front of the TV.

Sean and Alex both love all types of music and TV shows—especially

qmediaco.com | 89

“ Great love affairs start with Champagne" — Honoré de Balzac, French novelist and playwright

90 | Q Mid-Atlantic

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