University of South Carolina Student Organization Treasurer's Handbook

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CONTACTS Carolina Catering, Sodexho 777-7919

Coordinator for Student Organizations 777-2654 Coordinator for Carolina Productions 777-7130 Coordinator for Student Government 777-2654 Grand Marketplace Catering 777-4161

Quick Copy (Russell House) 777-3820 University Purchasing 777-4115 Russell House Reservations 777-7127 Advisor, Student Affairs (Law School) 777-6605 Director of Student Media 777-3888 Director of Sports Clubs 576-9377

Introduction........................................................................................................ 3 Treasurer’s Resource Center............................................................................ 3 Student Senate Finance Codes and Treasurer’s Workshops .................... 3 Essentials for Success as a Treasurer.............................................................. 4 Student Activity Funding FAQs..................................................................... 5 Eligibility for Funding...................................................................................... 6 Undergraduate Student Organization Finance Sessions........................... 6 Three Levels of Undergraduate Funding...................................................... 7 Appropriation Categories................................................................................ 8 Gradiate Student Organization Finance Sessions....................................... 8 Planning a Budget.............................................................................................. 9 • Preparing the Budget................................................................................ 10 - 11 • Completing the Budget ........................................................................ 12 - 13 • Object Codes .............................................................................................14 Reviewing the Prepared Budget and The Allocations Process................. 15 Budget Considerations..................................................................................... 16 • Budget Changes.........................................................................................16 • Budget Transfer Request Form.............................................................. 16 Using Student Activity Funds..........................................................................18 • Lead Time for Transaction Processing................................................. 18 • Which Form to Use and How to Fill It Out ....................................... 19 • Purchase Requisitions.............................................................................. 19 • Direct Expenditure Vouchers (DEV)................................................... 21 • Printing Request Forms........................................................................... 23 • Travel Authorization (TA) Forms......................................................... 25 • Travel Reimbursement Vouchers (TRV)............................................ 27 • Special Transactions................................................................................. 29 • Walk-Through Purchase Orders............................................................ 29 • Forms and Supply, Inc............................................................................. 29 • Purchasing Food....................................................................................... 29 • Petty Cash.................................................................................................. 29 Financial Records and Reports....................................................................... 30 University Dining Services............................................................................... 31 • Catered Food Functions for Student Organizations......................... 31 • Catering Policy for the Russell House.................................................. 31 • Alternative Facilities for Food Functions............................................. 31 Contracts............................................................................................................. 32

• Photo Courtesy of The Daily Gamecock


This manual is designed to help student organization treasurers understand how to obtain, manage and spend student activity funds. As a treasurer, you will work extensively with the University and the State of South Carolina financial system. This manual will help you navigate that system. The Treasurer’s Handbook contains simple directions for all facets of student organization finance, including but not limited to submitting a budget, preparing for travel, reimbursing expenses, and paying a vendor. In addition to obtaining and spending your organization’s funds, you have the responsibility for keeping financial records up to date. You also are responsible for informing your President and membership of the organization’s financial status and any policies and procedures that affect the use of your funds.

Please be aware that this is not an all-inclusive manual. It includes information about the procedures and transactions that are used most frequently by student organizations. If you have any questions or need help regarding any aspect of your approved budget, please visit the Office of Student Organizations in the Campus Life Center of the Russell House.


Resource Center The online Treasurer’s Resource Center ( is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and contains many valuable resources including: •

A digital copy of this manual

Help determining which forms you need to use

All the forms required for submitting budgets, purchasing, traveling and printing

The complete Student Senate Finance Codes

Announcements such as upcoming deadlines or changes to the finance codes

STUDENT SENATE FINANCE CODES Student Organization finances are governed by the Student Senate Finance Codes. The rules and descriptions within this manual are in line with these codes. However, in order to obtain the complete codes and for the exact language, please visit the Treasurer’s Resource Center ( and download the .pdf version of the codes.

TREASURER’S WORKSHOPS Treasurer’s Workshops are held each semester for organizations to receive complete instructions regarding the University financial system, duties of a Treasurer, budget submissions, and requests for funds for the upcoming fiscal year. The Fall Treasurer’s Workshop is coupled with the annual Fall Renual Workshop. Funding for the July 1 session (starting the fiscal year) begins with the spring workshop. These workshop are also required for any organization requesting funding over $1000.01. TREASURERS HANDBOOK 3

Essentials for Success

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

AS A TREASURER Attend a Treasurer’s Workshop each semester.

Treasurer’s Workshops are conducted each fall and spring. All student organizations requesting funding from student activity funds for $1,000.01 or more are required to send a representative each semester, although we encourage everyone to attend. Treasurer’s Workshops are the main source of information for accounts, procedures and deadlines.

Obtain authorization.

Do not, under any circumstances, purchase food, supplies or obligate the University in any way without the prior written authorization of the Coordinator for Student Organizations. An organization officer who has attended a Treasurer’s Workshop always should sign a request before it is submitted to theOffice of Student Organizations.

Follow procedures.

Use the proper forms (see Using Student Activity Funds section of this manual). Type all information on forms and print a copy per instructions in this manual. Forms are online at the Treasurer’s Resource Center ( studentorgs/treasurers-resources/).

Keep records.

Always keep a copy for your organization’s records of all forms submitted for approval. Copies may be made on the photocopier in the Office of Student Organizations.

Plan ahead.

All transactions involving the expenditure of funds require advance planning. Refer to the first page of the Using Student Activity Funds section of this manual, or online, for the minimum lead time needed for processing expenditure transactions.

