2019–2020 Issue 2
Building a Franciscan Future... Together, in Our Second Century! Dear Members of the USF Family, Welcome to the latest issue of Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine! This publication is one way the University of St. Francis strives to remain connected to you—our alumni, our friends, our parents, our employees and our supporters—in short, our USF family. Throughout calendar year 2020, we’ll be celebrating our 100th year of supporting our students! As we celebrate this centennial moment for the University of St. Francis, we recognize that if we have seen further—or accomplished more—than others, it is because we stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before us. These giants, of course, began with those who founded our institution—including Mother M. Thomasine Frye (our first president), who dreamed that we “always remain Franciscan”—as well the hundreds of our Sisters who have served at, attended, and/or prayed for the College of St. Francis, and then the University of St. Francis. These giants also include the hundreds of lay faculty, administrators, and staff members who, like me, have been called to serve and to lead in support of our mission. These remain challenging times for higher education, but through the leadership of our Board of Trustees, and by following in the example of our Sisters, we have strengthened the strategic and financial position of the University of St. Francis in order to ensure that we will be able to continue to prepare women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership. Indeed, our Franciscan heritage keeps us focused on our students— ensuring that we provide programs that meet their needs at a cost they can afford. As a result, we are investing in faculty and staff members who are called to be servant leaders, we are inviting our alumni to participate in advisory boards and student mentoring (as well as to support financially the university!), and we are working to be a partner to and a pride for the Joliet region and the communities that we serve. Throughout its first 100 years, USF has maintained its focus on offering a Catholic, comprehensive educational experience—rooted in the liberal arts and challenged by our Franciscan values and charism—to each and every student. What began as a “teachers’ college” to realize our Sisters’ mission, USF has grown into a nationally-ranked, awardwinning university offering on-campus and online bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. So pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy this latest update about what’s happening at your USF. And, as always, please know that I continue to consider myself incredibly blessed to serve as your president and promise to continue to work hard to earn the trust that you have placed in me.
Peace and all good things,
Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. President University of St. Francis
Engaging Mind & Spirit is published three times each academic year by USF’s Institutional Advancement and Marketing Services offices. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to Julie Futterer ’93, ’18, director of marketing services and magazine editor, at 815-740-3826 or jfutterer@stfrancis.edu. To join in our efforts to reduce waste, contact Penny Basso at 815-740-3748 or pbasso@stfrancis.edu if this magazine includes an incorrect address for the intended recipient, if you prefer to receive it electronically, or if you would like to be removed from the mailing list. Content Chuck Buetel Jessica Conte Dave DiLorenzo Julie Futterer Sr. Mary Elizabeth Imler, OSF Jessica Peek Kristin Short David Veenstra Other USF employees, alumni, students & friends
2 8 10 14 18 24 28 The Centennial Campain
Campus History
A Look Back at Athletics
Curator of the USF Centennial
100 Years of Memories
USF Presidents 1926-1969
USF History Part 1
Imagery Don Bersano - Bersano Photography Cherry Hill Studios Jessica Conte Dave DiLorenzo Matt Grotto - Grotto Media Inc. Lorene Kennard - USF Archives Jennifer Moore Nicole Salow Other USF employees, alumni, students & friends Design Nicole Salow Printing & Distribution St. Croix Press, Inc. | stcroixpress.com
Our Mission As a Catholic university rooted in the liberal arts, we are a welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism, engaged in a continuous pursuit of knowledge, faith, wisdom, and justice, and ever mindful of a tradition that emphasizes reverence for creation, compassion, and peace-making. We strive for academic excellence in all programs, preparing women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership.
University of St. Francis 500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435 800-735-7500 | stfrancis.edu
By 1920, when the University of St. Francis began, the legacy of the Franciscan Sisters’ commitment to Catholic education and progressing their community was already deeply embedded in Joliet. They created and supported multiple institutions that complemented the development of the region, and without their strength and vision, the University of St. Francis would not exist today. The story of their path, and the values they imparted, provides insight into the character 2
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
and values of a now 100-year-old institution of higher learning, often referred to as “Joliet’s University.” The story begins in 1851 when a spirited young woman named Maria Catherine emigrated from Remich, Luxembourg to the United States with her sister, Catherine. The youngest daughter of a prosperous ironsmith, Maria was well-educated. She and her sister had attended boarding school, studying French and German, mathematics and architecture,
and such skills as sewing and painting— significant accomplishments at the time. Hoping to teach Native Americans, they traveled first to Milwaukee—a bustling but “plague-ridden” town like most frontier settlements, and desperately in need of schools, orphanages, and hospitals—before moving to South Bend, Indiana. There, the two sisters taught in parochial schools for the next seven years, eventually taking religious vows and receiving new names: Maria became Sister
Foundation THE JOLIET FRANCISCANS PAVE THE WAY FOR “JOLIET’S UNIVERSITY” by David Veenstra, USF Associate Professor of History
Alfred Moes and Catherine became Sister Barbara Moes. Seemingly looking for greater autonomy, they chose not to join the Indiana order, and instead pursued and joined the Third Order of St. Francis of Allegany, New York. The Sisters’ reputation for good teaching spread and they were asked to staff a new school in Joliet, Illinois. Founded in 1837, Joliet had been settled by laborers building the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Workers continued to pour into the region, lured by jobs in the limestone
quarries and the steel mills—industries that earned Joliet the nicknames “Stone City” and “City of Steel.” The immigrants initially needed help navigating American society. As they established stable homes, their children needed teachers. On November 2, 1863, Sister Alfred Moes and a companion arrived in Joliet to teach at St. John the Baptist school. A few students from Indiana followed them and Sister Barbara Moes came two years later. This small group became
the “first community of religious teachers in Joliet and Will County and the first Franciscan Sisterhood in Illinois.” In 1865, they were formally established as the Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate. Sister Alfred Moes was named their superior, becoming “Mother” Alfred Moes. Both the congregation and the number of students grew exponentially. Three times over the next few years, the Sisters enlarged their convent, which began as a small stone cottage Celebrating Our Centennial in 2019–2020
HISTORICAL TIMELINE 1865 | The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate established on August 2 by Mother Alfred Moes. 1869 | The Sisters open a boarding and day school for high school girls called “St. Francis Academy” (SFA). 1874 | The Sisters’ Normal Institute of higher learning—an institution created to train high school graduates to be teachers—was accredited. 1881 | The cornerstone of the current motherhouse was laid, with Sisters taking up residence there in 1882. 1912-1913 | A new academic wing on Taylor Street was added to the motherhouse to house growing educational programs. 1915 | During construction, the curriculum of St. Francis Academy grew and SFA reopened in a new space in September, affording more separation between academy students and the Sisters. 1920 | The first college department was formed by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Imaculate as an extension of the academy. The original 1874 State of Illinois charter was amended in 1920 to read, “The object of the Association shall be: to found, establish and maintain institutions of learning devoted to the education of young ladies, and divided into several departments or colleges of Liberal Arts, Science, Philosophy, Literatures, Fine Arts, Music, Domestic Arts and Sciences, and the various commercial branches.” That same year, a nurses’ training school that had educated only Sisters since 1911 opened to the laity as “Saint Joseph School of Nursing”—a separate entity sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. 1922 | Tower Hall was built to provide additional space for the academy and to free up space in the Motherhouse for the growing college. On October 27, 1922, the first nursing class graduates with a total of 18 students (ten Sisters and eight laywomen). 1924 | Sr. Priscilla Sapp, OSF, R.N., Ed.D., a Franciscan Sister of the Sacred Heart, was appointed director of the School of Nursing—a position she held for over forty years. 1925 | The college department became a formal two-year junior college called “Assisi Junior College” with 13 students enrolled; construction began on new Guardian Angel Home facilities (USF’s current St. Clare Campus). 1926 | Mother Thomasine Frye, OSF becomes first president. 1930 | A senior college curriculum was established, and a new name, the College of St. Francis (CSF), was adopted. CSF was given bachelor’s degree-granting authority. 1933 | The Alumni Association was formed. 1935 | A course affiliation program between CSF’s College of Nursing and the Saint Joseph Hospital School of Nursing began. 1936 | Faculty member Dr. Frank Weberg instigated the Papal Peace Program and arranged for the Midwest International Peace Conference of the Catholic Association to be held on campus. Shortly after, the Red Cross depended on CSF for training preparedness and the college was later designated as a Civil Defense Shelter.
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
near the corner of Broadway and Division streets. In 1869, they began teaching in-house, both as a boarding and day school. They also cared for orphans. Initially calling the school “St. Francis Select School for Girls,” the Sisters eventually chartered it with the state of Illinois and named it “St. Francis Academy.” This beginning to the Sisters’ educational impact in Joliet established important precedents for providing access for young women to quality education. Life at the academy and convent was hectic. Everyone lived together under the same roof: Sisters, novices, postulants, boarding students and orphans. Girls aged 3–20 from across the country took courses in English and French as well as science, mathematics and business. Sisters learned to teach by apprenticing as part of their “Normal Institute,” with many going on to establish schools of their own. Everyone pitched in with gardening, cleaning, and fetching groceries. To make ends meet, they also started a small enterprise making artificial flower arrangements for special occasions around the city. The work was accompanied by cultural broadening. Mother Alfred Moes bought a used piano and gave lessons to the students. The academy also offered classes in advanced painting and embroidery, hosted neighborhood plays, and brought in guest speakers—fostering an environment similar in many ways to that of Hull House, which was founded in Chicago several decades later. The enterprise quickly outgrew the walls of the convent and academy. Rather than expand from their location, which was located just a block from the I&M Canal and often smelled of waste from Chicago, the Sisters made plans for
A full St. Francis Academy classroom, 1892.
a new building at the site where Nowell Park is presently located. Their blueprints were impressive: plans called for constructing a three-story, E-shaped building, complete with a gymnasium, bowling alley, and even a museum. Mother Alfred Moes “craved action,” as one biographer noted. She also seemed determined to enlarge Catholic women’s roles in the emerging American society. This attitude served her well initially, and she received a broad license for ministry and making improvements. But in 1870, Bishop Thomas Foley of Chicago took charge of regional matters. He worked tirelessly in the aftermath of the Chicago Fire to rebuild the church in the city. Having been trained in the city on the East Coast, however, he understood little of frontier life and failed to appreciate the entrepreneurial leadership practiced by Mother Alfred Moes. Thus, when presented with the congregation’s plans to expand the convent and school, he turned them down. Bishop Foley then insisted that the order elect a new superior. Precisely what caused the clash is unclear, but plainly the two held different visions of what was best for both the congregation and for Joliet. Soon thereafter, the congregation fielded a request to open a new school in Rochester, Minnesota. Mother Alfred Moes agreed to lead the project—an endeavor that led to her co-founding St. Marys Hospital, now part of the world-famous Mayo Clinic. Bishop Foley then formally separated her from the Joliet congregation, and gave the Sisters ten days to choose a side. Ninety-two Sisters continued as Joliet Franciscans while 25 went to Minnesota.
TOP LEFT: The motherhouse as it used to be in the school’s early days. TOP RIGHT: Mother Alfred Moes, founder of the Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate. ABOVE: Minim Class (younger students) at St. Francis Academy during its last full academic year before closing to external students, 1904.
During the next few decades, Joliet experienced rapid population and economic growth. Alongside these came difficulties. Typhoid fever hit in 1881, and smallpox in 1882. Newspapers often reported that hospitals crowded beyond capacity were combatting pneumonia, whooping cough and other diseases. Harvests failed and food shortages were reported regularly. The Sisters persisted and grew their work amidst these hardships. In 1880, they purchased property bounded by Taylor and Wilcox streets, partnering with Joliet
businesses—pledging that an educational institution and new motherhouse would be built. Construction began the following year, with the congregation taking up residence in 1882. With part of the building dedicated to instruction, this move to the current motherhouse laid the foundations for the modern University of St. Francis. The old convent was sold to the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart and they quickly converted it into a functional hospital, complete with 20 beds (the humble beginnings of Saint Joseph Medical Center, now owned by
AMITA Health). The Joliet Franciscans also purchased a small cottage behind the motherhouse in 1896 to provide complete care for orphans—particularly very young children. Within a year, the number of children under the Sisters’ care increased to 19, so they purchased an estate on Buell Avenue, which they named Guardian Angel Home. Later, in 1925, the Sisters expanded even further, building new Guardian Angel Home facilities where USF’s St. Clare Campus is now located. St. Francis Academy continued to grow, drawing young women from across the Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Midwest. The big boon, however, came with the publicity they received after taking out a booth at the Chicago’s World’s Fair in 1893, with the students winning the highest award. By the turn of the century, Joliet was maturing, growing from limestone quarrying and steel production to manufacturing of all sorts. Brick factories, foundries, machine companies and breweries quickly sprung up. Enrollment at the academy also expanded, stretching beyond the limits of the buildings and the faculty, forcing the Sisters to temporarily close the doors to external pupils. To fill this void, alumnae of the academy, the City of Joliet and various friends helped fund the construction of a new academic wing to the motherhouse—now known as Donovan Hall. In 1915, the congregation celebrated its 50th anniversary with the reopening of St. Francis Academy, which continued in the motherhouse until the Sisters built a new school on Larkin Avenue in 1956. (SFA later merged with the all-male Joliet Catholic High School in 1990, becoming Joliet Catholic Academy.) Joliet’s development meant increasing opportunities for young women with access to advanced education to realize these opportunities. This need, along with the academy’s continued success, caused the
Sisters to consider opening a college. Catholic women’s colleges were beginning to debut throughout the United States, but unlike most other Catholic women’s colleges that launched under the patronage of a men’s institution, the Sisters would be on their own. Equally important, Joliet Junior College—the first junior college in the nation—had recently opened on the other side of town and promised to provide competition. Undeterred, in 1920, the Sisters amended the academy’s original charter to offer college courses, responding to—in their words—the “urgent appeals of their friends and to a demand for a Catholic institution for young women of Joliet and vicinity.” Classes began that fall at what was simply called the “New College.” Mother Vincent Hunk, a protégé and close friend of Mother Alfred Moes, oversaw the inauguration of the college. They initially provided instruction for the congregation and the Sisters of St. Francis of the Sacred Heart, along with nursing students at St. Joseph School of Nursing, which also opened in 1920. But it was Mother Thomasine Frye—an educator who had been instrumental in staffing Illinois schools with teachers— who insisted on the academic diversity and excellence that would sustain the college’s growth.
LEFT: Mother Thomasine Frye, OSF, first president of Assisi Junior College. BELOW: In early archive photos from the 1920s, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate provided nursing instruction for their congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis of the Sacred Heart, and St. Joseph School of Nursing students.
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
LEFT: Assisi Junior College students pose on the steps of the wing of the motherhouse now called Donovan Hall. RIGHT: Laying the cornerstone of Tower Hall, 1922.
Vetting their academic plans with other institutions, the Sisters chose to begin as a junior college before becoming a four-year institution. They initially planned to name the school Illini College, but after discussions with the Cardinal of Chicago and University of Illinois, they decided on Assisi Junior College. In 1922, the Sisters began construction of Tower Hall at the corner of Wilcox and Taylor Streets to provide space for the academy and student dorms, and to free up space in the motherhouse for college coursework. In 1925, Assisi Junior College opened to the public, and shortly thereafter, Mother Thomasine Frye became the college’s first president. Thirteen students from both the congregation and community enrolled in classes at Assisi Junior College in its first year. At the end of the term, the state of Illinois gave the college approval to issue teaching certificates—an early step toward accreditation, which was granted a few years later. Over the next five years, enrollment increased to 92. All the faculty were Sisters, except for one layperson hired to teach physical education for all freshmen. Courses were taught in dedicated classrooms—English in one room, sciences in another, and so forth. Uniforms, consisting of a “simple one-piece dress of black flat crepe, and white collars and
cuffs of the same materials,” were mandated. For chapel, students donned a black beret.
publishing academic work, and participating in academic conferences.
