Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Research Newsletter No. 6

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Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Research Newsletter

Schools and Departments











Universidad Torcuato Di Tella is a research university whose mission is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, the pursuit of intellectual, scientific, and artistic excellence within a framework of freedom of expression, pluralism, and diversity of approaches.

The Research Newsletter reflects the research activity of our Faculty. It includes publications, awards, research grants and fellowships received, as well as participation in national and international seminars and conferences.

To disseminate the research conducted by our regular academic staff to an international audience, the Newsletter is published biannually in both Spanish and English.

This newsletter is a joint effort of the Academic Secretariat of the University and the Research Support area of the Library. Each publication reflected in this newsletter contributes to updating our Digital Repository and to the acquisition of new books by Universidad Torcuato Di Tella authors published each semester.

Finally, we inform you that you can access the Guía práctica sobre cómo incluir el nombre y la filiación de investigadores en publicaciones académicas in the institutional repository.

Honorary Doctorate

Thomas J. Sargent

UTDT Awarded Thomas Sargent the Honorary Doctorate

On December 11, our University awarded the title of Honorary Doctorate to Thomas Sargent, a distinguished economist and 2011 Nobel Laureate in Economics.

Sargent is internationally renowned for his contributions to macroeconomics, expectations formation, economic history, and econometrics. He is a Professor of Economics and Business at New York University and a member of both the American Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Since 1998, Sargent has maintained a close academic connection to UTDT, participating in conferences, teaching courses, and contributing to the institution’s development. This distinction, unanimously approved by the Academic Board and the Management Board upon the recommendation of the Departamento de Economía, highlights his intellectual impact and generosity towards the university.


Baistrocchi, Eduardo

Baistrocchi E. (forthcoming). Global Tax Hubs, Florida Tax Review, June 2024.

Bonvecchi, Alejandro

Bonvecchi, A. & Clerici, P. (2024). Representation and Delegation in Trade Policymaking: The Political Economy of Trade Taxes in Argentina Studies in Comparative International Development. Early View.

Bruno, Paula

Bruno, P. (forthcoming). Retazos textuales para contar una guerra. La Ilustración Sud-Americana (1892-1917) durante el conflicto de 1898, in L. Suárez de la Torre & M. Alvarado (Eds.), Textualidad (des) consideradas en la prensa americana en el siglo XIX. Instituto de Investigaciones Doctor José María Luis Mora.

Chehtman, Alejandro

Castagnola, A., Chehtman, A., & Muro, S. (forthcoming). The Supreme Court of Argentina, in J. Frölich (Ed.), Constitutional Reasoning in Latin America. Hart Publishers.

Clerici, Paula

Albala, A., Clerici, P., & Olivares, A. (2024). Determinants of Cabinet Size in Presidential Systems. Governance, 37(3), 771–784.

Bonvecchi, A., & Clerici, P. (2024). Representation and Delegation in Trade Policy Formulation: The Political Economy of Trade Taxes in Argentina Studies in Comparative International Development. Early View.

Camerlo, M., Clerici, P., & Molina, A. (2024). Poderes partidarios y reclutamiento ministerial: El caso argentino Colombia Internacional, 120, 23–50.

Clerici, P., Demeco, L., Galeano, F., & Negri, J. (2024). Muddying the Playing Field: Fiscal Contributions to Municipalities as a Political Construction Governance, 37(3), 1035–1056.

Clerici, P., & Cruz, F. (2024). Cuarenta años de coaliciones “a la Argentina”, in. E. Llenderrozas (Ed.), Argentina: 40 años de democracia. Eudeba.

Cyr, Jennifer

Cyr, J., & Goodman, S. W. (Eds.). (2024). Doing Good Qualitative Research. Oxford University Press.

Diamint, Rut

Diamint, R. (forthcoming). The Perpetual Military Question, in M. Herz & T. Rodrigues (Eds.), Militarized Lives in the Global South (Vol. 1): Perspectives from Latin America. Springer.

Diamint, R. (2024). Military Power and Autonomy, in A. Croissant, D. Kuehn, & D. Pion-Berlin (Eds.), Research Handbook on Civil-Military Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Diamint, R. (2024). Novas Formas de Militarização: Socialização pelos militares. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa, 11(2), 49–75.

Diamint, Rut, (2024) The Military Power in Venezuela, Foreign Affairs Latin America, (24)4.

