Gorlaeus Building

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Gorlaeus Building Unlimited possibilities


Published by: Text and design: Editor: Photography: Architect: Edition:

Leiden University Real Estate Directorate, 2018 WijS architectuur, Barbara Heijl Anneke van Bergen en Henegouwen, Barbara Heijl, Marjolein van Schoonhoven, Iris Minnee Marcel van der Burg, Monique Shaw, Luuk Kramer Inbo / JHK Architecten Drukkerij De Bink

www.universiteitleiden.nl/en www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/science The publishers of this book would like to thank the many people within and outside the University who contributed to its realisation. It goes without saying that this book is not complete and may, in the opinion of some, have shortcomings. Readers of the book are invited to direct any remarks to secretariaat@vastgoed.leidenuniv.nl.

Gorlaeus Building Unlimited possibilities

Contents Foreword Science Campus development

.................................. 9

Introduction Stronger together .................................................... 13 Unlimited possibilities Interdisciplinary research Transparency Truly sustainable Innovation Studying in the Gorlaeus Building ......................... 19 Study associations Innovation with interaction ................................. 29 Main design Flexible basis Connecting core Shared technology Transparency Safety Consistency and continuity Research facilities ................................................ 47 Cell Observatory NMR facility NeCEN microscopes Measurement hall FMD/ELD Sustainable building for work and study Custom process Efficiency 6

............. 59

Air ventilation Heating and cooling Origin of materials Waste management Light Phasing ................................................................. 69 Phase 1 (2013 - 2016) Phase 2a (2017 - 2023) Phase 2b (2023 - 2026) Inspiring work environment Synergy Masterplan Area as a whole

................................. 77

The eight Faculty institutes .................................. 87 Mathematical Institute Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Leiden Observatory Leiden Institute of Physics Leiden Institute of Chemistry Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research Institute of Biology Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences Sources ................................................................. 94 Image credits ........................................................ 95




Foreword Science Campus development The completion of the first phase of the new Gorlaeus Building marks an important milestone for Leiden University. The striking Faculty of Science building with an impressive 46,000 m2 of floorspace has advanced research and teaching facilities. The building is important not only for the University but for the Leiden Bio Science Park as a whole. We are proud to we present the results in this book. The Gorlaeus Building is equipped with the latest facilities and has a beautiful central atrium for communal use. The building is part of the Leiden Bio Science Park, which brings high-quality teaching and research together with businesses and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The campus attracts students and researchers from all parts of the world. It is our task to design our buildings in such a way that allows talent and ambition to flourish, not just inside but outside too. Together with the Municipality of Leiden, we are channelling our efforts to create a lively and attractive Bio Science Park Campus where city and University meet. P. 8 Left Michel Leenders, right Carel Stolker.


With phase 1 of the new Gorlaeus Building now completed, we have moved straight on to phase 2. In future, the entrance to the new complex will be on an attractive plaza. This campus plaza will be at the centre of the park, making it the ideal place to meet. Restaurant facilities and housing will add life to the area. The facade of the new Gorlaeus Building and the iconic Gorlaeus lecture hall building will be important landmarks on the plaza. Old and new will come together to form the new face of the Science Campus. We can’t wait! Completing this big construction project takes careful preparation and a lot of time. We will need some patience before we can celebrate the completion of phase 2, but thanks to Gorlaeus Building phase 1, we know it will certainly be worth the wait! Professor Carel Stolker Rector Magnificus & President of the Executive Board Michel Leenders Director of the Real Estate Directorate




Introduction Stronger together Groundbreaking research and teaching do not accept limits. To encourage the exchange of knowledge, the Faculty of Science is bringing its institutes together under one roof wherever possible. The first phase of the new Gorlaeus Building was completed in September 2016. The new building provides the students and staff of the Faculty with unique research facilities in an inspiring work and study environment. Unlimited possibilities ‘Our researchers want to work together more intensively and that formed the basis of the plans for a single Faculty building,’ says Geert de Snoo, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Conservation Biology. ‘When it comes to solving societal or scientific problems, you need to be able to work together without limits. That is a lot easier if you meet each other physically. The Faculty has eight institutes that join forces to do multidisciplinary work. Many students also look beyond the limits of individual disciplines. Synergy arises if research and degree programmes are in one location,’ says De Snoo. ‘The new building encourages academic collaboration and that attracts talent to Leiden.’ P. 12 The Dean of the Faculty, Geert de Snoo.


