Salford Environmental Consultancy: Salford Archaeology Leaflet

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HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICES Salford Archaeology, a CIfA accredited organisation, provide a complete range of commercial, academic and engagement based archaeological and heritage services throughout the UK. Based at the heart of the University of Salford campus, with strong links to the academic community, we are uniquely placed for our multi-disciplined client focused specialists to deal with all of your heritage projects and archaeological requirements. Our extensive knowledge, forward looking outlook and construction aligned professional staff will provide you with a risk management approach and delivery that you can rely on.

CONSULTANCY / Consultancy and Advice / Heritage Statements and Appraisals / Desk-based Assessments / Environmental Impact Assessments


/ Visual Impact Assessments

/ Built Heritage Statements

/ Conservation Management Plans

/ Historic Building Recording / Metric Survey / 3D Laser Scanning

FIELDWORK / Mitigation and Excavations

/ Drone Surveys / Conservation Advice / CAD, REVIT, 3D Modelling

/ Trial Trenching and Evaluation / Watching Briefs


/ Topographic Survey / Landscape Survey


/ Community Excavations

/ Post-excavation Assessments / Artefact Analysis / 3D Visualisations

ENGAGEMENT / Local Stakeholder Engagement / Open Days / Schools Outreach / Workshops / Lectures / Seminars

/ Publication / Popular Publication / Promotional Material

CONSULTANCY Salford Archaeology provide expert guidance to our clients to help them identify and manage heritage issues and harness potential opportunities. Our Services include: Desk-based Assessments – determining the extent and nature of archaeological remains, the impact of development and recommended solutions for their management. Environmental Impact Assessments – providing detailed archaeological or cultural heritage technical assessments for large and complex projects. Heritage Statements and Impact Assessments – assessing the significance of above ground built heritage assets, including their setting, and the impact of development, in support of planning applications and heritage consents. Heritage Consents – guidance with Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments and conservation area consents and other strategic heritage issues. Preparation of Conservation and Heritage Management Plans for historic sites including Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens and World Heritage Sites.

ENGAGEMENT FIELDWORK Archaeological fieldwork and surveys are the core of our business. Focussing on delivering archaeological and heritage services in advance of construction work, We can deliver tailored archaeological and heritage services, providing you with cost effective and sustainable solutions that minimise the risks to your development projects. Our team of experts have the capacity and experience to deliver pre or post-planning archaeological assessment and mitigation works across the UK. We provide tailored, practical and pragmatic solutions to the results which are aimed at providing you with the most cost effective and sustainable solutions to minimise your risk during construction. Salford Archaeology are a CIFA Registered Organisation and hold ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.

BUILT HERITAGE Salford Archaeology has a built heritage and survey team that specialises in the recording and understanding of historic buildings. We offer an extensive range of services to clients, from rapid appraisal surveys to 3D measured survey and detailed analytical research. Our experienced team regularly works on structures of all periods – from medieval castles and timber-framed buildings, to 19th- and 20th-century industrial structures and housing – working on behalf of individual clients, major developers, and national bodies, to provide solutions enabling you to meet your heritage requirements. Salford Archaeology use the latest technologies to embrace the growing field of Heritage BIM, allowing detailed collaboration throughout the project team on small and large-scale renovation projects. Not only can we provide cost-efficient, accurate data for design teams, in the form of detailed metric survey but also advise on archaeological mitigation requirements, and heritage-led design.

DISSEMINATION At Salford Archaeology we recognise the importance of sharing the results of what we undertake in the most appropriate format. Whether this is to you, your stakeholders, your wider company, the local authority or to members of the public, we provide appropriate positive dissemination of results in a timely, concise and informed manner. Through detailed technical reports, academic or popular publications we possess a track record of delivery. We provide our clients with the outputs that achieve their statutory aims and planning requirements in the most appropriate means of dissemination. In addition to traditional text based approaches we also cater for digital dissemination in a variety of different media and formats in order to have the maximum impact for your target audience.

Heritage is all around us and can be a passionate and emotive subject appealing to a diverse audience. We work with our clients to help promote a project’s heritage engagement and access potential within the local community by creating relevant opportunities for involvement. Engagement activities often vary due to scale and appropriateness. Salford Archaeology can design a programme of activities that creates the maximum meaningful impact for our clients. Some of the most successful engagement activities on past projects have included open days, online or in person lectures, guided talks, education visits and community-led excavations. Activities can include on site or external settings and are tailored to each group’s needs and the stakeholders’ opportunities and requirements. We are always keen to utilise the appeal of archaeology and heritage engagement to promote positive stakeholder activities and messages.

We specialise in adding value to your project. We can, if you feel it appropriate, include local stakeholders and the wider community, and through heritage engagement experiences, bring them together with you. For more information on how we can support you and your business, please feel free to get in touch at:

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