University of South Carolina Student Organizations Guide 2013-14

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demic Team • Active Minds • American Choral Directors Association Student Chapter • American Crim tice Association • American Institute of Chemical Engineers • Amnesty International • Anglers at U nthropology Graduate Organization for Research, Action and Ethics • Art History Club • Associatio can-American Students • Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Alliance (BGLSA) • Brothers of Nubian Desc ND) • Carolina Association of Pre-Pharmacy Students • Carolina Association of Sculpture Students • Caro ate Union • Carolina Eskrima Silat • Carolina Flute Guild • Carolina Horror Cinema Club • Carolina Leader elopment Club • Carolina Productions • Carolina Sailing Club • Carolina Science Society • Carolina Surf C hinese Language Club • Clarinet Association • Clay Club • Cockapella • Cocky’s Culinary Club • Compas Animals • Dance Company • Darla Moore School of Business Doctoral Student Association • Double B b • EcoReps • Euphradian Society • Exercise Science Club • Faith and Scholarship Society • Fashion Bo eminist Majority Leadership Alliance • Flying Gamecock Skydiving Club • Forward Progressive Allian nch Club • Fusion • Gamecock Bhangra • Gamecock Spanish Club • Gamecock Table Tennis Club • Gam Sigma • Geology Club • Green Room Productions • Health Occupations Students of America (HOS rnational Master of Business Administration Marketing Club • International Master of Business Administra e Society • Ink! Undergraduate English Association • Intercultural Dialogue Student Organization • L ce Club • Marine Science Graduate Students • Meditation Society • Mock Trial Team • Moksha • M chers National Association • My Carolina Alumni Association Student Advisory Board • NAACP • Natio ss Photographers Association • National Student Exchange Association • Net Impact Undergrad • Nip me School of Heavenly Imagery (NASHI) Club • Off-Off Broadway • Omani Student Association • Pan-Afr dent Association (PANASA) • Percussion Society • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • Photographic Society • Polit nce Graduate Student Association • Project Dance • Rhetoric Society of America • Rik-A-Sha • Roose tute • Russian Club • S.W.A.R.M. (Students With a Responsible Message) at USC • Students Advoca of South •Carolina a Greener Environment (SAGE) • SAVVY • University Saxophone Association Students Engaged in Aquatic Scie AS) • Secular Student Alliance • Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity International, Inc. • Society for Advancem he Chemical Sciences • Society of Women Engineers • Sound Check • South Carolina eSports Club • So olina Fighting Gamecock Boxing Team • South Carolina Trumpet Association • Sport and Entertainm nagement Club • Sports Car Club of America • Student Firearms Association • Students for Justic estine • Students for Life • Students Promoting the University’s Reach for Success (SPURS) • Swyp Kappa Epsilon Colony • The Cocktails Female A Cappella • The Disney Association • The Gaming Gu Lettered Olive Literary Review • The Philosophy Society • To Write Love • Transfer South Carolina • T nds • Writers Club • Residence Hall Association • Alpha Phi Omega • Alzheimer’s Foundation of Ame migos del Buen Samaritano • Autism Awareness Association • Believe in Tomorrow’s Children’s Founda est Buddies • Black Social Work Student Association • Carolina Against Sex Trafficking (CAST) • Caro vice Council • Circle K • Colleges Against Cancer • Cure at South Carolina • Dance Marathon • Engine hout Borders • Epsilon Sigma Alpha • Girl P.O.W.E.R. (Promoting Opportunity for Women to Excel in Rea obeMed • Habitat for Humanity • Jexactitude@USC • Kappa Kappa Psi • Make-A-Wish Club • No Kid Hun C Chapter • Omega Phi Alpha • Operation Smile • Orientation Leaders Association • Project Vida • Rota b • Shelter Saturdays • Special Olympics • Student United Way • Tau Beta Sigma • Timmy Global He OMS at USC • Undergraduate Social Work Student Association • University Ambassadors • Waverly A ool Program • College Class Clowns • Garnet and Black Magazine • News from Last Thursday • SGTV • y Gamecock • The Garnet Report • The Odyssey Club • WUSC-FM • Alpha Epsilon Delta • Alpha Lam a • Alpha Phi Sigma • Carolina Judicial Council • Carolina Scholars Association • Chi Sigma Alpha • ma Iota • Delta Alpha Pi • Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society • Eta Sigma Delta • Eta Sigma P net Circle Student Alumni Council • Golden Key Club • Honors Pre-Medical Community • Kappa Delta Nair Scholars Association • Mortar Board • National Society of Collegiate Scholars • Omicron Delta Kap Alpha Social Work Honor Society • Phi Alpha Theta • Phi Lambda Sigma • Phi Sigma Pi • Phi Sigma Th Mu Epsilon • Pi Sigma Alpha • Psi Chi • Rho Chi Society • Sigma Alpha Lambda • Sigma Delta Pi • Sig Rho • College Democrats • College Libertarians • College Republicans • International Youth and Stude Social Equality • Students for Education Reform • Association of Saudi Arabian Students • Banglad

Student Organizations

The Office of Student Organizations at the University of South Carolina creates responsible citizens, future leaders and provides opportunities to be successful. Students on Carolina’s campus have created groups with interests in everything from the appreciation of music to playing competitive sports, from politics to dance and from foreign language to community service. With more than 400 registered student organizations on campus, you’re sure to find one that meets your interests, or you can always start one of your own. Clubs and organizations provide a variety of involvement opportunities. Involvement can include attending university events, joining student groups, working on campus, taking part in residence hall activities, being a fan of Gamecock athletics and much more. It is important to get involved on campus and take advantage of all the opportunities available.

HOW DO I START? View the list of registered student organizations at On this site, you can view a list of officers and their email addresses or request more information. Many student groups have open membership policies and accept members throughout the school year.

Contact Office of Student Organizations Campus Life Center Russell House 227

Visit the Office of Student Organizations in the Campus Life Center, which is located in Russell House 227. In the office, you can speak with a knowledgeable staff member or peer involvement counselor about the variety of clubs and organizations available and learn about other potential involvement opportunities. Attend a Student Organization Fair or a mini fair. Organization fairs are held the first Wednesday in September and the third Wednesday in January. Mini fairs are held Wednesdays throughout the fall and spring semesters. Visit the information tables on Greene Street or in the Russell House

(803) 777-2654

and meet representatives from various student organizations. Keep your eyes open. Student groups often host events on Greene Street and post flyers throughout campus to advertise the benefits of clubs, events and activities. Read The Daily Gamecock. The University of South Carolina’s student newspaper is printed daily

The University of South Carolina does not discriminate in educational or employment opportunities or decisions for qualified persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetics, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


and highlights student organizations and their events.