Diamint, R. (2024). [Book review] Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy: The Politics of Military Justice, by B. J. Kyle & A. G. Reiter. Abingdon: Routledge, 2022. Latin American Politics and Society, 66(1), 1–4.

Diamint, R. & Tedesco L. (2023). Cuba- The Cuban Armed Force: From Revolutionary to Entrepreneurs, in Dirk Krujit and Kees Koonings, Latina American Military and Politics in the Twenty-First Century, Routledge.

Etchemendy, Sebastián

Etchemendy, S. (2024). Origen, transformación y supervivencia: el peronismo y la política comparada, in M. Armelino, S. Pereyra, & C. Smulovitz (Eds.), Por qué leer a Juan Carlos Torre. Edhasa.

Galvez, Ramiro

Ernst, E., Galvez, R. H., & Gravano, A. (2024). Entrainment-Metrics: An Open-Source Toolkit to Quantify Acoustic-Prosodic Synchronization in Spoken Dialogues, IBERAMIA 2024: 18th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Galiani, S., Galvez, R. H., & Nachman, I. (2024). Specialization trends in economics research: A large-scale study using natural language processing and citation analysis. Economic Inquiry. Portico.

Gattei, Carolina

Gattei, C. A., et al. (2024). Semantic memory navigation in HIV: Conceptual associations and word selection patterns The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1–17. Advance online publication.

Nancy Seno, V., París, L., & Gattei, C. (2024). Adquisición de formas temporales no homogéneas en niños de cinco años de distintos contextos socioeducativos Interdisciplinaria, 41(2).

Taboh, A., Gattei, C., & Shalom, D. (2024). Dificultades morfosintácticas en niños con hipoacusia oralizados: propuestas explicativas y su relación con otras habilidades cognitivas Quintú Quimün. Journal of Linguistics, 8(2).

Taboh, A. R., Shalom, D. E., Alvares, B. & Gattei, C. A. (2024). Sentence comprehension in Spanish-speaking children with hearing loss: on the integration of morphosyntactic and lexico-semantic cues. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 68(2): doi: 10.1044/2024_ JSLHR-24-00444.

Gervasoni, Carlos

Gervasoni, C. (2024). Provincial Politics Expert Surveys 1 and 2 (panel data in “long” and “wide” formats) [Database]. Harvard Dataverse.

Gervasoni, C. & del Tronco, J. (2024). Informe Temático 1: Discriminación en las Provincias Argentinas. Encuesta de Expertos en Política Provincial. Provincial Politics Expert Survey. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella-FLACSO México.

Gervasoni, C. & del Tronco, J. (2024). Informe Temático 2: Poder Legislativo en las Provincias Argentinas. Encuesta de Expertos en Política Provincial. Provincial Politics Expert Survey. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella-FLACSO México.

Gervasoni, C. & del Tronco, J. (2024). Informe Temático 3: Poder Judicial en las Provincias Argentinas. Encuesta de Expertos en Política Provincial. Provincial Politics Expert Survey. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella-FLACSO México.

Goldin, Andrea

Goldin, A., Guillén, J. C., Forés Miravalles, A., & Paz, G. O. (2024). Trabajar las funciones ejecutivas a través de un software lúdico en educación infantil. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 27(3), 51–68.

Rodríguez Ferrante, G., Goldin, A. P., & Leone, M. J. (2024). Adolescents’ sleep quality is associated with day of the week, school timing and chronotype Sleep Epidemiology, 4, 100092.

Goytia, Cynthia

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: A study of land markets and flood risk pricing in different contexts. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: Flood risk, adaptation investments, and land value creation in Buenos Aires. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: Ho Chi Minh City case study. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: Copenhagen’s climate adaptation journey: Navigating risks, markets, and financing. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: Aligning land, real estate markets, and climate resilience strategies in Lagos. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Goytia, C. (2024). Examining opportunities and challenges for implementing land-based financing instruments for funding climate action: A study of land markets and flood risk pricing in different contexts: Miami case study. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Gravano, Agustín

Ernst, E., Galvez, R. H. & Gravano, A. (2024). Entrainment-Metrics: An Open-Source Toolkit to Quantify Acoustic-Prosodic Synchronization in Spoken Dialogues. IBERAMIA 2024: 18th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Hatum, Andrés

Hatum, A. (2024). Desactivar la bomba: una historia de líderes peligrosos. Penguin Random House.