Monitor your account.

Check your account monthly by comparing your organization’s records to your copies of expenditure documents to determine your budget balance. Bring any discrepancies to the attention of the Coordinator of Student Organizations immediately.

Understand budget composition.

Your budget is made up of allocated funds, given by the Student Gorvenment, and any monies deposited into your account through self-generated activities. Self-generated funds can be spent at will while funds given by the Student Government must be spent in accordance with the Senate Finance Codes. Remember to budget accordingly. Not spending the Student Government funds that you requested could reflect poorly upon your organization when requesting a future budget submission.

Comply with your budget.

Organizations may spend funds only for the purposes detailed in their approved budget. Written requests by graduate and professional organizations for budget component transfers may be made to the Graduate Student Association Terasurer. Undergraduate organizations are able to request a transfer of funds during the two allocation sessions for $100 or less but must remain within the same event. Budget Transfer Request Forms can be found online at the Treasurer’s Resource Center (

Make timely payments.

Sign and then forward all invoices, billings and receipts to the Office of Student Organizations, Campus Life Center, Russell House 227 as purchases are received. All session I receipts, bills, and invoices have to be turned in by January 31 and all Session II by June 15.


Student Activity Funding


What are student activity funds? Student activity funds are appropriated from tuition and fees paid each semester. This funding supports student activities, programs and support services. The amount of funding available is determined by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. The Student Senate is responsible for the appropriation of the student activity funds to Undergraduate student organizations. The Graduate Student Association is responsible for the appropriation of the student activity funds to Graduate student organizations. The funds allocated to an organization are intended to help support the financial aspects of the organization’s objectives, but they are not intended to fully fund all organization programs. The Student Senate Finance Committee and the Graduate Student Association direct the allocation process for these funds, for Undergraduate and Graduate Organizations, respectively, through the Student Senate Finance Codes.

What is the financial role of the Faculty Advisor? The Faculty Advisor is a University employee who has volunteered to serve as an advisor to an organization or committee and has been appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs. The Faculty Advisor may initiate a transaction for the organization in the absence of the student officer. However, the Coordinator for Student Organizations always must sign all financial transactions of the organization. Travel authorizations require the signature of the Faculty Advisor and the Coordinator for Student Organizations.

What is the financial role of the Coordinator for Student Organizations? The Coordinator for Student Organizations is a full-time employee of the University who has been designated by the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs to monitor an organization’s activities. The designee is responsible for advising the organization and approving or disapproving all transactions that involve University funds, equipment, facilities or inventory, or involve the University directly or indirectly in any way.

What is my organization’s account number? Department Number Your department number is 46000. This is the same for all student organizations and will not change. Fund Number This is commonly referred to as the “D fund” number because each number begins with a D and is followed by three digits. Each organization has its own fund number, and it will not change. If your organization loses this number, please contact the Office of Student Organizations at 777-2654.


ELIGIBILITY for funding Any student organization that has been registered as an official University organization for at least one funding session, has attended a Treasurer’s workshop, and has an active Faculty Advisor, who is approved by the University, is eligible to apply for general program funding. Programmatic activities of student organizations receiving funding must be used to promote a diverse array of programs and events, facilitate intellectual engagement, encourage collaboration between students and student groups, and/or foster campus community. Participation in events must be open to all members of the University community. Student organizations must not be denied funding nor given preferential treatment in funding based upon the viewpoint of the organization requesting funds, as outlined in University policy and federal, state or local law.

There will be two Registered Student Organization Finance Sessions in the academic year for undergraduate organizations, excluding sports clubs (who receive funding once a year through the Sports Club office.) Undergraduate Organizations will request funds a semester in advance. The first finance session will fund programs and events taking place from July 31 through December 31. Budget submissions and allocations for this session will take place between February 15 and the first Wednesday in March. The second finance session will fund programs and events taking place from January 1 through June 30. Budget submissions and allocations for this session will take place between the first day of fall semester classes and October 1. The Finance Committee will reserve at least 40 percent of the total monies available to student organizations for each of the two finance sessions. During the second finance session, a Redistribution Fund will be available for all Undergraduate Student Organizations. The total f und amount will vary each year based on the previously allocated monies not utilized by organizations during the first finance session and will be approved by the Coordinator for Student Organizations. This fund will be allocated in a first come first serve basis with requests being reviewed each week. Registered student organizations may not request funding outside a finance session unless approved by a two-thirds vote of the Finance Committee at least three weeks prior to the event. Special exception allocations are extremely rare. In order to qualify for special exception, an event must: • Be of such nature that special advance scheduling and funding is needed. • Attract a substantial number of attendees or have a high intrinsic value to the University. 6 TREASURERS HANDBOOK


Level I



Level I funding will include registered student organizations whose total applications request funds from $0.01 to $1,000. Level I applications will be subject to the following process. All Finance Committee-recommended Level I requests will be included in a Finance Bill presented to the Student Senate by the Chairman of the Finance Committee.


• Any registered student organization choosing to apply for funding may send an executive officer (or representative) to the Registered Student Organizations Treasurer’s Workshop. • Registered student organizations applying for funding must complete the detailed budget online at • Unless requested by the Finance Committee, Level I funding applications will require no further action other than submitting the funding budget online. • Registered student organizations requesting Level I funding will be listed separately from the other levels on the Finance Bill presented to the Senate.

Level II Level II funding will include registered student organizations whose total applications request funds from $1,000.01 to $3,000.