S.A.G.E. & EcoReps cultivating, processing, and distributing food grain in and around USC. Page 7. 3


Anthropology Graduate Organization for Research, Action and Ethics Helps to further research action and ethical objectives of graduate students in anthropology.

Art History Club Facilitates the discussion of art history topics, plans community outreach projects, provides research and study help for art history students, invites guest speakers for lectures, and coordinates trips to museums and galleries.

Provides activities for students to participate in educational, intellectual, interdisciplinary, cultural and social events. Academic Team Provides students an opportunity to participate in regional and national academic competitions.

Active Minds Reduces the stigma of mental illness and promotes mental health awareness through peer contact.

American Choral Directors Association Student Chapter Promotes excellence in choral music and advocates for the arts to elevate choral music’s position in the state of South Carolina.

American Criminal Justice Association

and gives members a chance to network with each other and professionals.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Assists students in networking with other students and professionals in chemical engineering.

Amnesty International Represents a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with more than 1.8 million members worldwide.

Anglers at USC Provides students an opportunity to participate in regional and national tournaments for competitive fishing.

Association of African-American Students Provides positive cultural, intellectual, and social activities for all students.

Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Alliance (BGLSA) Educates the community and provides support and social interactions for the gay, lesbian, and bisexual population.

Carolina Debate Union Prepares students for respectful debate while learning debating skills.

Carolina Eskrima Silat Teaches the fundamentals and philosophy of this Indonesian martial art.

Carolina Flute Guild Provides a forum where all flutists can share flute-related ideas and continue to grow musically through performance, pedagogy, and development.

Carolina Horror Cinema Club Admires and analyzes classic and modern horror films during weekly viewings.

Carolina Leadership Development Club Includes members with interests in philanthropy, service, athletics, and friendship.

Brothers of Nubian Descent (BOND)

Carolina Productions

Promotes the retention and academic wellbeing of African-American male students.

Develops entertaining, educational, traditional, and diverse programs for students, faculty, staff, and community members that encompass the ideas, issues, and interests of the university.

Carolina Association of Pre-Pharmacy Students Exchanges ideas and information concerning pharmacy as a profession, motivates interest in the diverse pharmacy practice settings, and encourages the building of social networks among pre-pharmacy students.

Carolina Association of Sculpture Students Promotes sculpture as a fine art.

Carolina Sailing Club Provides basic instruction and advances the knowledge and practice of the sport of sailing.

Carolina Science Society Fosters public interest in scientific reasoning and provides a venue to discuss academic understanding.

Promotes interest in the field of criminal justice



Carolina Surf Club

Compassion for Animals

Assists students with a passion for surfing.

Provides a voice and help for animals that are suffering behind closed doors.

Chinese Language Club Assists students in learning and practicing of the Chinese Mandarin Language (Putongwua) and broadens students’ understanding of Chinese culture.

Clarinet Association Supports activities of the clarinet studio and increases awareness of clarinet-related events.

Clay Club Enhances ceramic students’ learning environment by offering advice from peers as well as professionals in the field.


Dance Company Performs professional jazz, ballet, and modern dance concerts and participates in dance workshops.

Darla Moore School of Business Doctoral Student Association Provides a forum for doctoral students in business administration and economics to interact socially with faculty, administrators, and peers.

Double Bass Club Establishes a network among all bassists (electric and upright) and provides a service to improve bass players and their capabilities on bass.

Performs a capella musical entertainment.


Cocky’s Culinary Club Provides an opportunity for students to learn about the culinary arts and to implement culinary skills while helping the community.

Provides a personal connection between students and the University of South Carolina’s sustainability goals through discussion, activities, and student action.

Leslie Knight Hometown: Clover, South Carolina

Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance

Prepares generations of Carolinians for leadership by instilling the values of eloquence, civility, and honor.

Represents feminists in a forum for discussion and activism.

Exercise Science Club Provides information and professional opportunities for exercise science students.

Faith and Scholarship Society Provides a forum where graduate students and faculty pursue the integration of their Christian faith and scholarship.

Major: Public Relations

Fashion Board

Activities: Miss York 2013, Phi Mu Fraternity, Student Government, Dance Marathon

Assists students in furthering their knowledge and interest in the fashion industry.

Memorable moment: The big reveal at the end of the 2012 Dance Marathon event. Last year, Dance Marathon raised $177,229.05 for the kids.


Euphradian Society

Flying Gamecock Skydiving Club Guides students interested in skydiving safety and awareness.

Forward Progressive Alliance Empowers students by providing a voice and front for progressive values on campus.

French Club Coordinates activities for students and faculty interested in the French language, literature, and culture.

Fusion Promotes unity through dance and the love of dance.


Gamecock Bhangra Participates in regional shows and competition related to Bhangra.

Gamecock Spanish Club Serves as a pre-professional/interest group for Spanish language, literature, and culture.

Gamecock Table Tennis Club Promotes table tennis and enhances the skills of members through organized practice sessions and competitive play.

Gamma Iota Sigma Organizes students interested in insurance and risk management.

Geology Club Explores the earth systems in a creative environment.

Green Room Productions Extends artistic opportunities to the campus and provides a creative environment for students.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Enhances the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill, and leadership development for students.

International Master of Business Administration Marketing Club Exposes students to emerging trends in marketing and prepares members for a career in marketing.

International Master of Business Administration Wine Society Provides academic, professional, and social benefits to all members.

Ink! Undergraduate English Association Fosters and promotes literary, creative, rhetorical, theoretical, and multimedia interests.

Intercultural Dialogue Student Organization Promotes cultural diversity as roots of cultural richness and discourages judgment of culture.

Latin Dance Club Provides practice, training, and skill development of dances such as salsa, bachatta, and merengue.

Marine Science Graduate Students Provides a forum for students with an interest in marine science.

Meditation Society Provides weekly opportunities for students to meditate on campus and provides meditation information from diverse traditions.

Mock Trial Team Provides preparation and competition in local, regional, and national Mock Trial competitions.

Nippon Anime School of Heavenly Imagery (NASHI) Club

Acts as an advisory board for student members of My Carolina Alumni Association.

Provides students a forum for watching and collecting Japanese animation.


Off-Off Broadway

Promotes the economic, political, social, and educational status of all minority groups and works towards the elimination of all racial prejudices.

Produces and performs musical theater shows.

Omani Student Association Introduces the culture of Oman to the American and international community at USC.

National Press Photographers Association Encourages student journalists to better their practice.