Iarussi, Emmanuel

Fainstein, M., Siless, V. & Iarussi, E. (2024). DUDF: Differentiable Unsigned Distance Fields with Hyperbolic Scaling, in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024. IEEE, 4484–4493.

Kitzberger, Philip

Kitzberger, P. (2024). Populism, media, journalism, and political communication in Latin America, in Casero-Ripollés, A. & López-López, P. C. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Political Communication in Ibero-America. Routledge.

Kosacoff, Bernardo

Kosacoff, B. & Fuchs, M. (2024). Argentina: Building new capabilities and competitive advantages in a challenging macroeconomic landscape, in Amann, E. & Figueiredo, P. N. (Eds.) (2024). Innovation, competitiveness, and development in Latin America: lessons from the past and perspectives for the future. Oxford University Press.

Levy Yeyati, Eduardo

Levy Yeyati, E., Montané, M., Sartorio, L. & Gauna, A. (forthcoming). What Works in Active Labor Market Policies? Economía Lacea Journal.

Levy Yeyati, E. & Sturzenegger, F. (forthcoming). Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes, 20 Years Later: The Prevalence of Floaters. IMF Economic Review.

Liernur, Francisco

Liernur, F. (2024). Towards a Dialogical History of Modern Architecture. Essays on Otherness and Canon. Routledge.

Lombardi, María

Albornoz, F., Bottan, N., Cruces, G., Hoffmann, B. & Lombardi, M. (2024). Backlash against expert recommendations: Reactions to COVID-19 advice in Latin America Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 228, 106752.

Estrada, R., Lombardi, M. (2024). The Effect of High Dismissal Protection on Bureaucratic Turnover and Productivity Journal of Human Resources.

Marenco, Javier

Marenco, J. (2024). Un algoritmo de generación de filas y columnas para el manufacturer’s pallet loading problem Memorias de las JAIIO, 10(14), 391–393.

Micheletto, M., Marenco, J., Alcoleas, R., De Marziani, C. & Santos, R. (2024). Multiobjective Optimization Model for Regime Adjustment in Crude Oil Production. 2024 L Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 1–4.

Martos Venturini, Gabriel

De Carvalho, M. & Martos, G. (forthcoming). Uncovering Sets of Maximum Dissimilarity on Random Process Data. Transactions on Machine Learning Research.

De Carvalho, M., Martos, G. & Svetlosak, A. (forthcoming). A GameInspired Algorithm for Marginal and Global Clustering. Pattern Recognition.

Hernández, N. & Martos, G. (forthcoming). Domain Selection for Gaussian Process Data: An Application to Electrocardiogram Signals. Biometrical Journal.

Merener, Nicolás

Blaustein-Rejto, D. & Merener, N. (2024). The potential footprint of alternative meat adoption on corn and soybean producers. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, 1400515.

Miranda Bront, Juan José

Albinati, M. & Miranda Bront, J. (2024). Exam Timetabling via Integer Programming: A case study at UTDT Memorias de las JAIIO, 10(14), 409–410.

Zunino, J. & Miranda Bront, J. (2024). Estimating of time-dependent travel times vía Mixed Integer Programming Memorias de las JAIIO, 10(14), 411–413.

García, E. Torres, L., & Miranda Bront, J. (2024). Electric Vehicle Routing Model for Last-mile Logistics in Cities with Steep Streets. Memorias de las JAIIO, 10(14), 426–429.

Monti, Ezequiel

Monti, E. (2024). Bulygin on legal gaps and the normativity of law, in L. Green & B. Leiter (Eds.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Law (Vol. 5). Oxford University Press.

Narodowski, Mariano

Narodowski, M., & Botta, M. (2024). “Pido perdón a los maestros”. La pedagogía crítica, la desescolarización y lo que ya llegó. Revista Argentina de Investigación Educativa, 4(1).

Navajas, Joaquín

Zimmerman, F., Bailey, D. D., Navajas, J. et al. (2024). Attraction to politically extreme users on social media. PNAS Nexus, 3(10).

Negri, Juan

Negri, J. (2024). Review of Conservatives against the Tide: The Rise of the Argentine PRO in Comparative Perspective, from Gabriel Vommaro. Journal of Latin American Studies, 56(1), 161–163. Cambridge University Press.

Rivera López, Eduardo

Venezia, L. & Rivera-López, E. (2024). Self-Defense Against Conditional Threats The Journal of Ethics.