Level II applications will be subject to the following process. All Finance Committee-recommended Level II requests will be included in the Finance Bill presented to the Student Senate by the chairman or chairwoman of the Finance Committee. • Any registered student organization choosing to apply for funding must send an executive officer (or representative) to the Registered Student Organization Treasurer’s Workshop. • Registered student organizations applying for funding must complete the detailed budget online at • An executive officer (or representative) of the registered student organization applying for Level II funding must be present at the Level II Finance Committee Registered Student Organization Dialogue Event announced by the Finance Committee, in which committee members may request more information and/or statements from the requesting registered student organization. • Failure to have an officer or representative present at the dialogue event might result in decreased budget requests or removal from consideration of the current finance session. • Registered student organizations requesting Level II funding will be listed separately from the other levels on the Finance Bill presented to the Senate.

Level III Level III funding will include registered student organizations whose total applications request funds exceeding $3,000.00.


Level III applications will be subject to the following process. All Finance Committee-recommended Level III requests will be included in the Finance Bill presented to the Student Senate by the Finance Committee. • Any registered student organization choosing to apply for Level III funding must send an executive officer (or representative) to the Registered Student Organization Treasurer’s Workshop. • Registered student organizations applying for funding must complete the detailed budget online at • A member of the registered student organization requesting Level III funding must be present at the Level III Finance Committee-Registered Student Organization Dialogue Event announced by the Finance Committee. The Level dialogue event will include a mandatory brief presentation by the requesting registered student organization, followed by a question-and-answer session between the committee and registered student organization. • Failure to attend and give a presentation at the dialogue event might result in decreased budget requests or removal from consideration of the current finance session. TREASURERS HANDBOOK 7

There will be only one Registered Student Organization Finance Sessions in the academic year for Graduate organizations, excluding sports clubs (who receive funding once a year through the Sports Club office.) GraduateOrganizations will request funds in Spring for the next fiscal year, beginning in July. The finance session will fund programs and events taking place from the beginning of July to the end of June. Budget submissions and allocations will take place between February and April, of the previous Spring semester. During the year, a Graduate Student Association Project Fund will be available for Graduate Student Organizations. The total fund amount will vary each year based on the previous years spending trends. The amount of the fund will be approved by the Coordinator for Student Organizaions. This fund will be allocated in a first come first serve basis with requests being reviewed each week. Graduate Student Organizations will not be organized into funding levels (like the Undergraduate Student Organizations.) Graduate Student Organizations are not required to attend budget dialogue events, regardless of the amount requested. Graduate Student Organizations are still required to attend a Treasurer’s Workshop in order to request funding over 1,000.01.



Monies are appropriated to registered student organizations under two categories: programming and conferences. • Programming budgets include monies for any events or other social, recreational or educational programs. Any programs paid for completely or in part by Student Government funds must be open to participation by all University students. On-campus retreats are classified as programs. Off-campus retreats set within a 12-mile radius of campus will be classified as programs if the Finance Committee is given good cause for the off-campus location of the retreat. • Conference budgets may be allocated for any costs associated with conferences. Travel costs and other expenditures for conferences will be the last item considered in the budget process. No more than 50 percent will be funded for two members of a respective organization. Requests for conference allocations must include current conference registration forms and conference information (brochures). Off-campus retreats set outside a 12-mile radius of campus will be classified as conferences.


Below are five helpful steps for keeping your budget in check!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is all your officer and advisor information up to date? Make sure to update the Student Organization System ( with the correct officer and advisor information each year.

Why was your organization established? Review the purpose of your organization

as stated in your organization’s constitution and bylaws. They are on file in the Office of Student Organizations (Russell House 227.)

What does your organization want to accomplish next year, and how can you accomplish it? Develop goals and objectives that will help your organization fulfill its


Will these programs or events help your organization meet its goals, and how? Design a program for the next year that will help your organization achieve its objectives.

This design is called a program component (event). Put your design in writing, and include details such as how many people you think might attend and how much you estimate it will cost. Make up as many program components (events) as your organization wishes, and write each program component on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure to include how these events will benefit the entire student body.

What does your organization want funding for the most? When your

organization has designed all your program components (events), number them according to priority. The program component that is most important to your organization should be first. The component that is second-most important should be second, and so on.

By following these five simple planning stages, you will make the preparation of your organization’s online budget submission much easier.


Online Budget Submission Once you have planned your budget and feel comfortable with the program components, log-in to the Student Organization System ( to enter your budget. You can stop by the Office of Student Organizations if you need to request your organizations username and password. On the next page, you will see screen shots of the budget submission process. After you log-in to the Student Organization System, you will click on “Organization Budget” (see Figure 1). Figure 2, shows a screeshot of what you should see next. Organization should show your organization name. For Cycle, you will need to use the drop down box to choose which funding session your are applying for. For each program or event, regardless of whether they are “programming” or “conference” you will need to submit an “event.” You will add each of these “events” seperately but clicking on the “Add Event” button, in red on the right hand side.


Figure 1

Figure 2

& Figure 3



Organizations hold events in order to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives for the planned year. Components also may include activities, office operation needs, service projects, publications, or travel and conference expenses, to name a few. If an organization wishes to have more than one program component (event) during the year, those components (events) must be ranked by the organization in the order of priority.