National Student Exchange Association Provides a support group that coordinates and provides recreational and educational activities, cultural experiences, and field trips to acquaint members to South Carolina.

Net Impact Undergrad Promotes understanding and discussion among students regarding how businesses can be beneficial members of society.

Pan-African Student Association (PANASA) Fosters unity, facilitates learning, and promotes the welfare and well-being of native African students, Africans in the Diaspora, and the content of Africa.

Percussion Society Supports activities of the percussion studio and increases the awareness of percussion events.

Lenny Swinton Hometown: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Moksha Exposes students to Indian dance and culture.

Music Teachers National Association Promotes the values and study of making music to society and supports the professionalism of music teachers.


My Carolina Alumni Association Student Advisory Board

Major: Hospitality Management Activities: President of National Society of Minorities in Hospitality, Intern at SC Restaurant and Lodging Association Memorable moment: Attending an informational session about the Disney College Program on campus that landed me an eightmonth internship with Walt Disney World Parks.


Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Develops the best and truest fraternal spirit, the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, the advancement of music in America, and a loyalty to the alma mater.

Photographic Society Promotes interest in the photographic medium, its history, and contemporary practices.

Political Science Graduate Student Association Serves as a representative organization to voice graduate student concerns and suggestions to departmental faculty and promotes professional development.

Project Dance Offers dancers the chance to be part of a dance team.

Rhetoric Society of America Promotes interest in the discipline of rhetoric and composition studies.

Rik-A-Sha Provides choreographic and dance performance opportunities for students.

Roosevelt Institute

Provides students with age-appropriate reproductive rights and health information.

Students Advocating for a Greener Environment (SAGE) Increases on-campus awareness of environmental issues.

SAVVY Provides assistance to female students, faculty, and staff looking for a way to maximize their chances at self-improvement and enhance their abilities.

Saxophone Association Discusses issues relevant to professional saxophone playing and teaching and brings in guest artists and lecturers.

Students Engaged in Aquatic Science (SEAS) Enhances the educational, employment, and social opportunities of marine science undergraduates and any interested students.

Secular Student Alliance Provides a multipurpose organization for atheists, agnostics, skeptics, deists, and the collectively known “non-religious� students.

Allows students to explore and use their intellectual capital to affect the policy process.

Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity International, Inc.

Russian Club

Nurtures a dynamic, values-based environment that utilizes our historically Latino-based fraternity as a catalyst to better serve the needs and wants of all people.

Gathers students who are interested in the Russian culture and language and provides a community for further understanding and awareness of Russia.


S.W.A.R.M. (Students With a Responsible Message) at USC


Society for Advancement of the Chemical Sciences

South Carolina Trumpet Association

Coordinates resources and activities, provides information, and promotes educational and social activities for chemistry and biochemistry students.

Society of Women Engineers

Provides information, assistance, and musical awareness to current trumpet students.

Sport and Entertainment Management Club Provides students with an inside view on the sport and entertainment industry.

Supports female students studying engineering, math, and science and encourages more women to enter engineering careers.

Sound Check Provides students the opportunity to perform with an all-male a cappella singing group.

South Carolina eSports Club Provides an environment where eSports fans can meet and befriend other enthusiasts and where members can compete in eSports.

South Carolina Fighting Gamecock Boxing Team Provides a safe and friendly atmosphere in which participants with varying levels of experience can learn or develop boxing skills.

Sports Car Club of America

development, both born and unborn, through education and action, not reaction.

Students Promoting the University’s Reach for Success (SPURS) Promotes the importance of friend and alumni donor philanthropy to the student body.


Promotes students’ interest in motorsports.

Promotes the practice and exercises the art of breakdancing and tricking along with minor areas of martial arts and parkour.

Student Firearms Association

Tau Kappa Epsilon Colony

Supports proper handling of firearms for safety and sport.

An interest group to start Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.

Students for Justice in Palestine

The Cocktails Female A Cappella

Raises awareness on campus and in the community about the ongoing injustices facing the Palestinian people and inspires action on behalf of this cause based on the principles of justice and human rights.

Creates a unique a capella legacy while participating in fun competition and providing entertainment.

Students for Life

Helps students with an interest in Disney and fellow Disney College Program alumni stay connected to the company by sharing news, exploring career options, and building networks.

Fosters respect for human life at all stages of

The Disney Association

The Gaming Guild

Erik Telford

Encourages and organizes the play of nonsports gaming activity.

The Lettered Olive Literary Review Generates an undergraduate literary journal composed of student submissions, which is published annually.

The Philosophy Society Promotes student interest in research and advances students in the field of philosophy.

To Write Love Offers hope and aids in finding help for those struggling with depression, addiction, selfinjury, and suicide.

Transfer South Carolina Helps transfer students in their transition to USC by connecting incoming and current transfer students.

Trew Friends Increases the number of registered organ donors and raises awareness of the importance of organ donations among all ages through educating, advocating, and grass roots organizing.

Writers Club Provides regular workshops for creative workers of all majors, backgrounds, and levels of skill.

Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina Major: Management and Marketing Activities: Carolina Productions, National Association for Black Accountants, Emerging Leaders Program mentor, Female Majority Leadership Alliance

Did you know: Carolina Productions has brought Josh Turner, Chris Young, Switchfoot, and many more concerts to campus.

Memorable moment: Dance Marathon!



Delta Alpha Pi

Golden Key Club

Strives to change common perceptions by recognizing students with disabilities for their academic accomplishments.

Strives to dedicate members to service.

Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society Recognizes academic excellence and provides members with a forum for leadership, community service and valuable insight into career development issues.

Honors Pre-Medical Community Provides information and opportunities to Honors College students pursuing careers in the medical field.

Kappa Delta Pi Promotes excellence in the field of education.

Eta Sigma Delta

Provides activities for students who meet certain criteria to engage in education, social, and recreational activities.

Strives to encourage classical studies scholarship among undergraduate students to demonstrate the relevance of studying ancient language, literature, and culture.

Honors senior students on the basis of distinguished leadership ability, community service, and the spirit of scholarship.

Garnet Circle Student Alumni Council

Encourages and recognizes excellence in premedical knowledge and promotes cooperation and contact between pre-medical and medical students and their educators.

Offers students charged with conduct violations the option of having their case reviewed by a board of their peers.

Promotes the goals of My Carolina Alumni Association to the student body.

Alpha Phi Sigma Promotes academics and leadership involvement in the community and provides opportunities for further learning and exploration of criminal justice careers.

Promotes cultural opportunities, community service, and student leadership activities.

Mortar Board

Carolina Judicial Council

Honors freshman students for outstanding academic achievement during their first semester.