Rodríguez, Daniela

Forzani, L., Rodríguez, D. & Sued, M. (2024). Asymptotic Results for Nonparametric Regression Estimators After Sufficient Dimension Reduction Estimation TEST.

Romero, Claudia

Romero, C. (2024). La trastienda de la educación: políticas educativas en escena. Aique Publishing.

Romero, C. & Krichesky, G. (2024). Principal’s time management: Agenda, priorities, and challenges for school leaders. [Working Document. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella]. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella’s digital repository.

Ruffo, Hernán

Ruffo, H. & González Rozada, M. (accepted for publication). The welfare effects of unemployment insurance in Argentina: New estimates using changes in the schedule of transfers. Journal of Human Resources.

Shmidt, Claudia

Studio Muoto, Shmidt, C. & Pezo von Ellrichshausen. (2024). AP205. Amancio Williams. Lecturas del archivo. Canadian Center for Architecture.

Siless, Viviana

Hubbard, N. A., Bauer, C. C. C., Siless, V., et al. (2024). The Human Connectome Project on the Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Dataset Scientific Data, 11, 837.

Smulovitz, Catalina

Pereyra, S., Smulovitz, C. & Armelino, M. (2024). Por qué leer a Juan Carlos Torre. Edhasa.

Sola, Martín

Caravello, T. E., Driffill, J., Kenc, T. & Sola, M. (2024). On the sources of the aggregate risk premium: Risk aversion, bubbles or regimeswitching? Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 166, 104919.

Spector, Horacio

Spector, H. (2024). Ensayos sobre derecho, moral y política. Editores del Sur.

Tokatlian, Juan Gabriel

Tokatlian, J. (2024). Consejos no solicitados sobre política internacional: conversaciones con Hinde Pomeraniec. Siglo XXI Editores.

Tokatlian, J. G. & Merke, F. (Eds.). (2024). La impetuosa irrupción del sur. Como Asia, América Latina y Africa ganan protagonismo en un mundo fragmentado. Siglo XXI Editores.

Yamin, Patricio

Montal, F., Yamin, P. & Pauselli, G. (2024). A matter of journal choice: A conjoint experiment on submission decisions of Latin American IR Scholars International Studies Perspectives, 25(3), 407–424.

Yamin, P. (2024). El Sur Global Frente al Desafío del Cambio Climático, in Tokatlian, J. G. & Merke, F. (Eds.), La impetuosa irrupción del sur. Como Asia, América Latina y Africa ganan protagonismo en un mundo fragmentado. Siglo XXI Editores, 145–174.


Chehtman, Alejandro

Project awarded by the Ford Foundation for the publication of the book Latin American International Law, co-edited with Alexandra Huneeus (University of Wisconsin Law School) and Sergio Puig (European University Institute).

Galvez, Ramiro Lombardi, María

Grant from Sur Futuro for a research project in collaboration with a research team.

Goytia, Cynthia

Instruments for value generation and capture in local governments. Applied research project, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) HUD/CAR Housing & Urban Dev. September 2024 - June 2025.

Iarussi, Emmanuel Siless, Viviana

Funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for the project VisDecode: AI-driven Interpretation and Enhancement of Scientific Plots (2023–2026). Leaders: Emmanuel Iarussi and Viviana Siless.

Rodríguez, Daniela

CNPq international cooperation project on probabilistic and statistical properties of stochastic processes in graphs and networks, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.

National awards

Judzik, Darío Levy Yeyati, Eduardo

The Legislatures of Tucumán and Santa Fe declared the book Automatizados. Vida y trabajo en tiempos de inteligencia artificial (2024, Ed. Planeta) written by Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Darío Judzik, professors at the Escuela de Gobierno, as a cultural interest.

International awards



Mid-Career Research Fellowship. The Center for Inter-American Policy and Research (CIPR), Tulane University, Estados Unidos. Spring semester 2025.

Gattei, Carolina Calero, Cecilia Gravano, Agustín

MIT - Solve Award granted by MIT and Jacobs Foundation for the development of the DECILE (Device for the Evaluation of Children’s Communication in Spanish) evaluation app, led by Carolina Gattei with the participation of Cecilia Calero, Agustín Gravano, and Analí Taboh.