Figure 3. For each event you add, you will be asked to fill in the following information. Make sure you list the event name, location, date, event priority, and expected attendance. All travel events should only utilize the “Travel” section. You also must note if your event is revenue generating. NOTE: If your event is revenue generating, any funds allocated will act as a loan and MUST be repaid after the event is completed. 12 TREASURERS HANDBOOK

Figure 4. Continue to fill in

Figure 4

*** For Administrative Use Only***

Figure 5

each of the boxes (publicity, refreshments, site) that you need for each event. Once you request money in any area, an additional description box will pop up. Make sure to include detailed information, to assist the finance committee in their decisions. Give a detailed description for each event explaining how this event will benefit your organization, and most importantly, how it will benefit the entire student body. Provide the amount of funding your organization expects to raise for the event or has available to contribute to the cost of the event. Also, make sure to upload any and all documents that will help the finance committee (i.e. hotel confirmation, mapquest driving directions with mileage to an event, etc.) IMPORTANT: Once you have finished filling in all information, click “save” at the bottom. This will save your event to be included in your budget submission.

Figure 5: After saving your event, you will be directed back to the budget home page. Your organization will be displayed under the list of events. Make sure the name of the event, amount requested, and priority is correct. You will need to click “add event” to continue adding additional events to your budget submission. Once you have added all possible events to your budget submissions, you will then click the button in the middle of the page labeled “submit budget.” Before you hit “Submit Budget” you will be able to continuously log-in and out while you add events. However, once you click “Submit Budget” you will not be able to edit your submission. TREASURERS HANDBOOK 13

And Remember!! *

Your advisor MUST approve your organization’s budget or your organization will not be eligible to receive funding. An automated email is sent to your advisor after you click “submit budget.”

Object Codes 51352 Graduate Staff Assistants 51432 Royalties 51440 Honorariums/Guest Lecturers 52021 Consultant and Lecturer Travel 52022 Student Travel 52024 Professional Travel 52026 Transportation Services Charges 52031 Telephone Toll Charges 52051 Printing—USC Work 52052 Printing—Non-USC Work (Can be used only if USC is unable to fulfill the request) 52070 Other Contracted Services Example: DJ or Photographer

* *

52080 Security—Contracted 53001 Office Supplies 53002 Educational Supplies 53003 Postage 53005 Food Supplies 53006 Medical Supplies 53008 Motor Vehicle Supplies 53009 Other Non-Maintenance Supplies 53011 Maintenance Supplies 53012 Clothing and Dry Goods 53014 Household, Laundry, and Janitorial Supplies 53015 Other Maintenance Supplies 54011 Rental—State Owned Property 54013 Rental—Non-Data Processing Equipment 54015 Other Rentals 54110 Contributions and Dues 54200 Other Fixed Charges 48650 Deposits

For any purchases that do not fit into a category listed above, please contact the Coordinator for Student Organizations at or 803-777-2654. All deposits made by your organization must use the class code 48650. These deposits will be identified on your management report for revenue by the same code.



Review the budget you have prepared, and check not only the amounts of money you are requesting but also the dates of the events you are planning and the number of people you realistically expect to attend. Verify that your components are in the correct order of priority. Please note the following guidelines as well:

• The committee will take into consideration your previous use of allocated funds. Organizations that properly utilized their previous funding will be much more likely to continue receiving funds. • Major consideration will be given to the educational value of the program component to the entire student body and to the number of students that benefit from the expenditure. • The information you submit must be filled out completely, accurately, and on time. The entire budget process will be completed on the Student Orgainzation Systems website (



For Undergraduate Student Organizations, the Student Senate Finance Committee will review the online submission of eligible organizations. Following the procedures set for them in the Student Senate Finance Codes, the Finance Committee will make recommendations for the allocations of the student funds that are available. These recommendations will be submitted to the Student Senate as legislation for approval. For Graduate Student Organizations, the Graduate Student Association Finance Committee will review the budgets of eligible organizations. The GSA Finance Committee will allocate all funds for Graduate Student Organizations, other than Law and Pharmacy Organizations. Law and Pharmacy Organizations will be reviewed and allocated by their respective College Allocation Boards. All allocations will follow the procedures set forth in the Student Senate Finance codes. The Office of Student Organizations will review the Law and Pharmacy allocations to confirm that the allocations comply with these codes.


BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS and BUDGET TRANSFER REQUEST FORMS Organizations occasionally find it desirable to make changes in a program component that was submitted and approved during the formal budget submission process. If this need arises, a Budget Transfer Request form, available online at, should be submitted online on the Student Organizations website under Treasurers Resources at These forms require the approval of the Finance Committee, for Undergraduate Student Organizations, or the Graduate Student Association Finance Committee, for Graduate Student Organizations, for budget changes. Undergraduate Organizations are able to request a transfer of funds during the two allocation sessions for $100 or less but must remain within the same event. Any request over $100 will only be granted under a special circumstance exemption. When in session, a budget transfer requires approval of the Student Senate Finance Committee. When the committee is not in session, Undergraduate Student Organization transfers require the approval of the Office of Student Organizations and the chairman/chairwoman of the Senate Finance Committee or Student Body Treasurer. Graduate Organizations are able to request a budget transfer of any type or denomination. Budget Transfer requests will be reviewed by the Graduate Student Association Treasurer. and, if available, the Graduate Student Association Finance Committee. If the GSA Treasurer is unavailable, transfers will be reviewed by the Senate Finance Committee. Transfer requests must be submitted prior to the expense occurring. Therefore, funds cannot be transferred to pay for an event that already has occurred. All requests musts be submitted at least one week prior to the start of the event receiving funds. Additionally, funds cannot be transferred to an item that was denied in the original budget request. Requests will be reviewed by the Senate Finance Committee and the Graduate Student Association Finance Committee, for Undergraduate Oranization requests and Graduate Organization requests, respectively, each Wednesday and organizations will be notified of the results via email.


