Master’s specialisation in Methodology and Statistics in Psychology The Master’s specialisation Methodology and Statistics in Psychology addresses methodological issues that arise during psychological research, from designing the study, over visualising and analysing the data to formulating conclusions. In this programme, you will study how to measure abilities and personality variables (scale constructing), the handling of categorical variables and longitudinal data and how to work with latent variables (SEM). Also, you practise statistical programming and consultation skills that are found to be really useful once you enter the labour market. Modern statistical techniques as well as new interesting ways of collecting (fMRI) data are part of the programme.
Jeroen Janssen, alumnus
Why this specialisation at Leiden University?
‘In this programme I developed myself as a statistician and a researcher. It shows you the fascinating world of statistics from different perspectives. This helps to find your personal interest.’
u This programme distinguishes itself through its pragmatic, data-driven and non-linear approaches to analysing data in a very critical but creative way. u Recent research topics are: finding brain features to predict Alzheimer, making better predictions in psychology (who will succeed or get ill). For your internship/thesis you can participate in ongoing research projects. u After finishing this specialisation you will quickly find a job as the demand for people with data analysis skills is huge.
Facts and figures
Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:
Discover the world at Leiden University
English 1 year MSc September 1 Apr non-EU/15 May EU February 15 Oct non-EU/15 Nov EU
Course information
Introduction to R and Statistical Computing (5 EC)
Regression Modelling (5 EC)
Statistical Consulting (5 EC)
Internship (10 EC)
Core course
Latent Variable Models (5 EC)
Statistical Learning and Prediction (5 EC)
Elective course* (5 EC)
Master’s thesis (20 EC)
Master’s Thesis
Elective course
* You can also choose to follow an elective course in semester II. We recommend that you choose one of the following electives: fMRI Data and Statistics (semester II), Statistical Mediation and Moderation (semester I). For the total overview of electives see Prospectus.
Career possibilities u Applied researcher in various fields such as marketing, human resource, medicine
More information methodology-statistics-psychology
u Developer and evaluator of educational tests u Scientific researcher (PhD) u Data scientist/engineer u Statistical consultant
Are you curious about the student point of view on this Master’s programme? Send our student ambassador Annemieke an email: ambassador.mscpsy@