Goytia, Cynthia

Selected by Habitat-United Nations as the representative of Latin American academia on urban issues for the Academic Roundtable at World Urban Forum 12, in Cairo: Research Agenda & Urban Data Gaps in the Context of the Global Housing Crisis WUF 12.

Siless, Viviana

Women in AI Award - Global Innovation Award presented by the Institute for Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence, June 2024.

Participation in Scientific and Artistic Events

National events

Alfie, Roberto

Presentation of the paper “CLT: Design Methods and Regulatory Aspects” as an author at the 28th Argentine Conference on Structural Engineering. Appointment as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, Association of Structural Engineers, Buenos Aires, 2024.

Calero, Cecilia

Seminar: “Teaching and Learning to Teach Ourselves: from the Good to the Possible”. Presented at the Argentine Association of Behavioral Sciences. AACC Webinar Series, October 2024.

Presentation of the paper: “Peer tutoring of computer programming increases exploratory behavior in children”. Seminar of Applied Quantitative Education (SEduCA) by Argentinos por la Educación, November 2024.

Presentation: “Learning to Learn, Is It Learning to Teach Ourselves?”. 13th Annual Montessori Conference FAMM, Argentina, August 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Exploring SelfRegulated Learning: How Do Children Learn Entirely New vs. Partially Known Concepts?” Goldstein J., Gattei C.A., Calero C.I. 39th Annual Congress of the Argentine Society of Neuroscience, CABA, Argentina, October 2024.

Chehtman, Alejandro

Presentation: “The Juntas Trial: adjudicating on the tightrope,” at Dialogues of International Law, UTDT, August 2024.

Presentation: “Universal Jurisdiction in Argentina: Opportunities and Dangers”, Argentine Council for International Relations.

Clerici, Paula

Presentation: “Out of my network! The effect of misinformation and partisan issues on social network

pruning,” Aruguete, N., Calvo, E., Clerici, P., Scartascini, C., and Ventura, T. Understanding the Attraction Towards Political Extremes conference, organized by the Neuroscience Laboratory, UTDT, November 2024.

Presentation: “Research in Political Institutions,” at the Political Science Conference of the University of Buenos Aires, August 2024.

Gattei, Carolina

Poster Presentation: “Self-Regulated Learning: Which Sources of Information Do Boys and Girls Choose to Learn From?” Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. First Argentine Congress of Cognitive Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Exploring SelfRegulated Learning: How Do Children Learn Entirely New vs. Partially Known Concepts?” Goldstein, J., Gattei, C.A., Calero, C.I. XXXIX Annual Meeting of the Argentine Society for Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Semantic Memory Navigation in HIV: Conceptual Associations and Word Selection Patterns.” Gattei, C. A., Ferrante, F. J., Sampedro, B., Sterpin, L., Abusamra, V., Abusamra, L., et al. (2024). XXXIX Annual Meeting of the Argentine Society for Neuroscience, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2024.

Gervasoni, Carlos

Presentation: “Democracy and Provincial Authoritarianism: Methodology and Conclusions from the Provincial Politics Expert Surveys 1 and 2.” In the special panel “Politics in Subnational Spaces: Evolution of Research and Methodological Proposals,” XVI National Congress and IX International Congress on Democracy, National University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, 2024.

Levy Yeyati, Eduardo

Opening Panel Presentation: IDB Lab Forum, the IDB’s flagship event on entrepreneurship and innovation, Buenos Aires, October 2024.

Panelist: “AI and the Future of Work”. Annual CEPE Conference, UTDT, October 2024.

Panelist: “AI Regulation”. Annual CEPE Conference, Argentina, November 2024.

Longinotti, Enrique


Enrique Longinotti as a member of the Scientific Committee, XXXVIII Research Conference and XX Regional Meeting SI+ Research Questions, organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 11-13, 2024.

Marenco, Javier

Paper presentation: “An Algorithm for Generating Rows and Columns for the Manufacturer’s Pallet Loading Problem”. Argentine

Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (ASAID). Argentine Computer Science Conference. Bahía Blanca, Argentina, August 2024.

Miranda Bront, Juan José

Paper presentation:

Zunino, J.J., Miranda Bront, J.J. Estimating Time-Dependent Travel Times via Mixed Integer Programming. Industrial Informatics and Operations Research Symposium, 53rd Argentine Computer Science Conference (JAIIO), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2024.