Interdisciplinary research Much of the high-quality, large-scale research equipment has been brought together in one wing of the Gorlaeus Building. This will encourage interdisciplinary research. ‘A good example of this is the research into the development and spread of cancer cells,’ De Snoo continues. ‘Chemists, biopharmaceutical researchers and biologists are working together to find substances that could be used as a drug to halt metastasis. Further down the corridor, people are using electron microscopes to study the effect of these substances on living cells. Physicists are studying the molecules in the cell at an even smaller scale. The disciplines of computer science and mathematics are developing new methods for processing research data. This is a wonderful interdisciplinary work environment for students too.’ Transparency ‘An additional advantage of the Gorlaeus Building is the transparency of the building. Glass doors and walls mean you can see people at work throughout the building. This encourages healthy curiosity and gets people talking to each other,’ says De Snoo. ‘It makes it easier to pop in and see each other – at the institutes too.’


Truly sustainable One of the key aims for the Gorlaeus Building was sustainable construction. Sustainability has been integrated in all facets of the design. The new building has a high sustainability rating for a lab building: BREEAM Very Good. ‘You can see from the gas, electricity and water consumption in our new building, in comparison with the old buildings, what an enormous difference this makes. The Gorlaeus Building uses gas only for research in the labs. This means it only uses a fraction of what the old buildings used.’ Innovation Developments in education and the old fragmented accommodation also inspired the plans for the new building. De Snoo: ‘In the past the professor, so to speak, had his favourite piece of equipment at the end of the corridor. Apart from it being efficient to share facilities, we see particular value in knowledge exchange. This also encourages external collaboration, with the LUMC and Delft University of Technology for instance. The Faculty has grown rapidly in recent years, with student numbers doubling over the past five years. With the new building, we are ready to face the future.’ P. 14 The radiant artwork ‘Silence Please Science Please’ in the background, is by the artist Martijn Sandberg. The wall, measuring twenty by seven metres, is made of perforated aluminium.





Studying in the Gorlaeus Building Who better to ask about studying in the Gorlaeus Building than the students themselves? Five presidents of study associations and the Faculty Assessor talk about their experiences of the new building. What is the biggest difference between the old buildings and the new one? Bjorn Bouwer, president of Aesculapius, the Leiden Pharmaceutical Students’ Association, explains: ‘It makes a big difference to the communication within the institute. In the old building, each department was on its own floor. The seven departments have now been brought together in three divisions. They work together more closely and make joint use of shared facilities. This encourages collaboration. Lots of P. 18 Standing (l-r): Jannetje Driessen (former president of DLF), Milan van der Vlugt (president of AES), Dennis Uitenbroek (president of DLF), Ted de Haas (president of CDL) and Megan Hulscher (president of LBC). Sitting (l-r): Bernice Dekker (former faculty assessor), Martijn Wissink (president of LIFE), Bjorn Bouwer (former president of AES), Judith Teeuwisse (former president of LIFE), Iris de Bruin (former president of CDL) and Marleen van Dorst (faculty assessor).


people study in the atrium. It is a great place to work on an assignment with a work group.’ Iris de Bruin, president of CDL, the study association for Molecular Science & Technology, adds: ‘I really like the light. The first time I had a practical in the new building I was all enthusiastic about being able to look outside, at trees and a blue sky. The equipment is much more modern, the counters sleek, which encourages students to keep the space clean. It’s a much livelier atmosphere than in the old building.’ ‘It is a very attractive building that is also suited to big events like the Science Career Event,’ says Jannetje Driessen, president of De Leidsche Flesch, the study association for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Computer Science. ‘When we hold parent days, we like to show people the building. The parents are always really impressed.’ Is bringing the institutes together under one roof beneficial? Bjorn Bouwer: ‘The pharmaceutical sciences use multiple disciplines, benefitting from knowledge about, let’s say, microbiology and organic chemistry. Students of Biopharmaceutical


Studies can do a placement at other institutes, such as the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), as well as at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). Now we work together in the same building you can do this in a familiar environment.’