Put the program or event that you want funds taken OUT of here----> This is the originally planned date of the event that is having funds removed.------> Class codes can be found on pg. 14 of this manual. Please list the code and dollar amount for each section of the budget that you are transfering funds out of------->

Put the program or event that you want fund placed INTO here-----> This is the date of the event that you are placing the funds into---> Please note, this date MUST be occuring at least one week AFTER the date of the Budget Transfer Request submission. You cannot request to transfer funds into an event that has already taken place. Please split up the total amount of funds being transfered into an event accordingly, based on class codes. , here---->

Be sure to explain your reasons for transfering funds here--->

At the bottom of this form the Orgaznization Treasurer or President must electronically sign the bottom of this form and click submit for the request to be reviewed.




This section provides detailed instructions and provides reference examples for initiating and following through on various types of expenditure transactions. Follow the steps outlined for each transaction. You must initiate paperwork well in advance of the event and take into account the time to process transactions through all channels. For each event you must keep all appropriate receipts and complete the Event Evaluation Form (found online under Treasurers Resources).

Lead Time for Transaction Processing Traveler




Purchase Requisition


Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations Director of Student Life VP for Student Affairs

Purchase Requisition

Purchasing goods

Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations

Local: 48 hours Out-of-town: 2-3 weeks

Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations Director of Student Life VP for Student Affairs

4 weeks for paperwork

Purchasing goods

Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations

2 weeks for paperwork

Travel Authorization


Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations Faculty Advisor

7 days prior to trip

Travel Reimbursement Voucher

Travel Reimbursement


Within 7 days after trip completion

Postal Authorization


Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations

Allow 3 days for delivery

Printing Request

University Printing

Treasurer Coordinator for Student Organizations


Direct Expenditure Voucher (DEV)


Direct Expenditure Voucher (DEV)


4 weeks for paperwork

24 hours

WHICH FORM to USE and HOW to FILL IT OUT Purchase Requisition Use this form if: • You wish to avoid having a member of the organization having to pay out-of-pocket and being reimbursed later. -and• You have more than three days before the event for local goods request, more than 3 weeks for an out-of-town goods request, and more than 4 weeks for a request invovling food. • You have contacted the store you plan to use and have verified that they accept purchase orders. -or• A member of your organization has made an approved purchase less than $50 and needs to be reimbursed for the expense. A Purchase Requisition Form is not a purchase order; it is only a request for a purchase order. The Purchase Requisition Form should be used for most purchases.


1. The Purchase Requisition form is to be completed

online at Purchase requisitions must be typed and filled out completely.

2. Enter the name and address of the vendor you intend

to use. You must verify that the vendor accepts purchase orders prior to initiating this request.

3. Enter the information for a contact person from your

organization including a phone number and an address if an item is being delivered.

4. Enter the department number, organization D fund

number, object code and total amount.

5. Describe the items being purchased. If purchasing several similar items such as food or paper products, it is acceptable to group them as one item. 6. Enter the estimated cost for the items, and indicate “Tax Included” in the Tax field. 7. Below the list of items, list the name of the

organizational event, the date of the event and the anticipated attendance.

8. Sign on the Initiated By line and date. 9. Once completed, turn the form in to the

Coordinator for Student Organizations. If it is a reimbursement, you need to attach all the original ITEMIZED receipts for the purchases and a copy of the Event Evaluation Form. If it is a food reimbursement, a guest list also must be attached.

10. After the Coordinator for Student

Organizations authorizes the purchase requisition, it is sent to the Purchasing Department. If you have a short timeline, see the section on walk-throughs below.

11. Plan in advance. Allow two weeks for processing of local purchase requisitions. Allow three weeks for out-of-town purchases. Allow four weeks if it involves food. 12. If a purchase order was utilized, after

purchasing items, make sure to return the P.O. to the Office of Student Organizations with all original ITEMIZED receipts and a completed copy of the completed Event Evaluation Form attached.

Note: see an example of a Purchase Requisition on next page.




Vouchers (DEV)

Use this form if: • A member of your organization has made an approved purchase for more than $50 and needs to be reimbursed for the expense. -or• A vendor does not accept purchase orders but is willing to invoice the expenses.

HOW to COMPLETE a DIRECT EXPENDITURE VOUCHER: 1. The Direct Expenditure Voucher is to be completed

online at under the Treasurer’s Resources section.

2. Enter the name and address of the vendor that you used. If you are reimbursing an organization member, they become the vendor, so you will enter their name and mailing address accordingly.

6. Once you have completed all information click submit

and print off the next page.

7. After you have printed the document, sign on the ‘Initiated By’ line and include the date.

8. Once completed, turn the form in to the Coordinator

3. Enter the department number (46000), the organization

D fund number, the class code of the item(s) purchased, and the total amount spent.

for Student Organizations. You must attach the invoice or original ITEMIZED receipts and a copy of the Event Evaluation Form (found online under Treasurers Resources). For a food reimbursement, a guest list must also be attached.

4. Enter the cost for all items.

9. Once signed, the DEV is turned in to Purchasing on

5. In the description box, list the name of the organizational event, the date of the event, location of the event and the actual attendance.

1600 Hampton St., 6th Floor, for processing. A check will be sent directly to the vendor (or roganizational member being reimbursed) based on the check-writing schedule. We recommend that you allow three weeks for non-food Direct Expenditure Voucher processing and four weeks if it involves food purchases.

