Paula Abdual: Straight UP By, Vic Gerami
Paula Abdul is a rare superstar. Despite her remarkable career, immense talents and global popularity, she is as accessible as she is iconic, as sweet in person as she is on TV and as authentic as she is extraordinary. So, it’s no surprise that her fans are ecstatic to see her first solo tour in 25 years.
t’s been 30 years since her first mega-hit, seven-time
Your extraordinary career includes two multi-platinum
platinum album Forever Your Girl captured us, with singles
albums, six #1 singles, two Grammy Awards, five MTV
such as “Straight Up,” “Forever Your Girl,” “Cold Hearted”
Awards, four American Music Awards, two Emmy Awards,
and “Opposites Attract.” But Paula was no stranger to the
two People’s Choice Awards, a Teen Choice Award and two
entertainment industry before becoming a mega-star. Her
Kid’s Choice Awards. Is there less pressure on you now as a
mother was a concert pianist and she studied ballet and jazz
performer or more so because of your iconic status?
at a young age. While in college, she was a Los Angeles Lakers
I think the pressure is more from me to do a great show. You
cheerleader, which led her to be discovered by The Jacksons.
know, most of the dancers are almost half my age, so I have
She was signed to do the choreography for the video to their
to be in top shape.
1984 single “Torture” and eventually several videos for Janet Jackson and various other artists.
What made you decide to do this tour?
Paula graciously made time for my interview while
It was time to go back on the stage and do what I love. At
rehearsing for her tour, fine-tuning every detail and
the height of my career, I had to disappear for seven years
preparing to perform for her excited fans.
to recover from a plane crash. I was touring and it was toward the end of my tour, we were leaving St. Louis to go
How does it feel to be touring again?
to Denver on a 7-seater private plane. I wasn’t wearing my seat-belt and we crash-landed, and part of the plane went up
Right now, I’m just trying to put the last-minute touches and
in flames. I sustained multiple injuries and had to have many
tweaks on the show. I’m at a dance studio rehearsing with
surgeries and rehab. So, I spent seven years getting better.
the dancers. I really enjoyed touring last year with New Kids
Then this show came along, American Idol. In fact, I had one
on the Block and Boyz II Men, so I thought it was time to do
of my surgeries while judging on American Idol.
a show and reconnect with my fans.
I wouldn’t have my career if it wasn’t for my gay fans. 40 | Q Virginia