The Gorlaeus Building is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) magnets, NeCEN microscopes, the Cell Observatory and the new measurement lab. What does this mean for students in their everyday work?

Iris de Bruin continues: ‘Students who did the Bachelor’s programme in Biopharmaceutical Studies often do a master’s at LIC and vice versa. That’s easier if you are right next door to each other. It’s also good for the researchers.’

Jannetje Driessen: ‘As soon as students begin a bachelor’s or master’s placement at a research group, they are allowed to do practical research with this equipment – it’s really great. The antivibration platforms in the new lab suite are now being fitted out and the reports about the level of precision attainable are being eagerly awaited by physics students. We can’t wait to see what we we’ll be able to achieve.’

Sabine Werndlij, president of the Leiden Biologists Club says: ‘I think it is good for your network if you can talk to students from other degree programmes - people of your own age but then on a different programme. It can help with placements or in your career to know people from other specialisations. In my research group, for instance, there is someone who studied chemistry.’ ‘If you share a building, you are more likely to become a single entity’, concludes Faculty Assessor Bernice Dekker.

P. 20 The laboratories offer an inspiring study environment.


‘Life Science & Technology students do projects in research groups as early as in their first year, so they come into contact with NMR equipment fairly quickly’, says Judith Teeuwisse, president of S.V. LIFE, the study association for Life Science and Technology students. ‘You soon get used to being able to work with such luxury measuring equipment. It’s only during excursions to other universities that you discover that this isn’t the norm. I think our university is very modest about this. If you ask me, they could show off a bit more about our facilities.’


Study associations Chemisch Dispuut Leiden (CDL) The CDL is the study association for Molecular Science & Technology (MST) and the Master Chemistry. De Leidsche Flesch (DLF) De Leidsche Flesch is the study association for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Computer Science. Leiden Biologists Club (LBC) The Leiden Biologists Club is the study association for biology students. L.P.S.V. Aesculapius (AES) Aesculapius is the Leiden Pharmaceutical Students’ Association, for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences. S.V. LIFE LIFE is the study association for Life Science and Technology (LST) students.

P. 22 The Gorlaeus Building is well suited to large events, such as the Science Career Event. This is all about student careers. This event will take place for the 35th time on 13 March 2019.







Innovation with interaction Collaboration was the central theme in the design of the Gorlaeus Building. Creating a space that allows the research and teaching to flourish, and promoting synergy between and within the institutes are the two key principles from the Faculty’s accommodation vision that influenced the final building design. Main design The layout of the Gorlaeus Building encourages cross-pollination. The building has a central atrium with wings leading off of it. Via a gallery the height of the building, the atrium connects all the floors and is the dynamic centre of the building. All shared facilities, such as seminar rooms, rooms for practicals, study spaces and catering services are linked to the atrium. The institutes with their labs and research facilities are in the wings. Flexible basis Pioneering research and teaching are characterised by new discoveries and advanced understanding. The main layout of the new building is therefore extremely flexible. With an eye to the future, the wings all have the same basic layout, which makes it easy to swap functions. Each wing has a central corridor with offices to the south and labs to the north. 30

All institutes in the Gorlaeus Building will have space in one of the wings. The labs and offices are fitted out according to the needs of the users. The chemistry (LIC) and drug research (LACDR) institutes have already moved to the new building. Connecting core The atrium physically connects the institutes, which are spread across the various wings. It is an important informal meeting place for lecturers, students and visitors. White curved staircases act as markers. A recognisable zone with stairs, lifts and toilets marks the entrance to each wing. This clear structure makes it easy for users to find their way around. Shared technology For its research, the Faculty needs special measuring equipment and facilities such as NeCEN microscopes, the Cell Observatory, NMR magnets and the unique new vibrationfree lab suite. These facilities are concentrated in one long wing of the building. Alongside these large-scale research facilities, the building features a large number of labs and practical rooms. P. 28 With a gallery the height of the building, the atrium connects all the different floors and is the dynamic heart of the Gorlaeus Building.