McNair Scholars Association

Eta Sigma Phi

Alpha Epsilon Delta

Alpha Lambda Delta

National Society of Collegiate Scholars Recognizes freshman and sophomore students who have excelled in academics, provided community service, and developed leadership skills.

Carolina Scholars Association Promotes awareness and visibility of the Carolina scholarship, fosters fellowship among scholars, and serves the community.

Chi Sigma Alpha Honors graduate students, alumni, faculty, and student-affairs professionals committed to excellence in academics, research, and service.

Chi Sigma Iota Promotes counseling, scholarship, research, and education.


Honors students with a GPA of 3.5 and higher in the School of Hospitality, Retail, and Tourism Management.

Delaney Horel Hometown: Irmo, South Carolina Major: Math Activities: Delta Delta Delta, Resident Mentor, Carolina Scholars Association, Intramural Soccer Memorable moment: The Carolina vs. Georgia home game. One of my residents coordinated a 21-person paint up.


Omicron Delta Kappa

Pi Mu Epsilon

Provides an environment conducive to interaction among students and faculty leaders in which student leaders can learn and benefit.

Promotes scholarship in mathematics.

Pi Sigma Alpha

Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society

Promotes scholarship, intellectual interest, and discourse in government and politics through exposure to political science.

Recognizes and promotes scholastic achievement among students and faculty involved in the undergraduate or graduate social work program.

Psi Chi Furthers the advancement of psychology.

Phi Alpha Theta Promotes interest in historic scholarship.

Phi Lambda Sigma Promotes leadership among pharmacy students.

Phi Sigma Pi Provides a co-educational national honor fraternity based on the tripod of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship.

Phi Sigma Theta Recognizes and rewards academic achievement of undergraduates and encourages community service, leadership, and continued scholastic excellence among its members.

Rho Chi Society Encourages and recognizes excellence in intellectual achievement and instills the desire to pursue critical inquiry to advance the profession of pharmacy.

Sigma Alpha Lambda Provides community service through completion of at least one annual project and promotes and rewards academic achievement.

Sigma Delta Pi Recognizes Hispanic students in a national honor society.

Sigma Iota Rho Promotes excellence in the field of international studies.

Did you know: Dance Marathon raised over $224,510 for the kids during their 24 hour no-sitting, nosleeping event.


Offers students the opportunity to gain experience in print, broadcast and online media, advertising sales, and graphic design. College Class Clowns

The Daily Gamecock

Brings joy and laughter to the campus through humorous videos.

Produces the campus newspaper.

Garnet and Black Magazine Publishes a student magazine that serves as an outlet for the creative talent of the Carolina community.

News from Last Thursday

The Garnet Report Provides a new online outlet of current news and information concerning the university, created by and for USC students.

The Odyssey Club

Publishes an online humorous mock newspaper.

Increases communication among the Greek community through weekly distribution of a newspaper and events on campus.



Provides hands-on experience in video production, editing, and distribution for media arts, journalism, and other interested students.

Operates a student-run radio station that serves as a community resource both for educational and entertainment purposes.


Provides activities and programs that are related to future career development or academic majors. Academy of Students of Pharmacy

American Marketing Association

Promotes the profession of pharmacy among students and provides students with the opportunity to construct policy and practice in a social atmosphere.

Provides students the opportunity to interact with professionals and peers while presenting information about the field of marketing.

American Chemical and Polymer Science Society Student Chapter Provides students the experience of presenting technical material as well as a forum for networking with chemical professionals.

Alpha Kappa Psi Fosters an environment that develops the entrepreneurial mindset in members and promotes social and environmental responsibility.

American Nuclear Society Provides career and professional development, networking for peers, and service projects to promote nuclear industry.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

identify with the archival profession, and engage in professional activities.

Promotes student awareness of the pharmacy practice within the health systems, provides information about career directions for students, and encourages membership in state and national societies.

Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Encourages a high standard of citizenship among engineers and participation in public affairs.

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

American String Teachers Association

Promotes the advancement of undergraduate research, research-based undergraduate education, and K-12 outreach.

Prepares members for careers in music teaching through programs and community service.

Archival Students Guild

Promotes communication among black psychology students and aids in the struggle to improve the emotional well-being of people of African descent.

Association of IT Professionals Provides networking and professional development for students in majors related to information technology.

Association of Minority Pre-Health Students Aids in the full preparation of medical school with special emphasis on African-Americans and minorities.

Provides a forum to discuss archival issues,



Association for Wedding Professionals International Provides students with hands-on experience in the wedding and event industry.

Beta Beta Beta Serves as a biological sciences honor organization.

Biomedical Engineering Society Enhances biomedical engineering knowledge.

Black Graduate Student Association Fosters a sense of community among black graduate students.

Carolina Investment Association Educates students about the financial markets and helps them gain real world experience utilizing classroom concepts.

Carolina Student Association for the Education of Young People Serves and acts on behalf of the needs, rights, and well-being of young children in our community with special emphasis on developmental and educational services and resources.

Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Organization Encourages a sense of community among graduate students within the department and facilitates communication with regional industrial contacts.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Serves humanity by providing community service in the new millennium.


Coalition of Diverse Social Workers Establishes a community where all students, faculty, and staff are culturally competent and responsive to diversity and issues of social justice.

College of Pharmacy Graduate Student Association Builds a social and professional network in research and development with pharmaceutical and biomedical institutions.

College of Pharmacy Student Government Organizes and coordinates political and professional functions and enables students, faculty, and staff to participate in the advancement of pharmacy.

Collegiate DECA Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management.

Collegiate Middle Level Association Engages middle level teacher candidates in practices and professional development that will make them more prepared for the unique middle level field.

Criminology and Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association Provides assistance, activities, and advocacy for graduate students in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Delta Sigma Pi Fosters the study of business in universities, encourages scholarship, and aids students in their advancement of education by research and practice.


Education Graduate Students

Global Business Council

Fosters a collaborative environment among all education disciplines.

Promotes a deeper understanding of international business through guest speakers, workshops, and international outreach projects.

Educational Studies Graduate Student Organization Serves the professional and social needs of graduate students in the Educational Studies Department.

Entrepreneurship Club

Gamecock Pre-Veterinary Association Provides support to pre-veterinary students and those considering the veterinary field, in exploring the opportunities in veterinary medicine and familiarizing students with what to expect and what is expected in the pre-veterinary curriculum, veterinary college, and as veterinarians.

Geography Graduate Student Association Furthers the professional, academic, and social development of graduate students interested in the field of geography.

Expands knowledge of finance topics and provides members with networking opportunities.

