Master specialisations Political Science

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Master’s specialisation in

International Organisation (The Hague) Core courses in this specialisation focus on the dynamics of international organisation in a changing world, including the interplay of state and non-state actors amidst international rules and institutions, and on sources of policy-making and techniques of policy evaluation at national and international levels. Our lecturers are active scholars and experienced teachers from many countries with expertise in many areas of international politics, including several with direct experience in policy formation and diplomacy at national and international levels. They will stimulate you to think critically and independently and prepare you to contribute professionally to governments, NGOs and international organisations.

Hans Mensah, current student

Why this specialisation at Leiden University?

“Understanding the theoretical aspect of the strategies deployed by policymakers in decisionmaking in the European Union, makes this master specialisation unique for policy entrepreneurs.”

u Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science is one of the largest political science departments in Europe. You will meet an outstanding staff with an active research agenda in IO, as well as considerable expertise in area studies. u This specialisation takes place in The Hague, which harbours the main national political institutions of the Netherlands and many international organisations.

Facts and figures Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:

Discover the world at Leiden University

English 1 year MSc in Political Science September 1 Apr non-EU/ 15 Jun EU February 15 Oct non-EU/ 15 Nov EU

Course information


Dynamics of International Organisation (10 EC)


Policy Evaluation in National and International Contexts (10 EC)


Great Debates in Political Science (5 EC)

Methods in Political Science (5 EC)

The Politics of PolicyMaking (10 EC)

Master’s Thesis (20 EC)

Master’s Thesis

Career possibilities u Politics, Adminstration and Management:

as a Junior Policy Officer, Policy Advisor, Commercial or Regional Manager u Consultancy: as a Consultant, Business,

Chief or Commercial Advisor, Junior Adviser Public Affairs or Projectmanager u Research: as a Technical Analyst,

Research Adviser, Researcher u HRM: as a Customer Support Officer,

International Markets Coordinator u Media / Communications: as a Media and

Public Affairs Assistant, Communications Assistant u Finances: as a Financial Trainee or



More information  internationalorganisation Study Adviser: Ester Blom  Would you like to know what it’s like to study Political Science from a student’s perspective? Contact our student ambassador:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

Master’s specialisation in

International Politics This specialisation focuses on the sources and dynamics of international conflict and cooperation in a changing world order. Typical courses address interactions between states, NGOs and international organisations, the roles of ideas, cultural identities and material interests, and the dynamics of change in the international system, from theoretical, empirical and normative perspectives. Our lecturers are active scholars and experienced teachers from many countries with expertise in many areas of international politics, including several with direct experience in policy formation and diplomacy at national and international levels. They will sharpen your analytical skills by stimulating you to think critically and independently.

Benjamin Wiseman, alumnus

Why this specialisation at Leiden University?

‘My analytical skills were greatly enhanced during my master’s. As an intern at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs I can put them into good practice in my daily work; quickly and in a structured way.’

u Leiden’s Institute of Political Science is one of the largest political science departments in Europe. It accommodates a wide range of (sub)disciplines and research interests. u Besides studying interesting themes, you will also familiarise yourself with the stateof-theart in social and political science literature and research skills.

Facts and figures Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:

Discover the world at Leiden University

English 1 year MSc in Political Science September 1 Apr non-EU/ 15 Jun EU February 15 Oct non-EU/ 15 Nov EU

Course information


Conflict and Cooperation in International Politics (10 EC)


Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Core course

Great Debates in Political Science (5 EC)

Elective seminar

Methods in Political Science (5 EC)

Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Master’s Thesis (20 EC)

Master’s Thesis

*Examples of elective courses can be found on:

Career possibilities u Politics, Adminstration and Management:

as a Junior Policy Officer, Policy Advisor, Commercial or Regional Manager u Consultancy: as a Consultant, Business,

Chief or Commercial Advisor, Junior Adviser Public Affairs or Projectmanager u Research: as a Technical Analyst,

Research Adviser, Researcher u HRM: as a Customer Support Officer,

More information  internationalpolitics Study Advisers: Daniëlle Lovink (Surname: A - K)  Rally Schwachöfer (Surname: L - Z)  r.j.t.m.s.schwachofer@

International Markets Coordinator u Media / Communications: as a Media and

Public Affairs Assistant, Communications Assistant u Finances: as a Financial Trainee or



Would you like to know what it’s like to study Political Science from a student’s perspective? Contact our student ambassador:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

Master’s specialisation in

Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development Ethnic, racial, religious, and cultural differences are on the agenda worldwide. Diversity sparks heated debate, and while there is no shortage of opinions, the story behind the headlines is usually far more complex. Why and how do people mobilise around group identities? What are the political and economic consequences of social and economic diversity? How do societies deal with issues of conflict and development? In this specialisation you will analyse how the political institutional arrangements developed to address diversity and inequality, such as consociationalism, multiculturalism, federalism, and preferential treatment.

