Anglo-American Law Program_ Facultad de Derecho

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Pamplona Campus: Grado en Derecho, Derecho & AALP, Derecho & IBLP, Derecho & GLP, Derecho & DECO. Doble Grado en Derecho + ADE. Global Management and Law Double Degree. Global Economics and Law Double Degree. Doble Grado en Derecho + Filosofía.

Madrid Campus: Máster Universitario en Derecho de Empresa. Máster Universitario en Asesoría Fiscal. Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía. Doble Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía de los Negocios. @derecho_unav

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Ventajas de cursar este programa

European Law and Anglo-American Law together in the same Degree

Especialización dentro del grado

A global society demands a global legal education. AngloAmerican Law plays a vital role not only in the United States, but also in many other countries. International legal institutions and Law firms need lawyers who have working knowledge of both the Civil and Common Law systems. Therefore, it is essential for European Law students to be familiar with the Common Law.

El plan de estudios del Grado en Derecho consta de 240 ECTS divididos en: asignaturas básicas y obligatorias [201 ECTS], asignaturas optativas [30 ECTS] y Trabajo fin de Grado [9 ECTS].

The University of Navarra School of Law offers the Anglo-American Law Program (AALP) as a necessary complement to the traditional Law Degree. This is a new way to study Law in Spain: European Law and AngloAmerican Law together in the same Degree. The Anglo American Law Program (AALP) follows the regular academic year of the University of Navarra School of Law (September–May). The AALP is compatible with the International Business Law Program (IBLP) and the Global Law Studies. The AALP is taught entirely in English. Students therefore need to demonstrate their language level by passing a personal interview. It is recommended that students interested in this program have an English level equivalent to the Cambridge Advanced test or a score of 92 in the TOEFL exam.

El Plan de Estudios del Grado en Derecho prevé la posibilidad de completar los créditos Optativos mediante Diplomas de Especialización. Estos Diplomas aportan un perfil profesional propio al plan de estudios de cada estudiante y permiten la obtención de títulos propios de la Universidad. Los diplomas que ofrece la Facultad son: Derecho Económico (DECO), The Anglo-American Law Program (AALP), The International Business Law Program (IBLP) y The Global Law Program (GLP). Cursar el AALP ofrece la oportunidad de obtener 24 de los 30 ECTS de carácter optativo de la carrera. El resto de créditos se pueden cursar a través de otras asignaturas. También tienen reconocimiento académico la participación en actividades culturales, solidarias, deportivas... Hasta un máximo de 6 ECTS optativos.

Asignaturas optativas [30 ECTS]

Trabajo fin de grado [9 ECTS]

Asignaturas Básicas y Obligatorias [201 ECTS]

Diploma [24 ECTS]

• Permite a los alumnos recibir clases de profesores procedentes

• El método socrático, utilizado por la mayoría de profesores,

de algunas de las mejores facultades de Derecho de Estados

invita al alumno a preparar la materia con antelación y a

Unidos como Fordham School of Law, Duke University,

exponer su opinión en público. Como resultado, las clases

Cardozo Law School, New York University School of Law,

se transforman en un diálogo continuo entre profesor y

Columbia School of Law o Harvard University, entre otras.


• El AALP permite al alumno conocer otro sistema jurídico

• Además, los alumnos tienen la posibilidad de mejorar su

diferente, como es el Common Law. Éste cada vez es más

nivel de inglés. De hecho, una vez completado el programa,

utilizado y cobra protagonismo en el panorama

serán capaces de mantener una conversación jurídica en

internacional, por ejemplo, en negociaciones, juicios y

este idioma, algo muy valorado por los despachos de

resolución alternativa de conflictos.

abogados y las firmas internacionales.

Visiting Professors

Course Descriptions

Sara S. Beale. Professor of Law, Duke University.

1st YEAR

3rd YEAR

Scott Brewer. Professor of Law, Harvard University.

• Introduction to Anglo- American Law and Case Analysis [3 ECTS] The fundamentals of the US legal system. Consideration will be given to the role of judicial review and the Common Law methodology Students will also learn basic legal research techniques.

• US. Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution [3 ECTS] Is focused on the process of investigating, developing and presenting a case before the courts. Consideration is given to interpretation, argumentation and other aspects of trial strategy.