Graduate Biology Student Association

IMBA Student Association

Provides professional opportunities and social activities for graduate students in the departments of biology and marine science.

Provides academic and social benefits for members through activities, community service projects, and corporate relations projects.

Graduate English Association

Fosters an environment for ideas and information on entrepreneurs.

International Master of Business Administration Finance Club

Provides general assistance for guiding the academic careers of graduate students in English.

Healthcare Executives Student Association

International Undergraduate Journal for Neuroscience (IMPULSE) Reviews neuroscience research manuscript submissions from undergraduate students and coordinates campus events for the annual Brain Awareness Week.

Promotes leadership and networking skills within the external health care community.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open School

IEEE Power Electronics Society Technical Chapter

Connects students from all university health professions in order to promote an interprofessional educational community focused on patient safety, quality improvement, and leadership.

Sponsors activities for professional development and shares expertise through technical exchange.

Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers Promotes advances in technical and professional aspects of electrical engineering and computer science.

Gina Perrotto Hometown: Howell, New Jersey Major: International Business/Global Supply Chain & Operations Managment Activities: Omega Phi Alpha, Community Service Programs intern, Capstone Scholars ambassador Memorable moment:


When ESPN College GameDay came to USC! We beat Georgia, which was the icing on the cake to an

International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Provides an environment where students of different backgrounds can discuss and learn about outcomes research.

Kappa Epsilon Promotes women in the field of pharmacy.

Library and Information Science Student Association Serves as a forum for professional discussion and programs regarding library science.

Master of Accountancy Student Association Provides academic, professional, and social benefits to all MACC and MTAX students.

Master of International Business Student Association (MIBSA) Connects students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the Master of International Business Program and supports the program’s continuous development and improvement.

Master of Human Resources Student Association Promotes human resources and social activities.

Institute of Management Accounting Student Chapter

Master of Public Administration Student Association

Advances the knowledge of management accounting through interaction with the business community involving research and community service.

Supports the educational advancement and professional endeavors of students.

Math Mentorship Peer Program Provides information and guidance outside of the advisement period to students beginning the major sequence of mathematics using a peer mentoring model.


Medical Graduate Student Association

National Dance Education Organization

Phi Beta Lambda

Provides social and academic activities for members, promotes unity among graduate students, and provides service projects for the community.

Creates a network of past, present, and future dance educators to focus on peer support and furthering the field of dance education.

Enables members to meet and network with others at local, state, and national conferences through the development of leadership and communication skills.

Minority Pre-Law Association Provides pre-law students of all backgrounds with professional development and training through awareness of legal issues that plague minorities.

Moore Association of Graduate Women Facilitates the networking process for its members through speaker programs, regional and national conference attendance, and numerous other activities offered on the local and national level.

National Art Education Association Provides a professional art education association for future art teachers.

National Association of Black Accountants

National Society of Black Engineers Increases the recruitment, retention, and successful graduation of minorities in science, math, and engineering.

National Society of Minorities in Hospitality Aids in the recruitment, retention, support and advancement of minority students in the hospitality industry.

Informs students about dentistry and helps students apply to dental school.

Encourages professional interest in the study of speech, language, and pathology.

Prepares students to lead the world economically, politically, and socially through global experience, comprehensive education, and social diplomacy.

Net Impact Increases awareness of corporate social responsibility.

National Broadcasting Society

Serves the association community by enhancing the effectiveness of meetings, conventions, and exhibitions through member and industry education.

Provides a forum for pharmacy students to learn about the many career options available in independent pharmacy practice.

Pre-Dental Club

Sigma Omega Upsilon Business Fraternity

Palmetto Chapter of Professional Convention Managers Association

National Community Pharmacists Association

Creates physicians of integrity with a lifelong commitment to the guiding principles of philanthropy, deity, and education.

National Student Speech, Language, and Hearing Association

Provides a national association that deals with the common problems faced by AfricanAmericans in the professional world of business.

Enhances the development of students and entry-level professionals involved in electronic media.

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity

Palmetto State Teachers Association Student Chapter Encourages the development and practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct among all educators.

Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law

Social Work Student Association Provides assistance, friendship, and community service activities for all students and faculty members.

Society of Human Resource Management Provides students interested in the personnel professionals through guest speakers, meetings with the parent chapter, shadow programs, company tours, and workshops.

Sociology Graduate Student Association Provides students interested in the sociology field a chance to explore, communicate, and experience the world of sociology.

South Carolina Athletic Training Association Promotes the athletic training profession through educational and social activities.

South Carolina Rooster Nurses Provides a local and regional organization for men in nursing.

Sport and Entertainment Management Graduate Student Association Offers practical experience and provides superior learning and networking opportunities.

Student Advertising Federation Focuses on the world of advertising through speakers, trips to agencies, and competitions.

Student Association for Operations Management Chapter Improves the relationship between supply chain students and the professional chapter of APICS and provides job networking and professional education.

Student Bar Association Governs legislative and executive councils that sponsor and maintain services deemed beneficial for the students of the School of Law.

Student National Pharmaceutical Association Organizes, coordinates, and executes programs geared toward the improvement of the health, education, and social environment of the community.

Connects students and teachers of law with members of the legal profession and community.



Student Government a student-run organization that represents and advocates the opinion of all students on campus. 27


Did you know: Students on campus have volunteered over 472,000 hours of service in and around the Columbia community and beyond.

Student Nurses Association

The Gamecock Economics Society

Contributes to nursing education in order to provide the highest quality of health care.

Serves as a platform for students to apply their economic knowledge outside of the classroom setting and instills a sense of community between economics students and professionals in the field.

Student Personnel Association Promotes interest and involvement in the development of students in higher education through association with students, faculty, and staff who are interested in the field.

Teaching Fellows Association Provides information and assistance to students who have received the Teaching Fellows Scholarship from South Carolina.

Theta Tau Develops and maintains a high standard of professional interest among its members and unites them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship within the field of engineering.

Women in Business Council Establishes networking communities for women to grow, learn, and develop professional skills.

Provides organizations that reflect the cultural diversity of the campus and Columbia community. Association of Saudi Arabian Students

Global Leadership Network

Reflects information about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and provides aid and information to the Saudi students, their families, and others interested in the Saudi Arabian and the Middle Eastern culture.

Creates international professional networks through forums and other events that bring international students together with local professionals.

Bangladesh Student Association

Riley Shipman Hometown: Boca Raton, Florida Major: Marketing and Management Activities: Supplemental Instruction leader, Sorority Council president Memorable moment: Bid Day of my freshman year. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.