Paper presentation:

Albinati, Matías, Miranda Bront, J.J. Exam Timetabling via Integer Programming: A Case Study at UTDT. Industrial Informatics and Operations Research Symposium, 53rd Argentine Computer Science Conference (JAIIO), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2024.

Paper presentation: García, E., TorresCarvajal, L.M., Miranda Bront, J.J. Electric Vehicle Routing Problem for LastMile Logistics in Cities with Steep Streets. Industrial Informatics and

Operations Research Symposium, 53rd Argentine Computer Science Conference (JAIIO), Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2024.

Paper presentation: Nacucchio, I., Miranda Bront, J.J. Gas Balance and Exportation: Use of Mathematical Programming and Simulation for Decision Making in Different Regulatory Schemes. Digital Revolution for Oil and Gas Conference (JRED3), Neuquén, Argentina, 2024.

Perochena, Camila and Rocchi, Fernando

Panelist: Continuities and Ruptures in a Presidential Transition (organized with the Sarmiento Museum) External Speaker: Diego F. Barros.

Rodríguez, Daniela

Talk: “Hypothesis Testing for the Variance of a Large Number of Populations” Annual Meeting of the Argentine Mathematical Union, Catamarca, Argentina, September 2024.

Romero, Claudia

Presentation: “The Challenge of Improving Secondary Education in Argentina.” Event organized by the Ministry of Education of Argentina and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), September 2024.

Lecture: “School Leaders Can Make a Difference in Quality”. Private Sector Education Meeting for the Cuyo provinces, organized by the Ministry of Education of Mendoza with the support of the Ministries of Education of San Luis and San Juan, October 2024.

Panelist on: “Teacher Training” at the I Congress on Education of the National University of Tres de Febrero, alongside Martín Aiello (Academic Secretary of UNTREF) and Silvia Bernatené (Dean of the School of Humanities at UNSAM), October 2024.

Ruffo, Hernán

Presentation of the paper: “Effects of a Dismissal Compensation Reform in Argentina,” co-authored with Laura Caullo and Marcelo Capello. LIX Annual Meeting of the Argentine Association of Political Economy, November 2024.

Shmidt, Claudia

Commentator: CR TICA IAA Seminar. American Art Institute, Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism, UBA, Buenos Aires, June 2024.

International events

Baistrocchi, Eduardo

Paper presentation: “Global Tax Hubs.” Global Tax Symposium, São Paulo University, August 2024.

Bruno, Paula

Organizer and speaker: “IV International Congress on Histories and Diplomacies. Agents, Projects, and

Latin American Goods in Transnational Scenarios”. Online format, October 2024.

Calero, Cecilia

Poster Presentation: “Understanding Self-Regulated Learning: Children Behave Differently When Searching for Information to Learn New vs. Partially Known Concepts.”

Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. 36th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS 2024), San Francisco, California, USA, May 2024

Poster Presentation: “Platforms or Human Sources? Investigating Children’s Information Search Behaviors in Self-Regulated Learning of New and Partially Known Concepts.” Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES) Conference 2024, Leuven, Belgium, July 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Differences in Learning New and Partially Known Concepts: Exploring Children’s SelfRegulated Choices.” Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I.

Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2024), 46th Annual Conference, Dynamics of Cognition, Rotterdam, Netherlands, July 2024.

Chehtman, Alejandro

Presentation: “Participants in Asymmetric Conflicts: The Scope and Basis of Legal Inequality,” at The Morality of the Laws of War Workshop, University of Göttingen, September 2024

Presentation: “Responsibility and Blame in War,” at Workshop on Blame, Forgiveness, and Apologies, KU Leuven, July 2024

Presentation: “The Role of International Law in the Conflict Between Israel and Hamas,” University of Chile, August 2024



Presentation: “Citizen Support for CollaborativelyProduced Policy in Latin America”. Clerici, P., Cyr, P., SuárezCao, J., & Bianchi, M. 12th Congress of the Latin American Political Science Association, Lisbon, Portugal, 2024.

Cyr, Jennifer

Presentation: “Citizen Support for CollaborativelyProduced Policy in Latin America”. Clerici, P., Cyr, P., SuárezCao, J., & Bianchi, M. 12th Congress of the Latin American Political Science Association, Lisbon, Portugal, 2024.



Presentation: “Solidarity in Democracy in Latin America”, Forum 2000, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 2024.