Most students lived on campus in dorm rooms located in Tower Hall. They interacted regularly with the community: entertaining orphans at Guardian Angel Home, holding plays at the elementary school, and collecting books and magazines for distribution to the inmates at the local prison. The Assisi Prom, also known as “Ye Collegiate Hoppe,” was held in the spring at the Joliet Country Club. During the 1927-1928 academic year, a basketball team was organized and played several intramural games against local teams, as well as two intercollegiate contests against DePaul in Chicago. Other sports offerings included tennis, volleyball and croquet.
Mother Thomasine Frye continued to serve as the college president until 1938, when the college received accreditation recognition from the North Central Association of Colleges and Universities (later becoming the Higher Learning Commission). At the conclusion of her tenure, she said with satisfaction and hope that this time marked the “end of the beginning” of the College of St. Francis. She was right. The small enterprise, which began with a day school and orphanage, had grown and adapted to the needs of the people of Joliet, through the congregation of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, St. Francis Academy, and by 1930, the College of St. Francis.
In 1930, the curriculum grew to a four-year format. With that, the Sisters formally established the College of St. Francis, which received bachelor’s degree-granting authority as a class “A” institution. Under Mother Thomasine Frye’s guidance, the college began offering majors in liberal arts, English, teachers’ training, business, science and journalism— offering curricula that prepared students for careers and admission to graduate programs. The faculty, too, became increasingly specialized—pursuing advanced degrees,
The University of St. Francis story will continue being told in all three issues of Engaging Mind & Spirit in the centennial year. We look forward to continuing to share our rich history with you!
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Mother Thomasine Frye, OSF
Sister Aniceta Guyette, OSF
Mother Thomasine Frye became the first named president of the one-year-old Assisi Junior College in 1926. Under her direction, the college became a senior college in 1930 and gained accreditation with North Central Association by 1938. She encouraged faculty members to do research study, to join learned societies, and to participate in educational programs. Mother Thomasine Frye felt the most important thing about a student’s education was a faculty equipped with knowledge in subject matter, enthusiastic in their teaching, and exemplars of scholarship, culture and virtue.
Sister Aniceta Guyette became the second president of the College of St. Francis in 1938. During her 15-year term as president, she emphasized quality education for both faculty and students. In her term, the college was invited to join two national student honor societies: Kappa Gamma Pi, organized by geographic regions; and Delta Epsilon Sigma, organized by local college chapters. During Sister Aniceta Guyette’s term was the beginning of inspiring student life. Many clubs, organizations, and volunteer opportunities were very evident during this time. Philosophy and Theology were also approved to be majors for students who wanted to teach.
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
Sister Elvira Bredel, OSF
Sister Anita Marie Jochem, OSF
Before Sister Elvira Bredel became president of the College of St. Francis in 1953, she was on the committee board that organized a student government and drew up the first student government handbook. When she became president, she organized the Lay Advisory Board and the President’s Council. During her presidency, CSF gained membership in the Associated Colleges of Illinois and established a graduate program in theology. Sister Elvira Bredel oversaw the first remodeling of Tower Hall in 1955, a change that added additional dorms in Tower Hall. The chemistry department was also moved to St. Albert Hall, where a science lecture hall was created.
Prior to being the fourth president of the College of St. Francis, Sister Anita Marie Jochem had been a member of the English department for five years. Once president, she was eventually listed in Who’s Who of American Women and the Dictionary of International Biographies. She was the founder of the adult education division at CSF, and spoke on local WJOL and WJRC radio programs about the role of women’s colleges. There was a steady growth of enrollment, an increase in faculty, and a new residence hall and new library added during Sister Anita Marie Jochem’s tenure as president. Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
100 Frances (Bozich) Gale ’40 is University of St. Francis’ oldest living alumna and is celebrating her 100th birthday while the University of St. Francis celebrates its centennial in 2020. Just like the university, she has many memories that continue to inspire her, and they are fond memories to be sure. “She remembers a lot about her experiences in nursing school,” said Gale’s daughter, Virginia, who serves as a librarian at USF. Gale became a student at the then-St. Joseph School of Nursing (SJSN) in the late 1930s and graduated with 24 classmates. She majored in nursing, and really enjoyed studying general medical nursing care. Her favorite instructor was Miss Dwyer, an experienced nurse who taught both theory and practical nursing care. Gale also fondly remembers and still admires the many nuns who taught or were hospital nursing supervisors—“especially Sister Sylvina,” she said. She mentioned that the experienced hospital nurses were always willing to answer the students’ questions and pass along their knowledge.
of memories
moved to Chicago to work at Mercy Hospital for another year. Gale’s mother fell ill, and WWII called many nurses to enlist in the military (leaving a shortage at home) so Gale returned to Joliet and worked as a private duty nurse for most of her career—both in the hospital and in the home. She made a good living and was able to provide for her family. She also helped out various family members when they needed it. The nursing “blood” ran strong in Gale’s family. Ten members of her extended family became nurses, including six who have attended St. Joseph School of Nursing or USF over the course of 80 years: Marie (Pomatto) Richards ‘34, Gale’s eldest sister-in-law and the first nurse in the family, Patricia (Tonelli) Podnar ’52, Gale’s niece; Diane (Podnar) Calvert ’78, Gale’s great niece; Sherri (Trizzino) Knupp ’77,
Gale’s great niece; Beverly (Pomatto) Matuszewski ’80, Gale’s great niece and Kristin Matuszewski ’14, Gale’s great-great niece. Gale worked for nearly 40 years before retiring. After just one month of retirement, the hospital called Gale back to duty as a weekly volunteer. She took seniors’ blood pressure and served as a Eucharistic minister. Sometimes people just needed a shoulder to lean on, and Gale was there for them, providing the same care and compassion that she had provided as a nurse. Gale still returns to the University of St. Francis when possible to attend alumni events. She was at Homecoming & Reunion weekend this fall, where enjoyed meeting the new dean of the Leach College of Nursing and visiting with other LCON staff members and alumni.
Gale and many of her classmates lived in the dormitory, so they studied, worked and socialized together. They remained lifelong friends. It was worth the cost—Gale recalls that tuition while she was a student was $300 for three years, “which was a significant expense in the late 1930s,” said Gale. Tuition included room and board. It was payable in advance and non-refundable. Gale believes that she received a good education in nursing, both theoretical and practical, through her education which included daily experiences at school and in the hospital. Students studied in class for four hours, then worked in the hospital for four hours. She’s grateful that she was equipped with the skills to earn a living while doing work that brought her fulfillment. After graduating, Gale worked as a nurse at St. Joseph Hospital in Joliet for a year, then 10
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
Frances Gale ‘40 at a 2014 reunion with USF’s president, Dr. Arvid Johnson. RIGHT: Frances Gale, 1940.
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
RIDING ON Patricia (Reavley ‘69) and Bill Hunnewell, the couple from USF’s iconic “tandem bike” picture, visited campus recently for Pat’s 60th reunion. The couple doesn’t bike anymore, but they were thrilled to see their picture hanging near the Welcome Center in the Motherhouse.
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Tucked in the top-floor corner of the LaVerne & Dorothy Brown Library is the office of USF’s archivist, Lorene Kennard, who has become a special kind of curator as the “overseer” of many of USF’s centennial projects. On the daily, you will find her cataloging historic memorabilia and pulling photos and information for other departments to use in centennial projects. Funny enough, when interviewing for the position in 2018, Kennard was not aware that USF was heading into its centennial, so she hit the ground running during her first week on the job.