A cultural organization for Bangladeshi students.

Friendship Association of Chinese Students and Scholars Establishes friendships among Chinese students and between Chinese and American students.

Indian Cultural Exchange Educates those interested in various aspects of the Indian culture, tradition, customs, and trends.

Indian Student Organization Promotes the interaction of people of different cultures, provides a social support network for new Indian students, and informs others about the values and culture of India.

Fulbright Student Association Creates a strong Fulbright community, that helps Fulbrighters be more active and integrated in the campus.


International Business and Chinese Enterprise Promotes the professional and cultural development of students interested in China-U.S. business relations.

International Student Association Helps American and international students form lasting friendships and enjoy cultural events and excursions.

Iranian Student Association Sponsors Iranian social and cultural activities and events and provides support for the Iranian community.

Korean International Student Association Provides information and assistance to future and current Korean international students.

Muslim Student Association

Nihon Club Shares the Japanese culture with other students.

Students Associated for Latin America (SALA) Promotes cultural awareness about Latin American issues, countries, and people both on-campus and outside the classroom.

Taiwanese Student Association Provides services and networks for students and families from Taiwan.

Turkish Student Association Provides Turkish students with activities and gathers Turkish students as a community.

Vietnamese Student Association Provides a network of interaction within the community and a social friendship within the Vietnamese culture.

Organizations under the national umbrella organizations of the NPHC, NIC, NALFO, and the National Multicultural Greek Council. Alpha Epsilon Pi

Delta Tau Delta

Provides the opportunity for Jewish men to join a Jewish organization whose purpose is not specifically Jewish but rather social and cultural in nature.

Betters men’s lives by instilling in them the mission and values of the founding fathers of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity.

Beta Theta Pi Provides a values-based fraternity experience that aids the individual, builds the fraternity, and strengthens the academic institution through lifelong devotion to intellectual excellence, high standards of moral conduct, and responsible citizenship.

Chi Psi

Delta Upsilon Promotes friendship, development of character, advancement of justice, and diffusion of liberal culture.

Fraternity Council Represents the large fraternity population by coming together weekly with chapter presidents and delegates from each chapter to share information and discuss hot topic issues.

Aids in the moral, intellectual, and social advancement of young college students.

Provides academic support and services to Muslim students and promotes social interaction among students.



Phi Kappa Sigma

Sigma Beta Rho Fraternity, Inc.

Promotes brotherhood and social and cultural interaction.

Strives to uphold the ideals of society, brotherhood, and remembrance because the fraternity believes that by doing so, the future may become a more promising one.

Phi Sigma Kappa Promotes brotherhood and friendship among men and represents the ideals of chivalry.

Cultivates the high ideals of friendship, justice, and learning.

Pi Kappa Alpha Promotes integrity, intellect, and achievement for members, host institutions, and the communities in which we live.

Pi Kappa Phi Expresses the shared values and ideals as contained in the Ritual of Initiation, Supreme Law, and fraternity policy.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

Lambda Chi Alpha

Promotes the development and perpetuation of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, fidelity, and brotherhood.

Encourages young men and molds them into model citizens of the future through philanthropy and various other activities.

Kappa Alpha Order

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Constitutes an Order of Knighthood and is military in organization and government, religious in feeling, and chivalrous in ideals.

Promotes manhood, scholarship, and perseverance.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Extends the fraternity’s creed, objectives, and the purposes of the Grand Chapter.

Kappa Sigma Promotes the fraternity’s four pillars of fellowship, leadership, scholarship, and service.


Sigma Chi

Sigma Nu Fraternity Develops ethical leaders inspired by the principles of love, honor, and truth.

Theta Delta Chi Promotes support for the ideals of diversity, individuality, and inclusiveness.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Promotes brotherhood and social and cultural interaction as defined in the national constitution of this organization.

Andy Hesse

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Promotes brothers as the fraternity’s most valuable resource and strength.

Major: International Business, Finance, Global Supply Chain Management

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Activites: Student Government, Beta Theta Pi, Fraternity Council, Admissions Telecounselor

Promotes intellectual development, cultural consciousness, personal growth, personal achievement, and social awareness.

Memorable moment: Being initiated into my fraternity. It is something I will remember and value for the rest of my life.


Organizations under the national umbrella organizations of the NPC, NPHC, NALFO, and the National Multicultural Greek Council.

Alpha Chi Omega Promotes scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship.

Alpha Delta Pi Strives to uphold the principles of sisterhood, Christianity, friendship, loyalty, and philanthropy.

Alpha Gamma Delta Provides opportunities for personal development through the spirit of sisterhood.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Promotes high scholastic and ethical standards and forms a bond of sisterhood and friendship among college women that its


members will use to serve the community and mankind.

Chi Omega

educates participants in the establishment of positive public policy, and highlights issues and provides solutions for problems in our community.

Delta Zeta

Promotes the advancement of women and a sisterhood that provides a network of friends and lifelong development for collegiate and alumnae members.

Unites its members in the bonds of sincere and lasting friendship, stimulates one another in the pursuit of knowledge, promotes the social culture of its members, and develops plans for guidance and unity in action.

Delta Delta Delta

Gamma Phi Beta Sorority

Establishes a perpetual bond of friendship among its members, develops a stronger and more womanly character, broadens the moral and intellectual life, and assists its member in every possible way.

Strives to uphold the value of love, labor, learning, and loyalty.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Promotes academic excellence, provides scholarships, supports the underprivileged,

Kappa Delta Sorority Promotes true friendship among the college girls of our country by instilling into their hearts and lives those principles of truth, honor, and duty, without which there can be no true friendship.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Encourages its members to learn more about the tradition of leadership and why the sorority believes membership in Kappa Kappa Gamma is truly an experience for a lifetime.

Phi Mu Provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence, and lifelong friendships through a shared tradition.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Provides a social sorority that works in the community, specializing in education and betterment of youth.

Sigma Iota Alpha Promises to formalize, cultivate, and foster bonds among each other as sisters and


abide by respect, trust, communication, professionalism, and accountability.

Sorority Council Maintains sorority relations at a high level of accomplishment and, in doing so, promotes scholarship.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Inc. Fosters the ideals of service, charity, scholarship, civil and cultural endeavors, sisterhood, and finer womanhood.

Zeta Sigma Chi Sorority, Inc.

Amigos del Buen Samaritano

and advocates for students.

Promotes dedication to success, education, and multiculturalism.

Coordinates volunteers at the West Columbia location of Good Samaritan Clinic to interpret, assist in electronic data entry of patient files, and raise funds/write grants for the clinic.