Transparency If people are to be encouraged to work together, it is essential that the institutes are visible. Who is working on what and where at an institute? Where could there be opportunities for successful collaboration? Each institute has practical rooms and labs adjoining the atrium, making its own field of expertise visible. Glass walls and doors literally make the specific work at the institutes visible. The installations in the labs have been purposely left in sight too. The open ceilings make it easier to build test setups, and the installations catch the eye.

surroundings. The facade is made from glass and aluminium, transparent and light materials; its structure is based on mathematical wave patterns. The building is modest in height and corresponds with the height of the surrounding buildings.

Safety Transport and people flows are kept as separate as possible. The central area is the most open space: all spaces in the atrium have been set up for communal use. The research rooms, by necessity secure, lie behind the institute entrances and are only accessible to authorised students and staff. The delivery area, for the delivery and removal of chemicals for example, is on the north side of the building, as is the entrance to the underground car park. Consistency and continuity The facade unites all parts of the building to form a powerful whole. It is understated and professional in appearance. The comb-like structure encourages the landscape to permeate the building. Nearly all work spaces look out onto the courtyards between the wings and their 32

P. 30 Shared facilities, such as tutorial rooms, laboratories, study spaces and catering facilities are linked to the atrium.


P. 32 Diagrams of the concept. A. A place to meet and exchange ideas. B. The atrium connects all the areas. C. Peace and quiet in the wings.




P. 33 The central atrium is a place where the different disciplines can meet. The wings are quiet areas.



P. 34 Synergy arises when research and teaching are in one location.


P. 35 Phase 1: layout of the first floor.












Research facilities The Gorlaeus Building is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities.

universities and industry who are interested in the structure of molecules.

Cell Observatory Developing new drugs is one of the priorities of Leiden University. At the Cell Observatory, research is conducted on the dynamics of the living cell right to molecular level. This provides insight into fundamental mechanisms of life and is essential to progress in fighting disease, reducing the spread of cancer in the human body for instance. The Cell Observatory is a meeting place and shared facility for researchers from different disciplines and institutes in the Faculty. It is also used by organisations such as Delft University of Technology, the LUMC and the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

NeCEN microscopes The Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) is one of the top facilities in the world for high-end electron microscopy research. The powerful electron microscopes of NeCEN are used for research into disease processes at biomolecular level, providing valuable information for the future development of drugs. The methods used are suited to a wide range of research applications that could lead to quicker and better methods for understanding, diagnosing, curing and preventing disease at a molecular level.

NMR facility The NMR facility makes it possible to analyse the composition of a substance with a magnetic field. Research can be conducted into the synthesis of paramagnetic molecules to find out more about the structure and dynamics of proteins. This knowledge could serve as the basis for a drug that attaches to a protein or for the development of vaccines. The facility can be used by researchers at the LIC as well as for collaboration with researchers from other 48

Measurement hall The measurement hall, with its 16 anti-vibration platforms, is one of the best in the world. It currently houses custom test setups used for groundbreaking research. Each platform has its own set of springs that almost fully absorb every vibration. Furthermore, the lab suite is separate in construction from the rest of the building, which also prevents vibrations. Without these measures, every passing lorry on the A44 motorway would affect the experiments. P. 46 Working with the NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) facility.


FMD/ELD The Fine Mechanical Department (FMD) develops custom instrumentation for advanced research. It does so at the request of and in cooperation with researchers. Together with the Electronics Department (ELD), it supports the research of various institutes. Experimental research requires specific equipment that is not available in the commercial sector. Both departments help researchers by providing specific knowledge and experience of electronics, engineering and producing custom designs and equipment.