Delia Molderings, student

Why this specialisation at Leiden University?

“I would love to continue working for the Red Cross after my graduation. Or for another NGO where I can combine research and fieldwork.”

u Leiden’s Institute of Political Science is one of the largest political science departments in Europe. It accommodates a wide range of (sub)disciplines and research interests. u Besides studying interesting themes, you will also familiarise yourself with the stateof-theart in social and political science literature and research skills.

Facts and figures Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:

Discover the world at Leiden University

English 1 year MSc in Political Science September 1 Apr non-EU/ 15 Jun EU February 15 Oct non-EU/ 15 Nov EU

Course information


Governance and Diversity in Developing Countries (10 EC)


Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Core course

Great Academic and Debates Professional in Political Skills Science (5 EC) (5 EC)

Elective seminar

Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Master’s Thesis (20 EC)

Master’s Thesis

* Examples of elective courses can be found on:

Career possibilities u Politics, Adminstration and Management:

as a Junior Policy Officer, Policy Advisor, Commercial or Regional Manager u Consultancy: as a Consultant, Business,

Chief or Commercial Advisor, Junior Adviser Public Affairs or Projectmanager u Research: as a Technical Analyst,

Research Adviser, Researcher u HRM: as a Customer Support Officer,

More information  nationalism Study Advisers: Daniëlle Lovink (Surname: A - K)  Rally Schwachöfer (Surname: L - Z)  r.j.t.m.s.schwachofer@

International Markets Coordinator u Media / Communications: as a Media and

Public Affairs Assistant, Communications Assistant u Finances: as a Financial Trainee or



Would you like to know what it’s like to study Political Science from a student’s perspective? Contact our student ambassador:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

Master specialisatie in

Nederlandse Politiek De Nederlandse politiek, die ooit zo stabiel was, is volop in beweging. Dat roept tal van interessante vragen op. Past ons politiek-bestuurlijke bestel nog bij de veranderende samenleving? Waarheen met Europa en onze nationale belang? Hoe zit het met gevestigde partijen, populistische nieuwkomers en een zwalkend electoraat? Je bestudeert hoe politiek Nederland anno nu functioneert, verdiept je in het denken en doen van de Nederlandse homo politicus — van kiezer tot en met premier — en analyseert hoe nationale en lokale instellingen bestuurlijk functioneren. Je doet kennis en inzichten op die je kunt gebruiken in je loopbaan als journalist, beleidsmedewerker, consultant, docent of politicus.

Waarom deze master volgen in Leiden?

Joost Vullings, alumnus “Als journalist loop ik iedere dag rond in het hart van onze parlementaire democratie. Het zoeken naar en het duiden van het nieuws verveelt nooit. Ik heb een heerlijk vak!”

u Het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap van de Universiteit Leiden is een van de grootste politicologische vakgroepen in Europa. Je wordt begeleid door kenners met een breed scala aan expertisegebieden. u Je verdiept je in de veerkracht van politieke instituties in het heden en verleden, en in de uitdagingen voor de landelijke en lokale democratie. Het programma biedt daarnaast gelegenheid om de internationale positie van Nederland te analyseren, ook in vergelijkend perspectief.

Bij ons leer je de wereld kennen

Feiten en cijfers

Taal: Duur: Titel: Start: Toelating: Start: Toelating:

Nederlands/Engels 1 jaar MSc in Political Science september 1 april niet-EU/ 15 juni EU februari 15 okt niet-EU/ 15 nov EU



Nederlandse Politieke Instituties (10 EC)


Keuze seminar (10 EC)*


Great Debates in Political Science (5 EC)

Keuze seminar

Methods in Political Science (5 EC)

Keuze seminar (10 EC)*

Master’s Thesis (20 EC)

Master’s Thesis

* Voorbeelden van keuzevakken vind je op:

Carrièreperspectieven u Media / Communicatie: als

Communicatiemedewerker, Journalist, Redacteur of Persvoorlichter u Beleid, Bestuur en Management:

als Beleidsadviseur, Raadsadviseur, Accountmanager, Commercieel Manager u Consultancy: als Consultant,

Bedrijfsadviseur, Commercieel Adviseur of Projectmanager

Meer informatie  nederlandsepolitiek Studieadviseurs: Daniëlle Lovink (Achternaam: A - K)  Rally Schwachöfer (Achternaam: L - Z)  r.j.t.m.s.schwachofer@

u Onderzoek: als Onderzoeksadviseur,

Onderzoeker, Technisch Analist u Juridische en Financiële sector: als



Zou je van een student willen weten hoe het is om Politieke Wetenschap te studeren. E-mail onze studentambassadeur:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

Master’s specialisation in

Parties, Parliaments and Democracy Do political parties still perform their representational function? This is one of the main questions facing modern democracy. You will be addressing this and other questions both theoretically and empirically in the Master’s specialisation Parties, Parliaments and Democracy. In this specialisation, you will explore the strengths and weaknesses of representative democracy. How does the success of populist parties reshape electoral and legislative politics? Is trust in political institutions really declining as is often claimed? What is the role of the media in election campaigns? You will study the causes of these developments as well as the consequences, with an eye for possible solutions for the most pressing issues of today’s modern democracies.