Carolina Against Sex Trafficking (CAST)

Zeta Tau Alpha Promotes sisterhood, service to the community, university involvement, and philanthropic endeavors among members while encouraging scholarship and the betterment of individual members.

Autism Awareness Association Provides support for families and children with autism through fundraisers, respite events, and informative speakers.

Believe in Tomorrow’s Children’s Foundation Fundraises and increases campus awareness on the benefits Believe in Tomorrow respite housing programs provide for critically ill children and their families.

Carolina Service Council Organizes campus-wide service and servicelearning programs for the community.

Circle K Develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service.

Best Buddies

Colleges Against Cancer

Enhances the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-on-one friendships.

Raises funds for the American Cancer Society through the support of students.

Black Social Work Student Association Facilitates open dialogue and retention of MSW students of color; promotes academic excellence, scholastic networks, and cultural diversity; fosters professional and recreational activities; provides a nurturing environment;

Provides students with the opportunity to volunteer with community partners and build relationships with peers.

Raises awareness about sex trafficking and holds fundraisers to support organizations that help stop human trafficking.

Cure at South Carolina Raises funds in support of children’s surgeries around the world.

Chase Mizzell Hometown: Charleston, South Carolina Major: International Business and Finance


Alpha Phi Omega

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

Provides service and promotes leadership and friendship to the campus, community, and nation.

Educates members about Alzheimer’s and provides volunteer opportunities.

Activities: Student Government, University Ambassadors, EMPOWER, U101 peer leader, Dance Marathon head morale, Second Servings Memorable moment: When we beat No. 1 ranked Alabama in Williams-Brice Stadium. It was an electric atmosphere filled with the Gamecock family.


Dance Marathon

Make-A-Wish Club

Special Olympics

Raises money to benifit children with cancer and blood diseases at Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital.

Raises money for Make-A-Wish South Carolina and helps make dreams become a reality.

Connects college students and people with intellectual disabilities to enhance their lives through sports, friendship, community service, and social justice movements.

Engineers Without Borders Creates a more stable and prosperous world by addressing basic human needs and providing necessities such as clean water, power, sanitation, and education.

Epsilon Sigma Alpha Promotes dedication to service and sisterhood throughout the world.

Girl P.O.W.E.R. (Promoting Opportunity for Women to Excel in Reality) Assists in the transition of high school girls to college-trained women through mentoring programs with emphasis on empowerment and interactive inspiration.

GlobeMed Aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of the impoverished around the world.

Habitat for Humanity Enlists students’ help to provide adequate housing for the working poor of Columbia and to help strengthen the relationship between USC and the Columbia community.

Jexactitude@USC Promotes wholesale and retail distribution and trains students in entrepreneurial skills.

Kappa Kappa Psi Recognizes outstanding collegiate band members through a national honorary band fraternity.


No Kid Hungry: USC Chapter

purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.

Encourages fellowship and on-campus participation of undergraduate social work majors and minors.

Aids the nationally-acclaimed organization Share Our Strength with the fulfillment of their goals.

Student United Way

Omega Phi Alpha

Provides leadership and service among students through volunteering, advocating and giving back to the university and surrounding community.

Provides a community service sorority.

Operation Smile

Tau Beta Sigma

Raises awareness of cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial deformities and opportunities for service.

Promotes the existence and welfare of the university band program, honors outstanding members, and provides a meaningful social experience for all involved.

Orientation Leaders Association

Timmy Global Health

Aids in the transition of new students to campus.

Promotes healthy futures by expanding access to health care and education while empowering students and volunteers to engage directly in global development.

Project Vida Educates underprivileged youth on healthy living through informative and interactive presentations.

Rotaract Club Provides an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, addresses the physical and social needs of their communities, and promotes better relations among all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

Undergraduate Social Work Student Association

University Ambassadors Represents USC and imparts its vital history, opportunities, attributes, and benefits when welcoming visitors to campus.

Waverly After School Program Assists in the personal and educational development of children living in the vicinity of the university, particularly the Waverly Community.

TOMS at USC Educates the campus about the TOMS movement: for every pair of shoes you

Jamie Gardner Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Shelter Saturdays

Major: Hospitality Management

Volunteers at animal shelters around the Columbia area and supports animals in need.

Activities: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sorority Council, Emerging Leader mentor, Dance Marathon morale team and Changing Carolina peer leader. Memorable moment: I was able to create and oversee a Greek-wide t-shirt competition that raised thousands of dollars for Circle of Sisterhood.


Represents the residents and governments of all residence halls.

Provides opportunities for students to serve, talk, and engage with members of our community from diverse backgrounds.

Residence Hall Association Represents the residents and governments of all residence halls to administrative decisionmaking bodies affecting residents.

Baha’i Club

Canterbury of Columbia

Educates others on the principles of the Baha’i faith.

Provides an Episcopal ministry by and for young people.

Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship

Serves and ministers to students by facilitating spiritual growth while in college.

Serves as an outlet for Christians on campus in ministry, Bible study, and fellowship.

Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina

Campus Advance

Chinese Student’s Christian Fellowship

Major: Broadcast Journalism

Offers anyone on campus the opportunity to be more involved in informal Bible study and form Christian friendships.

Enhances fellowship among Christians and shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nichelle Torres

Activites: Off-Campus Student Ambassador, U.S Army Reserve Memorable moment: My most memorable moment would be my freshman year. We did a blackout for the Carolina vs. Alabama game.


Campus Crusade for Christ Helps students grow spiritually in their lives by teaching them the basics of the Christian life.

Chosen Gospel Ensemble Promotes unity, spiritual self-esteem, and diversity among choir members, leaders, and musicians in order to effectively share the message of Jesus Christ through music.


Christ’s Student Church at Carolina (Church of Christ) Exists to glorify Christ through the lives of students at Carolina through worship, service to others, Bible study, and fellowship.

Coptic Orthodox Youth Association Serves the community and educates members and the public about the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Presents athletes, coaches, and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

First College Ministry Encourages students to encounter God.

Gamecocks Rejoicing in Anglicanism’s Christian Essentials Provides members with an opportunity for Christian prayer and worship in the Anglican tradition.

Hill of the Lord University Church Seeks to impact the collegiate campus and the world beyond where people see believers chasing after God in a corporate environment and witness them worshiping Him by the testimony of their daily lives.

Hillel Foundation Provides guidance and organization for religious, cultural, educational, social welfare, and interfaith activities for Jewish students.

Impact Movement Aids to spiritually edify the African-American community.