“I was happy to dive in head first, though. Actual projects are a great way to get to know the collection,” Kennard noted. Kennard studied communications and English at Illinois State, then attended University of South Carolina for her master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Kennard has worked as a corporate librarian, public library director and freelance researcher and consultant. It was her work with local history collections within public libraries that sparked her interest in becoming an archivist. “It’s always fun to see the history of an organization,” she said. At USF, Kennard has begun streamlining the archives’ processes so that items can be provided more quickly to requesters. “When I started here, I tried to think of 14
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collections of items that people might ask for annually or on a regular basis, like class photos, pictures of presidents and Caritas invites. So we found them, scanned them and they are now easily available for me to provide when someone calls looking for their grandma’s graduation photo from 1937, which has happened,” Kennard explained.
PREPARING FOR THE CENTENNIAL Getting ready to celebrate a centennial is no small task. Kennard expressed what it has been like to prepare for it. “It’s been really great learning about our history as I work on projects. I have had quite a few large projects that have taken a lot of time to complete. The largest project was finding items for the collage art piece that is being designed for the centennial and will hang in Tower Hall. Almost half of the 100 items in the collage are from the USF Archives. The people on campus who have been working on centennial projects started planning really early, so we had the time we needed to really dig in and find what they needed,” she explained. With 100 years under USF’s belt, one can just imagine the rich history that can be explored through the archives. Kennard shared some of the oldest items she has seen. “We have the letter our first student wrote to apply to be admitted. We also have some nursing caps from the 1930s,” she noted. However, because the archives are only about ten years old, a lot of history has been lost, and the archives have relied heavily on items and information alumni and friends have given back to the university. So history does not repeat itself, Kennard actively reaches out to the campus community to gather current items like T-shirts, brochures, photos and
more—collecting now so they will be available when current students gather for future alumni events and reunions. “Students have been emailing me photos of them and their friends on campus. I really want to collect items from students because that’s the fun stuff to look at in 30, 40 or 50 years. It’s fun to look at hairstyles, shoes and clothing from every era,” Kennard explained.
CALL FOR ST. FRANCIS MEMORABILIA The archives can always use items that tell the unique stories of the school and its Saints. Anyone is welcome to contribute items from their time at St. Francis. “I would love to receive anything members of our alumni community value from their time at USF. Photos are the best way to document our time in history, but I would love scrapbooks or flyers or anything that a student or professor may have saved. If they are not willing to donate their items to the archive, I can borrow, scan and return them,” Kennard explained. If you have St. Francis items you would like to share, please email Kennard at lkennard@ stfrancis.edu. In the meantime, you can browse USF’s online archive collections at library. stfrancis.edu/archive.html or stop by the campus library. Kennard sifts through archive documents.
Catherine Mulcahy’s 1927 graduation photo and the letter she penned in 1925 when she committed to enroll at what the sisters originally planned to call “Illini College” before choosing the name “Assisi Junior College.” Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
WE ARE ONE (HUNDRED!) Students, parents, faculty, staff and alumni joined together with Bernie and USF President Arvid Johnson during halftime of the 2019 Homecoming game to show pride in turning 100!
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2019–2020
Athletics A LO O K B AC K AT
BY CHU CK BE U TE L , U S F V I C E PR ES I DEN T E M ERITU S Many collegiate sports followers might point to 1976 as the beginning of athletics at the University of St. Francis, but the record books go back much further. 1927 marks the first year for athletics at St. Francis with the establishment of a women’s basketball team. The first year’s schedule included games against DePaul University in Chicago. The team was led by coach Marion Ahlberg with the team captain Evelyn Meade. Uniforms at that time were gold jerseys with brown “bloomers.” Other sport offerings grew to include tennis, volleyball and croquet.
In 1932, the College joined the WAA (Women’s Athletic Association). Three new tennis courts were built on campus near the corner of Wilcox and Douglas streets (on the site of the current Brown Science Hall) in 1935. Two years later, the women’s tennis team qualified for the WAA Tournament. The 1940s saw limited sports as the focus seemed to switch to intramural activity, or teams from each class (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors) competing against each other. There were no references to sports in archived materials found from the 50s and 60s.
1940s | Students Playing Tennis
The early 70s saw intramurals played at Farragut Elementary School. In 1972, athletics officially “returned” to campus with the hiring of Elmer Bell as athletic director and baseball coach, and Bob Penosky as men’s basketball coach. Indoor sports were played at the St. Francis Academy gym (the all-female high school run by USF’s founding sisters—now coed and known as Joliet Catholic Academy) and baseball played at a very undeveloped field behind the academy. CSF’s athletes were called the Falcons and wore uniforms of purple and gold. In 1973, a men’s running program (cross country) was established by Coach Tom Brunick. The team was the first intercollegiate marathon team in the world and was recognized in the U.S. Congressional Record as cited by Sen. Charles Percy (Illinois) and reported on in the September 1973 issue of Runner’s World magazine. In 1975, the school’s “atrium” was permanently converted into an intramural gym and intramural sports were moved back to campus along with practice for some sports activities. In 1976, athletics got a major boost with the hiring of legendary coach Gordie Gillespie, who felt that as a historically women’s college, St. Francis should have women’s sports again. He hired Coach Sue Krsnich as women’s athletic director. Krsnich served as tennis and volleyball coach. He also hired another up-and-coming local coach, Patrick Sullivan, as men’s athletic director and men’s 18
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1980s | Gordie Gillespie
1981 | Pat Sullivan
1990s | Bernie Mascot
basketball coach. Women’s basketball was also resurrected and coached by none other than Coach Gillespie himself. That same year, a lease arrangement was made with the Joliet National Guard Armory on Jefferson Street to play indoor sports (women’s volleyball and basketball, and men’s basketball) there. The Armory also served as an indoor practice facility for baseball. Occasionally, practice had to be canceled or modified due to the fact that there was a military tank or jeep parked on the playing floor. The Armory was rehabbed with the new team colors: brown and gold (symbolizing Franciscanism and excellence). The teams were renamed the “Fighting Saints” by Dr. John Orr with input from the athletic department and student leaders. A cheerleading program also began. Athletics expanded over the next decade with the addition of women’s softball in 1979, under the leadership of Ed Serdar, with play at Garnsey Field (later Stone City VFW, then Inwood), and men’s golf under the leadership of Jack Gallagher (who also served as vice president for student life). 1982 saw the inaugural years of men’s soccer under the leadership of Coach Mark Arabadjeif and women’s cross country led by Coach Mark Clarke. Many of the teams’ schedules were frequented by NCAA Division I teams such as Loyola, DePaul, Notre Dame, Illinois, Northwestern and the like. Even more impressive, St. Francis teams were frequently the victor in these matchups. Athletes were cheered on in the 1980s by the Sainted Friar. The logo depicted a muscular friar in a shortened habit with a halo over his head, standing in a fighting pose. (Later, in 1993, Bernie the St. Bernard became USF’s beloved new mascot.) 1986 was a pivotal year that saw the construction of a new recreation center and the establishment of a football program. Led by Coach Gillespie, who had won numerous state football championships at the high school level, the team was an instant success. Football games were played at Joliet Memorial Stadium. In only the second year, the team qualified for the national playoffs, only to lose in the first round. And in year three, the Saints almost defeated Illinois State University losing on a last-second field goal. In 1995, women’s soccer was initiated, and several teams followed including women’s golf and women’s track & field (2001), men’s track & field (2007), men’s and women’s bowling (2013) and competitive dance (2016). What might be most remarkable is the success USF’s teams have seen over the nearly 50 years that the athletics program has been in existence. In addition to frequent conference championships, the teams have had district tournament wins and made appearances in national tournaments... some taking home coveted national titles!