Manon Reuters, alumna

Why this specialisation at Leiden University?

‘As a consultant in Brussels, I explain to people and companies how the European Union works and how and at what time they can influence policy making. Every day I benefit from the skills I gained during my studies.’

u Leiden’s Institute of Political Science is one of the largest political science departments in Europe. It accommodates a wide range of (sub)disciplines and research interests. u Besides studying interesting themes, you will also familiarise yourself with the stateof-theart in social and political science literature and research skills.

Facts and figures Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:

Discover the world at Leiden University

English 1 year MSc in Political Science September 1 Apr non-EU/ 15 Jun EU February 15 Oct non-EU/ 15 Nov EU

Course information



Core courses

Great Democracy, Political Parties Debates and the Challenges of in Political Representation Science (10 EC) (5 EC) Elective seminar (10 EC)* Elective seminar

Methods in Political Science (5 EC)

Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Master’s Thesis (20 EC)

Master’s Thesis

* Examples of elective courses can be found on:

Career possibilities u Politics, Adminstration and Management:

as a Junior Policy Officer, Policy Advisor, Commercial or Regional Manager u Consultancy: as a Consultant, Business,

Chief or Commercial Advisor, Junior Adviser Public Affairs or Projectmanager u Research: as a Technical Analyst,

Research Adviser, Researcher u HRM: as a Customer Support Officer,

More information  parties Study Advisers: Daniëlle Lovink (Surname: A - K)  Rally Schwachöfer (Surname: L - Z)  r.j.t.m.s.schwachofer@

International Markets Coordinator u Media / Communications: as a Media and

Public Affairs Assistant, Communications Assistant u Finances: as a Financial Trainee or



Would you like to know what it’s like to study Political Science from a student’s perspective? Contact our student ambassador:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

Master’s specialisation in Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice Legitimacy and justice are political philosophy’s core themes, and this programme addresses questions that belong to the fundamentals of politics, such as citizenship and political obligation. Why should one obey the law? Why does the state have the authority over its citizens? What are the implications of migration and secession? What is justice, and to what extent is justice global? Immersing yourself in theories, methodology and complex cases, you will make the leap from opinion to analysis. Challenge yourself and confront today’s pressing political issues with insight and impact!

Prof. dr. Paul Nieuwenburg

Why this specialisation at Leiden University?

‘What I like about the programme is the combination of theoretical analysis and application to current political issues. This is beautifully reflected in students’ assignments: I see them turn into keen political analysts with a solid grounding in theory. The best of both worlds.’

u Leiden’s Institute of Political Science is one of the largest political science departments in Europe. It accommodates a wide range of (sub)disciplines and research interests. u Besides studying interesting themes, you will also familiarise yourself with the stateof-theart in social and political science literature and research skills.

Facts and figures Language: Duration: Degree: Start: Admission: Start: Admission:

Discover the world at Leiden University

English 1 year MSc in Political Science September 1 Apr non-EU/ 15 Jun EU February 15 Oct non-EU/ 15 Nov EU

Course information


Legitimacy and Political Obligation (10 EC)


Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Core course

Great Debates in Political Science (5 EC)

Elective seminar

Methods in Political Science (5 EC)

Elective seminar (10 EC)*

Master’s Thesis (20 EC) Master’s Thesis

* Examples of elective courses can be found on:

Career possibilities u Politics, Adminstration and Management:

as a Junior Policy Officer, Policy Advisor, Commercial or Regional Manager u Consultancy: as a Consultant, Business,

Chief or Commercial Advisor, Junior Adviser Public Affairs or Projectmanager u Research: as a Technical Analyst,

Research Adviser, Researcher u HRM: as a Customer Support Officer,

More information  legitimacy Study Advisers: Daniëlle Lovink (Surname: A - K)  Rally Schwachöfer (Surname: L - Z)  r.j.t.m.s.schwachofer@

International Markets Coordinator u Media / Communications: as a Media and

Public Affairs Assistant, Communications Assistant u Finances: as a Financial Trainee or



Would you like to know what it’s like to study Political Science from a student’s perspective? Contact our student ambassador:  info.mscpoliticalscience@

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