Presentation: “Evolution and Challenges of CivilMilitary Relations”, Subsecretariat of Defense, Santiago, Chile, May 2024

Presentation: “The Role of the Cuban Armed Forces”, Ecuadorian Association for International Studies and Urvio Journal, Quito, Ecuador, May 2024.

Etchemendy, Sebastián

Presentation: “Latin American State Development in Comparative Perspective: Explaining Unity and Variation”, Annual Conference of the APSA (American Political Science Association), Philadelphia, September 4-8, 2024.

Forster, Sergio

Second Meeting Auto. Stop! International collective research with students and professors from three universities: AKBILD (Austria), PUCCH (Chile), and UTDT EAEU (Argentina), at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urban Studies. ERASMUS Grant.

Third Meeting Auto. Stop! International collective research with students and professors from three universities: AKBILD (Austria), PUCCH (Chile), and UTDT EAEU (Argentina), at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos. ERASMUS Grant.

Panel: Focus on Artificial Intelligence. Presentation: Auto. Stop! Car-free Cities by 2080. Montevideo Event Erasmus+ Digital Education, Conference. Montevideo, Uruguay, 2024.

Gago, Andrés

Participation as discussant at the MAPE Workshop, “Madrid Political Economy Workshop” (MAPE)

Presentation of the paper: “Blaming Your Predecessor: Government Turnover and External Financial Assistance”, CUNEF Seminar.

Presentation of the paper: “Blaming Your Predecessor: Government Turnover and External Financial Assistance”, seminar at Universidad Carlos III.

Presentation of the paper: “Confrontation Costs in Negotiations: Bargaining Under the Veil of a Screen”, ESA World Meeting. Bogotá, Colombia, 2024.

Gattei, Carolina

Presentación Poster Presentation: “Understanding SelfRegulated Learning:

Children Behave Differently When Seeking Information to Learn Entirely New vs. Partially Known Concepts”. Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. Annual Convention 36th APS, Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, California, USA, May 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Platforms or Human Sources? Investigating Children’s Information-Seeking Behaviors in SelfRegulated Learning of New vs. Partially Known Concepts”. Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. International Society for Mind, Brain and Education: IMBES 2024 Conference, Leuven, Belgium, July 2024.

Poster Presentation: “Differences in Learning New and Partially Known Concepts: Exploring Children’s SelfRegulated Choices”. Goldstein, J., Gattei, C., Calero, C.I. Cognitive Science Society: CogSci 2024, 46th Annual Conference, Dynamics of Cognition, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 2024.

Dissertation: “Understanding and Production of Spoken Sentences in Children with Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review”. Taboh, A., Sperman, C., Shalom, D.E., & Gattei, C. A. XVI International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2024.

Dissertation: “Verb Type, Noun Phrase Position, and Case Marking in Sentence Comprehension in Spanish-Speaking Children”. Taboh, A., Shalom, D.E., & Gattei, C. A. XVI International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2024.


Rozada, Martín

Presentation of the paper: “The Fiscal Costs of Unemployment Insurance”, with Ruffo, H. and Herrera, J. LACEA/LAMES Annual Meeting.

Goytia, Cynthia

Presentation: “Land Use Regulations and Informal Land Use in Cities”, 2024 North American Meeting of the Urban Economics Association (UEA), Georgetown University, Washington D.C., September 2024.

Presentation: “Estrategias de financiamiento para el desarrollo urbano”, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat), October 2024.

Presentation: “Research Agenda & Urban Data Gaps in the Context of the Global Housing Crisis”, World Urban Forum 12, Cairo, November 2024.

Presentation of the paper: “LandBased Finance for Affordable Housing and Infrastructure”, World Urban Forum 12, Cairo, November 2024.

Presentation of the paper: “Unlocking Resilience Finance. Innovating Urban Resilience”, World Urban Forum 12, Cairo, November 2024.

Presentation of the paper: “BiodiverCities: Regulation for Sustainable Cities”, World Urban Forum 12, Cairo, November 2024.

Dissertation: “Economía Urbana: ¿Cómo planificar y gestionar mejor la ciudad?”, CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, November 2024

Hevia, Martín

Participation: Yale Law School-Max Planck Symposium on Global Private Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, June 2024.

Panelist: IberoAmerican Legal Education Facing the Third Decade of the 21st Century: Challenges and Advances, XV Annual Meeting of the IberoAmerican Association of Law Schools and Faculties Sui Iuris at Florida International University, Miami, September 2024.