NATIONAL CHAMPIONS Current Bernie Mascot
1993 | Baseball 2012 | Men’s Cross Country 2016-17 | Women’s Bowling
2016-17 | Women’s Bowling
Baseball 1985 (3rd), 1989 (2nd), 1990 (3rd)
Women’s Cross Country 2019 (4th)
Women’s Basketball 2016-17 (T-3rd)
Softball 1982 (2nd)
Men’s Bowling 2018-19 (3rd)
Women’s Indoor Track & Field 2016-17 (4th)
Women’s Bowling 2014-15 (3rd)
Women’s Volleyball 1990 (4th)
Men’s Cross Country 1975 (4th), 2013 (4th), 2015 (4th), 2016 (2nd), 2018 (3rd) Celebrating Our Centennial in 2019–2020 1993 | Baseball
IN TEN WORDS, SHARE WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT BEING A SAINT! I feel welcomed and part of the community at USF. (Lacey Gardner -Elementary Education compassion. (Steve Midlock - Professor, Doctor of Education Programs) Love is kindness, and it is present at St. Francis. (Mary Mathieu - English and History Dou make me feel like being home. (Lien Chu - Accounting Major) The opportunity to make a positive difference in the community. (Syd Sklar - Professor, Recreatio my gifts with the community that first encouraged them. (Michelle Madura - Communications Coordinator, College of Education) Critical yet compassionate an Business & Health Administration) Adopting leadership roles shapes me into a more confident woman. (Liz Badalamenti - Marketing Major) To work in the footst and Management Double Major) Seeing USF graduates walk across the stage is my “why!” (Arlene Finkle - Assistant to the Vice President of Student & Alumni Affa ambassadors! (Annette Jelinek - Welcome Center Coordinator) Dedicated staff provides me with the knowledge needed to strive. (Sophia McClanahan - Social W opportunities they give me. (Josh Williams - Biology Major) The community, USF is my home away from home. (Avery Hannaig - Social Work Major) Family, com lives every day. (Tony Zordan - Professor of Accounting) Nice, friendly, caring, giving, honest, unique, terrific, perfect, great, beautiful. (Michael Johnson - Accoun USF has opened many opportunities for me through my major. (Lissett Leija - Math Secondary Education Major) Our mission, striving for it, and caring for one an Small community, big hearts, everlasting memories. (Courtney Joyce - History/Secondary Education Major) It is inspiring to work where Franciscan values are sh values to live by. (Sandee Sloka ’06 - Director of Graduate Admissions) Mentoring our students of today to become leaders of tomorrow (Omar Esquivel - Secu in-service teachers. (Madonna Murphy - Professor of Education) A welcoming community helping you expand your education and future (Danny Griskell - Busin here at USF. (Jordyn Day - Accounting Major) Spreading a culture of compassion across all people and places. (Terry Cottrell ‘99 - Vice President of Information and environment where everyone grows and learns. (Christine Slattery - Adjunct Instructor, Substance Abuse Counseling) I am a teacher trained by USF: Academi of Counseling & Wellness) United by our differences in the pursuit of truth. (Noah Kararo - Business Management Major) All the people who make a difference Major) USF: the medium through which I can pay it forward! (Leia Levy, Ed.D., RT(T) ’18 - Associate Professor, Radiation Therapy Program Director) Created a fa Administrative Assistant to the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences) USF is committed to the success of its students. (Makayla Turner - Business Managemen commitment. (Timothy Wade - Health Care Management Major) Supportive Teachers Faith Respect Authentic Noble Compassion Integrity and Service! (Joan G twenty-twenty, Our future looks bright. (Lorenzo Olivares - Security Officer) St. Francis gives so much back to the local community. (Diane Habiger ‘76 - USF Tru how USF allows us to embrace our culture. (Angelica Morales - Health Care Leadership Major) USF welcomes with open arms and opens doors for opportunity. (Al Integrity, Service, and Compassion valued every day in everyone. (Julee Gard - Vice President for Administration & Finance) I love St. Francis because friends be USF because of the supportive professors and faculty. (Gabby Paelmo - Biology Major) USF has a great community with caring staff and peers. (Afreen Mushtahe (Samreen Mushtaheed - Biology Major) The friends I’ve made at USF will last a lifetime. (Jake Lasota - Special Education Major) USF gave me the opportunity to de great people here at USF. (Chelsea Hizon - Psychology and Criminal Justice Double Major) Made friends; can’t wait to see what the future holds. (Evelyn Odum Owens - M.S. Teaching and Learning) My desire to serve God and people evolved at USF. (Titiana Jones ’07, ’09 - Director of Field Education and Teaching Instru values my time and effort. (Aubrey Knight ’04, ’07 - Director of Alumni & Family Relations) Carrying the Saint spirit with me where ever I go. (Amy M. Kuspa Sims - Ed Love holding love and carrying the Word to one another. (Susan Hibben - Associate Professor, Leach College of Nursing) Uplifting Sincere Friends Sharing And In Candidates feel empowered and inspired by doctoral degree leadership faculty. (Karen Ward - Ed.D. Educational Leadership Candidate) Grateful for two degrees, a Richardson - Management of Training & Development Certificate Program) I love USF’s commitment to Respect, Service, Integrity and Compassion. (Elizabeth D faith, Franciscan values and family. (Dave DiLorenzo - Director of Community & Government Relations) Always carrying the values we learned at USF throughou knowledgeable, be brilliant, be fabulous, be passionate. (Hongzhi Qiu – MBA Candidate) The spirit of St. Francis of Assisi is alive here. (John Gambro - Dean, Colle learners and instructors. (Amy J. Schroeder - Reading Program Coordinator, College of Education) USF supports students first in their family to attend college. ( tragedy in life is not to be a saint.” (by French Novelist Leon Bloy, submitted by David Spesia ’05) People showed genuine concern about me surviving my first win Double Major) I really love USF because of the family-like community. (Riley Harper - Visual Arts Education Major) Spiritually based, close knit community then science labs allow me to do my very best. (Luke Laschober - Biochemistry Major) I love the great memories I have made at USF. (Amanda Long - Social Science S fidelity to Christ and to others. (Dr. Daniel Hauser - Professor of Theology) University of St.Franics is my home away from home. (Madelyn Barrett - Elementary the staff here at St. Francis. (Samantha Stearns - Biology Major) I love USF because of the welcoming community. (Diego Quevedo - Political Science and Economic environment it has. (Beatiz Sindaz - Nursing Major) Compassion, service, respect, integrity, St. Francis is the absolute best. (Chris Johnson - Accounting and Fin friends I made here! (Hannah Knight - Biology) Watching my students grow and thrive, through graduation and beyond. (Lisa White-McNulty, Ph.D. - Professor, Coll 50 years of friendships initiated within the halls of CSF. (Pat Hunnewell ’69) USF has opened my perspective and changed my life! (Cassie Claffy - English/Seconda failure. (Carolina Huerta - Nursing Major) Daily interaction of engaging minds and compassionate individuals succeeding together. (Cedricka “Ceddi” Carver ’18 - A me achieve my ultimate goal – a terminal degree! (Damon Sloan, Ph.D. ‘19 - Vice President of Student & Alumni Affairs) I really enjoy the family-like atmosphere Coordinator) People who help me fulfill my faith and dreams simultaneously. (Amy Wegrzyn - Accounting Major) Noble purpose by trustworthy employees dilig that feels just like home. (Lauren Gould - Nursing Major) I enjoy USF because the professors look out for you. (Alejandro Meza-Corral - Accountin Learning, growing, and serving in Fraternitas. This is St. Francis. (
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