• US. Constitutional Law [3 ECTS] Focuses on the main contents of the American Constitution, including the separation of powers, national checks and balances, federalism as well as the roles of the state and federal governments. Areas of special interest include principles and Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

• US. Tort Law [3 ECTS] Examines civil liability for causing harm to persons and their interests in property, including intentional and unintentional injuries. The course will additionally cover product liability and other areas of interest.

J. Robert Brown Jr. Professor of Law. Sturm College of Law, University of Denver. Stephen B. Burbank. Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School . John M. Burkoff. Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Toni M. Fine. Assistant Dean for International programs, Fordham University School of Law. Mary Anne Franks. University of Miami. Alejandro M. Garro. Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School of Law. Kyron J. Huigens. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Mattias Kumm. Professor of Law, New York University School of Law. Marina Lao. Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law. Leandra Lederman. William W. Oliver Professor of Tax Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Pedro J. Martínez-Fraga. Adjunct Professor, University of Miami School of Law, DLA Piper LLP (US). Thomas B. Metzloff. Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law. Max Minzner. Assitant Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Jacqueline M. Nolan-Haley. Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. David G. Owen. Carolina Distinguished Professor of Law, University of South Carolina School of Law. Mark R. Patterson. Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. C. Ryan Reetz. DLA Piper LLP (US). Peter Siegelman. Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law. Linda Sugin. Professor of Law. Fordham University School of Law.

2nd YEAR • US. Criminal Law [3 ECTS] Examines the general aspects of criminal liability, including the purposes of punishment, the concepts of act and omission, the mental element, complicity, causation, justification and excuse. • US. Contract Law [3 ECTS] Covers the fundamentals of consensual liability. Consideration is given to contract formation, interpretation, performance, breach and remedies. It also provides an overview of different types of contracts.

4th YEAR • US. Tax Law [3 ECTS] Provides an overview of the federal tax system with special consideration for personal income taxation and corporate tax. Attention will be given to the international aspects of taxation such as tax treaties. • US. Business and Corporate Law [3 ECTS] Is focused on the laws governing business organizations. Contents are mostly dedicated to corporations, including formation, organization and corporate governance issues. Also of interest: mergers and acquisitions.

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Ventajas de cursar este programa

European Law and Anglo-American Law together in the same Degree

Especialización dentro del grado

A global society demands a global legal education. AngloAmerican Law plays a vital role not only in the United States, but also in many other countries. International legal institutions and Law firms need lawyers who have working knowledge of both the Civil and Common Law systems. Therefore, it is essential for European Law students to be familiar with the Common Law.

El plan de estudios del Grado en Derecho consta de 240 ECTS divididos en: asignaturas básicas y obligatorias [201 ECTS], asignaturas optativas [30 ECTS] y Trabajo fin de Grado [9 ECTS].

The University of Navarra School of Law offers the Anglo-American Law Program (AALP) as a necessary complement to the traditional Law Degree. This is a new way to study Law in Spain: European Law and AngloAmerican Law together in the same Degree. The Anglo American Law Program (AALP) follows the regular academic year of the University of Navarra School of Law (September–May). The AALP is compatible with the International Business Law Program (IBLP) and the Global Law Studies. The AALP is taught entirely in English. Students therefore need to demonstrate their language level by passing a personal interview. It is recommended that students interested in this program have an English level equivalent to the Cambridge Advanced test or a score of 92 in the TOEFL exam.

El Plan de Estudios del Grado en Derecho prevé la posibilidad de completar los créditos Optativos mediante Diplomas de Especialización. Estos Diplomas aportan un perfil profesional propio al plan de estudios de cada estudiante y permiten la obtención de títulos propios de la Universidad. Los diplomas que ofrece la Facultad son: Derecho Económico (DECO), The Anglo-American Law Program (AALP), The International Business Law Program (IBLP) y The Global Law Program (GLP). Cursar el AALP ofrece la oportunidad de obtener 24 de los 30 ECTS de carácter optativo de la carrera. El resto de créditos se pueden cursar a través de otras asignaturas. También tienen reconocimiento académico la participación en actividades culturales, solidarias, deportivas... Hasta un máximo de 6 ECTS optativos.

