Lâmina Pós-Graduação (versão em inglês)

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METHODIST SCHOOL OF BUSINESS EDUCATION Launched in 2012, the Methodist School of Business Education is the result of the years of experience at the University in the area of management. The school engages in research and offers graduate courses and continuing education in the area of business and is responsible for creating links between the academia, corporate needs and the market. One of the pillars of the Methodist School of Business Education is the establishment of international alliances for student exchange between partner institutions, with on-site and distance learning modules in the English language. The international modules can be developed to allow students from the Methodist University of São Paulo to learn about other markets, as well as to bring students from partner institutions to Brazil to get to know the Brazilian market and one of Latin America’s and the world’s major region for business: the great São Paulo area.


Training of ethical executives and corporate leaders, deeply committed to global responsibility; Offering of on-site and distance learning modules; Exchange of undergraduate, graduate students and teachers in the business area; Development of common supranational projects, through corporate or government partnerships; Organize common operating channels (payments, student exchange, adaptation of the intra content and supra modules sold; Organize common web systems for sharing information, students, content, videos, teaching material, etc.

PROPOSALS (Initial proposal. Subject to changes depending on the partner’s needs)

Model 1 – Brazilian Students

On-site module in Brazil, conducted in English at Methodist University of São Paulo

Web module for Brazilian and partner students, conducted in English, by partner institution.

On-the-spot internship at the partner institution.

Model 2 – Foreign Students

On-site module at the partner institution

Web module for partner and Brazilian students, conducted in English, by Methodist University of São Paulo

On-the-spot internship at the Methodist University of São Paulo.

Frequency: In accordance with local and international demand. Target Public: Students interested in international executive training. Program Format: A minimum of 24 hours of classes or seminars. Content: Aspects of the national culture that need to be understood for business to be conducted in an ethical and reliable way; details and obstacles typical of the national legislation that influences business, etiquette and social behavior appropriate for the context; economic prospects and scenarios of the country offering the MB Seminar. Language: English, in any country regardless of where offered. Investment: To be defined by agreement, striving for reciprocity between partners.


International Relations Office 55 11 4366-5633 ari@metodista.br


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