Note: see an example of the Direct Expenditure Voucher (DEV) on next page. TREASURERS HANDBOOK 21

The above documents is a filled in Direct Expenditure Voucher. Once you have filled in the above information you must print this page, click submit, then print the page that will appear below.



REQUEST FORMS Printing Request Forms are designed for your organization to use printing services. All printing must be completed by University Printing unless Printing determines that it is unable to fulfill the request. Printing Request Forms are found online at They should be typed and filled out completely. Be sure to give a detailed description of the item and attach a sample to the request. Once completed, turn the form into the Coordinator for Student Organizations for authorization. At this point, you will need to take it to the appropriate destination for the job to be completed. Four options and further instructions are provided below:

1. *

2. 3. 4. *

Quick Copy Printing: Most copying needs for student organizations can be taken care of by Quick Copy (7773820) in the Carolina Underground of the Russell House. This office can handle many print jobs while you wait. Others can be done with a fast turn-around time. Quick Copy can print, collate, fold, staple and bind. A wide variety of paper colors and weights is available. NOTE: An organization may establish a blanket order for two months at a time. The order must indicate the names of the students authorized to use the order and the maximum amount of funds that can be spent on the order. Contact the Coordinator for Student Organizations for more information about blanket orders. USC Printing: Printing is at 1600 Hampton Street (777-5146) and can handle complicated or elaborate printing needs such as posters with artwork, brochures and booklets. To use these services, complete the Printing Request Form as indicated on the sample. Take that form to the Coordinator for Student Organizations for approval. After he or she has reviewed your request, it will go to USC Printing for completion. Advertising in The Daily Gamecock: Go to the third floor of the Russell House to the newspaper’s advertising office to place ads and find out about prices and deadlines. You will need to complete an insertion order that must be signed by the Staff Advisor. Most organizations are not allocated funds for Gamecock ads. Please check with the Coordinator for Student Organizations prior to placing an ad. Other printing: In rare cases, you may have printing needs that USC Printing is not equipped to provide. In such cases, Printing will take the necessary action on your behalf to have the work done by a commercial contractor. USC Printing will require at least three bids from companies that are known to be capable of meeting the specifications of the job. The contract will be awarded to the lowest bidder.


Note: see an example of a Printing Request Form on next page.



TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION (TA)forms Travel Authorization Forms are used to give permission for student organizations to travel as official representatives of the University. University-registered student organizations are subject to the same policies and procedures applicable to University staff. Although most travel expenses are acceptable for reimbursement, the actual amount you are allocated may vary from a small food allowance to several nights in a hotel. Regardless of the amount, students are expected to be good stewards of the funds they are given. This means that students are expected to be reasonable and not spend excessively. A good rule of thumb is to question whether you would spend that amount if it were your own money. If the answer is no, then you probably shouldn’t spend that much student activity money either.

IMPORTANT THINGS to REMEMBER: • The organization’s Faculty Advisor and the Cooridnator for Student Organizations must approve all student organization travel. • Travel reimbursement will be limited to the amount allocated in your organization’s approved budget. • All student organization travel requests are processed on the Travel Authorization (TA) Form. This form is available only online at or through the Treasurer’s Resource Center. • The printed and signed TA must be submitted to the Office of Student Organizations at least one week in advance of the trip. • Travel is regulated by state law and Senate Finance Codes guidelines. There are no exceptions to these policies. • Student organization travel funds can be used to pay for the travel expenses of students only, not faculty or organization advisors. • Keep a copy of your TA as well as all receipts for your records for reimbursement after the trip.

HOW to COMPLETE a TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM 1. Access the form through the Treasurer’s Resource Center. The form can be completed only online through a University networked computer. PREPARER: This is the name, phone number and e-mail address of the official student representative of your organization for this trip. A good choice is the treasurer or another organization officer. DEPARTMENT NAME: The name of your organization TRAVEL AS: USC student DOMESTIC TRAVEL: The Student Activity Fee is not approved for international travel. TRAVELER: Enter the name of the official traveler again. ADDITIONAL TRAVELER NAMES: Enter the names of any other organization members who will be traveling. If not all the members fit in the space allotted, click save and more boxes should appear for you to enter additional names. DO NOT include your advisor or any non-student travelers. VIP ID: Enter the VIP ID of each traveler. This is not the same as the Social Security Number. The VIP ID is created in the VIP system and is eight digits.



(Continued) HOW to COMPLETE a TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION FORM TRAVEL FROM and TO: Enter the date the group will leave and return from the trip. TRAVEL PURPOSE: Explain the purpose of the trip. DESTINATION CITY/STATE: Enter the destination of the trip. METHOD OF TRAVEL: Select the appropriate method(s) of travel. ESTIMATED COSTS: • TRANSPORTATION: The total estimate for all your travel expenses including airfare, rental cars, hotel etc. for the entire trip for all student travelers regardless of the approved amount in the organization budget • MEALS & LODGING: The total estimate for lodging and meals for the entire trip for all student travelers regardless of the approved amount in the organization budget • OTHER: Select any of the application options (Registration, Parking, Local Transportation), and enter any other additional expenses in the Other box. Enter the total estimate for these additional costs. DEPT: 46000 FUND: Enter the organization D Fund number. ANALYTICAL: Leave blank. AMOUNT: Enter the amount available in the organization’s approved budget for the trip. This may be less than the total estimated expenses. 2. Click on the SUBMIT FORM button. This only creates a Travel Authorization Number. The form is not being processed. 3. Print two copies of the TA form. Keep one for your records. 4. The second printed TA form must be signed and dated by the organization’s Faculty Advisor and organization treasurer or President. Ignore the lines that say Department Head and Dean. These are not necessary for student travel. 5.Submit the signed TA to the Office of Student Organizations for approval.