P. 48 The Fine Mechanical Department (FMD) makes custom parts and instruments for advanced research applications.











Sustainable building for work and study The Gorlaeus Building is the first lab building in the Netherlands to earn a certificate BREEAM Very Good. BREEAM-NL is a sustainability assessment method for buildings, infrastructure and projects in the Netherlands. Buildings that are sustainable in construction and use help create a clean, healthy and green environment, for current and future generations. Custom process BREEAM is the most common sustainability assessment method for buildings in Europe. It takes a broad approach to sustainability. This means that not just the design itself but, for instance, location choice and the origin of the materials are included in the assessment. As there were no assessment guidelines for labs at the time, these were developed in a custom process for the Gorlaeus Building, together with the independent Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC). Examples of the measures taken include: Efficiency The energy performance coefficient (EPC) shows the efficiency of a new building in terms of energy consumption. The University set itself the goal of exceeding the statutory EPC requirement


by 25%. The design of the Gorlaeus Building has even managed to exceed this by 33%. Air ventilation The labs, test halls and practical rooms make it necessary to flush the Gorlaeus Building with enormous quantities of ventilated air, many times more than in a normal office building. To ensure that the least possible energy is used for this, the ventilation system is equipped with high-efficiency energy recovery. Heating and cooling The Gorlaeus Building is heated and cooled with geothermal heating, energy stored in the ground, which means it hardly uses any gas. Geothermal heating reduces CO2 emissions and saves 55 to 60% on energy. Origin of materials Over 80% of the materials are responsibly sourced. All the wood used is 100% legally produced.

P. 58 The new building is sustainable, thus helping to create a clean, healthy and green environment.


Waste management The amount of building waste on the construction site is minimised and separated into different waste streams: wood, stony material, metal, plaster, insulation (by type) and plastic. At least 80% of the weight of the recyclable material was reused by the supplier or a certified recycling company. Light Low-energy lighting is used throughout the building. In addition, offices and labs are equipped with low-energy daylight regulation and presence detection. Screens that reduce the intensity of the light in the workplace mean people are not bothered by direct sunlight.

P. 60 Large air-ventilation units provide the Gorlaeus Building with fresh air. The ventilation system is equipped with highefficiency energy recovery.


P. 62 The Gorlaeus Building is the first laboratory building in the Netherlands to earn a BREEAM Very Good certificate.


P. 63 Part of the roof of the new building is covered with sedum.


Cooling ceilings

Individual daylight regulation Window screens Sections that can be opened individually

Heat exchanger

P. 64 Sustainability diagram for the offices on the southfacing facade.


P. 65 Over 80% of the materials are responsibly sourced.





Phasing Bringing the institutes together under one roof is a complex construction task. The extensive new Faculty building will end up with a gross floor area of about 90,000m2. As the project is being carried out in phases, the research and teaching can continue uninterrupted during the construction work. The structure of the building, with the central atrium and perpendicular wings, is very suited to phased construction. In the coming period the atrium, the main axis, will be extended along its length while the rest of the building continues to be in use. The total construction period runs from 2013 to the end of 2026. Phase 1 (2013 - 2016) The first phase of the Gorlaeus Building, with a gross floor area of 46,000 m2, has been completed and is in use. It covers about half of the future central axis, with three short wings and one long one. This substantial part of the planned new building has been realised on a former car park alongside Faculty buildings. The new building is linked to existing Faculty buildings. This physically links the institutes during the building project. The main entrance to the Gorlaeus Building is in the Huygens Laboratory during this phase.


Phase 2a (2017 - 2023) During phase 2a, the central atrium will be completed and three new wings added. The shared facilities, such as a café and the library, will also be completed in this phase. The new main entrance of the building will be on Einsteinweg. From that point the new flagship building and the iconic Gorlaeus Lecture Hall building will form the ‘face’ of the Faculty. For this phase, the LCP chemical storage facility, the Expertise Centre and the Gorlaeus high-rise need to be demolished. The LMUY building will serve as a buffer during this construction phase. Phase 2b (2023 - 2026) Once the LMUY building has been demolished, the Gorlaeus Building will be completed by expanding on that side to create space for offices, labs, etc.