n Major) I love my USF Saints friends who have become family. (Allie Bailey Rios ‘01, ’12) Influencing doctoral candidates’ lives and careers with excellence and ble Major) Boldly living out core values to grow our future leaders. (Beth Roth, Ph.D. - Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs) USF professors and people on & Sport Management) As an international student, campus was home, people were family. (Ahmed Alojayman - M.S. Health Administration Candidate) Sharing nalysis yielding a strong, positive, global impact. (Norm Rendon ’12) Serving our university solidifies the joy of being a Saint. (Orlando Griego - Dean, College of teps of Francis and Clare: awesome! (Timothy Weldon - Professor of Philosophy) At USF I’m more than just a number, I’m valued. (Emily Schrader - Accounting airs) I met some new lifelong friends, great memories at USF. (Shelby Germain - Psychology Major) Welcoming, caring, family atmosphere; being SAC Mom to my Work Major) The lifelong friends and faculty who have blessed my life. (Russell Egan - Accounting & Economics Double Major) I love USF because of the golden mmunity-oriented environment that promotes growth and service first. (Cynthia Esquivel - Accounting Major) Working with people who care; touching students’ nting Major) Forever spouse, forever friends, forever grateful! (Ann Reedy Randich ‘80) I’m so thankful for the best friends I made here! (Hannah Knight - Biology) nother. (Paul Laprade - Professor and Department Chair, Music & Performing Arts) Spreading the same passion for nursing USF planted in me. (Kelly Rayburn ’92) hared. (Dianne Gorbold - Librarian) USF helps me fulfill my passion for becoming a nurse! (Hannah Wolfe - Nursing Major) Respect, compassion, service, integrity: urity Officer) 50 years later, the Franciscan spirit and friendships remain alive! (Judy Gruca Papandria ’69) I love teaching character education to prospective and ness Management and Marketing Double Major) Working with and for people about whom I care. (Arvid Johnson - USF President) I have met all my lifelong friends n Technology & Planning) I found my family and my home away from home! (Sarah Deffenbaugh - English Secondary Education Major) Amazing students, staff, ics - Service – Faith (Michael Doody ‘11) I love helping Saints become their true and compassionate selves. (Mary Ann Andrade-Bekker, Psy.D., LCPC ’07 - Director e in others’ lives. (Kristin Short - VP of University Advancement) Playing tennis for the Fighting Saints truly gives me joy. (Yashleen Kheterpal - Computer Science amily atmosphere with great leaders, coaches, and faculty! (Paul Babcock ’93) Compassion, caring, a place we call home… thankful for USF. (Michele O’Boyle nt and Marketing Double Major) I am proud to be Christian and work at USF. (Jason Williams - Director of Safety & Security) Running at USF is a unique kind of Grupka ‘13 - COE Adjunct Instructor) A community that is always willing to help you out! (Lilyemma Aktabowski - Radiography Major) Roaring twenties, Soaring in ustee) Making a difference to everyone I am in contact with. (Trina Zeitz - Administrative Assistant to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs) I enjoy llie Youngren - Student Life Coordinator) Many friendly, understanding faces all around me all the time. (William Clark - Transportation & Logistics Major) Respect, ecome family almost overnight. (Raele Lane - Education Major) I love USF because of the family and friendly atmosphere. (Julia Zielinski - Nursing Major) I love eed - Biology Major) USF has become my second home with a loving family. (July Mejia - Biology Major) I love USF because it is a warm, welcoming community. evelop and challenge student-athletes. (Jeff Chiapello - Director of Advising and ARC; Assistant Cross Country and Track Coach) So many great opportunities and Elementary Education Major) USF cared for me and I have many wonderful memories. (Linda Fallman ’82) The community feel at USF is second to none. (Bradley uctor, Department of Social Work) I love the lasting friendships I have made at USF. (Jessica Conte ‘13 - Marketing Project Manager) Home away from home that ducational Leadership) A place to learn, serve, share, care, contribute, give, grow. (Bonnie Covelli - Assistant Professor, College of Business & Health Administration) nspiring Nefarious Talent Since 1920. (Karen Ende ’14, ’18) A place where I learned, grew, and returned to serve. (Jennifer Ethridge ’89, ’09 - University Registrar) a rewarding career and Franciscan values. (Julie Futterer ’93, ’18 - Director of Marketing Services) I am grateful for the University of St. Francis experience. (Paulette avies, Ph.D. - Dean, College of Arts and Sciences) The community at USF makes school feel like home! (Diana Ortega - Nursing Major) Our university is rooted in ut life. (Mark Midlock ’85) Inspired by all who serve like Saint Francis, with humility. (Srimani Chakravarthi - Professor, College of Education) Be sophisticated, be ege of Education) Receiving my college degree here will be my biggest accomplishment. (Rachel Ward - Nursing Major) Praying at work and blurred lines between (Joe Mallof - Chair of the USF Board of Trustees) Alpha Phi at USF has made me a better leader. (Abbey Cox - Management and Finance Double Major) “The only nter! (Ebere Ume - Dean, Leach College of Nursing) The USF cross country team is absolutely amazing and fun! (Morayma Barron - Management and Accounting n and now. (Lisa Ebenroth Scarcelli ’94) Opportunities to succeed are around every corner, everyone is ambitious. (Fernanda Sandoval - Psychology Major) The Secondary Education Major) The education program is preparing me for my future career. (Sara Cahill - English Secondary Education Major) A community born of Education Major) At USF, small details make a big difference that matters. (Ed Soldan ‘93 - Executive Director of Enrollment Services) I like the atmosphere with cs Double Major) USF’s close knit community helps me to build meaningful relationships. (Clarissa Barkley - Marketing Major) I like USF because of the welcoming nance Double Major) USF is a community where I can learn and grow. (William Mastin - Math and Computer Science Double Major) I’m so thankful for the best lege of Education) Camaraderie, commitment and career with lifelong friendships, fellowship and faith. (Nancy Robinson - MSN-FNP Nursing Program Candidate) ry Education Major) An environment that never stops caring and creates lifelong bonds. (Dave Laketa - Athletics Director) USF does not let its students experience Assistant Director of Residence Education) I love that everyone wants to see each other succeed. (Jen Pender - Ed.D. Educational Leadership Candidate) Helping that USF has. (Jessica Collofello - Nursing Major) Insightful online programs empowered me to achieve two business degrees. (Carol Sheetz ’18, ‘19 - USF Talent gently working for awesome students. (Sr. Mary Elizabeth Imler, OSF - Vice President for Mission & University Ministry) The warm and welcoming environment ng Major) The spirit of USF continues to inspire me! (Sr. Dolores Zemont, OSF - Congregation President, Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate) (Dr. Donna Metlicka - Associate Professor, College of Education) Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Some things at St. Francis have changed tremendously, but som
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
me things never change—from a photographer’s view, anyway!
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2019–2020
Guardian Angel Hall at St. Clare Campus 1500 PLAINFIELD ROAD, JOLIET, ILLINOIS
Guardian Angel Hall, previously known as the Guardian Angel Home, was built in 1925 by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate of Joliet, Illinois. The Sisters lived and worked in the 60,000-square-foot building for nearly 90 years, providing social service programs for orphaned and troubled children. The Sisters sold the building to the University of St. Francis in 2014, and thus the third University of St. Francis campus location in Joliet was established. USF invested more than $9 million for the purchase and renovation of the building, and was able to keep some original features intact while adding modern simulation labs, skills labs, technology-enabled classrooms and student research and learning spaces for students in USF’s Leach College of Nursing, which is now housed there. The university was honored in 2017 for renovations made at the St. Clare Campus and efforts to preserve the buildings and environment through a complete interior renovation and adaptive re-use of the Guardian Angel Hall building and surrounding property, including preservation of the main interior terrazzo hallways, and significant site improvements such as new parking lots, storm water detention and landscaping. The Lourdes Grotto, completed in 1935, remains the welcoming feature of the building and has seen restorations through the years by alumni of Guardian Angel Home and the Sisters of St. Francis. 24
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
A Long History Reveals Itself
The University of St. Francis purchased the historic Motherhouse from its foundresses, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, in 2004. Built in 1881, the Motherhouse saw a great transformation after USF’s acquisition and redevelopment, with approximately $10 million invested in its renovation. The first renovations, completed in fall of 2005, created classroom and state-of-the-art laboratory space for nursing students, conference spaces and student housing.