TA for GUEST TRAVEL (Speaker, Consultant) Travel expenses for University guests are processed in much the same manner as student travel. It is recommended that you see the Coordinator for Student Organizations prior to making any reservations or incurring any expenses for guest travel expenses. The Coordinator for Student Organizations will be able to provide you with a detailed explanation of the process necessary to pay for guest traveler expenses.

Note that the University does not prepay any expenses for guest travel, including prepaid airline tickets. The guest must submit his/her ticket stub and all pertinent receipts to the organization treasurer for reimbursement. 26 TREASURERS HANDBOOK


Vouchers (TRV)

You will need to refer to your TA number at the top of the form. You must include all relevant receipts, acopy of your original TA, a completed copy of the Event Evaluation Form (found online under the Treasurers Resources), and the voucher must have the traveler’s signature on it before submitting it to the Office of Student Organizations.



Subsistence Allowance: A traveler can be reimbursed for meal expenses, as long as the cost does not exceed the amount approved on the Travel Authorization. The maximum daily reimbursement for meals cannot exceed $25.00 for in-state travel and $32.00 for out-of-state travel. These rates apply to both student and guest travel. Meals will be reimbursed, based on time of departure and time of return, up to maximum allowance as follows: Time of Departure before 6:30 a.m. before 11:00 a.m. before 5:15 p.m.

Time of Return after 11:00 a.m. after 1:30 p.m. after 8:30 p.m.

Meal Breakfast Lunch Dinner

In-State $6.00 $7.00 $12.00

Out-of-State $7.00 $9.00 $16.00

Important Notes: The subsistence limitations for meals apply for all travel within one calendar day or travel extending for several days. No reimbursement will be made for meals if travel is within 10 miles of the Columbia Campus. Additionally, reimbusements for on-day meals will only be made to individuals traveling out of the state.

2. 3.


Lodging Reimbursement: No reimbursement for overnight accommodations will be made within 50 miles of the traveler’s official headquarters and/or place of residence. Original receipts for hotel or motel expenditures must be attached to the Travel Reimbursement Voucher when submitted for reimbursement. Transportation Reimbursement: Transportation will be paid in full at coach or tourist class rates. If a private vehicle is authorized, reimbursement will be at $0.465 per mile or the amount allowed in the approved budget, whichever is less. These rates apply to both student and guest travel. A traveler on official business should exercise the same care in incurring expenses and accomplishing an assignment that a prudent person would exercise if traveling on personal business. Excess cost, circuitous routes, delays or luxury accommodations, and unnecessary or unjustified expenses in the performance of an assignment are not acceptable. Travel by commercial airlines will occur in coach or tourist class except where circumstances require otherwise.

GUEST TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT Since the University does not prepay travel charges, it is necessary for your guest to pay her or his own expenses and present receipts in order to be reimbursed. When you have received the receipts, complete a Travel Reimbursement Voucher (TRV), and submit it to the Coordinator for Student Organizations. The TRV should be made payable to the guest with his/her address shown clearly for mailing purposes. To expedite the reimbursement, the guest should sign the TRV before leaving Columbia.

Note: see an example of a Travel Reimbursement Voucher on next page. TREASURERS HANDBOOK 27


Special Transactions Walk-Through Purchase Orders These requests often are used when supplies are needed quickly. This procedure allows you to take an approved purchase requisition to the Purchasing Department and, later, take the purchase order to the vendor in person, at which point your vendor can process your request. You need to identify on your purchase requisition that it should be treated as a walk-through. This will indicate to the Purchasing Department to hold the purchase order until you personally pick it up from their office at 1600 Hampton St., 6th Floor. Otherwise, they automatically send it to the vendor. A walk-through purchase order that is delivered to Purchasing by 11 a.m. one day may be picked up after noon the following day.

Forms and Supply, Inc. All office supplies purchased by the University, including registered student organizations, must be purchased through Forms and Supply, Inc. Forms and Supply is responsible for stocking a supply of more than 7,000 commonly used office supplies. The University price on all items is discounted 52 percent off the catalog price. All organizations ordering supplies must see the Coordinator for Student Organizations for the proper forms needed to order the supplies. A copy of the complete catalog can be obtained through the Office of Student Organizations. All supplies will be delivered to the Coordinator for Student Organization

Purchasing Food Additional planning is necessary when an organization wishes to purchase food for an event and has included this component in their budget. Organizations should inform and consult the Coordinator for Student Organization of their intent to purchase food. Purchase Requisition forms and Direct Expenditure Vouchers for food will require the signature of both the Coordinator for Student Organizations and the Vice President for Student Affairs. Due to the busy schedules of these two officials, organizations are advised to allow at least four (4) weeks for this paperwork to be processed. Food purchases also require a guest list for the event to be attached to all purchasing paperwork.

