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Covid-19 Community Pledge
As a member of the UEL community, I am committed to keeping myself and our community healthy and safe from the spread of Covid-19. I pledge to take the following actions: • Complete UEL’s Daily Health Update before I come to campus • Stay home if I think I have symptoms of Covid-19, or if I have tested positive for the virus. I will follow government guidance on self-isolating • Check in when I arrive and leave campus, using the UEL Safezone app • Wear a face covering on campus, unless I have an exemption • Practise physical distancing of two metres, where possible, and avoid large gatherings and parties • Engage with all campus capacity notifications and
University health communications • Follow directional signage, including one-way systems • Practise good hygiene, including regular handwashing and use of hand sanitiser • Follow government advice on using public transport safely when travelling to and from campus • Support and encourage other members of the
University community to follow this pledge • Behave with kindness and respect towards others • Stay up-to-date on NHS and government guidance, and check my
University emails for regular Covid-secure updates and guidance