The main parking lot for the Motherhouse, located at the corner of Taylor Street and Plainfield Road, was sustainably updated with permeable pavers, LED lighting and an on-site water detention system. The overhaul of the lot was followed by the renovation of building wings that had been closed off to use, including the second floor area where the Advancement Office, the Alumni & Family Relations Office and the President’s Board Room are currently located.
In fall of 2007, student gathering spaces and additional student housing opened. The student spaces included the Three Oaks Bistro, the Fireside Lounge and a game room. The residence hall space included unique dorm rooms with modern bathrooms, laundry facilities, and study and
Another update included moving the International Programs Office into a refreshed space on the west end of the second floor where the Motherhouse connects to Donovan Hall, which houses the College of Education. On the lower level, the Three Oaks Bistro communal area was updated and Bernie’s Pub opened for pub-style grub, complete with a root beer fountain and restaurant-like seating.
lounge spaces on each floor. That same year, the St. Joseph Chapel was updated with paint and air conditioning. A meditation space for multidenominational use was eventually established near the chapel.
The Motherhouse at Main Campus 500 WILCOX STREET, JOLIET, ILLINOIS
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
The downtown Joliet building now known as the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center was donated to the university by BMO Harris Bank in 2012. The three-story, 18,000-square-foot building was built in 1908 and previously housed the 750-seat Mode movie theatre, which entertained Joliet residents in the 1950s and 1960s.
The Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center at St. Bonaventure Campus 16-18 W. VAN BUREN STREET, JOLIET, ILLINOIS
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
When the building was acquired by the University of St. Francis, a $2.7 million renovation included the restoration of the facade to the way the building looked when it first was built. The interior was completely re-worked to include classrooms, gathering spaces and an impressive mock trial courtroom. The Plaster Center is home to the university’s Recreation & Sport Management, History, Political Science, Criminal & Social Justice, Logistics and Entrepreneurship programs, and the College of Business & Health Administration Business Incubator.
The Albuquerque, New Mexico Campus 1500 N. RENAISSANCE BLVD. NE, SUITE, ALBUQUERQUE
While its history isn’t as long and rich as the buildings in Joliet, the building that comprises University of St. Francis’ Albuquerque campus has one very important job that will change the lives of many: educating future physician assistants. USF began serving the Albuquerque area in 2000, drawing students nationwide to its Physician Assistant Studies and Family Nurse Practitioner master’s programs. USF has been dedicated ever since to providing quality health care programming to students in the Southwest. The FNP program eventually relocated back to the Joliet campus, and in 2014, the Albuquerque campus took residence in its present location at 1500 N. Renaissance Boulevard NE. It has provided students and faculty with more classroom space, a clinical lab with private exam rooms, simulation and anatomy labs, a library and computer center, student study spaces, staff offices and a conference room. More than 100 students are currently enrolled in the competitive program.
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2019–2020
The Centennial Campaign that is running simultaneously with the University of St. Francis’ year-long centennial celebration throughout all of 2020 includes two campus beautification projects: the creation of a Centennial Quad and the creation of a Centennial Gateway. The prominent component of the Centennial Gateway, which will be located on northern edge of the main campus in Joliet at the corner of Plainfield Road and Wilcox Street, will be a life-sized, six-foot bronze statue of Saint Francis with a Saint Bernard at his side. Joliet-area artists Kathleen Farrell, Kathleen Scarboro and Dante DiBartolo were commissioned to create the piece.
said, “but the end result will be a beautiful representation of Saint Francis and everything he embodied.” All of the work on the statue was completed in the USF Art Gallery in downtown Joliet from the beginning of September through the end of November. Passersby were able to witness the transformation of the project over time as features became more defined with each passing day. In fact, this project marked the first time that the team of artists created a statue outside of their own studio. “This was an exciting challenge to add to the creative process,” Farrell said. “Creating the sculpture on campus served as an educational experience that invited people to come by and see the project progress.” Once the sculpting phase of the process was completed in late November, the statue was shipped to a foundry in Oregon, Illinois for completion. That process that will take an additional three months. The statue and the Centennial Gateway, along with the Centennial Quad, will be officially blessed and dedicated as part of the Celebration of the Century event following the Centennial Convocation on August 27, 2020. Details on the event will be shared in the next issue of Engaging Mind & Spirit.
Kathleen Scarboro carefully sculpts Francis’ facial features.
“We love doing figurative sculpture and we love doing sculpture that is life-sized,” Farrell said. “Being challenged to take on creating a piece that represents someone who has done so much good for humanity is certainly an added blessing.” To find inspiration for the piece, the artists researched a variety of images, works, and even historical items such as clothing to come up with a vision that would accurately represent their subject. The artists also sought inspiration from another artist, Sr. Kay Francis, whose works of art inspired by Saint Francis carry special significance to USF because she was a member of the university’s founding order, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate. “Creating a bronze sculpture is a long and detailed process,” Farrell
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
Kathleen Farrell molds sections of the cloak worn by St. Francis.
Dante DiBartolo works on the St. Bernard— a unique aspect of the USF sculpture that makes it one-of-a-kind.
The near-complete (at right) and complete (above) sculpture, which was sent to a foundry in November to be cast in bronze.
Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN Building a Franciscan Future…Together, in Our Second Century
Throughout this special centennial edition of Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine, stories of USF’s history, and stakeholders’ love for USF, are a testament to the importance of the Centennial Campaign—“Building a Franciscan Future…Together, in Our Second Century.” The University of St. Francis is poised for excellence in our second century with your support. This campaign message is important because it honors USF’s history and sets the stage for its future. For students, a USF, Catholic, Franciscan education instills the values of integrity, service, compassion and respect. For graduates, it affirms a meaningful life. You understand the value of a University of St. Francis education. Help us offer this opportunity to others and change students’ lives forever for the better. We are in our centennial year and in the last chapter of our Centennial Campaign. Your support matters now more than ever before. Scholarships are one important component of the centennial campaign. Help make a USF education attainable for ALL students. 30
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
CENTENNIAL QUAD & GATEWAY Relationships are at the heart of our mission and educational model. The renewed Quad reflects our commitment to fostering relationships by providing an area in which students and faculty alike can gather, share a meal and collaborate on projects in a beautiful setting. The new design incorporates a water feature on the sides of the new student commons area to offer an enhanced, peaceful setting that is only a few steps from the Grotto. Turning an eye toward the nearby Gateway, to be installed at the corner of Wilcox Street and Plainfield Road, the new statue of Saint Francis with a Saint Bernard is one of a kind in the world! This statue will welcome visitors, students, alumni and friends to campus. (Read more about the statue on pages 28-29 of this magazine.) In recognition of generous support of the Gateway, donors of $5,000 or more will be listed on the Gateway wall.
SCHOLARSHIPS SHAWN GREEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Impacting Students Who Play Basketball The new Shawn Green Scholarship is designed to preserve Shawn’s legacy and help future basketball players. When Shawn Green ’97 attended the College of Saint Francis, he was known for his heart and work ethic. These characteristics were commonly exemplified on the basketball court, as Green and his twin brother, Shane ’97, played for the legendary Pat Sullivan from 1995-1997. The duo even led the team to a NAIA Division I National Tournament. Sullivan’s daughter, Katie ’95, noted that “my dad loved coaching the Green twins not only because of their intensity and tenacious play on the court, but also because of their heart and work ethic they brought to every game, practice and class. As a father of twins, my dad had a special understanding of the unique, close bond shared by the Greens.” In 2004, Shawn married his wife, Erin, and in 2013, they welcomed the birth of their daughter, Avery. Tragically, Shawn passed away in 2016 following a courageous battle with brain cancer. Katie Sullivan was closely connected to the Green family and, following Shawn’s passing, was inspired to do something that would help to keep his memory alive. That “something” was to lead the charge to create the Shawn Green Scholarship. “As he was a good friend of my family and of so many others, and in support of the University of St. Francis’ Centennial Campaign, I decided to make a gift to endow a scholarship in Shawn’s name to ensure his legacy lives on and to benefit future athletes,” she said. Sullivan noted that scholarships like the Shawn Green Scholarship play an important role in the lives of collegiate student-athletes. The Shawn Green Scholarship will be awarded to a basketball player at the university who demonstrates a strong work ethic in the classroom and on the court.
CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE GOAL: $2 MILLION $1.75 million $1.5 million $1.25 million $1 million $750,000 $500,000 $250,000
GORDIE GILLESPIE SCHOLARSHIP FOR SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP: Impacting All Student Athletes The Centennial Celebration of the University of St. Francis brings to light the knowledge of those who made outstanding contributions to USF. In athletics, Coach Gillespie quickly comes to mind. “Coach left an indelible mark on all he coached. The teachings that he provided have been priceless and referred to for strength and wisdom throughout our lives,’” stated Dave Laketa, USF director of athletics. This scholarship will be awarded to a student-athlete at the university who is a team leader and performs service to his community. The selection will be made through the director of athletics and coaches. Through continued contributions, the goal is to create an endowed scholarship to honor the memory of Gordie Gillespie.
CURRENT: $1,370,000 Thanks to all our donors for connecting with us to create positive change now and for generations to come. With your help, the construction of the new Centennial Quad and the Centennial Gateway will take place in May 2020, and the Shawn Green and Gordie Gillespie scholarships will be offered in fall of 2020! To support USF’s Centennial Campaign, contact Kristin Short at 815-740-3613 or kshort@stfrancis.edu.
To learn more about USF’s scholarship offerings:
stfrancis.edu/university-scholarships Celebrating Our Centennial in 2020
Students in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club volunteer in the USF Garden.
THE CENTENNIAL Service is one of the University of St. Francis’ four Franciscan values that centers the school’s mission and identity. USF believes in encouraging service because of the traditions of its Franciscan roots that stretch all the way from St. Francis of Assisi, who was himself imitating the life of Christ. Service also brought the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate to Joliet. The congregation’s founder, Mother Alfred Moes, passionately modeled service through her many acts of leadership and charity in the Joliet area—leadership that led to the creation of the university. As USF begins its centennial celebration, it is appropriate to reflect on the university’s 100 years of “preparing women and men to contribute to the world through service and leadership” and to look at the difference the University of St. Francis continues to make in the community and in the world. Thus, USF has committed itself to the ambitious goal of collecting 100,000 hours of service to honor the 100 years the school has been in existence. All students, staff, faculty, alumni, family and friends are encouraged to participate in service endeavors throughout the centennial year and log their hours online.
Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine
A “soft launch” started last semester and Jessica Peek, Campus Minister, feels it has been fantastic to see the different types of service in which the USF community engages. “Many of our hours come from our long tradition of students serving breakfast at Daybreak on Fridays and now with employees serving on Thursdays. Our freshmen students contribute hours through their Foundations classes, which promote service learning through their curriculum. Sometimes the contributions come in large numbers, from a group mission trip or from an athletic team or student club having participated in a large service project, and other times the service contributed was an individual who gave an hour or two of their time to a good cause. No matter how many hours given, every bit helps the goal—and even more importantly, every hour of our time spent in service for and with others transforms us all,” said Peek.
To log service hours or check the project’s progress: stfrancis.edu/centennial
Additional Centennial Events in 2020
PLEASE JOIN US... MARCH 2020 6-14 USF Centennial Pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy (Ministry/Centennial) 18
Transfer, Adult Degree Completion and Graduate Student Open House (Admissions)
“Tommy Gun’s Garage” Dinner & Show (Alumni)
Freshman Campus Visit Day (Admissions)
26 Mass Communication Degree… Now What? (Alumni) 27
In Recital: Teresa Walters, piano (Music at Moser)
Relay for Life (Student Life)
CENTENNIAL EVENT USF Centennial Pilgrimage March 6-14, 2020 Assisi, Italy USF alumni, faculty, staff and friends are joining for a spiritual and educational trip to Italy to visit the hometown of the university’s patrons, Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi.
The Swinging Saints Sing a Rainbow—A Concert about Colorful Music and Colorful People (Music at Moser)
Breakfast with the Bunny & Easter Egg Hunt (Alumni)
Happy Easter from USF!
Senior Celebration (Alumni)
Student Alumni Mentoring (SAM) Award Winner Dinner (Alumni)
Alumni Network Meetings (Alumni)
Alumni Board Meeting (Alumni)
Alumni Service Day (Alumni)
Three Urgent Tasks for People of Faith in the Response to the Climate Crisis (Sustainability)
Songs of Peace—A Choral Concert (Music at Moser/Centennial)
Joliet Symphony Orchestra’s Own “Centennial Celebration” Concert (Music at Moser)
In Recital: USF Music Students (Music at Moser)
Education Update with the Will County Regional Office of Education (College of Education)
In Recital: USF Music Students (Music at Moser)
MAY 2020 9
Spring Commencement
Cultural Experience: Alumni & Friends Trip to London (Alumni and the College of Education)
Thursday, August 27, 2020 | 2:45 p.m. Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus Opening academic convocation and mass welcoming incoming new students and marking the beginning of the school year.
CELEBRATION OF THE CENTURY Thursday, August 27, 2020 | 4:15 p.m. Centennial Gateway (Corner of
APRIL 2020 3
Plainfield Rd. & Wilcox St.) and Centennial Quad (Center of Main Campus) The centennial celebration continues with the dedication of the new Centennial Gateway and Centennial Quad, followed by a picnic and entertainment.
CENTENNIAL EVENT Songs of Peace— A Choral Concert April 24, 2020 | 7:30 p.m. Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus A performance including a collection of original musical compositions by Dr. Robert Kase, former dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and friend of USF, performed in the inspiring setting of the beautiful Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus.
Bluestem Earth Festival (The Sisters of St. Francis and their Associates)
AN ORAL HISTORY OF USF Friday, September 18, 2020 | 5:30 p.m. Joliet Historical Museum An evening of moving and informative presentations, videos and displays, honoring the university’s first 100 years
CENTENNIAL HOMECOMING & REUNION CELEBRATION Saturday, September 26, 2020 Several Events at Several Locations As always, the Alumni & Family Relations Office is planning a full schedule of Homecoming events that will take a centennial twist! Watch stfrancis.edu/hcrw for announcements.
AMBASSADOR DAY Tuesday, October 20, 2020 | 7:30 a.m. Turk Theater (Main USF Campus) A gathering of community business and governmental leaders and friends of the university for a special centennial address by President Arvid C. Johnson.
Life After Graduation
We want to celebrate your accomplishments and major life events in future issues of Engaging Mind & Spirit magazine! Submit news about marriages, births, adoptions, job promotions and more, and you’ll be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card!
100 YEARS OF PHILANTHROPY DONORS DINNER Thursday, November 5, 2020 | 6 p.m. San Damiano Hall (Motherhouse) A “by invitation” gathering of individuals who have supported the university during its first 100 years.
500 Wilcox Street, Joliet, Illinois 60435
The University of St. Francis was founded and is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate.
Admissions event information or registration: 800-735-7500 • admissions@stfrancis.edu stfrancis.edu/visit OR /openhouse Alumni event information or registration: 877-811-ALUM • alumni@stfrancis.edu stfrancis.edu/alumni/events Athletics information or game schedules: 815-740-3464 • gofightingsaints.com Donor/community events and giving information: 815-740-3748 • stfrancis.edu/giving
For information about all other university events and activities: 800-735-7500 • stfrancis.edu
USF Art Gallery exhibitions and hours: 815-740-3787 • jmoore@stfrancis.edu