Petty Cash If an organization has a requirement for items that cost $50.00 or less, these may be purchased from personal funds and then reimbursed by the Purchasing Department if you obtain prior approval from the Coordinator for Student Organizations and the items purchased are included in your approved budget. This will require a completed USC Purchase Requisition. The organization member should be listed as the suggested vendor, and “Petty Cash� should be listed under the items purchased in the description. In addition, a receipt for the items obtained must accompany the requisition and a guest list if the reimbursement is for a food purchase. All petty cash reimbursements are handled in person at the Purchasing Department (1600 Hampton Street, 6th Floor) during University office hours. The Purchasing Department requests that every effort should be made to keep these expenditures to a minimum.



and reports

One of the most important duties of a treasurer is to keep accurate financial records. The University of South Carolina Financial System provides financial information and reports that enable the organization treasurer to accomplish this with minimal effort. The following records should be maintained:

1. 2. 3. *

Transaction documents for expenditures: Copies of all documents initiated by the organization to initiate expenditures should be maintained by the Treasurer. A copy can be made in the Office of Student Organizations within the Campus Life Center.

Transaction documents for revenue: Copies of all deposit slips or other documentation of deposits made to the organization account should be maintained. Issue receipts for all funds you collect. Budget: A copy of the approved organization budget should be acquired from the Office of Student Organizations through the online Student Organization System (SOS) and maintained in the organization’s files.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the organization to track the funds spent available in its account. A request for an account balance to the Coordinator for Student Organizations is not guaranteed and, if filled, might take several days.


niversity U



Campus Room.....................................300 banquet Style (or room may be divided) Capstone Campus Room Gressette Room (Harper).................40 banquet Style Russell House Ballroom......................up to 500 reception (or room may be divided)

Catered Food Functions for Student Organizations Banquets and receptions can be fully catered by Carolina Catering. Delivery and services increase the cost of a food function substantially. Please contact Carolina Catering at 777-7919 to plan your event. You can check out their website at: They also have a Catering guide, found here:

Alternative Facilities for Food Functions Food functions occasionally are held at McKissick Museum (2nd floor). If you wish to use McKissick Museum, you will need to make arrangements with the facility prior to contacting Carolina Catering for food arrangements. No food furnished by outside vendors may be used in these facilities.


: Before any food can be picked up, a purchase order must be delivered, or payment must be made to Carolina Catering. Payment will not be made for food invoiced for which a purchase order has not been issued.


CONTRACTS A contract is a legally enforceable promise, or, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, an “agreement between two or more persons which creates an obligation to do or not to do a particular thing.” Students do not have the authority to enter into contracts that are binding upon the University. Such authority lies solely with the President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. The University Policies and Procedures Manual states: “The President of the University and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees are delegated authority to sign contracts and agreements which are binding upon the University. No contract or agreement shall become binding upon the University unless such contract or agreement shall have the signature of the President or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees affixed thereto.” It is of the utmost importance that each student, as well as the party with whom one seeks to contract, understand that a student has no authority whatsoever to enter into a contract that binds the University in any way. It is important to consider that courts recognize certain oral contracts; that a contract may be formed when an offer by one party is accepted, even partially, by another party; and that a contract may be formed even without signatures, such as through electronic transfer. A student who wishes to enter into a contract must state clearly that he or she is merely gathering information and that only the individuals mentioned above have the authority to bind the University in a contract.


1. 2. 3.

When your organization is planning to contract with an individual or agency to provide services, you must bring the proposal to the Coordinator for Student Organizations, who forwards the proposed contract to the Office of the President or Secretary of the Board of Trustees via the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. You may obtain a copy of guidelines and a sample contract from the Office of Student Organizations for guidance. This must be done before any signatures have been affixed to the document. Please keep in mind the following points when dealing with contracts: Students cannot enter into or sign a contract. In order for the University to recognize a contract and agree to its stipulations, the contract must be signed by the President or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, after being reviewed by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Start in plenty of time. Contractual agreements usually call for payment on the day of the event or performance. You need to be able to process expenditure forms at least four weeks in advance, and you will need a signed and valid contract at that time.

There are no shortcuts when you are dealing with legal contracts. Once you have a valid contract, your organization is liable for fulfilling all its requirements.



4. 5. 6.

CONTRACTS Do not exchange any money. An exchange of money might constitute “consideration,” an element of a legally binding contract.

Once approved, mail the contract to the other party. It is the responsibility of the organization’s treasurer to make sure the contract is mailed to the individual or agency providing the services to your organization.

Checklist for Contracts a. Check on the facilities you plan to use to see if they are available, and put a hold on one. Do this eight to 12 weeks ahead of the performance date. b. At least eight to 12 weeks before the program, obtain the proposed contract “from” or “regarding” the artist. c. Obtain the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, whose office is in the Osborne Administration Building. Forward the proposed original contract and two copies via the Coordinator for Student Organizations, who will forward it to the President’s Office or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees via the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. d. Once the proposed contract is approved and signed, a copy must be filed with the Office of Student Organizations, and a copy should be kept in your permanent file. Normally, the approved contract will be returned to the initiator via the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. Mail the contract to the individual or agency providing the services.


Selected Legal Considerations for Contract Negotiations a. The University cannot enter into contracts indemnifying another party. b. The University cannot purchase additional liability insurance of any kind. c. No advance payments or deposits are permitted. d. No arbitration clauses are permitted. e. The document must be governed by the laws of the state of South Carolina. f. The University will not pay the attorney fees of another party. g. The University does not employ the artist or provide wages. h. The signer for the University does not assume personal liability for the terms of the contract.


Execution Procedures a. Gathering information by telephone or receiving a proposed agreement from the other party expedites the process. b. After receipt of the proposal, review all considerations listed above. Any changes, additions or deletions must be initialed by both or all parties to the contract. When changes are made, please have the other party sign and initial first. Forward for approval.


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