Asignaturas optativas [30 ECTS]

Trabajo fin de grado [9 ECTS]

Asignaturas Básicas y Obligatorias [201 ECTS]

Diploma [24 ECTS]

• Permite a los alumnos recibir clases de profesores procedentes

• El método socrático, utilizado por la mayoría de profesores,

de algunas de las mejores facultades de Derecho de Estados

invita al alumno a preparar la materia con antelación y a

Unidos como Fordham School of Law, Duke University,

exponer su opinión en público. Como resultado, las clases

Cardozo Law School, New York University School of Law,

se transforman en un diálogo continuo entre profesor y

Columbia School of Law o Harvard University, entre otras.


• El AALP permite al alumno conocer otro sistema jurídico

• Además, los alumnos tienen la posibilidad de mejorar su

diferente, como es el Common Law. Éste cada vez es más

nivel de inglés. De hecho, una vez completado el programa,

utilizado y cobra protagonismo en el panorama

serán capaces de mantener una conversación jurídica en

internacional, por ejemplo, en negociaciones, juicios y

este idioma, algo muy valorado por los despachos de

resolución alternativa de conflictos.

abogados y las firmas internacionales.

Visiting Professors

Course Descriptions

Sara S. Beale. Professor of Law, Duke University.

1st YEAR

3rd YEAR

Scott Brewer. Professor of Law, Harvard University.

• Introduction to Anglo- American Law and Case Analysis [3 ECTS] The fundamentals of the US legal system. Consideration will be given to the role of judicial review and the Common Law methodology Students will also learn basic legal research techniques.

• US. Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution [3 ECTS] Is focused on the process of investigating, developing and presenting a case before the courts. Consideration is given to interpretation, argumentation and other aspects of trial strategy.

• US. Constitutional Law [3 ECTS] Focuses on the main contents of the American Constitution, including the separation of powers, national checks and balances, federalism as well as the roles of the state and federal governments. Areas of special interest include principles and Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

• US. Tort Law [3 ECTS] Examines civil liability for causing harm to persons and their interests in property, including intentional and unintentional injuries. The course will additionally cover product liability and other areas of interest.

J. Robert Brown Jr. Professor of Law. Sturm College of Law, University of Denver. Stephen B. Burbank. Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School . John M. Burkoff. Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Toni M. Fine. Assistant Dean for International programs, Fordham University School of Law. Mary Anne Franks. University of Miami. Alejandro M. Garro. Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School of Law. Kyron J. Huigens. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Mattias Kumm. Professor of Law, New York University School of Law. Marina Lao. Professor of Law, Seton Hall University School of Law. Leandra Lederman. William W. Oliver Professor of Tax Law, Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Pedro J. Martínez-Fraga. Adjunct Professor, University of Miami School of Law, DLA Piper LLP (US). Thomas B. Metzloff. Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law. Max Minzner. Assitant Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University. Jacqueline M. Nolan-Haley. Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. David G. Owen. Carolina Distinguished Professor of Law, University of South Carolina School of Law. Mark R. Patterson. Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law. C. Ryan Reetz. DLA Piper LLP (US). Peter Siegelman. Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law. Linda Sugin. Professor of Law. Fordham University School of Law.

2nd YEAR • US. Criminal Law [3 ECTS] Examines the general aspects of criminal liability, including the purposes of punishment, the concepts of act and omission, the mental element, complicity, causation, justification and excuse. • US. Contract Law [3 ECTS] Covers the fundamentals of consensual liability. Consideration is given to contract formation, interpretation, performance, breach and remedies. It also provides an overview of different types of contracts.

4th YEAR • US. Tax Law [3 ECTS] Provides an overview of the federal tax system with special consideration for personal income taxation and corporate tax. Attention will be given to the international aspects of taxation such as tax treaties. • US. Business and Corporate Law [3 ECTS] Is focused on the laws governing business organizations. Contents are mostly dedicated to corporations, including formation, organization and corporate governance issues. Also of interest: mergers and acquisitions.

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Pamplona Campus: Grado en Derecho, Derecho & AALP, Derecho & IBLP, Derecho & GLP, Derecho & DECO. Doble Grado en Derecho + ADE. Global Management and Law Double Degree. Global Economics and Law Double Degree. Doble Grado en Derecho + Filosofía.

Madrid Campus: Máster Universitario en Derecho de Empresa. Máster Universitario en Asesoría Fiscal. Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía. Doble Máster de Acceso a la Abogacía de los Negocios. @derecho_unav

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