So, we are just wondering if anyone knows what happened to 2021. Here we are winding down the Fall semester and the year as a whole. We started the year with all operations working remotely then a small percentage of staff came back to campus while others remained working remotely and then all staff came back live with a large number of classes still being offered online. It certainly has been a transition year but one that seems to have flown right by. I guess that is what it feels like when every few months you are adapting to a “new normal,” as they say. Despite the various transitions, YOUR college library has remained steadily offering services, tools, and resources to assist students and faculty as well as other entities outside the campus community. In addition to helping students and faculty, we have also been assisting staff from the Harwood Museum as they prepare for the 2023 Centennial as well as researchers from Denver who spent two days utilizing YOUR college library collection. YOUR college library participates in cultural programming on a monthly basis as well as institutional events like the recent Harvest Festival and Open House.
Patty Wong, the first Asian-American to hold the position of American Library Association president, said in the recent New Mexico Library Association conference that, “balancing the needs of all community members can be complex, delicate and at times challenging.” But, we want to continue to shout from the top of Wheeler Peak that we are a community college so we are a community library. Please feel free to reach out to YOUR favorite Library staff and let them know how we can best help with YOUR work, school, personal enrichment and/or entertainment needs.
Just like YOUR library is always looking to help you find what you need, UNMTaos is always looking to improve access to resources in general. We hope that you can add some joy and laughter to the menu during this upcoming holiday season but if you find these times can be difficult, please feel free to reach out. Cami Hartman, our Student Resource Navigator, is awesome at calmly and compassionately helping you find the help you might need. Cami can be reached by e-mail at or by calling 575-737-3697. You can also simply submit an online request here https:// Lastly, we just want to reiterate that we are here to support you during your finals, as you plan for the Spring 2022 semester, and should you be looking to read something during the winter break. There will be no services while the University is closed from December 23, 2021 through January 3, 2022 but we look forward to serving you in the coming year. The next newsletter will be coming to your mailbox or popping in your e-mail in 2022! We want to thank you for all of your support throughout this past year. Stay local, think global, go LOBOS.
The end of the semester is coming! Don’t panic, let YOUR library staff help you with research for your final projects. Here are three ways to get some quality one-on-one research help from YOUR friendly library staff! Set up a Zoom or in-person research session by emailing In your email, please note your topic, what kind of project/paper you are working on, and available times. We will get back to you to schedule a time to meet online to work on researching your topic together. You can also schedule a meeting by filling out a quick online form at! Submit a request for information online or in person. These information requests are forms that that can be filled out, which your friendly librarians will use to help direct you towards potential resources. While it isn’t a replacement for your own research, it can help you get pointed in the right direction! You can fill the form out online at We will call or email you with some pointers on how to find what you are looking for! Have a minute while you’re on campus? Stop on by! We are located on the east side of Pueblo Hall East. Not only does YOUR UNM-Taos Library have computers available for you to use, but our library staff are always willing to offer feedback and suggestions on your research project.
Remember: doing your own researching means that you should try exploring as many different avenues as you can—including asking for help! Also remember: it’s not plagiarism if you use quotation marks!