P. 68 The facade brings together all the parts of the building to create a strong overall image.

Gorlaeus high-rise


Gorlaeus Lecture Hall


Chemical storage facility

Expertise Centre VG





P. 70 Diagrams of the phases. A. After Phase 1 B. After Phase 2a C. After Phase 2a and demolition work D. After Phase 2b

P. 71 The new building connects with existing Faculty buildings during the construction work.




Teaching spaces Generic lab wing for an institute

Atrium, the central axis

Research facilities

Public spaces

P. 72 The atrium is the most publicly accessible area in the building.


P. 73 Diagram of the layout of the new building (status during structure plan phase 2a).




Inspiring work environment From its foundation, Leiden University has always been centred on the Rapenburg area in the heart of the city. With the explosive growth of student numbers after 1945, an urgent need arose for extra accommodation. The University was therefore assigned a polder of about 140 hectares in size in 1957. This is today’s Leiden Bio Science Park. Part of the Faculty of Science moved to this location outside the centre. Synergy The Leiden Bio Science Park has become one of the largest, most innovative knowledge parks in Europe. The Faculty of Science has played an important role in this development. To promote closer collaboration between the Faculty’s research institutes and disciplines, all of its institutes gradually moved to the Bio Science Park. From the 1980s, businesses specialising in life science were also given the opportunity to move close to the Faculty. The area has thus become today’s renowned Leiden Bio Science Park.

P. 76 Lunch outside in one of the spacious courtyards between the wings of the building.


Masterplan Although the area made its name as a science park, it was fragmented and by no means equally attractive throughout, nor was the accessibility optimal. Leiden University and the municipalities of Leiden and Oegstgeest therefore championed the development of an ambitious masterplan for the area. Implementation of the plan has been underway for over 15 years already. Now more than ever, the campus forms a whole and has created new links with the city. In addition, work is being carried out to promote the biodiversity of the park. The creation of nature-friendly embankments, an integrated grass-mowing strategy and green roofs and walls on the buildings have improved the area for humans and animals alike. Area as a whole The Gorlaeus Building fits in with the Leiden Bio Science Park Masterplan, which has a strong focus on the quality of the public spaces, a Dutch landscape with long sightlines, a lot of green and water and indigenous trees and plants. The huge courtyards between the wings of the Gorlaeus Building form a connection with the surrounding green and help make the area a pleasant place in which to work and


live. In future, the Gorlaeus Building will be connected to the Gorlaeus Lecture Hall building with its striking dish by a plaza, which will be a vibrant meeting place. Just like in the 1960s, the University provides a positive boost to the whole area.

P. 78 Curved white staircases act as markers in the atrium.


P. 80 Site plans for the new building.


P. 81 The skylights flood the atrium with daylight.







The eight Faculty institutes Research and teaching at the Faculty of Science are grouped into eight institutes. Mathematical Institute (MI) Strongly international in focus, MI provides teaching and conducts top research at the boundaries of today’s mathematical knowledge. The research focuses on fundamental mathematics and statistics, but also on applications in other sciences, society and industry. MI teaches pure and applied mathematics and statistics in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Mathematics and in its Master’s programme in Statistical Science for the Life and Behavioural Sciences. It also provides courses for students from the other degree programmes at Leiden University. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) Computers are becoming increasingly powerful and are being assigned increasingly complex tasks. LIACS is the institute for research and teaching in the field of computer science. LIACS conducts groundbreaking research and applies new findings to topical societal issues. Theory, Data Science, Machine Learning, Computer Systems, Bioinformatics, Media & Creativity and Computer Vision are the central themes of its 88

research. LIACS provides the three Bachelor’s programmes in Computer Science, Computer Science & Economics and Computer Science & Biology and the three Master’s programmes in Computer Science, ICT in Business & the Public Sector and Media Technology. Leiden Observatory Leiden Observatory is the Faculty’s astronomy institute. Research at the Observatory focuses on two broad themes: galaxies and their surrounding structures, and exoplanets and the formation of stars and planets. The Observatory is part of the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA), one of the top five research institutes in astronomy in the world. In recent years the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Astronomy have attracted growing numbers of students, many of them international. Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) LION is one of the oldest institutes of physics in the Netherlands. It has a rich history with Nobel Prize-winning professors such as Lorentz,