International Friendship Ministries Helps international students adjust to American culture, develop friendships with Americans, enrich each other’s lives crossculturally, and share our faith through word and deed in mutual interchange.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Advances witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Kappa Upsilon Chi Glorifies Jesus Christ to become an influence in the community through servant lifestyles and pursue a positive attitude and spirit.

Lutheran Campus Ministries Provides a center for worship and fellowship for Lutheran and other students on campus.

Methodist Student Network Provides a campus ministry sponsored by the United Methodist Church.

Newman Club Provides spiritual and social support for Carolina students.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship Meets the religious needs, fosters fellowship, and provides a forum for discussion among Orthodox Christian students and students interested in Orthodox Christianity.

Presbyterian Student Association Promotes the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ to the higher education community of Columbia by inviting, equipping, and challenging students, faculty, and staff to respond to the call of the Holy Spirit and to grow in faith and discipleship.


Reformed University Fellowship

The Navigators

Reaches students for Christ and equips students to serve.

Promotes the commitment to the Word, the focus on spiritual disciplines, and our commitment to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled in our generation.

Shandon College Ministry

The Shack

Helps students connect to each other, the church, and God.

Sigma Alpha Omega Commits to live according to the ideals of Christ and His Word, uplifting each other through fellowship and service and bringing the love of Christ to campus.

Student Christian Fellowship

Provides an interdenominational Christian ministry for students who are seeking closer community with one another, asking honest questions about faith, and wanting to develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Chris that is evident in their lives.

Young Life of Columbia Committed to sharing the good news with high school students by investing in their lives.

Spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ through forums and workshops on campus.

Provides networking for students to be active in political areas.

The Hill Provides an opportunity for all students to learn more about Jesus and grow in a personal relationship with Him while developing relationships with other people.

College Democrats Promotes awareness of the goals and values of the Democratic Party on campus and assists students in becoming involved in the political process.

Josh Lynch

International Youth and Students for Social Equality Educates students and workers in the principles and history of the International Trotskyist Movement.

College Libertarians

Students for Education Reform

Aids in the common libertarian cause by educating the uninformed and providing support for like-minded individuals.

Raises awareness and advocates for public education reform.

Hometown: Laurens, South Carolina

College Republicans

Major: Political Science

Promotes the principles of the Republican Party.

Activities: Carolina Productions, Student Government Senate and USC Connect Memorable moment: Attending CP’s Josh Turner concert with my Freshman Council friends. After that event, I knew I wanted to get involved in Carolina Productions.



Fencing Club

Gamecock Racquetball Club

Offers fencing instruction and competition opportunities to beginning, intermediate, and advanced fencers.

Creates an opportunity for participation in racquetball among students.

Gamecock Wrestling Club

Gamecock Badminton Club Promotes badminton as a new sport tradition while training and maintaining a group of competitive players who participate in tournaments.

Provides an organized swim club for the students, faculty, and staff for fitness, fun, and competition.

Bodybuilding and Fitness Club

Carolina XC Club

Educates its members in weight training; bodybuilding and fitness techniques, styles, and methods; nutrition; and overall wellness education.

Promotes students who love to run or want to pick up running as a hobby.

Carolina Ballroom Teaches ballroom dancing to students, faculty, and staff.

Carolina Jiu Jitsu Educates members on the literal meaning the art of softness, or way of yielding, as a collective name for Japanese martial art styles including unarmed and armed techniques.

Carolina Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Practices frisbee and competes in tournaments.


Club Field Hockey

Promotes the sport of disc golf and provides members an opportunity to compete with other universities and colleges.

Provides a team setting to practice and compete in gymnastics.

Ice Hockey Club Competes in the sport of ice hockey against club teams of other universities.

Gamecock Disc Golf

Gamecock Gymnastics

Golf Club Provides students the opportunity to play golf daily.

Gamecock Club Swimming

Teams formed by students who share a common interest in a specific sport, recreational, or physical activity.

Provides training and resources to compete successfully at the national level.

Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (ISHA) Equestrian Team Promotes participation and sportsmanship in equestrian competition among all students without regard to their level of riding skill.

International Soccer Club Provides students the opportunity to train and play soccer.

Participates in tournaments and scrimmages.

Club Tennis Provides students with an activity that promotes camaraderie, competition, and enjoyment.

Raven Ellis Hometown: Charleston, South Carolina Major: Public Relations

Cross Country Club Creates a group for runners who would like to run with a team and compete in an enjoyable atmosphere.

Activities: Minority Assistance Peer Program, Teach for America pen pal mentor Memorable moment: First Night Carolina was such a great experience. I can remember my friends and I talking about how excited we were about starting our new journey.


Roller Hockey Club

Wadokai Aikido

Provides students, faculty, and staff with an opportunity to participate in recreational and competitive inline hockey.

Provides quality and comprehensive aikido instruction focusing on physical, mental, and philosophical development and combat-effective self-defense to interested students while maintaining a positive, constructive, and focused atmosphere in which to learn.

Rugby Team Educates members on game strategy and basic skill to be applied in competitive matches.

Scuba Club Promotes an interest in scuba and skin diving and increases knowledge concerning the sport.

Seidokan Aikido Club Promotes self development through mind-body training exercises, increases proficiency in self defense, and promotes a philosophy of harmony in daily activities.

South Carolina Club Baseball Provides students the opportunity to play baseball at a competitive level while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

South Carolina Club Football Lacrosse Club

intercollegiate levels.

Includes members of the MCLA and the SELC lacrosse leagues who practice two to three times a week and play in the spring season.

Mountaineering and Whitewater Club

Men’s Club Volleyball Participates in intercollegiate men’s volleyball.

Quidditch League

Men’s Soccer Club

Participates in both intramural and club quidditch games with the goal of joining the International Quidditch Association.

Provides an arena for soccer competition for students between the intramural and


Encourages and develops the sports of backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, and whitewater boating.

Provides an atmosphere for members who enjoy the game and work hard to be the best.

Wakeboarding Club Provides wakeboarders and water sports enthusiasts an opportunity to practice and compete.

Water Polo Club Introduces students to the sport of water polo.

Women’s Club Volleyball Offers all eligible women a highly competitive yet friendly atmosphere in which greatness is achieved through individual effort and teamwork.

Women’s Lacrosse Club Provides information and assistance to individuals wishing to know more about the sport of lacrosse.

Women’s Rugby Provides an extracurricular activity for women.

South Carolina Triathlon Club

Women’s Soccer Club

Promotes the sport of triathlon in the university and community.

Provides an arena for soccer competition among female students between the intercollegiate and intramural levels.

Ultimate Frisbee Club Promotes the sport of ultimate frisbee and its spirit of the game’s philosophy.


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