Chancellor's Fund Newsletter (Issue 20)

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Issue 20 October 2014 Chancellor’s Fund at the University of Glasgow

Welcome from the Chancellor Your gifts to the Chancellor’s Fund provide a way to support innovative projects that have an impact across the whole University, enabling projects that enrich the student experience, support excellence in research and teaching, and enhance the physical and cultural heritage of the University.

The Baxter Research Robot stacking blocks in the Sir Alwyn Williams Building

The robotics revolution: the Baxter Research Robot comes to Glasgow The Chancellor’s Fund has made an award of £10,000 to support the costs of a Baxter Research Robot, a state-of-the-art bi-manual humanoid robot which will be used for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research in the School of Computing Science. Advanced robotics systems are now used in a wide range of applications, from traditional domains such as manufacturing and vehicle guidance to new domains such as robotic surgery and care for the elderly. Despite the complexity of robot control and sensing, Baxter is an intrinsically safe robot that will give undergraduate and postgraduate students direct experience of programming, developing and investigating robotics systems using tools and systems previously only available to the most advanced research labs. Using the operating software ROS, a freely available platform for robot control and applications, students will gain handson experience in testing new ideas and challenging robotics-based projects. Baxter will also be used in teaching for exploring topics such as computer vision applications, software engineering,

artificial intelligence, machine learning, information retrieval and big data. Baxter’s new home is a showcase glass-walled laboratory in the foyer of the Sir Alwyn Williams Building. Dr Paul Siebert, Reader in Computing Science, said: ‘He has already proved to be enormously popular with open day visitors and will hopefully attract and inspire the best student applicants to Glasgow. The Chancellor’s Fund award to secure Baxter’s acquisition, which has been matched by the school and by the College of Science and Engineering’s Dean of Learning & Teaching, will help us build on our current research base to provide an outstanding student experience, expand our capacity for robotics research and help to show that we are at the forefront of teaching and research in advanced robotics systems.’

One of the key aims of the Chancellor’s Fund is to support the learning environment by providing access to new technologies and enhanced facilities. I hope you enjoy reading about the Baxter Research Robot your gifts have helped the School of Computing Science purchase, and how he will engage and challenge our students. You can also read about an innovative approach to learning for our Bachelor of Education (Music) students, who are developing activities to integrate new arrivals in schools hosting children who have come from other countries; and an update on the front-cover story in our last issue, the Great War Project. An increasing number of applications are being made to the Fund and we can usually only make a grant towards half of these. We are therefore particularly grateful for your regular gifts which ensure a steady income stream to support projects and allow our students to continue to benefit.

Professor Kenneth Calman Chancellor

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