P. 86 Each institute has practical rooms and labs adjoining the atrium, making its own field of expertise visible.


Kamerlingh Onnes and Einstein. With its four Spinoza prize-winners it is still able to attract many top researchers. LION focuses on research in theoretical physics, quantum matter and biological and soft matter. It offers the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Physics. Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) Researchers at LIC take a fundamental approach to providing custom solutions to complex societal problems in the field of public health and the environment. Its research specifically focuses on Energy and Sustainability, and Chemical Biology. These themes are also represented in the Bachelor’s programmes in Life Science & Technology and Molecular Science & Technology, both offered together with Delft University of Technology. Master’s students can choose the Life Science and Technology or Chemistry programmes. Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) LACDR is a leading institute in the field of innovative drug research and teaching. Its research focuses on: BioTherapeutics, Drug & Target Discovery and Systems Pharmacology. To develop and test new drugs, LACDR works closely with the LUMC and the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR). LACDR offers both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s programme in Biopharmaceutical Sciences.


Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) Plants, animals and micro-organisms form a large part of life on earth, and their interactions are essential for the sustainable survival of ecosystems. IBL is an institute for research and teaching in biology that is international in outlook. The research programmes focus on: Animal Sciences and Health, Plant Sciences and Natural Products and Microbial Biotechnology and Health. The institute offers a Bachelor’s and a Master’s programme in Biology, both of which are closely linked to the research. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) CML works towards a sustainable world. Its research focuses on improving scientific understanding in the relationship between humans and nature so that we can continue to use nature in a sustainable way in future. Environmental Biology and Industrial Ecology are two research priorities of the Institute. In addition CML offers the Master’s programme in Industrial Ecology, which attracts a diverse and international group of students.

P. 88 An identifiable zone with stairs, lifts and toilets marks the entrance to each wing.





Sources Van kabinet naar science park Dirk van Delft, Frans van Lunteren, Willem Otterspeer, Co Oudes, Marjolein van Schoonhoven, Geert de Snoo, Ron van Veen, faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden, 2015. Zebravis tegen kanker: van aquarium tot patiënt Prof.dr. B.E. Snaar-Jagalska, faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden, 2017. Presentatieboek Structuurontwerp Inbo / JHK Architecten, 2013. Historie en vernieuwing Universitaire gebouwen in Leiden en Den Haag Barbara Heijl, Anneke van Bergen en Henegouwen, Corine Hendriks, Ferdy Poppelier, Expertisecentrum Vastgoed van de Universiteit Leiden, 2017. Masterplan Leiden Bio Science Park – Gorlaeus Hart voor de campus Studio Hartzema, Gemeente Leiden, Universiteit Leiden, 2016. De Hollandse Campus Stedenbouwkundig masterplan Leiden Bio Science Park – de Leeuwenhoek Gemeente Leiden, Universiteit Leiden, Studio Hartzema, 2009.


Entreegebied Hart van het Leiden Bio Science Park SD Communicatie, Studio Hartzema, Anja Biehl, Joek Kruiderink, Expertisecentrum Vastgoed van de Universiteit Leiden, 2017.

Image credits Photographs Marcel van der Burg Cover P. 6 - 7 P. 10 - 11 P. 14 P. 20 P. 26 - 27 P. 28 P. 30 P. 33 P. 36 - 37 P. 38 - 39 P. 40 - 41 P. 42 - 43 P. 44 - 45 P. 50 - 51 P. 52 - 53 P. 63 P. 65 P. 71 P. 72 P. 74 -75 P. 78 P. 81 P. 82 - 83 P. 86 P. 88 P. 90 -91


Photographs Monique Shaw P. 8 P. 12 P. 18 P. 24 - 25 P. 34 P. 46 P. 48 P. 54 - 55 P. 56 - 57 P. 58 P. 60 P. 66 - 67 P. 76 P. 84 - 85 P. 92 - 93 Photograph Luuk Kramer P. 68 Photo of the Science Career Event Property of the Science Career Event Foundation. P. 22 Illustrations and diagrams Inbo / JHK Architecten



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