Laporte, Luigi

Presentation of the paper: Personalized Substitution Suggestions in Online Grocery Retailing. 2024 INFORMS

Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, October 2024.

Levy Yeyati, Eduardo

Panelist: Annual Conference of the Austrian Central Bank (presentation on dollarization and euroization), Vienna, Austria, November 2024.

Keynote Speaker: Anniversary Conference of the National Professional Council of Economics of Colombia, Bogotá, August 2024.

Keynote Speaker: Economic Forum of CAINCO, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, June 2024.

Longinotti, Enrique

Participation: Enrique Longinotti as a guest professor at the seminar of the VII Interdisciplinary Meeting on Reflection and Research on the Poetics of Creation, organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Arts, and Design of the Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile, October 7-11, 2024.

Marenco, Javier

Presentation of the paper: An Adaptive Exact Algorithm for the Hyper-Rectangle Clustering Problem with Axis-Aligned Clusters, by Delle Donne D., Marenco J., and Moreno E. International Conference on Optimization and Decision Sciences (ODS) 2024, Badesi, Italy, September 2024.

Presentation of the paper: An Integer Programming Formulation for Sensor Placement in LoRaWAN Networks, by Singer J., Marenco J., and Zabala P. Conference on Optimization and Wildfires, Luso, Portugal, October 2024.


Venturini, Gabriel

Simposio Internacional de Pronósticos: Identificación de Frecuencia y Análisis de Espectro Singular, Dijon, Francia, 2024.

Presentation: Análisis de Espectro Singular para Series Temporales Composicionales e Intervalares, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España, 2024.

Talk: Algoritmo inspirado en juegos para Agrupamiento Marginal y Global, Unión Matemática Argentina, Catamarca, Argentina, 2024.

Participation: Organization of the Statistics, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence sessions at UMA, in collaboration with Marcela Svarc (UdeSA).

Muler, Nora

Participation: Conference: European AJC, organized by the University of Lisbon, September 2024.

Rodríguez, Daniela

Scientific Committee: CLAM XXILatin American Mathematics

Congress, Paraíba, Brazil.

Organizing Committee: Harmonic Analysis, Sampling Theory, Machine Learning, and Data Science, Buenos Aires.

Conference: “Linear Regression from Finite to Infinite”, IX Meeting of Researchers,

Scientific Society of Paraguay, Asunción, November 2024.

Conference: “Exploring Functional Data: A Practical Approach to Comparing Position Measures”, Scientific Seminar 2024, STIC, MATH, and CLIMAT AmSud, Asunción, Paraguay, November 2024.

Romero, Claudia

Member of the Academic Committee and Speaker at the V International Congress on Leadership and Educational Improvement: “Escola, Democracia e Mudança”, “Inovação e mudança educacional – o papel das lideranças intermédias”, University of Porto, Portugal, May/June 2024.

Invitation: Regional Forum on Educational Policy 2024: Planning the Education of the Future in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the Latin America and the Caribbean Office (ALC) of the International Institute

for Educational Planning (IIPE) of UNESCO, October 2024.

Participation: 23rd Meeting of the IberoAmerican Network of Research on Leadership and School Improvement (RILME), Madrid, June 2024.

Ruffo, Hernán

Presentation of the paper: “The Fiscal Costs of Unemployment Insurance,” with González-Rozada, M., and Herrera, J., LACEA/LAMES Annual Meeting.

Shmidt, Claudia

Presentation: “Seminar on School Infrastructure: Learning and Innovation,” organized by BID, FIEL. Presented by the Escuela de Gobierno, Education Area, UTDT, October 2024.e innovación” Organización: BID, FIEL. Presentado por la Escuela de Gobierno, Área de Educación, UTDT, octubre 2024.

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella is a non-profit institution founded in 1991. It is a heiress of the industrial, entrepreneurial spirit of the SIAM Di Tella company (1910) and the Instituto Di Tella´s (1958) vanguardist artistic and social vision. Its mission is to educate new generations of academic, social, political, and business leaders, and to advance research and scholarship in the arts and sciences within the framework of academic excellence, pluralism of ideas, and equal opportunity.

President Juan José Cruces Ph.D. in Economics, University of Washington.

Provost Martín Hevia Doctor of Juridical Science, University of Toronto.

Deputy Provost Karina Galperín Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University.


Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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