project breif introduction
With more and more fast and high end fashion brands coming out, the more people succumb to fashion trends and want to show off the “now”. However, with our brand, we want to focus more on the silhouette and focus on the idealization of the human body. We want to bring newness to the market and peak the curiosity to what the brand represents.
We want to create a brand that produces high quality clothing. Our thought process includes quality over quantity and we believe that well made garments can last a lifetime. We strive to create products that last across generations, with no compromise approach to the quality. Inspired by the Hellenistic period, our goal is to elevate the body form and captivate the experience of the viewer. Along with our brand, we have a motto: The Indulgence of Desire.
design overview introduction
When it comes to our branding, just like any other luxury brand, we have decided to name the company after the founder and designer: Raeniel Francis Reyes. A lettermark would be ideal as many high end fashion brands go for a lettermark or wordmark.
For icon ideas, they are open to see changes especially including a spider lily. Throughout Asia, the red spider lily is known as the “flower of farewell.” It is often given to people who are about to embark on a long journey, as it symbolizes death and the cycle of rebirth. In other words, a final goodbye translates to the death of someone or something. As for color, the main colors will be a simple black and white. If embossed, gold or silver.
RGB: 0 0 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 100 HEX: #000000 Black is a color which results from the absence or complete absorption of visible light. It is an achromatic color, without hue, like white and grey. It is often used symbolically or figuratively to represent darkness.
RGB: 237 28 41 CMYK: 0 99 93 0 HEX: #ed1c29
Red attracts the most attention and is associated with strong emotions, such as love, passion, and anger. It’s the universal color to signify strength, power, courage, and danger.
RGB: 255 255 255 CMYK: 0 0 0 0 HEX: #ffffff
It is the color of objects such as snow, chalk, and milk, and is the opposite of black. Often symbolizes cleanliness, purity, and safety.
main typeface
big caslon
William Caslon released his first typefaces in 1722. Caslon’s types were based on seventeenth-century Dutch old style designs. Caslon’s types became popular throughout Europe and the American colonies; printer Benjamin Franklin hardly used any other typeface. The first printings of the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were set in Caslon.
secondary typeface
logo : symbol description basic elemnts
The main and only symbol of the logo is a spider lily. The spider lily was simplified by using three main petals, with two accented petals inbetween, and four bulbs. It was then stylazed to look like a crown to represent the company name “Reyes”. Reyes is a Spanish word, usually used as a given name or Spanish surname. The literal translation into English is ‘kings’, but could also be translated as ‘royals’ or ‘royalty’. The Portuguese version of this surname is Reis. Although spider lillies can bloom in different colors, red is the main color for the flower.
logo : black / white & ratio basic
logo : master logo basic elemnts
logo : variations basic elemnts
logo : restrictions basic elemnts
Do NOT distort
Do NOT rotate
Do NOT rearrange elements
logo: clear space & minimum size
3.5in 1.875in 2.75in
0.5in 0.75in
1.7in 1.5in
0.625in 22
main enterence
informational sign signage design
educational sign signage design
tablet design
Navigational Bar
Allows user to easily navagate throughout the website.
Promotional + Banner
Promotes newest collection as well as other major news about the website and fashion brand.
Highlighted Categories
This section allows customers to shop my which category they want.
About the Founder News
This section highlights the founder of the brand and their origin story of how the brand was founded.
This section highlights the most recent news of what the brand has been up to.
This section includes hyperlinks to different services, legal information, and social medias as well as subscription sign up.
smartphone design user interface
clothing tag merchandise
purfume merchandise
designer bag merchandise
Signage Mockup Enterance Mockup Directional Sign Mockup htm#query=restaurant%20sign%20mockup&position=26&from_view=search&track=sph htm#query=wall%20stairs%20mockup&position=0&from_view=search&track=sph htm#query=open%20sign%20mockup&position=4&from_view=search&track=sph mockup&position=2&from_view=search&track=sph
Smartphone Mockup view=search&track=sph
Tablet Mockup htm#page=4&query=ipad%20mockup&position=12&from_view=search&track=sph
Clothing Tag Mockup view=search&track=ais
Perfume Mockup Designer Bag Mockup htm#query=luxury%20bag%20mockup&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph